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October 20, 1992
4:30 p.m.
The meetinq was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Opheim.
Present: Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and
Absent: Mayor Abrahamson
Also Present: City Coordinator Kriesel
City Attorney Maqnuson
Finance Director Deblon
Recordinq Secretary Schaubach
Press: Julie Kink, The Courier
Mike Marsnik, Stillwater Gazette
Others: Harold Teasdale, Scott Renne, Richard Kilty,
Anna Sorbie, Mark Ruud
Council met with Harold Teasdale to hear his request for
abatement of taxes on the Cottaqes of Stillwater. Scott
Renne, Washinqton County Assessor's Office, was also
present. Mr. Teasdale stated that he is no lonqer askinq for
a chanqe in classification, since that request was denied by
the State of Minnesota. His current request for abatement is
based on an increase in the assessed market value of Phase I
and Phase II for payable 1992 taxes.
Council determined that, since Mr. Teasdale's request is
currently pendinq in district tax court, the City does not
have any control over the process at this time. Council
directed the City's Finance Director to work with Mr. Renne
and come to an aqreement reqardinq future abatement requests.
Anna Sorbie and Mark Ruud from Johnson Controls met with
Council to present a proposal for an HVAC Capital Improvement
Proqram. A feasibility evaluation has been completed and the
results were presented, showinq a potential enerqy cost
savinqs of approxi..tely 813,000 per year, which would be
used to pay for the proqram. City Hall and the Library would
be included in the proqraa. Council sugqested that the
buildinqs be considered as separate projects.
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember Funke
to direct Staff to review the proposal and letter of intent for
HVAC controls by Johnson Controls and brinq a recommendation to
Council at the November 10, 1992 meetinq. (All in favor)
stillwater City Council Minutes
Special Meeting
October 20, 1992
City Coordinator Kriesel informed Council of a request by
Stillwater Township for a workshop session on annexation
during the week of November 16, 1992. It was determined that
this meeting could be postponed until January, 1993.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m. (All in favor)
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Submitted by:
Shelly Schaubach
Recording Secretary
October 20, 1992
7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Opheim.
Present: Counci1members Bod10vick, Farrell, Funke, and
Absent: Mayor Abrahamson
Also Present: City Coordinator Kriesel
City Attorney Magnuson
Finance Director Deb10n
Coma. Dev. Director Russell
Consulting Bngineer Peters
Public Works Director Junker
Planning Corom. Chair Fontaine
City Planner Pung-Terwedo
Recording Secretary Schaubach
Press: Julie Kink, The Courier
Mike Marsnik, Stillwater Gazette
Ed Cain, Chris and Ju1ieann Pluth, Mark Kemper,
Roger Wohlers, Frank Rheinberger, Rich Rodrique,
Scott Grover, Joan Norman, Sandy Goettner, Rob
Williams, Bill Sanders, David Paradeau, Duane
and Martha Hubbs, Chuck Dougherty
Motion by Counci1member Funke, seconded by Counci1member Farrell
to approve the minutes of the Regular & Recessed Meetings of
October 6, 1992 as presented. (All in favor).
1. Public Works Director -
Reauest to Move a GaraGe Onto Chestnut street
Motion by Counci1member Farrell, seconded by Counci1member
Bod10vick to approve the request by Mr. Anderson to move his
garage onto Chestnut Street temporarily during a remodelling
project. (All in favor).
Reauest for Street Liaht at 209 N. Third
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to approve the request for placement of a street light
at 209 N. Third Street. (All in favor).
Reauest to Hire Jeff Helstrom
Motion by Counci1member Bodlovick, seconded by Counci1member
Farrell to adopt the appropriate resolution approving the request
by the Parks Department to hire Jeff Melstrom part-time at a
salary of $6.50 per hour. (Resolution No. 92-224)
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Recessed Meeting
October 20, 1992
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
2. ConsultinG Rnalne@r -
Award of Rid for ~hin 9Dr..dinG Conta.inat.d Soil.
Motion by Councilmember Punke, seconded by Councilmember Farrell
to adopt the appropriate resolution approving the award of bid to
Atec Environmental Consulting Services for thin spreading con-
taminated soils from South Hain Lift Station. (Resolution No. 92-
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
Award of Bid for &handonlna Groundwater MonitorinG V@11s
Motion by Councilmeaber parrell, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to adopt the appropriate resolution approving the award
of bid to Atec Bnvironmental Consultants in the amount of
$1,479.50 for abandoning the groundwater monitoring wells in the
old Glacier Park property, contingent upon approval from the
MPCA. (Resolution No. 92-226)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Naya - None
AnDroval of SUDDle~ntal Aare@ment Ho. 11
Motion by Councilmember parrell, seconded by Councilmember Funke
to approve Supplemental Agreement No. 11 with Johnson Brothers
Corporation. (All in favor)
ADDroval of ChanGe Order '-1. Green TwiG Wav
Hotion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by
Farrell to approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount
the Green Twig Way project. (All in favor)
Counc i lmember
of $4,239 for
Legislative Consultant Bd Cain reported to Council on the
status of the Water Resources bill. The bill has passed
Congress and is currently awaiting the President's signature.
The bill provides $2.4 million in funding which now must be
approved by the appropriation co..ittee; the city would be
responsible for $800,000 in matching funds. Hr. Cain said
that he could consult with the City in obtaining a special
appropriation from the State Legislature in 1993.
Hotion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Farrell
to authorize Staff to work with Mr. Cain in developing an
agreement for seeking State funding for the levee wall. (All in
stillwater City Council Hinutes
Recessed Heeting
October 20, 1992
1. Chris & Julianne Pluth reau.at for Varianc@
Mr. and Hrs. Pluth appeared before Council to request a
Variance to construct a garage at 1120 Mo. First st. The
garage would be set back 15 feet from Stillwater Avenue E.; a
30 foot setback is required. The Pluths are asking for the
variance at this time because they hope to begin construction
by Nove~r 15, before the ground freezes. Ben and Barbara
Welshons, adjacent property owners, stated they are not
opposed to the project since it is not their property line
which will be affected.
Council determined that there are too many issues unresolved
at this time, and requested that the applicants appear before
the Planning Commission on November 9.
Hotion by Council..~r Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember
Funke to set a Public Hearing date of November 10, 1992 to hear
the Variance request by Chris and Julianne Pluth to construct a
garage at 1120 No. First Street. (All in favor).
1. This is the day and time for the continuation of a Public
Hearing to consider a Variance to the sideyard setback
requirement (8.32 ft. requested, 10 ft. required) & to the
rearyard setback requirement (15.35 ft. requested, 25 ft.
required) for the construction of a duplex on Lots 16 & 17,
block 1, Forest Ridge Add. (Bastridge ct.), located in the
RB, Two-Family Residential Dist., Case No. V/92-44, Allen
Rose, applicant.
Notice of the hearing was published in The Courier on
September 24, 1992 and mailed to affected property owners.
Co... Dev. Director Russell reported that the Planning
Commission heard this case in September and a neighbor
expressed his concern at that time. The case was continued
to the October meeting at which time the applicant presented
three options for placement of the building. The Planning
Commission favored Option 3 which moves the building forward
10 feet into the front yard setback, and leaves the rearyard
setback approximately the same as the existing townhomes.
Mark Kemper, land surveyor and engineer, stated that the lot
has been staked, and he feels Option 3 satisfies the concerns
of the neighbor.
Roger Wohlers, 1933 Eastridge, the concerned neighbor, stated
that he and the other neighbors are in agreement with the way
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Recessed Meeting
October 20, 1992
the lot is currently staked.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to approve the request for a Variance to the sideyard
setback requirement (8.32 ft. requested, 10 ft. required) & to
the front yard setback as specified in the applicant's Option 3
plan for the construction of a duplex on Lots 16 & 17, Block 1,
Forest Ridge Add. (Eastridge ct), located in the RB, Two Family
Residential Dist., as conditioned, Case No. V/92-44, Allen Rose,
applicant. (All in favor)
2. This is the day and time for the Assessment Hearing on the
proposed assessment for Highlands of Stillwater, Phase II,
L.I. 276.
Notice of the hearing was published in The Courier on
October 1, 1992 and mailed to affected property owners.
Consulting Engineer Peters reviewed the costs and proposed
assessment roll.
Motion by Councilmember
Bodlovick to adopt the
assessment for Highlands
(Resolution No. 92-221)
Farrell, seconded by
appropriate resolution
of Stillwater, Phase
approving the
II, L.I. 276.
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
3. This is the day and time for the Assessment Hearing on the
proposed assessment for Green Twig Way, L.I. 282.
Notice of the hearing was published in The Courier on
October 1, 1992 and mailed to affected property owners.
Mr. Peters reviewed the expenditures and the revised assess-
ment roll.
Motion by
Funke to
Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember
adopt the appropriate resolution approving the
for Green Twig Way, L.I. 282. (Resolution No. 92-219)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
4. This is the day and time for the Assessment Hearing on the
Proposed assessment for Gloves Addition, L.I. 283.
Notice of the hearing was published in The Courier on
October 1, 1992 and mailed to affected property owners.
stillwater City Council Minutes
Recessed Meeting
October 20, 1992
Mr. Peters explained the costs and proposed assessment roll.
Frank Rheinberger and Richard Rodrique, who own two of the
lots, were present to object to the proposed assessments.
They also submitted a written objection, based on their
opinion and that of a real estate broker that the
improvegents have not increased the value of their property
by the amount of the proposed assessment.
Scott Grover, owner of three of the lots, stated that his
lots have increased in value because of the improvements, and
that he feels the value of Mr. Rheinberger's have increased
to the same extent. Joan Norman, who lives across the street
from Mr. Rheinberger's property, stated that there has been a
vast improvement to Mr. Rheinberger's property. Sandy
Goettner, 1301 W. Orleans, stated that her only concern is
when the project will be finished.
City Attorney Magnuson explained the Council's options in
approving the assessment roll.
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember
Bod10vick to adopt the appropriate resolution approving the
assessment for Gloves Addition, L.I. 283, with the understanding
that negotiations will continue with Mr. Rheinberger and Hr.
Roderique regarding a fair assessment for their properties.
(Resolution No. 92-220)
Ayes - Councilmemhers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
Council recessed for ten minutes and reconvened at 8:25 p.m.
5. Levee Wall Reconstruction and Lowell Park Bxpansion Plan.
City Planner Pung-Terwedo reviewed the background of the
Rob Williams and Bill Sanders of Sanders Wacker Wehrman
Bergly, Inc., presented the Levee Wall/Lowell Park Plan. The
total estimated cost of the Plan is $5.7 million, which
includes $3.3 million for the levee wall reconstruction.
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember Funke
to approve the Levee Wall/Lowell Park Plan as presented to be
implemented if and when funds are available. (All in favor)
1. Reoort on Boat Plaza Construction and Conditions of ADDroval
for Benches.
stillwater City Council Minutes
Recessed Meeting
October 20, 1992
Hr. Russell explained the conditions of approval for a boat
plaza built by the st. Croix Boat and Packet Company. One of
the conditions was that the benches used in the plaza be
approved by the Design Review Committee. Concrete benches
were installed that were not approved by the Committee. Mr.
Russell asked for a decision from Council.
Motion by Councilmember Funke to allow the concrete benches to
remain at the boat plaza. The motion died for lack of a second.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember
to allow the concrete benches to remain at the boat plaza
the time that Lowell Park is developed. Councilmember
withdrew the motion.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Opheim
to table the issue until a full Council is present. (Ayes - 2;
Nays - 2, Councilmembers Bodlovick and Farrell)
Hotion by Councilmember BOdlovick, seconded by Councilmember
Farrell to inform Mr. Anderson that he is to install historic
benches as approved by the Design Review Committee. (Ayes - 2;
Nays - 2, Councilmembers Funke and Opheim)
2. ADDointment of Downtown Proiect Review Task ForcB.
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember
Farrell to appoint the following committee members to the
Special Downtown Project Review Task Force: Darwin Wald, Glenna
Bealka, Tim Stefan, Bob Kimbrel, Paul Simonet, Karl Ranum, Diane
Rollie, Dave pohl, and Ann Bodlovick and Gary Funke representing
the Council. (All in favor)
3. ReDort on PrODertv at 107 North Third st. and reauest for
This item was continued to the meeting of November 10, 1992.
4. Possible Second Reading of the Bed & Breakfast
Hotion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by
Funke to have a second reading and enactment of
Breakfast Ordinance by title. (Ordinance No. 768)
the Bed and
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
5. Possible Second Readina of the &--ndment to the Wine
Ordinance bv AddinG strona Beer
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember
Farrell to have a second reading and enactment of the amendment
to the Wine Ordinance by adding strong beer. (Ordinance No. 767)
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Recessed Meeting
October 20, 1992
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember
Funke to direct Staff to study the City's fee structure and make
a recommendation for a possible increase in fee for a Wine
License. (All in favor)
6. Discussion of HandicaDDed Parkina in Main st./Co---rcial St.
IFinal Parkina Lot
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded
Funke to have' the four-hour limit signs
handicapped parking spaces at the Maple Island
in favor)
by Councilmember
removed from the
parking lot. (All
7. DeveloDm8nt AGreement for Minnesota ZeDhvr.
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to reduce the purchase price of the property to be sold
to the Minnesota Zephyr by $10,800 to $124,200 at an interest
rate of eight percent. (All in favor)
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember
Funke to adopt the appropriate resolution approving the Develop-
ment Agreement between the City of Stillwater and the Minnesota
Zephyr, with possible modification to the parking lease agreement
and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the documents.
(Resolution No. 92-227)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
1. Petition for Local Imorovements - The Hiahlands of
stillwater. Third Add.. steven Fit.r..n. ADDllcant.
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember
Farrell to adopt the appropriate resolution accepting the
petition for Local Improvements, The Highlands of Stillwater,
Third Add., steven Fiterman, applicant, and ordering the
feasibility report and preparation of plans and specs.
(Resolution No. 92-228)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
2. Reauest for Private Sentle Svst@m ADDroval - Berwald Familv.
Penthouse Acres.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Farrell
to approve the request for a private septic system by the Berwald
Family, Penthouse Acres. (All in favor)
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Recessed Meeting
October 20, 1992
3. Reauest for Wine & Beer License - The Brunswick Inn. 114 E.
Chestnut st.. Duane & Martha Hubbs. AoDlicant.
Motion by Council~aber Farrell, seconded by Councilmember Funke
to approve the request for a Wine & Beer License for the
Brunswick Inn, 114 E. Chestnut St., Duane & Martha Hubbs,
Applicants. (All in favor)
4. Chanae Ord.r No.1. storm Sever in the No. 4th st. and West
Wilkins St. Ravine.
Motion by Councilmember Farrell,
Bodlovick to approve Change Order No.
4th st. and West Wilkins st. Ravine.
seconded by Councilmember
1, Storm Sewer in the No.
(All in favor)
5. ADDllcatlon for PaYment No.2. Gloves Addition. LaI. 283.
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember Funke
to approve Payment No.2, Gloves Addition, L.I. 283. (All in
6. ADDlicatlon for PaYment No.3. No. MaIn st. & Lowell Innl
Rlvertovn Co__ons Parkina Lots. LaI. 257 & 259.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to approve Payment No.3, No. Main st. & Lowell
Inn/Rivertown Commons Parking Lots, L.I. 257 & 259. (All in
7. ADDlication for PaYment No.4. No. Main st. & Lowell
Inn/Rlvertovn COMmftnB Parkina Lots. LaI. 257 & 259.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to approve Payment No.4, No. Main st. & Lowell
Inn/Rivertown Commons Parking Lots, L.I. 257 & 259. (All in
8. Adootlon of Misce11aneOUB Assessment Rolls
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmeaber
Bodlovick to adopt the appropriate resolution correcting L.I. 257
Special Assessments for the Dock Cafe. (Resolution No. 92-215)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
Motion by
Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember
to adopt the appropriate resolution adopting
for L.I. 287, Sidewalk Improvements. (Resolution No.
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to adopt the appropriate resolution adopting assessment
for L.I. 288, Street Overlay. (Resolution No. 92-222)
stillwater City Council Minutes
Recessed Meeting
October 20, 1992
Ayes - Councilmeabers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim
Hays - Hone
Motion by Councilmeaber Farrell, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to adopt the appropriate resolution adopting delinquent
Water and Sewer charges, L.I. No. 001. (Resolution No. 92-214)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - Hone
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to adopt the appropriate resolution adopting delinquent
Co~rcial Garbage Charges, L.I. No. 002. (Resolution No. 92-217)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - Hone
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick adopting the appropriate resolution adopting assessment
for L.I. 011, Diseased Tree Removal. (Resolution No. 92-216)
Ayes - Councilmembers BOdlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded
Bodlovick to approve the Consent Agenda of
including the following: (All in favor)
by Councilmember
October 20, 1992,
1. DIEectlna PaYment of Bills (Resolution No. 92-213).
Ayes - Counci1members Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke and Opheim
Hays - Hone
2. Contractor's Licenses:
Oakwood Construction
696 No. Bay Road
Somerset, Wi 54025
General Contractor
3. Reauest for aDDr ova 1 of "ADDlication for Exemntion from
Lawful Gamblina Licens@" bv St. Michael'. Council of Catholic
Vo..n fOE event on Nov. 14. 1992.
4. Set Public HearinG date of SeDtember 8. 1992 for the
followina Plannina eases:
a. Case No. SUP/92-48 - Special Use Permit to use a public
right-of-way for a driveway access to a residential lot
located south of Interlachen Dr. & east of Maryknoll Dr.
in the RA, Single-Family Residential Dist., Dave & Betsy
Wanless, applicants.
stillwater City Council Minutes
Recessed Meeting
October 20, 1992
b. Case No. SUB/92-50 - Minor Subdivision of a 6.33 acre
site into two lots of 2.83 acres & 3.50 acres located
west of Washinqton Ave. 'south of W. Orleans (east 1/2
of Outlot A) in the BP-I, Business Pk. Indus. Dist., Bill
Pauley, applicant.
c. Case No. SUP/92-52 - Special Use Permit to construct a
23,625 sq. ft. warehouse facility with a 7,200 sq. ft.
retail 'office area located west of Washinqton Ave. ,
south of W. Orleans st. (east 1/2 of Outlot A, Parcell)
in the BP-I, Bus. Pk. Indus. Dist., Washington Co. HRA,
Councilmember Bodlovick noted the Central Saint Croix Valley
Joint Cable Communications Commission's "Internal Audit
Committee Report for Fiscal Year 1991".
1. City Attorney -
Amle W8bst8r Trust
Motion by Counci1member Funke, seconded by Councilmember Farrell
to adopt the appropriate resolution approving the transfer of
certain trust funds for the Amie Webster Trust. (Resolution No.
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim.
Nays - None
2. City Coordinator -
Hiring Concession Worker for Lily Lake Arena
Motion by Councilmember Bod10vick, seconded by Councilmember
Funke to adopt the appropriate resolution approving the hiring of
Jennifer Kunde as Concession Worker at Lily Lake Arena at a wage
of $4.25 per hour. (Resolution No. 92-229)
Ayes - Counci1members Bodlovick, Farrell, Funke, and Opheim
Nays - None
Mr. Kriesel noted that the electronic voting machines will be
tested on Thursday, October 29, 1992 at 2:00 p.m.
Letter from Mr. Palmer
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to direct the City Attorney to draft a letter in
support of Mr. Palmer's request for exemption from the Lodging
Tax leqislation. (All in favor)
Letter from Jack and Patricia Gill
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember Funke
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Recessed Meeting
October 20, 1992
to refer the letter fro. Jack and Patricia Gill to the Parks and
Recreation Board. (All in favor)
3. Comm. Dev. Director -
Motion by Councilmember Parrell, seconded by Councilmember
Bodlovick to direct the Community Development Director to write a
letter of reco-.endation to the Metropolitan Council Advisory
Board regarding funding of County Road 64 (HcKusick Road)
Bikeway. (All in favor)
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember
Funke to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m. (All in favor)
dU; ~i~
No. 92-224 - Employing Jeff Melstrom Part-Time in Parks Dpt.
No. 92-225 - Awarding Bid to Atec for Thinspreading Contaminated
- Awarding Bid to Atec for abandoning monitoring well
- Approving Assessment Roll, Highlands of Stillwater,
L.I. 276
- Approving Assessment Roll, Green Twig Way, L.I. 282
- Approving Assessment Roll, Gloves Addn., L.I. 283
- Approving the Development Agreement with Minnesota
- Accepting the Petition for Local Improvements, High-
lands of Stillwater, Third Addn.
- Directing Payment of Bills
- Approving Transfer of Certain Trust Funds
- Assess. for Delinquent Sewer Charges
- Correcting Assess. for L.I. 257, Dock Cafe
- Assess. for Diseased Tree Removal, L.I. 011
- Assess. for Delinquent Garbage Charges, L.I. 002
- Assess. for Sidewalk Improvement, L.I. 287
- Assess. for Street Overlay, L.r. 288
- Employ Jennifer Kunde Part Time at Lily Lake Arena
No. 92-226
No. 92-221
No. 92-219
No. 92-220
No. 92-227
110. 92-228
No. 92-213
N.o. 92-223
110. 92~214
No. 92-215
No. 92-216
110. 92-217
No. 92-218
(I No. 92-222
No. 92-229
Ko. 767 - Amending Wine License with addition of strong beer.
Ko. 768 - Regulating Bed and Breakfast facilities.
Submitted by:
Shelly Schaubach
Recording Secretary