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September 8, 1992
4:00 P.M.
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Abrahamson.
Councilmembers 80dlovick, Funke, Opheim (arrived at 4:26
P.M.), and Mayor Abrahamson.
Councilmember Farrell
Also Present:
City Coordinator Kriesel
City Attorney Magnuson
Finance Director Deblon
Consulting Engineer Moore
City Planner Pung-Terwedo
Comm. Dev. Director Russell
Parks Supervisor Thomsen
Public Works Director Junker
Police Chief 8eberg
Building Official Zepper
Library Director Bertalmio
City Clerk Johnson
Julie Kink, The Courier
Diane Rollie, Bob Tanner, Bob Utecht
1. Finance Director -
Resolution Relating to Financing of Certain Proposed Projects
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Funke to adopt
the appropriate resolution relating to financing of certain proposed projects
to be undertaken by the City; establishing compliance with reimbursement bond
regulations under the Internal Revenue Code. (Resolution No. 92-178)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Funke and Mayor Abrahamson.
Nays - None
2. City Planner -
Ses~uicentennial Celebration & Committee
Motion y Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Funke to appoint
the following persons, as recommended by City Planner Pung-Terwedo, as
official members of the Sesquicentennial Committee with City Planner
Pung-Terwedo and Councilmember Funke acting as representatives of the City on
the Committee: (All in favor)
An ita Buck
Mike Maloney
Ann Pung-Terwedo
Marguerite Rhineberger
Shawn Draper
Gary Funke
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 8, 1992
Regular Meeting
3. Police Chief - No Report.
4. Public Works Director -
Request to Clean-Up Riverfront
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to
authorize Luke Selb to pick up the riverfront from St. Croix Boat & Packet Co.
south to Orleans St. as part of a Boy Scout badge requirement. (All in
Employment of Dan Crimmins
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to adopt
the appropriate resolution employing Dan Crimmins part-time for four to six
weeks, effective September 14, 1992, contingent on funds being in the budget.
(Resolution No. 92-183)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Funke and Mayor Abrahamson.
Nays - None
Discussion on Receiving Quotes for One-Ton Truck
Public Works Director Junker requested approval to
above item and Council concurred.
receive quotes for the
to adopt
places on
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Funke and Mayor Abrahamson.
Nays - None
5. Parks Supervisor -
No Report.
6. Building Official -
Mr. Zepper presented the Building report for the year to date.
7. Cit~ Attorney -
.Qulck Taking. of Sims' proserty
Mr. Magnuson stated the 90 ay notice on this property has now expired and
the City can take control of the property now with a deposit of $60,000.
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 8, 1992
Regular Meeting
Council tabled any action until the Finance Director determines that the
funds are available.
8. City Clerk -
Setting Date for Canvass of Votes
Motion by Councilmember BOdlovick, seconded by Councilmember Funke to set the
date of September 17, 1992 for the canvass of votes for the Primary Election.
(All in favor).
Municipals Fall Convention
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to
authorize the amount of $161.00 for the attendance of seven City Staff at the
Municipals Fall meeting and banquet on October 8, 1992. (All in favor).
Discussion of Downtown Si~
Discussion followed regar~the possibility of striping the Brick Alley
Parking Lot and adding this to the Downtown contract at extra cost. There
was consensus that the City lot next to the Lowell Inn parking lot should
be .Permit Parking" only.
(Counci1member Opheim arrived at 4:26 P.M.)
Council also discussed two-hour parking signs on Mulberry St. and the
noisy streetlight in the Brick Alley Parking lot.
10. City Engineer
Fourth & Wilkins St. Ravine Project
Motion by Counci1member Funke, seconded by Councilmember Bod10vick to adopt
the appropriate resolution accepting plans and specs for the 4th & Wilkins St.
ravine project, with submission to Tim Fredboe, Washington Co. Soil & Water
Conservation Dist.; and to seek quotes for the project on September 21, 1992.
(Resolution No. 92-180)
Ayes - Counci1members Bod10vick, Funke, Opheim and Mayor Abrahamson.
Nays - None
1. Diane Ro11ie - .Wi1d West" Weekend, Sept. 25 - 27, 1992.
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 8, 1992
Regular Meeting
Motion by Councilmember Opheim, seconded by Councilmember Funke to approve the
events scheduled for Fri. Sept. 25 with necessary fencing, and road closing
and No Parking signage for Maple Island parking lot for events on Sat., Sept.
26 for the Jesse James Wild West Weekend. (All in favor).
1993 BUDGET DISCUSSION - Continued.
Council and Staff continued the discussion on the 1993 Budget with
input from Library Director L. Bertalmio. Ms. Bertalmio was requested to
cut approximately $1,100 from the Library budget. Also, Ms. Deblon stated
parcel specific information will be sent to residents approximately
November 10 - 20 and will contain information from this year and last year.
Information concerning this will be be put in the City Newsletter.
Resolution Adopting the Proposed Tax levy for the Year 1993
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to adopt
the appropriate resolution adopting the proposed Tax Levy, in the amount of
$3,691,023 against all the taxable property of the City, for the year, 1993.
(Resolution No. 92-181)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Funke, Opheim and Mayor Abrahamson.
Nays - None
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Funke, Opheim and Mayor Abrahamson.
Nays - None
Setting Date for "Truth in Taxation" Meetin~
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by ouncilmember Opheim to set the
date for the Truth in Taxation hearing for December 1, 1992, with a
continuation date of December 9, 1992. (All in favor).
Capital Outlay Chan~es
Council concurred w1th the Capital Outlay changes as recommended by City
Coordinator Kriesel.
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick,
the meeting at 5:15 P.M. (All in
seconded by Councilmember Funke to recess
favor) .
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 8, 1992
Regular Meeting
No. 92-178 - Relating to Financin9 of Certain Project in the City.
No. 92-179 - Establishing Handicapped Parking adjacent to Linden HealthCare
No. 92-180 - Approving Plans & Specs & Order Quotes for the Fourth & Wilkins
Streets Project.
No. 92-181 - Adoptin9 the Tax Levy for 1993.
No. 92-182 - Adopting the Proposed 8udget for 1993.
No. 92-183 - Employin9 Dan Crimmins Temporary Part-Time in the Public Wks.
Septe~r 8, 199~
7:00 p.lI.
The ..etlng was called to order by Mayor Abr.....on.
pre.ent: CouncU_lIbers Bodlovick, 'arrell,. ,...ke, Ophel.,
and Kayor Ab.aha_on
Absent: ~ne
Also Pre.ent: City Coordinator Kriesel
City Attorney Magnason
Consultin9 EDvlneer Moore
Co... Dev. Dlrector Rus.ell
Plannln. Co.... Chalr 'ontalne
.ecording lecretary BChaubach
Press: Julie Kink, The Courler
..3i. ~rs, Pete I.ith, Jeff Robertson, Charles
Hooley, Richard 811vlk, TOIIl O'Brien, ,Howard
Lieber_n, Roselllilry Jensen., Dorothy Scullen,
Kathleen SlIva, Sandy Kruse, Bruce and Victoria
BrUlhart, Patr1cia Peterson, Mary Pat O'Br1en,
lob Stellmach, Jefl Peterson, Kark Ba1ay, Jim
Motion by Councll_aber Bodlovick, seconded by Co~cil_aber
'unke to approve the.inute. of the Special Meetin.. of Augu.t 3,
10, 11, and 17, 1992, and the Regular and Reces.ed Meetin9s of
AU9Qst t and 1', 1992. (All 1n lavor)
1. Harold Teasdale - Reque.t for Reduction of 'l'axes at cottaqes
of Stillwater.
Hr. '!'easdale was not present.
1. This is the day and time for the continuation of a Public
Hearing to consider a special Use Per.it for an expanSion of
Lakeview Me.orial Hospital along with additional parking and
landscaping, located at 91' .. ~rson It., in the RB, 'l'wo-
'a.ily Residential Dist., Case No. SUP/92-32, Lekeview
Heaorial Hospital, Applicant.
Notice of the hearing was published in The Courier on
July 23 and mailed to aflected property owners.
Hr. Russell explained that this case had been continued in
Stillwater City Council Hinute.
Rece.sed Heetin9
Sept.aber 8, 1992
order 4:0 Viv. the Hospital mar. ti_ to _rk out a.."a9r.._nt
vU;h .... ne"9hborln9 propert,.,,_vn.r.,. neZ'. hav.lMen __
r.fi~nt. to th., 1andseape plan.
Ji. La...r., repre..ntin9 tbe 80ard of Dir.ctors for Lak.view
Hemorial Ho.pital, addr.ssed Council r.vardin9 the conc.rns
rai.ed at the la.t ..eting. Yhe entrance" tbe parkinv lot
.a.t of Bv.rett st. has be.n Chang.d Irom Churchill to
And.r.on Str.et. An a9ree..nt haa b..n reach.d with the
Cunnin9bams, who liv. .a.t of the parkin9 lot~ to build a
ecre.nin9 fence along the property line and to ext.nd it
across the back of the Cunningham property. .evotiatlons .re
continuin9 vith the two property owner. on Churchill 8treet
to acguire those parc.ls.
The pos.ibility of aoviaq the ...rg.ncy entrance
south on Oreeley 8treet has been explored, but vas
again.t because of the slope and the wetland. In that
Char lea Hooley, who lives across the atreet from the entrance
to the ho.pit.l, .tat.d that he di..gree. vith the co.t
.,.'. 'esti..te for a new a-.bulance entrance on Or.eley 8treet and
he doe. not oonstder the wetlands a proble..
r Richard 8livik, 805 V. Churohill .t., .tated thet he would
prefer that the hoepital attellPt to purch_e the two ho".oft
Churchill rather thaa put a parking lot ea.t,_f 8v.Z'.tt 8t.
H. .lso questioaed il the church parkiD9 lot acros. ChuZ'chill
8tr.et could be 1....d foZ' addition.l paZ'kin9.
To. 0'8ri.n, 823 V. Ander.on, atated that aovlnv the .ntZ'ane.
to the Bver.tt 8t. paZ'king lot to And.Z'son 8t. would cau..
the caZ' lights to .hin. dir.ctly into hi. ho.. at ni9ht.
Howard Li.b.rman, 914 8. Gr..ley, aaked that the laadsc..lng
plan be pres.nted to the co-.unity for prio<< approval.
CHnton McLagan, attorney for the Harr is family ..-"
Churchill Str.et, asked what ....ur.. vill be taken to .cr.en
and fence the Harris home in the .vent that an agre.ment to
sell the home is not r.ach.d. Jeff Robertson, Ho.pit.l
Administrator, .xplained the l.ndsc.ping plan.
Ro.emary J.nsen, 911 V. Churchill, own.r of one of the ho..s
which the hospital is att.mptinv to purchaae, requested that
the Council not 9ive approval for the 8ver.tt St. parkiftV lot
until the hospital shove that it is att.mpting to s.rlously
negoti.t. with the homeowner..
Dorothy Scallen, who lives across Churchill fZ'o. the
ho.pital+' was concerned that a parkin9 lot vlll be built on
Stlllwater City Council Minutes
Recessed ....1oinq
"pte~r 8, 1992
the north side of ehure~lll ~n property owned by the
hospital. Mr. Robertson stated that there are no such plans.
Kathleen Silva, 813 V. Churchlll, stated 'hat the hospltal
has been wllling to add~ess their concerns.
Council recessed, the ..etiDg for five minutes and reconvened
at 8:20 p.m. Mayor Abrahamson closed the pUbllc hearing.
Planning Co~ssioa Chal~..n pontalne stated that the
PlannlQ9 eo..laeion .eco...nded approval of the lpeclal Use
PtR:mit with 14 conditions. He also stated that there _s
very little pUbllc: Input on this issue at the Plannlnq
Commisslon meeting.
IIr. Ruasell ..~nded movln~ the entrance to tbe east
parklnq lot fro. Anderson St. to Bverett St.
C.unallme~. Parrell stated that the parklnq lot east of
Bverett street ls an lssue and shOUld not be buUt untll it
ls needed.
Motlon by Council..Dlber Bodlovlck, seconded by CounallmeDlbe.
Punke to approve a Speclal Use Pe~.lt lor aA expanslon of
Lakevlew Hemorlal Hospltal aloQ9 with addltlonal parklng and
land8Gapin9~ located at 919 V. Anderson st., In the RB, tvo-
Pamlly Residential Dlst., Case 110. SUP/92-32, Lakevlew HeDlOrlal
Hospital, applicant, as conclitioned, and with the aclclitional
requirements that the City's consulting engineer study the feasl-
billty 01 movin9 the .. I~q~y entrance south on Greeley St., and
that the entrance to the east parking lot be from .ve~ett St.
rather than fro. Anderson St. (Ayes -3; lIays - 1, Councilmember
Parren I
2. This is the day and time for the Public H_rinq to consider a
Variance to the sideyard setback requirements on a cocner l~t
(20 feet minimum required, approximately 10 feet requested I
and to rearvard setback requirements (2 ft., 6 inches
requested, 5 ft. required I for the construction of a garage
located at 126 No. Harriet street in the RB, Two ra.ily
Residential Dist., Case No. V/92'-37, John & Barbara B10Il'k_n,
Ifotice of the hearing _s pubUshed in The Courie'C Ort
AU9ust 27, 19.1 and ..iled to aff.e\J.~operty owne~s.
Hr. Rassell explained that this is a request to
existing one-stall ga.aqe with a two-stall
Pontalne reported that the Planning Co.-ission
approved the request. Mayor AbrahaDlSon closed
replace an
.ara.e. Hr.
the pubUc
stlllw.ter Clty Counatl Nlaut.s
a.c.s.ee1 ....blng
..pt.~r I, 1992
Hetl.tm lit COllllCll___r I'lIftkecil' ..conded by Councll_iIbec Ophela
to .pprove the V.rl.-oe totbe stley.rd s.tbaat r.qul....nt. on .
corn.r lot (20 f..t alntaua iequlred, approxl..t.ly 10 f..t
r.queet.d) c..-d to reAEy.rd ..tbac:k'lreq.t.....nt. (2 It., 'lnabes
r.qu.st.d, 5 ft. r.qulr.d) for the conetractlon of a g.r.ge
locat.d .t 126 110. Harrl.t Str..t In the Ra~ 'rwo r.ally
R.sld.ntl.l Dlst., Cae. 110. V/91-37, John' Bar bar. .jort..n,
, appllc.nts. (All ln f.vor)
3. '!'hls 1. the day .114 t~ for th.Publlc H...1Rq to consl"r a
"'rl.De. to the .ld.y... e.tbact r.qlllr......,.... .,.ra.. and
faally rOGa .Mltlon ler a corn.r lot (30 ft. ceQu1c... ao
f..t propos.d).t 2496 Hldd.n V.ll.y Lane ln the RA, 81n91.
raally R.sld.ntlal dletrlct, Cae. 110. V/92-40, Larry and
S.ndr. Krau.., appllc.nts.
lotlc. of the h.arlnq w.. publlsh.d In '!'h. Coacl.r oa
Auqust 27, 1992 .nd ..ll.d to aff.ct.d property own.re.
Nr. Russ.ll r.port.d that thl. Is . r.....t lor .n .ddl~ion
to . f.~ly rooa and ....98 in _h. Crolxvood devel~nt. Ne.
rontaln. .t.t.d that the Pl.nnlnv Co..laalon vot.d
_nl_uly to d.ny tII. varl.nce becaus. lt 1. In. pl.nned
anlt d.velos-eM, no hardsblp",.. proven, aIId th.r. ar.
r .1ternatlve. to this r.quest.
IIrs. Itr..... stat.d that th.r. ls currently a conc..t.,,,,,ce.-b
~r. the .ddltlon to the ,.r... would ba locat.d.nd It Ie
the 1091cal plac. for . ,a..g. aIIltlon. H.r n.lqhbors .r.
ln .qr....nt wltltth. r.qll..t.
Notion by Councll..~r rant., second.d by Coancll..~. Ophela
to approve. V.r l.nc. to the .ld.y.rd s.tbact r.lIUlre_nt foe.
gar.q. .nd f.ally rosa .ddltlon for. corner lot (30 ft.
r.qulr.d, 20 I..t propo..d) .t 2496 Hldd.n V.ll.V Lan. In the aA,
Slngl. r.ally a.sld.ntlal dletrlct, Cae. Mo. V/92-40, Larry and
Sandr. Kr..., .pplicante. (A~. - 3, I.~ - 2, COllncU..llbere
B04lovl~ .nd "rrell)
'!'hIe Is the day and tl_ lor the Publlc HearlD9 to coneld.r a
lpecl.l U.. Peralt to conduct apecl.l .yeRt. ;(...11 ....lnva.
rec.ptlone, _.tlnqe, etc.) In .re.ldentl.l .trllCture
c pr...ntly ue.d.s. Bed .nd Br..tf.et ..t.bU.....nt loc.t.d
at 319 We.t Pin. St. ln the RB, 'rwo "aally R.sld.ntial Dl.t.,
ca.. 10. SUP/92-4l, arllC. , Victor 1. Brlllh.rt, appllc.nte.
lot lee of the h.arlng w.. publlshed In 7h. Courter on
AU9uet 27, 1992 and ..11.41 to .,f.cted property own.rs.
Nr. Ruee.ll .xplaln.d that this Is . r.que.t to hold .peclal
_nte .at t.... Ann ...n loae. ..41 and Bre.tl..t. ft. 11:&'.
d.part_nt d.t.raln.d that 65 pereone coald be acc..DS."d.
Itlllwat.r Clty Councll Klnut..
..ce.... ....t!...
..pt....r I, 1"2
.tall bas r.ca- lId.d to p.r....."-. ftere ar. It r.c~nded
condlt!... 'O. appceval. A..-tltl.. .l...d by over 11
..19bborhood r..ld.n" Ineppoaltlon t~,tb. r.....t bas be..
r.c.lved .1nc. t... Pl.nnin9 ~1..10n M8tlll9. tIE. Pont.lne
.t.t.d tbat only on. n.19hbor ..pr....d opposltlon .t the
Pl.nnlng Co..l.slon ...tln.. Yba PLannll19 Oo..l..lon
unenl_usly apprev.d the Hqu.." becau.. .dttq_te parllln.,
.rr.......nt. have be.n 1Iade.
Hr. Brlllbart pr.s.nted a l.tt.r Iro. cra19 sw.9.r .nd Robert
Voclu:odt, own.cs of 41.. I. 'lxth It., support In. tb.
Irlllb.rts' proposal. P.t.lcl. p.ter.on, who llv.. north 01
the AmI ".n lIou.., .tat.d tbat .... doe. not obj.ct to tIl.
Bed and BE..kl.st us., but thl. r.~.t ls'for c~rcl.l1~~
tion of tb. hous.. Mary Pat O'Brl.n, 513.. 8th It., n..t
door n.l4hbo., .t.ted tbat sh. atT... vlth the uqu.st. Bob
St.ll..cb, t15 W. Pln., ..pr....d conoern vlth the pa~.ln9.
A r..ld.nt 01 522.. Sl.th 8t., .tat.d tbat the Brl11h.rt.
bav. _d. a dc..tic l..rove..ntto the ho..., and he
support. tb.lr r.que.t. J.ff p.t.r.on, 320 V. Pln., ...'
oppo.ed to the ..d .1Id Br.atlast ..., and tbl. r.qu..t 1. .n
.ven _r. co...rcl.1 us. .nd 1. cheDgln9 the nature 01 the
Muk ..l.y, 416.. 5th .t., .d:t_.nt to 8t. "'ry's cparUDg
1M, i. ln .upport of the r.....H. .1'Cbacd IeUt)", owner of
property.t Ut.. tth at., ..ted when .xpaulO11 of the ..d
'... ...aU..t lnd_try vUI .top. He .lao .tated hl. conc.rD
vlth perUlIg In the n.ighbo.llo04~
Pat lledbeny, 215 V. Plne, st.ted that tbee. 1. a
probl... Azt P.l..r 01 the Lovell Inn, _k.d that tho
91ve ..clou. con.ld.r.tlon to 11.ltln9 ..pan.lon of
cl.11satlon Into r..ld.ntlal .r....
Mayor ~.ha_on clo..d tho pUbllc h.uln9. COllDCU ..r..d
that peEkln. 1. .n l..u., ..pecl.lly vlth the pos.lblllty of
an lnt.nslfloa~lon of u.. of the junlor h19h school ..v.ral
blocks away.
Motlon by Councll.....r p.rr.ll, s.cond.d by COuncll.....r
Bodlovlck to d.nv vlthout pr.judlce tho r.que.t lor a lpecl.l Us.
P.r.lt to conduct .pecl.l event. In a r..ldential .tructace
located H 319 ...t Pl_ It., ca.. "'.,,~/'2-41, Bruce .nd
Victorla BE1II_rt, .ppllc.nts. (Ayes -t, ..,. - 1, Coaacll..~.r
ta. 'lIll. 1. the day and tl.. to conslder the r.que.t 1_ .Vl..
Llc.ne. for a led . BE..kl..t l.cUlty, (Anll Be_ Ho_.'
loc.ted at 319 ...t Pln. It. ln the .B, 'I'vo P..lly
...ld.ntlal Dl.t., Bruc. , Vlctorla Brlllhart, appllc.nt..
8tlllweter City COllftcU "tnut..'
8.pt.~r ., 1992
Hotlon by CoQftC11..~r Punke, seconde4c,by ceancll-..ber O~h.l.
to appeove t.. r-.ae.t lor a Vln. Llcen.eloc a ..., aa..kfa.t
faalll tly (Anlt' "an HCHlse I l<<Icatedat 319 ve.tPlne .t~ In ,the D,
7vo P-ally- ...ra..tlal Diet., Bruae' Victoria Brillhart,
a..Uc_ts. (Ayes - 3, bye - 2, Collftc11-.....r. BocSlovlek and
5. YIlls Is the dar aad tl_ for tbe Ptlblle Hearing to consider a
'peelel Uee P...lt to condDClt e lleeuty "Ion bu.ln... In e
re.ldentlal stnc:tur.. at &U VU4wood Lane In t.. Dr' 81..18
Pa.lly a.sld.ntlal Dlst., cas. 80. 8UP/92-42, Linde ..lchow,
80tlc. of the hearing we. publl.hed In ~ Courier on
August 27 and ..11ed to .aUected property o_er..
1lIr. 81111.ell stated that the ._er will be the only operator,
aad tMa. wUI be. no e..loye... 7hen 1. a parklnt epace lor
one client. ~he applicant ..tl..tes .he will have' to 12
cUent. per _k. ~_.<~Rql_ stat.d tMt there we. no
_:Jeat'ons Iro. the nelthbore and the Planning Co_l.slon
.pproved the req..st.
Ho'lon byCollftcll_aber "unke, .econded by COuncll_aber Ophe'.
to approve the reque.t for a Special USe Per.lt, .s conditioned,
to conduct a "auty 8alon bualness In a ..sldeatlalstraeture at
643 VIldwood Lane In the RA, 81ngle ,...lly a..ldentlel Dlst.,
case 80. 'UP/92-42, Linda Reichow, applicant. (All In favorl
6. YIlle 1. the day end tl.. lor the Public Hearing to cORelder a
Variance to the rearyard setback req.lr_nte (5 ft.
required, approxl..tely 1 ft. propoeed' end to the sldeyard
.etback .e.qulr...nte (5 ft. ,requlrad, approxl..teLy 1 ft.
,-~"","...edl lor the conetrDCltloa.1 e 576 eq. ft. ,.rage on ..
exl.tlng foundation. 7he pr.perty Is located at 719 80uth
....lrd .t. lit the D, 'rwo "e.lly Re.ldenUal Dl.t., case Mo.
V/92-43, Vlll1a. A. Bantzln, applicant.
80tlcs of the hearing we. published In 7he Courier on
August 27, 1992, and ..lied to affected property owner..
Hr. Rue.ell .tated that the applicant has Indicated this 1.
the only location lor the garage bec.uae of plans for a porch
addltlon .nd the locatlon of the drlve_y. "r. Pontalne
state. thet the Plannlnt Co_l.slon appcoved the request 4-3.
fte opponent. wer. In favor of tbe .are.. but felt It should
be ballt farther fro. the property Une. 7he Co_lesion
_'ked the a...'lcant to br Ing In IIOre detaUed Infor..tloR
ahowlng the location of the planned porch.
Mr. Bentzln pre.ented a drawing detalllDg the loaatlon of the
proposed garage and porch addition. He als. explained that he
stlll..ter Clty Councll Hlnute.
lecessea"KeeUncj' .
Septe~r e, 1992
would prefer to have a back-around area In order to drive out
of the drlvew.y r.t~r than backlnq out onto ~hlrd street. He
al_ presented a letter fr_ llarir'l'ee1ey, next door ne19hbor,
qr.ntlnq his approval lor the r.quest.
Hotlon by Coancl1"~r l'arre11, .econd.d by Councl1..~r Ophel.
to approve the r.qu..t for a V.rlanoe, .. condltloned, to the
rear~, - .. c:t all4 .1deyard .etbaat r....lr....t..for the
con.tructlon oj a .76 aq,.:It. ....CJe- an..lstl.. fo....tl.. at
71~,80ut~ 7hl.e st. In the I., 7wo "a.l1y aesle-ntla1 Dl.t., ea..
Ho. V/92-t3, W1ll1a. A. Bentzln, applic.nt. (All In lavort
Council recessed for five .1nutes and reconv.ned at 9:55 p...
UHpIHI...D ausl...s
1. Consideration of for.in. Downtown Proiect Review ~askl'orce.
Hotlon by Councll..~r Ophel., .econd.d by Co.ncll..~ Punk.
to approve the ..tabll.haent of a Downtova-Project Review ~...
Porce, con.lstlnq of ten ..~ere.. r.co...nded by the Co...nlty
DeveloP88nt Dlrector. (All In favor)
Hotlon by Councl1..8bor Parrell, s.conded by COancll..~erOphel.
to appoint ~--,-'I.I. ~rs .od10vlck and I'unk. to ..rve a. Counall
repr..entatives on the Downtown Project ..vl.w ~a.k Pocce. (All
In favor)
2. Direction fro. Cobnell reGardinG reaov.l of DOWBtown
t.~orarv _Ian. and .nforc...ft~ of .lan ardlftA~
Hotlon by
to 11ft
Coancllae~r I'arrell, .econded by Counci1ae~r Punke
the aoratorl.. on teaporary .lqnaqo'dOWntown. (All 1n
..V BUSI....
fir.t readinG of
reaulatina outdoor
an &--nct..n't 4:0 ... ZenllMl
nal.e in the Central au.ine..
Hotlon by Councllaeaber Bodlovlck, seconded by Councllaeaber
I'arrell to have a first readlnq by title of an Aaendaent to the
Zoninq Grdlp- ,reqalaUn9 out4klor nolee.,ln the Central ....In...
Dl.trlct~ IA~/92-2. (All In lavort
2. Reaue.t for Citv Council consideration of the &Rne.atian of
seven Darcels of land cOaDrl.lnG 2'1 acr.. loeated .Obth of
McKu.lck Rd.. ea.t of Mannina Ave. and ...t of the Cltv
bomftdarv. Henry 3. Ah~.~vle. ~ other.. .DDlle.n~..
stillwater City Council Minutes
Recel51sed Heet inCl
September 8, 1992
Mr. Russell explained that the City has been petitioned by
seven oroperty owners lor annexation of 261 acres located
just _st of Oak Glen. He reDo_nded that the reque.. be
referred to the Plannlnq Co.-i.sion for consideration and
reeoamendetion. Jla Hunt...n, one of the petltlonera,
reported that the county is attemptlnq t. acquire .0.. of the
parcels. and there Is no quarantee that these petitioners
v11l continue to be the property owners if the City's 4ec-
islon Is delayed. Art Palmer. property owner In stillwater
Township, presented a separate reQu..t for annexation of his
Motion by Counci1....r parrell.
to refer the tvo requests for
for reviev and recommendation.
seconded by Councll..~er Opheim
annexation of land to City Staff
(All In favor I
91'1 TI.aBI..._l.lUUY.ltl..uAL.8.---L-Q8u.oATUBUt
James Laskin. downtown business owner. addressed Council
regarding siqns indicating businesses are open. Mr. Russell
repoz:ted that this item Is being looked at prese-'",
Motion by Councll..aber
Farrell to approve the
Includlnq the follovlnCl:
Bodlovlck. seconded by Councl1aeaber
Consent Agenda of September I. 1992.
(All In favor I
1. IU.~~lnq.b>>!IeD1-Qf BUlL(Resolut1.on 110._ 92-175l.
A,.s - Councll...oers Bod10vlck. Parrell. Funke. QDhel.. and
Mayor Abraha..on
lIays - 1I0ne
2. APplication..
CmtmAC'WBI. .1.1-aDUll8.
Cross Country Bxcavatlnq Bxcavators
403 8th Ave.
Osceola. VI 54020
Jacobsen BKcavatinq
3173 Splluce St.
Little Canada. Mil 55117
Wlrpaeesetter Corp.
4343 So. 96th 8t.
O_ha, liE 68127
General Contractors
3. I\!.bmllss_ton,_of. CU,iULtJ;LI.na...-C.Q.,__- lIick Kado, d......oe to
bY!l1ness, _ix91l!_lLt.IJtet reDair.
4 . R~oll,1,U,.Q.n ,p~Q.!'!lbJ.tl n!Lt.b,e ,QIHIxa.t.IQRMskateboards. ~.L
in certain areas-,- (Resolution 110. 92-1851
S~IUwater City Council Minute.
Recessed MeetlRq
Septeaber I. 1992
Motion by Council..~r Bodlovick, seconded
Funke to approve the Utility bill ad~ust..nts
the Finance Director. (AU in laval')
by Council..~r
.s reco...nded by
Council took note of these two co..unicationsl
1. v... 8to..\lvenel - -1:U,olution _o(.JU.qb,wav boundarv 11nes RLI,
--_a 28.
2. .I-1lU.e.".....p.n4L-...J1A11 - Denial of It:lai. for lfark . GlGE la Daach.
STArr R8PORT~ (continued I
1. ~lIni tvkvelopmellt-.Oll_ecaox -
C~msultant "satance j;_<<-Co~.beJ1aJ.y.ll- Plan ~-lftd..nt
Notion by Council..~r Opheim, seconded by Counoll.....r razre11
to adopt the appropriate resolutioD approving the reouest to hire
Michael Jordan for 120 hours at .7 per hour to prepare analvae.
and reports using City Land Use Infor..tion. (Resolution Mo. 92-
~s - Council..abez. Bodlovick, Parrell, Punke, Opbei~ and
....yor Abrataa_on
lIava - Hone
state P-1annlncr._CO.nbJ:lID.3
Motion by Council_aber Opheim, seconded by Coanci1..~r runke
to approve the ~~,__.t by the Co..unity Development Director to
attend the state planning Conference .epteaber 23-25 at a co.t of
'75. (All In favorl
2. Consultlna Enolneer -
ttYJ:~l..LJueet Ravw..
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Council..mber
Farrell to adopt the appropriate resolution directing the City'S
Consultin~ Engineer to complete a feasibility study and mock
assess_nt role for repair of the drainage eyete."' for the Myrtle
Street ravine. (Resolution Ko. 92-117)
Ayes - Council_~re Bodlovick, Farrell, Punke, Ophel., and
Mayor Abraha..on
Hava - Hone
Motion by Council..~r Ophei.. seconded
Bodlovick to adjourn the ....1.. at 10:40 p...
by Councll_abeE
(All in favor)
- ,
stillwater City Council Minutes
R.c....d Meeting
Septe~r 8. 1992
Mo. 92-175 - Directing Payment of 8i11.
Mo. 92-185 - prohibiting the operation of skate boards. etc. in
certain area.
Mo. 92-186 - B~10yin9 Michael Jordan Te.porary Part-time in
Planning Dept.
Mo. '2-187 - Fea.ibi1ity study for Myrtle st. Ravine
SlIbIaitte4 bYI
Sb.11y Scbaubacb
Recording Secretary