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September 7, 1993
3:00 P.M.
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hooley.
Councilmembers Bodlovick, Funke, Kimble and Mayor
Councilmember Cummings
City Coordinator Kriesel
Finance Director Deblon
City Clerk Johnson
Also Present:
1. Discussion of pro~osed 1994 Budget.
Council convened 0 cont1nue the d1scussion of the proposed 1994 Budget
which included the raise of the tax levy and ways to allev1ate this
situation. Items discussed were the adoption of the early retirement
option, cuts in the Library and Police budgets, changes in operation of
the Fire Dept., results of the Efficiency Study of City Hall and purchase
~ of a-Cable T.V. camera for City Hall.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to cut the
hiring of a full-time Police Officer and decrease the number of requested
Police cars by one from the Police Budget. (Ayes - 3; Nays - 1, Councilmember
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick,
Library Budget figure at $536,862.
seconded by Councilmember Funke to set the
(Ayes - 3; Nays - 1, Councilmember
Finance Director Deblon presented information on the savings to the City
tf the County took over the Library. She noted that the savings on a
$100,000 home would be approximately $88.00.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember K1mble to approve an
additional $200,000 to be included in Capital Outlay for refurbishing of City
Hall. (Ayes - 2; Nays - 2, Councilmember Bodlovick and Mayor Hooley. Motion
Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Funke to schedule
continuation of the Budget discussion for September 14, 1993 at 4:30 P.M.
(All in favor!
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Spec i a 1 Meeti ng
Councll recessed the meeting at 4:25 P.M.
ATTEST: ~ ~~~
, "
September 7, 1993
4:30 P.M.
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hooley.
Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor
Also Present:
City Coordinator Kriesel
Consulting Engineer Moore
Public Works Director Junker
Finance Director Deblon
Police Chief Beberg
Comm. Dev. Director Russell
Parks Supervisor Thomsen
City Clerk Johnson
Julie Kink, The Courier
Mike Marsnik; Stillwater Gazette
Don Theisen, Washington Co. Public Wks., Steve Zinnell, Diane
Rollie, Bob Utecht, Marguerite Rheinberger, Ed Stuart.
1. Marguerlte Rhelnberger - Permit Requests for various Sesquicentennial
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to approve
permits for Randy Radeunz to sell artwork at Sesquicentennial events on Sept.
26 and Oct. 2; and Dale North to sell various food items on Oct. 2 in Pioneer
Park. (All in favor!.
Discussion followed regarding a request for a Police Officer to be present
in the Courthouse Parking Lot between 3:00 and 5:00 P.M. on Sept. 11,
during the parade, to keep'it clear for Courthouse events. Mayor Hooley
noted that the Police Chief will take care of this item.
2. Diane Rollie - Request for funds for Wild West Days.
D1scuSSlon followed regardlng fund1ng for Wlld West Days. It was noted
that $3,500 was approved for this event, but they are short'funds of
approximately $500 to $600. These funds may be received by the time the
event takes place.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to approve
funding of $3,500 for Wild West Days, with the additional funding of $500 to
$600 to be added if necessary. (All in favor!.
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Regular Meeti ng
3. Don Theisen, Washington Co. Public Works - Discussion of County Rd. #5
Construct1on 1ssues.
Mr. Theisen introduced Consultant Project Manager, Glenn Schreiner, from
SEH, and they both proceeded to explain the project. They stated they are
proposing a four-lane road and discussed the timing of,the project, the
design of the road, placement of stoplights, drainage study and speed
limits. Dick Zimmerman, of Erickson-Post, would like to see the project
constructed in 1994.
Motion by Councilmember Cummings, seconded by Councilmember Funke to
conceptually approve the County Road 5 Improvement Project, as presented by
Mr. Theisen. (All in favor).
1. -1'1 nance Di rector -
Fuel Purchas1ng
Motion by Counc1lmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to approve
the fuel purchasing and card system at the Erickson Post gas station as
presented by Finance Director Deblon. (All in favor).
Purchase of Four-Drawer File Cabinet
Motion by Counc1lmember Bodlov1ck, seconded by Councilmember Funke to approve
the request of Finance Director Deblon to purchase a four-drawer file cabinet
for the Finance -Dept. (All in favor).
Purchase of Sony Transcriber & Sony Recorder
Motion by CounC1lmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to authorize
the purchase of a recorder and transcriber for the Finance Dept. at an
approximate cost of $425 plus tax. (All in favor).-
Request to attend AICPA Gov't. Training pro~ram
Motion by Councllmember Bodlov1ck, seconded by ouncilmember Kimble to approve
the attendance of Finance Director Deblon at the AICPA Governmental Training
Program in Atlanta-at an approximate cost of $1,405.00. (All in favor).
Approval of Early Retirement Option for City Employees
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to adopt
the appropriate resolution approving the early retirement option for the City
of Stillwater employees. (Resolution No. 93-161)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Nays - None
Addition of Funds to Ca~ital Outlay for Remodeling of City Hall
Motion by CouncHmember Funke to approve the add1t1on of $2UU,UUU to the
Capital Outlay Budget for City Hall improvements.
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Regular Meeting
Councflmember Kimble stated he would second the motion if the word "approve"
was changed to "include" in the previous motion with which Councilmember Funke
concurred. (Ayes - 3; Nays - 2, Councilmember Bodlovick and Mayor Hooley).
Designation of Dates for "Truth in Taxation" Hearings
CounC1l set the date of November 30, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. for the City's
"Truth in Taxation" hearing; and December 7, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. for the
adoption of the 1994 Budget.
2. Community Development Director - No report.
3. Public Works Director -
Temporary park1n~ Sl~ns
Mr. Junker repor ed hat two temporary "No Parking" signs will be placed
on Hancock St. east of Everett St., also warning 1 ights and "road closed"
signs will be placed during the parade on Sept. 11.
4. Parks Supervisor -
New Floorin~ for East Side of Hockey Rink at Arena
Motion by Counc lmember Cummings, seconded by Counc1lmember Funke to approve
the installation of rubber flooring at the Ice Arena at an estimated cost of
r $3,000. (All in favor).
Transfer Classification for Dave O'Brien from Parks Dept. to Lily Lake
Arena '
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to adopt
the appropriate resolution transferring Dave O'Brien from Parks Dept. to Lily
Lake Arena as Part-time Zamboni Operator/Janitor. (Resolution No. 93-169)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Nays - None
Installation of Park Lights at Ramsey-Grove Park
Mr. Thomsen noted that NSP w1ll install the llghts at no charge and poles
and lights may also be donated.
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to approve
the maintenance of lights at Ramsey-Grove Park at $32.00 per month. (All in
Police Chief
D.A.R.E. Officer Training
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Regular Meeting
Extensive discussion followed regarding the training of an additional
officer in this program. Points discussed included whether the School
District should contribute toward the program.
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to approve
the request to send one additional Police Officer to D.A.R.E. Training in
Nov., 1993. (All in favor).
Council recessed the meeting at 5:58 P.M.
ATTEST: ~, ~ -6. " ~~
, C L
. , - .
No. 93-161 - Approval of Early Retirement Option for City Employees.
No. 93~169 ~ Transfer of Dave O'Brien from Parks Dept. to Lily Lk.Ice Arena.
September 7, 1993
7:00 P.M.
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hooley.
Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor
Also Present:
City Coordinator Kriesel
City Attorney Thole
Consulting Engineer Moore
Comm. Dev. Director Russell
City Clerk Johnson
Julie Kink, The Courier
Mike Marsnik, Stillwater Gazette
Mark Herwig
Tim SChmolke, George McFadden, Michelle Roettger, Leonard
Feely, Richard Kilty, Ed Cain, Barry Stack.
Mot1on by Counc1lmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to approve
the minutes of the Special & Regular Meetings of August 17, 1993 as presented.
(All in favor).
1. George McFadden - Request for poss1ble ordinance governing speedboats on
Long Lake;
Mr. McFadden, 2954 Marine Circle, was present to again request an
ordinance governing motor boats on Long Lake. Councilmember Cummings
summarized the Park & Recreation Commission proceedings regarding this
item, and asked the City Attorney if the City could regulate action on a
lake which is not under the City's jurisdiction. The City Attorney stated
a joint ordinance between the City and Stillwater Township would be
required. Council discussed holding a meeting with Stillwater Township
and the property owners on the lake and directed Consulting Engineer Moore
to attend any meeting that might be held as well as obtaining information
regarding aeration of the lake.
2. Tim Schmolke - Update on Solid Waste issues.
Mr. Schmolke reported that Solid Waste Commission member Ron Roeller has
resigned from the Commission and requested the Council to make another
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Recessed Meeting
He then discussed the recycling program and the grant monies available.
Also, he stated there is no information available on how and if businesses
are recycling and suggested a survey of the businesses be done. The
Commission is attempting to see where solid waste is going and is looking
for a form to give the contractor to get that kind of information.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to apply
for Washington County recycling grant funds as explained by Mr. Schmolke.
(All in favor).
1. Th1S 1S the day and time for the Public Hearing to consider a possible
second reading of an ordinance amendment rezoning 11.5 acres of land from
Bus.Pk.-Indus. to Multi-Family Residential Medium Density (RCM) located
north of ' Curve Crest Blvd. & east of Courage St.Croix Center, Case No.
ZAM/93-40, Leonard & Elizabeth Feely, Applicants.
Notice of the hearing was published in The Gazette on August 27, 1993
and mailed to affected property owners.
Ira Thunderburk, representing Culligan Water, stated several concerns
regarding the requested rezoning. He stated it would detract from a
Business/Industrial Pk. status and would have an adverse effect on
adjacent property values. There are also crime concerns and suggested
that property could be zoned light industrial.
Dan Jordan, representing 3M's Real Estate Dept., stated they have been in
the Industrial Park for ma~ years as Press-On and they share the same
concerns as Culligan. They do not oppose the proposal for a handicapped
dwelling, but with the overall rezoning of land that could be used for
something else.
Leonard Feely, owner of the property proposed for rezoning, stated the
request should only include 3-1/2 acres. Comm. Dev. Director Russell
explained that Charter Oaks is also being included to clean up the zoning
Mr. Russell stated the Planning Commission noted that the request should
be approved since there is a need for this kind of facility next to the
Courage Center.
The Culligan representative stated they would also support the handicapped
project, but suggested some type of conditional use for that land.
Mayor Hooley closed the public hearing.
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Recessed Meeting
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to approve
the request to rezone 11;5 acres of land from Bus.Pk.-Indus. to Multi-Family
Residential Medium Density (RCM) located north of Curve Crest Blvd. & east of
Courage St.Croix Center, Case No. ZAM/93-40, Leonard & Elizabeth Feely,
Applicants. (All in favor). -
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Funke to have a
second reading and enactment of an ordinance amendment rezoning 11.5 acres of
land from Bus.Pk.-Indus. to Multi-Family Residential Medium Density (RCM)
located north of Curve Crest Blvd. '& east of Courage St.Croix Center; Case No.
ZAM/93-40. (Ordinance No. 777)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Nays - None
2. This is the day and time for the Public Hearing to consider a Variance to
the rearyard setback requirements (25 ft. required, 20 ft. requested) for
the construction of a home at 2047 'Oak Glen Dr. in the RA, Single-Family
Residential Dist., Case No. V/93-46, Geraldine A. Freels, Applicant.
Notice of the hearing was published in The Gazette on August 27, 1993
and mailed to affected property owners.
Mr. Russell explained this request is to construct a single-family
residence at the end of Oak Glen Drive with a 27-1/2 ft. front yard setback
and a 22-1/2 ft backyard setback which the Planning Commission adopted as
a condition of approval. This was done because it would then be difficult
to perceive the difference in setbacks from the neighbors. The applicant
agreed and there were no objections from neighbors. Mayor Hooley closed
the public hearing.
Motion by Councilmember Cummings, seconded by Councilmember Funke to approve a
Variance to the rearyard setback requirements (25 ft. required, 22-1/2 ft.
requested) for the construction of a home at 2047 Oak Glen Dr. in the RA,
Single-Family Residential Dist., Case No. V/93-46, as conditioned, Geraldine
A. Freels, Applicant. (All in favor).
3. This is the day and time for the Public Hearing to consider a Variance to
the front yard setback requirement (30 ft. required, 20 ft. requested) for
the construction of a 23 ft. by 26'ft. garage located at 817 So. Fifth St.
in the RB, Two-Family Residential Dist., Case No. V/93-48, Steve Hesse,
Appl icant.
Notice of the hearing was published in The Gazette on August 27, 1993
and mailed to affected property owners.
Mr. Russell explained the request to construct a garage requesting a
variance from the front yard setback requirement. The Planning Commission
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Recessed Meeting
recommended approval with the three conditions. Mr. Hesse stated the
garage will be 24 ft. by 26 ft. Mayor Hooley closed the public hearing.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Cummings to approve
the Variance to the front yard setback requirement (30 ft. required, 20 ft.
requested) for the construction of a 23 ft. by 26 ft. garage located at 817
So. Fifth St. in the RB, Two-Family Residential Dist., as conditioned, Case
No. V/93-48, Steve Hesse, Applicant. (All in favor).
4. This is the day and time for the Public Hearing to consider a Variance to
the side & rearyard setback requirements (5 ft. side & rearyard required,
2 ft., 8 in. proposed) for the construction of a garage located at 912 W.
Laurel St. in the RB, Two-Family Residential Dist., Case No. V/93-49,
Connie F. Devich, Applicant.
Nottceof the hearing was published in The Gazette on August 27, 1993
and mailed to affected property owners.
Mr. Russell stated the request is to construct a small two-stall garage on
a small lot. The City Engineer and Public Works Director think there may
be a sewer line running under the garage slab and suggested this item be
continued to the next meeting in order to clarify this point.
Mr. Devich stated he believes the sewer line is located on the other side
of the property line because the neighbors excavated for a project and
broke the sewer line. They are concerned about further delays.
Consulting Engineer Moore explained where they believe the sewer is
located and recommended that the City Attorney check the records for a
sewer easement. Mayor Hooley closed the public hearing.
Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Funke to continue
the decision, until the meeting on Sept. 14, 1993, for a Variance to the side
& rearyard setback requirements (5 ft. side & rearyard required, 2 ft., 8 in.
proposed) for the construction of a garage located at 912 W. Laurel St. in the
RB, Two-Family Residential Dist., Case No. V/93-49, Connie F. Devich,
Applicant, to determine where the sewer easement is located; (All in favor).
5. This is the day and time for the Public Hearing to consider a second
reading of an ordinance amendment to the ZOning Ordinance, Section 31.01,
regulating development on restrictive soils, Case No. ZAT/93-5, City of
Stillwater, Applicant.
Notice of the hearing was published in The Gazette on August 27, 1993
and mailed to affected property owners.
Mr. Russell explained the amendment is required by the Watershed District
to implement the watershed plan and should be part of the building permit
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Recessed Meeting
review. The Building Official will check soils when subdivisions are
reviewed. Mayor Hooley closed the public hearing.
Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Funke to have a
second reading and enactment of an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance,
Section 31.01, regulating development on restrictive soils, Case No. ZAT/93-5,
City of Stillwater, Applicant. (Ordinance No. 778)
AYes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Nays - None
Council recessed at 8:23 and reconvened at 8:30 P.M.
1. "COO erative A reement with Minn. Historical Society for Ada tive Reuse
u 0 1S or c err or1a r son s e.
Mr. Russell stated the commlttee for this project is currently being
selected and will include a Councilmember, Heritage Preservation
Commissioner, community property owners and business owners.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to adopt
the appropriate resolution authorizing the City's participation in the
cooperative agreement with the Minnesota Historical Society for the adaptive
reuse stuqy of the Historic Territorial Prison site; and authorizing the
signing of said agreement. (Resolution No. 93-162)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Nays - None
2. Presentation of Feasibility Study for Stillwater Market Place Project.
Mayor Hooley abstained from discussion and votlng on th1S 1tem.
Consulting Engineer Moore explained the project and costs. It would
include a major lift station and trunk sewer facility to replace the
temporary one which was installed when the Benson Farm started development.
It would be located on Outlot "C" on the west side 'of Neal Ave. and would
also extend across Co. Road 5 to'provide service in the future to Township
property. Mr. Moore also explained the alignment of the road and drainage
system. The total estimated cost is $3,757,560 which does not include
costs from Co. Road 5 except for signal costs. A representative from
Super Value was present and stated they would like to move forward on this
Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Cummings to consider
a decision on the Stillwater Market Place Feasibility Study at the September
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Recessed Meeting
21, 1993 Council Meeting; and to informally order plans and specifications for
this project at this time. (Ayes - 4; Nays - 0; Abstain - 1, Mayor Hooley)
3. Discussion of Myrtle Street Storm Sewer, L.I. 284.
Mr. Moore rev1ewed the report Wh1Ch covers the construction of a detention
area in the ravine south of Myrtle St. They would propose later this
winter that Myrtle St. be put on a maintenance system because it is an MSA
street and can recover a portion of storm sewer costs through MSA funds.
The total estimated cost is $245,000 and concerns the pipe under the house
and wall behind the house which is showing deterioration. Discussion
followed regarding emergency measures which could be taken to implement
the project and still receive MSA funding. Mr. Moore and the City
Attorney will review statutes to see if this can be done.
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Cummings directing
the City Attorney to revtew the 429 process and Consulting Engineer Moore to
review MSA standards as they relate to emergency situations in order to
construct the Myrtle St. Storm Sewer, L.I. 284. (All in favor).
4. Update on Street Maintenance; Sidewalk Improvement Project, L.I. 274; and
Detention Basin Study. '
Mr. Moore reported that the 1993 Street Maintenance Program with seal
r-' coating has been completed as scheduled.
He further reported that the sidewalk project has been divided into three
districts Which would allow the contractors to bid on one or all areas and
the City could award the bid for each area separately. Mr. Moore added
that any sidewalk construction started has to be completed by freeze-up.
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to adopt
the appropriate resolution approving the plans and specs and ordering the
advertisement for bids for construction of the Sidewalk Project, L.I. 274.
(Resolution No. 93-163)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Funke and Kimble.
Nays ~ Councilmember Cummings and Mayor Hooley.
Mr. Moore also reported on Pizingers Pond, the Deerpath Pond and Heiforts
Pond by stating that the ponds are working the way they should at this
time. He suggested that instead of doing a Feasibility Study, they could
review the ponds and look at past design records to determine if there are
some improvements that should be made. The costs for this work would
amount to approximately $1,500.
Motion by Councilmember Cummings, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to proceed
with the initial study, at a cost of $1,500, to review pond outlets and
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Recessed Meeting
maintenance, etc. that has been provided for Pizingers Pond, Heiforts Pond and
Deer Path Pond. Ayes - 3; Nays - 2, Councilmember Bodlovick and Mayor Hooley.
5. Approval of 1993 Labor Agreement - Teamsters Local 320 (Police).
Motion by CounC1lmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember BodloV1Ck to adopt
the appropriate resolution approving the 1993 Police Labor Agreement.
(Resolution No. 93-164)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Nays - None
1. ReV1ew of proposal for development of si~le family house located off end
of Willard Street requ1r1ng sewer and wa r service extensions. Brad
Benson ap~licant.
Mr. Russe 1 explained the request to construct a single-family residence
with water service to the site to be provided under the driveway and sewer
service coming from Pine St. Easements would be required and the
applicant would pay for sewer and water installation. He further stated
the City could require that the driveway be i""roved with a paved surface.
Barry Stack, representing the applicant, stated the road is part of the
parcel owned by the applicant and they are not interested at this time in
improving it as a public street. A private driveway would be provided.
Mr. Moore added that both the water and sanitary sewer would require
permits from the Dept. of Health, PCA and signed by a registered engineer.
Also, the driveway must be maintained by the owner.
Brad Benson, applicant, stated that he was under the impression that if he
controlled all the lots, he could build his home and not improve the
driveway which is a costly item. The driveway could be left as it is now
with easements across the driveway until the two lots are developed and
then the road would be widened and paved.
Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Funke to approve the
request for development of a single-family house located off the end of
Willard St. with sewer and water service extension as conditioned. (Ayes - 3;
Nays - 2, Councilmember Bodlovick and Mayor Hooley.)
2. Approval of agreement for curbside recycling grant funds (Washington
. County). '
Motion by Councilmember Funke, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to adopt
the appropriate resolution approving the Recycling Grant Agreement with Oak
Park Heights and Washington County. (Resolution No. 93-165)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Recessed Meeting
Nays - None
3. Award of bid for traffic signal - Curve Crest Blvd/Greeley St.
Motion by Counc1lmember Funke, seconded by Counc1lmember BodloV1Ck to adopt
the appropriate resolution awarding the bid for installation of the traffic
signal at the intersection of Curve Crest Blvd./Greeley St., to Peoples
Electric for the sum of $94,900. (Resolution No. 93-166)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Nays - None
4. Approval of Maintenance Agreement for Traffic Signal System, Greeley St. &
Curve Crest Blvd.
Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Funke to adopt
the appropriate resolution approving the maintenance agreement for the traffic
signal system at Curve Crest Blvd./Greeley St. between the City of Stillwater
and Washington Co. (Resolution No. 93-167)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Nays ~ None
STAFF REPORTS (continued)
'Cay Coordinator -
Banner F1reworks Dis~lay Co.
Motion by Counc1lmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to approve
payment of the $780.00 sales tax to Banner Fireworks Display Co. and to add it
to the Bills for Sept. 7, 1993. (All in favor).
Oak Glen Golf Course
Mr. Kriesel summar1zed the discussion which occurred at the two meetings
held by the Ad Hoc Committee on the Oak Glen situation and commented on
the three options formed by the Committee. Richard Kilty, a member of the
Committee, stated he did not think there were three options and stated the
Committee wanted to discern whether the City could legally enter into any
contract regarding this issue. Council continued further discussion of
the Oak Glen Golf Course to the Sept. 14 meeting, after a legal opinion is
received from the City Attorney regarding whether the City can enter into
any contracts.
Resi~nation of Robert Murphy as Civil Defense Director
Mr. riesel reported that Mr. Murphy has res1gned and suggested
designating the Police Chief as the Civil Defense Director. He also
suggested that a workshop be held on this issue.
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Funke to adopt
the appropriate resolution commending and thanking Bob Murphy 'for his
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Recessed Meeting
dedicated years of service as Civil Defense Director for the City.
(Resolution No. 93-168)
AYes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Nays - None '
Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Funke directing the
City Coordinator to obtain the appropriate memento for Mr. 'Murphy. (All in
favor ).
Flood Assistance
C1ty Coord1nator Kriesel reported that notice has been received from the
Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety stating the the City will receive $32,642
from Federal assistance for flood related damages.
Ed Cain, Legislative Consultant
Ed Cain, Leg1s1at1ve Consultant, was present to give an update on the
Levee Wall funding. He also reported on funding for the Southeast
Sanitary Sewer Project which could be divided into two sections in order
to change the economic base of the residents in order to receive funding.
Another possible source could be a housing rehabilitation program.
Mot1on by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to approve
the Consent Agenda of Sept. 7, 1992, including the following: (All in favor).
1. Directin~ Payment of Bills (Resolution No. 93-160).
Ayes '- Counc1lmembers BodloV1Ck; Cummings, Funke, Kimble and Mayor Hooley.
Nays - None
2. The following Contractors Licenses:
A-I Paint Works General Contractor New
507 W. Middle Street
Stillwater, Mn. 55082
Schreiber Mullaney Const. Co.
1286 Hudson Road
St. Paul, Mn. 55106
General Contractor
3. Permit to Consume, Chili Cook-off, Sept. 26 - Downtown Council.
4. Submit claim to insurance agent from Chrystal Mueller regarding damage to
yard from 1mproper drainage.
5. Application for Payment No.3, No. 4th St. & W. Wilkin St. Ravine.
6. Utility Bill Adjustments.
Stillwater City Council Minutes
September 7, 1993
Recessed Meeting
Councilmember Cummings noted that a meeting is being held in the Council
Chambers on Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 7:00 P.M. regarding the National Guard
Armory/Community Center with surrounding communities to discuss interest
in a new Ice Arena.
Councilmember Kimble suggested inviting "Sam Bloomer" to the
ribbon-cutting ceremo~ for the renaming'of the Levee Road to "Sam Bloomer
Way". Mayor Hooley stated he would take care of'this.
Council took note of the following communications:
1. Jeanne Schwietz - Supporting construction of S.E. Sanitary Sewer Project.
2. Washington County 1994-1998 Capital Improvement Plan.
3. City of Sandstone - invitation to LMC Regional Meeting on Oct. 6.
4. LMC memo regarding regional meetings.
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Funke to adjourn
the meeting at 10:20 P.M. (All in favor).
ATTEST: Jm.-L...<~~
No. 93-160 - Directing Payment of Bills.
No. 93-162 ~ Cooperative Agreement for Historical Prison Site Study.
No. 93-163 ~ Approved Plans & Specs, Ad for Bids, Sidewalk Project, L.I.274.
No. 93-164 - Approved 1993 Police Labor Agreement.
No. 93~165 - Approved Recycling Grant Agreement Between City, Washington Co. &
Oak Park Heights.
No. 93-166 - Bid Award for Traffic Signal at Curve Crest & Greeley Sts.
No. 93-167 ~ Maint. Agreement - Traffic Signal, Curve Crest & Greeley Sts.
No. 93-168 - Commending Bob Murphy (retiring as Civil Def. Director.)
No. 177 - Ordinance Amendment rezoning the Feely property.
No. 778 ~ Restrictive Soils Ordinance.