The Downtown Parking Commission met at 8:30 a.m., December 7, 1994, in the council
chambers of city hall, 216 N. 4th Street, Stillwater, MN 55082.
Present: Paul Simonet, Carl Ranum, Patrick Anderson, Katie Holdorph, Ed Stuart, Dave
Others: Steve Russell, Stu Glaser, Ann Terwedo
Lease Agreement, Mark Desch
Steve Russell, Community Development Director, reviewed the background on the lease
agreement for the Desch parking lot. He stated that Dave Magnuson needs to review the
agreement. If the committee feels that the lot should not be public, then a hearing should be held
with neighboring property owners.
Carl Ranum made a motion to get the lot signed. Motion died for lack of a second.
Patrick Anderson stated that fees need to cover the costs of the parking program.
Paul Simonet stated that employees should pay for permits.
Carl Ranum wants to know the city attorney's opinion.
Carl Ranum made a motion to get the lot signed. Seconded by Dave Swanson. All in favor.
Katie Holdorph felt that the commission needs to look at short and long term goals.
Steve Russell stated that shared uses are positive in the downtown area.
Patrick Anderson stated that more publicity needs to be done on the parking lots.
UBC Parking Lot
Steve Russell updated the commission on the UBC lot. UBC will be moving next fall. NSP will
then clean up the lot and lease it to the city. Dick Anderson will be purchasing the building.
Parking Permits and Fines
Stu Glaser reviewed the parking revenues for 1994.
Motion by Carl Ranum, seconded by Paul Simonet to raise the fees from $5 a month to $10 a
month (beginning March 1, 1995). Carried. 6-0
Dave Swanson added to that motion for a 25 percent discount for seniors. Discussion followed.
Seconded by Carl Ranum. Motion died. 5-0
Motion by Katie Holdorph to charge $100 per year. Seconded by Patrick Anderson. The motion
carried. 6-0 (starting March 1, 1995).
Motion by Patrick Anderson, Dave Swanson seconded the motion that fines be raised (beginning
March 1, 1995). Carried. 6-0
Letters will be sent to downtown businesses once city council approves the rate increase.
Letters will be sent out after city council approval. A parking signage subcommittee was formed
consisting of Patrick Anderson, Dave Swanson, Paul Simonet and Carl Ranum.
Dave Swanson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Carl Ranum. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Pung-Terwedo