HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-01-12 - 1960-12-28 CC MINCouncil Chamber January 12, 1960 7:30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen
Opening prayer by the City Clerk
Present: Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell,Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, minutes of the
following meetings were approved:
Special meeting November 19, 1959'
Regular adjourned meeting November 24, 1959'
Special meeting November 27, 1959/
Regular meeting December 8, 1959-
Special meeting December 11, 1959✓
Special meeting December 12, 1959/
Regular adjourned meeting December 29, 1959v
On motion of Councilmen Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, Soft Drink
licenses were granted to the following for the year 1960:
S. F.Crea 226 East Chestnut St.
Warren Murphy 229 East Chestnut St.
ded by
on motesnweregranted to
of Councilman Charlsen,
thelfollowingnfor theyearCouncilman0 Simpson, cigarette
4th & Wilkin Streets
226 East Chestnut Street
229 East Chestnut Street
Fred F. Thompson
S. F. Crea
Warren Murphy
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, a taxi cab
224 South Main
1960.ae (w4scabsnatdthe rate Cof1$15.00 pert cab, for a total Sofeet for the year
to the $60.00) .
From the Banister Engineering amaynethat the
Council authorize
change order substituting a gsndgas" heat exchanger for the"oil andgas
axohenger originally
specified in the contract in connection with sewage treat-
ment plant.
asmotion o
change order
preparedfby hei seconded
Banister Engineering Co. was by napproved and thetMayor and City
Clerk were authorized and directed to sign same.
From the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, in report form,showing
the status of Municipal State Aid Fund as of December 31, 1959, as applied to the
they maof intenance Stillwater
and 157report
constructionefund�986.20 in
balance of
From the State of Minnesota, Secretary of State, in regard to new mobile tax law.
From the State of Minnesota, legal department, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension,
addressed to Raymond Law,Chief of Police, in connection with basic police school
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilme: Jewell, the Police Chief
Was authorized to nge
would be possible forathe work
some of hismenhtouattend covering patrolmen
thePoliceSchool. so that it
From the State of Minnesota, Department of Business Development, in regard to
Federal Grants for urban planning.
From Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company which read as follows "Concerning
new interceptor sewer which the City of Stillwater is installing. This is to
advise that we are willing to progress our standard form license which includes
a thirty day cancellation clause for approval by our management on basis of the
city paying an annual rental of 1100.00 and that we will be relieved of any
assessments in connection with the project. Please advise if this is agreeable
to the city.
This matter was turned over to Mayor Madsen.
A petition with ietteettassof property
owners attis9
servioe ontPnSrwread atthe December29thmeeng,195andear-
d meet
of WaterrCommissionersi in. Mayor
sthis matter inthee near future.
with the Board
Mr. Ronald Ehlinger, Superintendent of Public Works, reported that the School
Board has not reached a decision cectioet on with the I. A. Bergen request for
a street alongschool property. (Orleanshave filed certificates of in-
surance that Barbaroesa & Sons, Inc., of certificates
Tue clerk sup the Employers Mutual Liability Insurance Coman19of. (inter-
ceptor issued by said policies will expire January 1,
Tor the following ect;erage,
sewer prof
1. Workmen's compensation
2. Comprehensive generalliability
$1,000,000t.00 each accident
Aggregate $1,000,000.00
Property damage, $100,000.00 each accident
Aggregate $ 300,000.00
3. Automobile
each person
$250,0,d 0.00 each accident
Properttyy damage, $r,per3100,000.00 each accident
One b d was received for two aluminum boats for use at the bathing beaches land
Aluma yCraft, model E. with oars,12. foot aluminum. boats, ed fiber
glass coated fourteen foot boats,
thaid from he Stillwater Motor Co., Stillwater, Minnesota:
sum of $619.00, less trade-in allowwance fortotal two cnet rbid ripr two
twelve foot aluminum boats, $450.00. Jewell the bid was
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman ,
accepted and the Mayor anddCity Clerk Cleat were authorizedto enter into a con-
tract covering same.
Councilman Charlsen
1. Reportis
e ofntthe apartments in the city owned house on Fourth
2. Suggested that a survey be made to determine property lines in connection
Lake). He
ed that the Concil
chase additionalaland lda
directly west of preset ntbeach. property.. pur-
Councilman Jewell
1. Reported
hat onone
the tithe
tndedepartment trucks is being repaired by
2. Protective clothing for sewer work was purchased recently.
3. Suggested that the Council consider purchase of a small generator suffi-
.... cient to furnish lights for sewer work at an estimated cost of $150.00 to
pindedtbyacouncilmaiCharlsen, the matter was
referred to Councilman
4. Stated that the street department is in need of a compressor and w elder
and also a service lift for use by the city mechanic.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, this matter
was referred to Councilman Jewell with power to act.
Reports -Councilman Jewell -continued
5. He suggested that the Council consider an expenditure of about $680.00
for a new electrical service to accommodate the fire station, street
garage and city hall, and also an additional $50.00 for underground con-
duit to accommodate telephone service for the same buildings. He stated
the new electrical service will provide sufficient current to operate all
city equipment and will also decrease the cost of electricity because the
new service would reduce the electrical rate.
6. Reported that the Trinity Church Board will take action in the matter of
paying part of the cost for installation of a new street light sometime
ago. Said light is located near the Youth Center on North Third Street.
7. Reported that one of the men working in the street department, namely,
Russell Bonse is not working at the present time due to illness.
Councilman Simpson.
1. Reported that the Fire Department is running smoothly at this time.
2. He presented copies of Order and Work Sheets to be used for all city
mechanical work performed by Mr.Doerr.
Mayor Madsen
lied with a
Municipal Judge Land placed eanlorder afor ap request
He reorted he and jury rail to beusedfs during
trials. The order for said rail was placed with Mr.Arthur Johnson.
The Mayor suggested that the Council authorize an expenditure of about $187.00
to install obscure glass over present windows in the Court Room which glass would
eliminate the glare and also serve as storm windows, and a table for the Court
Room at an estimated cost of $87.51.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the matter was
referred to Mayor Madsen with power to act.
The clerk inquired if there was room available in the new street garage to store
voting machines.
been htakennforhe streetding departmenttor, equipmentmed andhotheracitylvehiclesspace has
The clerk stated that the voting machines are presently stored in the old Schu-
lenberg School building owned by the city and that said building was not suitable
for that purpose.
Councilman Simpson stated that he would investigate the possibility of storing
themachines in the Fire Station and report at a later date.
Mr. Stenseng and Mr.Fierke appeared before the Council and requested anon -con-
forming building permit to construct a gasoline service station at Third and
Churchill Streets.
Dr. Kiolbasa appeared before the Council and acted as spokesman for some of the
people residing in the area involved. Dr. Kiolbasa stated that in his opinion
the matter should be referred to the Planning Commission and if said Commission
the peoplend that the residing insrea be reclassified the area would abidefbymtheirdential to commercial,
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the matter was
and referred
dCo Council will onmthesion request forh hession will meet on non -conforming permituary on Febr1960
9, 1960.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the sfollowing
certificates of insurance covering Ritzer Landscape Service, Inc.,
pthe anyby
MinsconnectionBwith truck rental and nce forCsnowplowing wered dStates approved0andaordered
1. Workmen's Compensation, policy No.WC 308246 (United States Casualty Company)
2. Comprehensive public liability, policy No.CL37861
1,000.00 each person
$$00,000.00 each accident
3. Property damage liability, other than automobile, policy No. 37861
5,000.00 each accident
$25,000.00 aggregate
4. Automobile public liability, policy No. 37861
$100,000.00 each person
300,000.00 each accident
5. Automobile property damage liability, Polley No. 37861
$50,000.00 each accident.
Items 2 through 5 covered by Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company
Policy No.WC 308246 expires 10-.1-60
Policy No.CL 37861 expires 5-16-60
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the request for
a non -conforming building permit from Howard Hanson, 516 South Broadway, in con-
nection with remodeling of existing one family dwelling to a three-plex with plans
for a four-plex in the future was referred to the zoning commission.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the request for a
non -conforming building permit from Nestor Harvieux, 620 West Pine Street, in con-
nection with remodeling of existing three -plea to four-plex was referred to the
Planning Commission.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, insurance policy
No.M7820777 issued -by the Great American Insurance Company of New York in the
amount of $500.00 covering one aqua lung and miscellaneous equipment stored at
Lily Lake Beach and oneaqua lung and miscellaneous equipment stored at the Legion
Beach was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the building
inspector's report covering activities during the month of December, 1959,was ap-
proved and ordered filed.
0n motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the building
inspector's report covering the year 1959 was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilmen Tennant, the annual report
of the Stillwater Fire Department for the year 1959 was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, Merlin Miller was
appointed an auxiliary fireman (appointment recommended by the Fire Chief).
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the clerk made
the second reading of "An Ordinance determining the annexation of certain land to
be in the best interestof the City of Stillwater and of the territory affected and
declaring same to be annexed to the city."
The ordinance was read section by section, and on roll call, all members of the
Council voted in the affirmative.
The Chair then put the question 'Shall this ordinance pass' and on roll call it
was unanimously adopted.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Clerk made
the second reading of "An ordinance amending an ordinance fixing and establishing
sewer service charges and providing for the collection thereof.
The ordinance was read section by section, and on roll call, all members of the
council voted in the affirmative.
The Chair then put the question 'Shall this ordinance pass' and on roll call,it
was unanimously adopted.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the clerk
made the second reading of "An ordinance amending an ordinance authorizing the
installation of parking meters to regulate traffic."
The ordinance was read,section by section,and on roll call,
Council voted in the affirmative.
The Chair then put the question 'Shall this ordinance pass' and on roll call,
it was unanimously adopted.
allmembers of the
The following resolutions wore read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Diredting the payment of bills.
2. Relating to compensation of street department employees (paid holidays)
3. Authorizing employment of mechanic (Paul Doerr)
4. Authorizing the issue and 2salG0eo27 'ertificates of indebtedness (Local
Improvement No.22-1959, $ ,
5. Authorizing the issue and sale 87oof3certificates of'lndebtedness (Local
Improvement No. 23, 1959,
5. Authorizing the issue and sale of certificates of indebtedness (Real
ndu$$17,300,02 for construction of new building to house street
7. Authorizing employment of fire department dispatcher (Milton Leroy Patten)
8. Authorizing employment of temporary fireman (George E. Murphy).
esota in
9. with stormgsewer�, tion ofhighwaysNo.95 andbond
Mulberry Streett,n$$1000.00.connection
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewel, meeting adjourned
at 11:10 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Ja: uary 29, 1960 3:00 P.M.
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson and President Madsen
Absent: Councilman Tennant
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Authorizing execution of License agreement (Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul
and Paoifio Railroad Company and the Chicago North Western Railway Com-
pany $100.00).
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 3:15 P.M.
Council Cnamber February 9, 196u
Stillwater, Minnesota
1:3u P.M.
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by City Clerk.
Present: Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, minutes of
the following meetings were approved:
Regular Meeting, January 12, 1960, 7:30 P.M.
Special Meeting, January 29, 1960, 3:00 P.M.
On motion of Councilman aennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, cigarette lic-
enses were granted to the following for the year 1960:
Harry Aleinschnita 826 South Fourth Street
Donald Michaelsen 108 South Third Street.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, a soft drink
license was granted to
Donald Michaelson 108 South Third Street
for the year 1960.
From the St. Croix Barge Terminal Company which read as follows:
"Pursuant to the terms of the contract of September 22, 1958, below is an annual
1959 "On and Over the Dock Report" along with a check, No. 1453, in settlement
in amounts due for that year. Dock activities for the year 1959:
Coal, on, over, the dock
Phosphate, on, over, the dock
Total tons
Dollar rate 20,000 x w.05 - .0.000.00
14,456.21 x 4 r $ 578.25
Total amount due for the year
Leas amount paid 7-14-59
Total amount due
1 ,633.54 tons
16,822.67 tons
34,456.21 tons
The total tonnage reflects a continued increase in tonnage on and over the dock
amounting to a 22% increase over the year 1958. The warehouse building is now
completed along with the installation of the ccnveyor system which allows the
continued flow: of material from barge to any point in the warehouse and out again
to a hopper for loading of material into railroad cars or trucks. Piling has
been driven and other mechanical machinery has been installed to allow dockage
and movement of the barges for unloading. A continued effort is being made to
extend the dock by adding fill, cutting trees, and landscaping the southerly
portion of the grounds in order to provide dock storage along the whole area.
A11 of the above expenditures have been made in behalf of both of our interests
and I trust that it is quite evident that a goodly sum is being invested by the
Stillwater St. Croix Barge Terminal Ccmpany in order to promote and attract
river transportation to Stillwater."
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the letter
from the St. Croix Barge Terminal Company was ordered filed.
From the St. Croix barge Terminal Company, addressed to Mr. Ron Ehlinger, Super-
intendent of Public Forks, which read as follows:
"This is to confirm my verbal statement that it is not cur intention at this time
to chan,-_e the grade level of the existing coal dock along the line of the new
From the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, in report form showing the
annual apportionment of municipal state aid street fund for the year 1960:
Total allotment
;44, 703.00
,o, From the Department of Health, Education and welfare, Regional Office, Kansas
City, Missouri, addressed to Mayor Madsen, which read as follows:
"We are in receipt of the City Attorney's opinions relative to site, easements,
and rights of way dated October 27, 1959 and December 28, 1959. Based upon his
assurances that the necessary easements have been obtained and that the City
owns the treatment plant site in fee simple with a clear title we are now in a
position to make a formal grant commitment to the City of Stillwater. The
amount of the federal grant will be based on the actual eligible project cost not
to exceed the amount of the original grant offer."
Copy cf a letter written by Mayor Madsen to Mr. C. J. Freseman, Division dngi-
neer, Chicago Northwestern Railway Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, which read
as follows:
"Received your letter of January 11 in regard to the license or permit to cross
your right of way with the interceptor sewer. You stated that you would re-
quire an annual rental of 4100.00 and that you would be relieved of any assess-
ments in connection with the project. We are not very happy about your sugges-
tion of y100.00 a year rental because we feel that this is considerably out of
line but we would be willing to go along with a deal on the same basis that we
made with the Northern Pacific Railway for a considerably longer easement and
that was done as follows:
They gave us an easement for the sum of 4100.00 on the condition that we do not
charge them any assessments and that we pay for removing and relaying any tracks
wherever necessary.
This has already bean done and we sincerely hope that you will agree to the same
terms which would be very satisfactory to us. Anything that you can do to speed
this matter along will be greatly appreciated by us as the contractor is getting
to the point where he is going to need access to your property."
Mayor Madsen stated that he had received a telephone call from Mr. Freseman and
that the Railway Company has agreed to go along with the Mayor's suggestion.
From Mrs. George Stennes, b13 Nortn Third Street, complaining about doge congre-
gating around the schools, particularly in the mornings.
Mayor Madsen referred this matter to the Chief of Police.
A petition signed by R. A. Jorgenson, E. A. Elliott, H. W. Handevidt, was read:
"We, the undersigned owners of all the property abutting East Balsam Street re-
spectfully request the Stillwater City Cowell to change the name of this street
to River Heights Drive, Stillwater, Minnesota. This Street is only one block
long from North First Street to North Second Street."
There was no one present who objected to changing the name of East Balsam Street.
This was the day and time set to open bids fcr the Construction of sanitary sewers
consisting of approximately 10,050 lineal feet of lateral sewer varying in size
from eight (8) inch to twelve (12) inch, together with appurtenances and approx-
imately 1,110.lineal feet of six (6) inch C.I.P. force main and one sewage pump-
ing station. ^_he following sealed lidswore opened and read aloud:
Bid No. 1
Moelter Co.islruction Company, Stillwater, hinnesota
Total Sanitary Sewers
No bid on Sewage Pumping Station
Start work date, parch 1, 1960
complete worse date, Atgust 1, 1960
Bid No. 2
Peter Lametti Construction Company, 615
Lrake Street, St. Paul 2, Minnesota
Total Sanitary Sewers °76,494.20
Total Sewage Pumping Station $11,500.00
Start work date, As specified in plans and specifications
Complete work date, As specified in plans and specifications
Bid No. 3
Lametti & Sons, Inc., 211 North Pascal Avenue, St. Paul 4, Minnesota
Total Sanitary Sewers 4j7,691.30
Total Sewage Pumping Station, base bid S23,700.00
Complete work date, As per specifications
Yid No. 4
Parbarossa & Sons, Inc., St. Cloud, Minnesota
Total Sanitary Sewers $87,527.15
Total Sanitary Sewers and Sewage 0110,0266.15
Pumping Station
Start work date, April 18, 1960
Completework date, August 1, 1960
Bid No. 5
James D. Wolff Company,2227 East County Road F', St. Paul 10, Minnesota
Total Sanitary Sewers '�100, (4.7.[5
Total Sewage Pumping Station 4 20 954.57
Start work date, sanitary sewers, May 1, 1)b0
Complete work date, Sanitary Sewers, August 1, 1960
Start work date, Sewage Pumping Station, March 1, 1960
Complete work date, Sewage Pumping Station, August 1, 1960
Lid No. 6
F'. Morettini Construction Co., 852 vest Minister St., St. Paul, 1, Minnesota
Total Sanitary Sewers $119,944.05
Total Sewage Pumping Station $ 24,770.00
Start work date, Sanitary Sewers, April 15, 1960
Complete work date, Sanitary Sewers, As specified
Start work date, Sewage Pumpi.-g Station, March 1, 1960
Complete work date, Sewage Pumping Station, As specified
Bid Nc. 7 Nouland Construction Co. Inc., Alexandria, Minnesota
Total Sanitary Sewers yv 97,308.30
Total Sanitary Sewers and Sewage 4123,338.30
lumping Station
Start work date, Sanitary Sewers, April 15, 1960
Complete work date, Sanitary Sewers, April 15, 1960
Start work date, Sewage Pumping Station, August 1, 1960
Complete work date, Sewage Pumping Station, August 1, 1960
It is apparent that the bidder made a mistake on pis complete work date.
Bid No. 8
Acton Construction Co., Iac., 1871 West County Road C, St. Caul 13, Minnesota
Total Sewage Pumping Station 419,924.00
Start work date, March 1,1960
Complete work date, Yvill be completed two weeks following delivery of
No bid on Sanitary sewers
Bid No. 9
Montgomery Construction Co., St. Croix Falls, 1iisconsin
Total Sanitary Sewers 865,060.20
Total Sewage Pumping Station 415,57S.00
Start work date, Sanitary Sewers, April 1, 1160
Complete wcrk date, Sanitary Sewers, August 1, 1963
Start wcrk date, Sewage Pumping Station, May 1, 1960
Complete work date, Sewage Punning Station, August 1, 1960
203 •
Bid No. 10
Austin P. Keller, 2467 North Albert, St. Paul 13, Minnesota
Total Sanitary Sewers $H9,O04.55
No bid on Sewage Pumping Station
Start work date, Sanitary Sewers, April 15, 1960
Complete work date, As specified
Bid No. 11
Robert W. Moore, 1613 Ridgwood Lane, St. Paul 13, Minnesota
Total Sanitary Sewers xd3,814.00
No bid on Sewage Pumping Station
Start work date, Sanitary Sewers, May 1
Complete work date, July 30
Year not specified
Bid No. 12
Waloon excavating Company, 3442 II_ghway if d, Minneapolis ld, Minnesota
Total Sanitary Sewers S103,655.70
No bid on Sewage Pumping Station
Start work date, Sanitary Sewers, Apri1,19b0
Complete work date, August, 1960
The bids were tabulated by Mr. Burhandt and Mr. Miller of the Bannister Mngineer-
ing Company. Mr. Miller then informed the Co ,mail that the Peter Lametti Con-
struction Company was thelow bidder and recommended that the Council award a
contract for construction of sanitary sewers at this time to the Peter Lametti
Construction Company but he suggested that the council defer action on award-
ing a contract for construction of the sewage Dumping station because he felt
the unit bid by the Peter Lametti Construction Company should be checked before
making a recommendation to. the Council.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the Peter
Lametti Construction Company bid for construction of sanitary sewers was accepted
and the Mayor end City Clerk were authorized and directed to enter into a con-
tract covering same. (See Resolution cn this action)
This was the day and time set for the hearing on the petition to vacate a por-
tion of Wiest Willard Street in the City of Stillwater, Minnesota.
Portion sought to be vacated is described as follows:
"All that portion of Nest Willard Street lying immediately south of Block
Eleven (11) of 'Walter Nelson's Lakeview Addition."
There was no one present who objected to the vacation of said street. (See
The request from Stenseng and Fierke for a non -conforming building permit to
cover construction of a gasoline service station at Third and Churchill Streets
was again considered by the Council. The following Letters from Mr. Rodney,
consultant for the Local Planning Commission and from Charles Thompson, Secre-
tary of the Planning Commission, were read:
"Thomas H. Rodney, Community Planning and Design Associates, inc.
It is our recommendation that a permit to construct a non -conforming use on the
northwest corner of Third Street and Churchill Street be denied., we do not
believe that the granting of such a privilege is ccnsistant witn good zoning
practice. we feel compelled to note that the investigation we conducted into
this case indicates that the existing commercial activity around the intersec-
tion of Fourth Street and Churchill Street appears to be important as a neignbor-
hood center today, and will in all likelihood continue to be cae in the future.
Therefore, we believe that consideration be given to the possible expansion
and modernization of the center. A concrete recommendation of the center cannot
— be given until a comprenensive planning program is undertaken and an opportun-
ity nas been nan to fully review the zoning ordinance in relation to proposed
land use distributions."
"C. J. Thompson, Secretary of the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission took action to recommend to the Council that the request
for non -conforming use of property by Stenseng and Fierke on the northwest corner
Third and Churchill be denied. Similar action was taken on the non -conforming
use of property on the northeast corner of Pine and Martha Streets.(Nester Bar-
vieux) for a multiple dwelling. Both recommendations were in concurrence with
the recommendations of the community planning and design associates who are the
City Planning Consultants."
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, it was decided
to follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission andedand enyatheareny the qionuestf a
from Stenseng and Fierke for a non -conforming permit
gasoline filling station at Third and Churchill Streets.
Mayor Madsen reported that he did meet witn the Board of .water Commissioners
and that said board has agreed to use the same engineering firm employed by the
City. The Mayor stated that this method would avoid duplication in engineering.
On motion cf Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the I. A.
Bergen request to extend Orleans Street to Greeley Street was referred to the
Superintendent of Public Works for investigation and estimated costs to rough
grade and gravel said street.
Councilman Charlsen
1. One of the apartments in the City owned house on Fourth Street is still vacant.
2. Suggested that the Council consider the purchase of a small slide for use
at Lily Lake beach.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the matter was
referred to Councilman Charlsen with power to act.
3. Suggested that the Council consider the construction of a tennis and basket-
ball court at Washington Park.
Councilman Jewell
1. Reported that garage equipment recently purchased has been delivered.
2. Stated that city streets will require considerable repair work this spring
and suggested that the council consider the purchase of a roller or vibrator
to be used for street patching with bituminous material.
Councilman Simpson
1. Reported tnat a door and window has been broken at the Legion beach. (Break-in)
2. Stated that Mr. Patten, caretaker at the Legion Beach, is also working as
a dispatcher at the Fire Station and that Mr. Patten would like to live in
the , caretaker's house at the Legion Leach. He has agreed to make necessary
repairs and improvements providing the City furnish the material.
3. Suggested that the Council authorize the installation of a new hydrant and
adaptor, said adaptor to be used for loading Maple Island Trucks with water
in connection with rural fire runs. Estimated cost about ,239.00.
Cn motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the Gater
Department was authorized to install the hydrant and adaptor.
4. Stated that at the present time when the Maple island whistle is sounded in
connection with fires about 18 volunteer firemen respond. He suggested that
some type of alarm be installed at the fire station and when same is sounded
have some arraignment so that only about six men would respond which would
effect a saving.
Councilman Tennant
1. Skating rinks open to public.
2. Reported that the Stillwater Motor Company will store two aluminum boats
recently purchased until same are needed at the beaches.
3. Trying to locate suitable land to be used for dumping purposes.
4, Suggested that the clerk purchase suitable water pitchers and glasses for
use at Council meetings.
Mayor Madsen
1. Suggested that the Council authorize the purchase of a robe for the Muni-
cipal Judge at an estimated cost cf $72.00.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, this matter
was referred to the Mayor and City Clerk with power to act.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the contract
between the Stillwater Evening Gazette and the City covering official printing
during the year 1360 was approved and ordered filed. (Drawn by the City Attor-
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the following
orders as
andrCity Clerk wed ere the
and directed tom sign same;were approved
1. Project -Interceptor Sewer.
Nature of change.
"This work included removal of section of brick sewer, concrete encasement,
stone foundation, timbers and piling, dewatering and relocating four inch
C.I. P. water main all in vicinity of diversion structure No. Seven (7)
(Nelson Street). Total cost, 32,272.62.
2. Project -Sanitary Sewers -Lily Lake
Nature of change.
"The sewer contractor is to cut South Grove Street from Pine Street to
approximately on hundred and fifty (150) feet north of Oak Street to the
proposed grade as shown on the plans. The contractor is to be paid for
sewers at depths below existing and street grade but is to install manholes
and risers to conform to proposed street grade. The compensation to the
contractor for cutting the street to the proposed grade is the difference in
cost between the actual sewer installation and the installation as shown on
the plans. There will be no additional charge. (Cost estimated)"
On motion of Councilman Cbarlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, insurance policy
No. 122-15400 issued by the Kansas City Fire and Marine insurance Company covering
three family apartment building at 107 North Fourth Street against fire, light-
ning and extended coverage in the amount of 410,000.00 wasapproved and ordered
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the following
insurance constructionofes sewageering the treatmentActon plantOonstruction were approvedompany in coand ordered filed: with
1. Policy No. A-6313a0 issued by the Iowa Mutual insurance Company of DeWitt,
on -owned
each• person. Bodily injury, 4300,000icate) Owned, hired, .t00neach accident. ±'r0 0,000.00
operty damage,
4100,000.00 each accident.
by the
U2. Plicy No. ni no Fire Insurance JCompany of1-37-37 nNew dYork i in the Policy)ne issued
ofd;550,000.00 Commercial
3. Policy No. 0310-02-030382. 7.orkman's Compensation, including occupational
disease issued by the Employer's Mutual Liability Insurance Company of eisconsin,
tausau, Wisconsin.
4. Policy No. 0320-03-0303d2, Comprehensive General Liability issued by the
Employer's Mutual Liability insurance uCompaany0,000.sctf Wisconsin,
each aWausau,
agEtch Cate. roperty0 .ama Bodily 00 00j Y+
aggregate. Property damage, �y100,000.00 each accident. 4100,000.00 aggregate.
(Contractual liability included in the above policy)
On motion of Councilman ed by
an C
agreement in connection with lead
sementobtained ufrom mMelvinrASeKrohn am
E. Krohn to construct, maintain, and operate a sanitary sewer was approved.
The original easement covered a strip of land thirty (30) feet in width
lots seven (7),eighttand nine (9) in block five
((5), McKinstry and Seeley's
Addition beinggfifteen (15) feet on each side of a line parallel to and on -:
ixteen feet
d modifiedh of tothe heonorthalinelone f said lots. The original
After construction of said sanitary ntsaid
a strip of land fifteen (de) feet width,beingseven and onehali(71)feet
en each side of the line described therein.
Councilman 'Tennant, the report on <.
Mn motion of Councilman Simpson, by
ictt Court activities during the years 195d and 1959 was
approved and orderedfiled.
The City Clerk reported that the Council met forty one times during the year
1959. The total Included regular and special meetings.
The City Clerk reported on parking meter receipts as follows:
Year, 1953 414,428.00
195 $166,6660.50
1955 018,306.00
1956 $16,363.o6
19578 $16,569.9 19517,
1959 $16,672.
The clerk stated that parking meter receipts during the year 1959 were equivalent
to a tax levy of 5.04 mills.
The clerk stated that Norman 0. Peterson who resides at Lewis,. tidsconsin,-inquired
Mo the Council m would lansoon establishingoff-sale
residence in ther license
city after. be9disposesWilliam
Mfepror rt hno. w P at Lewis,
y rt-
sen r seconded by Councilman Jewell, thisi Onn of ncilman inves-
On motion of
seconded Association of Minnesuranceota
covering: Merlin R. Miller was approved and ordered filed in: the office of the
Fire Chief.
The City Clerk suggested that the Council consider
derepassage of ae of n ordinance es-
rebatingnt minimum requirements concerning
relating to plats, water, ynwasainstruct services,
tCeprepare an Ordinance ash outlineda:
matters. The City Attorney
above and present same for a first reading in the near future.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following_
sewer rental charges were established as provided in Ordinance No. 371:
South Main Street 22.25 per quarter
1. JaieswR�sr Motor Company, 5.00 per quarter
2. James Russell, 9211321n Second St. $ 5.00 per quarter
3. Glaser Greenhouse,
1321 South Fifth Street 4, Washington County Historical society,
$ 5.00 per quarter
602 North Main :,treat 30.00 per quarter
5. Stillwater Golf Club, North Fourth Street 5.00 per quarter
6. Stella is airy, 224 rYest Stillwater Avenue 5.00 per quarter
George Gulden, 320 North Owens Street $ 5.00 per quarter
b. 'William Kress, 211 nest Stillwater Avenue 9. Ray Marty, 625 North Fifth Street 415.00 per quarter
5.00 per quarter
w 5.00 per quarter
10. Elmer Elliott, North Second orthtF'irst Street Use previous billing
12. Ray A. B. genson, lRiver Heights Drive
12. Rey A. Jorgenson, 5
A11 the above charges were fixed to cover the year 1960.
207 e
On motion of Councilman Sennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the building
inspector's report covering activities during the month of January, 196u, was
approved and ordered filed.
Mr. burhandt and Mr. Miller of the Bannister Engineering Company appeared before
the Council and presented a detailed report in connection with the proposed
South Fourth Street improvement -
Toe City Clerk informed the Council members tnat a new medical and surgical plan
is being offered by Blue Cross, known as Minnesota Indemnity Inc. This new plan,
if approved, would replace present Blue Shield contract.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, this matter
was referred to the City Clerk with power to act for the group.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, Leighton Charl-
sen was granted permission to place steel barrels in tnedowntown area to be
used as .rubbish receptacles on a one month trial basis. Mr. Charlsen stated that
some type of advertising would be painted on the barrels. (Councilman Cnarlsen
retrained from voting on this motion)
The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance cnanging the name of
Balsam Street as requested in the petition and present same at tne next regular
meeting of tne Council for its first reading.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Appointing fire department Lieutenants. (Louis Garavalia and Roy ndstrom)
3. Authorizing sick leave. (Russell bone)
w++ 4. Vacating part of sest Billard Street (';falter Nelson's Addition)
5. Issue and sale of Certificates of Indebtedness. (Local Improvement Project
No. 22-1959 in the amount of $2,44.29)
6. Authorizing investment of funds. (Sanitary Sewer Revenue Fund)
7. Accepting bid for construction of Sanitary Sewers, McKusick Lake Area.
(Peter Lametti Construction Co. base bid, $76,494.20)
On motion of Councilman Cnerlsen, seconded ty Councilman Tennant, meeting
adjourned to February 23, 1960 at 3:30 Y.M. This meeting adjourned at 12:15 A.M.
209 '` •
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular Adjourned Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Charlsen.
February 23, 1900 3:30 P.M.
Present: Councilman Jewell, Simpson, Tennant, and Vice President Charlsen.
Absent: President Madsen.
Also Present: Mr. Willis Bloom, zichard Olson, members of the Board of Water
or Commissioners, and Harold roster, Secretary of the board of Water
Vice President Charlsen announced that the Water Board members were invited to
attend this meeting for the purpose of discussing the over all improvement of
South Fourth Street between iiillard and Orleans Street.
Mr. Burhandt of the banister Engineering Company gave a detailed report in con-
nection with the South Fourth Street improvement. The Water Board members
agreed that new mains should be laid along South Fourth Street between Churchill
and Orleans Streets, but felt more time would be required to inspect the mains
from Churchill to mine Streets.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Ordering hearing on street improvement (South Fourth Street between Orleans
and Willard Streets)
2. Accepting bid for construction of a sewage pumping station in connection
with sanitary sewers. (Mcxusick Lake area)
3. Amending resolution authorizing investment of funds. (Sanitary Sewer Rev-
enue Fund, 0000.00)
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, meeting
adjourned at 9:30 P. M.
Attest: Ci C1.
t, ark
Council Chamber March 8, 1/60 7:30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: :lone.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, minutes of the
following meetings were approved:
Regular Meeting February 9, 1960, at 7:30 P.-Iw1.
Regular Adjourned Meeting, February 23, 1960, at 3:30 P. M.
The following applications for on and off sale 3.2 beer licenses were presented
but on account of being in the residential district were automatically carried
over to the next regular meeting of the Council:
E. James Meister, 901 South Fourth Street.
Ralph E. Otte, 517 North Owens Street.
Application for an off sale 3.2 beer license from C. H. Felix, 413 South Greeley
Street, was presented but on account of being in the residential district, was
automatically carried over to the next regular meeting of the Council.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, as off sale 3.2
beer license was granted to John Hooley, doing business as Hooley's Super Market,
109 North Main Street.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, on and off sale
3.2 beer licenses were granted to Albert C. Ponath, 313 East Chestnut Street.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, a second hand
dealer's license was granted to Evan Slachta, 223 South Main Street, subject to
the approval of the chief of police.
On motion cf Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman 'Tennant, a junk dealer's
license was granted to Sherman Gordon, 233 East Nelson Street.
On motion of Councilman Tenant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the following
licenses were granted to Leighton Charlsen, 1030-4th Ave. So., for the year,
1. Hauling things to the city dump.
2. Collect and dispose of garbage and rubbish.
From Thomas C. Campbell, Superintendent of school District i1o. S34, which read
in part as follows:
"The Loord of Education will agree to the extension of Orleans Street and will
dedicate the property along their south boundary for this purpose. However, the
hoard has made its plans relative to the access to and from the new Senior High
School and relative to parking with the thought that Orleans Street would not be
cut through. Consequently they have little use for nor see any direct value to the
school eminating from the developed street. The board takes the posy ion that the
cost of the property to be dedicated for the right cf way is such that they would
not feel that they would or eculd undertake to pay the cost cf development of the
From Thomas C. Campbell, duperintendent of School District No. 834, which read
as follows:
"The question cf the extension of Orleans Street along the south line of the
new District 834 Senior High School sight threatens to delay progress at the job.
At the present time our plans are drawn to have Northern States Power install
the poles and the line along the existing property boundary. We must make a
decision on any change within the next two weeks. The board has indicated its
desire to cooperate if assurances can be gained that the school district will
not be expected to defray the cost of building, and, or, maintaining the road.
It is unfortunate that the matter of extending Orleans Street was so late in
being called to our attention. Our planning bcth in placement of the building
and in gaining access to the building v:ere premised on the non-existance, now,
or in the future, of a road at that location. ?e don't foresee a need or a
desire for the road from the standpoint of the school itself. fie are construct-
ing roads into the building from existing city streets. We cannot alter our
plans for use of the various areas of the sight now. The loss of property from
the south length of the sight could cause serious crowding of plans to develop
the sight for physical education and athletic purposes. These are some of the
reasons why the school board is reluctant too pprove the property transfer un-
less they know how the street will be financed. Other street development in tie
general area of the high school would appear to be more immediately pressing
es far as traffic to, from, and around the area concerned. Marsh Street, par-
ticularly, is urgent from that standpoint. Can we be apprised of the position
of the City in the above matter very soon."
From James L. Douville, City Attorney, which read in part, as follows:
"You requested that a prepare a resolution changing the name of balsam Street to
River Heights Drive. I have carefully examined the city charter for applicable
provisions and have been unable to find anything specifically relating to the
subject. Accordingly, in the absence of a charter provision it is m�yy opinion
that the authority and procedure as set forth in M.S.A. 440.11 and i40.12
is controlling and that in order to change the name of or rename a street an
ordinance is required."
From the League of Minnesota Municipalities announcing dates of Municipal short
courses at the University of Minnesota Center for Continuation.
From the Minnesota Rail Fans Association, Inc., requesting that the Council
authorize an expenditure to e•ect a steel fence around the steam locomotive
on display in Lowell Park.
On motion of Councilman Chorlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the City
Engineer was requested to obtain an estimated cost to erect a fence around
the locomotive.
From the League cf Minnesota Municipalities announcing dates of Minnesota
Fire School at University of Minnesota Campus, international Airport and
Fire Training Sight in St. Paul. (April 25 thru 28, 1900)
From the League of Minnesota Municipalities announcing that the 23rd annual
school for Sewage '.forks Operators will be conducted from larch 9 thru 11, 1960
by the University's Center for Continuation.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the City Engineer
and his assistant were authorized to attend the school for Sewage Works Operators.
From K. L. Blodgett, President of the St. Croix Valley Youth Commission announ-
cing annual meeting of said Commission tc be held on April 6, 1960, and extend-
ing an invitation to the Council members to attend this meeting.
from the Armory Board which read as follows:
"The Armory Fosrd, National Guard Armory, Stillwater, Minnesota, hereby respect-
fully presents its request for the annual appropriation of k 50O.00 fur the
maintenance of the Stillwater Satiunal Guard Armory for the year 195 j."
From Moody and Springstead, I❑qq in regard to the proposed sale of 350,000
General Obligation Bonds cf 1960.
From the State of Minnesota, Railroad aad -.Warehouse Commission, in tae matter
cf the application of Minneapolis Street Railway Company, St. Paul City Railway
Company, and the Twin City Lotor bus Ccmpaiy to fix an extablished rates of
fare. Hearing on said applications will be held on March 15, 1960 in the State
Office building at 9:30 o'clock A. M.
From the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Regional Office, Kansas
City, Missouri, which read as follows:
"Returned herewith approved, is change order No. 1 to the contract for your
grant project. Change order Nc. 1 is for changing from an oil and sewage gas
heat exchanger to a natural aad sewage gas heat exchanger and reduces the esti-
mated cost of construction by the amount of 903.00."
From the banister Engineering Company, addressed to the City Clerk, in regard
to proposed work of improving South Fourth Street between Orleans and Willard
From J. G. Merten, Highway Engineer, Tiashingt;n County, which read as follows:
"Received your letter of March 3 in regard to proposed street alignment change
at Fourth Street and City Limits as proposed on sketch by banister uagineering
Company. The above plan meets with my approval."
A petition with signatures of 12 property owners affected was presented which
read as follows:
"Y:e, the undersigned freeholders of the City of Stillwater, and abutting property
owners along the street concerned, herewith respectfully petition the Mayor and
City Council of the City of Stillwater to blacktop and construct curbing along
both sides of Hemlock Street from Olive Street to Pine Street." (See Resolution)
A petition with 14 signatures was presented which read as follows:
"We do not want Deno's Store to get any larger."
The store referred to in the petition is located at 215 North Eilliam Street.
Mr. Arnold Deno appeared before the Council and requested a non -conforming build-
ing permit to construct an addition to the present store building located at
215 North William. Street. Several people residing in the area were also present
and objected to the granting of a permit which wculd allow Mr. Deno to enlarge
the present building.
The Council members felt that Mr. Deno should submit detailed plans and speci-
fications in connection with the proposed addition.
Mayor Madsen suggested that Lir. Deno arrange a meeting with the people opposed
to the mranting of the permit and try to work out a satisfactory solution to
the problem.
Councilman Charlsen
1. One of the apartmeats in the city owned house on i'ourth Street is still
2. He suggested that the City Clerk work out a :fan to transport necessary
records to a locntion designated by the Civil Defense Director in case of
an emergency.
Councilman Jewell
1. Stated that Mr. Art Edstrom, a member of the Trinity Church board, had
informed him that the Eoard is ready and willing to pay part of the cost
in connection with the new street light installed near the church when the
Board is informed as to the amount set up by the City.
2. Suggested that the Council consider purchasing a large size sewer cleaner
at an estimated cost of about ;$,000.00
Councilman Simpson
1. Skating rinks will close this weekend.
2. Reported that parts have been ordered for the stand pipe near the Maple
Island plant to be used for the purpose of filling trucks with water in
connection with rural fire runs.
3. Reported that James r'rawley, Chairman of the Township of St. Joseph, Wis-
consin, has informed him that the Township will pay the cost in connection
with bituminous surfacing on the road leading to the Legion Beach.
Mr. John nheinberger appeared before the Council representing the Chamber of
Commerce and requested that the Council take necessary action to provide park-
ing facilities in the business district. He stated that the Legislature passed
an Enabling Act in 1953 which provides that the City Council has the authority
to acquire by purchase or lease facilities to park automobiles and that revenue
derived from parking facilities can be set aside for the purpose of paying for
said facilities. He suggested that the Council engage the services of Mr. Hodne,
who is the consultant for the Local Planning Commission to make an immediate
survey of the business district and report his findings to the Council, and
when the report 1s received by the Council, necessary legislation should be
enacted to provide additional parking facilities.
Mr. John Hooley, one of the members of the Parking Committee of the Chamber of
Commerce, stated that Mr. Hodne could probably complete the survey in about
eight weeks and that the cost of the survey would be between 41,850.00 and
02,400.00. He also -stated that the business men felt the survey should be auth-
orized t'sis evening. (See Resolution in regard to this matter)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the contract
between the City and Peter Lamettl Construction Company covering construction d
Sanitary Sewers and Sewage Pumping Station in the McKusick Lake area was approved
and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and directed to sign same.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the Building
inspector's report covering activities during the month of February, 1960, was
approved and ordered filed.
Mr. Hodne, Planning Commission Consultant, appeared before the Council and re-
ported on me^ress to date in connection with survey now under way.
Messrs. Tibbetts, Garavalia, and Zoller, firemen, appeared before the Council
and inquired if any further consideration has been given to the passage or an
Ordinance which would create a civil service commission.
Mayor Madsen informed them that this matter .as been referred to the Charter
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following
Change Orders were approved and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and
directed to sirn same:
Change Crder 4 2 Project -Sanitary Sewers -Lily Lake
Nature of Change
Removal of dry well for sewer line, installing lamp hole, and frost Lreak-
Total lost, Ghana*e Order Y 2, 4424.21.
Change Order # 2 Sewage Treatment Plant
Nature of Change
Crushed rock used to stabilize pipe for out fall sewer due to soil condi-
tions, also extra depth for manhole. 0.00.
Two undre feet M.H. depth yards crusheown on d rock t 4stab0ilization,foot,
in place,
te hundred and four cubic y
at al. COpge Order yard, Total dTre.00
Total Change Order !f 2 - Sewage Treatment Plant,
On motion of 4-u-58007aissuedlbynEmployersdMutualu lineminsurancenCompanyaof
Policy No. consin, 7 sartarossa and Sons, Inc., and the City of Still-
water, asi tceirii, covering may
appear, against fire, lightning and extended
cover, , their interestammy
diversion and structures ins connection with lnterin the amount of ceptorOSewer)On t concrete sewer
motion vi0 Councilman
eilmaa Tennant, the resignation
of dgowamemberofthe iecrationCommission,wsaccepteand
Mr. 'Wires Hindmiller v:as appointed to replace 1r. Ludwig.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman ieaaant, Insurance
Policy No. 1-16-78-26 issued by the Kansas City lire and Marine Insurance Com-
pany, covering the one story approved roof, brick, venveneerrb,er ildingnoccupied as
warehouse, situated at 124 hest Myrtle Street, a!
extended coverage in the amount of 32,500.00 was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the City Clerk
Section Thirty our (34), Township Thirty (30), Range
was directed to make application for the cancellation of taxes levied against nar
of Government Lot Five (5),
Twenty (20)r in the amount of ;?90.12. (Sewage Treatment Yla nt Gi to
On motion cf Councilmen Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the following
sewer rental charges were fixed as provided in Ordinance No. 371: 00
1. Calvin Nelson, 1422 North First St., New House
2. Donald Jerrick, 1314 North First St., New House
iJosephine Loueer, Water0.
Myrtle:JillardSts., BuildingSt. Leak in toilet wrecke tank 58.00
y, United Fabricator,ary,
during February. 1960. Sewer Used
firs thquarteruof 1960.
1960. Received payment of 453•
Error in first
billing and corrected statement mailed amount-
ing to 4
51' 60,
Charge for the month of January,
Refund duo United Fabricator in the amount of 434-*g5. w5,0O
5. Judson McKusick, 807 South Third St., Error reading .
meter for last quarter of 1959.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded ddbytCouncil an ntTennant,aththe
in the City owned building, Adveatist Church
Streets were sold to the Loard of Trustees of the Seventh Pay
for the sum of 425.00.
yr. Eurhandt, from the Banister Engineering Company appeared before the Council
and explained plans in detail In connection with the proposed Fourth Street
improvement. He was of tne opinion that new water mains should be layed in
Fourth Street from Orleans to Pine Street because the present water pipes run
through sewer manholes and Caere is a possibility that the water supply in the
area could be polluted because of the condition.
to include a new ten inch water main is the plans as suggested by ir. ourhandt
n motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, it was decided
from. .i,leans to Pine St.
215 •
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the Clerk made
the first reading of an Ordinance changing the name of East balsam Street.
The City Attorney reported that an Ordinance establishing minimum requirements
concerning the development of lands was not ready for a first reading.
The follow.ng Resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Authorizing investment of Sanitary Sewer Revenue Funds.
3. Fixing Compensation. (Betty Roloff)
4. Authorizing survey and report on parking facilities. (Community Planning
and Design Asenriates of St. Paul)
5. The City Clerk presented to the Council a proposed form of notice of sale
of $350,000 General Obligation bonds of 1960, to be dated as of April 1, 1960,
and to be issued for the purpose of refunding certificates of indebtedness
heretofore issued under the City Charter and of financing local improvements
instituted in accordance with the Charte' and in accordance with Minnesota
Statutes, Chapter 429. Said form of notice was examined and considered by
the Council, and the Clerk was directed to file a copy thereof in his office
as a part of the minutes of this meeting.
Councilman Charlsen then introduced Resolution N'.. 2191, entitled "Resol-
ution Providing for Public Sale of 050,000 General Obligation Bonds of
1960". Councilman Jewell seconded the motion, and upon vote being taken
thereon, the members present voted as follows:
YES: 5
NO: 0
whereupon said resolution was declared iuly carried and adopted.
6. Relating to opening and extending West Orleans Street.
7. Ordering preparation of plans and specifications for street improvement. (West
Pine and South Hemlock Streets)
8. Ordering hearing on street improvement. (South Fourth Street)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconde^ by Councilman Jewell, meeting adjourned
to March 22, 1960, 7:30 P. M. (This meeting adjourned at 12:10 A. M.)
Council Chamber March 22, 1960 7:30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular adjourned meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk -
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, a cigarette
license was granted to Paul Liberty (Liberty's Service Station) 1607 W.Olive
Street, for the period from Marsh 1, 1960 to January 1, 1961.
Letters from the following, objecting to the proposed South Fourth Street im-
provement between Churchill and Willard Streets were read.
1. Mrs.Ethel A.Gower, 704 South Fourth Street
2. Miss Lenor A. Iserman, 719 South Fourth Street
From Mrs. Julius Neuman, 1672 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, ob-
jecting to the proposed South Fourth Street improvement.
From the Minnesota Nailfana Association, Inc., which read as follows:
"Our Club has been approached by a Cititens' Committee inquiring about the
possibilities of securing a serviceable steam locomotive to be moved to the
City of Wiasted, Minnesota, for display purposes. Retired steam locomotives
are no longer available from a railroad, so there was some talk of viewing the
engine on display in your park with the thought being that they might be able
to secure this engine for their town. I am sure that you will be approached by
these people on this matter in the near future and perhaps this should be given
some forethought in conjunction with my letter to you dated February 25, 1960."
Mayor Madsen stated that a committee from the City of Winsted called on him in
regard to this matter and he informed them that the Council has requested an
estimate of cost to erect a fence around the old locomotive to comply with a re-
quest from the Minnesota Railfans, Inc., and should the Council members decide
that the cost of displaying the old locomotive runs too high, he would let the
committee members know in the near future.
The Superintendent of Public Works informed the councilmembers that it would
coat approximately $1,000.00 to erect a fence around the old locomotive on dis-
play in Lowell Park.
From the League of Minnesota Municipalities in regard to North Central Highway
Conference to be held on March 29, 1960 at the Leamington Hotel in Minneapolis.
in part
From the city attorney which read/as follows: "At the last meeting of the coun-
ell, there was some question relative to the request of the Stillwater Armory
Hoard for an appropriation of $500.00 in connection with maintenance of the arm-
ory for the year 1959. After checking applicable statutes it is my opinion this
request 1s made under and pursuant to M. 3. A. 193.35 which authorizes the State
to pay annually to the Armory Board for maintenance and equiping each armory,
the sum of $250.00 for each company or other unit quartered there. The fore-
going payment, however, is conditioned upon the appropriation of at least an
equal amount by the municipality in which the armory is located. Accordingly,
the appropriation requested is not mandatory but is a necessary prerequisite
to acquistion of a like amount by the Armory Board of the State of Minnesota."
From the State of Minnesota, Municipal Commission, which read as follows:
"This will acknowledge receipt of ordinance #370 from the City of Stillwater.
This ordinance was hear.' at the March 10th meeting of the Commission and accepted
for filing on that date."
A petition with sixteen signatures of property owners affected, objecting to
the proposed South Fourth Street improvement between Willard and Churchill
Streets was read and on motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman
Simpson, the petition was ordered filed.
This was the day and time set to consider the making of certain improvements
described as follows, to -wit:
1. The widening and resurfacing of South Fourth Street between Orleans Street
and Willard Street.
2. The
eerret placement
Oof 1,400tsquarenyards.loffd idewatk on said South Fourth
3. TOre leansconstruction Street
urbsd Street.
gutterson South Fourth Street, between
4. The making of certain improvements to and upon the water distribution
system in South Fourth Street between Orleans Street and Pine Street,
including construction of a 12-inch water main between Churchill Street
and Pine Street together with allnecessary appurtenances.
5. The of a appurtenancesion in South lFourth Sateral treet betweensewergOrleansiStreet and Walnut
Notice of this hearing was published in the official paper of the city once
in each yeooffsaidwnoticeewasvmaileds toe llquired knownby law. propertyln ownerstabutting
to, a copy
said proposed improvement.
Mayor Madsen explained the various phases of the pposedaised mprovementuih in de-
tail. Councilman Jewell informed the property owners
w+ Fourth Street has aybeensoof hedcost in connection withal state aid s the proposed improve-
ara available to pay part
Mayor Madsen then inquired if there was anyone present who objected to the
proposed improvement.
tAbot sixt-ive persons were resent heuproposedfimprovement and followingeare hsome e offithe wquestions ho were nasked ted in
comments made in connection with said improvement.
1. Mr. Robert Hooley inquired -should this project be approved by the Council
will it be necessary to replace allof the present sidewalks.
Mr. ing
ed him
sidewalks thatfdo nota
aconform tothe Bnister ithernew gradenwillfbemreplaced. all
2. Harold Zolldan inquired if it will be necessary
to remove all trees from
the boulevards.
Mr.2uhrandt stated that all trees in the boulevard will be removed.
3. Mr. Richard Kearney stated that he was opposed to the making of the im-
provements between Churchill and Willard Streets.
4. M. Greg.
11er rtfett titha
eo owners should not have to bear any of
n to the
... r.
5. Mr. provement. Het
tstatedraised that following havingking of been donee m the n
South Fourth Street over the past fifteen years, it has now become neces-
sary to do a complete rebuilding job. He also felt that the county should
pay the cost of the storm sewer.
6. Mr. Arthur Raduenz inquired what part of the cost will be borne by the
Mr. Buhrandt informed him that will be a matter for the Council to deter-
7 tuminousc filled,toiledaand sprinkled hwith rwaterrinth t1932 and was rthe ecosd t i ofthe
work was paid from the city's general fund. She inquired why it was neces-
sary to lay a 10-inch water main because the water pressure in the area at
the present time is good.
andBuhrandt necessary
ned good fire 10-i chtmain 1s recommended for future needs
She also also inquired if each property owner will be required to lay a new water
service from the property line to the house.
Mr.Buhrandt explained that each property owner will have to make a decision
in regard to this matter.
8. Mr. Richard Kearney suggested that the council authorize a refund of assess-
ments paid by property owners in connection with seal coating during the
year 1957, should the council decide to go ahead with the proposed improve-
artment and
rn States
g. Mr. Tom Ammerman illnbe equireduired if he water to install allneces arythe pipesrin he street
Power to Company property line so that it willnot be necessary to open the our -
face ofhr the stated after same W hasr been completed.
Company will betnotifiedthe to takereveryrprecaution so thatt and the hit States
come necessary to open the surfame when the street is completed.
M.Ammerman erman alalso
uggd for bus that
omethought be given to constructing con-
10. Mr. Franois Steinhorst inquired as to what the assessment will run per foot.
11. Mr. Robert McGarry inquired about the cost to the property owner and also
if the council will hold a public hearing on the ameentld probably be
t roll.
Mayor Madsen Stated that the cost to the property owner
about $5.00 per foot and the council will hold a public hearing on the assess-
ment roll.
12. Mr. Lammers inquired should the council decide to proceed with the improve-
work wouldrstart earlyte completion
spri gdata. and probably would
be completed early in September.
on two
13. projects, inquired the Council intends to call for
Churahilland Orleans Streets sand one project
between Churchill and Willard Streets.
haver togusenthstatd eirabestflt he was j judgment intsure at this regard to time but
the Council will
Other questions were asked by property owners present, but the clerk could not re-
cord same because said persons did not give their names. or closed the meeting.
After everyone was given an opportunity to be heard, the May
Councilmen Jewell.
l. Inquired if share of costftcinstallTnewistreet light 0adja adjacent topthe church aid the non greNn's
Lueran orth
Third Street.
2. strretlights, one at thelendtofrLindenStreet lndi on on Meadowlark lumen
of two new 6,000 Driv
On moion of Councilan clerkt
twas instructedmto order lthe installation ofi said the city
t about
3. Stated that a suitable, portable electric ligght planor at, woOt ldacod staaboity. He
$335.00 for a 2,500 watt capacity and $
suggested that the Council authorize the purchase of the 2,500 watt size.
on referred to motion
Ccilman Ch Jewell withseconded power ytCouncilman Tennant, the matter
4. Suggested that the Council call for bids on either a roller or vibrator com-
pactor to be used in connection with patching streets. _
was, instructed to dCouncilman
rawspecifications tthe
seconded bforsaid
pactor and when completed, the city clerk call for bids, returnable on
April 12, 1960 at 7:30 P.M.
219 w
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following
change order was approved and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and di-
reoted to sign same (recommended for approval by the Banister Engineering Com-
Change Order # 3 Project # 1 Sewage Treatment Plant.
Nature of change.
Furnishing and installing one two pen recording unit with digestor thermometers
in lieu of two individual recording thermometers as called for in plans and
specifications. Deduct from contract price $50.00.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, permission
was granted to Mr.Silverman to construct a driveway at his own expense across
the sidewalk leading into parking lot located between the Northern States Com-
pany and liquor store on South Main Street. This action subject to compliance
with the following provision: Only south bawd traffic on Main Street will be
allowed to enter the lot, all automobiles must exit at Union Alley (recommend-
ed by Charles Thompson, Building Inspector).
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the city attor-
ney was authorized to purchase a four drawer legal size Globe-Wernioke filing
cabinet at a coat of $84.38.
The City Clerk brought up the matter of establishing a ward line in connec-
tion with the territory recently annexed, namely: Fairmeadows # 1. The city
attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance establishing the ward line in
Fairmeadows #1 and present same at the next regular meeting of the council for
a first reading.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Fixing hours of city offices.
2. Ordering improvement on South Fourth Street, approving plans and speci-
fications and directing the city clerk to advertise for bids.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 10:35 P.M.
1.: i%
CY ty Cl
e k
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: C.nncilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None
March 23, 1960 3:00 P.M.
This was the day and time set to receive, open and consider sealed bide for
sale of $350,000 General Obligation Bonds of 1960. The following bids were
opened and read aloud:
1. The American National Bank, Robert at Seventh Sts., St. Paul, 1, Minnesota.
Cash premium None
For bonds maturing and bearing interest at the annual rate as follows:
January 1, 1962 thru January 1, 1966 at 3.30%
January 1, 1967 thru January 1, 1968 at 3.50%
January 1, 1969 thru January 1, 1971 at 3.70%
Plus the annual rate of 2.30% on all bonds from 5-1-60 to 1-1-61.
350 coupons of 015.33 each, due 1-1-61.
Payments shall be made at the American National Bank, St. Paul, Minnesota.
We compute our total net interest cost to be $78,613.00 for a net interest rate
of 3-7749%. These computations are not a part of this offer.
2. Allison Williams Company, Northwestern Bank Building, Minneapolis 2, Minn.
Cash premium None
For bonds maturing and bearing interest at the annual rate as follows:
January 1, 1962 thru January 1, 1967 3.1i0%
January 1, 1968 thru January 1, 1971 3.
Plus the annual rate of 2% on all bonds from July 1, 1960 to January 1, 1961.
Payments shall be made at the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, Minn-
We compute our total net interest cost to be $76,602.50 for a net interest rate
of 3.678%. These computations are not a part of this offer.
3. The First National Bank of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Cash premium None
For bonds maturing and bearing interest at the annual rate as follows:
January 1, 1962 thru January 1, 1966 3.50%
January 1, 1967 thru January 1, 1968 3.b604
January 1, 1969 thru January 1, 1971 3.70%
Plus the annual rate of 1.40% on all bonds from June 1, 1960 to January 1, 1961.
Payments shall be made at the First National Bank of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota.
We compute our total net interest costs to be $73,006.00 for a net interest rate
of 3.745786%•
These computations are not a part of this offer.
The bids were analyzed and tabulated by Mr. Osmond Springated of Springated and
Moody, fiscal agents for the City. Mr. Springated then informed the Council
members that the bid submitted by the xssstxNstissaixksakxstx2tatasixsasxtta
isaxkidxasdxzaasnssmisdxtkaxsessptansaxsxxaattxitdxstrtt*ttttmsx Allison
Williams Company was the low bid and recommended the acceptance of said bid at
this time.
Councilman Tennant introduced Resolution No. 2197 entitled "Awarding Sale of
$350,000 General Obligation Bonds of 1960." Councilman Simpson seconded the
motion and upon vote being taken thereon the members present voted as follows:
Yes 5
Noes 0
whereupon said Resolution was declared duly carried and adopted.
Councilman Tennant introduced Resolution No. 2198 entitled "Determining the
and Details Therefor and Levying TaxesGeneral bforathenBonds Paymentof Thereof."raCouncilman
Simpsogtaken thereon the members
Simpson seconded the motion and upon vote being
present voted as follows:
Noes 0
whereupon said Resolution was declared duly carried and adopted.
hed in the official paer of the
withinrtenid ysa afteripassagea of sameb toacomply with charter proCity
not visions with
reference to Resoutions becuse the
fora the City Rand lmailed to the rapproving attornd eysfor
and Moody,
ime to
cfinal pproval omplya
awith the acharternd theO provision. Thlerk did not ecClerk ccalled f this umatter i to the tatten-
tion of Mr. Springsted and Mr. Springsted informed him that lack of publication
would in no way affect the validity of the bond issue.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, meeting adjourned
at d:50 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
April 12, 1960 7:30 P.M.
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
On motion cf Councilman Simpsn,seconded by Councilman Charisen, minutes of the
following meetings were approved:
Regular meeting, March 8, 1960, at 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M.
Regular Adjourned. Meeting, March 22,81960,:00 a.
Special Meeting, March 23, 1960,
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman siimpsoond nanson on d offf
sale 3.2 beer licenses were granted to the following
othethe applications:
E. James Meister1901rSoSouth
rth Street
Ralph E. Otte, $7
Councilman Simpson, an
Streetf onthe
3n motion of Councilman grantedJto
C. H. seconded by 413 South Greeley
3.2 beer adingsoofwthe application. H. Felix,
second reading
The Cicy Clerk reported that the Chief of Police has not approvSouth Main ed the second
nthe March 8licensemeetingwofa thehih aCouncil the licenselwasta at granted3by Street.
the Council
subject to Ltd: approval of the Chief of Police. The Chief explained that Mr.
Slachta was found guilty in Municipal Court of violating an Ordinance regulat-
ing second hand dealers and that the conviction has been appealed to theDis-
befor Court.0 Mc. Ho
lere the Council and stated ati: .of ee Or was not aware of the fact tac
of pellet guns was a violation of the Ordinance but that he has explained
atshops. The statedChief at in his ithatt
the Ordinance do detailntoo hisnclient. he also hthat in his statedopinion
Ordinance a has
s filed reports
control p
tion andhewillf approvetheissuance ofdthe dlicenseOifiMr.�c Slacnta's attorney
would Madsen statedi
ist that his client abies by the Ordinance hould Mr. Slachta bed convicted in District nCourt the fthe rMayore.
would have no choice in the matter and his license would automatically be re-
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, a junk dealer's
license was granted to Harry Thompson, Bayport, Minnesota.
Applications from Patrick E. White for on and off sale 3.2 beer licensee
603 West Churchill Street were presented but on account of being in the res-
idential district were automatically carried over to the next regular meeting
of the Council.
businesscnas Stillwater cabs
On motion of antedl on ictora1?. secondedt, by doing
Councilman Jewell,Stll aterfTaor i
license was granted to Victor y. Prescott, Foung
totalat uth of .^p60800)treet for the year 1960. (Four cabs at $,15.00 p
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, a cigarette
license was granted to Fred F. Thompson ourth and Wilkin Streets for the
period from April 1, 1960 to June 1, 1960, at the rate of 41.00 per month.
From the Department of Military Affairs, State of Minnesota, Office of the Con-
struction Engineer, addressed to Charles Thompson, Building Inspector, in re-
gard to water seepage problem along the west and south wallsof the National
Guard Armory. Mayor Madsen suggested that this matter be turned over to the
Supt. of Public Works, Mr. Ehlinger, and on moticn of Councilman Charlsen,
seconded by Councilman Jewell, the matter was turned over to Mr. Ehlinger, Supt.
of Public Works.
From John G. Blomquist which read as follows:
"My name is Dr. John O. Blomquist, a chiropractor. I am interested in the
property of Fred Smith on South Third Street in your. City. The property con-
sists of two and one half forty foot lots (100 ft. frontage by 135 ft. deep).
There ere two buildings, one an old house and the other an old store building
above which is an apartment. It is my intention if I acquire this property
to remove the house and level the lot. The other building I would like to use
for my office downstairs and to fix up the apartment upstairs. It is my
intention tc brick face the front of the building half way up and to paint
the outside. Also to partition and improve the inside so as to have a very
presentable office. My reason for writing this letter is to find out if this
would be permissable." On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Council-
man Jewell, this matter was referred to the Zoning Commission.
A petition signed by Helene K. Wallis and Aurilla Atwood requesting an ease-
ment to construct and maintain an archway on and over public street, said
street being Ridge Lane Drive. Cn motion of Councilman Charlsen, and seconded
br Councilman Simpson, an easement was granted to Helene K. Wallis and Aurilla
Atwood es requested in the petition. The Clerk was instructed to inform Mrs.
Atwood that her attorney must prepare the easement, present same to the City
Attorney for his approval.
This was the day and time set to receive and open bids on a self propelled
vibrating compactor. The following bids were received, opened, and read aloud:
1. Borchert, Ingersoll, Inc., 2161 University Avenue, St. Paul 14, Minnesota
As per specifications we submit the following price for one self propelled vib-
rating compactor delivered to Stillwater, Minnesota for the sum of,. 41450.00.
Delivery date approximately 10 days after receipt of order. (Proposal bond in
the sum of 5% of amount of bid inclosed). 2. Rutfridger Johnson Equipment Company, Inc., 3024 Fourth Street, S.E.,
Minneapolis 14, Minnesota.
As per specifications we submit the following price for one self propelled
vibrating compactor delivered to Stillwater, Minnesota for the sum of 41975.00.
Delivery date immediate. (Certified check in the sum of 4100.00 inclosed).
The Supt. of Public Works recommended the purchase of the self propelled
vibrating compactor from the Borchert, Ingersoll, Iic. at a price of 41450.00.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilmen Charlsen, it was decided
to purchase the self propelled vibrating compactor from the Borchert, Ingersoll,
Inc. at a price of $1450.00 and the City Clerk was authorized and directed
to sign an agreement for delivery of same.
Councilman Charlsen
1. He reported that Mr. Kelm has again been hired as caretaker of Pioneer
Park and that he will also rake and clean up Washington Park. He stated that
requests have, been received for opening of Pioneer Park to the public on ..aster
Sunday, April 17. He felt that the driveway to the park be closed to vehicular
traffic until the ground dries out but that anyone wishing to walk into the
park could use the facilities at this time. He also suggested that some type
of a bumper be constructed on the north aide of Pioneer Park which would stop
automobiles from going over the embankment.
2. Inquired if the Supt. of Public works had made a survey in connection
with the Benson property on the west side of Lily Lake.
3. The upstairs apartment in the city owned house on North Fourth Street has
been rented.
Councilman Simpson
is approved Mr. Aubin would bhether44e thdauxiliary
1. Recommended the appointment of Joseph Aubin, Jr. as an auxiliary fireman.
Stated that if would
appointmentCouncilman eeunder
wfiremanriters. annmotion of Councilman pSimpson,18secondednbyd by
Joseph Aubin, Jr. was appointed an auxiliary fireman.
2. Suggested that the Council authorize Fire Chief Lawson to attend the State
Fire School. On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell,
the Fire Chief was authorized to attend said school and all legal expenses will
be paid by
3. The regular fireman and the auxiliary firemen will wash automobiles on
Saturday, April 16. Proceeds from the c ar wash will be used to purchase add-
itional equipment for the fire dep
Councilman Tennant
site and no was informed thatrTownship
the ioard re-
cently Stated that had talked with members of the Stillwater Towns p
lastnevening in regard to a dump
centl9 passed a Resolution prohibiting the sale of land in the Township for
dump purposes Board will
u oses but the Board agreed to reconsider their action at a meeting to
be held on May 2, 1963• He also stated that the Grant Township
consider the request for Bale of land for a dump site this evening.
Mayor Madsen
1. Presented a letter from the Northern Pacific Railway Comand pany which radroser-
follows: On March 14 Mr. Juba of this office met tfwith
h youland Company'sCChamber of
ty parkingleasingapproval as automobiles Stillwater. As we
thetRailway Companyfor
it the
atohatttim which you low him me Railway Company to give the City a ten year
tot that time a is as entalwof year for the first five years of the
art of the premises
r cat which
lease with a flat rental of .a2400.00 per
term unlessfthe .e pa kingrlotlwouldor abe divided sixty p
receipts from rty perking with the afore mentioned. minimum of
Company and (year per cent to the City
p[Iy0U.00 per year. At the end of the first five years the rental would be ra-
ts reluctant to issue a lease for this years
but in no event less than that agreed upon for the first five years
of the term. The entalay Company bi
an could realize a substantial retuourthespen-
arty on tr„. flat rental basis which you have suggested as we feel that both
City and the investments
bye Company and dividing the profits
tern et forth is by metering the property
xter set forth in my letter of January 22. However because of the committee's
and your skepticism regarding the feasibility
tof f meieringCthatny rtthat portion
lease area lying north of the park property
offer a proposition to issue a five yr...r lease with rental for the
ro osition similar to that which you have requested as follows:
The Railway ersny is willing
first threellyears of the term to be on a flat heels of meters
or ao per
partno to
Lease mi will alsorprovide that in parkingthe. event lotthe willibe dividedmsfixxtty pum er
thehemRaia the receipts androm the forty pr cent to the City talc
O.00 Railway Company
lleases00 per year. In line n with our policy ee yearsnwe if all long
leases the rental at the end of the firhi three years will be rataluesituation
final two year term of the lease. In this is parking tuy
and the rely aCompany will have an opportunity all or a
more closely and definitely determine the advisability discussi of metering
opportunity to study the situation for a period
part of this site. As 1 understand from your disaussi..ns with Mr. Juba, the
.fat rental togethernawith the ti_
of years eliminates your objections to the previous offer of the RailwayCom-
pany. If the above outlined proposition now meets with the City's approval
please advise and I shall arrange to prepare lease papers to cover."
225 •
2. Re inquired of Mr. Ehlinger, Supt. or Public Works,
aboutrcostltt oger in -
erect formed fence around the old locomotive on displaytl and one from Croon ironm
Termed him that he has receive two estimates of cost on materiel. Ono from
Consolidated Lumber ofCompany 000.th`namount
motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded
by Councilman
In tne amount of wi57•
Public nWorksnwasainstructedwas to haveded to same erected fence of
On motion or Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the City
Clerk was authorized to employ someone tomake a m mat comply tto houhousercanvass whichf
City and inform all dog owners that they
pprovides in art that all ds subject bmust et tosed and
that anyone failing to
comply withart ordinal eis
On motion of Councilman dimpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, it was decided
that all buses now traveling on South Fourth Street will be rerouted on Third
Street during the construction period of said South Fourth Street.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the follow-
ing n certificates wereappro
ythe vedoandrordes redrfiledce Company thecover-
James D. Wolff Company
1. Policy No. 35876 - Oak Street water distribution main.$1Comprehensive ive h com-
bined general and automobile. Bodily injury, General, 4 00,0,0.0.00 each
person, 4300,000.00 each accident. Bodily,i00uay+ gat aggregate. erope tcidama,
puo'leo,000.00 each accident300General. j50 .Property damage,
automobile, aggregate.
2. Policy No. WC50014 - Oak Street water distribution maine liability disease,
'Zorkman's compensation and employer's liability. Emp 9a
3. Policy No. CL35876 - Sewers and Sewage Pumping Station. automobile,
Comprehensive combined o general 400,000.00ueachhile. accident. Bodilyy injury, general,
, ... $4100,000.00 each person, 4300,000.00 each accident. 4300,000.00 aggregate.
Proprty.da each aut000, l3 0 000.00 each accident. General, $50,000.00
Property damage, automobile, gregate.
each accident, 4100,000.00 aggregate.
Policy No. WC50014 - Sewers and Sewage Pumping Station
Vorkman's compensation and employers liability. Employer's liability disease,
C• Policy No. Cbinb lyandwAut mobile.ers South Bodily injury, automobile,
Comprehensnsive+ Co General 00,000.00 each accident. Bodily injury, general,
100,000.00 each person, $3 aggregate.
Propertty damage, automobile0,04500,000.00.00 ceach accident, 450,000.00
each accident, 4100,000.00 aggregate.
--✓ 6. Policy No. 4C50014 - Sanitary Sewers South Sixth Ave.
Employer's l'oyer'c lialiability.
ability disease, 425,000.00fl
hanges oonrdveTde
and( theeMayordand CitycClerk wereldirect dotoowing
sign same. (Recommended by the Banister Engineering Company)
Change Order No. 4 - Project - Nelson Street Lift Station.
Nature of change - Moved the Nelson Street Lift Station north and east due to
forty eight inch brick sewer and footingunder
sseweer reto R.C.P. bends at it from
lift station excavation. Two tam h3 inch R.Ch .P. at 410.41, 462,46. Labor,
each, $238.44• Six lineal feet, 33
4140,42• Total, 4441.32 plus 20% overhead and profit, Oa.26. Grand total> 4529.58•
Change Order No. 5 - Project - Mo. 3 South Lift Station
Nature of Change - Additional rock excavation encountered at South Lift Sta-
tion over and above amount in contract.0 Actual vole a of oflrockoexcavated,a592
cubic yards. Volume of rock in bid, cubic cubic
yardyards rock exVolumeoo at $1.00
change order,r il} total2 s ofyards. 1424142.00.
per cubic yard,
On motionicf Councilman
wasngrantcdctoArnoed ld Denolata2151North,WilliamcStreet.
non -con-
forming permit covers
peSaid rmit
inc then of an area addition to
Storer appeared beforeding.
permit.a Mayor Madsen informed Mr. eDeno that cted hthe granting of
will not consider any more requests for non -conforming permits in connection
with his present store building.
art of
On essen of Councilman $67.54eagainstnded the followinglman described property wasp
assessmentnamounting 11,2 to $6,• Block 11, Staples and May's addition (M.A. Peter-
son)son)eTota: Lots men and2o
Total assessment, i+2o9.54• Property forfeited to State and sold. City
received from sale, 4202.00. Amount cancelled, ;67.54.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the following
sewer rental charges were cancelled. (Ordinance No. 371):
1. Trinity Lutheran Parsonage, 306 NorthTheth coveringathetthe firste
quarter of 1960 in the amount of 45.00. parsonage
December 25, 1959.
2. A. J. Hoak, 215 West St. Croix Avenue, house closed during the period
December 2d, 1959 to Apri1,1960. Amount cancelled, $5.00.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Clerk
Treasurer was authorized and directed tohcanoeltcel the
epr argnesa ainstatheathe Youthhe
Commission in the amount of $274.37
cost to install a new street light on North Third Street opposite the Youth
Charlsen, the
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by
during ilman the cmonth of March, 1960was
approved inspectorand oorderedcovering
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, it was decided
to authorize an expenditure to cover the cost of installing an underground
oftheifireas station. hone service to (Recommended byC. 1. Thompsnew streeton,rBuildinge ted at lnspector.rMr.
Thompson stated
to reduce
to serve municipal buildings
Mr. George Ants, a prominent Stillwater citizen, appeared before the Council
lack Lake.einHeedalsousuggestedtthat theto tructt Coun iladam at the investigate the h end of possibility xpossibilityof
acquiring more land in connection with Lily Lake Beach.
ller acted as
request d that the Council authorizeilmur s an expenditures tokimprove
Can extensin of Willow ouncilmanoJewell, the Supt.tof Public. On lWorks w son of ninstructed tocilan nsurveynt a by area involved and arrive at an estimated cost to improve said extension of
Willow Street.
A representative from the Lystad Exterminating Compa.iy appeared before the Coun-
cil and offered to furnish complete rat control on a city wide basis exclusive
of the commercial district for the sum of 41500.00 per year. On motion of
Councilman one anded citybwide basis afora nent year.t waAfteri considerable
discussion it was decided to contact t he Office of the Public Examiner and
inquire if the City Council can enter into a contract for rat control if the
cost vertisecforsbids0when theause cost tof services Charter otherss thanat profe sionallexceedsad-
41000.00. The Clerk the Council. s instructed to report on this matter at the next regular
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman
Jewell,e t the Balsam
made the second reading of "An Ordinance Changing the Name1
Street to East River Heights Drive." The Ordinance was read section by
section followed by roll call .after -each section and all members of the
Council voted in the affirmative. The Chair then put the question, 'shall
this Ordinance affirmative and and
Ordinancerll call all
lyamembers erof the Council voted in
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by CouncilmanOrdinTn nant, the Clerkie
made the first reading of "An Ordinance Amending City an
y Affected a d Declaring Same to beAnnexiedtot
waterandoftheTerritory the
On motion of Councilman Charlsen,
ndedeed by Amending ncilmanSTennantAnnexing,lerk
made the first reading of "An
Certain Territory to the City of Stillwater."
The following Resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Appropriation to Armory Board. (One company, 4250.00). Councilman
Charlsen voted no on this Resolution.
g. Designating depositories of Public Funds.
On motion of
unilmn Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, meeting
adjourned atCoca
7 Attest:
• 228
Council Chamber April 19, 1960 2:30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Charlsen.
Present: Councilman Jewell, Tennant, and Vice President Charlsen.
Absent: Councilman Simpson and President Madsen.
This was the day and time set to receive and open bids for the construction
1. Water main consisting of approximately 4700 lineal feet of 6 inch and 12
inch C.I.P. together with appurtenances.
2. Relocation of approximately 1800 lineal feet at 6 inch and 10 inch water
main, lowering of 6o water service lines and constructing 1460 lineal feet of
12 inch water main together with appurtenances.
3. Storm sewers consisting of approximately 3100 lineal feet of sewer varying
in size from 12 inch to 15 inch together with appurtenances.
4. Street grading and surfacing consisting of approximately 8000 cubic yards
excavation, 13 000 tons gravel, 5000 lineal feet curb and gutter, removal and
construction 1400 square yards of sidewalk, 2000 tons of bituminous concrete
paving, 14,000 square yards seal coat together with appurtenances.
(Item No. 1, Pine Street Water Main. Item No. 2, Fourth Street Water Main.
Item No. 3, Fourth Street Storm Sewer. Item No. 4, Fourth Street Grading and
The City Clerk informed the Council that the advertisement for bids on the Pine
Street water main as published in the Construction Bulletin set the time for
opening bids at 2:30 P.M. on April 19, 1960 but through a typographical error
the notice published in the official paper of the City, namely the Stillwater
Evening Gazette, set the time for opening bids at 7:30 P.M., April 19, 1960.
The City Attorney advised the Council tc open bids on the Pine Street water main
at 7:30 P.M., April 19, 1960, because he felt that the Council would be bound
by the notice as published in the official paper of the City. On motion of
Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Tennant, it was decided to defer the
opening of the Pine Street water main bids to 7:30 P.M., April 19, 1960.
The following bids were opened and read aloud:
Fourth Street Water Main
Bid No. 1. Moelter Construction Company, Oak Park, Minnesota.
Sub total, Section 1, base bid, s24,557.50.
Sub total, Section 1, Alternate bid, 027,440.50.
Sub total, Section 2, 619,755.00.
Total base bid, Section 1 plus Section 2, 044,312.50.
Total alternate bid, Section 1 plus Section 2, 147,195.50.
Bid bond, 10% am,,..nt of bid enclosed.
Bid No. 2. Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., 402-33rd Ave. No., St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Sub tctal, Section 1, base bid, .$$.32,618.00.
Sub total, Section 1, alternate bid, $35,622.00
Sub total, Section 2, $$20,916.00.
Total base bid, Section 1 plus Section 2, 053,5 00.
Total alternate bid, Section 1 plus Section 2, 456,538.00.
Pid bond, 10% amount of bid enclosed.
Remarks: We will not accept award of this project unless we are also awarded
a contract for the storm sewer on Fourth Street South.
Eid No. 3. Walbon Excavating Company. 3242 Highway No. 8, Minneapolis 18,
Sub total, Section 1, base bid, $25,8b1.00.
Sub total, Section 1, alternate bid, 430,097.50.
Sub total, Section 2, ^� ,r9 53.00.
Total base bid, Section 1 plus Section 2, $48, 5
atrn alternate bid,
Secttio enclosed.1pSection 2, $52,789.50.
Totl oal
Bid No. 4. Houliston Contracting Company, Inc., Box 4246, Taylors Falls,
Sub total, Section 1, base bid, No bid25.874.50•
Sub total, Section 1, alternate bid, d
Sub total, Section 2, $18,472.00.
Total base bid, Section 1 plus Section 2, No bid.
Total alternate b, Section
tio enclosed.1pSection 2 $44,346.50.
Eid bond, 10$ idSe
Fourth Street Storm Sewers.
Bid No. 1. Moelter construction Company, Stillwater, Minnesota.
Base bid total, 128,885.90.
Alternate bid total, 121,747.60.
Eid bond, 10% amount of bid enclosed.
Bid No. 2. Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Base bid total, 132,816.00.
Alternate bid total, $24,734.50.
Bid bond, 10% amount of bid enclosed. unless we are also awarded
Remarks: We will not accept award on this project
a contract for water main improvements on Fourth Street South.
Bid No. 3. Carl Bolander and Sons Company, 2933 Pleasant Ave. So., Minneapolis
8, Minnesota.
Base bid total, $28,681.00.
Alternate bid total, $21,978.50.
Bid bond, 10% amount of bid enclosed.
Bid No. 4• Gopher State Structures, Inc., 255 Como Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
Base bid total, 129,575.14
Alternate bid total, 122,591.23.
Bid bond, 10% amount of bid enclosed.
Remarks: This bid is 'valid only if the Armor Coat Finishing Company, Inc. is
awarded the street contract.
Bid No. 5. Walbon Excavating Company, 3242 Highway No. 8, Minneapolis 18,
Base bid total, 132,139.50.
Alternate bid total, t ofbid.00.
Eid bond, 10% amouno
Bid No. 6. Houliston Contracting Company, Inc., Taylors Falls, Minnesota.
Total base bid, $25,009.50.
Alternate bid total, 119,770.50.
Bid bond, 10% amcunt of bid enclosed.
Bid No. 7. Kalborg-Johnson, Gibbon, Minnesota.
Base bid total, $25,314.94.
Alternate bid total, $18,979.14.
Eid bond, 10% amcunt of bid enclosed.
After all envelopes containing bids on the Fourth Street storm sewer were
opened and read, Mr. Kalborg informed the Clerk that his bid on the Fourth
Street storm sewer was enclosed with the Pine Street water main bid. In the
presence of all the bidders, the envelope was opened by ifr. Kalborg, the storm
sewer bid was removed, and the envelope resealed. Before these proceedings
were taken
goneobj e ectedCompany, asked if there
were any objections tothisprocedure. do
South Fourth Street Grading and Surfacing.
1. Jay W. Craig Co., 1814 California Street N. E., Minneapolis 18, Minnesota.
Total base bid, $64,420.96.
Total alternate bid, 443,76.11.
Bid bond in the amount of 10% of bid enclosed.
2. Bituminous Surface Treating Co., P.O. box 193, County Road 21, Inver Grove,
Total Base Bid, $96,623.01.
Total alternate bid, 472,986.30.
Eid bond in the amount of 10% of bid enclosed.
3. Blacktop Service Company, 7400 W.
Total base bid, $80,251.72.
Total alternate bid, 463,770.23.
Bid bond in the amount of 10% of bid enclosed.
4. Armor Coat Finishing Company, Inc., 255 Como ave., St. Paul, Minnesota.
Total base bid, $72,252.29.
Total alternate bid, $53,940.76.
Eid bond in the amount of 10% of bid enclosed.
3olburg Construction Company, Inc., Inver Grove, Minnesota.
Total base bid, 464,1 1.76.
Total alternate bid, $42,698.81.
Eid bond in the amount of 10% of bid enclosed.
Mr. Banister suggested that the Council defer action on the foregoing bids
until Monday, April 25, 1960 at 7:30 P.M. 0n motion of Councilman Jewell,
seconded by Streetimproveme
ntonApril 25, tidecided
7:30 contracts
Mtrac is covering
the Fourth
0 otion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting
Cambridge St., St. Louis Park, Minnesota.
n m
adjourned to 7:30 P.M., April 19, 1960.
Ci y lark
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
April 19, 1960 7:30 P.M.
Spepial Adjourned Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Charlsen.
Presents Councilman Jewell, Tennant, and Vice President Charlser..
Absent: Councilman Simpson, and President Madsen.
The following bids were opened aid read aloud for the construction of water
C.I.P. consisting
of with approximately
(Pineal feet of 6 Street Waterinch and Main) 12 inch
Bid No. 1. Moelter Construction Company, Stillwater, Minnesota.
Total, $31,820.00.
Bid bond, 10% amount of bid enclosed.
Start work date, June 15, 1960. 60.
Complete work date, September 15, 1960.
Bid No. 2. Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Total, $36,615.00.
Bid bond,
le,ne 1,
Start work dat
Complete work date, July 1, 1960.
Bid No. 3. Montgomery Construction Company, St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin.
Total, $32,1461.00.
Bid bond, 10% amount of bid enclosed.
Start work dater May 15, 1960.
Complete work date, July 1, 1960.
Bid No. 4. James D. Wolff Company, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Total, $30,212.17.
Bid ldaamount of e, b1960. id enclosed.
Start work tMay 20,
Complete work date, As Specified.
Bid No. 5. Walbon Excavating Company, 3242 Highway No. 8, Minneapolis, Minn.
Total, 328,562.00.
Bid bond, 10% amount of bid enclosed.
Start work date, Not Specified.
Complete work date, Not Specified.
(This bid was not signed)
Bid No. 6. Houliston Contracting Company, Inc., Taylors Falls, Minnesota.
Total, $32,032.00.
Bid bond, 10% amount of bid enclosed.
Start work date, Not Specified.
Complete work date, August 1, 1960.
Bid No. 7. Kalborg-Johnson, Gibbon, Minnesota.
Bid bond, 10% amount of bid enclosed.
Start work date, Before May 1.
Complete work date, June 30 or before.
Mr. Banister of the banister Engineering Company suggested that the Counoil
defer action on the bids to April 25, 1960, at 7:30 P.M. On motion of
Councilman Jewell, nant, it
contract covering thec Pine dStreet uwater an n by main extension on Aprile2g,o1960r ata
7:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting adjourned
to April 25, 1960 at 7:30 P.M.
Council Chamber April 25,1960 7f30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Adjourned Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President aadsen.
Absent: None.
Mayor Madsen stated that upon recommendation of Mr. Banister of the Banister
Engineering Company, the meeting held on April 19, 1960 at 7:30 P.M. was ad-
journed to this evening for the purpose of considering the bids which were
opened and read on April 19, 1960 at 2:30 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. covering the
following projects:
(Bids tabulated by the Banister Engineering Company)
1. South Fourth Street grading and surfacing.
2. South Fourth Street storm sewer.
3. South Fourth Street water main.
--� 4. West Pine Street water main extension.
Mr. Banister stated that a representative from the Jay W. Craig Company of
Minneapolis, one of the bidders on Fourth Street grading and surfacing, had
informed him that the company was not in a position to enter into a contract
with the City at this time because the Craig Company has entered into contracts
with other municipalities since the bids on the South Fourth Street project
were opened on April 19, 1360 and that the work load is such that any addition-
al projects would have to be sublet.
Mr. Banister suggested that the Council award a contract to the Solberg Con-
struction Company covering the Fourth Street grading and surfacing. He also
suggested that the Council award a contract to the Houliston Contracting
Company, Inc. covering the Fourth Street storm sewer. Mr. Banister explained
that the low bidder on the Fourth Street water main project, namely the Houlis-
ton Contracting Company, did not list their base bid and therefore he recommended
that a contract be awarded to the Moelter Construction Company covering the said
Fourth Street water main. Mr. Banister stated that the low bid on the Pine
Street water main submitted by the Walbon Excavating Company, was not signed
but the bond of 10% of the amount of t:e bid was properly signed and in order.
He recommended the acceptance of the Walbon bid. Mr. Douville, city attorney,
stated that in his opinion, the unsigned bid was an irregularity and the accep-
tance of the Walbon bid could possibly result in mitigation. He cited the Iowa
case which in his opinion is similar to the case at hand and explained that the
Court ruled that a bid bond properly executed does not cure a defect in the bid.
Mr. Banister statedthatin spite of the defect in the (unsigned) Walbon bid,
his recommendation still stands and recommended the awarding of a contract to
the Walbon Excavating Company covering construction of the West Pine Street
water main extension.
1. Councilman Tennant introduced Resolution No. 2201 entitled "Resolution
Accepting Bid for Street Grading and Surfacing in Connection With South Fourth
Street Project." (Solberg Construction Company, Inver Grove, Minnesota, base
bid, $64,193.76). Councilman Jewell seconded the motion and upon vote being
taken thereon, the members present voted as follows:
Yes 5
Hoes 0
whereupon said Resolution was declared duly carried and adopted.
o. 2202
2. CoulmaofdStormlSewerslin ConnectionlwithRSouthtFourth
Street Improvement." (RoulieLon Contracting Company, lna., Taylors Falls,
Minnesota, base bid,
upon vote being taken the eoCouncilman seconded
n the memberspresent voted asfollows=otlon and
Yes 5
Noes 0
whereupon said Resolution was declared duly carried and adopted.
3. Councilman Tennant introduced Resolution No. 2203 entitled "Resolution
Accepting Bid for Construction and Relocation of Water Mains in Connection
with South Fourth Street Improvement." (Moelter Construction Company, Still -
bid, $j4�7,95e550). Section
CouncilmenASiMp on secondedtogether
the motion andtion upon v tebase
bake ethe
taken thereon the members present voted as follows:
Yea 5
Noes 0
whereupon said Resolution was declared duly carried and adopted.
4. Councilman Jewell introduced Resolution No. 2204 entitled "Resolution
Accepting Bid For Construction of Water. Main ExtteensiOninMConnection,tion Witnna-
Fine Street Improvement. (Walbon Excavating Company of
sota, base bid, 329,912.00). Councilman Tennant seconded the motion and upon
vote being taken thereon, the members present voted as follows:
Yes 5
Noes 0
whereupon said Resolution was declared duly carried and adopted.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 9:00 P.Y.
Attest: j
Ci 9 Clerk
Council Chamber May 20, 1960 7:30 P.M
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
opening Prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant minutes of the
following meetings were approved:
Regular Meeting, April 12, 1960, 7:30 P.M.
Special Meeting, April 19, 1960, 2:30 P.M.
Special Adjourned Meeting, April 19, 1960, 7:30 P.M.
Special Adjourned Meeting, April 25, 1960, 7:30 P.M,
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, On and off
Sale 3.2 beer licenses were granted to Patrick E."White, 603 West Churchill
Street, on the second reading of the applications.
Applications from Ed Knefelkamp, 1101 North Owens Street for On and Off Sale
3.2 beer licenses were presented but on account of being in the residential
district were automatically carried over to the next regular meeting of the
Council on June 7, 1960.
Applications from the following for Off Sale 3.2 beer licenses were presented
but on account of being in the residential district were automatically carried
over to the next regular meeting of the Council on June 7, 1960:
Arthur A. nelson, 920 'Nest Olive Street
Arnold Deno, 215 North William Street
Fred F. Thompson, 1004 North Fourth Street
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, an Off Sale
3.2 beer license was granted to Mason Krelitz, 131 South Main Street.
The matter of the application from Evan Sclachta for a secondhand dealer's
license was again discussed. This license wasgrantedat a -previous meeting
subject to the approval of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police reported
that Mr. Sclachta had been complying with the Ordinance and that he had pro-
mised to continue to do so in the future. On motion of Councilman Charlsen,
seconded by Councilman Tennant, the City Clerk was directed to deliver the
second hand dealer's license to Mr. Sclachta which was granted on March 8, 1960.
From Mr. W. R. Mahood, who resides on Ridge Lane objecting to any action by the
-- Council which would allow Mrs. Aurilla Atwood to erect an archway over Ridge
From Leke Elmo Community Club signed by Mrs. Emeline Kern, Club President, re-
questing that the Council refrain from any action which would change Lowell
Park in any way.
From Mary Jane Leonard, Secretary, St. Croix River Association, requesting
that Lowell Park be maintained as a recreation area and scenic park and not to
abandon this lend for the purpose of parking automobiles or for a wider approach
to the Interstate bridge.
From the Banister Engineering Company, rhich read as follows:
"'We have been informed by the Municipal Engineers Screening Committee that a
new Municipal State Aid System Needs Study based on IBM 650 Computer operations
must be made. This Needs Study must be finished by May 1, 1960 and submitted
to the district engineer. We are completely familiar with this process and
can have this work completed by that time if aut prized to do so. We would like
to call your attention that on page 13 of the City Engineer's Manual actual
traffic counts will be required for the entire Municipal State Aid Street Sys-
tem. These traffic counts should be taken at the four different seasons of the
year and on all streets so that the heaviest traffic count can be used. We
would recommend that the City of Stillwater acquire a traffic counter which is
capable of counting and recording traffic counts by the hour for a period of
one week at a time. This traffic counter will provide flow informations which
must be applied in the 1962 study. All communities must have this traffic flow
information by that time."
From I. A. Pederson, Chairman, Board of Pine Point Nursing Home, objecting to
the creation of a dump for the City of Stillwater on the Richard property near
the sight of the Pine Point Nursing Home.
From Neuelers, signed by
questingmthat� the Council Rheinbergerpass daEResolution winrconnecLyle
tion withc conveyance of
Lot 13, Block 2, Webster's Addition, to Sophia Muckenhausen, John P. Mucken-
hausen, Leha Pauley, Gertrude Muckenhausen, Tena bolton, and Alice Pifer, on
July 7, 1926. Reason for this request to cure defect in title of this prop-
From R. D. Hagen, Cashier, First National Bank, in regard to West Hancock
Street between Everett and Martha Streets, requesting that the Council approve
the grade and general construction of said street. The Superintendent of Public
Works Informed the Council members that the street has not been graveled. On
motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, it was decided
to approve said street when gravel has been applied and same approved by the
Superintendent of Public Works.
From Howard R. Albertson, Attorney at Law, and a copy of a letter mailed to the
Chief of Police which read as follows:
"The purpose of this letter is to outline the requirements of Evan Sclachta,
proprietor of the Surplus Store// Stillwater,
'AMinnesota, in no complyiegand thegu-
Stillwater City Ordinance No. 349
late Second Hand Dealers Other Than Second Hand Automobile and Second Hand
complyingewiith this 0 dinanceisrstaingasofyour requirement of Mr.
1. All second hand or used outboard motors purchased or trade in on trade for
an article will be reported using the form which is attached. This report shall
be mailed or
withinred to the 24 hours afterther Chief outboardoisPolice or s member of the
2. All second hand cr used guns purchased or taken in on trade for an article
will be reported using the form which is attached. This report shall be mailed
or delivered to the Stillwa
reStiwerChief of lice or a member of the police force
within 24 hours theethe gunis accepted.
3. All guns sold whether second hand, used, or new shall be reported to the
Chef of isi attached. This reports shallt be mailed aorrdelivered police otoe the iStillwater ng the mwhich Czief
of Police or a member of the police force within 24 hours after the gun 1s sold.
4. Personal property of any nature will not be purchased or received from any
minor without the parent's consent in writing. In the absence of the parents
ng t
he transaction a accepted after whichtaephcne n ecallmtohtheaparentsuwillibenmadeg e to
the note.
5. Second hand or used hand guns or revolvers under 18 incnes in length will
not be sold within the city limits. They will be sold outside the limits of.
the City of Stillwater. However, a report will be submitted to the Stillwater
ce as to where the
asiwellf so al reportacompletedmember fthe usingp thece formrwhich is attached. sale hst rep reok port
shall be mailed or delivered within 24 hours after the transaction.
237 a
6. All reasonable effort will to made not to sell any gun to any known escaped
convict or wanted criminal.
Please be informed that it will Le Mr. Sclachta's understanding that 1f he com-
plies with the provisions outlined and set forth herein, he will be compl:sing
with the Ordinance. If your understanding is any different please notify me at
once. Otherwise, Mr. Sclachta has the right to assume that he will not be pros-
^ describedr the herein. violation
and to the City Attorney."
From Fred E. Berger, Director, Center for Continuation Study, University of Minn-
o,ciweek announcing the Universit
Juvenile institute which begins its
fifth annual
From James L. Douville, city attorney, addressed to the City Clerk, which read
"as follow
Enclosedsis a copy of the Notice cf Filing of Commissioner's Report which has
been served upon all of the respondents in condemnation proceedings to acquire
land and easements in connection with the Sewage Treatment Plant project. In
the event you are not already aware, the respondent, Sunnyside Marine Inc. has
appealed the commissioner's award of damages to it stating that the amount of
its claim for damages is the sum of 450,000.00 plus the further sum of 41,000.00
s a
for presentedf tothe trees.
0It occurs ity to
regularem eting.matter which should
Part of the Commissioner's Report referred to in the City Attorney's letter read
"You are hereby further notified that the amounts awarded as compensation as follows:
damages to each and every owner of the real estate ordered and authorized to
be condemned herein as follows:
Parcel No. 1. Robert A. Peters, Helen Peters, $5,800.00.
Parcel No. 2. Sunnyside Marine, inc., Northern Federal Savings and Loan Asso-
ciation, $2,500.00. For the taking of certain trees from the lands designated
amount of $250.00rtolo be paid to Sunnysidea damages
inc.,9 theafeea
From the Lystads Exterminators, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in regard to rat con-
trol which read in part as follows:
"In order that you may have some control over the work to be done and the letting
of the bid to a reputable company I have several suggestions you may wish to
include in our
Councilman Simpson,c the cCity nmotion Councilman
Clerk wasauthorized anddirected a� toadvertise by
for bids on city wide rat control, excluding P.M.
ing the commercial district, said bids
to be returnable on June 7, 96
From the League of Minnesota Municipalities in regard to the 4&th annual con-
vention to be held at Winona, Minnesota on June 15 thru 17, 19b0. The City
Clerk was directed to make reservations for eight delegates and their wives.
From Mr. Herb Kukuk, Waterville, Minnesota, stating that he would like to apply
for position of sewage treatment plant operator at Stillwater.
From Henry K. Lindahl and Sons, ueneral Contractors of Minneapolis, Minnesota,
stating that Mr. C. J. Thompson, the City Building Inspector, is one of the
most competent and congenial with whom they have had the pleasure of dealing
and stating that the City is very fortunate indeed in having such a fine
gentleman on the staff.
A petition for annexation of territory was presented which road as follows:
"The undersigned William D. Klapp and Ruby M. Klapp, husband and wife, and
Louis J. Sauvageau and Helen M. Sauvageau, Imsland and wife, teing all the owners
of the land hereinafter described, respectfully petition the City Council of
the City of Stillwater, a municipality situated in the County of :+ashington,
State of Minnesota, to have said land included within and annexed to said city,
which land abutts on said City, is not Included In any other municipality, does
not exceed 200 acres in area, and is described as follows: The North of the
Northeast kuarter of Section 31 and the North i of the Northwest quarter of
Section 32 in Township 30, Range 20, excepting that part thereof lying bast oi'
the public road running Northeasterly and Southwesterly across said tract.
Also excepting that part of said tract described as follows: Commencing at the
intersection of the South line of said tract with the West line of said public
road, thence Northeasterly along said 'Nest line 360 feet to the point of be-
ginning for the tract of land hereby excepted, thence Northwesterly at right
angles to said West line 215 feet, thence Northeasterly on a line parallel to
said West line 240 feet, theaee Southeasterly at right angles to the last men-
tioned line, 215 feet more or less to said West line, thence Southwesterly
along said West line 240 feet more or less to the point of beginning, all sit-
uated in said County of Washington, State of Minnesota." On motion of Council-
man Charlsen, and seconded by Councilman 'Tennant, the foregoing petition was
referred to the City Attorney with instructions to proceed with t he necessary
legal steps to comply with said petition.
A petition for City water and sewer extension signed by I. A. Bergen, President,
and Cella K. Bergen, Secretary and Treasurer, was presented which read as fol-
"We the owners of the property described below want to petition tc have the
water and sewer extended into the property. We are enclosing street and topo-
graphy map and would like to get approval on the entire tract of 42 acres. How-
ever, to confine the first year's extension to Bergen's First Addition, com-
prising 25 lots with entrance to the property from Everett Street. We would
also ask for terms on the assessment for water and sewer of ten years or more
as has been the custom in the past. The Northeast Quarter of the Southwest
Quarter of Section 33, Township 30 North of flange 20 dest and an easement over
the South 20 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec-
tion 33, Township 30 North of Range 20 West Lying Easterly of the Public road
also known as the hospital road and all that part of Blocks 1 and 5 of Ramsey
and Carter's Addition to Stillwater described as follows to wit: Beginning at
the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec-
tion 33, Township 30 North, +range 20 West, thence South along the East line of
said subdivision 363.48 feet to a point 33 feet South of the center line of
St. Croix Street in said addition, thence West parallel with for 250 feet,
thence North on a line parallel to the first line above described to the North
Line of said Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 33 and
thence Easterly along said 40 acre tract for 250 feet to the place of beginning
which includes all of Lots 1 through 10, 29,30,31, and the Easterly 10 feet of
Lots 11 and 28 of block 1 and the Northerly 3 feet of Lots 7 to 11 inclusive
of Block 5 of said Ramsey and Carter's Addition to Stillwater." On motion
of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the Superintendent of
Public Works was instructed to inform Mr. Bergen that a detailed plat must be
filed before the Council can consider the request.
A petition with 22 signatures objecting to the expansion of the parking area
on the Southwest corner of Fourth and Churchill Streets in connection with
Hooley's South Hill Market, was presented.
Councilman Charlsen
1. Stated that one of the apartments in the City owned house on North Fourth
Street is still vacant.
2. Reported that the grounds at Pioneer Park will soon be ready for the season
and that it was necessary to repair the fireplaces. Parks in good condition
generally except the triangle on South Broadway.
3. Inquired of the Supt. of Public Works if a survey has been made in con-
nection with land lying on the south side of Lily Lake. Mr. Ehlinger informed
him that he has not found time to make the survey.
Councilman Jewell
1. Stated that he had received a call from the Northern States Power Company
in regard to certain repairs that should be made in connection with the street
lighting system and that he has authorized the Company to proceed with the in-
stallation of defective parts.
• 239
2. Reported that the portable light plant has been delivered.
3. Stated that he has been approached by several people about seal coating
certain streets. Supt. of Public Works stated that plans are now underway for
seal coating, streets sometime during August of this year.
4. Inquired if the Supt. of Public %arks has viewed the printer machine owned
by James Simonet used for the purpose of reproducing maps, etc.
Councilman Simpson
1. Inquired if the Council intends to purchase an air compressor for use in the
City garage. If so, could the compressor be used fa• the purpose of sounding
a whistle or horn to summon volunteer firemen.
2. Recreation Commission met on April 24, 1960 and that he was elected Chair-
man for another year. The Commission has set up a committee system, lifeguards
have been hired, and salaries fixed for the coming season.
3. Reported and read from his notes intention to file claim against the Water
Board for telephone cable damage estimated cost to repair same about $1200.00.
Councilman Tennant
1. Reported that he appeared before the Stillwater 'township Board in regard to
dump site for the City. He stated that he found the Board members very cooper-
ative and that said Board Chairman appointed a committee to sake a study of this
matter and bring its recommendation to the Board for consideration. ;'e sugges-
ted that the Mayor appoint a committee to work with the committee appointed
by the Township chairman. 0n motion of Councilman lennant, seconded by Council-
man Charlsen, the Mayor was authorized and directed to appoint a committee as
suggested by Councilman Tennant. Mayor Madsen then appointed the following to
serve on the committee: Chairman, Councilman lennant, and Councilman Simpson
and Charlsen.
2. Stated that Pat %bite who resides at 603 West Churchill Street, called
and complained about the condition of the curb in front of his store at the
same address.
Mayor Madsen
1. Presented a letter from Northern Pacific Railway Company which read as
"Please refer to your letter of April 5 asking that the Railway Company again
reconsider the City's offer for lease of certain property at Stillwater for
public automobile parking. As stated in my letter of May 24 the Railway
Company is reluctant to issue a lease for this property on a flat rental basis,
but have agreed to do it on the assumption it would bring about a successful
conclusion of our negotiations. Under the circumstances we feel we have com-
promised the proposal rental and lease to the greatest extent possible. There-
fore I must repeat that the Railway Company is willing to issue a five year
lease on the basis outlined in my letter of March 24. I agree that to date
our negotiations on most matters have been agreeable and that the cooperation
of the City and its Park representatives has been excellent. However, in this
instance we feel the proposition as presented is more than favorable to the
City and hence we must stand on that proposition. Thank you for your early
consideration and reply."
At the suggestion of the City Building Inspector the Council again discussed
the matter of condemning a house located at 120 South Martha Street, the Aug-
usta Josephine Wilson estate. the south half of Lct 9, all of Lot 11, Block
11, Thompson, Moore and Parker's Addition. 0n motion of Councilman uharlsen,
seconded ty Councilman 'tenant, the matter was referred to the City Attorney
with instructions to take the proper legal steps to condemn the building lo-
cated on the above described property.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded ty Councilman Charlsen, the fol-
lowing endorsements in connection with insurance policies now in force cover-
ing various city buildings and contents against fire and extended coverage
were approved and ordered filed:
Policy No. 26484, amount of policy, "y14y2,100.00.
Policy No. 2648 , amount of policy, 3$I�.2,100.00.
Policy No. 27527, amount of policy, 2,100.00.
Policy No. 27987, amount of policy, w42 100.00.
Policy No. D970633, amount of policy, 42,100.00.
Expiration dates
Policy No. 26485, 9-1-60
Policy No. 26484, 9-1-61
Policy No. 27527, 9-1-62
Policy No. 27987, 9-1-63
Policy No. D970633, 9-1-64
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, a bond in
the amount of 05,000.00 issued by the National Surety Company covering Rey C.
Grove in connection with permit to make drain and sewer connections in the
City of Stillwater was approved and ordered filed.
The Clerk reported that several complaints have been received about the con-
Mayornof the Madsen referredkin thisfront matterftohe the1ty owned house Supt. of Publicon Worksth Second Street.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the follow-
ing sewer rental charges were fixed for the period April, May and June of
1960 (Ordinance No. 371):
1. Tom Juhl, 1308 W. Pine Street 05.00
2. Charles Aoloff, 904 N. First Street 5.00
jjj • Harold Moe, 419 Stillwater Ave.
i 5.00
. St. Croix Homes, Fourth and Hickory St. 5.00
William Blekum Elm and Martha St. 5.00
6. Douglas Johnson, 311 W. Stillwater Ave. 5.00
7. Jean Handevidt, 1413 N. Second St. 5.00
9. VernalWallHJohnson,' 1666404RiN. Wver illiams St.Dr5.00
10. Pure 011 Company, 208 N. (Not co Second
11. S. & F. Petroleum
Company,mot 822 S. Third St. Cancel
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the Clerk
was directed to notify the County Auditor to split anassessment against the
East 515 feet of Block 16, McKinstry and Seeley's Addition, project, seal coat-
ing No. 3-1955, total amount of assessment, 0158.60, including interest and
penalty, the assessment to be divided as follows:
1. East 100 feet of Block 16, McKinstry and Seeley's Addition.
2. 415 feet of Block 16, McKinstry and Seeley's Addition (The East 100 feet
of Block 16, McKinstry and Seeley's Addition sold to the Board of Trustees of
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church).
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following
were appointed volunteer firemen:
1. Jack Meyers
2. Roland Boucher
3. Carl Sletten
0n motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, insurance
Policy No. AC27521 issued by the 'Wabash Fire and Casualty insurance Company of
Indianapolis, Indiana, covering the 1y53 reel Civil Defense truck in thefollow-
ing amounts: Bodily injury, liability, :350,000.00 each person, 0100,000.00
each accident. Property damage, 45,000.00 each accident was approved and ordered
On motion of Ccuncilman Jenell, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the building
Inspector's report covering activities during the month of April, 1960 was
approved and ordered filed.
Mr. Smith, one of the heirs in connection with property located at 1003 South
Third Street appeared before the Council and inquired if any action has been
taken residencehat 1003nce to South Thirdst from Street.�y�rThelCityist to Clerk then lish an read office read thefollowi g
letter from Mr. Thomas H. Hodne who is the planning consultant for the local
Planning Commission:
"It is our recommendations that a permit to construct or use existing facili-
ties for a non -conforming use along Third Street be denied. We do not believe
that the granting of such a privilege is consistent with good zoning practice.
A sound planning principle to follow is that commercial use of land should be
encouraged to locate in orderly clusters rather than in a Strip fashion. As
alternates a facility as proposed could be located in the Churchill and Fourth
Street area or encouraged to locate in downtown Stillwater. Our building space
survey shows that there is ample vacant office space in the central area."
Mr. Stennes, Chairman of the Local Planning Commission, appeared before the
Council and presented a Phase One report on planning activities during the
past year by said Commission and recommended the acceptance of said report
by the Council. 0n motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman
Simpson, the report as presented by Mr. Stennes was accepted and the Planning
Commission was commended for the splendid manner in which it carried out its
assigned duties. Mr. Stennes then explained that it would cost the City a-
bout $7,100.00 to complete Phase 2 on the overall planning. Phase 2 would
be a detailed report covering each block in the City.
The following members of the Committee appointed by the Chairman of the Still-
water Township to study the matter of a dump site for the City of Stillwater
appeared before the Council. The member indicated that they will cooperate
with the City Council with reference to selecting a dump si te:
Igel Madsen
Ed Stuart
Robert Meinke
�,. On motion of Ccuncilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jenell, an assignment
of wages by Donald Staberg of the police department to Suzanne Cox was approved
and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the Clerk
made the second readingof An Ordinance Amending An Ordinance Determining
the Annexation of Certain Land To Be In The Best Interests of the City of
Stillwater and of the Territory Affected and Declaring Same to be Annexed to tb
City." The Ordinance was read section by section, followed by roll call after
each section and all members of the Council voted in the affirmative. The
Chair then put the question 'Shall this Ordinance Pass' and upon roll call all
members of the Council voted for its adoption.
0n motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Clerk
made the second reading of "An Ordinance Amending an Ordinance Annexing Cer-
tain Territory to the City of Stillwater". The Ordinance was read section by
section followed by roll call after each section and all members of the Council
voted in the affirmative. The Chair then put the question "Shall this Ordinance
pass" and upon roll call all members voted for its adoption.
The following Resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment cf bills.
2. Prescribing boundaries of precincts.
3. Authorizing employment of Dump Master.
14. Authorizing execution or deed.
5 Fixing salary of fire department lieutenant.
6. Appointing Deputy City Clerk and Treasurer.
7. Granting special non -conforming use permit.
8. Authorizing Municipal State Aid System iieeda Study.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, meeting ad-
journed at 11:50 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, and President Madsen.
Absent: Councilman Tennant.
May 19, 1960 4:30 P.M.
1. Councilman Charlsen introduced Resolution No. 2213 entitled "A Resolution
Authorising Issue and Sale of Certificates of Indebtedness." Councilman Jewell
seconded the motion and upon vote being taken thereon the members present voted
as follows:
No 0
whereupon said Resolution was declared duly carried and adopted by not less than
a 4/5 vote of all members of the Council, and was ordered to be published in
the official paper of the City.
2. Councilman Charlsen introduced Resolution No. 2214 entitled "A Resolution
Fixing the Form and Details of $350,000 Refunding Bonds and Creating a Sinking
Fund for their Payment." Councilman Jewell seconded the motion and upon vote
being taken thereon the members present voted as follows:
No 0
whereupon said Resolution was declared duly carried and adopted by not less
than a 4/5 vote of all members of the Council and was ordered to be published
in the official paper of the City.
The following Resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted:
3. Resolution Authorising Application for Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Land.
(Lots adjoining Staples Field)
The foregoing Resolution No. 2214 fixing form and details of $350,000 Refunding
Bends and Creating a Sinking Fund for Their Payment was passed by the Council
on March 23, 1960. Copy of said Resolution was not returned to the City Clerk
from approving attornies for publication. Mr. Springstead of Moody and Spring -
stead, the City's fiscal agents, informed the Council that the approving attor-
nies found it necessary to make certain changes in the Resolution, therefore,
it was passed again at this meeting and ordered published.)
0n motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, meeting ad-
journed at 5:45 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
May 25, 1960 4:30 P.M.
Spatial Meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, it was decided
neer to
gplans and ispecifications thave i been drawnbythe Banistert the s Engineering projects r
Company. Mr. Banister of the Banister Engineering Company informed the Coun-
cil members that they have a man available who is a registered engineer and qual-
ified to make any and all inspections. Under the foregoing motion it waa
decided to hire the man recommended by Mr. Banister, namely, Mr. Jerry Miller.
(Resolution engaging Mr. Miller will be passed at the next regular meeting of
the Council on June 7, 1960.)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the City Clerk
was directed to write a letter to the Minnesota Conservation Department, Div-
ision of Waters, which letter will serve as endorsement and support of the appli-
cation placeafillMay
in and along thethe
the St. CrcixTerminal
improving and extending the public barge terminal.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Simpson, meeting ad-
journed at 5:30 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
June 7, 1960 7:30 P.M.
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, minutes of the
following meetings were approved:
Regular Meeting, May 10, 1960, 7:30 P.M.
SSpecial Meeting, ecial Meeting, May 25, 1960, 4:30 P.M.
On motioof touEddxnefelkamp,m11011N. owensnSt. f by nthe
Sale 3.
second reading of the applications.
On moticn of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, Off Sale 3.2
Beer licenses were granted to the following on the second reading of the appli-
Arthur A. West
Arnold Deno, Nelson,215NorthOClive
William Street.
Application from John Nooley, 902 South Fourth Street for Off Sale 3.2 Beer
license was pesented but on automaticallyr
rcarried over tothenext fregular being lmeeting n the e te
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Simpson, a popcorn wagon
license was grantedtoLouts P. Zeuli, City Streets, for the period from July 5,
1960 to July 5,
licensesnweofre0grantedato LeRoy Muller, I�doing ybusiness mas Muller wg
ouncilmn Charlsen, Boat Works at
the River Front:
1. Cigarette license for period from July 1, 1960 to Jan. 1, 1961.
2. Soft drink license.
t drin
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded
ndedebymCouncilma) an Jewell, acsoft drinkv-
license was granted to Leon McLian,
el of the City Attorney. Councilman Tennant voted "no" on the motion.
ewer d
in the• neA. wly anexedoterritoryy south ofin the newdhighs school andnsouth ofnNit-a
zer's Addition. Mayor Madsen referred this matter to the Supt. of Public Works.
From Wendell G. Johnson, Attorney at Law, in regard to removal oL nurse's home
located directly east of the present Lakeview Memorial hUpital. See Resol-
From F. L. Woodward, Director, Division of Environmental Sanitation, State
of Minnesota, announcing that Mr. John H. oheltan has successfully passed the
written examination for Grade C. Sewage korke Operator's Certitieate and has
fulfilled the requirements of the Examining Committee for Sewage Works Operator
Grade D.
From State of Minnesota, Department of Business Development, announcing that
Community Planning Funds are available. Mayor Madsen instructed the O1ty Olerk
to forward the letter to the Secretary of the Planning Commission, namely, Mr.
Charles Thompson.
From the Railroad and Warehouse Commission announcing that effective May 14,
1960, Lewis Lines, Inc. (buses) have been authorized to discontinue all oper-
From the Stillwater Armory Board, National Guard Armory, thanking the Council -.I
members for a recent contribution of ;250.00 to be used for maintenance of the
Stillwater Armory.
From the Banister Engineering Company in regard to water main improvements
on South Fourth Street, M.S.A. Project 82-103-03, which read as follows:
"We would like to inform you that the water main improvement project on Fourth
Street South is progressing reasonably well except for one condition. Our
soil borings indicated that there was ledge rock reasonably close to the surface
of Fourth Street south of Churchill. The borings taken in January were e0.
located that they missed a good share of the rock ledge. Because of this con-
dition the 140 cubic yards of rock excavation set up for the project will be
overrun somewhat: At present there has been 160 cubic yards of rock excavated
to date and the quantity may go as high as 200 cubic yards or thereabouts.
The bid price of ;18.00 a cubic yard for rock excavation is a good bid. Be-
cause of this we have ordered the contractor to proceed with the project as
called for in the plans and specifications. We would like to inform you at this
time that there will be a slight overrun in the cost of the project which may
amount to somewhat more than 1,000.00. Our recommendation is that this pro-
ject be continued as planned. On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by
Councilman Charlsen, the action taken by the Banister Engineering Company, as
outlined in the letter was approved.
A copy of a letter from Banister Engineering Company to E. S. Vevea, Deputy
District Engineer, Minnesota Highway Dept., in regard to M.S.A. Needs Study
was read and on motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell,
the letter Was ordered filed.
A pecition with 29 signatures objecting to the operations being carried on at
the corner of Everett and Anderson Streets (Fritz Ulrich Repair Shop) and re-
questing that the Council take action necessary to maintain the area as
strictly residential. On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman
Jewell, this matter was referred to the City Attorney for an opinion.
This was the night and time set to open bids on citywide rodent control. The
City Attorney suggested that the Council reject all bids at this time and re -
advertise for bids at a later date because detailed specifications were not
furnished to the bidders. On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Council-
man Tennant, all bids weee rejected (not opened). Mayor Madsen suggested that
Councilman Tennant and the City Attorney prepare detailed specifications and
when same ere completed report to the Council.
The matter of purchasing a traffic counter as recommended by the Banister
Engineering Company at a meeting held on May 10, 1960 was discussed. The oupt.
of Public norks stated that he has not received descriptive literature from the
Banister Engineering Company in connection with traffic counters and therefore
suggested that the Council lay this matter over to the next regular meeting.
The Supt. of Public Works stated that part of the sidewalk abutting city owned
property on North 5„cond Street is in bad condition and will be repaired in
the near future.
At a previous meeting upon the request of Mrs. Aurilla Atwood and Helene R.
Wallis, permission was granted to construct an ornamental archway over Ridge
Lane Drive about 20 feet south of the Atwood property line. After considerable
discussion, on motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson,
it was decided to rescind the action taken in regard to this matter because Mr.
Mahood, one of the property owners residing on Ridge Lane Drive, objected to
the construction of an ornamental archway beyond the Atwood property line.
Councilman Charlsen
1. Inquired of the Supt. of Public Works if tackstops have been erected and
repaired in connection with baseball fields. Mr. Ehlinger stated that the work
will be done in the near future.
2. Reported that a new small slide for use at Lily Lake bathing beach has been
3. Inquired of the City Attorney if application has been made to acquire tax
forfeited land adjacent to Staples Field. The City Attorney informed him that
the necessary legal steps to acquire the property have been taken.
4. Stated that there is a shortage of picnic tables at Pioneer Park.
5. One of the apartments in the city owned house on Fourth Street is vacant.
Councilman Jewell
1. Reported that the street sweeper has been repaired and is back in operation.
2. Stated a new method in connection with street repair is now underway on
Martha and Willard Streets.
3. Reported that a one ton used 36 inch tandem roller vibrator for street
patching purposes would cost about 01,800.00 and a new machine abcut 02,100.00.
4. Received requests for new street lights on South Broadway but in order to
comply with the requests and to properly light the area in question it will
be necessary to place the light and pole on private property. Stated that he
did contact the Northern States Power Company about this matter and the company
officials informed him that the company will install the lights :f the city
enters into a contract with the person requesting the service.
Councilman Simpson
1. Suggested that the Council authorize purchase of two new french horns for
the city band at a cost of 4412.50 each. On motion of Councilman Charlsen,
seconded by Councilman Tennant, the matter was referred to Councilman Simpson
with power to act.
2. Explained that the fire numbering system in the rural area is not up to
date and that the fire chief is working on the matter at the preseat time and
that the townships will bear part of the costs involved.
Councilman Tennant
1. Inquired of the Supt. of Public 'Works if the diving docks will be installed
next week. Mr. Ehlinger stated that they will be providing the necessary chains
are delivered by that time.
2. Peaches will open at noon every day during the swimming season.
Mayor Madsen
1. Reported that letters have been mailed to .air, Hooley and the iorthern Paci-
fic Railway Co. by the City Attorney stating the City's position with reference
to repairing the damage to the parking area leased by Mr. Cooley from the North-
ern Pacific Railway Co. ME
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the follow- C
Sng sewer rental charges mere adjusted and fixed: (Ordinance No. 371)
1. Washington County Historical Society, building closed during winter
months. Bill for two quarters only, April thru September at the rate
of $5.00 per quarter.
2. F. L. Paulson, 118 North Greeley Street, error in reading of water meter
last quarter of 1959. Average water used during any one quarter amounting
to $6.60. Sewer rental charge fixed for year 1960 at t he rate of 46.60
per quarter.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seccnded by Councilman Oharlsen, insurance
policies issued by the Volunteer Firemen's Benefit Association of Minnesota
covering the following volunteer firemen were approved and ordered filed:
Policy No. 29100, Joseph Carl Aubin, Jr.
Policy go. 29101, Roland Boucher
Policy No. 29102, Jack L. Myers
Policy No. 29103, Carl Farnum Sletten
0n motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the building
Inspector's report covering activities during the month of May, 1960, was app-
roved and ordered filed.
Mayor Madsen announced the reappointment of Willis V. Bloom as a member of the
Board of Water Commissioners and on motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by
Councilman Tennant, the appointment was confirmed.
Mr. Lyle Eckberg appeared before the Council representing the Village of Oak
Park Heights and stated in his opinion the City of Stillwater was operating
illegally at the gravel pit owned by the City in Oak Park Heights. He suggest-
ed that the Council request a special use permit and also give some indication
as to the length of time the City plans to operate the gravel pit.
A Mr. Larson appeared before the Council and inquired as to what the City plans
to do about the drainage problem in connection with his property west of Seeley
Street and north of Oak Street. The Supt. of Public Works stated that the con-
dition will be corrected sometime in the near future.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the follow-
ing Change Order as recommended by the Banister Engineering Company was approved
and the Mayor and Clerk were authorized and directed to sign same:
Change Order No. 6 - Project Interceptor Sewer
Nature of Change - Description and Cost. 655 lineal feet sewer trench resur-
facing including 3 inches of Class V.gravel and 2 inches of pre -mixed bitumi-
nous surfacing at $7.00 per lineal foot for a total of 44,585.00. (Parking
area leased by the Hooley 'uper Markets from the Northern Pacific Hallway Co.)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Clerk
made the first reading of "An Ordinance Determining the Annexation of Certain
Land to be in the Best Interests of the City of Stillwater and of the Terri-
tory Affected and Declaring Same to be Annexed to the City."
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Approving collateral and fixing place for safe keeping thereof.
3. Authorizing employment of resident engineer.
Fixing compensation of beach personnel for 1960 Beason.
Authorising acquisition of land for street purposes.
6. Authorising removal of building. (Nurse's home at hospital)
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 11:30 P. M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
June 13, 1960 4:30 P.M.
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Presents Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absents Councilman Simpson
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Approving plans, specifications and estimate of costs for seal coating
certain streets within the City of Stillwater,, Minnesota during the year
1960 and fixing a time when the Council will meet to act in relation to the
doingofthe proposed work and directing the City Clerk to give notice
of such meeting.
2. Directing the payment of a bill.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 5:00 P.M.
City Clerk
253 •
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, 4lmpson, Tennant and President
Absent: None
July 1, 1960 4:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant an
"Off Sale" Liquor License was granted to Lester Trombley at 226 South
Main Street (formerly Glenn Beverage Comnany) for the period from
July 1, 1960 to January 1, 1961, subject to the approval of the State
Liquor Control Commissioner. The.surety bond issued by the Home Indem-
nity Comnany of New York 1n the amount of 41,000.00 was also approved.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson meeting
Attest: �f Mayor
City Clerk•
Council Chamber
Stillwater. Minnesota
July 12, 1960 7:30 P.M.
Regular Meeting
The melting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening Prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilman Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: Councilman Charlsen.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded b y Councilman Jewell, minutes of the
following meetings were approved:
Regular Meeting, June 7,-1960 at 7:30 P.M.
Special Meeting,ngJuly 1, 193, 600att4:300P.M.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Simpson, a junk dealer's
license was granted to Leo Klein at 220 E. Mulberry Street forthe period from
August 6, 196o to August 6, 1961.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, cigarette
licenses were granted to the following:
William T. Huston, 411{ South Main Street, for the year 1960 (Cavern Inn).
Lester Trembley, 2266 S. Main Street, for the period from July 1, 1960 to Jan-
uary 1, 1961.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the off -sale
3.2 beer license issued to Mason Krelitz on the loth day of May, 1960 was cancelled
(Requested by Applicant).
From the Banister Engineering Company in regard to South Fourth Street Im-
provement recommending that the Council request county participation in the
amount of $4,351.66 which would be equivalent to 17.4% of the total cost to
Council -
mans ell,the CityrClerk nwas tdirected oto contactSimpson, theCounty EngineerC u in re-
gard to this matter.
From the City Attorney suggesting that the matter of approving the proposed
plat of Hill's Addition and the annexation of the area commonly known as the
Hefty farm be referred to the Planning Commission for review with the retothe
Cthat said ouncil. (Clerks reportion make a its findings referred thismatter totheSecretaryc oftheendations Planning Comm-
ission, Mr. Charles Thompson, on June 15, 1960)
From R. D. Hagen, Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission, in regard to
special technical assistance expense which read in part as follows:
"While we believe some special assistance on individual cases will be needed
from time to time we feel the Commission should study and approve each case or
not be held responsible for the expenditures that arise from special help. it
is our intenresultstionof
discuss besent
nmter uee with Mr. Hodne at our next
255 •
From R. D. Hagen, Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission, in regard to
request for driveway on South West corner property of Churchill and Fourth
Streets (Hooley's Super Market) which read in part as follows:
"Yesterday our Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the above subject at
length. In view of our aim to encourage orderly development of neighborhood
commercial areas and because this request should improve the traffic movement
in that area we recommend the request be granted. Mr. Thomas Hodne of Commun-
ity Planning and Design Assoc. Inc., studied the matter as you requested and
recommended the approval of the request."
Copy of a letter from the Banister Engineering Company addressed to Mayor Mad-
sen relative
owner of propertyolyingne lwest ofl on nth Sewagee 9, 1960 fTreatmentrom Mr. oPlantbert PSite.eters who
332adated Conservation
Department, (Well, Sewage Treatment regard to
From Lawrence J. Hurley in regard to sale of garage equipmentto the City.
From the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, in regard to payment
covering release of approved construction unicipal projects:tate Aid Funds to be used on the following
(South Fourth Street)
82-103-01 Storm Sewer, 13,280.05
82-103-02 Grading and Surfacing 57,774.38
82-103-03 Water Main 15,961.95
Total 87,016.38
Balance from 1959-1960 allotment, total $9,673.62
Maintenance $$55,588.00
Construction $$4,085.62
From Howard C. Johnson, 3303 Irving Ave. So., Minneapolis, in which he claims
that his automobile was damaged by a large piece of tarvia lying loose on
Olive Street near the radio tower, total amount of damages, $32.10. Clerk in-
formed the Council members that a copy of the letter was mailed to the iirog
Agency and the City Attorney on June 28, 1960.
From the State of Minnesota, Railroad and Warehouse Commission, report of
findings of Fact and order in the matter of the application of the St. Paul
St.yPaullCityRaiwayCRailwayompany to fix Companynd fors thelish carryings offfare to passengersewithhin theythe
of St. Paul, pursuant to Chapter 221 Minnesota Statutes.
Copy of a letter from Community Planning and Design Assoc. addressed to the
Stillwater Parking Committee in regard to parking survey in the business dis-
trict which read as follows:
"To date we have had numerous meetings and have presented two reports to the
Chamber of ed
Commission and theeCouncil.Parking
City The reportse and maps members of
presented are:
1. Stillwater parking survey of existing facilities.
2. Refinement of existing parking survey and forecast of future parking needs
for the downtwon core and frame areas.
We have reviewed the State Statute giving the cities of Stillwater's class
the authority to participate in a public parking program (M.S.A. 459.14)
investigated the work done by St. Cloud and interviewed various concerned
individuals in Stillwater. On the basis of this work, we have come to the
following conclusions:
1. A parking authority is not necessary under the law tc carry on a public
parking program.
2. The City Council has the power carryto on a naaeparking. program. A parking
authority can only be advisory,;to cannot
3. The Planning Commission already functions in an advisory capacity to the
City Council thus we recommend the following course of action:
1. agreement: dated 10pMarch, 1960 andkCouncil i ResolutionpNo. oletter
a plan for 2190authoriz-
ing a survey and report on parking facilities.
2. Seek approval and adoption of the developed plan from the Planning Comm-
ission and City Council.
3. Use your present committee to operate within tne existing framework of
4. auras as etequat$rpsrkipio;Boring good planning all each other related
are moving with
detalle of
your parking
eltte meeting ahead
you atyour convenienetdisouothcontentsofth
letter. The program for the ezpedi out completion of the project and recommen-
dations for continuing action."
A petition with nine signatures was presented which read as follows:
"We. the undersigned Property owners on Makin Street between William and Owens
Streets and on OwenstStreet between Wilkin and Sycamore Streets, hereby petition
the City of Stillwater for installation, of the City sewer in these blocks and
City water on Owens Street." On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by
Councilman Simpson, the matter was referred to the City Engineer for report
at an early date.
A petition with four signatures was presented which read as follows:
"We, the undersigned are against the petition for a sewer from William to Owens
Street on Wilkin Street."
The Clerk brought up the matter of fixing sewer assessments against each piece
of property connected to the sewer system. The Mayor suggested thatthe Clerk
prepre the thata
atime theaCou Council Roll and would fix andsent same establishfor the ouncil assessments.
inspection and at
This was the night set for the hearing on the proposed work of seal coating
the following streets:
North Second Street between East Mulberry and East Wilkin Streets and East
Sycamore and East Hazel Streets.
South Fifth Street between West Pine and West Willard Streets, and West Chur-
chill and West Orleans Streets.
South Broadway Hill Street and Sixth Avenue South between East Pine and
East Burlington Streets. •
South Holcombe Street between West Pine and West Olive Streets.
West Linden Street between North Third and North Fourth Streets.
West Cherry Street between North Third and North Fifth Streets.
West Maple Street between North Fourth and North Everett Streets.
North Greeley Street between West Myrtle and West Mulberry Streets.
East Churchill Street between South Sixth Avenue and South Third Streets.
South Martha Street between West Fine and West Willard Streets.
West Willard Street between South Holcombe and South Martha Streets.
South William Street between West oak and West Fine Streets.
Several questionsraskedyandners commentscted madewere by thoseent anfollowing in attare some of the
1. Charles Glaser objected to the proposed improvement because he felt that
the work should be deferred until South Fourth Street is completed and some
of the heavy traffic diverted to Fourth Street.
S2. treetlisac mpletedlin felt because ofat thehe heavyxtraffic oftFifthountil Fourth
3. Mr. Swenberg stated that in his opinion all streets should be maintained
on an annual basis.
4. Jerome Junker stated that Sixth Avenue is in bad condition and that a
seal coating job would only be a temporary measure.
5. Mr. Reese stated that in his opinion Sixth Avenue South was in bad con-
dition and that a simple treatment of seal coating would only be a temporary
th AVenue South
and ithatnsealscoating a the present s should
ted that streetwould not beasatisfactory jorebuilt
7. Mr. Frank Zimmerman stated that the City Engineer has recently tried new
experiment in repairing streets that were in bad condition and that in his
opinion the work was not holding up ani was a wasted effort.
8. Mr. Lob Ludwig felt that the fi illard Street drainage problem should be
solved first and then the street should be either seal coated or rebuilt.
9. 7r. Sadek inquired about the drainage problem in connection with many of
our streets and felt that this problem should be solved before proceeding
with additional street work.
10. Mr. Tom
nawhwho resides on Maple Street Inquired how long a seal
coating job
11. Mr. Kosack stated that South Broadway is in no shape to seal coat and he
would much prefer to pay an additional charge to rebuild said street.
12. T.:r. Harry carnholdt stated that East Churchill does not need seal coat-
ing because the street is in good condition.
13. Mr. Labe Orff inquired if the property owners would get credit for amount
paid toward seal coating should the city decide to rebuild the street in a
couple of years.
streets• that area inobadtcondition has notywo worked out and p l isjust ament n repairing wasteof
15. Mr. Mike Glass stated that Maple Street is in bad condition and would
require a lot of repair work before it can be seal coated. Seal coating the
present surface would be a waste of money.
Mr. Carl Burhandpt, representing the Banister Engineering Company informed the
owners b.00eperthat the assessable frontt to rfcotsd a and thatyas 36rfoot widthwidth street would
,.� costd be about w
cost about 35.00 per assessable foot and e'.1 additional 4•$0 a foot for curb.
heop Madsen then inquiredtnthere were
noneher he thentclosednthregard
the proposed seal coating projects.
Councilman Jewell
1. Reported that five overhead lights in the free parking area near the river
front are now on private property. The land was recently leased byfHooley
Super Markets, Inc. from the Northern Pacific Railway Company•
s should soobe
taisconaeotedbor orlthe Hooley Co. should reimburse the City in
2. He stated that the Northern States Power Company has plans for installing
gas lines in the MCKusick Lake area but the proposed work is at a standstill
the street
take stepsave not been in the near futures toed in establish t street widthsea. He g30 suggested
rog in with
th theaplans
for installing gas lines to
Councilman Tennant
1. He reported that he has spent considerable time and that a number of mun-
iciplities have ben cntacted on aomonth tolmonth abasis andrd to suggestednt ) that the and tCity talso
engage exterminators on a month to month basis.
Mayor Madsen
1. He inquired if the stone house located near the sewage treatment plant
site has
been moved withinoa week
lof Public Works informed him that the house
will be
1 60 and that thecinspec-
tors Clerk reported that federal inspectors have made a ecmple to check in con-
torsihneirh the sewage atreatmoftonerhalf ofon June
the23, federal grant in the amount
have recommended t t"'
of r125,700.00 and that the payment will probably be received sometime during
the month of July. -
On motion of anTreasurer wasCouncil
authorizedT and adirected nLod releasenthe mfollowingddescribedrk
securitiespledged by the Cosmopolitan State Bonk of Stillwater, the said secur=
ities were pledged to secure deposits of public funds: X
posal$5,000.00 Village of St. Croix de9-1, Folk
Wisconsin, 2G°,�, Sewage Die- r.�
poa el ?lent Mortgage Bond, dated 9-1-47, Y 9'
$5,000.00 Washington County, Minnesota, Independent School, 1 3/4%, District ....
No. 101 School Building Bond of 1950 dated 11-1-50, maturity 11-1-02.
$3,000.00 Village of Lauderdale, Ramsey County, Minnesota, 211, eater darks
Bond of 1950, dated 12-1-50, maturity 12-1-60.
$2,000.00 Village of Lauderdale, Ramsey County, Minnesota, 21%, Water Main
improvement Bond, dated 12-1-50, Maturity 12-1-60.
$5,000.00 Brown County, Minnesota,
1.60%, District No.
24 School Building Bonds of 1946, 12-1-46, Y
due ller, lWashington County, Minnesota, Water Main Improve-
The Clerk reported that a notice of claim against the City was filed by Vacil
D. Kalinoff, attorney for Aline Morgan in the amount of $4,000.00. (Fall on
sidewalk) Copy of the notice was mailed to the Krog Agency and the City Attor-
ney on June 21, 1960. Claim filed on June 21, 1960.
The Clerk troughtup the matter of requesting advance payment from the State of
Minnesota, Municipal State Aid Funds (Construction Account) to finance Fourth
Street Improvement. He also explained that it is possible to to sell certifi-
cates of indebtedness to pay part of the,cost of the Fourth Street Improvement
and repay the loan of State Aid Allotment not to exceed one half of construc-
tion account annually.
0n motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the follow-
ing securities pledged by the First National Bank of Stillwater to secure de-
posit8. of public funds were .approved.a, Said maturity 2-15-05were datedu6-15-58 inuted or
a S. Treasury$Bonds.of 1U.
65, 6
amount of $'S0,000.00. U. S. Treasury Bonds of 196 3%, maturity 8-15-66
dated 2-28-58.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the follow-
ing securities pledged by the First Rational Bank of Stillwater to secure de-
posits of public funds were approved:
U. S. Treasury Notes, Series B-60 3 1/4% due 5-15-1960 $100,000.00 dated 1-21-59
U. S. Treasury Bonds of 1965 2 5/8% due 2-15-65 $50,000.00 dated 6-15-58.
U. S. Treasury Notes, Series B-63 4% due 5-15-63 $100,000.00 dated 4-1-59.
U. S. Treasury Bonds of 1961 2 due 11-15-61, $30,000.00 dated 2-15-54.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the follow-
ing sewer rental charges were established (ord:.nance No. 371) for the year 1960:
Gerhard Swanson, 1317 South Second Street, error reading meter last quarter,
1959 $7.60
Howard Ford, 905 Nest Churchill Street, error reading meter last quarter,
1959 $5.00
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the Clerk was
authorized to purchase a family size incinerator same to be placed in the base-
ment of the fire station. The incinerator will be used for the purpose of
burning waste paper collected in the various offices in the City Hall and also
garbage collected at the Fire Station.
Request from C. D. Bourdaghs for two fifteen minute parking meters on the
southwest corner of Chestnut and Second Streets and request from William
Kinsel for two fifteen minute meters on the northwest corner of Chestnut and
Second Streets was considered and on motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded
by Councilman Simpson, the matter was referred to the Chief of Police with
instruction to provide a 15 minute meter at each of the two locations mention&
On motion cf Councilman Tennant, seconded by Couneilmaa Simpson, the follow-
ing persons were appointed Judges of Election to serve at the Primary Election
on September 13th and the General Election on November 8, 1960:
First Ward, First Precinct
Mrs. :Jell Deragisch, 1322 South First Street
'"' Mrs. Myrtle Seim, 1105 Sixth Avenue South
Mrs. May Schrede, 1311 South Second Street
Mr. Otto C. Eieging, 711 South First Street
First Ward, Second Precinct
..rs. Martha Tonskemper, 322 West Churchill Street
Mrs. Ella Adkins, South Fifth Street
Mr. T. M. Derringtoa, 1342 South Third Street
.ors. Lillian Kutz, 705 South Holcombe Street
Second Ward, First Precinct
Mrs.G. M. Johnson, 207 North Martha Street
Mre.L. 0. Lagerstedt, 121 North Martha Street
Mrs. James Underhill, 201 North Martha Street
Mrs. Ethel S. Biorn, 516 West Myrtle Street
Second Ward, Second Precinct
Mrs. Hiram Paulson, 232 North Martha Street
Mrs. Mae Olson, 111 North Sherburne Street
Mrs. Verna J. Johnson 1018 Viest Myrtle Street
Mrs. Myrna Wihren, lob North Greeley Street
Third Ward, First Precinct
4°e+' Mrs. Edna Kress, 215 West Stillwater Avenue
Mrs. Donna Carlson, 416 West Hickory Street
Mrs. Lena Janilla, 314 West Hickory Street
Mrs. Ray Zoller, 301 West Stillwater Avenue
Third Ward, Second Precinct
Mrs. Florence Hall, 113 West Laurel Street
Mrs. Esther Magnuson, 607 West Maple Street
Mr. Arthur F. Seggelke, 728 West Mulberry Street
Miss Bessie Mitchell, 703 North Fourth Street
On motion of 'Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the following
securities pledged by the Cosmopolitan State lank to secure deposit of public
funds were approved:
$5,000.00 Village of Blooming Prairie, Steele County, Minnesota, 2.60% Per-
manent Improvement Revolving Fund of 1952 due 2-1-70, No. 101-05 at 1M each.
$5,000.00 Independent School District No. 2 (Carlton School District) Carlton
County, Minnesota 2.75% School Building Bond of 1952 due 5-1-66 No. 186-190
at 1M each.
$5,000.00 Chisago County, Minnesota, Consolidated School District No. 1,
1.40% School Building Bond of 1946, No. 119-23 at 1M each due 2-1-65.
$2,000.00 Dodge County, Minnesota, Independent School District No. 30 (Kasson
School District) School Building Scrd of 1947, 1 3/4%, No. 91-93 at 1M each
due 5-1-62.
46,000.00 Dodge County, Minnesota, Independent School District No• 30 (Kas-
son School District) 1 3/4%, School Building Bond of 1)47. No. 108-9 due
5-1-64, No. 116-7 due 5-1-65, No. 124-5 due 5-1-66 all at 1M each.
$5,000.00 Douglas, Grant, and Ottertail Counties of Minnesota, 2.75%, Joint
Independent Consolidated 'School District No. 57 of Douglas, Grant and Otter-
tail Counties, School Building Bond of 1)52, No. 122-6 at 1M each due 10-1-65.
$5,000.00 City of Fairmont, Martin County, Minnesota, Storm Sauer Bond of
1959 due 2-1-04, 2.50%, No. 26-30 at 1M each.
$5,000.00 City of Hastings, Dakota County, Minnesota, Improvement Bond of 1956,
3.10%i due 6-1-63 No. 51-55 at 1M each.
$4,000.00 Ho•aton and flnona Counties, Minnesota, Joint 2.20% Independent School
District No. 1, School Building Bond of 1954, No. 29-30 due 2-1-66, No. 32-33
due 2-1-67 all at 1M each.
$3,000.00 Village of LeCenter, LeSueur County, Minnesota, 1.75% General 0tli-
gation Bond due 7-1-65 No. 52.54 at 1M each.
2140,E 0.001CountyaoflMcLeod, Minnesota, Court House Bond of 1958 due 2-1-66,
$5,000.00 Hennepin County, Minnesota Meadowbrook Independent School District
No. 89, School Building Bonds of 1946i, 1.50%, No. 159-b3 at 1M each due 9-1-65.
$5,000.00 Melrose Independent School District, Stearns County, Minnesota,
2.75% School Building Bond of 1)52 due 4-1-65 No.126-30 at 1M each.
05,000.00 City of New Prague, LeSueur and Scott Counties,
Bond, 2.30%, 86-90 at 1M each due 2-1-63.
$10,0J0.00 St. Louis County, Independent School District
Funding Bond Series B, due 1-1-66, 2.80%, No. 8493 at 1M
Minnesota, Street
No. 706, Minnesota,
$10,000.00 City of Willmar, Kandiyohi County, Minnesota, Public Utility Fund
Revenue Warrants of 1955, 2.75% due 7-1-68 No. 596-605 at 1M each.
$10.000.00 City of Windom, Cottonwood County, Minnesota, 2.60%, Public Utility
Revenue Bond of 1952, due 7-1-70 No. 416-25 at 1M each.
The Clerk reported that the Public Examiners are now auditing and examining the
City's books and records covering the year 1959 and suggested that the audit
be extended to cover the period from January 1, 1960 thru Jun, 3J, 1960. On
motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Co-ncilmen Jewell, it was decided to
extend the audit period and include the first six months of 1960.
Mr. Jerry Miller from the banister Engineering Company, now acting as resident
engineer for the City on all projects for which plans and specifications were
prepared by the Banister Engineering Company appeared before the Council and
gave a detailed progress report.
Mr. Edward Simonet appeared before the Council and stated that in his opinion
all Electric poles should be removed from South Fourth Street between Willard
and Orleans St"eets. He felt that every effort should be made to do a com-
plete and thorough job end that the electric poles would jut into the sidewalk
and spoil the general appearance of the project when completed.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Clerk made
the second reading of An Ordinance Determining the Annexation of Certain Land
to be in the Best Interests of the City of Stillwater -,and of the Territory
Affected and Declaring Same to be Annexed to the City. The Ordinance was
rend section by section with roll call after each section and all members of the
Council so voted in the affirmative.The Chair then put the question 'Shall
this Ordinance pass?" and upon roll call it was unanimously adopted.
The following Resolutions were read:
1. Directing the payment of >ills. (Unanimously adopted)
2. Accepting and approving plat Hill's Addition (Councilman Tennant voted 'no'
r" on this Resolution)
3. Accepting and approving plat St. Croix Heights (Unanimously adopted)
4. Determining to proceed with the work of seal coating certain streets and
directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids. (Unanimously adopted)
5. Confirming appointments to Planning Commission. (Unanimously adopted)
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 12:45 A.M.
• 262
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
July 18, 1960 4:00 P.M.
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, and President Madsen.
Absent: Councilman Tennant.
Also Present: Mr. Reg Kilty of the Kilty Fuel Co., Mr..Lawrence Linner of
the Linner Fuel Company, Mr. Jerry Wallace, Northern States Power Com-
pany, Mr. Arno Schwantes, Schwantes Heating Company and Mr. Robert Langness,
Stenseng & Fierke 011 Company.
The matter of converting the present heating system from coal to gas or oil
was discussed. Councilman Charlsen stated that in his opinion the stoker is
not being properly taken care of by the firemen resulting in breakdowns and
interrupted heating. He also felt if the conversion is made from coal to gas
the City should apply for interruptable service because the rate is much lower
than regular service.
Mr. Schwantes of the Schwantes Heating Company inibnsei the Council members
that it will require 1,496,000 British Thermo Units to properly heat the Fire
Station, street garage and city hall and that the present boiler is rated at
1,800,000 British Thermo Units which in his opinion is ample capacity. He
suggested that a burner with a capacity of 2,225,000 Eritish0TThermo
eo onUnits a
be installed. He estimated that it wculd cost about 04,5
ngas d lburner owllon oil tanks. This cost
would alsoinclude theremoval ofthe present stoker.
Mr. Reg Kilty stated that the cost of the combination burner world be equivalent
to a four year supply of coal.
Mr. Jerry Wallace of the Northern States Power Company stated that gas rates
are fixed for a period of one year.
Councilman Charlsen suggested that the Council defer action on this matter
until more detailed comparisons are available based on a 100 ton coal coasump-
and installthe
a newCouncil
typei stckepf cost to remove
Mayor Madsen stated that Mr. Edward Simonet who resides on South Fourth Street
stopped at his office and insisted that the Council take whatever action is
necessary to move the present wooden electric poles from Fourth Street to back
yards. Mr. Simonet has contacted the Northern States Power Company officials
in St. Paul in regard to this matter and they informed him that the company is
willing to move the poles as suggested but it will cost each property owner
about 0110.00 to move the present service from t he front of each house to a
location in the rear. The Mayor stated that this matter has delayed work on
the Fourth Street improvement and that Mr. Simonet has requested additional
time, no later than Wednesday, July 20th, to again contact the Northern States
Power Company officials about paying the costs of moving the service as outlined
Mayor Madsen reada letter from R. D. Hagen, Chairman of
the theilocala as ping
doing Commission, in regard to request from John Hooley,
Super Markets Inc., in connection with construction of a driveway from Chur-
chill sttdoes notdconfinto lict withrthe parkinglot.
tplanningding to programt he letter the
263 e
On motion of Councilman Charlaen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, Change Order
No. 7 was approved and the proper officials were authorized to sign same.
(Deepeningwellat waste treatment plant due to rock formation. Total extra
cost, $490.00)
The Clerk stated that the Supt. of Public Works had asked him to report that
it will be necessary to replace about 66 feet of 36 inch sewer pipe at Elm
Street outlet between highway and railroad tracks.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting adjourned
at 5:45 P.M.
ty Clerk
Council Chamber July 27, 1960 3:00 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
The following Resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Authorizing bid on motor grader.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 3:45 P.M.
ity Clerk
265 •
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
August 9, 1960 7:30 P.M.
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: ?:one.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, a pool table
license was granted to William J. Groschen, 317 South Main Street, for the
period from September 1, 1960 to September 1, 1961.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, a bowling
alley license was granted to Dciald F. Mosiman and Glenn L. Karloske at 317
South Main Street for the period from September 7, 1960 to September 7, 1961.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, a cigarette
license was granted to Tom McKinnon at 60h West Laurel Street. (Tomes Pure Oil
Station) for the period from August 1, 1960 to January 1, 1961.
0n motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, an off -sale
3.2 beer license was granted to John Hooley, doing business as Hooley South Hill
Super Market at 902 South Fourth Street on the second reading of the applicatioa.
From the Banister Engineering Company in regard to resolution requesting Muni-
cipal State Aid Division of the Minnesota Highway Department to advance funds
from the construction account against the 1961 allotment. (This matter was
referred to the Banister Engineering Company at a Council meeting held on July
12, 1960).
Copy of a letter addressed to Mayor Madsen from the Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Association requesting plans in connection with improving the half block an
Everett Street south of Anderson Street. Mayor Madsen stated that this matter
was referred to the Supt. of Public Works some time ago. The Supt. of Public
Works stated that grades will be furnished when requested by the architect on
the hospital job. The Clerk reminded the Council members that it will be
necessary to hold a public hearing on the improvement if costs of same will be
assessed against abutting property.
From Community Planning and Design Associates, which read as follows:
"Enclosed is a copy of our reply to Mr. Herb Crommett, architect, regarding his
inquiry pertaining to the Hooley property in downtown Stillwater. Also en-
closed are copies of the correspondence prior to our recommendation for your
review. I trust you will give this matter your prompt attention and refer it
to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review."
Copies of correspondence referred to in the letter from Community Planning and
Design Associates as follows:
1. To Ames, Crommett and Associates, lac., architects for Hooley Super mar-
kets Inc., in regard to proposed construction of super market on Water Street.
(Letter written by Community Planning and Design Associates).
2. To Ames, Cromunett and Associstes, inc. in regard to Hooley Super Market
(Letter written by Deputy Commissioner of Highways).
3. To Community Planning and Design Associates in regard to £+ooley Super Mar-
ket. (Letter written by Ames, Cr:-mmett and Associates, architects).
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the letters
were ordered filed.
From Banister Engineering Company and copy of a letter from F. V. Thorstenson,
hydraulic engineer, Department of Highways, to J. M. Evans, State Aid Engineer,
in regard to Stillwater State Aid Street improvements. (Fourth Street Storm
From Edgar C. Pearson, assistant district engineer, State Aid Department of
Highways, which read as follows:
"Regards State Aid Project No. 82-301-01 Fourth Street Storm Sewer and 82-301-03
Fourth Street Water Main. On August 3, 1960 1 inspected the above mentioned
projects which were completed on July 19, 1960 and found the work to have been
performed satisfactory
I hereby recommend the final acceptance
Copy of a letter from the Banister Engineering Company to Mr. Ronald Ehlinger,
Supt. of Public Works, which read as follows:
"We are enclosing herewith the M.S.A. Needs Study Report which was submitted to
the State Highway Department on June 1, 1960."
A petition with 14 signatures requesting installation of water main in 'Nest
Ramsey Street, West Myrtle Street and South Brick Street. On motion of Coun-
cilman Simpson, this matter was referred to the Supt. of Public Works for plans,
specifications and estimate of costs.
This was the day and time set to open bids on seal coating the following
streets during the year 1960:
North Second Street between East Mulberry and East Wiilkin Streets and East
Sycamore and East Hazel Streets.
South Fifth Street between West Pine and West 'Willard Streets and West Churchill
and West Orleans Streets.
South Broadway Hill Street and Sixth Avenue South between East Pine and East
Burlington Streets.
South Holcombe Street between West Fine and West Olive Streets.
West Linden Street between North Third and North Fourth Streets.
West Cherry Street between north Third and North Fifth Streets.
West Maple Street between North Fourth and North Everett Streets.
North Greeley Street between West Myrtle and Nest Mulberry Streets.
East Churchill Street between South Sixth Avenue and South Third Streets.
South Martha Street between 'Went Pine and West Willard Streets.
West Willard Street between South Holcombe and South Martha Streets.
South William Street between Nest Oak and West Pine Streets.
267 •
The following bids were opened and read aloud:
1. Twin City Paving/ St. Paul, Minnesota
Base bid, $18,544 40
Alternate bid, 420,420.86
Start work date, on cr before August 20, 1960
Complete work date, on or before September 10, 1960
Remarks: if awarded the alternate we will reduce our price 15% of the
first 320,420.86 worth of work done by us and another 16% for additional
work, making a total of 15% discount for alternate work, lb% for additional
2. J. W. Craig Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ease bid, None
Total alternate bid, $12,995.22
Start work date, August 22, 1960
Complete work date, on or before September 15, 1960
3. T. A. Schifsky and Sons, Inc., North St. Paul, Minnesota
Base bid, None
Alternate bid, total $15,470.50
Start work date, not specified
Complete work date, not specified
Remarks: Alternate bid only
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the low bidder,
namely the J. W. Craig Company bid, was accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk
were authorized and directed to enter into a contract covering same.
The matter of converting the present heating system from coal to oil or gas
was again discussed. Mr. Thompson, the Building Inspector, stated that it would
be possible to install one gas meter which would measure the gas consumption
used at the Fire Station, City hall, Water Department Building and the Library,
but the City would be required to pay the cost of laying a gas main from the
Fire Station to the Water Department and Library. Mr. Thompson felt that
should the Council decide to convert to natural gas it would be advisable to
use one meter for City buildings because we could then take advantage of the
interruptable gas rate which is considerably lower than the firm rate. Mr.
Thompson reported that he has made a complete inspection of the heating plant
at the Library and would not recommend installing a gas burner in the present
boiler. Mr. Thompson estimated that it would cost about $700.00 to purchase a
new gas burner to replace the present stoker at the Fire Station and about
$700.00 to install the gas burner, total cost for conversion, about $1400.00
and estimated cost to replace present stoker with a rebuilt commercial type
stoker, about 4600.00. Mrs. Flotten, Humphrey and Lavine, Library Board members,
appeared before the Council and Mrs. Flotten spoke forthegroup and stated that
the Library budget would not permit an expenditure of 43,000.00 for a new
heating plant. She also invited the Council members to attend a meeting at
the Library and consider a proposed improvement which would add considerable
space for book racks. On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman
Jewell, it was decided to convert the present heating plant at the Fire Station
from coal to natural gas and purchase a new gas burner at a cost of about
$739.30. (Councilman Charlsen voted no on the motion).
Mr. Mosby, representing the Lystad's Exterminators, appeared before the Coun-
cil by invitation in regard to City wide rat control. (See Resolution).
The Supt. of Public Works reported as follows:
1. Estimated cost of watermain in North Cwens Street
Total cost, $7,674.40
Total assessable frontage, 1,750 feet
Estimated cost per front foot, $4.385
2. Estimated cost of Owens Street sewer
Total estimated cost less laterals, $18,226.73
Total estimated assessable footage, 2,685 feet
Estimated cost per assessable foot frontage, $6.788
Total assessable front feet on Owens Street, 1,750
Estimated cost per assessable front footage, $10.415
3. Estimated cost of sewer line from new high school to existing sewer in
South Fifth Street.
Total estimated cost for sewer project, $5,333.75
Total lineal feet of sewer, W661.95
Estimated cost per foot of sewer, H8.057
Total front footage assessable, 640.80 feet
Estimated cost per front foot, 0.323
• 268
Councilman Jewell
1. He inquired if it would be feasible to level off Staples Field and resod
so that same can be used for a baseball field. Councilman Simpson informed
him that this matter has been discussed at Recreation Meetings.
Councilman Simpson
1. Informed the Council members that Capt. Kress of the Fire Department is
confined at Lakeview Memorial Hospital due to a heart ailment.
2. Reported that there has been considerable vandalism at the Lily Lake beach
and especially so on last Sunday nite. Damage was done to a boat and slide.
Mayor Madsen
1. He
ed to
the mattero ofemoving d the O the cpresent wooden il members tpoles Edward honSoutFourth Street to drop
to back
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the follow-
ing were reappointed as members of the Recreation Commission:
Larence Junker
William O'Brien
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following
Change Orders as recommended by the Banister Engineering Company were approved:
Change Order ,% 1
Project -Fourth Street Water Main
To establish unit prices not in proposal or contract
Change Order # 2
Project -Fourth Street Water Main
126 lineal feet of trench used for two water services rather than one. De-
duct from the price of two services at 4.50 a lineal foot (deduct) :63.00
Change Order # 3
Project -Fourth Street Water Main
Special Sewer crossing, 50 feet south of Churchill Street (add) 4414.40
Change Order # 4
Project -Fourth Street Water Main
Excavation, back filling and miscellaneous materials necessary at the corner
of Orleans and Fourth Streets because of conditions discovered during con-
struction (add) 043.00
Change Order # 5
Project -Fourth Street Water Main
Special cut in and sleeving of 8 iach C.I.F.finch C.I..F. and h cross of 8d)
inch C.L.P. to new 12 inch C.I.P. includinga12m11 by h8
Change Order # 6
Project -Fourth Street hater wain
Relocation of water service 3/4 inch copper line to 601 and 622 Fourth Street
and 213 Willard Street aad plumber's labor fer plugging damaged services for
which location was unknown (add) ?172.89
Change Order # 7
Project -Fourth Street Water aain
Expense incurred by the contractor because of the unknown location of water
services and abandoned services unknown to water iepartment (add) 4170.46
Change Order .¥ 1
Project -Fourth Street Storm Sewer
Construct catch basin lead to new manhole `Jo. 1 at the intersection of Walnut
and Fourth Streets because existing C.L. lead interferes with new sewer (add)
Change Order 5 2
Project -Fourth Street Storm Sewer
Two lower sanitary sewer services and five water services between Hancock and
Churchill on Fourth Street laterally between sidewalk end existing sanitary
sewer. The existing four inch V.C.P. had to be replaced with four inch C.I.P.
sewer service pipe (add) $614.59
Change Order 5 3
Project -Fourth Street Storm Sewer
To establish a unit price for 15 inch R.C.P. (CI. IV.) Six feet deep (453
lineal feet) at $5.25 per lineal foot. This is a replacement of 15 inch R.C.P.
six feet and eight feet deep at .$5.50 a lineal foot and results in a lower
net cost.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the drainlayer's
bond covering the Junker Landscaping Service in the amount of F5,000.00 issued
by the Home Indemnity Company of New York was approved subject to the approval
of the City Attorney.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the report
on Fire Department operations from January 1, 1960 to June 30, 1960 as prepared
by the Fire Chief was approved and ordered filed.
Clerk reported that he has received a State deed conveying the South 70 feet of
Lot 6-7-a, Block 3, Staples and May's Addition to the City of Stillwater and
on motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Clerk was
d-ratted to have same recorded.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Building
Inspector's Report covering activities during the month of July, 1960 was approved
and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following
sewer rental charges were fixed and estatlished for the year 1960:
1. Rotert Balfanz, 1509 West Pine Street $5.00
2. Mel Krohn, 429 West Piae Street w5.00
Mr. I. A.Bergen and his attorney, William T. Johnson, appeared before the Council.
Mr. Johnson presented a petition which read as follows:
"The undersigned owners of all the land abutting along both sides of the proposed
extension of Meadowlark Drive through Block 14 of Sabin's Addition to the City of
Stillwater from the East line of Center Street to the West line of Sherburne
Street (excepting along the West 100 feet of the South side thereof now already
serviced by a sewer) do hereby respectfully request the City of Stillwater to ex-
tend and install a sewer main from said Center Street easterly for a distance of
250 feet along said proposed extension of Meadowlark Drive upon a special assess-
ment basis against said abutting land, dated July 29, 1960."
This petition was signed by I. A.Bergen and Celia K. Bergen.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the matter was
referred to the Superintendent of Public Works with instructions to prepare plans,
specifications, and estimate of cost to construct a sewer as outlined in the peti-
Mr. Johnson also presented a quitclaim deed conveying the following described land
to the City:
That part of Block 14 in Sabin's Addition to the City of Stillwater described as
follows: Commencing at a point on the East Line of Center Street 162 feet North
of the Southwest corner of Lot 13 in Block 14, thence East on a line parallel to
the North line of Linden Street 330 feet to the West line of Sherburne Street,
thence North along the West line of Sherburne Street a distance of 50 feat, thence
West on a line parallel to said North line of Linden Street 330 feet to the East
line of Center Street, thence South on the East line of Center Street 50 feet to
the point of beginning, provided said City of Stillwater shall dedicate said land
as a public street to he known as an extension easterly of Meadowlark Drive.
the Councils andson from presented oopies ofPldowntown parkind gstudyforAssociates
Stillwater.eared before
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the City
gg Clerk
abledat thednexttoaregular meetingbids
of thegravel
Counciluto bey said
at 7:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, Rules of the
Fire Department, Rule No. 3 of Amendments was changed to read as follows:
"Effective immediately men on their day off will report to duty in the event of
The following Resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Engaging Pest Control service. 3.Approving rovi Splans, specifications and estimated cost for constructing sewer
4. Relating to acquisition of property to provide parking facilities.
5. Ordering hearing on proposed assessment in connection with Sewer Improvement
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, meeting ad-
journed at 12:20 A.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, minutes of the
following meetings were approved:
Regular meeting; July 12: 1960 at 7:30 P.M.
Special meeting, July 18, 1960 at 4:00 P.M.
Special meeting, July 27, 1960 at 3:00 P.M.
Regular meeting, August 9, 1960 at 7:30 P.M.
September 6, 1960 7:30 P.M.
Application:from Ralph Wilberg, 1112 Sixth Avenue South for On and Off Sale 3.2
beer licenses were presented but on account of being in the residential district
were automatically carried over to the next regular meeting of the Council.
Application from the National Tea Company, 216 West Myrtle Street, for an off
Sale 3.2 beer license was presented but on account of being in the residential
district was automatically carried over to the next regular meeting of the
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, a junk dealer's
license was granted to Lawrence RumpY 2007 Schulenberg Avenue, for the period
from October 4, 196o to October 4, 1961.
From Mr. Clifton Halsey, Director of Civil Defense, City of Stillwater, requeat-
ing that the Mayor appoint an advisory committee as specified in Ordinance No.
335, Section 3, Subdivision 2. No action at this time.
From the St. Croix Barge Terminal Company, listing expenditures for permanent
or'capital improvements on barge terminal property from September, 1958 to July
31, 1960.
From Abe Twin City's Metropolitan Planning Commission announcing a public hearing
on the 1961 budget to be held on September 7, 1960 at 1:30 P.M. at the Midway
From the League of Minnesota Municipalities, announcing dates and place of
regional meetings during the fall of 1960. After some discussion it was decided
that the Council and any other City officials would attend the meeting to be
held at Maplewood on Thursday, October 13, 1960.
From the State of Mianesota, Department of Highways, in regard to public hearing
on State Aid Rules and Regulations. Mayor Madsen suggested that t he Csty Engi-
neer attend this meeting.
From Arthur O. Hallgrain, attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Minneapolis,
addressed to Roland E. Ehlinger, Supt. of Public Works, whioh read as follows:
"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Stillwater have called upon me with reference to
your letter of August 18 and enclosed plat covering your proposed sewer to be run
on South Sixth Street and across their Lot 2, Marsh's Addition. At the time the
storm sewer was installed across their Lot 2 in 1952 the Smith's paid the City of
Stillwater the sum of 3115.00 on July 26, 1952, and in addition to this paid
1102.00 labor to a Mr. Wilson for a total expenditure of 4217.00. In talking
to you recently the Smith's understood that the new sewer would be put in at the
expense of the School Board whereas your letter shows an intention of 38.32 per
foot on their 50 foot Lot 22 which assessment would be in the amount of 1416.00.
As in the past this Lot 22 does not appear to be saleable. The sewer in front
of Lot 22 would be of no particular benefit to them. The Smith's are willing to
make the following proposition to you. They would grant a 10 foot easement for
construction and a permanent easement of five feet for maintenance across the
north end of their Lot 2 and waive the payment of 1120.00 which they do not consi-
der sufficient in consideration for no assessment to them for the sewer in front
of Lot 22, thus they would be contributing 3217.00, previous expense paid,
1120.00 for the easement or a total of 4337.00 which should be sufficient to
pay their portion of the sewer in front of Lot 22 which is of no immediate bene-
fit to them, and the sewer connection they have for Lot 2 is direct from Fifth
Street. They would, however, wish to have the catch basin at the rear of the
present storm drain and reconstructed remain to take care of surface water. The
payment of 1120.00 for a permanent easement is not sufficient and taking this
into consideration it would seem that they should not be put to any further
expense and that they shculd not be put to any further expense and that they
should not be assessed for Lot 22 and the easement under these circumstances
would be given to the City of Stillwater without any payment being required.
Please give this matter your consideration and let me hear from you." Mr.
Ehlinger, the Supt. of Public Works, advised the Council to acceptthe offer
as outlined in the letter and on motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Coun-
cilman Tennant, it was decided to accept the offer as outlined in the letter.
From Mrs. Robert Kiesow in which she states that they are not connected to the
City sewer system and therefore should not pay a sewer rental charge. Mayor
Madsen referred this matter to the City Clerk for adjustment.
From the State of Minnesota, Municipal Commission, addressed to the City Clerk
which read as follows:
"Regard your Ordinance dated Jul, 12, 1960. On August 25, 1960 at a hearing of
the Minnesota Municipal Commission held pursuant to Laws, 1959, Chapter 666, your
Ordinance was considered. This will advise you that this Ordinance extending
the City of Stillwater was approved and accepted for filing.
From the Local Planning Commission in regard to special permits and charges unpaid.
This was the day and time set for the public hearing on the proposed work of
constructing a sewer in South Sixth Street beginning at a point 160 feet north
of north property line of Marsh Street for a distance of 321.90 feet, thence
east through Lot 23 of Block 2 of Marsh's Addition to the City of Stillwater
a distance of 128.10 feet, thence northeast • distance of 45.08 feet to a point
en the east property line of Lot 23 and west property line of Lot 2 of Block
2, Marsh's Addition, thence east a distance of 165.50 feet to the existing man-
hole in South Fifth Street which 1s 69.50 feet south of south property line of
`Nest Hancock Street. The City Clerk then read the notice of hearing and informed
the and that alcopybofesaidtsaid noticenwaeoe had mailedb tonallly published aordiknown pr party owners.to law
Mr. Walter Darling, who resides at 403 West Hancock Street informed the Council
that he is resently connected to the City m
hat h
lots which will abut the proposed new sewersewer extensione nduhet ngired ifscant
Council intends to place an assessment against these lots. Mayor Madsen in-
charge to be fixedevent
the Council. sells
273 a
Mr. Fred Johnson who resides at 319 West Hancock Street offered to give the City
an easement to cross his property in lieu of an assessment. Councilman Jewell
stated that in his opinion the property owners should only pay an assessment
which would be equitalent to c,aetruct an 8 inch sewer. The proposed sewer is
a 10 inch extension.
Mayor Madsen then inquired if there was anyone present who objected to the pro-
posed sewer extension. Hearing no objections, he then closed the public hearing.
The City Clerk informed the Council that he has carried out tyeir instructions
and notified .21 persona whose names appeared on the pet+t«oa: for and against
construction cr a sewer in WIlkin Street between William end Owens Streets and
in Owens Street between Wilkin and Sycamore Streets and water extension in Owens
Street. All persons concerned were informed that estimates of costs would be
available this evening. The Supt. of Public Works gave the following estimates
of cost to construct sewer and water extensions:
Water extensions in Owens Street, total cost 67,674.00
Cost per front foot, $4.39.
Sewer extension, Owens Street, gravity flow, $10.41 per foot
If ejection pump 1s installed, ;15,00 per frontfoot and
Sewer in Wilkin Street, $6.79 per foot.
The followingpersonsresiding on Owens Street were in favor of the water end
sewer extensions:
Mr. Ed Rnefelkamp
Robert Scheel
Mrs. Robert Huston
Herman Rnefelkamp
Delmer Rnefelkamp
William Gannon
Stanley Peplinski
Walter Kress
This was the day and time set to open bids on gravel crushing. The following
bids were opened and read aloud:
1. R. J. Jager, St. Paul Park, Minnesota
For crushing, screening and loading gravel in trucks, $.75 per cubic yard.
For stockpiling gravel in the City's pit, $.25 per cubic yard.
2. P. 0. Pederson, Inc., North Branch, Minnesota
For crushing, screening and loading gravel in trucks, $1.00 per cubic yard.
For stockpiling gravel in the City's pit, $.35 per cubic yard.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, it was decided
to accept the low bid and award a contract to R. J. Jager and the Mayor and City
Clerk were authorized and directed to enter into a contract covering same.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the contract
covering seal coating of various streets during the year 1960 between the City
and the Jay W. Craig Company as prep►red by the City Attorneya nd also various
insurance certificates in connection with said work were approved and ordered
The Supt. of Public Works reported on the estimated coat of constructing water
main in Ramsey Street from South Greve to South Brick Streets in South Briok
Street from West Ramsey to West Myrtle Streets and in West Myrtle., Street from
South Brick to South Grove Streets. Mr. Ehlinger, Supt. of Public Works, stated
that he did not recommend the project and that in his opinion a ten Inch water
main extension would cost about 03200.00. After sone discussion the Council
members decided that this matter should be referred back to the Board of Water
a 274
Councilman Charleen
1. New linoleum has been Installed in one of the City owned apartments on
Fourth Street.
2. He inquired if the City Engineer would make a survey in connection with the
Benson property adjacent to Lily Lake Bathing Beach. He felt this matter was
very important and should be done in the very near future.
Councilman Jewell
1. Inquired about clearing away brush and hedge on free parking lot near the
parking lot presently owned by the Hooley Super Market.
Councilman Simpson
1. Reported that the inside of the Fire Dept. has teen painted at a coat of
$98.99 which in his opinion was very reasonable.
2. Reported that Mr. George Schleps 1s now a member of the Rescue Squad.
3. He reported that a building was lost recently in the country for lack of
water and that he is presently negotiating with the townships to purchase a
water tank or tanker with a 2000 gallon capacity at a cost of about $2000.00
and that the townships involved would report to him sometime during the month
of November.
Councilman Tennant
1. Stated that the Lystad Exterminators are now working on a City wide bash in
connection with rat control.
2. Bathing beaches are now closed for the season.
3. Stated that the diving dock at Lily Lake should be painted.
4. Inquired about space to store aluminum boat used at the Lily Lake beach.
Councilman Simpson suggested that same be stored in a building at the Legion
The Clerk read a summons and complaint served on him on September 2, 1960
(Eva LaVenture and John LaVenture). The Clerk reported that a copy of the summon:
and complaint were mailed to the City Attorney and the Krog Agency on September
2, 1960.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Chaplain, the follow-
ing insurance policies issued by the Volunteer Firemen's Benefit Association
of Minnesota were approved and ordered filed in the office of the Fire Chief:.
Policy $ 29270, 'Richard Louis Lindahl
Policy $ 29271, Charles David Walker
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, a bond issued
by the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, in the amount of $5,000.00
covering Robert G. Ruston in connection with work in City streets was approved
subject to the approval of the City Attorney.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the follow-
ing insurance policies were approved:
Policy $ 1-34-59-84, Great American Insurance Company, covering one story on
approved roof frame building used for club meetings, Block 47, Schulenberg's
Addition, against fire, lightning and extended coverage.
275 •
Policy # D971046, Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance
buildings. and contents in the amount of $4 , nea
extended Coverage.
Policy # 4-1-0525816, Hartford Fire Iinsurance Company, covering Eseiek Com-
pactor, Model MDL-VR13W, Serial No. 62014899, against bodily injury and proper-
ty damage.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the follow-
ing collateral pledged by the First National Bank of Stillwater to secure de-
posits of public funds was released:
$200,000.00 U. S. Treasury Bills due 11-17-60 Receipt # 3239.
The Clerk reported that complaints are being received about people running
rawge ito ines hrugtatheoCity. Mayor Madsen referred this matter
to Councilman Tennantfor further
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, insurance
certificate covering the Lystad and Medic, Inc. in the following amounts in
connection with rat control was app
Bodily Injury Liability, except automobile, $300,000.00 each person, $500,000.00
each accident.
Property Damage Liability, except automobile, $300,000.00 each accident,
$300,000.00 aggregate, $250.00 deductible.
BodilyInjuryLiability, automobile, $300,000.00 each person, $500,000.00
each accident.
Property Damage Liability, automobile, $300,000.00 each accident, $50.00 de-
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Building
Inspector's report covering activities during the month of August, 1960 was
approved and ordered filed.
Mr. George Ruts appeared before the Council and complained that Mr. Gerhardt
Kaska who resides on Lake Street at Lily Lake is interferrirg with persons who
try to approach the lake shore of Lily Lake when proceeding along Lake Street.
He stated that Mr. Kaska hasshot at persons with some type of weapon and in
one case wounded a boy. Mr. Mutt suggested that the street be plainly marked
as laid out so that anyone wishing to get to the lake shore would know exactly
where the street is located. On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by
Councilman Simpson, the matter was referred to Councilman Jewell with power to
The City Clerk informed the Council members that the public examiner has suggest-
ed that the City Attorney be on a fixed salary because the City Charter pro-
videprovisionthe City tforay anyust feesaoryout chargeslduties
additionigned to hisohim regulard there -
The following Resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Fixing compensation (Betty M. Boloff).
3.Authorising payment on voting machines.
4. Authorising employment of temporary clerical assistants.
5. Determining to proceed with the work of constructing a sewer and direct-
ing the City Clerk to advertise for bids. (South Sixth Street)
6. Authorising settlement of condemnation proceedings. (Robert A. Peters and
Helen Peters for sanitary sewer purposes)
7. Authorising execution of lease. (Northern Pacific Railway Company)
8. Approving plans, specifications, and estimated cost for constructing a
Ssewer nd treet8andwNorth Owens(Street,lWestSWilkinftomWesttSycamoremStreets.) Owens
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, meeting ad-
journed at 12:15 A.N.
eft! clerk
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
August 30, 1960 7s00 P.M.
Special Meeting
r- The meeting was called to order by President aadsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
Mayor Madsen announced that this is the day and time set for the hearing on pro-
posed assessment covering sewer improvement # 1-1959. The City Clerk then read
the offictsl notice pertaining to the hearing in connection with assessment roll
covering sewer improvement # 1-1959.
Mayor Madsen then inquired if the notice of tearing was duly published as re-
quired by state law. The City Clerk informed the Mayor and Councilmen that
said notice was duly published as required by state law and that a copy of said
notice was mailed to each owner or occupant of property to be assessed.
Mayor Madsen introduced Mr. Osman Springstead, the City's bond Consultant, and
Mr. Roger Short of the Banister Engineering Company, the project engineers.
The Mayor then inquired of the City Clerk if any written objections to the pro-
posed assessment had been received. The Clerk read the following letters:
1. From Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Staloff, 916 West Anderson Street.
"We received notice through the mail of our City Council's intention to make fur-
ther improvements In the sewage system and as we understand it this cost is to
be spread to all property owners. We should like to register our objection to
this proposal. We are now paying sewage charge of $20.00 a year. Our taxes for
the year 1959 have also been substantially increased. Don't you think it 1s
time to curtail this constant increase in taxation of one kind or another. We
have taken this means to voice our objection knowing the Council Chambers has
limited room for attending such a meeting."
2. From James S. Mulvey, 306 West Elm Street.
"I feel the flat assessment of $100.00 and $300.00 is very unfair and unequit-
eble. There is simply no justification as far as I can see for taxing a tiny
home with a'value of $3000 to $4000 the same amount as one valued at 675,000.
It would appeartome that there might be some method of a comoination of a
small minimum charge plus some charge for valuation. As I plan to be out of town
during the time of this hearing, 1 am taking this means of expressing my disap-
proval of your present plans and hope that a better plan can be arranged."
Mayor Madsen and Mr. Springstead then explained the method of assessment in
detail. Mayor Madsen then inquired if there was anyone present who objected to
the proposed assessment. Following are comments and questions asked by some of
the 26 persons who attended the hearing:
1. Mr. Patrick White stated that in his opinion he should not be assessed on
a commercial basis because he does not have toilet facilities in connection with
sdid admit bthat toilet facilities areuavailableginnthe ebasement of his ss from his residence. grocery place
of business.
2. Mrs. McDermott who resides at 924 South Fourth Street, stated that she lives
alone and felt that she should not be required to pay a $100.00 sewer assessment.
3. Mr. George Earker, 1312 South Fourth Street, inquired why it 1s necessary
to collect sewer rental charges before the sewage plant is in operation. Mayor
Madsen informed him that it was necessary to accumulate money in this fund
becaue expenses in
of theth the City seweration systemnd willibeenance of paid from he the
sewer revenue fund.
mYr. George Rutz, 705 South Holcombe Street, inquired why the water depart-
ent is not part of the City government. He felt that it should be so, that bill-
ing for water and sewer rental could be done in one operation and avoid duplica-
tion of work. Mayor Madsen informed Mr. Kuts that the Board of Water Commiss-
ioners have absolute authority in connection with operation of the water plant
and the City n enters
by the e Council.
Affaire f the Board to the extent that bond issues
must be approved
5. Miss Rose Shattuck, -1313 South Second Street, inquired if the sewage disposal
system will increase property values.
6. *.Gene Dittmar, South Greeley Street, said he did not mind paying
went but complained about his sewer backing water into the basement.
7. Mr. Bernard, Harvieux," 606 Weat Andersongtreet, inquired how did the Council
arrive aC an sedesament-of $100.00 for an old house and same for new house.
Councilmen Charleen informed ment wai not
on -
Councilman Jewell statedh that the assessment ie that tbe siesbased on benefits based to pr perty.n.
B. Mr. George Barker inquired about capacity of the sewage treatment plant.
persons. He alsorinquiredm tiftoureEngineert as isdregistered. ned to accomcdete 15,000
9. Mr. Henry Blekum complained about increase in water rates and taxes over a
period of years.
10. Mrs. Robert Hooley, South Fourth Street, inquired if two houses are connected
tto hat esame sewer ach property ownerion how will bewill same be requir d to payessed. $100.00.Mayor Madseninformed her
11. Mr. Robert McGarry, 1301E South Fourth Street, inquired if money from the
bond sale has been invested until needed. Mayor Madsen informed him that he
money has been invested in Treasury Bills at an interest rate averaging abou
12. Mrs. Cassidy„ 414 North Owens Street, inquired what is the deadline for
paying ment without interest. Mayor Madsen informed her the assessment
can be paid without interest en or :before September 29, 1960.
After everyone present was given an opportunity to Le heard,the Mayor closed
the hearing.
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted:'
1. Adopting Assessment Sewer Improvement # 1-1959.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Counci an Jew 1, meeting adjourned.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
September 15, 1960 4s30 P.M.
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Jewell, Simpson, Charlsen, and President Madsen.
Absents Councilmen Tennant.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, it was decided
to replace additional existing sidewalk on both sides of South Fourth Street
between Orleans and Willard Streets.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, change order
ij 1, project -Fourth Street Grading and Surfacing, description and cost. For
the amount of sidewalk construction in excess of 120% of the proposed quantities
the following unit prices will govern:
Remove sidewalk, 4 inches thick at $.75 per square yard.
Concrete sidewalk, 4 incbes thick; .50 per square foot.
Sub grade excavation for sidewalk, .25 per square yard.
Gravel backfill, in place, $.25 per square yard.
The change order as outlined above was recommended for approval by the Banis-
ter Engineering Company.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 5:15 P.M.
Ciiy Cler
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
September 20, 1960 7:30 P.M.
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President :dadseh.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant, and President Madsen.
Absont: None.
From General Services Administration, Area Manager, informing the Council that
Congress of the United States makes no appropriation from which special assess-
ments to municipalities may be paid.
From the Board of Water Commissioners, which read as follows:
"At the last regular meeting of the Board of 'Water Commissioners which was held
on September 8, 1960, it was brought to the attention of the Board that a pet-
ition had been received by the City Council signed by property owners on West
Ramey Street betwen Gre and ands
son West MyrtleeStreet betweenrBrick and Groveick, on South rStreetsick ,�e askingen a that ey nwater
d tle,
main extensions be made in those streets, the total amcunt of main requested
being approximately 1,750 feet. Since the benefited property owners ask that
the above water main extension be installed on an assessment basis, the Board
of Water Commissioners approve such an installation providing that it is instal-
ledaccording to State Board of Health, State Fire Underwriters, and A.W.W.A.
specification". The Board further asks that the Council finance and assess
said water main extension." On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by
Councilman Charlsen, it was decided to refer this matter back to the Board of
Water Commissioners for further action.
From the Banister Engineering Company, which read as follows:
"The granite curbing on Hancock Street approaching Fourth Street from the east
is 6 inches north of the g'oper location in the street right of way. Therefore
after notifying Mr. Ehlinger and Mr. L. B. Brower,we have the contractor
place his curbing to meet the existing conditions. On the west side of Fourth
Street at Hancock the curbing was placed in correct location. The possibil-
ity of replacing all of the sidewalk on the Fourth Street project has been
discussed. I talked to the sidewalk contractor about this and he said that the
prices were satisfactory with him on all items except sidewalk removal. His
price of $.50 per square yard on this would have to be increased to $.75 per
square yard. On the approximate 2000 lineal feet that would have to be replaced
beyond that necessary for the State We feelp thatc thision it price increaseld st is areasonabextra $.25
per square yard or $the •
and fair because oftheextra labor for removal at this time with the curb in
place.- The additional expense in hiring another contractor,additional super-
vision, and probable extension of time to complete the project, it is felt
would offset this small savings."
From Neumeier, 1959, Russell Ler and. .kBonse was eh read removedas fromlhiss job in the Fire
On December 11, 1Ci9.
Department in the City of Stillwater and transferred to the City Street Depart-
ment. At the time of his removal from the mire Department, Mr. Bonse held the
rank of Lieutenant. As you know, Mr. Bonze is an honorable discharged veteran
of World War II and as such enjoys certain legal protections so far as his
emloentaspfollows:i"s No person dholding which aae position set tbyh iappointment orn Minnesota &employmenttutes 4in the
in patt
State of Minnesota or in the several counties, cities, town); villages, school
districts and all other political subdivisions or agencies thereof, who is
an honorable discharged veteran, shall be removed from such position or em-
ployment except for incompetency or misconduct shown after a hearing upon due
notice upon stated charges in writing.
281 .
It is my understanding that Mr. bonse was removed from his position without a
hearing and without the filing of formal charges against him. Such action under
the law constitutes a breach of the City's legal duty toward him as an honor-
ably discharged veteran. As to the suspension order issued against him by
Mr. John Lawson, the fire chief of the Stillwater Fire Department, dated Dec-
ember 11, 1959,-1 do notbelieve it has any legal effeet sine it was issued
before the filing of formal charges and is neither limited as to the time now
upon the happening of any event. Because of Mr. lonse's illegal removal he
hereby makes demand as follows:
1. That he be forthwith reinstated to his former rank as Lieutenant in the
Stillwater Fire Department.
2. That he be forthwith reimbursed for the difference in wages he has earned
to date in his present work since the time of his discharge and the amount he
would have received as a Lieutenant in the Stillwater byre Department had he
not been removed.
3. That earned sick leave for seven days in December, 1959, 31 days in January,
1960 end 7 days in February, 1960, amounting to $254.00 payable from the Fire-
men's Relief Association be paid to him without undue delay. In the event of
the City's failure to comply with these demands within 10 days from the date
hereof it will be necessary that legal proceedings be commenced t.o accomplish
these objectives." On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman
Jewell, this matter was referred to the City Attorney, Councilman Simpson
voted no on the motion.
From R. D. Hagen, Vice Chairman, Local Planning Commission, which read as fol-
"Regard payments due Community Planning and Design Association, Inc. At our
planning and zoning commission meeting today, we recommended the June and July
payments of $500.00 each be paid to Community Planning and Design Assimilation,
Inc. We recommend that the bill of $60.00 forextratechnical assistance on
Hooley Super Market be denied in as much as much as we do not recall author-
izing this expense. If we are wrong we can be corrected and will discuss it
at our next meeting. Regard confirmation of Community Planning and Design
Association, as consultants for Phase 2 and 3, we further recommend that this
firm be engaged to carry out Phase 2 and 3 as stipulated in their proposal to
us subject of course, to any conditions you wish to include in a contract.
Regard Caton Felix Grocery request for addition, our commission moved to table
this request until our next meeting so that a subcommittee of three ofour
members can investigate the request and feeling of adjoining property owners.
Regard Skramstad request for non conforming use of new home in residential area
to include a beauty parlor. In this matter our Commission recommends denial
of the request on the grounds that non conforming permits must be denied. It
is the Commission's feeling that many of our present non conforming problems
started out this way and that some of the property subsequently changed hands
with the new owners enlarging the use to such a point that it is now objection-
able. We feel that the Skramstad's would not abuse the use but who could
say what subsequent orders might do."
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, it was decided
to accept the Parking Survey Report in principle as prepared by the Community
Planning and Design Associates, Inc.
From E. D. Hagen, Vice Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, which
read as follows:
"In accordance with your wishes, when we recommend a new committee our Planning
Commission has visited with the following three citizens as prospective mem-
bers of the newParkingCommittee or Authority: Mr. Pert 0. Lund, Mr. John
Rheinberger, Mr. Edward W. Frye. This information is sent you so that should
the City Council agree with our recommendation regarding the parking study,
such a committee or authority might be appointed promptly and the fine work
of the Chamber of Commerce Parking Committee and Mr. Tom Hodne's firm might con-
tinue without delay." Mayor Madsen then appointed Mr. Pert 0. Lund, Mr. John
Rheinberger, and Mr. Edward Frye as members of the new parking committee or
authority and on motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell,
the appointments were confirmed. Councilmen Tennant voted no on the motion.
From Andrew Poliechik, 931 Glendon Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, which read as
follows: at about 11:30 P.M.. I was drivingmy car on Olive
"On Friday,August 19, n
Street going east into Stillwater. At Olive and Center Streets 1 hit a deep
hole in the street causing damage to my car. I think that this section of tie
street should have had warning lights. Enclosed is a repair bill for damage to
ed CotncilmanSTen, Attorney.conded by Councilman Charlsen,
this matter was
From Bolin Smith Advertising, in regard to television programs showing pic-
torial sketches to recall areas in Minnesota's past and to pay tribute to
various innesota town, their secondedMby CouncilmanaCharlsen, nitowas decided ntoorefer this tion of umatterntoi theon,
Chamber of Commerce.
This wasthe day and time aet to 160 feet north of north property lineen bids on constructing a sewer in oofh '
Sixth Street beginning point
Marsh Street for a distance of 321.90 feet, thence east thorn Lot 23 of b oc
2 of Marsh's Addition to the City of Stillwater
paidistanceeofa128.10 10pfeet line
thence northeast a distance of 45.68 feet to
Marsh's Addition, thence
of Lot 23 and west property line of Lot 2 of block 2,
east a distance of 165.50 feet to the existing manhole in South Fifth. Street
which following o9.feet opened and read
50 feet south of South 0property line of West Hancock Street. The
1. Moelter Construction Co., Stillwater, Minnesota
Total amount of bid, 65,475.10
Start work date, on or before September 23, 1960.
Complete work date,on or before November 1, 1960.
2. James D. Wolff Company, St. Paul, Minnesota
Total amount of bid, 67,629.01
Start work date, on or before October 15, 1960.
Complete work date, on or before November 1, 1960.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, it was de-
cided to accept the low bid which was the Ycelter Construction Company bid and
the Mayor and City Clerk were directed to enter into a contract covering same.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the follow-
ing change order was approved:
Cbange Order No. 3 - Project No. Lily Lake Sanitary Sewers
Description, Two each saddle connections with two feet of risers at 615.00
each, total 630.00. This change order was recommended by the City's engineers,
namely the Banister Engineering Company.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the City
Clerk was authorized to advertise for bide on one bookkeeping machine and one
remittance control machine, said bids to be returnable at the next regular
meeting of the Council to be held on October 11, 1960 at 7:30 P.M
Mr. Clifton Halsey, City Civil Defense Director, appeared before the Council
as�aryetotresign. he Be complainedill be ing from the beat lack ofitand cooperat onafore it fram someill be of then de-
partment .
heads, namely, engineering and police, end warned the Council members
about loss of federal1funds due to lack of eooperation.- Mayor Madsen commended
hadeinitieatedrthat°he well done.
.i teresteddin tleapposition t of Cr. ivilDed fenseLDi-
rector and suggested that Mr. Halsey contact Mr.Albertson in regard to this
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted:
Authorising execution of permit. (Minnesota Department of Highways, part of
Government Lot 3, Section 34, Township 30 North, Range 20 Nest, as designated
and shown in color
and mapnareemap now ontfileed into said the office of the ermit and City Clde a erk.)
k.)art thereo!
On motion of Councilman Charlaen, seconded by Councilman impson, meeting
adjourned at 11:15 P.N.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
September 28, 1960 1030 P.M.
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant, and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
1. A resolution directing election on proposed charter amendments was read
and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
2. Resolution authorising payment in an amount not to exceed $251.00 for used
truck being offered for sale by the Northwestern Ball Telephone Company in the
event the City is the successful bidder was read and on roll call the Council.
members voted as follows:
Counilmanti ncof theCResoluti newandlCouncl man Simpson ididtnotdvote on o theresolution.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting adjourned
at 5:00 P.N.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular Meeting Date
October 11, 1960 7:30 p.M.
Present: Councilman Jewell and President Madsen.
Absent: Councilman Charlsen, Simpson and Tennant.
Mayor Madsen announced that no official action canb a taken this evening due to
lack of a quorum.
From Mr. and Mrs. Otto Scheel, complaining about recent addition to Elm Nursing
Home located at 322 North Third Street.
From the State of Minnesota, Department of Military Affairs, Office of the Adju-
tant GuardGeneral
which readState
fol follows:National
"There is returned herewith a notice of sewer assessment indicating an assess-
ment against the State owned National Guard Armory property on East Chestnut
Street, Stillwater. In this regard and in order to permit a determination
by this department that this improvement is of benefit to the property above re-
ferred to it will be necessary that the City comply with the provisions of Sec-
tion 435.19, Minnesota Statutes, 1957, in detail and that information be fur-
nished with reference to whether this assessment is a one time assessment for
$300.00 or whether this assessment is presumed to run on the basis of $300.00
annually for the next twenty years.
The Clerk then read a copy of a letter written by him replying to the foregoing
letter which read as follows:
"This is in reply to your letter of September 22, 1960. The proposed sewer
assessment of 4300.00 is the whole assessment for the improvement. However, it
may be paid over a period of twenty years with interest on the unpaid balance at
6%. If your department requires strict adherence to the provisions of M.S.A.
435.19 you may use this as notice that the City Council will meet at the City
anyt oD ectionsStillwater
may have to thenOctober prop proposed assessmentfor
State owned National Guard Armory property for benefits resulting from the
Stillwater sewer improvement."
From Mr. James M. Hefner, Clerk, Village of Maplewood, in regard to regional
meeting of the League of Minnesota Municipalities to be held in the Village
of Maplewood on October 13, 1960.
From he Local
R. D
Council MembersHagen, Vice airman of to attendta meetingofthe Planning Commission inviting the
Pl nningandZoning
Commission to be held at the City Hall on October 20, 1960 at 8:00 P.M.
FromprojectarbaroaafldeSons,tInc.,i nequestingt $ that
at. retainage on interceptor sewer
From Barbarosa and Sons, Inc., stating that the interceptor sewer project is
complete and has been accepted and requesting final payment. (Clerk informed
the Mayor and Councilman Jewell that the resident engineer has not approved
and accepted the project.)
This was the day and time set for the public hearing on the proposed work of
constructing a sanitary serer and a water main in the following streets:
Sewer, West Wilkin Street from North William to North Owens Streets.
Water main, North Owens Street from West W11kin to West Sycamore Streets.
The following persons were present and objected to the doing of the
Mr. Walter Kress
Mr. Robert Scheel
Mr. William Gannon
Mr. Stanley pepllnski
Mr. Boger Benson for Salem Lutheran Church
Mr. John Gellman
This was the day and time set to open bids on one bookkeeping machine and bids
remittance control machine. The
quorum presentifrepresentativesstated tin fromhcompaniesnbidding
can be opened without a 4 the Burroughs Corporation and Mr.
have no presenting NationallCash Register Company, were present and stated that
Peck, representing
they did not object
end readopening
at this time. The Clerk then opened
the following
1. The National Cash Register Company, Dayton, Ohio.
The National Municipal Bookkeeping Model 33-21 which we are bidding is a com-
bination of a conventional
iwith thee follows tgswriterorndefull keyboard
adding and subtracting nachne
21 accumulating totals with push button selecton.feature.
A carraige 28 inches in width with the split platen
Reverse key for instant correction of incorrect entries.
Automatic dollar sign for check protection.
Automatic rejection of incorrect balances picked up. form.
Automatic check numbering.
Automatic clearing and printing of totals on a summary
Removatle control panels.
Flexible keyboard dating.
Our bid is $8,575:00 less discount of 4673.00 for a net bid of $7,902.00 for
the bookkeeping machine. The net bid on the bookkeeping machine includes the
following items:
Bookkeeping machine, per specifications.
Stand for bookkeeping machine.stand.
A work with drawer a part of the
All thetable
assessorie s
esto accomplish yourmbookkeeping.
A complete 12 month mechanical guarantee.
A ccompletdelivery e installation
ltheglilife of the machine.
Our Class 41 is the machine we are bidding for your remittance control appli-
isters) remittance control machine,
design. Io is a multiple register (19 B
designed to expedite the receipting of money at the counter and to eliminate the
various classificationscernas well to
need for numerous cash boxes. It will not only certify an fl receipt but will
accumulate totals to money received byour hisciachi
prepare in duplicate a deposittticketofall the checksureceived. our sps machine
a discount
thatn we are bidding antes all the requirements as outlined 8n y
2 0 for one remittance control machine. The
tions for one remittance control machine. Our bid is 03,178.50
er $249•oo for a net tie of $2,9 9.5
bid amount includes the following:
One remittance control machine.
A complete 12 month mechanical guarantee.
A completeitlato 13edays.
nsaltnservice for the life of the machine.
Delivery be
2. Burroughs Corporation, Detroit, Michigan
In accordance with your Septemter 21, 19b0 request, we are pleased to submit
the following quotation for your consideration:
1. New Burroughs typewriter accounting machine Style F1501 (19 total) com-
plete with stand400,nless tradeia ble. List in allowanceice formbilling,less machine�(at water nde-
discount, a64 , S5363.00. eralmexcis fl000.00,anet price, F.O.B. S equipment ill. beowa
eral excise tax applicable to the above equipment will be waived upon receipt of
an executed tax exempt certificate. Your particular attention is called to
the trade in allowance quoted above. In the event that the Charter Amendment
being presented to your electors In November is passed the typewriter account-
ing machine will do the water billing in addition to the sewer and sewer ass-
essment billing. The need therefore for a separate machine for water billing
will be eliminated. You may desire to place your order at this time so that
installation plans may be made for January, 1961. As this is prior to learn-
ing the outcome of the voting on the Charter Amendment you have the option of
trading in the water department billing machine at any time up to ninety days
after the new machine has been delivered for the trade in allowance shown.
To do this it will only be necessary for you to advise the Burroughs Corpora-
tion by letter of your desire to trade in the present machine and a credit
memo will be issued for the allowance. The proposed system requires that the
machine be programmed to perform the following accounting operations:
1. Warrant vouchering, warrant writing and ledger card posting.
2. Payroll.
3. Special
billing andbilling
The exclusive program panel of the Burroughs typewriter accounting machine can
be necessaryatoychangeamed eitherodo your program panelsnete or externalng controlut making it
Civilr Defense ooreplace heMr.cliftonnHt alseyw arMr.BHalseyrhasnrequestedtthatf
he be relieved of his duties because he is being transferred to another
Mayor Madsen adjourned the meeting to October 14, 1960, 7:30 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
October 14, 1960 7:30 P.M.
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayerby the City Clerk.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: Councilman Simpson.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, minutes of
the following meetings were approved:
Special Meeting, August 30, 1960 7:00 P.M.
Regular Meeting, September 6, 1960, 7:30 P.M.
Special Meeting, September 15, 1960, 1+:30 P.M.
Special Meeting, September 20, 1960, 7:30 P.
Special Meeting, September 28, 1960, 1F 3
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, On and Off
Sale 3.2 beer licenses of were
graned to
too Ralph Milberg, 1112 Sixth Avenue South
on the second reading
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, Off Sale 3 2
bebr the second reading
ed toethe
al Tea Company, 216 West Myrtle Street.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, a cigarette
license was granted to6M tileoJIsland Industries, "forth Main Street, for the per-
iod from October 1,
From William T. Johnson, President of the Stillwater Country Club, which read
as follows:
"At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stillwater Country Club on Oct-
ober 3, 1960, the following motion was adopted:
Upon mthe North sidegof Moores Streettfrom the tEast line loftFourth Street
thong the City
buildings,ilocat dithers ntandtalsovnotd to disturbw the eigthtteequipment,
The Board felt that to donate 20 feet would seriously impair the 9th fairway
as a number of golfers on slice shots are going out of bounds off the ccurse
onto Moore Street. Giving 10 feet will increase those out of bound shots and
20 feet 10 feet which wouldasubstantiallyrwiden the• street,e there being nothe City can mnecewith necessity
t." Mayor aden
for a sidewalkmembers toestudyhthe the
bye the StillwatersCountrappointed se of yClub and
report at a later date: Councilman Jewell, Tennant and City Engineer En anger.
A copy of a letter from the Hartford Fire Insurance
ey, Group, o p,gaddressed
Stillwater, to Mr. Jim Sheehan of the grog Agency, ota,n nerd as follows:
workman's compensation insurance, Civil Defense Workers,
"It is my understanding you recently made inquiry as to whether or not Civil
Defense workers would be covered under Workman's Compensation policy for the
City of Stillwater. We would refer you to page 16 of the 'Workman's Compensa-
tion you will note
pretatiate PagOSons. onef or Minaeota, and of theses classificationsninterpretationsC iss that oflCivilter-
Defense workers wherein they are ussignea to code 9410, Municipal, County, State
Employees, etc. Each such Civil Defense employee shall be subject to a minimum
hourly wage of $1.00 and a minimum annual wage of $100.00 for premium computa-
tion purposes. You will note Jim, this hes reference to Civil Defense employees
and thereby would pertain tc those workers who are on active duty. If, for
example, you should volunteer for first aid •work and would merely hold meetings
to learn how to do first aid and were injured, that would be another situation.
Under that situation it would be our opinion that they would not be considered
as defense workers on active duty. We trust this properly takes care of the
situation and meets with your approval."
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the contract
between Moelter Construction Company and the City covering construction of sewers
in South Sixth Street, known as Local Improvement No. 31-1960, as drawn by the
City Attorney, was approved and the Mayor and City Clerk were directed to sign
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the contract
between Jay W. Craig Company and the City covering seal coating of various
streets during the year 1963 as drawn by the City Attorney, was approved and the
Mayor and City Clerk were directed to sign same.
The matter of an easement in connection with the South Sixth Street sewer, which
sewer will cross the Fred Johnston property, was discussed. The City Attorney
stated that Mr. Johnston felt the City should waive the assessment in connection
with construction of the sewer and also the regular sewer assessment or connec-
tion fee of $100.00. Mayor Madsen suggested that the City Attorney inform Mr.
Johnston that the City will waive the construction assessment amounting to
about $917.90, but cannot waive the connection fee of $100.00.
Councilman Charlsen
1. inquired of the City Engineer if any progress nas been made in connec-
tion with survey of land lying east of the present Lily Lake bathing beach.
He felt that the City should make every effort to purchase additional land need-
ed for recreational purposes east of the Lily Lake beach area.
Councilman Jewell
1. A new street light has been ordered and will be installed in the near future
at the intersection of North First Street and Ridge Lane.
2. It will be necessary to rearrange street lights on Water Street due to con-
struction of the new Dooley Super Market.
3. Suggested that the Council authorize purchase of a traffic counter to com-
ply with state requirements in connection with Municipal State Aid Streets. On
motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the matter was
referred to Councilman Jewell with power to act. (Estimated cost, $410.00).
4. Suggested that the Council direct the City Clerk to advertise for bids on a
new truck for use in the street department. On motion of Councilman Tennant,
seconded by Councilman Jewell, the Clerk was directed to advertise for bids on
a new truck, said bids to be returnable on November 10, 1960 at 7:30 P.M.
Councilman Tennant
1. Suggested that every effort be made to acquire a new dump site. Stated
that township boards are reluctant to approve suggested sites.
Mr. Carl Peterson of the Banister Engineering, Company appeared before the
Council and gave a detailed report on Needs Study for the year 1961 in connec-
tion with Municipal State Aid Streets. He stated that the 1961 study showed a
substantial increase over the year 1960. He explained that the following
items can be included but were not included in previous reports:
1. Right of way costs.
2. Sidewalks, curb and gutter.
3. Removal. of trees.
street in
hisaNeedsxStudy and rthat at uthe rState ry rDepartment eet is iprobably gnated swill amake ialrequest to
eliminterrt t he felt that
insist on ane 50Cfootil rightuld insist that the
of way.
On motioell, the following
officialnb ndsocovering Lester of Cuncilman tH.aBrower dwereC approved and wandordered riled:
1. For position of City Clerk and City Treasurer for term leginning October 1,
1960 in the amount of $10,000.00.
1960 in the snfClerk
rkoof Municipal
al0 nd.Conciliation Court for term beginning
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the Clerk -
Treasurer was authorized and directed to transfer $694.95 from the Sewage
Disposal Survey Fund to the General Fund.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the City
Clerk was directed to advertise for bids on a new 1960 or 1961 model automobile
for use in the police department, bids to be returnable on November 10, 1960 at
7:30 P.M.
On an
Hartford AccidentsandeIndemnity Companyycovering mJewell, RoyMoeltebondby
waslapprovedsubject to the nyapproval oof thetCityCAttorne(dig in City streets)
The Clerk presented and read insurance policy No. 410527266, issued by the Hart-
ford Accident and Indemnity Company,
Bodily injury, liability, automobile, $50,000.00 each person, $100,000.00 each
accident. •
Bodily injury, liability except automobile, 4100,030.00 each person, $300,000.00
each accident.
Property damage,liability, 450,000.00 each accident,
Property damage, liability, 4100,000.00 each accident.
4100,000.00 aggregate operations, 4100,000.00 aggregate protective, 4100,000.00
aggregate contractual.
On motion of `.Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, it was ,decided
to approve the policy subject to increasing limits as follows:
Bodily injury, liability, automobile, 3100,000.00 each person, $300,000.00 each
Property damage, liability, automobile, 4100,000.00 each accident.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Building
Inspector's report covering activities during the montn of September, 1960,
was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the following
sewer rental charges were fixed for the year 1960:
1. Irving Bloom, Jr., 1504 West Linden Street 5.00
2. Beltram Taylor, 413 West Elm Street 5.00
3. Fred Bohlken, 1224 West Olive Street 5.00
4. Leo Mock, 1214 Sixth Avenue South
Cn motion of Councilman Cherlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the follow-
ing insurance policy issued ty the Hartford Aire .asurance Company was approved
and ordered filed:
Policy No. 1A614806, covering the City owned fleet against collision or upset,
fire, lightning, and transportation and comprehensive coverage.
Oa motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the following
change orders were approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk were directed to
sign same:
Change Order No. 2, Interceptor Sewer
Description, had to drive 8 inch by 8 inch piling on each side of pipe and cap
8 inch by 8 inch oak cap on account of no bottom along park. Cost, $1,860.00.
'v Change Order No. 3 Project, Interceptor Sewer
Description, 7-26-60 storm sewer line ran into water main and water service.
Had to dig it out and move it. Barbarosa did digging and removed old pipe.
Moelter Construction Company moved pipe and made cross under to clear storm
sewer. Contractor delayed until change was completed. Amount, $1,064.70.
Change Order No. 4, Project, Interceptor Sewer
Description, removed loading ramp south of lumber company in lieu of removing
railroad tracks for laying force main. Amount, 443.d8.
Change Order No. 5, Project, Interceptor Sewers
Description, time and material in lowering of M.H. on Aiple property at station
57 plus 81, had to be done in winter time at request of Aiple and concurrence of
council. Total amount, 0168.38.
Change Order No. 7, Project, Interceptor Sewer
Description, constructing four inch C.I.P. grain line for force main from
railroad crossing to river. Had to lower force main under railroad to comply
with railroad request, as a result could not drain force main back to lift station.
Total amount, $750.00.
Change Order No. 8, Project, Interceptor Sewer
Description, building road into coal dock yard and phosphate plant and planking
railroad crossing to keep trunk line open for Aiple. Total amount, $181.10.
Change Order No. 9, Project, Interceptor Sewer
Description, had to dig out drainage ditch north of south lift station due to
St. Croix Barge Terminal Company filling in and backing the water up behind the
lift station, okayed by Ron Ehlinger. Total amount, $96.00.
Change Order No. 10, Project, Interceptor Sewers
Description, clean out steel machinery, etc. between quonset huts so machine
could get through with force main. Aiple was to remove junk but ne^er got around
to it. Total amount, $278.23.
Change Order No. 11, Project, Interceptor Sewers
Description, cut through 24 inch stone sewer, location not known, no way to
support it, had to replace section taken out with two 18 incn R.C.P. lines
for capacity. Total amount, $2d2.03.
Change Order No. 12, Project, Interceptor Sewers
Description, had 3/4 inch galvanized water line running about the same grade
and line with the sewer. Had to be removed and relayed. Total amount, $155.00.
Change Order No. 13, Project, Interceptor Sewer
Description, remove and replace switch due to construction pain to railroad
company by check. Total amount, $321.96.
Change Order No. 14, Project, Interceptor Sewer
Description, the pipe at diversion structure was not as shown on the plans.
Different size under railroad tracks than at M.H. Also at different elevation.
Did not run at straight grade from M.H. to M.H. under tracks. Had to cut out
^++ 36 inch sluice gate and to change 36 flap gate to 42 inch flap gate. Total
credit, $184.90.
Change Order No. 15, Project, Interceptor Seer
Description, changing existing water main, storm sewer and diversion structure,
No. 5 and 6 construction. Total amount, $1,363.30.
Change Order No. 16, Project, Interceptor Sewer
Description, cleaning out gravel and trash that came into alversion structure
No. 1 when storm sewer broke under state highway department gravel stock pile
and caused gravel to wash Into structure and practically fill it up. Totel amount,
Change Order No. 17, Project, Interceptor Sewer
Description, old sanitary sewer .:.li. on Mulberry Street rebuilt because it was
ncut into drainage
yards at top andstorm sewer tontaketcarenofawater.ePcatch
amount, $296.06.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Fixing compensations of of
(David Larson)
4. Authorizing sick leave. (William Kress)
5. Reinstating fire department officer. (Russell Bonse)
6. Authorizing payment of compensation. (Russell Bonse)
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Cnarisen, meeting ad-
journed at 12:25 A.M.
Council Chamber
StillaaLer, Minnesota
October 20, 1960 7:30 Y.M.
Special Meeting
The meeting was called co order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: [tone.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the follow-
ing action was taken in connection with West Hancock Street:
"West Hancock Street from South Everett Street 240 feet, East is approved and
accepted as platted, graded and surfaced by the Ritzer .Landscape Service in
Ritzer's Subdivision and said street will be maintained by the City of Still-
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the bid sub-
mitted by the National Cash Register Company for furnishing one bookkeeping
machine and one remittance control machine amounting to $10,831.50 was accepted
and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and directed to enter into a con-
tract covering same. Following is the detailed bid as submitted by the National
Cash Register Company:
"We appreciate this opportunity to bid on one bookkeeping machine and one re-
mittance control machine to complete the accounting records outlined in your
specifications. The National Municipal bookkeeping Model 33-21 which wo arc
fulls eyboard,oaddingl and subtracting lmachine, withonal ji thee followingctric s andwriter superior
21 accumulating totals with push button selection.
A carriage 26 inches in width with the split platen feature.
Reverse key for instant correction of incorrect entries.
Automatic dollar sign for check protection.
Automatic rejection of incorrect balances picked up.
Automatic check numbering.
Automatic clearing and printing of totals on a summary form.
Removable control panels.
Flexible keyboard dating.
Our bid is $8,575.00 less discount of 0673.00 for a net bid of 0,902.00 for
the bookkeeping machine. The net bid on the bookkeeping machine includes the
following items:
Bookkeeping machine per specifications.
Stand for bookkeeping machine.
A work table with drawer spaca as a part of the machine stand.
All the necessary accessories to accomplish your bookkeeping.
A complete 12 month mechanical guarantee.
A complete Guaranteed delivery he life of the machine.
deliverybeforeJanuar:" 1, 1961.
Our Class 41 is the machine we are bidding for your remittance control appli-
cation. It is a multiple register (19 registers) remittance control machine,
designed to expedite the receipting of money at the counter and to eliminate
the need for numerous cash boxes. It will not only certify on a receipt but
aslprepareuintduplicate oa depositf money s ticket of allceived by i the checksous received.
asications well
This machine that we are bidding meets all the requirements as outlined in
your specifications for one remittance control machine. Our bid is 3,176.50
less a discount of $249.00 for a net bid of $2,929.50, for one remittance con-
trol machine. The bid amount includes the following:
Cne remittance control machine.
A complete 12 month mechanical guarantee.
A complete installation service for the life of the machine.
Delivery between 90 to 180 days.
Enclosed you will fine a certified check for 4625.00 which will cover cur two
bids." Said bid signed by Dana Peck, The National Cash Register Company, 520
North Robert Street, St. Paul 1, Minnesota.
The following petition with 10 signatures affixed was read:
"Wethey City ofoStillwaterrareedesiroust of tannexation. purtiun of FWeralso owish tows not expedite
ncluded in
the unersigne,expedite
installation of sewer and water which we are aware will be constructed on an
assessment basis to the property owner and also receive the other services
provided by the City of Stillwater. 2AAlt that
titorySdesn cri ed,ed belcw hip 3Or
Lots 1 thru 10 and Lots 21, 22, 25, , 7, 4Oand
Fairmeadows :Io. 1 inclusive."
Oa wasmorderedffiledc Councilman
matter refer d to theed by nCityaAttorneyn, the petition
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of a bill. (Johnson Brothers House Movers, moving
stone house)
2. Authorizing employment of special counsel. (Winston E. Sandeen)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the meeting
was adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
City Clerk
liaP, -24^-
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant, and President Madsen.
Absent: )one.
:Tovember 10, 1960 11:00 A.M.
Returns of the election held on lovember 8, 1960 were canvassed by the City Coun-
cil with the following results:
For Councilman -John L. Jewell, 2,862
For Councilman -Dean Charlsen, 3,005
For Special Municipal Judge -Searle R. Sandeen, 3,316
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the follow-
ing were declared elected for a term of four years beginning January 1, 1961:
For Councilman -Dean Charlsen
For Councilman -John L. Jewell
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, Searle R.
Sandeen was declared elected to the office of Special Municipal Judge for a
term of six years beginning January 1, 1961. us., 5 -, 0f L a
ADJCUR:IMRRT °�`� ) i • L
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
City Clerk
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular Meeting
Jovember 10, 1960 (:30 N.M.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
On otion of Couilman
ingmlicenses were grantede totheHuffman nt, dJovelty Councilman Simpson,
Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota:
Operator's license, $25.00.
Four ThreeAMusicent Machine1ne Licenses9e 00.
From James L. Gardner, Brown's Creek Inn, for On and Off Sale 3.2 beer licenses
were esented but on ically carried over toathe next ccount fregular being lmeeting ofn the dthe 1Council al rtotbe held
re uoomat-
December 6, 1)60.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the follow-
ing licenses were granted to George wohlers, Jr., 709 'West Myrtle Street:
Operators license, 3325.00.
Six Amusement Machine licenses, 330.00.
Eleven Music Machine Licenses, 0.10.00.
From Clinton Carlson, 1318 West Pine Street, addressed to Charles Thompddn,
thelccrnnernof Owens andMyrtleStreetsion from acfoodotne marketbusiness
laundromat. at
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilmen Simpson, the request
was denied. (This matter had teen referred to the Planning Commission and
said Commission suggested that the Council deny the request).
Copy of a letter from the Banister Engineering Company to Mr. J. M. Evans,
State Aid Engineer, Department of Highways, in regard to engineering fees in
connection with the South Fourth Street improvements. Also copy of a letter
from the Banister Engineering Company to Mr. E. L. Pearson' Assistant District
Enmadenavailableeforatheghway completiont ofnthe rSouthtFourth Strethat et improvements.
From Yr. George Smart, Manager, Stillwater Chamber of Commerce, which read in
part as follows:
"We would appreciate receiving permission from the City Council to put up street
lights with the same arrangements as in the past." On motion of Councilman
Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, it was decided to pay the electric
bill in connection with the Xmas street decorations in the business district.
From the State of s"in.tescta, Department of Highways, •+aintenance District, St.
Paul Park, ay nreutes. fMayoors Madsen suggestnow edal thatnthislness mattert bee refereed to
trunk highway routes. ;
the City Engineer.
From Mr. Jack W. Peel, 3300 Zuecn Avenue Aorth, Minig polis.sMinnesota, re -rah
'� porting damage to his automobile ceased by striking, P
Streets. The Clerk reported that to tea copy
October 1960.
letter was mailed to the City
Attorney and the ;frog Agency
From Helene K. Wallis and Aurilla Atwood, which read as follows:
Ridge Lane Drive. The figures below are those given by Assistant Cit, Engineer,
"This letter pertains to the right of way to the street leading to my home o
John Shelton, after a survey made by the City Engineering Department. The
boulevard was cut back and a fence placed nearly to the edge by Mr. W. 3 R. Mahood
in the construction of his new home. From the street plat at Sti�n the
20 the boulevard width has been reduced 3 feet. At Station 3 plus l2s h the
boulevard width has been reduced 5 feet. 7tnStat. At Station 3 p
boulevard width has been reduced 5 fete. At Station 3 plus on the boulevard
has been reduced 3 feet 50 incnes. The reduced width of this boulevcrd and
the placing of a ty
the removal of sncwnas wells as al problemwill
of erosion toythea detrimentb ofmther
roadway. The removal of the right of way is definitely confiscation of . of city
property as this dirt was used by Mr. Mahood in landscaping
l of the
wer the
valuepofemylpropertye andtcreateha❑ unsightly snarr narrowing effect." will
hnk tat the or Madsen
lettertandtreporta Council
meeting or theeeined about in the
From the University of Minnesota, Center for Continuation Study, which read in
part as follows:
"The University of Minnesota through its Center for Continuation Study, n
cooperation with the League of Minnesota Municipalities,will offer a two week
property tax seminar for assessors beginning November sand endingDecember.
9. For the past twenty odd years the University of Minnesota has offeredan
annual three day institute for the assessors of the State. The two week seminar
Is held in furtherance of the three day school and will in no wise supp
it. The seminar is a step in further professionalization cf assessing." On
motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell,
be paidtbynthehCityseminar and all legal
From R. D. Hagen, Vice Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, which
reed as follows: on November 9,
"Recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting
Request -Antique Shop -Holm and Turner. After hearing
sutcOmmitteit is tkmec reportnandn
e report and
lengthly discussion and based on good coning poariy,
that this request be denied. This isconsistentwith our policy to gradually
get business establishments into commercially zoned areas.
Request -Clint Carlson property at Cwens and Myrtle for Le:undromat. After com-
pieta study of property by actual visits to the site and after consideration
of plans
(for gend programst) it isdourter consideration cf our recommendation that thisrequestbe
denie for the long up aenon-conformingcuse permits
awhicht istvoided rwhen tthe useischanged.raitnig on
also our group's feeling that this type of 24 hour a day business belongs in
a commercial zone and not in a residential area. We enclose the supporting
documents for your observation.
Pilling -Community Designs and Planning Associates.
A statement for costs of reproductions for the parking study cf „;137.59 was
.... received some ao s
statement. Metime are toldathat a556 l d o untilff
copiesofthis report haveibeenadeliveredd
firma and offerhoi'e splittingc the costa ofg theallbill.he If he acceptskwegwill for-
ward ward the corrected bill to Mr. Douvilie for acceptance. October billing of
$500.00 okayed.
Perking Commission. As you knew, we recently recommended this new three man
commission so that no time would be wasted in considering our acute parking prot-
lem. ae do net believe that we suggested any one of the tnree men to be chair-
man of the Perking Commission. To our knowledge there still is no chairman.
Consequently to pin down the responsibility of this commission we aauld 11ke
to recommend Mr. Edward Frye be appointed chairman and be so informed.
Miscellaneous. ae had consideratle discussion about cold, hard, flat denials.
it is our group's thought that when wo find it necessary to recommend a turn-
down of a request, we at the same time endeavor to De helpful in suggesting
other areas where such a land use may be permitted. While we make none in
regard to the first two paragraphs above we feel there are areas where both
would be permitted and where both would serve themselves and our citizens
in a better manner to our community."
A petition with 44 signauzres was presented which read as follows:
"We the undersigned property owners residing is the general area of what is
commonly known as the Carlson Olson Store at the Northeast corner of the inter-
section of Myrtle and Owens Streets, +n the City of Stillwater, do hereby ob-
ject to the granting of a permit to operate a laundromat at said location be-
cause of the nature of said operation."
The following bids on a new truck for use in the street department were opened
and read aloud:
Bid i5o. 1. Bob Olson Motor Company, Stillwater, Minnesota.
G.M.C. truck, model V5003, year manufactured, 1901. Gross vehicle weight,
25,000 pounds, piston displacement, 401 cubic inches. Horsepower rating, 205
at 3200 R.P.M.'s. Wheel base, 145 inches. Delivery date, on or before the.
13th day of January, 1961. Total amount net bid, 0bb,249.41.
Bid No. 2. Bloom Motor Company, Stillwater, Minnesota.
Make Dodge. Model, C800. Year manufactured, 1961. Gross vehicle weight,
25,000 pounds. Piston displacement, 413.4 cubic inch. Horsepower rating,
217. Wheel base, 134 inch. Delivery date, or or before 6o days from the date
order is signed. Total amount net bid, 05,285.00.
Bid No. 3. East Side Motor Sales, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota.
Make, Ford. Model, F850. Year manufactured, 1961. Gross vehicle weight,.
25,000 pounds. Piston displacement, 401 cubic inch. Horsepower rating, 226
at 3600 R.P.M. Wheel base, 146 inch. Delivery date, 60 days after receipt of
order. Total amount, net bid, $5,830.00.
Bid No. 4. Brookman Motor Sales, Inc., Lake Elmo, Minnesota.
Make, International. Model, R185. Year manufactured, 1961. Gross vehicle
weight, 25,500 pounds. Piston displacement, 406 cubic inches. Horsepower
rating, 175. Wheel base, 142 inches. Delivery date, on or before the 19th
day of December, 1960. Total amount net bid, 05,855.00.
Mayor Madsen suggested that Councilman Jewell, and the City Engineer tabulate
and analyze the above bids and report at the next meeting of the Council.
The following bids on a new automobile for use in the police department were
opened and read aloud:
Bid No. 1. Johnny Kaiser's, Stillwater, Minnesota
1961 Plymouth Police Patroller, 2 door, b cylinder, automobile.
Total price, $2,446.30. Trade in allowance, 1958 Ford, 0902.30. Total cost
to city, $1,544.00. Transfer of special police equipment, 420.00.
Bid ;io. 2. Stillwater Motor Company, Stillwater, Minnesota.
1961 Model 2 door sedan Chevrolet, total price, $2,434.90, less trade in
allowance on 1958 Ford two door, 0.,134.90. :let bid, y1,300.00. Transfer
of special police equipment, 045.00. Delivery date, approximately 30 days
after letting of bid.
Mayor Madsen suggested that Councilman Jewell and the Chief of folice tabulate
and analyze the bias and report their findin,'s at the next meeting of the
299 e
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the interrup-
tatle gas service agreement tetwoea the City and trio Nurthern States Power
Company was approved an the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and directed
to sign same.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the contract
tneCCitynClerklwerenauthorizedgandAssociates, directedtonc., signwas proved
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the contract
between the City and R. J. Jager was approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk
were authorized and directed to sign same. (Gravel Crushing)
Councilman Charlsen
1. Reported that part of the ceiling in one of the apartments in the City
owned house is in need of repair. (Old Methodist parsonage on Fourth Street)
Councilman Jewell
1. Reported on the natter of purchasing an air compressor for use in the City
street garage. on poles
nearFthe lift stations galong l thed interceptor done in sewer. installingard to
sewer. Statedthat lts theNorthern
State Power Company will not erect poles for this purpose but will place lights
on prosent poles only.
3. Suggested that the City consider the purchase of a pick up truck for use
in connection with the sewage treatment plant.
µ. Suggested that tre Council consider the purchase of some new sewer clean-
ing equipment.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the City
prerwas sc toe thens for a C Council.
new pickup truck and
sentsame atthe
Councilman Simpson
1. He suggested that the Council authorize the purchase cf a hose dryer for
use at the fire station at an estimated cost of about 4745.00. On motion of
Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, thematter was referred to
Councilman Simpson, with power to act.
2. He stated that the uniform situation has been squared away at the Fire De-
3. Reported that recreation commission has looked into the matter of flood-
lights for skating rinks at Lily Lake and Staples Field tut the Commission
felt the cost to operate same was too high.
Councilman Tennant
letter1. Suggested that a written
the Stillwater
the Council's posits nwith referencetoacquiringlandforustreClub street purposes.
Mayor Madsen
1. He explained that some additional expense has occurred in connection with
the moving of the stone house from the sewage treatment plant site amountingto about v495.00 and suggested that the Council authorize the additional ex-
penditure. On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell,
the matter was referred to the City Attorney.
2. He reported that Gerhard Masks had inquired as to why the City was erect-
ing a fence on the south side ci' Lake Street.
3. He stated that he had been asked to furnish more auxiliary police in con-
nection with the youth center, said police to be paid at the rate of a3.0O
per night. He informed the Council members that he would discuss this matter
with the Chief of Police.
• 300
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, tne follow -
Inc Change Orders wore approved and the Mayor and City Clerk were directed to
sign same:
Change Order No. 6
Jolson Street and South Lift Station, $200.00.
Change Order No. 15
Interceptor Sewer, $150.00.
Change Order To. 19
Interceptor Sewer, $226.55.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, Insurance
Policy To. 41w14647073 issued by the Hartford Accident and indemnity Company
of Hartford, Connecticut, Standard torkman's Compensation and Employer's
Liability Policy, was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Cherlsen, insurance
Policy No. M7N3d262 issued by the Great American insurance Company, covering
parking meters in the amount of 014,700.00 was approved and ordered filed.
The following members of a committee reprrsenting the Chamber of Commerce appeared
before the Council: Mr. John Thoreen, :Wr. Richard Olsen, air. William McDonald
esman for
edathat theMr. rCitymart. finaacer the costoreenof'caebuildingatd as kwhich wouldne group and provide publicgestr
facilities and also office space which would be rented by the Chamber on a
lease basis. He stated that the committee felt that a suitable site for such
a building wculd be at the end of Myrtle Street on the river front. Mayor
Madsen appointed Councilman Charlsen, aria Mr. Douville, the City Attorney, as
a committee to study the matter and report at a later date.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the Building
Inspector's report covering activities during the month of October, 1960 was
approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the follow-
ing sewer rental charges were fixed for the year 1960:
1. William Wieden, 1612 West Pine Street 05.00
2. Kenneth Johnson, 234 Echo Lane 5.00
3. Stillwater K.C. Lodge, Oak Street 20.00
4. Thompson Hiwayman Inn, South Main Street
(Have been notified to install a meter. Have
not complied with the request)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the City
Clerk was directed to advertise for bids on official printing covering the
year 1961, bids to be returnable on December 6, 1960 at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Kenneth Andrews, member of the auxiliary police, inquired if the Council
would be willing to authorize an expenditure cP about 020.00 a piece for
23 new uniforms. No action was taken at this time.
On motion of Couacilma❑ 'Tennant, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the City
Clerk made the first reading of an "Ordinance Prescribing Terms and Condi-
tion Prerequisite to Connection to Sanitary Sewer System r'ixing and Establish-
ing Fees and Chrrges Therefor and Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof".
301 •
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills. 2. For the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Yo. 45, renumbered as Trunk
^ Highway No. 212 within the corporate limits of the City of Stillwater near
Junction Trunk Hi hway 212 and Trunk Highway No. )5. (To construct erosion
control structure.
3. Approve the plans and specifications for the improvement of that part of
limits ofhthe City45 ofrStillwateras Trunk near JunctionaofNo. Trunk2 within Highway No. 212and
Trunk Highway No. 95.
4. Authorizing execution of private roadway crossing. (Sewage Treatment
^� 5. Authorizing execution of contract. (Community Planning & Design Assoc-
iates, Inc.).
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 12:55 A.N.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, and President Madsen.
Absent: Councilman Tennant.
November 22, 1)60 4:00 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, Off Sale
Liquor licenses were granted to the following for the year 1961 subject to
the approval of the Liquor Control Commissioner. Surety bonds in the amount
of $1,000.00 each were also approved.
Edward J. Davidson, 231 East Myrtle Street
John M. Ertle, 224 South Main Street
William C. Kinsel, 118 East Chestnut Street
Clara A. E. Meister, 112 North Main Street
Donald F. Mosiman and Glen Karloske, 317 South Main Street
James J. Rutten, 235 East Chestnut Street
James P. Thompson, 302-304 South Main Street
Lester Trembley, 22b South Main Street
From the University of Minnesota, College of Medical Sciences, which read in
part as follows:
"On November 2d and 29, 1960 the United States Public Health Service is pre-
senting orientation in air pollution at the Mechanical Engineering Building,
Room 4, on the University of Minnesota campus." (No action)
The Council again discussed and considered the complaint by Mrs. Aurilla At-
wood atout a fence which was erected by Mr. Mahood. She claims the fence is
partially on City property, namely, Ridge Lane Drive, and will create a prob-
lem for removal of snow and lower the value of her property. Councilman
Charlsen and Jewell stated that they nad viewed the situation and were Loth
agreed that the fence is on City property. Mayor Madsen instructed the City
Attorney to inform Mr. Mahood that the fence must be moved es soon as possible.
on motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, it was decided
to accept the bid submitted by Brookman Motor Sales of Lake Elmo, Minnesota
on a new 1961 International Truck, Model R185, equipped with Dunn steel dump
body and a Gar -Wood Model A-30 hoist for a net price of 45,855.00 and the Mayor
and City Clerk were authorized and directed to enter into a contract covering
same. (For use in Street Department)
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Simpson, it was decided
to accept the bid submitted by the Stillwater Motor Company on a new 1961
Chevrolet two door sedan automobile with six cylinder engine and conventional
transmission at a net price of ?r.330.00 and tee Mayor and City Clerk were
authorized and directed to eater into a contract covering same. (For use in
Police Department)
Mayor Madsen announced that Mr. Peterson, attorney for Local Union 110, inter-
national brotherhood of Electrical Workers A.F.L.-C.I.O. was present and would
be heard at this time. The Mayor stated that Mr. ieterson had requested a
meeting with the Council. Mr. Peterson stated that the Electrical Norkera
Union has been designated and selected by the employees in the street, water,
fire and police departments as their bargaining representative. He also stated
should the Council decide to voluntarily recognize said union he would then
meet with a subcommittee from the City Council and employees and set forth
certain terms and conditions which would be acceptable and satisfactory to
the employees but should the Council decide not to recognize the Union the
State Labor Conciliator would then conduct a hearing end set date for election
covering all eligible employees. All members of the board or ?,ater Commission-
ers and the Secretary were present at this meeting. Mayor Madsen and Mr. Ern-
est Peaslee, Chairman of the board of ii ater Commissioners felt that the em-
ployees should vote on the matter and all members of the Council and rater
Board agreed with the Mayor and Mr. Peaslee. Mr. Peaslee inquired why the
employees selected the electrical union to represent them. Mr. Peterson
stated that unions do not adhere to true craft lines. Mr. Peterson stated
he would petition the State Labor Conciliator to hold a hearing followed by
an election.
On moion of Counclmn Jewell, nded by
twas directedi toa
aadvertise for olids on ao onei half ton rpick � City
up truck
for use in connection with the waste treatment plant, bids returnable on
December 6, 1960 at 7:30 P.M.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Establishing the office of Sewage Works buperintenlent making an appoint-
ment thereto authorizing employment of Waste Treatment Plant Operators and
fixing compensation of such office and employments.
2. Authorizing payment of condemnation award. (Sewage Treatment Works)
On motion of Councilman Cherlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 6:15 P.M.
• 304
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charisen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: done.
November 28, 1960 1:30 P.M.
Mayor Madsen announced proposed salary increases and adjustments for the year
1961 and after careful consideration and some changes ty the Council the pro-
posed salary schedule was tentatively agreed upon and will be officially
adopted at the budget meeting to to held on December 25, 1960.
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Fixing tax levy for City purposes for the year 1961.
0n motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 2:30 P.M.
Council Che-ber
Stillwater, Minnesota
December 6, 1960 7:30 Y.M.
Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded oy Councilman Charlsen, minutes of tie
following meetings were approved:
Unofficial Meeting, October 11, 1960, 7:30 P.M.
Regular Meeting, October 14, 1960, 7:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, On and Off Sale
3.2 beer licenses were granted to James L. Gardner, Brown's Creek Inn on the
second reading of the applications.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, On and Off Sale
3.2 beer licenses were granted to Lyle Ryland, 304 North Main Street. (formerly
operated by Betty Pearson)
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, an On Sale
3.2 beer license was granted to Donald F. Mosiman and Glen L. Karloske, 317
South Main Street.
On motion f conded bCouncilman Jewell, a
to operateoa theatermwas an Ogranted � toe Ernest Peaslee, Jr., 211 Southlicense Second
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, cigarette
licenses were granted to the following for the year 1961:
Lester Trombley, 226 South Main Street
Stillwater Country Club, North Second Street
Arnold E. Teasmer, Court Rouse
John M. Ertle, 224 South Main Street
Milton Krelitz, 233-235 South Main. Street
Milton Krelitz, 131 South Main Street
Midland Co-operatives, Inc., 501 North Main Street
National Tea Company, West Myrtle Street
Lyle Ryland, 304 North Main Street
James L. Gardner, Brown's Creek lnn
Arthur A. Nelson, 920 'West Olive Street
Dale C. Mattison, Lakeview aospital
Patrick E. 'unite, 603 West Churchill Street
Arthur V. Palmer, 102 North Second Street
E. James Meister, 901 South Fourth Street
Ed Knefelkamp, 110Company,h 132 Owens Street
h eet Street
St. Croix Drug P y,
Connolly Shoe Company, 123 North Second Street
James P. Thompson, 302 South Main Street
Fern Sherod, a07 North Fourth Street
Emerson `:;. Lewerer, 106 South Main Street
B. P. 0. Elks, No. 179, 110 South Main Street
Ralph L. Otte, 517 north Owens Street
Harold Zolldan, 211 South Main Street
Robert M. Greeder, 230 North Second Street Lr
James A. Zorn, Fourth & Churchill Streets T.
WroCning Motor ecmpdny, 1e
W. Kinsel, Second & Chestnut
Churchill Street Street,
Donald F. Aolde, 224 South Main Street n
Victor F. Prescott, South Y.ster Street mm
DonalAmerican F Legion Club, Glen L.
South Third Street
Donald F. Mosiman and Glen Karloske, 317 South Main Street
Caton H. Felix, 413 South Greeley Street
Harry Kleinschnitz, 826 South Fourth Street
Gene Wright, z13 North Main Street
Ralph Wilberg, 1112 Sixth Avenue South
Douglas Thompson, 700 South Main Street
Arnold J. Deno, 215 North William Street
Clara A. E. Meister, 112 North Main Street
Maple Island Industries, North Main Street
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded
Council9an;Jewell, soft drink
licenses were granted to the following
Stillwater Country Club, North Second Street
John M, Ertle, 224 South Main Street
Milton Krelitz, 131 SouMainlStreet Main Street
Midland Co-operatives, Inc..est Myrtle Street
NationalRTea, Company,4ot
Lyle Ryland, 304 North Main Street
James L. Gardner, Creek Inn
Churchill Street
Patrick E. White, 603 West
Arthur Nelson, rWest OliveStreet
Palmer,Arthur Y. P102 ?forthhSecond
Second Street
E. James Meister, 901 South Fourth Street
Ed Knefelkamp, 1101 ?forth Owens Street
Connolly Shoe Company, 123 North Second Street
Fern Shared, 807 "forth Fourth Street
Emerson Y. Lewerer,
James P.Thompson,3025outhhMainnStreett
American Legion Club, 103 South Third Street
Ralph B. Ctte, 517 :forth Owens
enstStreetn Street --
E. P. 0. Elks No. 179. 110 Donald
Mosiman 413 South Greeley
Street South Main Street
CatonH. Felix
William Groschen, 317 South Main Street
Ralph Wilberg, 1017 Fourth Avenue South
Arnoldspson, 306 South 215 North William1n Streetet
Clare A. E. Meister, 112 North
o inStStreet
Thomas W. Curtis, 41+ SouthMain
From the State of Minnesota, 'Water Pollution Control Commission, informing. the
SouthiSixthtStreetlhavethe pansrbeentappr vedt (planysheet Odated September ity for sewer extension tne 13,1960)=.
Copy of a letter written byJack
Jack W.d tPeel, Minneapolis, MinnMinnesota, to Jaynes L.
Douville, City Attorney,
From A. D. Hagen, Vice Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission, informing the
Council that Mr. Axel Srosell found it necessary to resigntfrn omo helZZoning
mission and recommending that Mr. Myron Melstrom be app
R osell'on motion of' s resignation was 1accepted ellman nwith regret. Mayoerlsen, seconded r Madsen hthenJappoint d
Mr. Myron Melstrom to fill the vacancy and on motion of Councilman Charlsen,
seconded by Councilman Jewell, the appointment was confirmed.
From Mr. and Mrs. Otto Scheel, complaining about the recent addition to Elm
manMCharlsea contact Mr.•tand h oMrs. Scheelurth • in'rregard a to this gmtnat
From the Fred L. Gray Company, '1l naeapolis, A.nnesola, in regard to the Acton
Construction Company, Inc. which read es follows:
"American Casualty Company of leading, Pa. surety upon that bond given by
Acton Construction Company, Inc. to the City of Stillwater for construction of
a sewage treatment plant, Project :o. 1, and sewage pulping station, Project
No. 3, in the amount of 4542,90.00 hereby consents to the release of retained
percentage subject to retention of the sum oi' ;10,000.00."
From yr. Lyle J. Eckberg, attorney for Cak dark Heights, which read as follows:
"At the request of the village council of the Village of Cak Park Heights I
have teen asked to advise you that it will be necessary for you to obtain a per-
mit from said village council before any gravel is removed from the pit tnat
you are using within the city limits of said village. It is doubtful that a
permit will to granted in view of the aifficulties they have had in the past
with the City's operations. However, the village council may consider grant-
ing a permit under certain conditions that you would have to take up with them
at a time when such a permit is required." The City Clerk was instructed to
request a copy of the Village of Oak ?arkHeightsOrdinance with reference to
zoning and inform Mr. Eckberg tnat the Council members would like to attend the
next meeting of the village council of the Oak Park Heights.
This was the day and time set to open bids on official advertising for the year
1961. Only one bid was received ana that was the bid from the Stillwater Even-
ing Gazette which read as follows:
"In accordance with your request for a bid on publication of legals for the City
of Stillwater for the year ending December 31, 1961, that all such notices be
set in six point type, spacing to be in a workmanlike manner, legal rates to be
charged as set by the Minnesota Legislature, *1.50 per folio for the first in-
sertion and 6.75 per folio for each subsequent insertion. Verified invoices
shall be furnished."
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the Stillwater
Evening Gazette bid was accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized
and directed to enter into a contract covering same.
The City Engineer presented specifications in connection with a pick up truck
for use at the sewage treatment plant. On motion of Councilman Jewell,seeonded
by Councilman Charlsen, the City Clerk was directed to advertise for bids on a
pickup truck, said bids to be returnable on December 12th at 4:30 P.M.
The City Attorney reported that he had contacted Mr. O. J. Skooglun with refer-
ence to an easement over and across property previously conveyed to the City
of Stillwater and he read a letter which he had received from Mr. Carl A. Palm,
attorney for Mr. Skooglun, which read as follows:
"I submit this letter pursuant to a recent telephone conversation relative there-
to. I have again discussed this matter with my client and it appears that this
time he is quite willing to relinquish the vested right he has in an easement
over and across property previously conveyed to the City of Stillwater for the
consideration of 3475.00 together with the easement over and across the 100
foot strip lying east of Mr. Skooglun's property which the City would appar-
ently grant to my client. My client understands that he is to have permissive
use of the present roadway now existing over and across the property of the
City which was conveyed by Mr. Skooglun recently. It appears that this is an
unfortunate situation in light of the various and sundry representations that
have been made. However, at this point it would be well to so determine and
+++ conclude this transaction. As I understand it you are willing to present
this proposal to the City Council for action and your continued cooperation
in the disposition of this matter is sincerely appreciated by the undersigned.
In the event you would desire any further information kindly advise."
Councilman Jewell
1. He explained a new method to replace present street signs.
2. Some of our present stop signs are in bad condition.
Councilman Simpson
1. A satisfactory settlement has been made wit,: the Township of May in con-
nection with rural fire runs.
Councilman Tennant
1. Stated that some of the sidewalk around the City Hall is in bad condition
and should be repaired.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the follow-
ing bonds were aporoved and ordered filed: (Bonds have been approved by the
City Attorney)
1. Roy Moelter and Harvey Moelter, doing business as Moelter Construction
Company, $5,000.00 issued by the Hartford Accident and Indn(To makeexca-
vations for
the period from September 15, 1960 ending September 15, 9e1
in City streets).
2. Robert 0
rtford Accident
Company for 0a periodfrom OSeptember u6�1960hand ad
ending Septemter 6, 1961.
(To make excavations in City streets).
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the follow-
ing change orders were proved. Same have been recommended for approval by the
Banister Engineering Company:
1. Change Order No. 8, Project No. 1, Sewage Treatment Plant.
Description - The extra costs involved in the relocation of moving of the en-
trance road approximately 100 feet southare:
1. Extra grading.
2. Placing and compacting of twelve inch of base material on extra road
3. The removing and replacing of the existing 24 incn C.M.P. culvert at
Trunk Highway No. 95.
4. Placing 21 inch of black top on the extra road length.
5. Removing the existing entrance at Trunk Highway No. 95 and disposing of
Total to add to contract amount, $875.00.
2. Change Order To. 9, Project No. 1, 4iaste Treatment Plant
Description - Crushed rock used to stabilize base for pipe at settlinf tanks.
65 cubic yards at $6.00 per cubic yard, $390.00. 207 cubic yards at 41.00
per cubic yard, $207.00. Total change order, S597.00.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, insurance cer-
tificate covering insurance policy No. h10527312, issued by the Hartford Acci-
dent and Indemnity Company covering Sherman Gordon, as follows was approved and
ordered filed:
Owned automobiles, bodily injury, liability, each person, $50,000.00, each acci-
dent, $100,000.00, property damage, liability, 410,000.00 each accident hired
automobiles and non owned automobiles, same 3cooi rage as listed above. Policy
effective date, 9-3-60, expiration oate,
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, insurance cer-
tificate covering policy No. k1Cb27266 as inflows was approved and ordered filed:
1. Coverage A, bodily injury, 4100,000.00 per person, 4300,000.J0 per accident.
2. Coverage C, property damage, $100,000.00 per accident.
3. Coverage D, $100,000.00 each accident, S130,300.00 aggregate operations,
$$100,000.00 aggregate prot., 100,030.00 aggregate contractual.
Mayor Madsen announced the following reappointments and on motion of Counoll-
man Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the appointments were confirmed:
Port Commission, George V. Bancroft, Leo Jewell, George A. Muller, cugene
Park Board, Roy Curley.
Library Board, Mrs. Oscar Plotters, Mrs. K. M. Lavine, Mrs. Lloyd Kolliner.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the following
order of business for all regular meetings during the year 1961 was adopted:
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Opening prayer.
3. Roll call.
4. Approve minutes.
5. Applications.
6. Communications.
7. Petitions.
a. Delegations or individuals.
9. Unfinished business.
10. Committee reports.
11. New business.
12. Ordinances.
13. Resolutions.
14. Adjournment.
The Clerk reported that Mr. R. D. Hagen had called him and stated that I.H.A.
will not approve loans on property abutting ;test Hancock Street until the
Council agrees to apply oil to the present street surface. The City Engineer
stated that he would take care of this matter and so inform Mr. Hagen.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the Building
Inspector's report covering activities during the month of November, 1960 was
approved and ordered filed.
The Clerk reported that Mrs. Lucille Carlson who resides at 713 Nest Olive Street
called and stated that she had received a letter from the Planning and Zoning
Commission informing her that she must obtain a non -conforming use permit to
operate a tea room. Mayor Madsen suggested that she file a written applica-
tion with the City Council for a non -conforming use permit to operate said tea
room and on motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen,
when the application is received for the non -conforming use permit, same will
then be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following
sewer rental charge was fixed for the year 1960:
Bruce Bergen, 1104 Meadow Lark Drive +7.25 per quarter
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilmen Jewell, the Clerk made
the second reading of "An Ordinance Prescribing Terms and Conditions Prerequi-
site to Connection to Sanitary Sewer System, Fixing and Establishing Fees
and Charges Therefor, and Providing 2enalties for Violation Thereof". The
Ordinance was read section by section, followed by roll call with the following
Section 1. Councilman Charlsen and Jewell voted no. Councilman Simpson, Tennant,
and President Madsen voted yes.
Sections 2,3,4,5 and 6. All members of the Council voted in the affirmative.
The Mayor then put the question 'Shall this Ordinance pass?'. Councilman
Charlsen and Jewell voted no. Councilman Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen
voted for the adoption of said Ordinance.
The following resolutions were road and wore on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Abolishing office of Superintendent of Public Works and appointing City
3. Authorizing payment of contributory share and additional contribution due
to public employees' retirement fund.
ly. Accepting dedication of land for public street purposes.
5 Approving plans, specifications and estimate of costs for constructing
sanitary sewer connections.
6. Accepting relinquishment of easement. (0. Skooglun)
7. Autnorizing purchase of easement. (Gas distribution line to sewage treat-
ment plant owned by Sunnyside Marine Inc.)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jegell, meeting ad-
journed to December12, 1960 WO P.M. This me Ling closed at 11:10 P.M.
City Clerk
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
December 12, 1960 4:30 P.M.
Regular Adjourned Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President n.adsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
From the Banister Engineering Company addressed to the City Clerk which read
as follows:
"You inquired about having a federal inspection so that the City of Stillwater
could get the balance of their government grant on the Sewage Treatment :.orks
Project. I called Mr. Lyle Smith of thel'innesotateateraPollutiondon Contl Kan-
Commission on Wednesday, December 7, 9e0
sas City for me to see how soon an inspection could be scheduled. He called
me back later in the afternoon stating that an inspection could be scheduled
for the early part of January and I gave you this information over the phone.
IYu ostatedhthatxIlwould talk toeCity bothActon Constructions Company andhort of htime. at this
was runninsome farbarossa
and Sons, Inc. to see what could be done in the way of delaying payments to
them. I further advised you that I would have them call you and discuss the
matter with you. I talked to Mr. Gordon Barbarossa of Bsrbarossa end Sons,
Inc. on Wednesday afternoon, December 7 and to Yr. Roger Acton of Acton Con-
struction Company on the morning of Thursday, December 8. Both of them
formal stated
that they would call you. For the sake of tne record we are making a
written request for the inspection by the federal government. A copy of
such letter of request 1s enclosed."
From Thomas L. Ammerman, 1303 South Fourth Street, Stillwater, Minnesota,
addressed to the City of Stillwater,. City Clerk, and the City Engineer, which
read as follows:
"This is to give you notice of faulty sewer service at 1303 and 1309 South
Fourth Street, Stillwater, Minnesota. Since I purchased the property at 1303
basement twice.OcIobad, it9correct8 the edwthenaat mys own expensed b Icdis up
cussed this matter with Mr. F. S. Lammers and Mrs. A. Shirley, former owners
of the premises concerned, and I was informed that this has continually occurred
throughout the years and can be expected to occur periodically again."
This was the day and time set to open bids on a pickup truck for use in con-
nection with the Sewage Treatment Works. The following bias were opened and
read aloud:
Bid No. 1. Bob Olson Motor Company, Stillwater, Minnesoti
vehicle weght,
Make, G.M.C. Model, 1002. Year ianuffactur50 at reed,, 1196 .M. Wheel t vehi 127 egh.
5200 pounds. Horsepower rating,
Total amount of bid, $1,866.28. Delivery date, on or before the 6th day
of January, 1961.
Bid No. 2. Bloom Motor Company, Stillwater, Minnesota.
Lodge, Model D-100. Year Manufactured, 1961. Gross vehicle weight, 5100
pounds. Horsepower rating, 1
4. days kheele base, 122einch. bid talaamonnamount
of bid,
... 41,686.00. Delivery date, 45
Bid No. 3. Erickson Post Company, Stillwater, M.ivaesota
Ford, Model F100. Year manufactured, 1961.
stvehiiclent ight,d5000,pou ds.
Horsepower rating, 135• 1961.
Delivery date, on or before the 20th day o1' January, )
Stillwater, Minnesota.
CBid rO 1, Stillwater C104 Motor Company, 9 61. Gross vehicle weight, 5000
pounds. t, Model ere ra• Year 5. Wheelmanufactubase, 127 inch. Total amount of bid,
oi,810. . Deliver rating,,03d•
a1,S10.00. Delivery date, 30 days after letting of bid.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, Councilman
Jewll anand
andebringd tneirthe C rr come were
etheCouncilat tabulatealater date.
tne bids
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the follow-
ing contracts were approved as drawn by tne City Attorney:
1. Stillwater Motor Company, stllLvater, Minnesota, for sale and delivery
of one 1961 model Chevrolet, two door sedan for use in the Police Department.
2. Brooan Motor Sals, a, for sa
one 1961�Internationale Truck cfor Lake nuse ithevstreettdepartmenb and deliveryof
3. The National Cash Register Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, for sale and
delivery of one municipal bookkeeping
machine and one remittance control machine
for use in the office of the City irk
The City Clerk read the following verdict rendered by tae Board appointed to
hear the case City of Stillwater vs Russell L. Bonse:
dencetpresentediby tne partiesoritminb the case City ers of the aof Stillwater rd appointed tvshRussell L.
Bonse, findthatthe Schwantes, Hhaveineen nrsustained.s Stanek.ated "
"We 10, 1960.
Signed, A.
ed,oA. R.nd Scthht the City. Council wo the City of Stillwater, Minnesota,
rtment. Dated
1960.SaSigneds,eA. R. Schwantes,hJ.0 H. Klindworth,ity Street aThomas Stanek."
selinformed te Councilger,
Bonse,hhad calledmhime on December 12,�1960iand r suggested rthat ney fMr.or the Council
transfer p.ealBonse
is takentfromitheDepartment
rendered byStreet
the BoardDepartment
event no abp
hear the above matter. Mr. James Douvil le, the City Attorney, suggested that
tefore the Council takes any official action to hire Mr. Bonne in the Street
Department the Council should meet
for Bonse
ses andf earnings ney tto irons ey to iron out
fquestions involved including tiw
farer from the Fire Department and nis intention so far as appeal from the ver-
dict is concerned. :do action was taken by the Council at this time in regard
to the Bonse matter.
Councilman Jewell
t, csofed that.0 l0 includinginstalled
lightnthe and henew
suggestede at thatan gassuntiit
tee cost of ns 9•
heaters be installed in the garage.
Mr. Jonn Riley of the Lands and Rignt of Way Section, Minnesota Highway De-
partment, appeared before the Council in regard to an easement in connection
property.rieAft rnconsiderabietdiscussioneit was tdecidedto s thas t Mr. Re al
iley get
more information in regard to this matter and report at a later date.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Discharging employee. (Russell L. Bone)
2. Authorizing purchase of land for use as municipal dumping ground.
On motion of Councilman Cherlsens seconaed by Councilman Jewell, the meeting
was adjourned to December 28, 1960, 4:30 P.M. Thii7mueting closed at 6:00 P.M
Attest: _
City Clerk
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
December 19, 1960 10:00 A.M.
Councilman Jewell stated that after a complete study of alithe bids submitted
on a pickup truck for use in connection with the Sewage Treatment Works he
and the City Engineer would like to recommend the purchase of a dodge truck
at the bid price of $1,6d6.00 plus a rear bumper is the amount of 420.40
which was not included in the :yet bid. On motion of Councilman Tennant,
seconded by Councilman Charlsen, it was decided to accept the bid submitted
Bloomtor of llwater on a pickup,61 netopricee rofkjl,66i6.00100,
thesMayor andbumper
CitynClerkaweretof authoriized and directed cost
enterlinto a0con-�
tract covering same.
0n motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, meeting ad-
journed at 10:30 A.M.
City Clerk
Council Chamber December 28, 1960 7:30 P.M. N
Stillwater, Minnesota ieo
Regular Adjourned Meeting ""'�
The meeting wes called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
en motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, minutes of
the following meetings were approved:
Special Meeting, October 20, 1960, 7:30 P.M.
Special Meeting„ November 10, 1960, 11:00 A.M.
Regular Meeting, November 10, 1960, 7:30 P.M.
Special Special Meeting, November 28, 1960, 1:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, on sale
liquor licenses were granted to the following for the year 1961 zubject to,the
payment of at least one half of the total fee on or before December 31,
(Total fee for the year, •1,350.00) Bonds in the amount of 0,000.00 each were
also approved.
Eduard J. Davidson, 231 East Myrtle Street.
Donald F. Mosiman and Glenn L. Karloske, 317 South Main Street.
John M. Ertle, 224 South Main Street.
Clara A. E. Meister, 112 North Main Street.
Lowell Inn, Inc., 102 North Second Street.
James P. Thompson, 302 South Main Street.
On motion cf Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the following
club on sale liquor licenses were granted for thheyear
rn1961 s 1nsubjectato the
payment of id100.00 on or lefore December 31, 1960.
B41,000.00 each were also approved.
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No. 94, 227 South Main Street.
B.P.O. Elks Lodge Jo. 179, 110 South Main Street.
Stillwater Country Club, B c., North Second Street.
American Legion Club, Post No. 48,t131-103fSouth Ts h rdrS,reet •:dc North Main St.
Greeder-Hinds Comfort Post 323,
On motion of Councilman lennent, seconded
Ctouncilman Charlsen, licenses to
haul things to the City Dump
Leighton D. Charlsen, 1030 Fourth Avenue South
Robert G. Huston, 1114 Ncrtn Owens Street.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, a license to
collect and dispose of garbage and rubbish was granted to Leighton D. Charlsen,
1330 Fourth Avenue South.
licensesnweof re0granteda to tzelsen, follow•ingnded by for the0yeari Simpson, cigarette
Paul Liberty, 13)7 nest Olive Street.
Lawrence Swanson,
29 South
Main Street.
WarrenJ. Murphy,2EastChestnutSStreet.
E. Lorenzi, 308 South Main Street.
Harold chatterton. 204 North
Main Street.
Albert E. Ponath, 313 East Chestnut Street.
Eagles Club Aerie No. 94, 227 South Main Street.
Edward J. Davidson, 231 East Myrtle Street.
P.illiam Groschen, 317 South Main Street.
Leonard Yee, 241 South Main Street.
Morris Grotto, 118 North Main Street.
Hooley Super Market, Inc., 902 South Fourth itreet.
Hooley Super Market, inc., 109 North Main.Street.
• Palter H. Marth, 123 South Main Street.
On licensesweregrantedto the Councilman
for theyearCouncilman
1901;Jev:e11, soft drink
Veterans of Foreign liars host 323, 124 Ncrth Main Street.
Paul Liberty, 1d07 'nest Olive Street.
Warren J. Murphy, 229 East Chestnut Street.
• Arthur F. Haduenz, 326 South Main Street.
Gene Wright, 218 Ncrth Main Street.
L. E. Loreazi, 308 South Main Street.
Albert E. Ponath, 313 East Chestnut Street.
Harold Chatterton, 204 NorthMaintin Sth reet.5treet
Eagles Club Aerie No. 94.7
Edward J. Davidson, 231 East Myrtle Street.
Morris Crotto, lu8 `forth Main Street.
Leonard Yee, 241 South Main Street.
From the Upper Mississippi P.aterway Association, 1961 at nrtegard
C tosaannual
nuallmeetin�. of
the association to be held on February 5-6-7,
Louis, Missouri.
From the State of Minnesota, Liquor Control Commissioner, which read in part
as follows:
"A survey of premises licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor wherein there
is also located a bowling alley has been carried out by this department. The
results of this sure:y reveal the following licenses have not been issued in
conformity with the Minnesota Liquor ContrL' Act:
Pla-Mor Bar and Recreation, Donald F. Mosiman and Glenn L. Karloske, 317 South
Main Street.
On motion of Councilman Cnarlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the letter
was ordered filed.
From James L. Douville, city attorney, in regard to petition dated October
19, 1960 for annexation to the City of certain territory which read as
follows: 60 for annexation to the City
"Enclosed is the petition dated Cctober 19, 1960
of certain territory described as follows: Lots 1 to 10 inclusive; 21-22-
25-26-27-40 and 41, Fairmeadows No. 1. It appears that said territory atuts
fromC the municipality onnits th aeasterly side. Consequently, nd west. However, a county oassuming ad ates it
territory is so conditioned as properly to be subjected to municipal govern-
ment it may be annexed without an order of a municipal commission, by Ordi-
nance upon petition of the majority of the owners in number after a hearing
held on thirty days posted notice. Such hearing would not be necessary,
however, if the petition is signed by all of the owners. My findings in the
instant case indicate that ownership of the property involved is divided
among 20 individuals: George A. Siegfried, Agnes L. Siegfried, hood Conver-
sion Company, Clarence A. ?olzin, Helen J. Polzin, 'Reiter V. Skyberg, Lor-
raine I. Skyberg, Wallace H. Frazier, Marion B. Frazier, Arthur H. Wienke,
Alturia M. Wienke, Dale M. Tulgren, Margaret M. Tulgren, Archie H. Parker,
Patricia Parker, Richard A. Gimmestad, Audrey L. Gimmestad, T. & L. inc.,
Paul J. Kopel and Kathleen Kopel. Of the foregoing you will note that only
seven have joined in the petition, a number inaufiicient to constitute a
majority. Also appearing in the petition are the signatures of John itoettger,
Lee C. Thomas ana Gerald F. .right. the record does not disclose the inter-
ests of' these latter three signatories to the petition. it is possible they
ars purchasers under unrecorded contracts for deed. Accordingly, it is my
opinion that the petition as presented does not meet all of the statutory
requisites add is aot therefore one upon which the Council is authorized
to act."
From James L. Douville, City Attorney, in regard to server improvement Ho.
1-1959 which read as rollows:
"Confirming our telephone conversation of this date it is my opinion that
under the terms oi' contracts entered into with Earbarosa and Sons, inc. and
Acton Construction Company which provide tnat the City will retain 15% of the
Amount of each monthly estimate certified by the engineer until final com-
pletion and acceptance of all work covered by such contracts, the City 1s
obligated to retain such percentage unless or until there is modification of
the contracts. It is my further cpinlon that the City will be unable to ac-
cept the work covered by the contracts until after the same has been finally
inspected and approved by the proper federal agency.
From James L. Denville, city attorney, in regard to liquor control commiss-
loner's letter with reference to on sale liquor license, Mosiman and Karloske:
"I have conferred with Mr. Glean L. Karloske concerning the subject matter of
the letter addressed to you December. 9, 1960 by Jack Puterbaugh, Liquor
Control Commissioner. Mr. Karloske informs me that the window between the
bar and bowling alleys nes been closed. While I nave not actually examined
the premises I am advised that a door from the street enters into a hallway
wherein separate doors provide access to the bowling alleys, the bar and the
recreation facilities on the second floor. if this arrangement is objection-
able under the Commissioner's regulation No. 4130, Section (E) to which
reference is made on Page 2 of said letter the licensees should be advised
to make appropriate structural changes. I nave also recommended to Mr. Kar-
loske that in order to avoid apparent licensing of the bowling alley as such
the liquor license should be applied for and issued in the name of Donald F.
Mcsiman and Glenn L. Karlooae, doing business as Pla-Mor Bar. Whether or
not the operators of the establishment in question have permitted any viola-
tions of provisions of Minnesota Statutes 617.60 is of course primarily a
police matter. No such violations with respect to these premises nave as
yet come to the attention of this office. 'Without more specific information
as to the Commissioner's objections I find it difficult to advise the Council
other than as aforesaid."
From the State of Minnesota, Department of Health, in regard to Sewage Treat-
ment Works which read as follows:
"We have received a letter from banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, stat-
ing that construction of the Municipal Sewage Treatment Works is completed and
that the City Council wishes a final payment of the federal grant. We are en-
closing three copies of a form requesting a final payment inspection and list-
ing certain documents required for review at the time the investigation is made.
Please complete and return two copies of this form to this office, and we will
request the necessary inspection from the Regional Office of the United States
Public Health Service at Kansas City, Missouri."
From Howard R. Albertson which read as follows:
"Enclosed herewith is my resignation as Civil Defense Director for the City
of Stillwater. Last April when Cliff Halsey asked if I would be his replace-
ment I accepted reluctantly knowing that the job would be time consuming with
much responsibility. There was at that time no thought of my being elected
State Representative from Washington County. While serving as Cliff's assis-
tant I learned that Stillwater Civil Defense is comparably superior to other
Minnesota Municipalities but woefully lack compared to the goals the State
and National Civil Defense officials have established. On July 25, 1960 when
I filed for the office of the State Representative there was no assurance of
my election to that office. Since election it appears that Article 4, Sec-
tion 9, of our State Constitution prohibits me from holding both offices.
While I would like to remain active in Civil Defense as a volunteer it already
has become apparent that time spent as a representative will take all of my
time for the next four months at least. After that the office will require
additional time serving on various commissions. Since election nalf of my
time has been devoted to 1ecoming acquainted with issues and being called on
by legislative representatives sometimes known as lobbyists. i am sorry
that I cannot recommend a replacement but Councilman Charisen has graciously
agreed to act in his capacity as deputy civil defense director. Also please
be advised that as a legislator I am going to he most interested in our State
Civil Defense Organization and further that I am going to have some rather
important questions to ask regarding it. You know that I am vitally interest-
ed in doing whatever I can to promote and aid the City of Stillwater and Wash-
ington County as a legislator. 1 want you and our City officials to feel free
to call upon me regarding any manner in which I can be of assistance to you."
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the resigna-
tion was accepted with regret and the Clerk was instructed to write a letter
and thank Mr. Albertson for his past service as a Civil Defense Director.
From Mr. Thomas L. Ammerman, which reed as follows:
"This is to give you notice of faultsewer service at 1303 and 1309 South
Fourth Street, Stillwater, Minnesota. Since I purchased the property at 13U3
Soutn Fe2rth Street in October, 1)58 tne serer main has plug.^ed and backed up
into my basement twice. I nad it corrected teen at my own expanse. I dis-
cussed this matter with Mr. F. 5. Lammers and Mrs. A. Shirley, former owners
of the premises concerned and T was i d'ormed that this has coatiaually occurred
throughout the .ears and can be expected to occur periodically again." Follow-
ing is a letter which v:as written by Ronald E. Enliager in reply to Mr. Ammer-
, man's letter which read as follows:
"In reply to your letter of December 9, 1960 concerning the problem of trouble
with your house service sewer connection. The street department acted on this
matter shortly after receipt of your letter. Using the sewer cleaning equip -
meat they cleaned from tee intersection at Third and .aarsh dtreets up to a
point where they struck an obstacle. They then came down Marsh Street from
the intersection of :Marsh and Fourth Streets to a point where they 'struck an
..� ctstacle. by measuring these distances they found that the stopping pciat was
approximately at the point where the house service connection from 1303 South
}Torte Street is connected to the main sewer. This seem to show that when the
service was connected for the house that an improper connection was made at
the main sewer. If this is the case it is not the responsibility of the City
to correct the situation. On December 21, 1960 to
h kothe
sewer main the crew asked someone that is living at
to flusn the toilet twice. it was oiserved from this test that main sewer
was flowing freely with no olstructions. 1 wish to thank you for calling
this matter to our attention aad as stated in the foregoing paragraphs the
matter was checked. Please contact this office if you have further questions
concerning this matter."
From James L. Denville, city attorney, in regard to claims submitted by the
.Stillwater Ambulance Service which read as follows:
"I return to you without legal appreval the following claims:
Stillwater Ambulaace Service, uth 26,
Stillwater Ambulance Service, JA Julia Short, July 28,e1 1960,159, 5 00.
Stillwater Ambulance Service, Bernard Johnson, August 17, 1960, $15.00.
There is to my knowledge no authority under the General Laws of the State or
the City Charter which permits the City to contract for private ambulance
service. It would seem that in each othe foregoing ng ctases
seclaimant te ightamake
e greater effort to recover from the persons
From T. A. Schifsky k Sons, Inc., go. St. Paul, Minnesota, which read as follows:
"We propose to blacktop area (approximately 850 square yards) at the Stillwater
Sewage Disposal Plant in accordance with specifications prepared by Banister
Engineering Company for the lump sum of 41,000.00. This proposal iacludes
correcting base, adding Lase material where needed, tack coating and tlack-
toppiag." go action was taken In regard to this matter.
On motion of Councilman Cnarlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the contract
betweenity and
tne Mayor andrEvening City Clerkawereedirectedntoy the Citsign sameAttorney,
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the easement
agreement tetween Fred 8. Smith and Helen E. Smith for sanitary sewer pur-
poses was approved and ordered filed.
The matter of billing the Eocrd of .e ter Commissioners for labor pad material
used to patch excavations made by the water department was discussed. She
Clerk stated that ne was informed should tne City make said charges for street
patching, tne Board of :.ater Commissioners might ctiect to tne use of their
records in connection with se ..er rental billing,
Councilman Tennant
1. Suggested that the Chief of Felice post signs at Lily Lake Beach warning
the public about dangers in connection with driving automobiles on the ice.
0n motic.i .f Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following
salary and wage schedule was adopted for the year 1961. Single rate hcspital
and medical premiums shall be paid ty the City in addition to the salaries
and wages listed below: (See Resolution No. 1968)
City Clerk and City Treasurer $600.00 per month,/
Deputy City Clerk and Treasurer 365.00 per month✓
Deputy City Clerk, Treasurer and Deputy Clerk cf 335.00 per month ✓
Deputy City Clerk, Treasurer and Deputy Clerk of 335.00 per month,/
Extra Clerk Hire 1.50 per hour ✓
City Attorney 350.00 per month/
City Engineer 700.00 per month./
City Assessor 400.00 per month./
Chief of Police 525.00 per month,/
Chief of Fire Department 500.00 per month✓
Health Commissioner (City Physician) 50.0073.00 per month/
per month/
Clerk Hire, City Attorney 350.00 per month✓
Municipal Judge 25.00 per day ✓
Municipal Judge 100.00 per month)
iMunicipal Court 110.00 per month)
Band Director
Building Inspector 510.00 per month/
Assistant Building Inspector 2.40 per hour v
Street Foreman 435.00 per month.
Assistant Police Chief 390.00 per month ✓
Patrolman (Starting salary -First Six Months) 325.00 per month/
Patrolman 350.00 per 0.00 per month✓
Auxiliary Police
Captains, Fire Department 390.00 per month'
Lieutenants, Fire Department 360.00 per month ✓
Fireman (Starting Salary -First Six Months) 325.00 per month ✓
Fireman 350.00 per month.,/
Extra Fireman 1.75 per hour v
Dispatcher 190.00 per month ✓
Volunteer Firemen (Drill) 1.00
(Response) 2.00
(Hours jerked) 1.75 per hour
(Sleep at Station) 2.00
Superintendent, Sewage Treatment Plant and 500.00 per month ✓
Assistant Engineer
Sewage Treatment Plant, Operators (See Resolution
No. 2259)
Parking Meter Maintenance 50.00 per month✓
Janitor 90.00 per month✓
Dump Tender 175.00 per month ✓
Skilled Labor 1.90 per hour
Equipment Operators 2.00 per hour/
Truck Driver 1.95 per hour
Common Labor 1.70 per hour'
Mechanic 2.00 per hour/
Caretaker, Pioneer Park 130.00 per month./
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman leanant, the follow-
ing budget was adopted for the year 1961:
Revenue -General Fund
General property taxes ,194,000.00
Licenses x permits 344,795.00
Fines, forfeits, fees and costs 8,800.00
Revenue from use of money and property 3,550.00
Revenue from other agencies 30,700.00
Charges for current services
Refunds and reimbursemoata
Estimated revenue in excess of expenditures,1960
Total Revenue
4 v,04o.00
Expenditures -General F'uad
- Mayor -Council .8 2,900.00
Municipal & Conciliation Court. 15,995.00
Finance 21,56.00
Assessor and Foard of Equalization 5,200.00
Law 6,250.00
Planning & Zoning 3,500.00
City Hall 5,680.00
Publishing financial statement 750.00
Public safety -Police Department 46,580.00
re' Putlic safety -Fire Department ,2,3a0.00
Public safety -Protective Inspection 7,420.00
Public safety -Militia and Armory 500.00
Public safety -Animal Control 1,260.00
Highways, engineering 9,700:00
Highways, roadways 49,100.00
Snow and ice removal 8,000.00
Traffic signs, signals and markers 550.00
Equipment, maintenance shop 800.00
Street lighting 18,000.00
Dump grounds 2,600.00
.-' Conservation of health 865.00
Recreation, playgrounds 800.00
Recreation, skating rinks 1,000.00
Recreation, bathing teach, Lily Lake 3,500.00
Recreation, bathing beach, American Legion 3,800.00
Parking Meters 1,591.00
Insurance 13,000.00
Hydrants 1,000.00
Rental unit expense 1,375.00
Hospital and medical payments 3,660.00
Gasoline 3,600.00
Undistributed general expense 753.60
Total Expenditures 8293,675.60
Revenue -All Funds
General 4293,675.60
Band 2,200.00
Civil Defense i,600.00
Library 17,000.00
Park 6,800.00
Post Audit 1,200.00
Parking facilities 1,700.00
Voting machine 3,000.00
1959 Sewer Sinking 43,000.00
Real Property 8,500.00
Permanent improvement 5,000.00 i
Firemen's Relief 342.00
Public Employees' Retirement 17,300.00
Total Revenue, All Funds 44401,317.60
Expenditures -All Funds
General 8293,675.60
Band 2,200.00
civil Defense 1,600.00
Library 17,000.00
Park 6,800.00
Post Audit 1,200.00
Parking Facilities 1,700.00
Voting Machines 3,000.00
1959 Sewer 3inkiag 43,000.00
Real Property 8,500.00
Permanent Improvement 5,0: ).00
Firemen's Relief 342.00
Public Employees' Retirement 17.300.00
Total Expenditures -All Funds :;;401,317.60
Tax Levy, Year 1961
General Fund
Band Fund
Civil Defense Fund
Library Fund
Park Fund
Post Audit Fund
Parking Facilities Fund
Voting rachine Fund
1959 Sewer Sinking Fund
Real Property Fund
Permanent Improvement Fund
Firemen's Relief Fund
Public Employees' Retirement Fund
Total Tax Levy, Year 1961 .5301,642.00
On motion of Councilman Charlsea, seconded by Councilman Jewell, from and
after January 1, 1361 all purchases of commodities of any nature and work per-
formed for the City shall be covered by a purchase order. Said purchase order
to be issued by the City Clerk upon request of City officials and department
heads, but in no event except by further order of the Council shall a pur-
chase order be issued if the amount of said purchase order exceeds the bal-
ance in the account or fund upon which the order is drawn. After careful
consideration the Council members felt it was necessary to take the foregoing
action for the following reasons:
1. A City of the fourth class in limited by law to a tax levy of 45 mills
against the assessed valuation for General Fund purposes. The Council has
levied the legal limit forthe year 1961.
2. In previous years a substantial balance was held in reserve for emergen-
cies but due to salary increases and other increased costs the estimated
balance as of December 31, 1960 was treated as income.
3. If the current expenses exceed the estimates upon which the tax levy is
based or that the revenue of the City is likely to fall short of the estimated
amount it is mandatory that the Council reduce current expenses of the City
in such manner as may be deemed advisable and may diminish the amount of ser-
vice for lignting streets, reduce force or number of persons employed in the
several departments of the City, or reduce salaries or compensation of all
officials and persons employed by the City.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Designating depositories of public funds.
0n motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, meeting ad-
journed at 9:00 P.M.