HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-06 - 1959-12-29 CC MIN47' '•;
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present -Councilmen Bourdaghs, Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson minutes of the
January 6, 1959 7s30 P.M.
following meetings were approved.
Regular adjourned meeting
Special meeting
Special meeting
Mayor Madsen commended Mr. C. D. Bourdaghs for his long
as a member of the City Council. Mr. Bourdaghs thanked
the ton andoneappointed
for their fi
December 16, 1958
December 29, 1958
December 31, 1958
and faithful service
the Mayor, Council
ne cooperation during
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell meeting
to January 6, 1959 at 7:45 P.M. (This meeting adjourned at 740 P.M.)
Ci y C erk
Council Chamber January b, 1959 7 ti5 F.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular ad:ourned meeting.
fice to
aThe CitClerk nd Councilmen -elects James dL.hSimpson and e oath of fRobert P. Tennant.
et Andrew Madsen
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
Oaths of office of Mayor Madsen and Councilmen Simpson and Tennant were pre-
sented and on motion
aof f Councilman
Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the
oaths wereaccepted
rlsen for
e office of Vice Pres-
identi of the Council. Ont
tmotion ofnaed lCounciman lman Simpson hseconded by Councilman
Jewell nominations were closed and the Clerk was instructed to cast a unanimous
ballot for Councilman Charlsen and Councilman Charlsen was declared elected Vice
President of the Council.
nJewell tom
servenonl thee
aBoards ofeEqualizatin.unOn motion aofsCouncilman
en and ncil-
Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant nominations were closed and the Clerk
prs ident !adsen andsCt oua cnlmen Chs arlsentandrJewee llhwere emdeclars ed omelected asd
members of the Board of Equalization.
Councilman n and
on to
missioners ofwthe Sinking ell eFund.
OOnmmotion rofaCouncilman sserve
Councilman Tennant nominations were closed and the Clerk was instructed to
andtSimpsoniwere declared electea unanmous ballot for thed Commissioners i of t and o members theSinking Fund.
Mayor Charlsen
Mayor Madsen announced the following committee appointments.
Mayor Madsen - Police Department and Finance.
, Public Buildings, Library and Water
CCouncilman Charlsenouncilmen Jewell - Street- s Department, Street Lighting and Sewer Systemment.
tion and
CCouncilman Simson - Fire Department, ouncilman Tennant - Recreation, Health and aSanitationand.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson a Taxi Cab
lwater Taxi Company, Victor R. Prescott, owner,
for theyear 1959.
on of
On motiont f Cothe
ulnnfl following for seconded Jewell Cigarette Licenses
were101 North Owen Street (2 months)
241 South Main Street
Carlson and Olson
Leonard Yee
Licensesnwereof Cgrantedatn o thelaen followingded forby the year11959simps on Soft Drink
Rocco rizza Company 308 South Main Street
Florian Fazendin 31�2 South12 East utrStt Stet
Leonard Yee
COgMUNICATI0NS application
From the Railroad and Warehouse Commission in the matter of the
of the Minneapolis Street Railway Company and the St. Paul City Railway
Company to discontinue all scheduled foree in Tuesday, January 6,cities of M1959awasi Minneapolis, St.
and suburbs. (Hearing
the commission.)
From C. C. Kirschenman, which read in part as follows. aI wish to call to your
attention of an existing condition which has been taking place the lest few
years in Stillwater. The trucks that are hauling new autorobiles into Stillwater
are unloading their cars on City streets and leaving only one lane open for
regular automobile travel. As you nay veil know with the slippery conditions
this time of year serious
used". on motion of Councilman happen
Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell this
matter was referred to the Chief of Police.
From the League of Minnesota Municipalities in regard to special legislative v
conference to be held at the St. Paul Hotel at 2:00 P.M. on Friday.
the 16th, 1959.
A petition with 26 signatures was presented which read as follows. "We, the
undersigned, are presenting this petition in objection to the proposed moving
of a six-plex apartment dwelling to the area of Sixth and Marsh Streets. (The
six-plex referred to in this petition is owned by Ernest Williams and the build-
ing is now located on Myrtle Street.)
At a previous meeting the Clerk was instructed to remind the Council members
of the annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Association at the Chase Hotel
in St. Louis on February 1, 2 and 3, 1959. On motion of Councilman Charlsen
seconded by Councilman Simpson it was decided to authorize Arthur Kleinschnitz,
who 1s a member of the Port Commission, to attend this meeting and the City
will pay all legal expenses in connection with same.
The Mayor and Clerk reported that after careful consideration it was decided
to vecomend the fif to act
mwith financingoofMthe yprop pand roposed sewagedtreatment sworks. (This fiscal matter
in con -
was referred to the Mayor and City Clerk at a previous meeting of the Council.)
Councilman Charlsen
1. He stated that the Street Department employees have completed the job of
trimming trees and cutting brush in the Pioneer Park area. He commended
the street crew for a lob well done.
2. Suggested that a general meeting of Civil Defense should be celled in the
near future for the purpose of report andginventory in connection with
equipment purchased by the City during the year 1958.
Inquired if the Council members have arrived at a decision in connection
with remodeling the first floor of the City Hall so same would be suitable
for the City Clerks office.
Councilman Jewell
er Com-
1. He panyntoired if installthe a newty lightrk athad thenotified the intersectionvoft enterStates andOakp�Streets.
2. in-
stallation dofhthelnew snow plow erk that the ewill ost obehpaid iby the ePublic wthe lie Works Equip-
ment Company.
3. He reported that he and Mayor Madsen have been in conference with a Mr.
Skoglund, who owns property in the area suggested for the proposed sewage
treatment plant. He stated if the property could be purchased for a
reasonable price the Council should consider purchase of same. He also
stated that it may become necessary to commence condemnation proceedings
to acquire some oroperty for the purpose of laying the pipe line from
the treatment plant to the river.
w 50
4. Ne will contact the Northern States Power Company and innuire when the
new light will be installed on Myrtle Street between the City Hell and
the Methodist Church building.
5. Suggested that the Council consider the installation of a new street
light just north of the approach to the fire station. A light at that
location would also benefit the Youth Center end it is possible that the
committee in charge of the Youth Center would authorize the expenditure
of a sum of money to pay part of the cost to install said light.
6. He felt that it would not be necessary to hire a street superintendent
to replace Mr. Hildebrandt but suggested that the Council take action
to designate someone to act as a working foreman and at some later date
hire an assistant engineer. 0n motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded
by Councilman Simoson the matter of appointing a working foremen was re-
ferred to Councilman Jewell and the City Engineer.
Councilman Simpson
1. No report on any of the 1958 committee assignments.
2. stated that the Fire Chief has completed his report covering activities
daring the year 1958 and copies of same will be mailed to the Council
3. Will probably present specifications for a new fire truck at the next
regular meeting of the Council.
b. Suggested that the City Attorney study proposed resolution with ref-
erence to trading of land between the City and the Stillwater Development
Corporation (Sheldon Smith) situated along Fourth and Myrtle Streets.
He stated that the State Board of Health was involved in this matter be-
cause part of the City water supply is located in the area under dis-
cussion. He also felt this matter should be cleared with tie Board of
Health and approved by the Stillwater Development Corporation before
same is presented to the Council for approval.
Councilman Tennant
No report at this time.
Messrs. Hodnut and Keller, members of the Stillwater T'an Board, appeared be-
fore the Council. and requested that the Council consider some adjustment in
the charge for fire service rendered by the Stillwater Department in connection
with a fire at the Albert Friendshun farm on August 9, 1958 for which the town-
ship was billed in the amount of '690.00. After some discussion on motion of
Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen it was decided to refer this
matter to Councilman Simpson and the Fire Chief.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell insurance policy
no. 1-34-43-03 issued by the Great American Insurance Company of New York cover-
ing the four family apartment building at 413 North Second Street against fire,
lightning and extended coverage in the amount of '2,500.00 was app-'owed and
ordered filed.
Les Brower, Clerk of Municipal. and Conciliation Courts, presented a report
covering activities dnrin/ the year 1958 and on motion of Councilman Jewell
seconded by Councilman 4impson the report was accepted and ordered filed.
The City Clerk eve the following report on parking meter receipts.
Year 1953 .1tt,lt28.00
1954 41666666,6660.50
1955 416,306.00
1956 $16,363.06
58 A57 17,569.49.
On motion of Councilman Simoson seconded by Councilman Jewell the Building
Inspectors Report covering activities during the month of December, 1958 and the
year 1959 was approved and ordered filed.
COn motion of ouncilman Jewell c and athehCity eEngineerawere authorised tomnegotia eowithdMr.,
Skoglund for land owned by him which would be suitable on which to locate the
proposed sewage treatment plant.
ed a
ntot ovel aasix-plexrfrome itsepresntulocation atg220tWest Myrtle non -conforming
the Concil and Street
and locate same on Lots 13 and 1)}, Block 2, Marsh's Addition to oo till ater,
(Northeast corner of West Marsh and South Fifth Streets.)
No on this request.
Councilman Simpson a non -conform-
ing six oorm-
On motionrof Councilmen ohErlest Williams by CountyAuditor's plat
ro permit was granted to Ernest ts 7,Williams for then purpose2, of Audig
from.2E0subject beet MtotSfollt in lrestrictions19 and 20,
12, nt to the following
1. Front dtrear from Myrtlesl Street
or shall be 30 feet.n
shall be
2. Side and rear yards shall conform to requirements of moping ordinance.
3. That the present structure on these lots (Muller Boat Shop)
4. That existing home will be moved to new location.
5. That the six -Alex will be remodeled along the lines of the artists sketch
presented to Council at previous meeetingbe submitted alongwith
6. A plan showing uasement, footings,
pleted enclosed application for a building permit.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Commending Councilman Bourdaghs for his long and faithful service as a
member of the City Council. (This resolution not published.)
3. In tribute to the memory of Frank Hildebrandt. (This resolution not pub-
lished.) 4• St. peal,
Engaging the services of the firm of Moody end Springstead,
Minnesota, municipal bond consultants to act as fiscal agents in con-
nection with financing of the proposedoseconstruction of interceptor sewers
and waste treatment works by the
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell meeting
adjourned at 10:35 B.r.
Meeting of City Council
City of Stillwater, Washington County, Minnesota Held January 20, 1959
A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Stillwater, Minnesota,
was held in the Council Rooms in the City Hall on January 20,, 1959 at 4:30
o'clock P.M,
The following members were present: Councilmen: Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson and
Tennant; and Mayor Madsen.
and the following were absent: none
The Banister Engineering Co., engineering consultants to the City, presented their
preliminary report on a proposed sewer improvement to consist of a sewage treat
was examinednbyi thermembers spresent, tapproved nand s ordered pplaced nonsfilereport
Member Charlsen introduced Resolution No. 2058 and moved its adoption.
The motion was seconded by Member Jewell and on roll call said resolution was
adopted by unanimous vote.
Cit C rk
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota January 29, 1959 4:00 P.M.
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Authorizing the purchase of land from the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railway Company. ( See resolution ro. 2059)
On motion of Councilman Charlaen seconded by Councilman Tennant meeting adjourned
at 5:45 P.M.
City Clerk
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota February 5, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
The mayor stated that this was the time and place fixed in the notice heretofore
published for public hearing an a proposed sewer improvement for the City, as
set forth in said published notice.
The Mayor then opened the meeting for public hearing on said proposed improve-
ment, and all persons present who.desired to do so were afforded opportunity
to express their views as to the improvement described in said notice.
Ko one present objected to the making of said improvement or to the levy of
assessments to pay the cost thereof.
About eighty persons attended the hearing and following are questions asked
and comments made by those in attendances
Ernest Peaslee, Sr. inquired if plans are underway to extend the sewer system
along West Pine Street and the Lily Lake area.
George Kutz inquired if the proposed plant is being designed to handle waste
from the Maple Island Creamery.
Arlo ¶ordby also inquired about extending the sewer system along West Pine Street.
George McFadden inquired if a general tax levy will be spread to make sewer
extensions throughout the city.
C. A. Rowalt, who is a member of the Oak Park Township Board, was concerned
about the City taking land off the tax rolls. The land he referred to was a pro-
posed site for the sewage treatment plant. He also inquired if the Council will
allow Oak Park Township to make sewer connections after completion of the pro-
posed sewage treatment plant.
Mr. Chester Wilson stated that a bill is being prepared which will be intro-
duced to the state legislature, said bill, if enacted into law, will make it
possible for outlying communities to connect to the Stillwater sewer system.
Mr. Robert Dalluhn, who resides in Oak Park Township, stated that his home
would be located about 300 yards from the proposed treatment plant and was
concerned about odor. Mr. Banister, who will be the engineer in charge of the
proposed project. informed Mr. Dalluhn that very little odor, 1f any, will come
from the plant.
Mr. Charles Berg inquired if the proposed assessment of $100.00 will apply in
cases if the sewer is not in the street abutting property.
Mr. Jahn Reiman, who resides in Oak Park Township, suggested that the Council
consider locating the treatment plant near the north City limits.
Mr. William McDonald inquired about the bond issue to finance the proposed
Mr. Charles Berg sought information about revenue bonds and general obligation
Mr. George McFadden inquired about the estimated annual cost to operate the
sewage treatment plant.
Mr. Wilbert Monson, representing the labor unions in the City of Stillwater,
stated that health and welfare of citizens is a factor in inducing people to
move into the City and he hoped that the Council would proceed with the pro-
ject at the earliest possible date.
Mr. Wally Nandevidt inquired if property owners not served by the sewer system
will be expected to pay for the project.
Mr. J. E. Slaughter commended the Council members for their fine work in bring-
ing about this public hearing and hoped that action will be taken to proceed
with the construction of the sewer improvement in the near future.
Mr. Mike Muller, representing the St. Croix River Improvement Association,
stated that the members of the organization were in favor of proceeding with
the construction of the proposed sewer improvement.
Mr. George Smart, Executive Secretary of the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce,
stated that the members of the association would like to go on record favor-
ing the proposed sewer improvement.
Mr. Tacit Kalinoff inquired if the Council should decide to adopt a resolution
tonight would such action be final and binding. Mayor Madsen answered in the
affirmative but explained that a hearing will be held on the assessment roll
when completed.
Councilman Charlsen introduced resolution "No. 2060 Ordering Sewer Improvement
Mo. 1-1959, and Directing Preparation of Plans and Specifications". The motion
for the adoption of said resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Jewell and
upon vote being taken therein the Council members present voted as follows:
Yea - 5, No - none. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly carried and
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Jewell meeting adjourned
at 9:05 P.M.
Council chamber 7:30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota February 10, 1959
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Charlsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present -Councilmen Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and Vice President Charlsen.
Absent -President Madsen.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Jewell minutes of the
following meetings were approved.
Regular meeting
January 6, 1959 7:30 P.M. Regular adjourned meeting January b, 1959 7:45 P.M.
e. January 20, 1959 4:30 P.M.
Special meeting Special meeting, January 29, 1959 1y:00 P.M.
On motion
co ellman Jewell forseconded
year yCouncilman Simpson Cigarette Licenses
were granted n
207 East Chestnut Street
402 South Main Street
Marius Andrewsen
William R. Moelter
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson a Soft Drink
License was granted to William R. Moelter, 402 South Main Street, for the year
Application from C. H. Felix, 413 South Greeley Street, for an "Orr" Sale 3.2
Beeicense was
wasrautomaticallyacarried dover to the onext regular re
but on sidential
March 10, 1959.
CouncilmanOn motion of
n an
Peer License was granted Jtoebyll seconded
Matt Hooley,doingnbusinessi as9OHooley'sfSupere 3.2
Market, at 109 North Main Street for the period from February 1, 1959 to Feb-
ruary 1, 1960.
From the State of Minnesota Department of Health, in regard to proposed site
for sewage treatment plant which read in part as follows: "The proposed plant
Ssite s locted on tate+ TrunkaHighway t96 about e2000 feet esouth of the intersection of andlroad
of State
Trunk Highway 96 and State Trunk Highway 212. There 1s an unoccupied house
—on the south side of the site. This site is,nusually close to the highway
and is relatively small, but compares favorably with other possible locations.
It sre opinion that
hof this plant can be on the property which will
meet the
From James L. Denville, City Attorney, relative to an agreement on the pawhich
he statest
tthat itiwould beppremature,�forc the rCity eet i to obligate n Ritzer's Aorltion n roposed commit itself
before the area has been officially dedicated to public use.
From Ed Knefelkamp, Wilkin and Owen Streets, requesting that lots 5 and 6,
block 9 of Cooper's Addition bo placed in commercial district P. At present
the property is owned by him and he is operating a gasoline filling station
and eonfectionory store. On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman
uTennat the ntil �a second trequest isferred receivednding from Mr.ation of a RnefelkampzoninR commission or
a recreation iboardt tonoperatein ragard to program0ofinance publicNo. recreaand 326
tion and
playgrounds which read in part as follows: "It would seem that ordinance no.
309 and ordinance no. 326 could well be repealed as the statutes seem to con-
ing legRislationtisrindicate araShould the aCouncil tional pdeem Hit advisable m and no further te a toestablish
a enabl-
a permanent board, an ordinance determining its constituency, fixing terms be
office and qualifications of members and defining powers and duties might
on on
ed by Councilman rSimpson l in order." an Tennant
theMayorewasimotion of
authorizedanddirectedmto appoint 2 cond-
additional persons to serve as members of the Recreation Commission. (Present
commission consists of 5 members.)
A petition with 39 signatures of property owners affected which read as follows
was presented: "We the undersigned property owners on both sides of Pine Street
from Owen Street. to Seeley Street and including Grove Street and Hemlock Street from
Olive Street to Pine Street, Brick Street from Olive Street to 1 block south of
Pine Street, and Seeley Street from Olive Street to 2 blocks south of Pine Street,
respectfully petition the City of Stillwater to construct a sewer in the afore-
thedpetitionwas orderednfiled andlmathenCitypEngineerson nwas direccttedded by ilmtoapreparel
plans and specifications and estimate of cost and present same to the Council
as soon as possible.
The Clerk reminded the Council members that contracts with townships for fire
service on
forber 31, Councill958. approvaleinity theAnearney stated that new con -
Councilman Simpson presented specifications for a new fire truck and on motion
of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Jewell the specifications were
approved and the City Clerk was directed to advertise for3bbidds on a new fire
truck, said bids to be returnable on March 10, 1959 at
Councilman Simpson reported that had to tacted ctedgMr. Keller, the who oiis an a town
board member of May Township,regard
connection with a fire run to the Al Friendshun farm on August 8, 1958.
Said charge amounting to ''690.00. Councilman Simpson stated that he informed
Mr. Heller that the City expects to collect all of said charge but would accept
part payment this year and carry the balance over until such time when the
township has sufficient funds to pay same. (This matter was referred to Council-
man Simpson at a previous meeting.)
Councilman Jewell
One street constriction oft news addition tobeen e St. Michael's d because aSchool fon South trThirdStreett.
2. Myrtle Street
Mew on reby Old
the Limner Electric
3. A second street sander has been purchased and delivered.
4. Some of the new office equipment ordered for use in the City Engineer's
office has been delivered.
has been
5. aThe nd he tsuggestedrthats theone to Councilssist the City consider interviewingrapplicants.i On
motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson it was decided
to interview a Mr. Jack Shelton, who has been recommended by the City
Engineer and also any of erperson
/s on February 13, 1959 at 4230 P.M.
inte6. Recommended that the Council purchase a 4 horsepower chain saw with attach-
ments at an estimated cost of '456.00. On motion of Councilman Jewell
seconded by Councilman Simpson the City Engineer was authorized to purchase
the chain saw described above.
Councilman Tennant
1. Specifications for construction of a new diving dock at Lily Lake Beach
are being prepared and it is estimated the cost will exceed 1)1,000.00 so
it will be necessary to call for bids.
2. Skating rinks are in good condition..
3. Skin diving equipment for Toth beaches has been purchased and delivered
and the members of the Recreation Commission feel that it will be necessary
to purchase a compressor which will be used for the purpose of refilling
tanks used in connection with skin diving equipment.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Jewell the following
endor4sements to insurance policy no. 41-C-524604 were approved and ordered
1. Eliminate 1950 Chevrolet 3/4 ton pickup serial no. S-21RP-F9961.
2. Add 1958 Dodpe 3/4 ton pickup serial no. S-TE14842.
3. Add 1951 Nash Rambler Stationwagon serial no. D-34721.-
urmotioer wasnauthorizedland directedof Counciman Tennants too cancel aecnded by 0checkldatedeAugusth6,C1958 modes
payable to the St. Paul Aquatic Spray Inc. in the amount of $90.00. (A state-
ment was presented by the Aquatic. Spray Inc. for spraying of wecds at Lily
Lake Beach. According to C. D. Bourdaghs, member of the Recreation Commission,
the spraying did not eliminate the weeds.)
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilmen Jewell the annual report
of the Stillwater Fire Department for the year 1958 as prepared by the fire
chief was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson it was decided to
waive the interest in the amount of 532.27 covering the year 1959 which was
certified to the County Auditor during the year 1958. This interest was cert-
ified along with street lighting assessment against lots 8 and 9, block 29,
Original City. The owner of the property, Mr. Arthur Raduenz, paid the assess-
ment in full during the year 1958. (Theforegoing action by the City Council was
approved by the City Attorney.)
Clerk reported that the average annual income per parking meter in the City of
Stillwater covering the year 1958 was 479.86 and that the national average amount-
ed to 460.00 per meter.
The Chief of Police stated that the Federal Communications Commission will not
tion of our
causevCivil iDefense oactivities contine area being carried rovertthewporadioay police frequency.
Vice t
l a meeting
attendgsamedforathehe Chief purpose ofl clarifying the present
1. Vice President Charlsen
2. Councilman Simpson
4.Otto Graffunder, County Civil Defense Director
Arthur Kleinschnitz, City Civil Defense Director
5. Chief of Police
6. " Fire Chief
7. Arne Sorenson
8. Sheriff Granquist
9. City Clerk
10. County Commissioner Cafferty
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Tennant the Building
Inspectors Report covering activities during the month of January, 1959 was
approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Tennant the City Engineer
was authorized to purchase the following equipment. Two level rods, two 50 feet
steelroll tapes, two 100 feet steel roll tapes, two 100 feet chain tapes, twn
45 degree triangles, one beam compass, field book papers.
The Clerk stated that a bill has been presented by the Moelter Construction
15.B0 and according to the City Attorney the claim
for work done in connection with the dam at the north end of McKuslc
Lane to the amount of 5the9 .
cannot be paid because the contract provides that the City cannot make pa
until the projectis eomteed. On motion of Councilman Jewell
CouncilmanTennant the matter was referred to City Attorney for thepur-
of determining if the City can legally pay claim submitted at this
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Jewell insurance policy
no. 7-B2-07-77 issued by the Great American
hcoverinr aqua
lung and miscellaneous approved equipment
at rLily
have tc of age .x0 was aso that and ordered
be coveredlerk whereas evers it hap- to
have coverage extended so that equipment
pens to be stored.)
Lakeview Addition
Mr. Walter Nelson appeared before the l and requested that the Council
approve a rearrangement of lots to be known as Walter Nelson s eieo
to Stillwater. Mr. Nelson etrpoplats rearrangement
plats were not in proper m. nmotiounclmnJlcdb
Councilman Simpson it was decided to approve therearrangement of lots re-
its that
nrequirements and said plats shall
beapproved bythe CtyEngineer, Building Inspector and City Attorney before
same are presented to the Council for final approval by resolution.
Senator Salmon: appeared before the Council and requested that the Council
a resolution which read in part as follows:
pass a resolution rescinding the action taken at a meeting ng one Jun of favoring
at solve time the Council passed of to ugod routes 2 and3"
utelno. that,present the Council of 2, and
dtabandoningwprop R
route no. 1, highway 12,
Resolution No. 2019. No action was taken at this eared before the Council and
Mr. Jack Boyd, representing the Eagles Lodge
ethletpe program for hogs known as
explained that the lodge is sponsoring
such a
that the Council consider appropriating funds
a boxing club end requested that the Council go on record favoringouncilman
youth program and
ra also suggested
ell the program. On motion of Councilman Simpson syootheof o by purpose.
alsol to investigates theofavor possibility ofappropriatingogram for fundshfor thisslpurpr and
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant the Clerk was
authorized to close the agenda for future Council meetings on Wednesday noon
proceeding the meeting.
On motion of Councilmen Simpson secondedCouncilman Tennant the Clerk was
who is the City Bealth Officer, that the
by sic al examinations for per-
sonsCuniltfd to inform Dr. Carlson,
Council feelsl he forhom
should not make a charge for eh y
who apply City employment in cases where the examination is ornate
bi any department head or appointed City official.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Fixing salary of street department foreman (Howard Hagan) at the rate of
A390.00 per month, effective February 1, 1959.
AOn motion of Councilman Tennant
DJOURNMENT - - -----,linen Jewell]- meeting adjourned
Vice President
at 12:15 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota February 13, 1959
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Charlsen.
Present -Councilmen Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and Vice President Charlsen.
Absent -President Madsen.
Councilman Jewell stated that he had received a request from officers of the
St. Paul's Lutheran Church Council for a street light at the intersection of
Fifth and Walnut Streets. On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Council-
man lightSimpson
thellnt intersection of fifthorder
Streetsof a 4000 lumen street
The Council members interviewed two applicants for the position of assistant
to the City Engineer.
The first applicant interviewed was Mr. John H. Shelton. Age 37, married - two
children. Attended University of Miami. Course - Engineering drawing. Worked
in northern Minnesota as instrument man. Worked in Chile as instrument man.
Six years experience working as field man surveying. Has physical disability
under veterans act, but did pass complete physical examination about 1 year
ago. Made application of life insurance policy and said application was ap-
proved. Otow dns o so.a o Referenceme in , Mr. rn MPaul sShields, project manager, ota but will move to lHoyt rLakese,
4:30 P.M.
Second applicant interviewed was Mr. James Tibbetts: Age 36, married - three
childnnot do
or lay out
work. Resided in Stillwater a since r h1929 olSome esurveying
with surveycrew U. S.
No action was taken on the applications at this time.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Jewell meeting adjourned
at 6:00 P.M.
Vice President
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota February 26, 19 10:00 A.M.
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Authorizing- purchase of land for sewage treatment plant site.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant meeting
adjourned at 10:30 A.M.
Council Chamber March 2, 1959
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -Councilman Charlsen.
President Madsen stated that the meeting was called primarily for the purpose
of reaching an agreement and final settlement with the Moelter Construction
Company for work performed under that certain contract tetween the Moelter
Construction Company and the City, which contract was dated November 25, 1958.
(Construction of earth dam at north end of McKusick Lake.)
Mayor Madsen explained that many truck loads of suitable material have been hauled
and dumped alone the north end of McKusick Lake which was designated and recommended
by the State Conservation Department, Division of Waters as a proper site for a
dam to raise the water level in the lake, but due to muck deposits in the area the
till material has been settling and as a result it will require many more yards.
of materiel than was estimated by the State Conservation Department at the time
the City called for bids to construct said dam. (Plans and specifications for
construction of the dam were prepared by the State Department of Conservation.)
Mr. Harvey Moeltem of the Moelter Construction Company, requested that the Council
authorize payment of '11,250.80 which amount represents the contract price for
construction of the earth dam. He explained that it is impossible to complete
the spill -way portion of the dam because the steel sheet piling furnished by
footing.e Mr.sMoeltern lsoar requested not of that thesCouncilnt length terminateto theeach a solid
Deprtment contract
and release the bond covering same.
The City Attorney stated that in his opinion the Council could legally terminate
the contract with the Moelter Construction Company covering construction of the
dam at the north end of McKissick Lake, release bond covering said contract and
authorize payment of all work completed to date. He also stated that the Council
reserves the right to complete said dam by force account or re -advertise for
bids and enter into a contract.
4:30 P.M.
The following resolutions were rend and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Directing payment of bill. (Resolution not published. Check was not issued
on advice of .Sty Attorney. He requested more time to study the matter
"Moelter Construction Company for work performed under contract dated Nov-
ember 25, 1958, earth dam north end of McKusick Lake". City Attorney ad-
vised Clerk to hold up payment on March 3, 1959.)
he City
on March 3,
2. 1959,nthatgit wouldtrequireyadditionalAttornei time forormed t Clerk
research and therefore he
could not draw a resolution terminatingNthe 5, 1958 forsworktperformednin
contract whichwt contract was dated November 25ex
connection with earth dam at north end of McKusick Lake.)
ington and
ity of
3. AproVig lawjointlynowningaandooperatingc a0hospital tohconvey such hospital Stillwater,
estatereal epandcanyaanterms
and all
property used in the operation of said
Councilman Simpson brought up the matter of entering into a contract with the
Stillwater Development Corporation, said contract would guarantee fire protection
over and above contract presently in force with Stillwater Township. He ex-
plained that the Corporation would be charged at the rate of $1,000.00 per fire
run and also some nrovisicn would be set up in the contract for a stand-by fee
or charge. He also stated that the Corporation would get a substantial decrease
in fire insurance premiums if the proposed agreement was approved by the Council.
Mayor Madsen was opposed to entering into a special contract.covering any prop-
erty outside the City limits except school buildings. Re felt that such agree-
ments would tend to discourage the possibility of annexation to the City of
areas around the City. He stated the Council should make every effort to en-
courage annexation which in turn would increase the assessed valuation and
provide a greater tax base.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Jewell meeting adjourned
at 5:45 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota March 10, 1959
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present -Councilmen Cherlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell minutes of the
following meetings were approved.
Special meeting February 5, 1959
Regular meeting February 10, 1959
Special meeting February 13, 1959
Special meeting February 26, 1959
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
10:00 A.M.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell a Cigarette License
was granted to Don Michaelson, 108 South Third Street, for the year 1959.
On motion of Councilmen Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen a Soft Drink Lic-
ense was granted to Donald A. Michaelson, 108 South Third Street, for the year
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilmen Tennant an "off" Sale
3.2 Beer License was granted to C. H. Felix, 413 South Greeley Street, for the
period from March 10, 1959 to March 10, 1960 on the second reading of the ap-
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Jewell a Junk Dealers
I.tcense was granted to Sherman Gordon, 233 Fast Nelson Street, for the period
from April 1, 1959 to April 1, 1960.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell a Secondhand
Dealers License was granted to Evan slachta, 223 South Main Street, for the per-
iod from April 3, 1959 to t.pril 3, 1960.
Applications from Ralph B. Otte for "On" and "Off" Sale 3.2 Beer Licensee were
presented but on account of being in the residential district were automatically
carried over to the next regular meeting of the Council on April 7, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Charlsen "On" and "off"
Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses were granted to Albert C. Ponath at 313 East Chestnut
Street for the period from April 3, 1959 to April 3, 1960.
Applications from E. James Meister for "On" and "Off" Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses
were presented but on account of being in the residential district were auto-
matically carried over to the next regular meeting of the Council on April 7,
From the Minnesota Hospital Service Association announcing increase in pre-
miums effective April 1, 1959. At the present time the single rate for hos-
pital and medical coverage is 85.10. The new rate will be 6.35. An increase
of A1.25 per month. The present family rate for hospital and medical coverage
is A13.55. The new rate will be 816.50. An increase of 82.95 per month. On
motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Charlsen it was decided that
the City will pay the new single rate for all regular employees and the Mayor and
Clerk were authorized and directed to draw warrants accordingly.
A petition signed by Morrie A. Bollino, President, and Thomas M. Derrington,
Secretary, of the Stillwater Country Club, Inc. requesting that the Council
vacate parts of North Fourth Street, North Third Street, East Balsam Street,
East Spruce Street and East Juniper Street was presented. On motion of Council-
man Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant the petition was ordered filed in the
office of the City Clerk and the Clerk was directed to give notice by publica-
tion in the official paper of the City for 4 successive weeks to the effect that
said petition has been filed and that said petition will be heard and considered
by the Council on April 17, 1959 at 7:30 P.M.
65 w
A petition with signatures of 9 property owners effected requesting installa-
tion of a sewer along Olive Street between Grove Street and Seeley Street was
presented. On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson
the petition was ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk and the City
Engineer was instructed to prepare plans, specifications and estimate of coat
and present same to the Council as soon as possible.
A petition with signatures o: 5 property owners effected requesting the installa-
tion of sewer on Balsam Street between North First and North Second Streets and
North First between Balsam and connecting at Sycamore Street was presented.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen :seconded by Councilman Jewell the petition
was ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk and the City Engineer
instructed to prepare plans, specifications and estimate of cost and present
same to the Council as soon as possible.
A petition with signatures of six property owners effected requesting bitum-
inous surfacing on Moore Avenue between Fourthand Martha Streets was presented.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson the petition was
ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk and the City Engineer was instructed
to prepare, plans, specifications and estimate of cost and present same to the
Council as soon as possible.
The following bids on a new fire engine pumper were opened and read aloud.
1. Beter Dirsch and Sons Cn-ipenv
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Item 2. Total bid on one 1000 G.P.M.P.M. fire engine18•11{{125.00
pumper, rear wheel drive
No -spin differential
Delivery on or before 180 working days after
receipt of contract.
2. Public Works Equipment Company
786 Uhiversity Avenue
St. Paul 4, Minnesota
Item 1.
Total bid on one 1000 G.P.M. fire engine
pumper, all wheel drive
Item 2.
Total bid on one 1000 G.P.M. fire
engine pumper, rear wheel drive
No -spin differential
Delivery on or before 175 days from date
of order.
3. American
Item 2.
Spartan 1000 G.P.M. pumper and hose car
with 500 gallon booster tank and cab
No -spin differential
Alternate proposal on model K or J engine
and semi -open cab
Delivery 175 calendar days after execution of
4. Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation
Elmira, New York
Item 2.
Total bid on one 1000 G.P.M. fire engine .00
pumper, rear wheel drive 15�518,156.00
No -spin differential
Delivery on or before September 22, 1959.
5. Maxim Motor Company
Middleboro, Massachusetts
Item 2.
Total bid on one 1000 G.P.M. fire engine .58
pumper, rear wheel drive $18,25656. 58
Wo-spin differential
Delivery date on or before 175 days after
receipt of contract.
Mayor Madsen referred the bids to Councilman Simpson and the fire chief for
further study with instructions to report their findings to the Council at a
future meeting.
Councilman Charlsen
1. He reported that Roger Stevenson, chief of the auxiliary police, has resigned
and a meeting of the auxiliary police has bean called for the purpose of
selecting a new chief.
2. He stated that en application for a renewal of license to operate the police
communications system will be mailed to the Federal Communications Commis-
sion in the near future.
Councilman Jewell
officers of Trinity
1. Stated he utheran
Church fort a newastreet ilight. reClerk was minstructed to contact
tthe com-
pany that tssol light plighttstandast rds,r onowlin use
t etindthe business district, and
2. WesttPine Shret Econnections withde sea wer extensions andyaccording
to this survey a lift station will be required to pump sewage to main
sewer lines.
3. Brought up the matter of purchasing a power driven catch basin cleaner.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen the City
on a ctch basin cleaner, said
bids twse nst utede onApril s, 19597 .n0 P.M.
4. He stated that the City can acquire a machine to beusmdcfor theued for the purpose
of spraying weeds at no cost to the City providing c
for spraying are purchased from the company furnishing the machine.
5. Brought up the matter of purchasing a power driven street sweeper. Rug -
gg�eated that Council consider used machine at an estimaed ted. cost motion of
st of about
$4,000.00. Stated new machine would cost about $9,000
to CounciCouncilmlman Jewellaand nthe City Engineer for further matterson the
Crlsenfurther studyandared
Councilman Simpson
1. Read
truck aisehousedro Wprison Rpropg erty andhthat saide trucktwillhbate
ma annedhby
ten emergencies if and when requested to do so by
the StillwaterFire
2. Reported that Washington County is in the Process of acquiring resuscita-
tors which will be placed in all vehicles used by the sheriff and his staff.
3. Re stated that he was informed about a Council action some time ago which
authorized the installation of a stand pipe to be used for the purpose of
filling tanks with water which would be dispatched to fires to assist our
fire department. After consulting with officers of the Maple Island Cream-
ery he was of the opinion that the present stand pipe used by said cream-
ery to load milk into trucks can also be converted to fill tanks with water.
Councilman Tennant
1. Stated that street department trucks have been hauling sand and dumping
same at Lily Lake Beach. Purpose of sand to cover weeds and improve lake
bottom in swimming area.
2. Presented plans for a new diving dock for Lily Lake Beach and suggested
that the Council approve same and call for bids to construct said dock.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Jewell the plans
presented by Councilman Tennant were approved and the City Clerk was
instructed to advertise for bids on construction of a diving dock for
Lily Lake Beach. Bids returnable on April 7, 1959 at 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Madsen
1. Reported that Mr. Skooglun has agreed to sell property to the City. Said
land was recommended by the engineer for site to locate sewage treatment
2. Stated that he received a complaint about the yield traffic sign located
at Third and Chestnut Streets. Person complaining felt that traffic moving
south on Third Street should be regulated by a stop sign.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson insurance polr
icy number D333194 issued by the Minneapolis Fire and Marine Insurance Company
covering the following buildings against fire, lightning and extended coverage
was approved and ordered filed.
1. One story, approved roof, concrete block building occupied as a public bath
house (Legion Beach) „$6,000.00.
2. Approved roof, frame, caretakers permanent dwelling (Legion Beach)
Clerk reported that a notice of claim signed by William R. Splittstoesser was
filed in his office on February 21, 1959 which read in part as follows. "The
undersigned, William R. Splittstoesser. 3180 Stillwater Road, St. Paul 9, Minn-
esota claims damages in the amount of $10,000.00 on account of injury sustained
by reason of a defect in a sidewalk in public ground. On January 30, 1959 at
10 o'clock A.M., the claimant, on the south side of Walnut Street between Third
and Fourth Streets in the City of Stillwater was injured when he slipped and
fell due to andas a direct result of ice on an imperfection in said sidewalk.
Complainant alleges that such injury was caused by the negligence of the City
in permitting the sidewalk to become and remain in a dangerous condition".
The Clerk reported that a copy of the claim was mailed to the City Attorney
and to the Krog Insurance Agency on February 23, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant the financial
statements of the Board of Water Commissioners for the year ended December 31,
1958 was approved and ordered filed. (Statements prepared by H. L. Foster,
Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners.)
A Mr. Geroux, representing the Korner Displays, Inc., appeared before the Council
and offered to install litter receptacles in the business district at no cost
to the City. Said receptacles would have removable slides which would be used
for advertising purposes. Mayor Madsen suggested that the City Attorney study
the proposed contract presented by the Company and report his findings at a
later date.
Fire Chief Lawson reported that the following volunteer firemen have resigned
for various reasons.
1. Thomas Eichten
2. John Westphal
3. Anthony 9irch
4Jerome Vehrs
5. Glen 6. RaymondThiel
7. James Rutten
9. William Pawell
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson the foregoing
resignations were accepted with regret.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant the following
were appointed volunteer firemen. All have been recommended by the Fire Chief.
1. James Dearborn
2. Elden Lewerer
3. David E. Chial
On otion of Cunilman impson
he City
wasmauthori edotocpurchaseaalusedsen eFridendCalculat rby latnagcost oft$ly80.00 Clerk
transfer the present calculator, now in use in the Clerks office, to the
Engineering Department.
Clerk reported that Mr. George Smart, Executive Secretary of the Chamber of
Commerce, had called and suggested that the Council order the installation
of street signs at intersections leading into Union Street. The Mayor re-
ferred this matter to Councilman Jewell.
The City Engineer and the Chief of Police suggested that the Council consider
desiating This matter was acarried tover ntowthe ay snext tregular nmeeting ofNelson dthe eCouncil stnut tStreets.
April 7, 1959.
Dr. Fred Kalinoff appeared before the Council and requested that the Council
consider vacating parts of Sycamore and Broadway Streets. After considerable
discussion the Mayor suggested that Mr. Kalinoff present a formal petition
asking for vacation of said streets.
Mayor Madsen stated that he would be willing to appoint two additional members
to the Recreation Commission but suggested that Councilman Simpson and Tennant,
who are members of the Commission at the present time, recommend persons who
in their opinion would be qualified to serve on the Commission.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson the Building
Inspectors report covering activities during the month of February, 1959, was
approved and ordered filed.
A claim against the City signed by Bertha Brown, in the amount of $500.00, which
read in part as follows was presented. "This is to notify you that on Monday,
February 16, 1959, I fell while walking on the sidewalk on the West side of Main
Street in your City in front of Bittle`s Store near Chestnut. My fallwas
caused by an accumulation of ice and a -defective sidewalk at that address. As
a result of the fall I was cut and bruised, was disabled, incurred doctor bills
and damaged personal property. My husband and I intend to make a claim against
the City in the sum of $500.00 for my injuries and damages and do hereby present
a claim in said amount". On motion of Councilman
Jewell the Clerk was instructed to mail a copy of said
and the Krog Insurance Agency.
Mrs. Westphal and M. e the
connections. Afterrsome ediscussion they rdecided tocdefer d their irequest usewer
next year.
Mayor Madsen requested that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance which would
designate the Lily Lake Beach area a public park and present same at the next
regular meeting of the Council on April 7, 1959.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Employing
g2assistant to4theOcityr month)
and fixing his salary effective
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilmen Simpson meeting
adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
City Clerk
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
March 17, 1959 4:30 P.M.
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
Councilman Simpson reported that he and Fire Chief Lawson have tabulated and
analyzed the five bias submitted on a new fire engine pumper, which bids were
opened and read aloud at the regular meeting of the Council on March 10, 1959.
He explained that all of the bids met specifications and that the bid submitted
by the Public Works Equipment Company exceeded specifications because said bid
included booster reel, one inch booster hose and nozzle. Stated that he and the
fire chief recommend purchase of the 1000 G.P.M. fire engine pumper, all wheel
drive, manufactured by the Four Wheel Drive Auto Company of Clintonville, Wis-
consin at a firm price of 116,845.60. On motion of Councilman Simnson seconded
by Councilman Charlser It was decided to purchase the 1000 G.P.M. fire engine
pumper, all wheel drive, manufactured by the Four Wheel Drive Auto Company of
Clintonville, Wisconsin at a firm price of 116,845.60 and the Mayor and City
Clerk were authorized and directed to enter into a contract covering purchase
of said truck.
Following is an opinion rendered by the City Attorney with reference to pro-
posed agreement between Korner Displays, Inc. and the City for litterbug
receptacles. (This matter was referred to the City Attorney at the last reg-
ular meeting of the Council on March 10, 1959) "Inasmuch as said agreement
in its proposed form would grant to Korner Display's, Inc., an exclusive
privilege for a period of at least five years, it is my opinion that the City
is without power to enter into such agreement. It is my opinion that the matter
comes within the purview of Charter section 301 which provides that no ordin-
ance granting any franchise shall become operative unless submitted to the
voters and approved by a majority voting on same. There appears to be no
other controlling legislative or constitutional authority". (No action taken
at this time.)
Following is an opinion rendered by the City Attorney in regard to contract
with Moelter Construction Co. in connection rlth dam at MoKusick Lake.
"At a Special Meeting held on March 2, 1959, you considered the request of
R. W. Moelter and Harvey Moelter that they be excused from further perform-
ance under their contract to construct a dam and to do certain other work at
MCKusick Lake, which contract was entered into on November 25, 1958. You
requested preparation of a Resolution terminating the said contract and author-
izing payment of the reasonable value of labor and materials performed and
provided thereunder. Inasmuch as I had not contemplated your taking tnis
particular action, I deliberately postponed the drafting of such a Resolution:
until I had had an opportunity to research the legal questions Involved.
The principal issue with which we are concerned is: when is a party, who
contracts absolutely to do a thing which is not impossible or unlawful,
bound to do it? Tinder the common law, performance was required unless pre-
vented by an act of God, the law or the other party to the contract. Recent
cases in the State of Minnesota show a definite tendency to break away from
this harsh rule and to subscribe to the view that, where performance of the
contract has become impracticable due to extreme or unreasonable difficulty,
expense, injury or loss caused by facts not only unanticipated but also in-
consistent with facts that the parties obviously assumed to exist, and has
become so vitally different from what should reasonably have been within the
contemplation of the parties when they entered the contract, the risk should
not fairly be thrown upon the promisor. Each case must, of course, be de-
termined on its own particular facts. Accordingly, if you have honestly and
in good faith determined that present circumstances do not merely render per-
formance of the contract more difficult and expensive but are such as were
unanticipated and obviously not assumed to exist at the time of the contract;
then, it is my opinion, the foregoing rule of law would permit termination
of the contract".
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Terminating contract. (Dated November 25, 1958, between R. W. Moelter and
Harvey Moelter, co-partners, doing business under the name and style of
Moelter Construction Co., and the City of Stillwater to construct and in-
stall an earth dam and a steel sheet piling dam and to change the channel
of Brown's Creek at McKusick Lake in the City of Stillwater.)
2. Relating to
3. Authorizing
0. Skooglun
real estate transaction with the St. Croix Development Com-
payment of additional sum as purchase price of land. ($60.64
land to be used by the City as a site of a sewage treatment
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Charlsen meeting
adjourned at 6:25 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota April 2, 1959
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
7:30 P.M.
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Urging the Board of County Commissioners to adopt a standard of time one
hour ahead of solar time beginning April 26, 1959 ending on October 25,
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant meeting adjourned
at 9:00 P.M.
C1'ty Clerk
Council Chamber April 7, 1959 7=30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Je,aell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant minutes of the
following meetings were approved.4 j0 P M
30 P.M.
3ne ci al meeting March 2, 1959 4:March 10, 1959 4:30 P.M.
Special meeting March 17, 1959
Special meeting
On motion Beeef rCLicensesnwere ngrantedotoeRalphd by CB.
517 Wortpsonh OwenaStreet
af to
Sale 3
on the second reading of the rpplicetl one for the period from March
March 2, 1960.
ed by Councilman Tennant ntu"On" anand
Sale o3.2nH erCLicenses nCharlsen d
were granted to E. James Meister, 901
on the second reading of the replications for the period from April 1, 1959
to April 1, 9 "On" and
from aticen a weree, e03 West Churchill Street, forinthe
resi" Sale 3.2dBeer Licenses were presented but on account of being
residential district were automatically carried over to the next regular meet-
ing of the Council on May 5, 1959.
Thompson, Bayport, Minnesota, for the period from
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell a Junk Dealers
License was granted to Harry
May 3, 1959 to May 3, �9
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson a Cigarette
License was
to February n. torenzi1, 1959 CRtooccO'S January1308 South Main Street,
for the peri
COMMON U.S.Army, in regard to
Deslodge f Bfrom
Corps of Engineers, y,in
to dredge
andlplacing of fill lllonr heir, Btybank, flthesSt. for permission River at
indconnectionfwith a small. bothe attharbor k of On motionrofxCouncilmanSSimpsonar
seconded by Councilman Charlsen the letter was referred to the City Engineer.
From R. M. Deragisch, 6 Oak Avenue, Hempstead, New
w SorkYork, 3.n n which
ihe states
that he owns lots 10 and 11 in block 8, Hersey
Stillwater and that he is concerned over the appearance of the neighborhood
due to the presence of many heavy trucks and other equipment owned by Mr.
Ritter and parked on Mr. Ritzer's land to the south of lots owned by Mr.
Deragisch. Mayor Madsen referred this matter to the Chief of Police and the
Building Inspector for investigation and report to the Councilrt teaaalater date.
From Deslodge grown, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, D.S. Army,
Engineers appeared before the CitymCoitcion lfbyoin-ilman
Federal assistance for the construction of a small harbor near the north
y in -
City ion in garde Army
Citation in rededd to thisnmatter on lathery 7, project and therefore it no
Cololeln seconded eoCityylh9s Jewell
andonede theeec directed to reform
Colonel ntern that the der„
longer interested in Federal assistance. From the State of Minnesota, Railroad and Werehouse Commission, Railway Express Agency, Inc. for a certificate of public con-
venience and to
in regard
application of as a regular route common carrier of express.
and necessity
A petition signed by Frederick P. Kalinoff and Louise J. Kalinoff, requesting
Broadwaylwas consider
motion ofEast
lmanCharlsen seconded by
Councilman Simpson the petition was ordered filed in the office of the City
Clark and the Clerk was directed to publish a notice in the official paper
theof is on file in
:he City to Council willhe effect that consider same one thet12thnday of May, 19591s office at 7530 p Mthat P.M.
A petition sinned by Frederick P. Kalinoff and Louise J. Kalinoff, requesting
that the Council establish a new street through block 24 of Carli and Sch-
ulenburg'e Addition to Stillwater was presented and on motion of Councilman
rharlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson the matter was referred to the City
streetor andhthenrreportose fhis:findings to thethe aCounciltatna of
A petition with signatures of 12 property owners affected was presented which
read as follows: Residents in the Southeast corner of Stillwater, namely
4tCouncil investigatehand
Second Avenue
thpossibilitiesof adilike
fferentsoluti n
that the City
for the access to the Beaudet Apartments for the following reasons.
1. Present solution is not safe for the reason that the curve from Orleans
Street to Second made
Second Avenue therea is South been narrower
aow of p stsh in tcentand of the street. on
2. Foley property has been depreciated in excess of depreciation of other
property in the area.
3. Present change in road was made without the approval of the City Council.
'} recognition
the valueOofnCity cil fproperty rather eels a bthan ywhenever to decrease
its value.
5. makefeeling
which areCity
the majoritywhere
!afore a final solution of an access road to the Beaudet property is decided
on the parties who are signers of this petition would like to request that the
solution be referred to the following property owners in order that the solu-
tion be acceptable to them". Mayor Madsen referred this matter to the City
Engineer for report at a later date.
The following bids were opened and read aloud on construction of a diving float
for Lily Lake Veteran's Beach.
Moulton Irrigation Company
Withrow, Minnesota
Item No. I
Diving float and superstructure for diving tower in the sum of W1,073.30..
Item No. II
Pontoons and necessary 1-beams for substructure in the sum of ¶1,690.00.
Item No. III
Diving float with superstructure and pontoon and 1-beams substructure in the
sum of "12,763.00.
Completion date on or before the 29th day of May, 1959 if order 1s received
on or before April 21, 1959.
Bayport - St. Croix Company
Bayport, Minnesota
Item No. II
Pontoons and necessary i-beams for substructure in the sum of B1,583.00
Completion date on or before the 7th day of May, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by
Councilman Simpson it was decided
Mayor Madsen suggested thate Tennant
anddefer Simpsont studyntheebidsbids andreport their finding,
The following bid for furnishing a catch basin cleaner was opened and read
Catch Pesin Cleaner
Manufacturing Company
1713 Juneway
Chicago, Illinois
Catch basin cleaner to meet specifications as drawn by the City Engineer for
00. Freight £.'23.50. catchbasin y beforede ivhe red tin Stillwater
the sue of ¶2•Councilman thdaysof the
for the sum of n2of9Coun. Delivery eci-
qt9• analyze the bid and if said bid meets speci-
fications On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by
fica ions tee was Clerk -Treasurer
covering the purchase ofTsame uin then amount tof 12,398 nd directed
0 cted to issue an order
covering p'
The matter designating Water Street a one-way street r thee Council Nelsononand
Chestnut Streets was carried over to the next meeting o
April 16, 1959• and Merlin Miller
Mayor Madsen announced the appointment of Robert McGarry
as members of the Recreation Commission and on motion of Councilman Tennant
seconded by Councilman Simpson the appointments were confirmed. (Additional
The Clerk reported that a light standard and luminare, complete with lamps
similar to the light standards in the business district would cost A436.00.
unpr about the cost of a complete unit.)
to be located north of the 1pptatch to the fire stationeand at
(At a previous meeting Councilman Jewell stated that he had received a request
for a lightmJewell for report at a later
that time the Clerk was tweeted to ono
Mayor Madsen referred this matter to Councilman
Councilman Charlsan 1. Reported that delinquent rent payments due from some of the teaid in Pull.
nants n
the City owned house on North Fourth Street have phi basement epart-
2. Stated that the stove which was reported missing from
ment in the City owned house on North Fourth Street has been fond raked
ave the
Requested that the City Esa Sneer arrange to have thelvarious parks
and cleared of debris so same would be ready the various
4. Suggested that the Council consider the matter of cleaning
City offices and also remodel the Court Room and Council Chambers.
Councilman Jewell
Cols and that owners of said cess pools will connect to
1. Stated that he and the Chief of Police have investigated complaints about
overflowing gees p machine free
tie sewer system when extensions are available. spraying Council accept the offer
toouse a eha company owning the
2, of charge that
chemicals are p mosquito e c ompa and ninggthe
of charge P
machine. Said machines would be used for Cos
spraying weeds. Mayor Madsen agreed with Councilman Jewell and suggested
that he arrange to have the machine delivered to Stillwater.
a new or used
3• Suggested that the Council consider the matter ofpurchasingpro.a0
000.00 and 15,000.00 and a new sweeper between $9. peed
power driven street sweeper. Re stated that a used sweeper wouldp
cost 10,000n 0. system and into the proposed
?!10,000.00. He felt such a machine would eliminate most of the debris
sewawould treatment
pass through the ounce ma
man Sie psoatmhet plant. On motion ofo dvtien bias seconded
no0apne by
bids to he returnable on May 5, 1959
man Simpson the Clerk was directed to advertise for bids on a new or used
street sweeper,
Mayor Madsen
1. 9e reported that the patrolmen have requested that the City furnish them with
uniforms et an estimated cost of A105.50 each. On motion of Councilman
Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell it was decided to furnish each patrol-
man with a complete new uniform. Said uniforms to become the property of
the City. The same motion also provided that a uniform allowance in the
amount of 310.00 per month be set up for each patrolman for the purpose
of replacing said uniforms whenever it becomes necessary. (Councilman
Tennant voted against this motion.)
2. He suggested that the Council direct the Clerk to advertise for bide on
police uniforms. On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman
Jewell the Clerk was directed to advertise for bids on police uniforms,
said bids to be returnable on May 5, 1959 at 7:30 P.M. Notice to read that
specifications can be obtained from the Mayor or Chief of Police. (Council-
man Tennant voted against this motion.)
3. Ne reported that he had received a complaint from Dr. Van Meier about the
condition of Union Alley between Myrtle Street and Commercial Avenue.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Charlsen the following
fire protection contracts were approved and ordered filed.
1. Township of Stillwater
2. Township of Oak Perk
3. Township of May
4. Township of Grant
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant insurance poli-
cies issued by the Volunteer Firemen's Benefit Association of Minnesota cover-
ing the following volunteer firemen were approved and ordered filed.
1. Elden Paul Lewerer policy no. 27119.
2. David E. Chial policy no. 27120.
A second request was received from Ed Knefelkamp to place area consisting of
lots 5 and 6, block 9, Cooper's Addition in commercial district B. Property
owned by Mr. Knefelkamp and he 1s operating a gasoline filling station and
confectionery store on said land. The Council members agreed that the area
involved in the request from Mr. Knefelkamp should be rezoned and the Mayor
requested that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance which would place the
area in commercial district B and also the area on South Main Street across
from the barge terminal property. (Nelson 011 Company)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the Chief of
Police was authorized to purchase a new steel desk for use in his office.
Said desk to replace old wooden desk.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson the Chief of
the Fire Department was authorized to select firemen from his department and
arrange for these firemen to attend the eighth annual fire school at the
University of Minnesota Farm Campus on April 27 through May 1, 1959. A11 le-
gal expenses incurred by the firemen will be paid by the City.
Mr. Vernon Stenseng and Mr. William Fierke appeared before the Council and
requested that the Council consider and act upon one of the following items.
1. Issue non -conforming permit to construct a gasoline filling station
(Service station) on the northwest corner at the intersection of Third
and Churchill Streets.
2. Rezone the area referred to in item one from residential to commercial B.
Mr. Stenseng explained that in his opinion there are only a few locations in
the City that are suitable for the purpose of locating a modern service station
end that the business district or downtown area is over crowded at the present
time. He also stated that there is a definite need for a modern service station
on the south hill at this time because service stations along highway 212 are
being moved to provide for road expansion. He also felt that removal of the
old house at Third and Churchill Streets and replacing same with a modern ser-
vice station would be a definite improvement in that area. Plans and pictures
of the proposed new station were presented. Mr. Stenseng then presented a
petition with signatures of 64 persons residing on the south hill which petition
read in part as follows: "We the undersigned property owners in blocks 3, 4,
5, 12, 13 and 14 of Churchill, Nelson and Slaughters Addition, do hereby con-
sent and state that we have no objection to the Stenseng and Fierke Petroleum
77 e
Company of Stillwater. Minnesota, erecting a service station on the northwest
corner of Third and Churchill Streets". Mr. John Rheinberper, attorney at law,
appeared before the Council and presented a petition with signatures of 54 per-
sons, which petition read in part as follows: "We the undersigned owners of
property within a block and a half of South Third and Churchill Streets are
opposed to any change in the zoning regulations of that area. We are specific-
ally opposed to the granting of a permit to establish a filling station on any
of the corners of that intersection". Mr. Rheinberper stated that in his opinion
the Council could not legally grant a permit to erect a filling station on
either corner of the intersection of Third and Churchill Streets because it would
be contrary to existing ordinance which provides in part that a gasoline fill-
ing station must be at least 300 feet from any building used for the purpose
of public gathering which has a seating capacity of 50 persons or more. He
pointed out that the labor temple which is located on the southeast corner of
Third and Churchill is such a building. He felt the Council should proceed
slowly on rezoning any area in the City. He stated people residing in the
vicinity of Third and Churchill Streets are very proud of their property and
have spent thousands of dollars to improve same and if the neighborhood was
deteriorating then it would probably be advisable to rezone the area. Mr.
Rheinberper stated that much junk is stored behind the service station owned
by Stenseng and Fierke at their downtown location and such a condition would
probably exist at their proposed new location. He stated that a gasoline fill-
ing station is dangerous and gasoline creates a good deal of odor. Mr. Fierke
read a survey on the safety of service stations which was compiled in the
cities of Detroit and Buffalo. The survey showed that very few accidents are
caused in and around sub stations. Mr. Fierke also stated that the reason
for barrels being stored behind their station In the downtown area was due to
lack of space. Mr. Dave Monson, from the Mutual Insurance Company, stated
that insurance rates would not increase on residential property around the
proposed service station. Mr. John Akers, property appraisor, stated that
in his opinion the locating of a service station at Third and Churchill
Streets would not tend to reduce the value of property in the area. Mr. Wally
Randevidt, local contractor, stated that in his opinion property values would
increase if the proposed station was located at Third and Churchill Streets.
Councilman Jewell stated that he has always felt that the general area involved
should be rezoned from residential to commercial. Councilman Tennant stated
that there is presently another service station in the general area and he felt
if people outside the City were engaged to view the City in general they would
probably recommend that the area at Third end Churchill Streets would be re-
zoned from residential to commercial. Mayor Madsen inquired of the City At-
torney if the Council could legally act on the request for a special permit.
The City Attorney stated that he would not attempt to advise the Council at
this time because there are legal questions involved which would require add-
itional time for research. The Council decided to postpone action on both the
request for special permit and rezoning of the area involved until the City
Attorney has had an opportunity to study the matter and file his opinion.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson the Building
Inspector's Report covering activities during the month of March, 1959 was
approved and ordered filed.
A request from Robert Burger and Harold LaBore for 2 hour parking limit on
Water Street between Nelson and Chestnut Streets was carried over to the next
meeting of the Council.
A request from Stanley 0. Larson for installation of a culvert to divert water
at Seeley and Oak Streets was referred to the City Engineer.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson the City Clerk
made the first reading of an ordinance designating the Lily Lake Beach area a
public park.
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell meeting adjourned
to April 16, 195c at 7:30 P.M. This meeting adjourned at 12:15 A.M. April 8, 1959.
Cit.? Clerk
Council Chamber 7:30 P.M.Stillwater, Minnesota April 16, 1959
Regular adjourned meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
From Roward J. McLaughlin, 1003 South Fifth Street, Stillwater, Minnesota, which
read in part as follows: "While my name appears on petition of Stenseng and
Fierke Petroleum Company to erect a service station at Third and Churchill
Streets and although I have no personal objections to said station I believe
matters of this nature should be decided by those property owners in the area
A petition with 7 signatures was presented which petition read as follows:
"We, the undersigned, object to the construction of a barn for keeping horses
which is planned to be constructed adjacent to Carnelian Street and north of
St. Croix Avenue in the City of Stillwater. (Sherman Gordon)
A petition with 10 signatures was presented which read as follows: "We, the
undersigned, do hereby petition for 2 hour parking on Water Street between
Nelson and Chestnut Streets between the hours of a A.M. and 4 P.M. with the
provision that each place of business will have the privilege of one parking
place for their delivery truck".
At the regular meeting of the Council held on April 7, 1959 Mr. Stenseng and
Mr. Fierke appeared before the Council and requested that the Council consider
one of the following items.
1. Grant a non -conforming permit to construct a gasoline filling station at
Third and Churchill Streets.
2. Rezone the area referred to in item one from residential to commercial B.
Petitions for and against granting of a special permit or rezoning the area
referred to above were presented at the April 7th meeting and all persons pre-
sent were given an opportunity to express themselves in regard to this matter.
Mayor Madsen then announced that the matter would be carried over to this meet-
ing which would allow time for the City Attorney to study the matter and render
his opinion. An opinion from the City Attorney was presented which read in
part as follows:"Thus in conclusion there seems to be no legal authority
for granting of a special or non -conforming permit authorizing the use requested
in the application under consideration. Rowever, the Council, taking into con-
sideration all of the facts and circumstances. effecting the property in question
and the surrounding area, may amMend the zoning ordinance so as to permit now
prohibited uses upon this or any other property provided such action is rea-
sonable, substantially related to the public welfare and in accordance with a
comprehensive plan for the future physical development and improvement of the
City". After the legal opinion from the City Attorney was read Mr. Stenseng
butt requested that lthe d lCouncil ke to iconsider thdraw i the s ematter quest fof rezoning or a ntheareformint a from
residential to commercial R. Mayor Madsen suggested that the Council drop the
matter of rezoning the area and that he would appoint a planning commission
in the near future to study the matter along with other requests. The planning
commission could then report their findings and recommendations to the Council
for their n Charlsen
man Jewellc itswas rdecided to follow the CMayor's aseconded
recommendations and referuthel
matter of rezoning to a planning commission.
op the matter of
WAfter ater Streetl an one-wavation streettwas betw en Nelsonandided to rdesigrating
Chestnut Streets,
The matter of establishing a 2 hour parking limit on Meter Street between
Nelson and Chestnut Streets was again diecussed and on motion of Councilman
Jewell seconded by Councilman Tennant it was decided to comply with the re-
ouest for 2 hour parking on Water Street between Nelson and Chestnut Streets.
Parking allowed only on the west side of Water Street and the Chief of Police
was instructed to post appropriate signs.
The request from Tally Fiandevidt for a non -conforming permit to construct a
house on North First Streetwise? Juniper Street was carried over to the next
meeting of the Council on April 17, 1959.
ineematter of compnsating the onnecti n witheConciliation gCourt lwas dcarried hover ntoi the next tm meeting services
the Council on April 17, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the request
Thirdity sewer Addition,s oakeParks(House
onnect to the Township.)
The request for a non -conforming permit from Paul Liberty to construct an add-
ition to his present service station on West Olive
Street was carried over to
the next meeting of the Council on April 17,
truct a
thelpurp ses ofchousing street department equipment. The estimated building
e timated cost
fors notincludebuilding
uil 100
sewer. 36 feet wide is $16,740.00. This figure
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Charlsen the Chief of the
fire department was authorized to attend the State convention of fire chiefs
at Detroit Lakes this summer and all legal expenses in connection with same to
be paid by the City.
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Authorizing, employment of engineering consultants. (Banister Engineering
Company - sewer extensions.)
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen meeting adjourned
at 11200 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota April 17, 1959
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
7:30 P.M.
From James L. Douville, City Attorney, which read as follows: "You have in-
quired as to the compensation of the Special Municipal Judge while presiding
in the absence of the Municipal Judge. Section 20 of.the special act estab-
lishing the Municipal Court provides that the Special Judge, when acting as
judge of said court, shall receive compensation in addition to the salary of
$100.00 per year fixed by said act at the rate of $5.00 per day. The same to
be paid by the'Clty and deducted from the salary of the Municipal Judge except
that when such additional compensation shall be for services performed by
the Special Judge when the Municipal Judge is absent with the consent of the
City Council or when said Special Judge is called to assist the Municipal Judge
during an unusual Press of business. The said Special Judge shall be paid by
the City and the same shall not be deducted from the salary of the Municipal
Judge. If either of the exceptions mentioned above should exist it would appear
that the City can lawfully pay the Special Judge at the rate of $5.00 per day
for services rendered while acting as Judge of the Municipal Court".
A petition signed by 4 property owners affected asking for the vacation of
Juniper Street between North First and North Second Streets was presented. The
petition was not in proper form and one of the signers, namely Mr. Handevidt,
was instructed to present a new petition and if said new petition was received
in time so the City Clerk could give proper notice as required under the
Charter a hearing would be held on the petition on June 9, 1959 at 7:30 P.M.
A petition with 13 signatures was presented which read as follows: "We, the
undersigned, do not have any objection to a horse barn or horses being located
at the site in question. We do not care if Mr. Gordon builds a barn 20 by 20
on his six lots". (The petition did not specify any particular location.)
This was the night set for the hearing on a petition to vacate parts of North
Fourth, North Third, East Balsam, East Spruce and East Juniper Streets. No
one appeared opnbsed to vacation of said streets.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Jewell a non -conforming
permit was granted to Wally Handevidt to construct a new house on the southwest
corner of the intersection of North First and Juniper Streets. (Details in
Building Inspector's Office.)
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Jewell a non -conforming
permit was granted to Sherman Gordon to erect a barn to keep horses adjacent
to Carnelian Street and north of St. Croix Avenue. Said permit was issued sub-
ject to moving of the barn when Carnelian Street is opened for public use.
(Details in Building Inspector's Office.)
The request from Mr. Paul Liberty for a non -conforming permit which would allow
him to construct an addition to his present gasoline filling station on West
Olive Street was deferred until Mr. Libertypresents detailed plans of the
proposed addition.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Charlsen a non -conforming
permit was issued to the Board of Trustees of Trinity Lutheran Church to con-
struct a new parsonage on Lot 7, Block 18, Walter Nelson's Subdivision pro-
viding the building is constructed according to plans as presented to the
Council. Said
lane weor were
rawn bymthe the isConsolidated Lumber Company on February
Cncil and the
The Building Inspector requested that the Council authorize additional help
to assist him during the summer months. He also requested that the Council
er hour
hemIsnontvacations anda$2.00tperahoureof when he40 ispavailableuto'g the superviseewhen
The matter of paying part of the City Attorney's clerk hire was discussed.
This matter was brought toepast nyear. attention
action wasuse of taken ate thisease time. in
work in his office during
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Relating to salary of municipal judge and special judge.
2. elsons Lakeview rearangements of
BAcceptng locks110 tod13, Mctinstry and Seeley'sapprovinlat. (Walter NFirst'
Addition and ofr
rbrick yard
3. Vacating_ parts of North Third Street, North Fourth Street, East Balsam
Street, East Spruce Street and East Juniper Street.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson meeting ad-
journed at 10:15 P.M.
City Clerk
Council Chamber May 5, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Tennant, Simpson and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
CouncilmanOn motion of seconded by Councilman Simpson minutes of the
following meetings were approved,
April 2, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Special meeting April 7, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Regular meeting Special meeting adjourned meeting April 16, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Special mApril )7, 1959 7:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell "On" and "Off"
Sale 2 Beer Licenses were g
of etopPatrickoE.,White, 603 West Churchill
Street, on the second reading
On motioerCLicensesnwerergrantedChalsen conded bto Elmer Reier,1124 NorthnMainn" and St Street.
Sale 3•
Applications from Ed Knefelkamp, 1101 North Owen Street, for "On" and "Off"
Sale .2 Beer Licenses were presented ount of
in tbs.
district were automatically carriedbut
over regularng meeting ofs thentlel
Council on June 9, 1959.
Applications from the following for "Off" Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses were pre-
sented but on account of being in the residential district were automatically
carried over to the next regular meeting of the Council on June 9, 1959.
ArF. Thompson 21i5 North William Street
Arnold Street
tDenoN 920 West Olive Street
Arthur A. Nelson
well an "Off"
3.2mBeernLicensenwasmgranteda to Mason Krelitz,ed by u1311South eSale
Main Street.-
wereogrant d to thelfollowing.n JimoL.eLarson, u2001West JMyrtle Street, efor ces
period from April 1, 1959 to January 1, 1960.0Jam lani J.1Sh0ll, 101 North Owen
Street, for the period from March 1, 1959
Cn lman
L1.censeowasfgrantedl tonHarla nt J.aShull, 10ed 1 North Owen wen StreetI. a Soft Drink
This to and oraused power driven street sweeper.
Bid No. I
Public Works Equipment Company, Inc.
786 University Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota
Make - Elgin
Model - White Wing
Brake horsepower rating - 138 at 3600 r.p.m.
Hopper capacity - 3 plus cubic yards
Six cylinder engine.
Delivery date on or before the 30th day of May.
For tsweeper, net as .tiliwaterp,,Minn
and standard
equipmentF.O.B. S
Optional equipment add to bid.
broom and coren place of
standard fibre
Extra set gutter broom segments, not filled
mainpbroom tcore o e assembly is desired, extra If
add E215.00 to the net bid of
standard white paint isacceptablededuct
$40.00 from net bid.
Bid No. II
Olson Equipment Company
4411 Hiawatha Avenue
Minneapolis 6, Minnesota
Make - Mobil
Model - 1000-3
Brake horsepower rating - 140
Hopper capacity - 3 cubic yards
Six cylinder engineweeks from receipt of
Date of delivery 3
order. For street sweeper F.O.B. Stillwater, Minnesota
Bid on used street sweeper.
Make - Elgin
Model - 81-1954
Hopper capacity - 3 cubic yards
Six cylinder engine.
Total amount of Bid F.O.B. Stillwater, Minnesota
Bid No. III
Road Machinery and Supplies of Minneapolis, Inc.
4901 West 78th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Used street sweeper.
Make - Austin Western
Model - 40 60 at 1600 r.p.m.
Brake horsepower rating - 111.6 at 3600 r.p.m.
Hopper capacity - 2 cubic yards
Six cylinder engine.
FrSstreedte on tasweeperrFlefore he 15th day of .O.B. Stillwater, Minnesota 1959.
Items at no extra cost.
Extra filled pick up broom.
Extra set of gutter broom segments.
Extra wire to f111 thehseegments.
Used broom filling
dismounting old andine.
installing becauseired of
Broom dolly not installingnewbroom.of
Bid No. IV
phillippi Equipment Company
Highway 100 at Cedar Lake Road
Minneapolis 1b, Minnesota
48, b20.00
44 500.00
Make - Wayne
Model - 1-460
Brake horsepower rating - 109
Hopper capacity - over 3 cubic yards
Six cylinder engine.
Delivery date in approximately 3 to 4 weeks.
Net price F.O.B. Stillwater, Minnesota
Second bid.
Make - Wayne
Model - 1-550
Brake horsepower rating - 148
Hopper capacity - over 4 cubic yards
V-8 engine.
Delivery date approximately 3 to 4 weeks.
Net price F.O.B. Stillwater, Minnesota
Used street sweeper.
Make - Guttersnipe
Model - H
Six cylinder engine.
For street sweeper
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen it was decided
to defer action on the bids at this time and consider same at a special meeting
on May 12, 1959 at 7:30 P.M. (The bids were referred to Councilman Jewell and
the City Engineer for further study with instructions to present their findings
at the May 12th meeting.)
This was the night set to open bids on police uniforms. Tiro bide were received.
Both were opened but only one was read because the bid submitted by the Hicks
Tailor Shop, 225 East Chestnut Street, Stillwater, Minnesota, was not accompanied
by either a certified check, bid bond or cash so the clerk was instructed to
reseal said bid. The other bid was read as follows.
Wesaner, Inc.
30 South Sixth Street
Minneapolis 2, Minnesota
Bid No. I
Custom tailored.
Uniform coat and trousers
Extra trousers
Cap and extra cap cover
Total per uniform
Eight uniforms total
$ 76.5o
Bid No. II
Made to measure.
Uniform coat and trousers $ 69.90
Extra trousers 19.95
Cap and extra cap cover 7.50
Total per uniform 97.35
Eight uniforms total 778.00
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell it was decided
to accept the bid submitted by Wessner, Inc. for eight custom tailored uni-
forms at a total cost of y844.0C and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized
and directed to enter into a contract covering same.
The Building Inspector reported that he had contacted Mr. Ritzer in regard to
complaint received from R. M. Deragisch about heavy trucks and other equipment
parked near property owned by Mr. Deragisch and that Mr. Ritzer had informed
him that he was in the process of acquiring land for the purpose of storing
said equipment. The Euilding Inspector stated that the equipment in question
is presently parked on Gity streets.
The City Engineer reported that he had made an investigation in connection with
the request from Fred Kalinoff to establish a new street through block 24, Carli
and Schulenburg's Addition to Stillwater. He stated that in his opinion the
request was reasonable and that a satisfactory street could be constructed in
the area involved.
The City Engineer stated that he was not prepared to present a report at this
time in connection with a petition presented to the Council at a previous
meeting requesting some action on the part of the City to change the present
driveway leading to the Beaudet Apartments. Said driveway is in the City limits
and the apartment building is located in Oak Park Township.
The bids for construction of a diving float for Lily Lake Beach were again
reviewed and after some discussion on motion of Councilman Simpson seconded
by Counctlman Tennant it was decided to accept the bid submitted by the Moulton
Irrigation Company for a complete job at a price of $2,763.00 and the Mayor and
City Clerk were authorized and directed to enter into a contract covering same.
Councilman Charlsen
1. He suggested that the Council consider the matter of remodeling the Court
Room and Council Chamber. He then presented plans and stated that said
plans were drawn by Mayor Madsen. On motion of Councilman Charlsen
seconded by Councilman Jewell the plans, as presented, were approved and
the Clerk was directed to advertise for bids on remodeling of the Court
Room and Council Chamber. Bids returnable May 21, 1989 at 4a30 P.M.
Councilman Jewell
1. Suggested that the Council consider reducing insurance covering the new
street lighting system from $80,000.00 to y$45,000.00. On motion of Council-
man Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson the City Clerk was directed to
order a reduction in the insurance coverage as suggested by Councilman
Jewell. (00,000.00 to $45,000.00)
2. Stated that it would cost about $60.00 to construct a base and install
light standard on same. Total cost including standard and luminare about
$600.00. He also stated that the board of trustees of Trinity Lutheran
Church have indicated that they are willing to pay part.of the cost.
(Light to be installed north of approach to fire station on North Third
Street.) The Clerk was directed to order a light standard and luminare
from the Linner Electric Company complete with bolts to fasten the standard
to the concrete base.
3. He stated that the county has purchased a portable machine to mix tarvia
known as a hot mix and suggested that the City Engineer contact the County
Engineer and inquire about purchasing hot mix from the County for use on
city streets.
Councilman Simpson
1. He read a copy of a letter addressed to Band Parents of School District
No. 834 which read in part as follows: "For a number of years the City of
Stillwater has financed part of the summer program along with the summer
concerts. Now the Council feels that because up to 40 percent of the stu-
dents involved in the summer instrumental program do not come from the City
of Stillwater they can no longer work under the agreement which dates back
some nine or ten years. This is certainly understandable since the day
time instructional program is a s:hool district program". Councilman Simpson
suggested that the Clerk contact Mr. Campbell, Superintendent of School
District 834 and explain the City's position in regard to this matter.
2. He suggested that the City enter into separate contracts for fire protection
covering various buildings outside the City limits such as the Ammerman
Plant, New Oak Park School, Stillwater Clinic and Olson Transfer Company.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson it was de-
cided to authorize Councilman Simpson to negotiate with any firm or school
district for said separate contracts within _nehalf mile outside the pre-
sent City limits providing such property has a water supply furnished by
the City of Stillwater and that said property has a valuation of not less
than $75,000.00. Councilman Charlsen voted no on this matter. All con-
tracts for fire protection will require Council approval before becoming
effective. (All property mentioned is presently covered under contract
with the township forfire protection.)
Mayor Madsen
plans for
gasolineted that the Pure filling station niNorthpSecondsStreet north oftheLowellpresent
He Inn
and that the company has inquired about leasing property near the proposed
station which property is owned by the City for parking purposes. The
Mayor referred this matter to Councilman Charlsen for investigation and
report at the next regular meeting of the Council.
2. He stated that the Banister Engineering Company has contacted the State
and Federal authorities and requested additional time to prepare and pre-
sent plans for the proposed sewage treatment facilities and that said re-
quest was granted by both agencies. (New date fixed for presenting said
plans is July 15, 1959.)
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Charlsen endorsement to
insurance policy number 26463, issued by the Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance
Company, .increasing coverage on the following city buildings and contents against
loss by fire (extended coverage) was approved and ordered filed. City Hall in-
creased from $34,000.00 to 435,000.00. Contents, City Hall increased from
45,000.00 to 10,000.00. Fire Department increased from 448,000.00 to 450,000.00.
Library increased from 350,000.00 to 452,000.00. On motion of Councilman Charlsen
seconded by Councilman Tennant insurance policy number 1-34-59-55, issued by
the Great American Insurance Company of New York, covering street lights in the
business district against various perils but excluding loss to glass was approved
and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell insurance policy
number AC12-165, issued by the Wabash Fire and Casualty Insurance Company of
Indianapolis, Indiana, covering the 1953 Reo Civil Defense rescue truck in the
following amounts. Bodily injury liability, 450,000.00 each person. 44100,000.00
each accident. Property damage liability 45,000.00 each accident was approved
and ordered filed.
The Clerk reported that he did contact Mr. James Frawley, Chairman of the Board
of St. Joseph Township, Wisconsin, about entering into a contract with the
City for rural fire service and that Mr. Frawley informed him that the property
valuations set up in said contract by the -City was too high and that the town
board will not sign a contract until some adjustment is made in the valuations.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the surety
bond, issued by the National Surety Corporation, covering Ray C. Grove in con-
nection with a drain layers license was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell a Drain Layers
License was granted to Ray C. Grove for the period from May 1, 1959 to May 1,
The City Engineer presented plans and specifications and estimate of cost to
lay sewers in North First Street between East Sycamore and East Balsam Streets
and East Balsam Street between North First and North Second Streets. He esti-
mated that the project would cost about 319,000.00. This figure would not cover
labor to accordingtothe the estimate ite but uld wouldcruneabouti315.00 perthe nch lineal foot. sewer pipe and
Mayor Madsen appointed the following to serve as members of a planning commission
and on motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the appoint-
ments were confirmed. Sherman S. Crane, I. A. Bergen, Arno Schwantes, James
Mulvey, Glenn Johnston, Richard Dewhurst, Robert D. Hagen, George V. Stennes,
Jack Hooley, Axel Brosell and W. G. Handevidt.
The matter of l meetings
the matter was hcarried oldig tover wo a to thegular C nexti regular meetiing ofnthe wCouncil discussed
9, 1959.
The Clerk reported that the County Board had takea action to close Ccunty offices
on Saturday effective June 6, 1959. After some discussion it was decided that
the Council should consider closing City offices on Saturday and that some action
would be taken in regard to this matter at a special meeting on May 12, 1959.
The Clerk reported that Mrs. Henry Van Meier has again requested that the street
lighting assessment against their property on Myrtle Street be cancelled because
all other property under homestead classification was exempt from said street
lighting assessments. No action was taken in regard to this matter.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Charlsen the Building
Inspector's Report covering activities during the month of April, 1959, was
approved and ordered filed.
Mr. Richard Olsen, of the Olsen Construction Company, appeared before the Council
and requested permission to store equipment on the old Jesse property located
on Olive Street now owned by the Olsen Construction Company. He explained that
if the request is granted plans are under way to construct a large building to
house said equipment. Part of the old buildings will be demolished. Mayor
Madsen informed Mr. Olsen that the matter will be turned over to the newly created
Planning Commission.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson the Clerk made
the first reading of an ordinance amending an ordinance for the purpose of pro-
moting health, safety, order, convenience and general welfare by regulating the
use of land, the location and use of buildings and the arrangement of build-
ings on lots and the density of population in the City of Stillwater, Minnesota.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the Clerk made
the second reading of an ordinance establishing a public park and dedicating
the same to the use of the people of Stillwater. (No. 365) The ordinance was
read section by section and on roll call all members voted inthe affirmative.
The Mayor then put the question "Shall this ordinance passer and on roll call
was unanimously adopted.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Authorizing payment for clerk hire in office of City Attorney.
3. Creating special planning commission.
4. In recognition of service of C. C. Ludwig to local government.
5. Approving plans, specifications and estimated cost for construction of
sewers in East Balsam Street between North First and North Second Streets
and North First Street between East Sycamore and East Balsam Streets.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Charlsen meeting ad-
journed at 11:40 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
May 12, 1959 7:30 P.M.
From Phillippi Equipment Company, 2360 Highway 100 at Cedar Lake Road, Minneapolis
16, Minnesota, in which they state that they have been appointed as representa-
tive for the Danline Street Sweeper Broom. In the event one of the Wayne Sweepers
is purchased by the City, in order to introduce this item, they would be pleased
to install one of these Danline steel bristle brooms on the Wayne machine to
replace the standard broom at no extra charge to the City.
From John B. Friedrich, President of the League of Minnesota Municipalities,
stating that Mr. C. C. Ludwig, Executive Secretary of the League of Minn-
esota Municipalities, will retire in June of this year and it has been sug-
gested that Mr. Ludwig should be honored at the annual league banquet at Inter-
national Falls on Thursday, June 18th by presenting him with resolutions from
the several municipalities commending him for his services together with a gift.
This was the night set for the hearing on the petition signed by Frederick P.
Kalinoff and Louise Kalinoff to vacate parts of East Sycamore Street and North
Broadway. No one appeared before the Council objecting to the vacation of the
streets mentioned in the petition.
This was the night set to act on bids for a new or used power driven street
sweeper. Said bids were opened and read at the regular meeting of the Council
on May 5, 1959 and carried over to this meeting. On motion of Councilman Jewell
seconded by Councilman Tennant it was decided to accept the bid submitted by
the Public Works Equipment Company, Inc., 786 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minn-
Make - Elgin
Model - White Wing
Brake horsepower rating - 138 at 3600 r.p.m.
Hopper capacity - 3 cubic yards plus.
Six cylinder engine.
Net price F.O.B. Stillwater $8,620.00
$40.00 was deducted from the net bid because
standard color white paint was accepted by the City.
The following optional items were also purchased.
Danline Main Broom and core in place of standard
fibre broom and core 220.00
Extra set gutter broom segments, not filled 36.60
Total price delivered $8,836.60
The Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and directed to enter into a contract
covering purchase of said street sweeper.
0n motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the City Clerk
was directed to advertise for bids on a new automobile for use in the Police
Department. It was decided to advertise for bids on a two door type automobile
and also on a 2 door station wagon typo automobile. Said bids to be returnable
on June 9, 1959, at 7:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant, Jack L. Myers
was appointed a volunteer fireman. Said appointment was recommended by the
Fire Chief.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant insurance policy
number 27328, issued by the Volunteer Firemen's Benefit Association of Minn-
esota, covering Jack L. Myers was approved and ordered filed in the office of
the Fire Chief.
Mr. John McDonough, Judge of the Probate Court, appeared before the Council and
suggested that the Council consider authorizing Chief of police Law to attend
a school on police matters and juvenile problems at the Center for Continuation
on the University of Minnesota Campus for a period of 10 weeks beginning on
June 15, 1959. He stated that the tuition will be paid by the Ford Foundation
and that Mr. R. E. Slaughter, of this City, has agreed to pay travel expenses
and meals during the 10 week course. He also stated that the Chief would attend
classes every day Monday through Friday. On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded
policenwork8and hjuvenile problemso,fp ovidingahePolice wsacarries onuthorized this o tduties tend classes as Chief
of police during
the 10 week period the
twill t be obligated
to Pay any exPnses inconneciowithsidcoueof instructions.
Mr. John Bjugan appeared before the Council and stated that he plans on building
a house on West Hancock Street in Ritzer's Addition and requested that the City
maintain said Hancock Street if and when -same is graded and graveled by Mr.
wRitzer. (The ith obtainingragF.st H.was made A. Loan)beonnse it motionis one of the of CouncilmanrJewellments in secondedaby�ction
Councilman Simpson the City Clerk was directed to write a letter and forward
same to Mr. Klapp, of the First National Bank, to the effect that after West
Hasocbynthe kCity Engineers and gravel appliedned by Mr. Ritzer i said n cstreet will ordance hthen destablishedes
Street is be maintained
by the City.
Mr. Stennes, Chairman of the newly created Planning Commission, appeared be-
fore the Council and gave a brief report on action taken at the first meeting
of said commission. He stated that the commission members have decided not
to take action on any specific matters brought before the commission at this
time. He felt that the group should work on a long term overall planning pro-
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Vacating parts of East Sycamore Street and North Broadway.
2. Accepting conveyance of land and dedicating same for use as a public
street. (Block 24 of Carli and Schulenburg's Addition.)
3. Fixing hours of City offices. (Offices of the City Clerk, City Treasurer,
Clerk of the Municipal Court and the Assessor.)
4. Authorizing conveyance of real and personal property. (Lakeview Memorial
Hospital to the Lakeview Memorial Hospital Association,Inc.)
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson meeting ad-
journed at 10:30 P.M.
�� r
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
May 21, 1959 4:30 P.M.
From Banister Engineering Company, calling the Council's attention to a problem
which has arisen in connection with the proposed interceptor sewer line along
the river front on property now under lease to the Stillwater St. Croix Barge
Terminal Company. (Manholes on interceptor sewer) On motion of Councilman
Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson the matter was referred to the City Engi-
From the City Attorney which read in part as follows: "The question has arisen
as to what, if any, authority the new created planning commission may have to
incur expenses incidental to its work. M.S.A. 471.26 - 471.33 enables munici-
palities to engage in planning activities and in connection therewith to appoint
a commission of citizens to act in an advisory capacity. Authority to engage
in such activities would imply authority to incur expenses necessary or inci-
dental thereto. However, such authority in the absence of contrary legal pro-
nouncement is vested in the City Council and not the planning commission. Con-
sequently, the planning commission has no authority to contract or to incur ob-
ligations binding upon the City".
The following bids were opened and read aloud on remodeling the Council Chambers
and Court Room.
1. Lawrence W. Liner
Stillwater, Minnesota
Remodeling of the Court Room and Council Chambers on the second
floor of the City Hall. Furnish all material and labor according
to plans and specifications, the sum of S4,195.00
2. George W. Olsen Construction Company, Inc.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Remodeling of Court Room and Council Chambers on the second
floor of the City Hall as per plans prepared by Mr. Andrew
Madsen for the sum of $3,941.00
The above does not include any painting of old work except
as noted on plans. No masonry work, no electrical or
plumbing work.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell it was decided
to defer action on the bids until June 9, 1959.
After some discussion it was decided to take no further action in regard to
a letter addressed to Band Parents and signed by Mr. Campbell, Superintendent
of School District No. 834. A copy of this letter was read at a previous Council
meeting and the City Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Campbell and explain
the City's position with reference to summer band concerts financed by the City
for the past several years. (Clerk did contact Mr. Campbell in regard to this
At a previous meeting of the Council it was decided to reduce the insurance
covering the new street lighting system in the downtown area from 080,000.00
to 045,000.00. The Clerk reported that upon investigation it was found that
the present policy is written on a co-insurance basis. Therefore provides
a favorable rate or premium. The premium on 080,000.00 coverage amounts to
$17 40 (co-insurance) per year. Premium on 04 ,000.00 coverage would amount
to 0281.21 (not co-insurance) per year. On motion of Councilman Jewell
seconded by Councilman Tennant it was decided to rescind the action taken at
a previous meeting and continue to carry coverage in the amount of 8P,000.00.
The City Engineer presented a list which contained names of persons who have
cess pools on their property from which the run off or overflow is directed
into ravines and city streets. He explained that said list w111 be turned
over to the local health officer and 1f no action is taken he will then refer
the matter to the State Board of Health.
Mr. Lloyd Johnson appeared before the Council representing the Veterans of
Foreign Wars and stated that the organization is in the process of purchasing
a building in the downtown area for club room purposes and inquired if the
Council would issue an On Sale Liquor Club License in the event the Club com-
pietas the transaction in connection with said building. On motion of Council-
man Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson it was decided an On Sale Liquor
Club License would be granted if and when the Veterans of Foreign Wars present
a formal application and bond and subject to the approval of the Liquor Control
Councilman Charlsen stated that the various municipalities surrounding
Stillwater are unable to contact our base radio station since the antenna
has been moved from Wllkin Street to West Olive Street. He suggested that
the Council authorize an expenditure of about $15.00 to $25.00 which is
the estimated cost to engage an electrical engineer to check the transmitter
and determine what is needed to improve reception in outlying areas.
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Tennant meeting ad-
journed at 6:15 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota June 9, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson minutes of the
following meetings were approved.
Regular meeting May 5, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Special meeting May 12, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Special meeting May 21, 1959
4:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell "On" and "off"
Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses were granted to Ed Knefelkamp, 1101 North Owens Street,
on the second reading of the applications.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson "Off" Sale 3.2
Beer Licenses were granted to the following on the second reading of the appli-
Fred F. Thompson
Arnold Deno
Arthur A. Nelson
1001E North Fourth Street
215 North William Street
920 West Olive Street
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen a Pop Corn Wagon
License was granted to Louis P. Zeuli, City streets, for the period from July
5, 1959 to July 5, 196o.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson two Music Ma-
chine Licenses were granted to the Huffman Novelty Company, 1903 Stillwater
Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Machines located at Rocco's Pizza, 308 South
Main Street and Cavern Cafe, South Main Street.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Jewell Cigarette Licenses
were granted to the following.
Ernest A. Marlow, 315 East Chestnut Street for the period from January 1,
1959 to January 1, 1960, $"12.00
Richard Albertson, Northside Drive Inn. Period from May 1, 1959 to January
1, 196o, $8.00.
Muller Boat Works, river front. Period from May 1, 1959 to January 1, 1960,
Dale C. Mattison, Lakeview Memorial Hospital. Period from May 1, 1959 to
January 1, 1960, $8.00.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Jewell a Soft Drink License
was granted to Richard W. Albertson, Northside Drive Inn.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson the Roller Skating
License issued to Edward A. Braun on November 5, 1958 was cancelled. Mr. Braun
no longer operates a roller rink at the Stillwater Armory. The license fee of
$25.00 was not collected. When this license was granted the Clerk was instructed
to hold same until further notice from the Council.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell "On" and "off"
Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses granted to Elmer Reier, 121E North Main Street, on the
5th day of May, 1959 were cancelled. (Mr. Reier requested that the licenses be
cancelled because he sold his place of business to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.)
From Mr. John F. Thoreen, President, Chamber of Commerce, addressed to Mr.
George Stennes, Chairman of the Stillwater Planning Commission, which read
as follows: "We have a planning committee, also a parking committee in the
Chamber of Commerce. These committees are anxious to cooperate with the
planning commission in any way they can. Because of the parking problem
the planning committee would like to request that immediate attention be
given to the parking problem and recommends that a professional be engaged
to make a survey of our facilities and to make recommendations as soon as
manpower tor
rworki on certain projects.
Please sion afeel y fifree tocalls
onit cold ue aadditional
Chamber at any time".
From the State of Minnesota, Water Pollution Control Commission, which read
in part as follows: "Pursuant to authorization of the Water Pollution Con-
trol Commission and in accordance with provisions of the State Water Pollu-
tion Control Act, plans recently submitted for sewage facilities in y.,ur
city are approved and permit for construction is granted". On motion of
Councilman Simpson and seconded by Councilman Jewell theletter was ordered
placed on file.
A petition signed by Walter Nelson, 806 South Greeley Street, requesting
permission to rough grade West Pine Street from South Greeley Street to
Borup Tennantt thesread. On motion matter was referredf tootheilman Jewell City Engineer.
by Council-
manA petition with four signatures requesting installation of sanitary sewer
in the West Linden and North Harriet Streets area was presented and on
motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the putter was
referred to the City Engineer.
A petition with seven signatures requesting that the Council take whatever
legal steps are necessary to provide a sewer extension along Sixth Avenue
South from Burlington Street to Orleans Street together with a one hundred
foot extension off Sixth Avenue South one hundred feet west on East Marsh
Street. On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the
matter was referred to the City Engineer for a report at the next meeting of
the Council.
A petition with four signatures requesting that the Council vacate a part of
East Juniper Street was presented. On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded
by Councilman Jewell the petition was ordered filed and the City Clerk was
directed to give notice by publication in the official paper of the City to
the effect that said petition has been filed. Said notice to be published
safter exeution of ewer andewater lines oinrthat portion ofeasements hthe l street l wtohbee 0vacmaintainity to
This was the night set for the hearing on the proposed work of constructing
a sewer in East Balsam Street between North First and North Second Streets and
North First Street between East Sycamore and East Balsam Streets. No one ap-
peared before the Council who was opposed,to proceeding with the construction
of said sewer. (Engineers estimate $22,3b2.41.)
DThis was the epartment. Theht set to open bids following proposalson a werenew opened automobile for the Police
1. Stillwater Motor Company
322 South Main Street
Stillwater, Minnesota
Item I.
1959 Chevrolet Biscayne, 2 door sedan
Model 1111 42,438.80
Total price
Trade in allowance on 1958 Ford 2 door 1,436.80
Net cost
Item II
1959 Chevrolet Brookwood, 2 door
station wagon, model 1115
Total price
Less trade in allowance on 1958 Ford 2 door
Net cost
Item III
Transfer of special police equipment
Delivery date 3 or 4 weeks from date of order.
2. Erickson Post Company
232 North Main Street
Stillwater, Minnesota
Item I
Custom 300, 2 door Ford
Total price
Trade in allowance on 1958 Ford 2 door
Net cost
Item II
2 door ranch wagon Ford
Total price
Trade in allowance on 1958 Ford 2 door
Net cost
Item III
Transfer of special police equipment, time and material.
Deliver date approximately 3 weeks from date of order.
3. Johnny Kaiser Motors, Inc.
Highway 212
Stillwater, Minnesota
Item I
2 door Plymouth
Total price
Trade in allowance on 1958 Ford 2 door
Net cost
Item II
Plymouth station wagon
Total price
Trade in allowance on 1958 Ford 2 door
Net cost
Item III
Transfer of special police equipment $ 19.20
Delivery date on or before June 30, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant the bids were
referred to Mayor Madsen and the Chief of Police with power to act.
Bids on remodeling the dourt room and council chamber which were opened and
read on May 21, 1959, were reviewed and on motion of Councilman Charlsen
seconded by Councilman Simpson it was decided to accept the bid submitted
by Lawrence Linner ($4,195.00) and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized
and directed to enter into a contr,ct covering said remodeling. (The
George W. Olsen bid was $3,941.00 but did not include necessary plumbing
as specified in the plans.)
$ 52.50
Councilman Charlsen
to have picaic
1. Inquired
the Legion BeachEtoiWashington Park. neer would geThe City Engineer astated bles o he
would have some of the men in the street crew move the tables as requested.
r use at
2. thegV.F ?.dtBeachhathat te r anncil estimatedder cost purchase
4750.00. steel
motionoff Council-
man Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant the matter was referred to
Councilman Charlsen with power to act.
3. Reported that members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars are not in favor of
changing the name of the Beach at Lily Lake and prefer to have it known
as the V.F.W. Beach.
(F. property west of the present abeach dsen hproperty ave aateLily • Lake,o about oacquiring
three or four hundred feet of shore line.
5, Reported atnddastatedc thatainaretkerhis opinion thehchargea isi too highpin viewof
for pop
the fact that the caretaker is receiving a regular salary from the City.
6. in needto trepairs.anMayoreMadsenplayground
suggestedi thattCouncilman Washington
handle this matter.
7. Suggested that the Council consider erecting a back -stop at Washington
Councilman Jewell
ze the
chase of a new lawn mower
1. usegint thet
tStreet Department. thOnimotion of Councilman for
Sugesedhat the Council Councilman Charlsen seconded
by Councilman Tennant the matter was referred to Councilman Jewell and the
City Engineer with power to act.
2. NorthtThirdaStreetwnear the lYouth iCenter. iHetstated othat eitaside street was decided
to change the location from the west side of said street because it would
ionalt xpensenofswirin.wiring.
The new light will be connected
to the
3. Stated that he had received a telephone call from Mr. George McFadden
relative to moving a street light which is located in front of the gas-
oline filling station on South Third Street known as the Mileage Service
Station. He stated that Mr. McFadden has plans for improving the area
and that the light would probably interfer with a driveway leading into
the station. He also stated that he had informed Mr. McFadden that he
would be liable for. any expense inconnection
cnnetion4with0)he moving of said
light. (Estimated cost of moving the
4• Broughtup for new street garage.
Stated that
owarrailableonproperty ownedbythCityoNorthSecond
Street. Mayor Madsen stated that he would be willing to make up plans for
the new garage if and when Councilman Jewell and the City Engineer decide
on the type of construction.
5. Stated that he has again received requests for new street lights in the
McKusick Lake area.
Councilman Simpson
1. has not re-
turned tot orkhatHd eenrytolillnesshandnthat it wase of the necessary mnecessaryto� hire another
man to replace him.
n hired in
he Fire
2. vacationhtime.e Het explained exra men v that e etwo regular tfiremen area on Department
during the same periods.
• 96
Councilmen Tennant
ll rope
1• Stated that the Beach which willtendtolng preventrtment bathing i accidents. ff an area at the V.F.W.
o hire an
2. Stated thatBeachi on week-endsbduee tos large tcrowds usingt the beach guard beacfacilities.
the Legion
3. Suggested that steps be taken to provide
of closing the road
leading to the V.F.W. Beach when life guar
4. Inquired
inf theaCityo ealthtOfficer
cesspools. responded to complaints filed by
Mayor Madsen
1. Stated that when water mains were laid to accommodate the
enAmmirmangrman Plant
the contractor did not repair the streets after digging
trenches. The City Engineer informed the Mayoorthatr ecwat he illtinsist that
the contractor fill the trenches and apply proper
ents in
with the
2. sewageeplantt and interceptor sewerss except aonmpropertyowned connection necesary by Diehl Jerome
anthat Concilante
alsostatedu thatmtheJCitylAttorney is preparingthewith thenecessary papers to
start condemnation proceedings on property owned by Mr. Robert Peters.
The secrtay of thereportede asrfollows: n"Regardingewly aGe Geod rge N.�OlseniConstructionyCopany. Thompson,
uPlaningednfor a0maximumoperiodmofnfive years. eAny trezoning c onforming use be l
of said property will be
deferred until a comprehensive overall plan of zoning has been developed. Re-
garding Stenseng and Fierke request for non -conforming use of property on North-
west corner of South Third and West Churchill Streets. Non -conforming use
denied until a further study has been made and a cocomprehensive overal all plathe
of zoning hasbeen developed. Regarding parking trailers now within
City limits. Grant permits to transient trailers on a 30 day basis. A further
recommendation will be made at a future date on existing
existinggbuilding. Request denied. s garage request or
denied. Buildings
d conform to
code". On motion of Couil-
man Charlsenzone
seconded lby tbuilding
within fire Councilman Jewell theOlsen-Construction Co pany was
granted a non -conforming permit for use of the existing north side of the build-
ing providing the main part of the building is demolished and a fence erected
around the property according to plans presented tothhe)Coupcmltlonsome
by Mr. Olsen. (Permit granted for a period of 5 year
other r
PlanninglCommission were approved aand n eordered well eenforcedecommendaticns of the
On motion lsen
the Building
Inspector'sfReporti covering activities seconded
activitiesduringC thec month ofwMay was approved
and ordered filed.
Mayor Madsen re -appointed Ernest L. Peaslee as a member of the Board of
Water Commissioners ananwas c offounc
d on motion of councilman Tennant seconded by Council-
man Charlsen his appointment
On motion of Cpublicmexaminero toseconded
audit and examineCouncilman
the accounts lt andwas
of engage the p
of the various city departments covering the year 1959.
On motion of by
insurance policiesi and endorsements seconded
Charlsen endorsementsweree approvedc and aorderedlfiledfollowing
Company covering contents in the City Hall in the amount of 4
1. Policy No. D970135 issued by the Equitable Fire and Marine Innsurance5,000.00.
(Additional coverage fire, lightning and extended coverage.)
2. Policy No. D970137 issued by the Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance covering rest rooms in Lowell Park in the amount of 43,000.00•
(Fire, lightning and extended coverage.) :he Hartford3. Endorsement to insurance policy number 410524004 issued by
Fire Insurance Company covering 1959 Dodge truck serial number MHD7-H02418.
Bodily injury liability 450,000.00 and ;100,000.00. Property damage
460,000.00 each accident.
4. Endorsement to insurance policy number 1A603745 issued by the Hartford
Fire Insurance Company covering 1959 Dodge truck serial number M8D-7-H02418.
Comprehensive and collision insurance.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Jewell the City Clerk
was authorized and directed to hire Mr. John Brown and Mr. Dale Johnson for
the purpose of making a complete survey covering the City in connection with
an ordinance providing for sewer rental charges.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Charlsen the City Clerk
was directed to advertise for bids on a new or used three ton air conditioner
for use in the court room and council chamber. Bids returnable on June 23rd
at 7:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson the Clerk made
the first reading of an ordinance establishing sewer rental rates and regula-
tions for the collection thereof.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Charlsen the Clerk made
the second reading of an ordinance amending an ordinance for the purpose of
promoting health, safety, order, convenience and general welfare by regulating
the use of land, the location and use of buildings and the arrangement of build-
ings on lots and the density of population in the City of Stillwater. The
ordinance was read section by section and on roll call all members of the
Council voted in the affirmative. The Chair then put the question "Shall this
ordinance pass?" and on roll call it was unanimously adopted.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Determining to proceed with the work of constructing a sewer in East
Balsam Street between North First and North Second Streets and North
First Street between East Sycamore and East Balsam Streets and directing
the City Cleric to advertise for bids.
3. Fixing compensation of bathing beach personnel for the 1959 season.
Approving plans and specifications for Sewer Improvement No. 1, 1959 and
directing the Clerk to advertise for bids. (Sewage disposal plant and
interceptor sewers)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell meeting adjourned
to June 23rd at 7:30 P.M. This meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota June 23, 1959
7s3G P.M.
Regular adjourned meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
From the State of Minnesota, Railroad and Warehouse Commission, in regard to
application of Railway Express Agency, Inc. for a certificate of public con-
venience and necessity as a regular route common carrier of express. (Order
No. 1513-7, Docket No. 569)
From Katharine and Henry Van Meier in regard to assessment in connection with
street lighting system in the business district which read in part as follows:
"Our request 1s that since the house is our homestead and two-thirds of it is
used as such, we feel It lair to ask the Council to exempt the two-thirds of
the assessment and that we pay the one-third which would correspond to the
office part of our house". On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Council-
man Simpson the Clerk was instructed to inform tne Van Meiere' that after an
assessment is certified to the County for collection with the -taxes the Council
has no authority to waive or adjust interest or principal.
tion of chapter 691,1Regular Session Laws of 1which 959 as follows: t tr "My fatter July
1, 1959, tne annual salary of the Judge of MunicipalaCourt indthis city is Jset
at $3,600.00 plus an annual salary of S500.00 for his services as Conciliation
Judge. The salary of the Special Judge of the Municipal Court from and after
said date is set at $25.00 per day". The Mayor suggested this matter be laid
over to the next regular meeting of the Council.
This was the night set to open bids on constructing a sewer in East Balsam
Street between North First and North Second Streets and North First Street
between East Sycamore and East Balsam Streets. The following proposals were
opened and read aloud.
Bid No. 1.
Gibson Brothers Construction Company
Bayport, Minnesota
Total amount of bid
Starting date July 6, 1959 and
completion date August 2d, 1959.
Bid No. 2.
Moelter Construction Company
Oak Park, Minnesota
Total amount of bid
Starting date July 1, 1959 and
completion date August 15, 1959.
99 •
Bid No. 3.
James D. Wolff Construction Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
Total amount of bid
Starting date on or before 20 days.
r-^ Completion date September 15, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the City Eng-
anerewasunnat instructed
ednto2tabuh late: the 30 P.M.ids and report his findings at a meeting
This was the night set to open bids on a new or used three ton air conditioner
be installed in the court room and council chamber. The following proposals
were opened and read aloud.
Bid No. 1.
R. G. Stocker and Son, Inc.
Osceola, Wisconsin
Complete installation per specifications for the sum of $1,135.00•
Bid No. 2.
A. R. Schwantes Company
,-� Stillwater. Minnesota 00
Install complete per specifications for the sum of $1,1 47'
son the
asCinstructedJtoe analyze and tabulatelthenbids pBuilding
and report
findings at a council meeting to be held on June 24, 1959 at 403o P.M.
The City Engineer reported that he has taken levels and lines in connection
with the request for sewer extensions in Sixth Avenue South and surrounding
area and that a core sample will be taken to determine the soil condition in
the area.
Councilman Charlsen
1. He reported that a steel slide has been ordered and will be installed
at the Y.P.W. Beach. '.
2. lie reported tbat some of Mis windows in the City owned house on North
Fourth Street nave been broken.
d at the
ch to
3. VHe ugested that a ate or chain .FeW.gBeach which could be closed bwhentifeeguards are pnot aa on duty.
4. Reported that the bath houseatThisfigure Boschncouldcbedwbe interized at
an estimated cost of $354.4.
Councilman Jewell
rchased for use
1. He stated
the Street
Departmenttfor the purposet two newnof cutting mowers vgrass e ninnthe various parks ythrough'
out the City.
2. He gave a brief report on some of the meetings he attended at the League
of Minnesota Municipalities Convention held at International Falls.
3. Re suggested that the Council authorize purchase of a new level for the
Engineering Department. On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by
CityCouncilman Engineer
son ththe
rcwas referred to Councilman Jewell and the
Councilman Simpson
1. He reported that Henry Klindworth, one of the firemen, has decided to re-
tire due to i11 health and that he will be entitled to sick leave and va-
cation pay.
2. He inquired if picnic tables have been transferred from the Legion Beach
to Pioneer Park and the City Engineer informed him that the tables have
been moved to Pioneer Park.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant insurance policy
no. 122-1439M, issued by the Kansas City Fire and Marine Insurance Company,
covering one story, approved roof concrete block buildingoccupied as a bath
house and warming house situated on the south shore of Lily Lake against fire
and lightning and extended coverage in the amount of $8,000.00 was approved and
ordered filed.
The Clerk reported that he was served with a summons in the matter of William
H. Splittatoesser, plaintiff, and City of Stillwater, defendant, and that the
original summons was mailed to the Hartford Insurance Company, 15 South Ninth
Street, Minneapolis and that a copy was also mailed to the City Attorney.
(Copies mailed to City Attorney and Krog Agency on June 15, 1959, and original
summons and complaint mailed to Hartford Insurance Company upon request on June
23, 1959.)
The Clerk stated that some department heads are making purchases without first
obtaining an order from his office and that he would like authority to remind
all department heads that it is necessary to request a purchase order. The
Clerk explained that this procedure must be followed in order to control the
budget. The Council agreed that all department heads should conform to the
practice.outlined by the Council some time ago.
The Clerk presented a copy of a suggested form to be used in connection with
a survey for the purpose of determining the number of sewer connections in the
City. The Council members agreed that the suggested form would serve the pur-
pose and approved same.
The following proposals for installing new radiators in the court room and
council chamber were read. Bliss Plumbing and Heating Company, Stillwater,
Minnesota, agreed to install the necessary radiators for the sum of $352.00.
M. M. Peaslee Plumbing and Heating Company agreed to install necessary radia-
tors for the sum of $392.94. On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by
Councilman Simpson it was decided to engage the Bliss Plumbing and Heating
Company to install the necessary radiators in the court room and council
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant the City Clerk
was directed to publish the advertisement for bide on sewage treatment plant
and interceptor sewers as prepared by the Banister Engineering Company. The
Clerk stated that Mr. Banister of the Banister Engineering Company had called.
him and suggested that he remind the Council that easements have not been
obtained from Diehl Jerome, owner of Sunnyside Boat Works. These easements
are necessary in connection with the interceptor sewer lines crossing part
of the Jerome property.
Mr. George McFadden appeared before the Council and requested permission to
move a street light which is located in front of the Mileage Service Station
on South Third Street. He explained tnat the light will interfer with a
proposed improvement in the area. Councilman Jewell stated that he would
confer with officials from the Northern States Power Company and report at
a meeting of the Council on June 24, 1959 at 4:30 P.M.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Authorizing the City Engineer to request and obtain from the Minnesota
Department of Highways needed engineering and technical services during
the year 1959.
o motion of nCouncilman Chat14 3OaP.M. Tnid s meeting adjouCouncilman rnednat 10:00 P.M.
journed to June 24. 1959. ///+
Attests `
C1 ler
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota June 24, 1959
Regular adjourned meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -Councilman Simpson.
4:30 P.M.
The Council reviewed the bids on constructing a sewer in East Balsam Street
between North First and North Second Streets and North First Street between
East Sycamore and East Balsam Streets. Said bids were opened and read aloud
at the adjourned meeting on June 23, 1959, at 7:30 P.M. The City Engineer
stated that he had tabulated and analyzed the three bids and in his opinion
the bid submitted by the James D. Wolff Construction Company met specifications
and was the low bid. On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman
Jewell it was decided to accept the James D. Wolff Construction Company bid
and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and directed to enter into a con-
tract with the James D. Wolff Construction Company for the sum of $20,124.29.
The two bids on air conditioner for use in the court room and council chamber
which were opened and read aloud at the meeting on June 23, 1959, at 7:30 P.N.
were reviewed by the Council members and after considerable discussion it was
decided that a three ton unit would not be of sufficient capacity to cool said
room and on motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson it was
decided to reject botn bide and the City Clerk was directed to re -advertise
for bids on a new four ton air conditioner. Bids to be returnable on July 3,
1959, at 4:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell Mr. George
McFadden was authorized to have a street light moved at his own expense. Said
light is located on the west side of South Third Street in front of a gasoline
filling station known as "Mileage Service Station". Light to be moved under
direction and supervision -of the City Engineer.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant meeting
adjourned at 6:15 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota July 3, 1959 4:30 P.M.
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present+Councilmen Charlsen, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -Councilman Jewell.
useThibids on
s in tneng was court roomed for tne and councilurpose chamberfandethegfollowingabidsowweere opened r
and read' aloud.
Hid No. I
Earl H. Ayers Plumbing and Heating Company
1020 North Owen Street
Stillwater, Minnesota
Proposal - Bid 1 - Install air conditioning for council chambers, second floor.
Bid 2 - Install duct work for cooling four offices on second floor.
Bid 1 I propose to furnish end install the following:
2 - 2 ton Polar Pak self contained air conditioning units.
23,800 B.T.U. each. Installed in attic window on the north
side of City Hall with two discharge grills and two returns
in ceiling of council chambers. Thermostat to operate one
on low cooling both for high. A11 duct work to be insulated
with coated fiber glass one and one half pound density.
Tecumseh compressors. For the sum of $1,670.00.
Bid 2 I propose to furnish and install the following:
Cooling ducts to four offices on second floor to be controlled
by Minneapolis Honeywell dampers operated by separate switch.
Using ceiling defusers with seperate dampers. All duct work
to be insulated as above for the sum of $400.00.
Bid No. II
A. R. Schwantes Company
South Fourth and Highway 212
Stillwater, Minnesota
In accordance with your advertise nt for bids we herewith submit bid for supply-
ing and installing air conditionPbuipment to serve tne city council chambers
and to alernately serve adjoining offices in accordance with proposal two.
Proposal 1 - For the installation of one P48F York Air Conditioner,
complete as per advertisement for bids, we quote the
sum of $1,349.00
Proposal 2 - Using tne same machine as above under proposal 1 and
making the installation complete with insulated ducts
to the four adjoining offices plus an additional return
grill in the ceiling to servizethese spaces, we quote
the sum of $1,878.00. This figure includes a motorized
dampering arrangement so that by merely manually throwing
the switcn the cooling service is shut off from the
council chambers and diverted to the offices or vice -
versa as desired.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson it was decided
to accept the bid submitted by the A. R. Schwantes Company, proposal number
2 for the sum of 81,878.00 and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and
directed to enter into a contract with the A. R. Schwantes Company accordingly.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson meeting ad-
jouraed at 4:50 P.M. n
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota July 7, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson minutes of the
following meetings were approved.
Regular meeting June 9, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Regular adjourned meeting June 23, 1959 7:3O P.M.
Regular adjourned meeting June 24, 1959 4:30 P.M.
Special meeting July 3, 1959 4:30 P.M.
Application from John Hooley, doing business as Hooley's South Hill Market,
902 South Fourth Street for an "0ff" Sale 3.2 Beer License was presented but
on account of being in the residential district the application was automati-
cally carried over to the next regular meeting of the Council on August 11,
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell an "0n" Sale
Club Liquor License was granted to the Greeder Hinds Comfort Post No._323,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 124 North Main Street, at a pro -rated fee of *48.77
for the period from July 7, 1959, to January 1, 1960, total of 17d days. at the
rate of 27.40 cents per day. The bond issued by the Standard Accident Insur-
ance Corporation of Detroit, Michigan, in the amount of $3,000.00 was also
From C. C. Ludwig, Executive Secretary of the League of Minnesota Municipal-
ities, which read in part as follows: "Pleaseconvey to the Council, my thanks
for the resolution of commendation they.adopted and which, with many others,
was presented to me at the International Falls Convention when we announced
my pending retirement at the University and as League secretary".
From Moody and Springsted, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, fiscal agents engaged
by the City which read in part as follows: "We have examined the sewer rental
ordinance which the City Attorney has prepared. It has been most expertly done.
Your provision for the placing of delinquencies on taxes pursuant to the
authority of the statutes is an excellent one. Before the final adoption of
rates is made we suggest that it would be well to consider the possibility of
basing rates upon the water bill of the winter quarter. The more we think about
this the moro we favor it. This method would lend itselfmore readily to growth.
It is a recognized fact, exclusive of the addition of units, water consumption
in most communities continues to rise per capita. Thus, a sewer rental charge
based upon water consumption would keep pace automatically with increased water
usage. By contrast the rate method we have proposed now would produce more
income only by the addition of new units or by a revision of the rate ordinance.
In the light of the history of such things the later possibility is never a
strong probability. A further advantage of the water consumption basis is that
it is less likely to create controversies such as will arise when varying rates
are proposed for different categories of users. The big disadvantage of course,
of a water consumption basis, is the mechanics ofcomputation each year. In
order to avoid the arguments which are sure to come from people who use water
for gardens, sprinkling and etc. It would be beat if the rate were computed
each year on the basis of the winter quarter water use. This rate would then
continue for each quarter of the following year so it would only be necessary
to make the computations once annually. In the case of some of the users, par -
In therly pasthe wedairy idust, special have avoided proposing tnissmethod ofodeterm detebably have rmining rentalo be s had.
rates because of the clerical work Involved, In your situation, however, we
have now concluded that it is of such merit as to prompt us to reverse our
previous recommendations".
From A. C. Mills, Secretary of the Upper Mississippi Waterway Association, with
a statement of dues enclosed for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1959
in amount of $25.00. On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman
tinuent it was membershipe ined to the association in viewofthe tfacctt that Mr. Aiple wishes todowner
of the St. Croix Barge Terminal Company, is now a member and will be in a
position to represent the City.
From Searle R. Sandeen, Special Judge of Municipal Court, which read as follows:
"It is evident to me from the experience which I have now had acting as Municipal
Judge that tne duties of the Clerk are important and numerous. It is becoming
apparent that the court business is on the upswing. For tne Court to operate
efficiently, it must depend upon a capable clerk and staff. The present Municipal
Court Clerk is doing an exceptional job and it is my opinion that he should be
compensated for it. It is the courts recommendation that the salary of the
clerk be set at no less than $150.00 per month. Yourconsideration of this
-"' recommendation will be very much appreciated". The foregoing correspondence
was also approved by Judge Nolan on July 7, 1959.
From David Sevik, Commander, American Legion Post 0, which read as follows:
"Baseball season is with us again and American Legion Post 40 is again spon-
soring a team in the Junior Legion Baseball League. In past years the City
Council has appropriated $100.00 each
cseaa like son to p
monte ocarry the coach of
the on this project".
team. We hop, you will again appropriate
It was decided to table this matter until the next regular meeting of the Council
on August 11, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen the contract
between the Stillwater Motor Company and the City covering purchase of 1959
andvthe Mayorc and Citydoor
Clerk were authorizedel ,andnet
directedrice lto02.00 was sign sameapproved
Councilman Charlsen
rk and he
waterdthat and toilet efacilitiesewould soon bes ave ben moved to s available ain the Park oarea.
2. Reported that the new slide for use at Lily Lake Beach has been delivered
and would be erected within a few days.
3. He stated that no further recommendation LilyhLake ved cHeo nection
with a gate across the street leading Breceachh vedareaperHe.
that some people from St. Paul have been destroying
4. Reported that remodeling of the court room and council chamber 1s coming
r fins
meeting wf thee Council.
so the room could be
5. He stated that Mr. Kelm, caretaker atbPioneeer Park, hen requested that the
City furnish a cart to move large garbage
Councilman Jewell
sed the matter of
1. He stated
certat in property for usemet with Mr. hinJerome connectiondwitha the new sewage dis-
posal plant and interceptor sewer and that Mr. Jerome was concerned about
losing certain property because some of the shade trees in the area would
be destroyed. Councilman Jewell felt that Mr. Jerome would cooperate but
it probably would cost the City additional money to acquire said land due
to destruction
ofthis matter as
)tayor Madsen urged Councilman
2. tnepurposehousing
He preliminary
equipmentbuilding to be used for
Councilman Simpson
1. Stated that he and the fire chief attended a firemen association meeting
at White Bear and during said meeting there was some discussion about dis-
patching fire equipment outside city limits and according to the discussion
if fire equipment is dispatched outside the city limits on a mutual aid
basis the firemen would not be covered by compensation insurance. The
City Attorney stated that in nis opinion a telephone call for fire equip-
ment from another municipality constitutes a contract and firemen woula
be covered by compensation insurance.
2. Be reported that Mr. George Regis, city bandmaster, is on a three week
leave of absence due to illnessand summer band concerts willbe discon-
tinued during said leave.
3. Stated that Mr. Frawley, Chairman, Township Board of St. Joseph, Wisconsin,
has agreed to bring the matter of surfacing the road leading to the Legion
Beach in Wisconsin before said board in the near future.
Councilman Tennant
1. He inquired if the City could legally pay the cost of the new diving dock,
recently erected at the V.F.W. Beach Lily Lake, from moneys in the Park
Fund. Councilman Charlsen stated he did not question the legality of such
an expenditure from the Park Fund, but informed Councilman Tennant that
money in said fund has been earmarked for other improvements.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant the Building
Inspector's Report covering activities during the month of June, 1959, was
approved and ordered filed.
The Clerk reported that the sewer survey which was ordered by tne Council some
time ago is well under way. The first ward nas been completed and also part
of the second ward. (Purpose of the survey to determine number of sewer con-
nections in the City along with other necessary information.)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant the City Clerk
was directed to advertise for bids on stoker coal for the 1959-1960 heating
season. Bidereturnable August 11, 1959 at 7:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Charlsen report on Fire
Department operations from January 1, 1959 tc June 30, 1959 as prepared by the
Fire Chief was approved and ordered filed.
Some time ago the Council decided to close city offices on Saturday to fall
in line with county offices but the Council members felt the City Clerk's
office along with the City Assessor's office should remain open on Friday
evenings on a trial basis. At that -time the Clerk was instructed to keep a
detailed report on Friday night activity. The following report was read to
the Council.
June 5, 1959 6:40 P.M. Sold one dog license.
7:01 P.M. Call for the chief of police.
June 12, 1959 5:0 Sold one dog license.
6:50 P.M. Telephone call for assessor.
7:05 P.M. Sold one dog license.
7:45 P.M. Payment of traffic fine.
June 19, 1959 No activity
June 26, 1959 No activity
July 3, 1959 No activity
July 10, 1959 6:40 P.M. Party picked up legal form.
7:20 P.M. Party in regard to police radio.
July 17, 1959 7:30 P.M. Party in inquiring about court.
The Clerk reported that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deragisch are visiting In Stillwater
and that Mrs. Deragisch called his office and again complained about trucks
and equipment parked along city streets near property owned by them. Said
equipment owned by Mr. Ritzer, who resides at 919 Fifth Avenue South. The Chief
of Police stated that due to an existing ordinance vehicles can be parked on
city streets provided same are moved once in twenty four hours. Re also stated
that Mr. Ritzer had Informed him that he is in the process of acquiring property
i on which to construct a building to house the equipment in question.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the Clerk was
directed to advertise for bids on crushing gravel. Bids returnable on August
11, 1959 at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Otto Graffunder, County Civil Defense Director, Mr. Arthur Kleinschnitz,
City Civil Defense Director, and Mr. Nally Roffman, Assistant County Civil
Defense Director, appeared before the Council. Mr. Graffunder stated that due
to faulty equipment calla are not being received in outlying districts through-
out the county which have been served from the base station located in the
City Fire Station. Mr. Klelnschnitz stated, according to information he has
available, the base station is licensed for police calls only but receivers and
transmitters in the various vehicles owned by the City can be in operation pro-
viding calls do not go through the base station. Chief of Police Law stated
that Civil Defense activities sometimes interfer with police work and was also
of the opinion that the present license to operate the station does not cover
Civil Defense activities. After considerable discussion on motion of Council-
man Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the Clerk was directed to write letters
to the various municipalities throughout tne county which have been served in
-` the past from the base station located in the fire station to the effect that
coordinated service will be provided subject to making application to the Federal
Communications Commission and obtaining a license to use frequency assigned
to the City of Stillwater. (39.58 megacycles but for emergency use only.)
The Clerk was directed to write said letters after receiving an opinion from
the attorney general as to whether or not said outlying municipalities can pay
part of the cost of maintaining and operating the base station.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson the contract
between James D. Wolff Construction Company and tne City covering construction
of sewers in East Balsam Street and North First Street was approved and the
Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and directed to sign same.
+ On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant it was decided
to postpone the second reading of an ordinance "Establishing Sewer Rental Rates
and Regulations for the Collection Thereof". _
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
(Councilman Jewell was not present when the Mayor called the roll for the
adoption of resolutions no. 4 and 5.)
1. Resolution approving plans, specifications and estimate of cost for seal
coating certain streets within the City of Stillwater, Minnesota during
the year 1959 and fixing a time when the Council will meet to act in re-
lation to the doing of the proposed work and directing the City Clerk to
give notice of such meeting.
2. Approving plans, specifications and estimated cost for construction of
sewers in Sixth Avenue South from existing manhole, intersection Sixth
Avenue South, and East Burlington Street south a distance a 1040 feet.
Marsh Street, intersection of Sixth Avenue South, and East Marsh Street
150 feet west along the center line of East Marsh Street. East Burlington
Street existing manhole intersection Sixth Avenue Soutn and East
Burlington Street 150 feet east along the center line of East Burlington
3. Directing payment of bill. (Lawrence Linner, partial payment on contract
remodeling council cnamber and court room.)
4. Fixing salaries of Municipal Judge and Special Judge of Municipal Court.
5. Fixing salary of Clerk of Municipal Court.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant meeting ad-
journed to•Jtily 2d, 1959, at 2:30 P.M. This meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota July 2d, 1959
Regular adjourned meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Cbarlsen, Jewell, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -Councilman Simpson.
2:30 P.M.
Mayor Madsen announced that this was the day set for opening bids on construction
Project No. 1 - One sewage treatment plant.
Project No. 2 - Interceptor sewers consisting of approximately 6780 lineal feet
of interceptor sewer varying in size from la inch to 36 incn,
together with appurtenances, 8 diversion structures, 2 separate
force mains aggregating 3210 lineal feet, 630 lineal feet 36
Stich storm water diversion and appurtenances, and 150 lineal
feet 4 inch cast iron service.
Project No. 3 - Two sewage pumping stations.
The City Clerk read the advertisement for bids covering construction of the fore-
going projects. Mayor Madsen inquired if there was anyone present who was hold-
ing a bid and would like to submit same at this time. The Mayor being satisfied
that all bids of contractors desiring to submit same had been filed with the
Clerk, then instructed the Clerk to open and read all bids aloud. Thereupon
the Clerk read the following bids aloud:
Project No. 1 - Sewage Treatment Plant.
Bid No. 1
Barbarossa and Sons, Inc.
St. Cloud, Minnesota
B se Bid
Ono sewage treatment plant, complete
per plans and specifications for the
lump sum of $472,700.00
Equipment alternates
Bar screen andscreenings grinder. Link Belt add sum of $ 250.00
Jeffrey deduct sum of 500.00
Grit Collector and Elevator.
Jeffrey deduct sum of 1,000.00
Chain Belt deduct sum of 1,000.00
Flow Meter.
Sewage Pump.
Chicago Pump Co.
Sludge Pump.
Chicago Pump Co.
add sum of
add sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
add sum of
Settling Tank Mechanisms. 2 5U0.00
Link Belt deduct sum of
Walker add sum of 2,000.00
Jeffrey add sum of 1,500.00
Aeration Equipment in Grit Chamber. 2 OOO.UO
Walker add sum of ,
i $ 2,600.00
Digester Fp add sum of 2,600.00
Do Pacific
Flush Tank add sum of 700.00
CCarterliver deduct sum of
Sludge Heater. deduct sum of 400.00
Pacific Flush Tank deduct sum of
$15.00 cu. yd.
DrExcavation 2.00 cu. yd.
Wetyk Excaavavatitioon n 5.00 cu. yd.
WetaExcavation .30 lb.
Foot Iron Pipe, flanged (Il. or N.Jnia) 40.00 cu. yd.
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms) 50.00 cu. yd.
Weal Concrete (Incl. forms) 60.00 cu. yd.
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms) 70.00 cu. yd.
Sean Concrete (Intl. forms).ld lb.
d"Reinforcing aingl 9 50 lin. ft.
Well - 6" peng ia place 6.00 lin. ft.
6" open hole work
CStart ompleteorka(date)te) pMarch r1,�1959.1961.
Rid No. 2
Co., Inc.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Base Bid
ne - sewage treatment plant, complete
per plans and specifications for the
lump sum of
E ul meat alternatealevetor.
r o ec or a deduct sum of
Chain Belt Co.
Sewage Pump.
" CM deduct sum of
Aurora 3 MAX3 TY Chicago Pump Co. deduct sum of
Sludge Pump.
Chicago Pump Co.
Settling Talk Mechanisms.
B.iCarter Co.
Rock Excavation
Dry Excavation
Wet :w:cavation flanged or M.J.
Cast Iron Pipe,
Footing Concrete (Incl. forma)
Wall Concrete (Incl. forms)
Beam Concrete ncl. forms)
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms)
Reinforcing i
Well - 8" casing 6n place
" open bole
Start work (date) August 17, 1959.
Complete work (date) December 31, 1961.
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
$16.U0 cu. yd.
1.00 cu. yd.
6.U0 cu. yd.
.18 lb.
26.00 cu. yd.
42.00 cu. yd.
50.00 cu. yd.
42.00 cu. yd.
.3U lb.
7.75 lin. ft.
5.75 lin. ft.
Bid No.
Phelps -Drake Co., Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Baee Bid
tire - sewage treatment plant, complete
per plans and specifications for the
lump sum of
ui ment alternates
ar`acreen an screenings grind rum of
Link Belt
Jeffrey deduct sum of
Grit Collector and Elevator.
Chain Belt deduct sum of
Jeffrey deduct sum of
Flow Meter.
Sewage Pump.
ChicagAurora o3/4 Co. .P
Sludge Pump.
Chicago Pump Co.
Settling Tank Mechanisms.
Link Belt
ulPu po nC.n Grit
Digester Equipment.
R. B. Carter
Sludge Beater.
Rock Excavation
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe, flanged or M.J.
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Incl. forma)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms)
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms)
Reinforcing Steel .
Well - he casing in place
6'.' open holeStart 1959.
Complete rwork k a(date)pMarch 1.� 1961.
add sum of
add sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
add sum of
deduct sum of
add sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
add sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
$25.00 cu. yd.
.75 cu. yd.
5.00 cu.
.15 lb.
50.00 cu. yd.
60.00 cu. yd.
70.00 cu. yd.
65.00 cu. yd.
.15 lb.
9.50 lin. ft.
6.00 lin. ft.
Bid No. 4
Rowe and Alger Construction Co., Inc.
Bloomer, Wisconsin
Base Bid
nne- sewage treatment plant, complete
per plane and specifications for the
lump sum of
Equipment Alternates
tar Screen and Screenings Grinder.
Link Belt add sum of 260.00
Jeffery deduct sum of 400.00
Grit Collector and Elevator.
Walker Process deduct sum of 500.00
Jeffery deduct sum of 1,400.00
Sludge Pump.
Marlow add sum of 136.00
Chicago Pump deduct sum of 345.00
Settling Tank Mechanisms.
Link Belt deduct sum of 2,600.00
Jeffery deduct sum of 1,200.00
Aeration Equipment in Grit Chamber.
Chicago Pump deduct sum of 1,500.00
Digester Equipment.
Darr -Oliver add sum of 1,000.00
Pacific Flush Tank add sum of 1,638.00
Carter deduct sum of - 500.00
Sludge Beater.
Pacific Flush Tank deduct sum of 1,000.00
Carter add sum of
Hock Excavation (solid)
Rock Excavation (sandstone)
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe, flanged or R.J.
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Incl. forme)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms)
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms)
Reinforcing Steel
Well - 8" casing in place
6" open hole
Miscellaneous Concrete (50 cu. yd.) @
Start work (date) September 1, 1959.
Complete work (date) March 1, 1961.
$22.00 cu. yd.
3.50 cu. yd.
1.00 cu. yd.
1.50 cu. yd.
.30 lb.
5U.00 cm. yd.
60.00 cu. yd.
120.00 cu. yd.
45.15 lb. yd.
9.5u lin. ft.
6.00 lin. ft.
6o.00 cu. yd.
Bid based on: Square D Control Panel.
All permit fees except electric by Owner as per verbal notation
to us.
Bid No.
r ey Construction Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
base Bid
un"e = sewage treatment plant, complete
per plans and specifications for the �422,202.00
lump sum of
Equipment Alternates
bar Screen and Screenings Grinder.
Link Belt add sum of 259.00
Jeffory Mfg. deduct sum of 475.00
Grit Collector and Elevator. 27.U0
Walker deduct sum of tl 2.00
Chain Belt deduct sum of 1, 527.00
Jeffrey Mfg. deduct sum of
Sewage Pump. Aurora deduct sum of 231.00
Chicago Pump deduct sum of 57.00
Sludge Pump. Aurora add sum of 136.00
Chicago Pump deduct sum of 346.00
Settling Tank Mechanisms.
Link Belt
Jeffrey Mfg.
Rock Excavation
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe, flanged or M.J.
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Incl. forms)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms)
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms)
Reinforcing Steel
Well - 8" casing in place
6" open hole
Start work (date) September 1, 1959.
Complete work (date) November, 1960.
deduct sum of 2,658.00
deduct sum of 2,150.00
840.00 cu. yd. *see remarks.
2.00 cu. yd.
12.00 cu. yd.
.30 lb.
35.00 cu. yd.
52.00 cu. yd.
60.00 cu. yd.
75.UU cu. yd.
.16 lb.
9.50 lin. rt.
b.00 lin. ft.
Remarks: unit price B.00 cu. yd.
Sandrock excavation Jordan Formation
Bid No. 6
Steenberg Construction Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
Base Bid
ne - sewage treatment plant, complete per plans and
specifications for the lump sum of 3445,000.60
Equipment Alternates
Bar Screen and screenings Grinder.
Jeffery deduct sum of 500.00
Grit Collector and Elevator.
Chain Belt deduct sum of 500.00
Jeffery deduct sum of 1,100.00
Aeration Equipment in Grit Chamber.
Roots-Conerville deduct sum of 1,300.00
Sludge Beater.
Rock Excavation
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe, flanged or M.J.
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Incl. forma)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forma)
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms)
Reinforcing Steel
Well - 9" casing in place
6" open hole
Start work (date) August 15, 1959.
Complete work (date) December 1, 1960.
Bid No.
2. J. 41c ough Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
Base Bid
ne-sewage treatment plant, complete
per plane and specifications for the
lump sum of
Equipment Alternates
Rock Excavation
Dry fExoavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe, flanged or M.J.
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Incl. forma)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms)
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms)
Reinforcing Steel
Well - 8" casing in place
6" open hole
Start work (date) August l0, 1959.
Complete work (date) November 15, 1960.
512.00 cu. yd.
1.50 cu. yd.
6.00 cu. yd.
.52 lb.
I40.00 cu. yd.
SU.U0 cu. yd.
100.00 cu. yd.
60.00 cu. yd.
.15 lb.
9.50 lin. ft.
6.00 lin. ft.
$15.00 cu. yd.
1.00 cu. yd.
4.00 cu. yd.
.22 lb.
50.00 cu. yd.
65.00 cu. yd.
70.00 cu. yd.
70.00 cu. yd.
.15 lb.
9.50 lin. ft.
6.10 lin. ft.
Bid No. 8
Acton Construction Co.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Base Bid
per plans s andgwage tspecifications forreatment lant, the
lump sum of
Equipment Alternates
Grit Collector and h`levator.
Chain Belt deduct sum of
Walker deduct sum of
Sewage Pump.
Aurora KCM NonClog deduct sum of
Sludge Pump.
Chicago Pump deduct sum of
Settling Tank Mechanisms.
Link Belt deduct sum of
Aeration Equipment in Grit Chamber.
Chicago Pump Co. & Roots
Connerville deduct sum of
Digester Equipment. Carter deduct sum of
Sludge Heater.
Pacific Flush Tank
Dorr Oliver
Rock Excavation
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe, flanged or M.J.
Footing Concrete (Inca. forms
Wall Concrete (Incl. forme
Beam Concrete (Incl. forma
Slab concrete (Incl. forms
Reinforcing Steel
Well - 8" casing in place
6" open hole
State work (date) September 1, 1959.
Complete work (date) December 15, 1960.
Bid No. 9
Lynne Construction, Inc.
Blooming Prairie, Minnesota
Base Bid
n serage treatment plant, complete
per plans and specifications for the
lump sum of
Equipment Alternates
Grit Collector and 1{levator.
Chain Belt deduct sum of
Settling Tank Mechanisms Link Bell deduct sum of
Aeration Equipment in Grit Chamber
bet sum of
Chicago Pump
Sludge Heater P.F.T. deduct sum of
deduct sum of 1,070.00
deduct sum of 1,245.00
$ 1.00 cu. yd.
. 50 cu. yd.
4.00 cu. yd.
. 25 lb.
50.00 cu. yd.
80.00 cu. yd.
80.00 cu. yd.
80.00 cu. yd.
. 15 lb.
9.50 lin. ft.
6.00 lin. ft.
Rock Excavation
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe, flanged or N.J.
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Incl .forms)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms)
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms)
Reinforcing Steel
Well - 8" casing in place
6" open nole
Start work (date) September 1, 1959.
Complete work (date) eighteen months.
This bid is tied to Project No. 3.
Project No. 2 - interceptor Sewers.
Bid No. 1
eter. Lametti Construction Co.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Interceptor Sewer
1 each Diversion Structure No. 1 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 2 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 3 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 4 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 5 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 6 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 7 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 8 in place
1 each Special Structure "A" in place
1 each Special Structure "B" in place
1 each Special Structure "C" in place
1010 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place 0'-6' deep94@
inplace 6-8' deep
5ft.C®P. (CL. IV)
775 lin. ft. 36" R.C.F. (Cl. IV)
in place 8'-10'-deep @
350 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 10'-120 deep @
50 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 12'-14' deep @
20 lin. ft. 36" A.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 14'-16' deep @
40 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 16'-18'-deep @
75 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 8'-10' deep
$ d.
1.50 cu. yd.
8.00 cu. yd.
.25 lb.
60.00 cu. yd.
70.00 cu. yd.
80.00 cu. yd.
80.00 cu. yd.
.15 lb.
10.00 lin. ft.
8.00 lin. ft.
20.93-1 f.
$ 9,782.16
$ 20,755.5o
20 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 10'-12' deep @
20 lin.. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 12'-14' deep @
e p.(CL. V)in place 14'36'd@
30 36" -18'R.C.P.
de p'@(CL. V)
in place 16'
25 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. v)
in place 18'-20' deep @
70 lin. ft.
in place20'-22'Rdeep. (CL. V) @
in0 C.P. (CL. V)
n pace jacked
55 lin. in place 16'-i8'Rdeeep @(CL. IV)
247 lin. ft. 30" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place 14'-160 deep
535 lin. ft. 30" R.C.P. (CL. IY)
in place 16'-18! deep @
590 lin. ft. 27" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place 12'-141 deep @ 90 lin. ft. 27" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place 14'-16' deep 0
800 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place 8'-10' deep @ 645 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 10'-12! deep @ -
50 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (CL. Y)
in place 12'-14' deep @
6o lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place 141-16' deep 0-
100 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place 16!-18! deep @
40 lin. ft. 15" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place 14'-16' deep @
3100 lin. ft. 20"
Main avg. 7' ofcover�@ Force
48 lin. ft. 20" C.I.P. Force
Main jacked with encasing pipe @
7900 lbs. 20" C.I. fittings @
70 lin. ft. 18" C.I.P. Force
Main avg. 7' cover, including
conn. to existing M.H. @
550 lbs. 18" C.I. Fittings @
$ 23.56-1.r. $ 471.20
24.64-1.r. 492.80
26.16-1.r. 915.60
28.00-1.r. 840.00
30.27-i.f. 756.75
32.79-1.r. 2,295.30
142.19-1.r. 7,109.5o
29.83-1.r. 1,640.65
30.55-1.r. 7,545.85
34.78-1.f. 18,607.30
22.50-1.f. 13,275.00
25.22-1.f. 2,269.80
12.53-1.f. 10,024.00
13.49-1•2. 8,701.05
15.23-1.f. 761.50
17.15-1.f. 1,029.00
19.47-1.f. 1,947.00
22.30-1.f. 892.00
18.39-1.f. 57,009.00
95.48-1.f. 4,583.04
.28-1b. 2,212.00
17.37-1.f. 1,215.90
.27-1b. 148.50
(; 3elo-1•00
.r. ffi 465
150 lin. rt. 4" C.I.P. service 6 .34-155.00
50 lbs. 4" C.I. Fittings
1 Mechanically 1,00_l.r. 40.00
CompactedtBackkffill 6'-8' deep
20 lin. ft. Type I Mechanically
z.z5-Lre 45.00
Compacted Hearin12'-14' deep k. 37.50
Mechanically 2.50-1.T.
15 pane dt. Type 1 '_16' deep
Compac tad Rockall 14 100.00
Type 2 Mechanically 1.00-1.Y.
100 late ft. . 10
Compacted BackfikPill 8 ' deep - @
.60-1.f. 57.00
co95 lane ft. Type 3 Mechanically
Compacted BeckYill 6 ' 200.00-ea. 4.400.00
22 each Std. or Junction M.H.
e' deep in place 8 1,500.00
75 lindepfh S Std. M.N. in excess
17 each pressure frames & and (covers
ove s 340,U0
in lieu of standard F. manholes
to the price or standard
the sum of 5,U0
1 emah 12" Y.C.P. stubs in place 3p8.00 l.00-l:r. 55.00
in nnolea 5.60-1.r.
55 lin. Tt• street resurfacing
55 lin. ft. street surface removal @ 4,000.00
or0 staabilization6 d rock in place 4.00-e.y
" itrdn" gravel in y
500 cue yds. P 18,2000
place for stabilisation � 2.50-c•
15U0 cue yes• rock excavation (� 400,00
b200 cu.ackcillyds placeac ment
10 each tree removal .15-b.f. 300.00
20 b.f.m.n die. soover) 2 28.74
2000 sheeting left tGin place C $33 .5
for Sewer - sub -total
Interceptor 5,961.60
Storm Water DiversionP
n. . (Cl. III)
$ 1tl.63-1•Y• $
in place 6'-tl' deeP W 22.28-1.P. 4.344.60
195 lin. ft. tl361" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place 6 - 22.7tl-l.f. 1.252.90.
55 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place 8'-10' deep @l.f. 4,60e.45
65 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place jacked @ 72.13-0 1 r 220.00
c.B. leads in4.42place @ (Cl. III)
" R.C.P.
400 lin. ft. TypelMechanically
compacted backfill 6'-8' deep @
75 lin. ft. Type 3 Mechanically
compacted back1111 6'-8' deep @
4 each Standard M.A. 8' deep
in place @
1 each 6' diameter M.H. @
1 each 12" lead into existing
manhole @
2 each plug end of existing
lead @
2 each plug end of existing
36" 0
1 each std. catch basin incl.
frame and cover @
400 lin. ft. street surface
removal 4
400 lin. ft. street resurfacing @
Storm Water Diversion sub -total
Project No. 2 - total
Start work.. Date -tea specified)
Complete work. Date (as specified)
Remarks - none.
Bid No. 2
Berbarossa and Sons, Inc.
St. Cloud, Mihnesota
Interceptor Sewer
1 each Diversion Structure No. 1 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 2 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 3 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 4 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 5 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 6 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 7 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 8 in place
1 each Special Structure "A" in place
1 each Special Structure "B" in place
1 each Special Structure "C" in place
1010 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place 0'-6' deep @
945 lin. rt. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 6'-a' deep @
775 lin. rt. 36" H.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place 8'-10' deep @
$ 1.50-1.r. 60o.00
.50-1.f. 200.00
2.80-1.f. 1,120.00
$ 20,247.05
$ 20.00-1.f.
$ 7,200.00
350 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 10'-12' deep @
50 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 12'-14' deep @
20 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 14'-16' deep @
40 lin,.ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 16'-18' deep @
75 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 8'-l0' deep @
20 lin..ft..36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 10'-12' deep @
20 lin. ft. 36" A.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 12'-14' deep @
35 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 14'-16' deep S.
30 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 16'-18' deep @
25 lin. ft. 36" A.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 18'-20' deep@
70 lin,.ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 20'-22' deep @
50 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place jacked @
55 lin. ft. 33" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
In place 16'-18' deep @
247 lin. ft. 30" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place 14'-16' deep @
535 lin. ft. 30" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 16'-18' deep @
590 lin. ft. 27" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place 12'-14' deep @
90 lin. ft. 27" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 14'-16' deep @
800 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place d'-l0' deep @
645 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 10'-12' deep @
50 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 12'-14' deep @
60 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place 14'-16' deep @
100 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place 16'-18! deep @
40 lin. ft. 15"R.C.P. (Cl. Y)
in place 14 ' deep @
3100 lin. ft. 20" C.I.P. Force
Main avg. 7' of cover @
48 lin. ft. 20" C.I.P. Force.Main
jacked with encasing pipe @
$ 23.00-1.f. $ 8,050.00
25,00-1.f. 1,250.00
27.00-l.r. 540.00
29.00-1.f. 1,16o.00
24.00-1.f. 1,800.00
25.00-1.f. 500.00
27.00-1.f. 540.00
29.00-1.f. 1,015.00
31.00-1.f. 930.00
34.00-1.r. 850.00
36.00-1.f. 2,520.00
65.00-1.r. 3,250.00
28.00-1.f. 1,540.00
21.00-1.f. 5,187.00
23.00-1.f. 12,305.00
21.00-1.f. 12,390.00
23.00-1.f. 2,070.00
14.00-1.f. 11,200.00
16.00-i.r. 10,320.00
18.00-1.f. 900.00
21.00-1.f. 1,260.00
23.00-1.f. 2,300.00
20.00-1.f. 800.00
17.00-1.f. 52,700.00
50.00-1.f. 2,400.00
7900 lbs. 20" C.I. fittings @
70 lin. ft. 18" C.I.P. Force
Main avg. 7' cover, including
conn. to existing M.H. @
550 lbs. 18" C.I. Fittings @
150 lin. ft. 4" C.I.P. service
50 lbs. 4" C.I. Fittings @
Compac d0 lin.tBackkffill
20 lin.. ft. Type 1
Complacted Backfill
6'-8' deep @
12'-14' deep @
15 lin. ft. Type 1 Mechanically
Compacted Backfill 14'-16' deep @
100 tin. ft. Type 2 Mechanically
Compacted Backfill 8'-10' deep @
Compact dtBackfill mechanically'deep@
22 each Std. or Junction M.H.
8' deep in place @
75 lin. ft. Std. M.H. in excess
avg. depth @
17 each pressure frames and covers
in lieu of Standard F. & C. (add)
to the price of standard manholes
the sum of
1 each 12" V.C.P. stubs in place
in manholes @
55 lin. ft. street resurfacing @
55 lin. ft. street surface removal a
1000 cu. yds. crushed rock in place
for stabilization@
500 placeforstabi
lization ationre@vel in
1500 cu. yds. rock excavation @
200 cu. yds. replacement backfill
in place @
10 each tree removal
(6" in dia. or over) @
2000 b.f.m. sheeting left in place @
Interceptor Sewer - sub -total
$ .40-lb. $ 3,160.00
13.00-1.f. 910.00
.40-lb. 220.00
4.00-1.f. 600.00
.40-lb. 20.00
1.00-1.f. 40.00
2.00-1.f. 40.00
2.00-1.f. 30.00
1.00-1.f. 100.00
1.50-1.f. 142.50
250.00-ea. 5,500.00
30.00-1.f. 2,250.00
4.00-o.y. 4,000.00
2.50-c.y. 1,250.00
12.0u-c.y. 18,000.00
Storm Water Diversion
320 lin. ft. 3b" R.C.P. (Cl. III)
in place 6'-a' deep @ $ 13.00-1.f. $ 4,160.00
195 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (Cl. v) 16.Oo-l.r. 3,120.00
in place 6 -8 deep @
55 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place 8'-10'' deep @ 18.00-1.f. 990.00
65 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place jacked @ 60.00-1.f. 3,900.00
50 lin. ft. 12" A.C.P. (Cl. III)
C.B. leads in place @ 4•oo-l.f. 200.00
400 lin. ft. Type 1 Mechanically
Compacted Backfill 6'-8' deep @ .50-1.1'. 200.00
75 lin. ft. Type 3 Mechanically
Compacted Backfill 6'-8' deep @ 1.50-1.f. 112.50
4 each Standard M. H. 8'
deep in place @ 250.00-ea. 1,000.00
1 each 6' diameter M. H. @ 300.00-ea. 300.n0
1 each 12" lead into existing
Manhole @ 30.00-ea. 30.00
2 each plug end of existing lead @ 15.00-ea. 30.00
2 each plug end of existing 36" @ 20.00-ea. 40.00
1 each std. catch basin incl.
frame and cover @ 175.00-ea. 175.00
400 lin. ft. street surface removal @ 2.00-1.f. 800.00
400 lin. ft. street resurfacing B 3.00-1.f. 1,200.00
Storm Water Diversion sub -total $ 16,257.50
Project No. 2 - total $319,232.00
Start work. Date September 1, 1959.
Complete work. Date August 1, 1960.
Remarks - none.
Bid No.
tametti & Sons, Inc.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Interceptor Sewer
1 each Diversion Structure No. 1 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 2 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 3 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 4 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 5 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 6 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 7 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 8 in place
$ 11,250.00
1 each Special Structure "A" in place
1 each Special Structure "B" in place
1 each Special Structure "C" in place
1010 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
-- in place 0'-6' deep @
inplace 8
56t- lin. f3deep 36"R.C.P.(CL. IV)
775 lin. ft. 36" (Cl. IV) in
place 8'-10' deep @
350 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 10'-12' deep @
..,. 50 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 12'-14' deep @
20 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 14'-16' deep @
40 lin. rt. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 16'-18' deep @
75 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 8'-100 deep @ 20 lie. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 10'-12' deep @
in place 12'- R.C.P. 14'de @(CL. V)
in 1-16'Rde p@
'(CL. V)
30 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 16'-18' deep @ 25 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 18'-20' deep @
70 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 20'-22' deep @
50 lin. ft. 36"
C.P. (CL. V)
in placejacked @
55 lin. in ft. 33" IV)
place16'18'deep @
(Cl. IV)
14' 16t deep
inplace 16'535181 deep
P@ (CL. IV)
590 R.C.P.
(Cl. IV)
place 12'-14' deep@
in90 lin. place@ (Cl. IV)
800 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. IV)
in place 8'-10'-deep @
645 lin. rt. 18" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
1n place 10'-12' deep @
5U lin. et. 18" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 12'-14' deep 02
$ 5,500.00
$ 24.50-1.r. 24,745.00
25.00-l.r. 23,625.00
25.30-1.r. 19,607.50
26.0o-l.r. 9,100.00
27.8o-l.r. 1,390.00
29.00-1.f. 580.00
31.00-1.f. 1,240.00
27.95-1.f. 2,096.25
28.00-1.f. 560.00
30.00-1.f, 600.00
31.00-1.r. 1,085.00
33•oo-1.r. 990.00
35.6o-l.r. 890.00
37.50-1.f. 2,625.00
67.00-1.f. 3,350.00
31.00-1.f. 1,705.00
34.00-1.f. 8,398.00
36.00-1.f. 19,260.00
30.00-1.f. 17,700.00
32.00-1.f. 2,880.00
13.50-1.f. 10,800.00
14.50-1.r. 9,352.50
16.50-1.f. 825.00
60 lin. ft, 18" R.C.P. (CI. V) Fr
to place 14'-16' deep @ $ 18.00-1.f. $ 1,080.00 .V
100 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. V) C^.
in place 16'-18' deep 21.U0-l.r. 2,100.00 1•••1
4U lin. ft. 15" R.C.P. (Cl. V) 16.00-1.r. 640.00
in place 14 -16 deep @
3100 lin. ft. 20" C.I.P. Force 18.25-1.1'. 56,575.00
Main avg. 7 of cover @
40 lin. ft. 20" C.I.P. Force Main
jacked with encasing pipe @ 80.00-1.f. 3,840.00
7900 lbs. 20" C.I. fittings @ .30-lb. 4,370.00
70 lin. ft. 18" C.I.P. Force Main
avg. 7' cover,including cone. to existing M.H. @ 16.00-i.r. 1,120.00
550 lbs. 18" C.I. Fittings @ .30-lb. 165.00
150 lin. ft. 4" C.I.P. service 0 4.50-1.f. 675.00
50 lbs. 4" C.I. Fittings ® .30-1b. 15.00
40 lin. St. Type 1 Mechanically 60.00
Compacted Backfill 60-80 deep 0
20 lin. ft. Type 1 Mechanically
Compacted. Backfill 12'-14' deep @ 1.75-1.f, 35.00
15 lin. ft. Type 1 Mechanically
Compacted Beckfill 14'-16' deep @ 1.90-1.f. 28.50
100 lin. ft. Type 2 Mechanically 0-1.f. 90.00
Compacted Backfill 8 10 deep @ 9
95 lin. ft. Type 3 Mechanically
Compacted Backfill 6'-8' deep @ .50-1.f. 47.50
22 oath Std. or Junction M.H.
B deep in place 250.00-ea. 5,500.00
75 lin. ft. Std. MH. in excess avg. depth 20.00-1.f. 1,5U0.00
17 each pressure frames and covers - -
in lieu of Standard F. & C. (add)
to the price of standard manholes
the sum of 20.00-ea. 340.00
1 each 12" V.C.P. stubs in place
in manholes @ 5.00-ea. . 5.00
55 lin. ft. street resurfacing @ 1.75-1.f. 96.25.
55 lin. ft. street surface removal @ .25-1.f. 13.75
1000 cu. yds. crushed rock in
place for stabilization @ 7.00-c.y. 7,000.00
500 cu. yds. "pitrun" gravel in place
for stabilization @ . 2.00-c.y. 1,000.00
1500 cu. yds. rock excavation 0 7.50-0.y. 11,250.00
200 cu. yds. replacement backfill
in place 0 1.00-c.y.. 200.00
10 each tree removal
(6" in dia. or over) 0 20.00-ea. 200.00
2000 b.f.m. sheeting left in place 0 6100.00-b.f. $ 200.00
Iorreceedor Sewer - sub -total $360,759.75
Corrected figure (William Banister)
Storm W ter Diversion (C1. III)
n. i$ 17.00-1.f. $ 5,440.00
n place 6'-'8 deep
195 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (C1. V) zo.SU-l.f. 3,997.50
in place 6'-8' deep It
55 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (Cl. V) 21.00-1.f. 1,155•UO
in place 8'-10' deep 0
65 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (Cl. V) 67.00-1.f. 4.355.00
in place jacked
50 lin. ft. 12" R.C.P. (Cl. III) 6.25-1.f. 312.50
C.B. leads in place
400 lin. ft. Type 1 Mechanically 1.$U-l.f. 600.U0
Compacted Backfill 6'-8' deep
7$ lin. ft. Type 3 Mechanically .50-l.f. 37.50
Compacted Hackfill 6'-'8 deep 6
4 each Standard M.H. 200.00-ea. 800.00
' deep in place @ 225.00-ea. 225.00
1 each 6' diameter M.H.
1 each 12" lead into existing 50.00-ea. - 50.00
manhole 0-
2 each plug end or existing 5,00-ea. 10.00
2 each plug end of existing 20.00-ee.40.00
36" O
1 each std. catch basin incl. 150.00-ea. 150.00
frame and cover ® 100.00
400 lin. ft. street surface removal 1.7$-1•P. 700.00
400 lin. ft; street resurfacing f 17,982.50
Storm Water Diversion - sub -total $ 17,972.50
Corrected figure (William Banister) $ 17,2.0
Project No. 2 - total 378,732.75
Corrected figure (William Banister)
Start work. Date September 1, 1959.
Complete work. Date September 1, 1960.
Remarks - none.
Bid No•
o a Construction Co., Inc.
Alexandria, Minnesota
Interco for Sevier
esch Diverson Structure No. 1 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 2 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 3 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 4 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 5 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 6 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 7 in place
1 each Diversion Structure No. 8 in place
1 each Special Structure "A" in place
1 each Special Structure "B" in place
1 each Special Structure "C" in place
r-63deep@ R.C.F. (Cl. IV)
945 lin. ft. 36" A.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 6'-8' deep @
5lin. tlt0'deep
,pp}, (Cl. IV)
inplace -1
inplace 10'O12' de p@ R.C.P.
(CL. IY)
50 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. Iv)
in place 12 14'deep
20 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 14 deep
in place 16'-Rdeep�0 (CL. IV)
75 lin. ft.in 101 deep ® 6" R.C.P.
place 8'
in place 10'-12'de E.C.P.CL. V)
20 lin. ft. 36" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 12'-14' deep @
in place 14'A16'PdeepL@ V)
30 lin. ft. in place 16'36" R.C.P.
(CL. V)
25 lin. in placeft. 18'36" 20'AR.C.P.
(CL. V)
70 lin. ft.
n place20'
k50 lin. ft. 36" C.P. (CL. V)
in place jacked @
6-1Adeeep (CL. IV)
in place 1'8'@
$ 2$.00-1.f. 25,250.00
25.20-1.f. 23,014.00
25.50-1.f. 19,762.50
26.00-1.f. 9,100.00
27.00-1.f. 1,350.00
28.00-1.f. 560.00
30.00-1.f. 1,200.00
27.50-1.f. 2,062.50
28.00-1.f. 560.00
29.o0-1.f. 580.00
30.00-1.f. 1,050.00
32.00-1.f. 960.00
34.00-1.f. 850.00
37.00-1.f. 2,590.00
130.00-1.r. 6,500.00
29.00-1.r. 1,595.00
247 lin. ft. 30" R.C.P. (Cl. Iv)
in place 14'-16' deep
535 lin. ft. 30" R.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 16'-18' deep #
590 tin. ft. 27" A.C.F. (Cl. IV)
in place 12'-14' deep
90 lin. ft.27" R.C.P.
®(C1. IV)
in place 14076' deep
600 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. IY)
in place 8'-10'-deep M
645 lin. ft. 18" A.C.P. (CL. IV)
in place 10'-12' deep 0
50 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (CL. V)
in place 12'-14' deep
6o lin. rt. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place 14'-16' deep
100 lin. ft. 18" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
In place 16'-18' deep
40 lin. ft. 15" R.C.P. (Cl. V)
in place 14'-16' deep Ca
3100 lin. ft. 20" C.I.P. Force
Main avg. 7' of cover it
48 lin. ft. 20" C.I.P. Force Main
jacked with ehcasing pipe
7900 lbs. 20" C.I. fittings 0
70 lin. ft. 18" C.I.P. Force Main
avg. 71 cover, including conn.
to existing M.R. 0
550 lbs. 18" C.I. fittings 0
150 lin. ft. 4" C.I.P. service 0
50 lbs. 4" C.I. fittings
40 lin. ft. Type 1 Mechanically
Compacted Backrill 6'-8' deep
20 lin. ft. Type 1 Mechanically
Compacted Backfill 12'-14' deep 1
15 lin. ft. Type 1 Mechanically
Compacted Backrill 14 1ndeep 01
100 lin. ft. Type 2 Mechanically
Compacted Backrill 8'-10' deep 1
95 lin. ft. Type 3 Mechanically
Compacted Backrill 6'-8' deep 01
22 each Std. or Junction M.B.
8' deep in place 6
75 lin. ft. Std. M.R. in excess
avg. depth
17 each pressure frames and covers
in lieu of Standard F. & C. (add)
to the price of standard manholes
the sum of ti
$ 24.00-1.f.
$ 5,928.00
.40-1b. 3,160.00
15.00-1.f. 1,050.00
.40-lb. 220.00
6.00-1.r. 900.00
.40-1b. 20.00
2.00-1.f. 80.00
3.00-1.f. 60.00
3.50-1.f. 52.5o
2.00-1.f. 200.00
1.50-1.1. 142.50
250.00-ea. 5,500.00
25.00-1.f. 1,875.00
25.00-ea. 425.00
1 each 12" V.C.P. stubs in
place in manholes @
55 lin. ft. street resurfacing @
55 lin. ft. street surface removal @
100placcecu. foryds. crshed stabilirock in
500 cu. yds. "pitrun" gravel in
place for stabilization @
1500 cu. yds. rock excavation @
200 cu. yds. replacement backf111
in place b
10 each tree removal
(6" in dia. or over) @
2000 b.f.m. sheeting left in place @
Interceptor Sewer - sub -total
Storm Water DiverslonP (Cl. III)
0 n. t.
in place 6'-8' deep @
19nplace d, de
Rep 6t-36" epCel (Cl. V)
55 lin.
in ft.
10' deep @ 6" R.C.P.
(Cl. V)
65 lin. ft. 36"
C.P. (Cl. V)
in placejacked @
C.B.50 n. ft. leads inplace 2�@ (Cl. III)
400 11n. ft. Type 1 Mechanically
Compacted Backf111 6'-N' deep @
75 lin. ft. Type 3 Mechanically
Compacted Backf111 6'-8' deep @
4 each Standard M.N. 8'
deep in place 0
1 each 6' diameter M.N. 0
1 each 12" lead into existing Manhole@
2 each plug end of existing lead 0
2 each plug end of existing 36" @
1 each std. eatenbasin incl.
frame and cover 0
400 lin. ft. street surface removal .@
400 lin. ft. street, resurfacing 0
Storm Water Diversion - sub -total
Project No. 2 - total
Start work Date September 1, 1959.
Complete work. Date August 1, 1960.
Remarks: none.
$ 15.00-ea. $ 15.00
8.0o-1.f. 440.00
1.00-1.f. 55.00
5.00-c.y. 5,u00.00
2.00-c.y. 1,000.00
8.00-c.y. 12,000.00
2.00-c.y. 400.00
40.00-ea. 400.00
.10-b.f. 200.00
$ 15.00-l.f. $ 4,800.00
18.00-l.2. 3,510.00
19.00-1.f. 1,045.00
120.00-1.f. 7,800.00.
5.00-1.f. 250.00
2.00-1.f. 800.00
1.50-1.f. 112.50
250.00-ea. 1,000.00
550.0o-ee. 550.00
250.00-ea. 250.00
15.00-ea. 30.00
40.00-ea. 80.00,
150.00-ea. 150.00
1.00-1.f. 400.00
6.00-1.f. 3,200.00
$ 23.977.50
Project No. 3 - Sewage Pumping Stations
Bid No. 1
yooe construction,
One - Pumping Station (Nelson Street)
complete per plans and specifications
for the lump sum of
One - Pumping Station (South) complete
per plans and specifications for the
lump sum of
Total Project No. 3
Equipment Alternates
Sewage Pumps. Vertical Chicago Pump deduct sum of
Rock Excavation (solid rock
or boulders over 1 cu. yd.)
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe
-Footing Concrete (Intl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Incl. forms)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms)
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms)
Reinforcing Steel
Start work (date) September 1, 1959.
Complete work (date) 15 months.
$ 5.00 cu. yd.
1.50 cu. yd.
8.00 cu. yd.
.25 lb.
60.00 cu. yd.
(0.00 cu. yd.
80.00 cu. yd.
8040 cu. yd.
.15 lb.
$ 55,865.00
$ 2,000.00
We will not accept award of Project No. 3 without award of Project No. 1.
Bid No. 2
dough Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
One - Pumping Station (Nelson Street)
complete per plans and.apecificatione
for the lump sum of
One - Pumping Station (South) complete
per plans and specifications for the
lump sum oi'
Total - Project No. 3
Rock Excavation (solid rock
or boulders -over 1 cu. yds.)
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Intl. forms)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms)
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms)
Reinforcing Steel
Start work (date) August 10, 1959.
Complete work (date) August 31, 1960.
$20.00 cu. yd.
1.00 cu. yd.
4.00 cu. yd.
.22 lb.
50.00 cu. yd.
65.00 cu. yd.
70.00 cu. yd.
70.00 cu. yd.
.15 lb.
$ 71,000.00
$ 69,000.00
Bid No.
Steen erg Construction Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
One - Pumping Station (Nelson Street)
complete per plans and specifications
for the lump sum of
One - Pumping Station (South) complete
per plans and specifications for the
lump sum of
Total - Project No. 3
Equipment Alternates
Sewage Pumps, Vertical
Rock Excavation (solid rock $ 12.00 cu. yd.
or boulders over 1 cu. yd.) 2.00 cu. yd.
Dry Excavation 1.50 cu. yd.
Wet Excavation .52 lb.
Cast Iron Pipe 4U .52 lb. yd.
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms) 50.00 cu. yd.
Wall Concrete (Incl. forms) 100.00 cu. yd.
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms). c .00 u 00yd.
Slab Concrete (Incl. forma) .0015 cu.
Reinforcing Steel
State work (date) August 15, 1959.
Complete work (date) January 1, 1960.
$ 60,672.00
$ 60,672.00
deduct sum of $ 2,000.00
We will not accept Project No. 3 unless we are the low bidder on Project No. 1.
Bid No. 4
Nuriey Construction Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
One- Pumping Station (Nelson Street)
complete per plans and specifications $ 56,248.00
for the lump sum of
One - Pumping Station (South) complete
per plena and specificationsfor the $ 57,112.00
lump sum of
Total - Project No. 3 0113,360.00
Eouipment Alternates
Sewage Pumps, Vertical
Chicago Pump
Rock Excavation (solid rock
or boulders over 1 cu. yd.)
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Incl. forms)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms)
Slab Concrete (Inca. forms)
Reinforcing Steel
Start work (date) September 1, 1959.
Complete work (date) September 1, 1960.
deduct sum of 2,361.00
add sum of 1,387.00
$40.00 cu. yd. *see remarks
2.00 cu. yd.
12.00 cu. yd.
.30 lb.
35.00 cu. yd.
80.00 cu. yd.
75.00 cu. yd.
.16 lb.
Sand rock excavation, Jordan Formation unit price 0.00 cu. yd.
Rhd po.
Phelps -Drake Co., Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
One- Pumping Station (Nelson Street)
complete per plans and specifications $ 68,600.00
for the lump sum of
One - Pumping Station (South) complete
per plans and specifications for the 73 s700.00
1„mp sum or $11+2,300.00
Total - Project No. 3
Eculpme nAlternates
S5�,,ware Pumns. Vertical faros add sum of 1,200.00
Rock Excavation (solid rock
or boulders over 1 cu. yd.)
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Incl. forms)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms)
teteel (Incl. forms)
State work (date) September 1, 1959.
Complete work (date) November 1, 1960.
Bid No. 6
ametti & Sons, Inc.
St. Paul, Minnesota
One - Pumping Station (Nelson Street)
complete per plans and sp soniStreet
for the lump sum of
OOe - pumping Station
per plans and specifications
lump sum of
Total - Project No. 3
Rock Excavation (solid rock $ 7.50 cu. yd•
or boulders over 1 cu. yd.) 5.00 cu. yd.
Dry Excavation 15.00 cu. yd.
Wet Excavationb.
Cast Iron Pipe 60.30 .30 llb. yd.
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms) 80.00 cu. yd.
Wall Concrete (Incl. forms) 120.00 cu. yd.
Beam Concrete (Intl. forms) 120.00 cu. yd.
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms) .20 cu.
Reinforcing Steel
Start work (date) September 1, 1959.
Complete work (date) September 1, 1959.
This bid is tied to that of Project No. 2 (Interceptor Sewers).
$�5 75 cu. yd.
5.00 cu. yd.
.15 lb.
60.00 cu. yd.
70.00 cu. yd.
65.00 cu. yd.
.15 lb.
$ 76,000.00
$ 76,000.00
Bid No. 1-.:arbarossa and Sons, Inc. "SpSt. Cloud, Minnesota
One - Pumping Station (Nelson Street) ia
complete per plans and specifications 5UO.UO 60,
for the lump sum of =
One - Pumping Station (South) complete
per plans and specifications for the $
lump sum of 62,600.00
Total - Project No. 3 $123,100.00
Equipment Alternates
Sewage Pumps. Vertical
Aurora Pump Co. add sum of $ 1,500.00
Chicago Pump Co. add sum of - 5,000.00
Rock Excavation (solid rock
or boulders over 1 ou. yd.) $15•1.10 cu. yd.
Dry Excavation 2.00 cu. yd.
Wet Excavation 5.00 lb.cu. yd.
Cast Iron Pipe
Footing Concrete (Incl. forma) 4U.U0 ou. yd.
Wall Concrete (Incl. forms) 0.00 cu. yd.
Beam Concrete (Incl. forms) 6o.uo cu. yd.
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms) 70.00 cu.
lb. yd.
Reinforcing Steel
Start work (date) September 1, 1959.
Complete work (date) December 1, 1960.
Bid No. 8
ActonTqfairdastruction Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
One - Pumping Station (Nelson Street)
complete per plans and specifications
for the lump sum of
One - Pumping Station (South) complete
per plane and specifications for the
lump sum of
Total - Project No. 3
Equipment Alternates.
S xage Pumps, Vertical
Chicago Pump
Rock Excavation (solid rock
or boulders over 1 cu. yd.)
Dry Excavation
Wet Excavation
Cast Iron Pipe
Footing Concrete (Incl. forms)
Wall Concrete (Incl. forms)
Beam Concrete (Incl. forma)
Slab Concrete (Incl. forms)
Reinforcing Steel
Start work (date) September 1, 1959.
Complete work (date) September 1, 1960.
$ 65,123.00
$ 71,124.00
deduct sum of $ 2,361.00
$ 3.00 cu. yd.
.50 cu. yd.
4.00 cu. yd.
.25 lb.
50.00 cu. yd.
80.00 cu. yd.
80.00 cu. yd.
80.u0 cu. yd.
.15 lb.
Deduct $3,000.00 from Project No. 3 if awarded both Projects Nos. 1 and 3.
Burley Construction Minnesota Co.
St. Paul,
Sneering Company presented preliminary ply
an Banister of tne Banister Egg
and estimated cost to construct sewers in the following areas:
Aea A.
Louth of a line bounded by Ramsey and Olive Streets, South and e 00of Lily
Estimated cost including lift stations
Area B. Olive and Ramsey Streets, North of McKusick Lake.
reth of a line bounded by $126,325•00
Estimated cost including lift stations
Area C ;iInng trunk highway No. 96 North of McKusick Lake.
Estimated cost
Mr. Banister stated that he would present detailed plans, specifications and
estimated cost at the regular meeting of the Council on August 11, 1959, cover-
ing construction of sewers in Area A.
After considerable discussion the Council decided to adopt the following plan
in connection with sewer rental charges and the City Attorney was instructed
to prepare an ordinance and present same for second reading at the regular
meeting of the Council on August 11, 1959, at 7:3U P.M. (Said ordinance had
first reading on June 9, 1959.)
1. A11 quarterly billings.
100% of October, November, December water bills, four times annually.
2. A11 monthly billings.
100% of first $15.00 of water bill and 25% of excess.
3. Industries.
Subject to contract by agreement.
4. Outside City limits.
Subject to contract by agreement.
The Building Inspector was instructed to furnish information as to whether
or not Mr. Jesse Roberts, who resides outside the City limits, has made a con-
nection to the City sewer system.
1. Councilman Charlsen introduced Resolution No. 2097 and moved for its adoption.
The motion for the adoption was duly seconded by Councilman Jewell, (Res-
olution accepting bids for construction of sewer improvement No. 1-1959)
and upon vote being taken thereon the Councilmen present voted as follows.
Yes - Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
No - None.
Whereupon said resolution was declared duly carried and adopted.
2. Directing payment of bills (on roll call was unanimously adopted.)
On motion of Councilman. Charlsen seconded by Councilman Simpson meeting ad-
journed at 9:40 P.M.
Council Chamber Stillwater, Minnesota August 11, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present -Councilmen Charlsn, Jewell, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -Councilman Simpson.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Jewell minutes of the
following meetings were approved.
Regular meeting
July 7, 1959 7;30 P.M. Regular adjourned meeting July 2d, 1959 2:30 P.M.
3" Sale
n enwas gr nted to John Hooley doing ibusiness e ll an f
of Coucilman Tent seconded es Hooley's South
Hill Market, 902 South Fourth Street on the second reading of the application.
cilman Jewell a Cigarette i
was grantedf too
DouglasCuncilmanThompson,Tennants 700 South econded yMain nStreet (Thompson S away Mancehse
Restaurants) for the period from August 1, 1959 to January 1, 1960.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant an "Off" Sale
Liquor License was granted to Glenn Brekke at1226 69So,th Main
ainuStr et (fo0neruy-
Tennant Beverage) for the period from Aug surety bond
bythe NationalrSuretyfthe Co Corporation n ofuor nNe•lYorkminthe amountof$1,000 0 was
also approved. (Fee of $150.00 pro -rated as follow.; 153 days at 41.1 cents
per day for a total fee of $62.88.)
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded
n ntrenna font r the Cigarette
License was granted 1959 tto JanuaryGlenn e11,,e1960.
from August 1, 1959,,
From E.identialWtypembuildinggatttheocorner sofrWalnut iand ng pSouthsFourtn Streets.ion to build a
Building to be used to house offices of Washington County Abstract Company.
(Letter addressed to Charles Thbmpsoonn, EuildinguInsInspeo ctor)
The The actionlgnIn-
spector stated itst the planning
stated hpermits for at least 10 months. Councilman r non -conforming
and Tennant
stated that in view of the fact that recent requests for non -conforming permits
ider this request. (Mayor
Mhave ben denedade nestatedl theimattert wouldwouldnbebe ndeferred sistent tuntil s such time when all members
of the Council are present.)
From the Public Works Equipment Company, Inc. in reply to the Clerks letter
of July 21, 1959, regarding the financing of the new street sweeper recently
purchased. On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell
the matter was referred to the Mayor and the Clerk with power to act.
From C. olitan
sion in regardkto ordinance andDirector of ncodeTwin
regulating individual idual sewage disposal
From H. L. Foster, Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners, requesting
engineering assistance in connection with installation of 12 inch water Street
frohtcorner Olive and
Streets rtrf in Bk
to0khen runningeasteyinOakStreeto the corner oOak and Greeley.
Streets connecting to present d inch main. On motion of Councilman Jewell
seconded by Councilman Tennant the matter was referred to the City Engineer.
From the St. Croix Barge Terminal Company requesting approval to deviate from
the lease with the City by being able to submit an annual report and settlement.
(The lease provides that the lessee does covenant to pay rent installments on
the 15th days of January, April, July and October of each year.) On motion of
Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen the matter was referred to the
City Attorney with instructions to submit an opinion in regard to this matter
in the near future.
From the State of Minnesota, Commissioner of Highways, informing the Council
that a hearing will be held in room d15 at the Highway Department Building
on the 20tn day of August, 1959, at 10 o'clock A.M. on and in respect to the
modification and revision of the rules and regulations for County State Aid
highways and Municipal State Aid streets to be adopted pursuant to Minnesota
Laws 1959, Chapter 500. On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Council-
man Tennant the matter was referred to Councilman Jewell and the City Engineer.
From the State of Minnesota, Department of Health, approving plans for sewer
extension in East Balsam Street and North First Street totaling approximately
1,302 feet of 0 inen diameter pipe with the understanding that a contract for
construction of the intercepting sewer lift stations and sewage treatment plant
will be contract
tion of therded sewerefore or at extensions.the same time On motion of aCouncilmanis awarded for the construc-
tion seconded by
Councilman Jewell the letter was ordered filed.
A petition with 7 signatures was presented which read as follows: "We the
undersigned who are residents of the streets, Second and Third between Orleans
ity Council of
t dke immediaMarsh, do hcorrectiveereby tmeasuresion the C to eliminate the thazardous and unsightillwater, Minnesota, to
conditions existing at 1320 South Second Street. There is open 7 foot deep
basement left unguarded and weeds and grass have not been cut for 3 months
resulting ayor
Inspector too contact the aparty l or flowning - the Mproperty acomplained ted the i
and in-
form him to correct the condition immediately.
The following bids on stoker coal for the 1959-1960 heating season were opened
and read aloud.
Bid No. 1
John J. Kilty Company
Stillwater, Minnesota
Elkhorn 11 inch treated stoker screenings delivered in bin at the fire station
any time during the season at $16.15 a ton.
Bid No. 2
awrence W. Linner
Stillwater, Minnesota
Elkhorn 11 inch treated stoker screenings delivered in bin at the fire station
at any time during the season at $16.00 per ton.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell a contract was
helow bidder
Latowrence W. W.meinner and the Mayor and City
Clerk were thlowzbi
Northld was Branch,eceved onMinnes ta,gsaidravelbid was ng. That opened andas the bid read aloudfasmJager,
One follows:
Crushing, screening and loading City owned gravel in trucks, $.75 per cubic
yard. Stock piling gravel in City's pit, $.25 per cubic yard. On motion of
Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant the R. J. Jager bid,was
accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and directed to enter
into a contract covering same.
This was the night set for tne public hearing on the proposed work of con-
structing sewers in the following streets.
1. Sixth Avenue South from existing manhole at the intersection of Sixth Avenue
South and East Burlington Street for a distance of 1,040 feet south.
2. East Marsh Street from the intersection of Sixth Avenue South and East Marsh
Street for a distance of 150 feet went.
3. East Burlington Street from existing manhole at the intersection of Sixth
Avenue South and East Burlington Street for a distance of 150 feet east.
Mr. Edward Chatterton appeared before the Council and stated that he objected
to the doing of the proposed work because he would derive no benefit from said
improvement. He informed tne Council tnat his property is connected to a sewer
line at the present time and it the proposed sewer extension was approved he
would be required to pay an assessment based on 150 feet which abuts the street
in which the sewer extension would be installed. The City Engineer estimated
the cost of the proposed improvement at $7.33 per lineal foot for a total of
$17,101.97 covering the cost of the entire project. Mayor Madsen suggested
that this matter be deferred until the next meeting of the Council on August
25, 1959 at 7:30 P.M.
This was the night set for the public hearing on the proposed work of seal
coating the following streets. North Second Street between Mulberry and Wilkin
Streets, Nortn Second Street between Sycamore and Hazel Streets. South Fifth
ofrPine bStreet and 75 Churchill
centerline ofuth EastrLocust Street. feet nortHill
Street between South Broadway and Sixth Avenue. Sixth Avenue between Willard
en Myrtle
A petitiongwith ton S21 signatures oftreets. South iproperty owners xth Street eaffected was presented Willard Streets.
d presentedwhic
SecondsSfot wbetween WilkinnandSgned Sycamoreperty owners Streets are opposedpt ptheyNorth
seal coating of said North Second Street between 'Nilkin and Sycamore Streets
on the grounds tnat said Street is in good condition and does not require seal
coating". The City Engineer stated that due to digging of trenches by the
Northern States Power Company it probably will not be possible to seal coat
South Holcombe Street this year. He also gave the followings estimate tefoftcost
for seal coating the various streets. North Second Street,
South Fifth Street, $.40 per foot. Broadway and Sixth Avenue South, $.52 per
foot. South Sixth Street, $.40 per foot. South Holcombe Street, 4.42 per foot.
The matter of appropriating 4100.00 to Legion Post No. 48 for the purpose of
paying salary of baseball coach was again.discussed. The Clerk read an opinion
from the City Attorney in regard to this matter which read as follows: "Ap-
propriation authorized only if as a part of joint recreational program. Gift
or donation to assist another organization in operation of its recreational
program not authorized. M.S.A. 471.18".
The Clerk reported as follows on Friday night office activity. (4:30 P.M. to
8:00 P.M.)
July 4, 1959 Payment of Conciliation Court claim.
July 31, 1959 No activity.
August 7, 1959 No activity.
Councilman Charlsen
1. 100 feet of new hose was purchased for use at Pioneer Park.
2. A cart was purchased for the purpose of moving garbage containers at
Pioneer Park.
3. Stated tnat Ringer St. Croix Company no longer needs old Methodist Church
Building for warehouse purposes and that tne Salvation Army is interested
in renting said building. 4. Stated that the upstairs apartment in the old Methodist parsonage is vacant
but that at least 2 people have inquired about renting same.
Councilman Jewell
1. Stated tnat the City Engineer will aportion the cost of installing the new
Lstreet utneranight on North Church board andrd Street the Youthnear the Commissionuth haveenter agreede touse paythe partrofity
said cost.
2. Two new sewer grates will be ordered and will be installed on North Second
Street in the valley near the old prison site. Tne street will be modified
which in turn will eliminate posts in that area.
On Counci
ewell the
CitynandmtheCoucilan Charlsen Townshipaof St.dJoseph forlfi eJprotect ocontract for tne
period from December 31, 1958 to January 1, 1963 was approved and the Mayor
and City Clerk were authorized and directed to sign same.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen the resignation
of Jack Myers, a volunteer fireman, was accepted.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen, George E. Murphy
and Richard C. Anderson were appointed volunteer firemen. (Recommended by the
Fire Chief.)
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Charlsen the following
endorsements to insurance policies were approved and orderd filed.
1. serial
1. Endorsement to policy number 41052460k eliminating 1958police
nnumber umber AaPG1365b00 (liabilityddinsurance).
2 door police car, serial
2. Endorsement to policy number 1A603745 eliminating 1958 police car, serial
number A8PG136560 and adding 1959 Chevrolet 2 door police car, serial num-
ber A595261620 (comprehensive and collision).
3. Endorsement to policy number 122-14398 covering building, south shore of
Lily Lake (fire and E.C.E.) in tne amount of $8,000.00-80% co-insurance.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant tne insurance
policies issued by the Volunteer Firemen Benefit Association of Minnesota
covering the following volunteer firemen were approved and ordered filed in
the office of the Fire Chief. Policy number 27618, Richard C. Anderson. Policy
number 27671, George E. Murphy.
The Clerk reported that Mrs. Gordon Schuller, who resides at 309 West Moore
Street, has complained about weeds in a lot adjacent to her property. Mayor
Madsen referred this matter to the City Engineer.
Mr. George Welsh, District Highway Engineer, Mr. E. S. Veva, Assistant District
Engineer on State Aid, and Mr. E. J. Heinen, Assistant District Engineer on
Construction, appeared before the Council and presented plans which would tend
to partially solve the traffic problem in tne business district. The plan
presented show a new roadway which would begin just north of the barge terminal
with an overpass over present Highway 212. Then swing to the river and circle
a fill which would be built north of the barge terminal then continue north,
cros Nelson wes
side of Lowell Park,
nuts Street in an underpass treet and land proceednorthtbeyond Mulberry Point. crThe newoss
road would run east of the railroad tracks and join Highway 95 at Elm Street.
Mr. Welh es
parkings along pSouth Main Street.lained about the He statedtnOrn tthatoherhopedathdouble and triple
e power company
would cooperate and eliminate this hazardous condition.
or Madsenfsusuggestedr
that Mr. Welsh furnish the Council with a copy of
study. Mr. Welsh agreed to furnish said copy.
0n motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the Building
Inspector's Report covering activities during the montn of July, 1959, was
approved and ordered filed.
A request from Russell Lee for a non -conforming use of property permit located
at 324 East Hazel Street, formerly the site of Stenzel's Grocery Store, was
presented. Said request was signed by the Building Inspector. The request
was ng
med tht
belowc signedipersons,ahavelnoiobjection n"Please
to theerectionirandoperationwof the
drive-in restaurant at 324 East Hazel Street, Stillwater, Minnesota, formerly
the site of Stenzel's Grocery Store". 22 signatures affixed to said document.
Mayor Madsen suggested that this matter be7deferred to the next meeting of the
Council to be held on August 25, 1959, at
The Building Inspector presented plans and specifications for a new building
to be used for the purpose of nousing street department equipment. On motion
of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Charlsen the plans, as presented,
bwere aproved and ids onpconstruction eofisaid lbuilding, bids ireturnable zed and rontAugust ed to a25,rtise f 1959, at
7:30 P.M.
CouncilmanOn motion of
the Building
Inspector wasauthorized Jtoeby
purchase gastCouncilman l
estingequipmentatnan estimated
cost of $80.00.
Mr. William Banister of the Banister Engineering Company presented plans,
specifications and estimated costs to install a lift station and sewers in the
Lily Lake area. Estimated cost $65,000.00. (See resolution in regard to this
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the Clerk made
the first reading of an ordinance fixing and establishing sewer service charges
and providing for the collection thereof. (An ordinance
elfixiy in sewerfrentaince
charges had its first reading on June 9, 1959, but the
the ordinance has been completely revised it should again have a first reading.)
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
J 1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Appointing fireman. (Arnold G. Peltier)
▪ 3. East Balsaamm uNe
First oStreetiinctheaamountdoft$2,256.04.)e►ers
+ 4. Appointing Deputy City Clerk and Deputy City Treasurer. (Doris Kutz)
J 5. Determining
tpry Clerk the workf seal
aldcoating certain streets and
6. Appointing weed inspector. (City Engineer Ehlinger)
J 7. Relating to sewer extensions. (No extensions of sewer systems outside
City limits.)
J B. Appointing janitor. (Edward F. McKnight)
Approving plans,
ation. and
area) oste for constructing
sewers and
On motion of Councilman Charlsen secondedoby
ouncilman cl nanta�m0eeting P.M.)ad-
journed to August 25, 1959, /
City Clerk
Council Chamber 7:30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota August 25, 1959
Regular adjourned meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
From Roy F. Johnson, County Auditor, which read as follows: "On August the
Town,lfram Mrs1.rTorinud s. 1 remodeledntnent4hirdfeflt oor limmt ediatelyck and rentednal
out this apartment. Upon inquiry at the City Hall I found there were no re-
strictions for turning this house into a multiple dwelling and in fact, the third
floor had been used as servants quarters for a number of years prior to when This property was used as a multiple dwelling until September, 1948,
sold it to Mr. McAndrews, who used it as a multiple dwelling rest home. To the
best of my knowledge it has been used as a multiple dwelling rest home since
that time". TThe above letter
and isMr.
makingraorequestn who sfor
n aroenthe building tln uriig nB for
a non -conforming permit to construct an addition to said building.
From Mr. F. Robert Edman, Chairman of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Planning
Commission, in regard to public hearing on the commission budget for to year
M160. Said idway Y.M.0 nearing to be held
UniversitynAvenue, St. Paul,IDber 2, 9, at 1:30 P.M.
A petition with signatures of five property owners affected was presented which
read as follows: We, the undersigned, are property owners on Oak Street be-
tween Center and Sherburne who are not included in the new sewer system. We
request extension of proposed sewer system to serve our property". On motion
of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson the matter was referred to
the City Engineer.
This was the night set to open bids for furnishing the required commodities,
labor and services to apply a bituminous seal coat on certain streets in the
City. The Clerk reported that no bids have been received and on motion of
works ofmsealecoatingc the variusustreets until the spring ofded to defer the
This was the night set to open bids for general construction, plumbing and
painting of a truck storage building. The Clerk stated that no bids had been
treceved for contruction of said hati
ithe Councils
c nsider certain changes gin the plansi anng d specificationnspector suggested
connection with a new building to be used for the purpose of housing street
ationtandtongmotiontof Councilman Simpson seconded pbynC uncilman s for Couil i
euimen. He presented said modified Tennantthe
plans, as presented, were approved.
On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Tennant the City Clerk
was authorized and directed to advertise for bids on construction of a building
ato e used forgebbuilding.) tShe aidubidse tofbehousing
returnable ondepartment
September 8 u1959,tat 7:3U(Truck
The request from Russell Lee for a non -conforming permit to use property located
at 324 East Hazel Street for a drive-in restaurant was again considered. On
ried over touthelnextOregular meeting dofy the uC Council onwSeptember a8,ewasr calharlsen .-
The request from Edward Simonet for a non -conforming permit to construct a
residential type building on tne corner of Fourth and Walnut Streets was again
considered and on motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Jewell
the City Attorney was instructed to draw an amendment to the present zoning
ordinance which would classify the area involved from Residential to Commer-
cial District B and present said amendment for Council approval.
The request from the St. Croix Barge Terminal Company to deviate from the lease
between the City and said company by being able to submit an annual report and
settlement was again considered. The City Attorney ruled that parties to any
contract can change same by mutual agreement. On motion of Councilman Charlsen
seconded by Councilman Tennant the City Attorney was instructed to amend the
present lease to comply with the request of the St. Croix Barge Terminal Com-
pany and present said amendment to the Council for approval.
Mayor Madsen announced that the public hearing on the proposed work of construct-
"' ing^sewers in Sixth Avenue South, East Marsh Street and East Burlington Street
was continued until this evening and he inquired if there was anyone present
who objected to said proposed work. Mr. Onstad, representing the School Board
of District 334, appeared before the Council and explained that the board passed
on a motion to the effedt that tne sewer improvement would be of no particular
benefit to the school property now used as an athletic field. He stated that
when tne property is no longer needed for school purposes, said property would
probably be offered to the City for park purposes.
Councilman Charlsen
1. The old Methodist Church has been rented to the Salvation Army for store
purposes at 350.00 per month.
2. Hoped that the City will be able to acquire land west of present Lily Lake
Peach property which is now owned by Mr. Benson.
3. Suggested that some type of railing be installed on the ladder leading to
the top platform of the new slide at Lily Lake Beach.
Councilman Jewell
1. North First Street sewer project complete but no figures available at this
time on total cost.
2. Everett Street bridge repaired. Fence will be installed and painted.
3. A sign machine has been ordered. Said machine will be used to repair and
make new street signet.
Mayor Madsen
1. Reported that the Federal Government has taken exception to awarding a
contract to the Acton Construction Company covering construction of sewage
treatment plant. He stated that the federal agency has indicated that
federal funds will be withheld unless the Council awards a contract to:
the Lysne Construction Company or rejects the bids at this time and re -
advertise for new bids. (Projects 1 and 3)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the natural
gas rate schedule for general service and interruptable service as submitted
by the Northern States Power Company was ordered filed without consideration.
Mr. Iverson, owner of the Elm Nursing Home, located at 3[2 North Third Street,
appeared before the Council and requested a non -conforming permit to construct
an addition to the existing building. On motion of Councilman Simpson seconded
by Councilman Jewell the City Attorney was instructed to amend the present
zoning ordinance and classify the land on which said nursing home is located
Sem from Residential to Multiple Dwelling. On motion of Councilman Simpson
seconded by Councilman Charlsen a non -conforming permit was granted to Mr.
Iverson to construct an addition to the existing building at 322 North Third
Street subject to the approval of the State Fire Marshal and local fire mar-
Mr. il
re the
d a
ing permit tonconstructeargarageoon the eastcend and hisunewehouseoon Stillwater
Avenue. On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson this
matter was carried over to the next meeting of the Council on September 8, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson grades as laid
out by the City Engineer for Oak and Grove Streets were approved as presented.
(Details in City Engineer's office.)
Mr. Stenseng and Mr. Fierke appeared before tne Council and requested that the
Council take the necessary steps to rezone tne land lying west of South Third
Street and north of Churchill Street. Some time ago Mr. Stenseng and Mr. Fierke
requested a non -conforming permit to construct a gasoline filling station on
the corner of Third and Churchill Streets. On motion of Councilman Tennant
seconded by Councilman Simpson tne City Attorney was instructed to draw an
amened area
dment to tne present Residential to CommercialgB and present ordinance dsaidsamendmentsify the aforeCounciln
ize him to give
proposed ksewer erental ncharges at tne Oprior l touthe rsecond reading offanc notice ordinance fix-
ing said charges.
The Council discussed the matter of an ordinance fixing sewer rental charges
and on motion of Councilman Simpson seconded by Councilman Jewell it was de-
cided determineathe amounle t ofInc.
waterst useainstall
that awater
$3ntheir 900.00 private set as
a maximum sewer rental charge.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Appointing fire department captain. (John R. Zoller)
3. Fixing salaries of fire department lieutenants. (Paul Doerr and Russell
L. Bonse)
4. Directing Clerk to publish notice of hearing on proposed ordinance. (Sewer
rental -charges)
5. Determining to proceed with the work of constructing sewers and directing
the City Clerk to advertise for bids. (Sixth Avenue South, Marsh Street,
East Burlington Street)
6. Authorizing sewer repair. (419 South Second Street)
On motion of Councilman Cnarlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell meeting ad-
journed at 11:20 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special meeting.
Tile meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
HurleyrConstructiontCompanynandcMr. Nheinbergernrepresenting•the rLysofley neCon-
struction Company.
Mayor Madsen explained that the meeting was called for the purpose of discus-
ofnirecent nterceptor sewers, developments
se agebids
planconstruction He stated
thetFederalcGovernmentahaddtaken exception ntoathe at a warding thatus meeting but
to the ng of the contract
eovering Project Numbers 1 and 3. Acton Construction Company, Project No. 1,
Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., Project No. 2 and the Hurley Construction Company,
Project No. 3.
du -
• letter FederalaOffice Bl uilding, KansasmCity,fMissouri Ewas
re• ad.
"Dear Mayor Madsen:
This will acknowledge the letter of August 13, 1959, from your City Attorney,
James L. Douville, which states that the City of Stillwater received bids for
the construction of three separate projects in connection with its proposed
sewer ion Company, ford ProjectsNo.at 1;ctotracts were Barbarossa andrded to the Sons, Inc. Acton
2; a Companyj all ject No. 2; and to Hurley Construction Company for Project No. 3,
ject to approval by the Federal Government.
The application for Federal aid, as well as supporting documents and the
State priority certificate, included the three portions as one project.
predicated uponntheitotal projectof ter of submitted inant the0ffer of application0,000.00 was
This office has reviewed the bid tabulations. Under the terms of Assurance
"A" of the Offer and Acceptance, the City is obligated to award the contract
for work covered in the offer too be loowwestwresresponsible
eibidder. 7efintpret
the Lyme Construction Company i stations; and
struction of the sewage treatment plant and both pumping
Barbarossa and Sons, Inc.. to be the lowest responsible bidder for the inter-
ceptor sewers.
d 3 of
the projectoisL essi thanothe ncombination ofy's total of SActon ($401,n393 00) and Hurley
($110,999.00) for the same work.
If contracts for Parts 1 and 3 are to be awarded to the Acton Construucct n
Company and the Hurley Oonstruction,Company, respectively,..
provide to the,Public gealtrueService
copy of theaccactualeinvitationt to bidders and
posed action, including
published advertisement.
The City may at this timeawardcontracts
allfor bids,rts 1 readvertise for bid3 to the s, e
ColLanoter Company, With the award of contract to other than the lowest
hold another letting.
responsible bidder, the City would not be eligible under Federal law to
receive Federal aid.
It is our desire that the City be given opportunity to fully consider
fi is
matter and to present further information, if desired. Accordingly, e
action on your project will be withheld pending further advice from you.
August 27, 1959 4:3u P.M.
Mayor Madsen stated, in his opinion, the Federal Government.would have no ob-
jection to the awarding of a contract covering Project No. 2 to Barbarossa end
ton exInc. Maor Madsen asked M. press hisy
yopinion in regardrto recent rdevelopments.
.atMr. er fiBanisternsg any,
that he felt if the Council would reject all bids and re -advertise it probably
would cost the City more money to construct the interceptor sewer, lift stations
are rejectedc and newexperience
called fos r. MrtActon,eofs thelAc on Con-
struction higher
Company, stated that should the Council decide to award a contract
to the Lysne Construction Company, as suggested by the Federal Government, he
would be compelled to seek legal advice. Mr. James Douville, City Attorney,
informed the Council that he had furnished all pertinent authority tc the Fed-
eral Government in regard to bids and was of the opinion that the Federal.
Government will insist that a contract be awarded to the Lysne Construction
Company for Projects No. 1 and 2 or reject the bids for said projects and re -
advertise for new
nrcrequested the
allow additional
time for his companycfewith theirattorneybeforeakingfinalactln
the ds. Th
three whotawarded ect Lo the ap
pon rovofthe F deralGovernmennamely Acton Company,Hur yConstruction Company and Barbarossa and Sons agreed to a 15 day extension of
On motion of Councilman Ch1r959 pat cordedd by CounIt cilman
an Jewell this take final
adjournedactiton to Sbidsmfor 3,
treatment the plantatthat time.
uction of interceptor sewers, lift stations and
145 e
Council Chamber September 3, 1959
Stillwater, Minnesota
Adjourned meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
Mayor Madsen announced that the Council had agreed on August 27, 1959, to take
final action on the bids covering construction of interceptor sewer, lift sta-
tions and treatment plant at this time. Mayor Madsen inquired of the City
end Sons covin his ering construction oofthe CouncilProjeccould
N ld2, ard a interceptoract to sewers. TheCity
_-. GAttorney overnmentinformed
oHe statedMthat he nadureceivednawlette efromethele to the Federal. AgencyFederal
approving the awarding of a contract to Barbarossa and Sons covering Project
No. 2.
Councilman Charlsen introduced a resolution "Awarding A Contract To Barbarossa
and Sons, Inc. covering Project No. 2, Interceptor Sewer" and moved for its
adoption. The motion for adoption was duly seconded by Councilman Jewell and
upon vote being taken thereon, the Councilmen present voted as follows. Yes:
Five. No: None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly carriedCan At -
adopted. (Resolution not published on advice of City Attorney, y
torney was instructed to draw the resolution but he felt it was not necessary.
See resolution passed September 8, 1959.)
Mr. Robert Mowen, representing Acton Constructionon Compaw ny,thequ estiostionedat only
d the
legality of the Lysne Construction Company bid
one bid bond was submitted
hoprojects. Said bond was enclosed in
bid o
the envelope containingProject
. 1.
Mr. William Green, representing Hurley Construction Company, felt there was some
confusion in the Federal office at Kansas City, because legal opinions Were
being received from the engineering department. Be suggested that the City
tdirt a hat letter to
deparrttmentamightartment. approve the ted that there ioriginal a possibility
original lettings
Mr. John Rheinberger, representing the Lysne Construction Company, suggested
that the Council award the contract to the Lysne ConstructionnsctaCommpany aththiis
time. He felt it would save the taxpayers money.
wouldenot ben
bo netbynthemCityy because he, asoattorney n the sfor fMr. allitigation
start Lysne, would
defend the action.
Councilman Simpson introduced a resolution "Rescinding the Action Awarding A
Contract To Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. Covering Project No. 2, Interceptor
Sewer" and moved for its adoption. The motion for adoption was duly seconded
by Councilman Charlsen and upon votebeing taken thereon the Councilmen pre-
sent voted as follows: Yes: Five. No: None. Whereupon said resolution was
declared duly carried and adopted. (Resolution not published on advice of
City Attorney. The City Attorney was instructed to draw the resolution but
he felt it was not necessary. See resolution passed September 8, 1959.)
—Councilman Charlsen introduced' a resolution "Rejecting All Bids Submitted On
Projects Numbers 1, 2 and 3, Sewage Treatment Plant, Interceptor Sewer and
Lift Stations" and moved for its adoption. The motion for adoption was duly
seconded by Councilman Jewell and upon vote being taken thereon the Council-
men present voted as follows: Yes: Four. Not One. (Mayor Madsen) Whereupon
said resolution was declared duly carried and adopted. (Resolution not pub-
lished City
ted to draw said
resolutionabutc he felttitAwasrnotttoney�necessary.
.orSee resoluney was ti ncpassed September
8, 1959.)
4:30 P.M.
Councilman Simpson introduced a resolution "Directing The City Clerk To Re -
advertise For Bids On Sewage Treatment Plant, Interceptor Sewer And Lift.Sta-
tions" returnable October 6, 1959, at 2130 P.R. and moved for its adoption.
The motion for adoption was duly seconded by Councilman Tennant and upon vote
being taken thereon the Councilmen present voted as follows: Yes: Five. No:
None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly carried and adopted. (Res-
olution not published on advice of City Attorney. City Attorney was instructed
to draw said resolution but he felt it was not necessary. See resolution passed
September 8, 1959.)
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Jewell meeting adjourned
at 6:08 P.N.
Attest: / [ i..���.1(. .� {ASAJ
4 C
Ci y ler
beL.) s
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota September 8, 1959 7:30 P.Y.
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
On motion of Councilman Cherlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell minutes of the
following meetings were approved.
Regular meeting August 11, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Regular adjourned meeting August 25, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Special meeting August 27, 1959 4:30 P.M.
Special meeting September 3, 1959 4:30 P.Y.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Tennant a Soft Drink
License was granted to Thomas H. Curtis, 414 South Main Street, for the period
from September 1, 1959, to January 1, 1960.1i
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson the following
licenses were granted to the National Tea Company, Fourth and Myrtle Streets.
Cigarette License for the period from August 1, 1959, to January 1, 1960.
Soft Drink License for the period from August 1, 1959, to January 1, 1960.
From the National Tea Company, Fourth and Myrtle Streets, for an "Off" Sale
3.2 Beer License was presented but on account of being in the residential
district was automatically carried over to the next regular meeting of the
Council on October 6, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell an "0n"-
Sale 3.2 Beer License was granted to Robert Burger and Harold LaBore,.317
South Main Street, for the period from August 5, 1959, to August 5, 1900.
Applications from Ralph wilberg, 1112 Sixth Avenue South, for "On" and "off"
^^• Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses were presented but on account of being in the re-
sidential district were automatically carried over to the next regular
meeting of the Council on October 6, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell a Pool Table
License was granted to Orlie Moulton, 317 South Main Street, for the period
from September 1, 1959, to September 1, 1960. (8 tables at the rate of $5.00
per table. Total $40.00)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell a Junk :Dealers
License was granted to Leo Klein, 220 East Mulberry Street, for the period
from August 6, 1959, to August 6, 1960.
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson a Bowling Alley
License was granted to Robert Burger and Herold LaBore, 317 South Main Street,
for the period from September 7, 1959, to September 7, 1960. (8 alleys at the
rate of $10.00 for first alley and $5.00 for each additional alley for a total
of $45.00.)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell a Junk Dealers
License was granted to Lawrence Rumpf, 2007 Schulenburg Avenue, for the period
from October 4, 1959, to October 4, 1960.
From American Standard Industrial Division in regard to boiler at the fire
station. (Inspection)
From Independent School District No. 834 requesting that the Council give con-
sideration Str etothroughestablishing
to thegrades
seconded by Councilman Simpson this Matter was referred to the City Engineer.
From the League of Minnesota Municipalities in regard to regional meetings
beginning on September 14, 1959, and running through October 14, 1959. (Re-
gional meeting at North St. Paul on October 7, 1959.)
A petition with signatures of 60 property owners effected which read as fol-
lows was presented. "We, the following property owners, hereby petition the
City Council to have the sewer extensions made so as to service our homes.
In a number of instances our needs for sewers in this area are as great as
anywhere else in the City as the septic tanks are unable to handle the drain-
age". (Mckusick Lake area, Linden Street, Center Street, Meadow Lark Drive,
Echo Lane, Myrtle Street and others) On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded
by Councilman. Charlaen this matter was referred to the Banister Engineering
Company. Mr. Banister stated that he probably would have plans and specifi-
cations ready for Council consideration on October 6, 1959.
h read as
undersigned, ibeing all nowners ofsrealsestate wincthe immediate lvicinity eot preented of
Churchill Street between South Third Street and South Fourth Street in the
City of Stillwater oppose the proposed rezoning of all lands abutting Church-
ill between South Third Street and South Fourth Street together with the south-
east and southwest corners of the intersection of Churchill and South Fourth
Street from Residential to Commercial B use".
This was the night set for the public hearing on the proposed work of con-
structing a lift station and sewers in the following area and streets. Area
receiving benefit or potential benefit by construction of sewage lift station.
1. A11 that part of section 32T 30N R20 West lying within the corporate limits
of the City of Stillwater. .
2. All
the City limits on thecWest,alimitste City
that area within the thecenterline of Olive Street of aonrtheNorth, he center line
Section 29 T3ON B20W onof Street
the South. (Approximately the center toline of of
Willard Street extended.)
3. Block 19 of Holcombe's Second Addition to the City of Stillwater now North
Lily Lots. Block 18 except lots 1 to 9 thereof of Holcombe's Second Addi-
tion to the City of Stillwater.
4. That area within the corporate limits of the City of Stillwater bonded
East and rWillard Street onsthe PSouth ine teineptreet nlot e1 ontthe 0southwest wen tthe on Street on the corner
of Pine Street and Owen Street.
5. Block 1 except lot 1 on the southwest corner of Sherburne Street and Oak
Street, Fullerton's Addition.
6. Lots 3 to 6, inclusive, of Block 2 of Fullerton's Addition to the City of
7. Southwest } of Block 3 of Fullerton's Addition to the City of Stillwater
8. The South } of Block 1, 8 and 15 of McKinstry and Seeley's Addition to the
City of Stillwater.
9. Block 16 and 29 of MCKinstry and Seeley's Addition to the City of Stillwater.
Sewers in the following streets.
West Olive Street from South Oak Street to Center Street.
Oak Street from South Seeley Street to South Brick Street.
Oak Street from South Grove Street to Center Street.
Pine Street from South Oakes Street approximately 185 feet east of center of
Sherburne Street.
Private property on north side of Lily Lake from South Brick Street to
imately 150 feet east of center of South Grove Street (vacated).
South Greeley Street from West Olive Street to approximately 270 feet south
South Brick Street from Oak Street to approximately 2$9 feet south of center
of center of Oak Street.
of Pine Street.
Hemlock Street from Oak Street to Pine Street.
South Grove Street from approximately 150 feet north of center of Oak Street
No one appeared before the Council who was opposed to the doing of the proposedto Pine Street.ng force
main andblCiy Engineer ifttstation and heiestimated the mated the ttotal 3cost pof the tproject iat
$65,258.80. Mr. Banister stated that the project could be completed ino 0 house
This was the night set to open bids on construction of a new building
.-. the street department equipment. The following bids were opened and read aloud.
Star Construction Company
Totalwbid r$23,300.00a
Davis and Davis, Inc.
North St. Paul, Mi0n sota
Total bid $19,86.
George W. Olsen Construction Company, Inc.
StillTotal wbid rMinnesota
Carlone Construction Company
The St. Paul, Minnesota
ment for asdo
bid was op
(Cashiers eIIenot
senitdsaid tic
omply with the advertise -
ded by
Tennant it was
to accept the low bid On motion of easC submitted bynthe George Wdecided
W. Olen Construction Company
ed csonottra cr onstructionlofkbuildingttorihouse street ct
department equipment.
The Russell Lee request for a non -conforming permit to construct abuilding
at 32$ East Hazel Street and use same for a drive-in restaurant was again
sCity Attorney wasiinstructed c to draw eanlamendment l dtoyuthepresent zoningncilman n
ordinance which would classify thearea r reaminvolved to nvolvedttolbeo eterminede determinedl y. the City
Engineer and the Building
to consuct a garage
ontVigilhereastOs deeof nisunew house onnStillwatergAvenuetwas again considered.
The Building Inspector stated that Mr. Canfield could construct a garage. 18
feet in width.and comply with the Building Code. Mr. Canfield had requested
a permit to construct a garage 20 feet wide.
Mr. before
Barbarossa of
he hopedrbarossa the Council would rescindptheirdaction rejjeecting their
bid on Project No. 2, interceptor sewer because his company was the low bidder
son the projct and thattated thate the materialtfor he bthe id wproject had beenh
hpurchased and ias approved by te Federal f they are nt. also
not awarded a contract the company would stand to lose about $7,000.00.
t was
when callingcforaew bidsnonaProject Ned o Councilman1, sewage treat entiplant decided
Project No. 3, lift stations, the advertisement fds should specify that
a single contract will be awarded covering projects.
On moion of Councilan Tenant by
cilman Calse
it was de-
cidedtthat the Mayormshouldncontact thhedFederal nGovernmentrandnrequest an
extension of time covering grant in connection with sewage treatment works.
Councilman Simpson
1. New fire truck has been delivered and that said truck was tested and has
exceeded requirements as set forth by the fire underwriters. He stated
that there were some minor variations from the specifications but that
necessary adjustments will be made.
The Clerk presented report of public examiner on the financial affairs of the
City of Stillwater and Board of Water Commissioners. On motion of Councilman
Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the reports were accepted and ordered
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the following
insurance policies were approved and ordered filed.
1. Policy no. 1-34-59-64 issued by the Great American Insurance Company of
New York covering one story frame building (Schulenburg School) against
fire, lightning and extended coverage in the amount of $2,500.00.
2. Policy no. 1A606533 issued by the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hertford,
Connecticut, automobile physical damage policy. .(Comprehensive, fire,
lightning, transportation and theft)
3. Policy no. 970140 Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Providence,
Rhode Island, covering one story frame building occupied as band shell,
Pioneer Park against fire, lightning and extended coverage in the amount
of $6,000.00.
4. Policy no. 410525d16 Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, Hartford,
Connecticut. Comprehensive general automobile liability insurance.
Bodily injury liability automobile $50,000.00 each -person. $100,000.00
each accident. Bodily injury liability except automobile $50,000.00
each person. $100,000.00 each accident. Property damage liability,
automobile $50,000.00 each accident. Property damage liability except
automobile $50,000.00 each accident. $50,000.00 aggregate operations,
$50,000.00 aggregate protective and $50,000.00 aggregate contractual.
Mr. Veve, from the State Highway Department, appeared before the Council and
requested the passage of a resolution in connection with highway project on
South Main Street in regard to slope. (See resolution)
On motion of Councilman Jewell seconded by Councilman Simpson the City Attorney
was authorized and directed to request an opinion from the Attorney General
relative to non -conforming building permits in the City of Stillwater.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell the Clerk was
authorized and directed to sign an affidavit prepared by Mr. Albertson. Said
affidavit to be used in connection with application for disability pension.
(PIRA) Which application was made by Mr. James Hawkins who was formerly eme
ployed by the City.
On motion of Councilman Tennant seconded by Councilman Simpson the Clerk made
the first reading of an ordinance amending an ordinance for the purpose of pro-
moting health, safety, order, convenience and general welfare by regulating
the use of land, the location and use of buildings and the arrangement of build-
ings on lots and the density of population in the City of Stillwater, Minnesota:
The Clerk suggested that the ordinance fixing sewer rental charges be read for
Council approval but not to adopt same at this time. Then inform citizens,
by notice, of said charges in the official paper before the final reading on
October 6, 1959. (The ordinance was read and approved by the Council. Second
reading scheduled for October 6, 1959. This ordinance had its first reading
on August 11, 1959.)
151 •
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Authorizing refund of "Off" Sale Liquor License fee. (Betty Tennant)
3. Determining to proceed with the work of constructing a lift station,
sewers and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids. (Lily Lake
ly. In connection with highway project on South Main Street. (As requested
by the Bigjfway Department)
5. Councilman Jewell introduced the following resolution and moved :for its
adoption. A resolution providing for public sale of $700,000.00 sewage
-..,. mltit assof lscthe
going resouon wduly eonded by CouncilmanChaflenandupon vote
being taken thereon all members present voted in favor thereof. Whereupon
said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.
6. Rescinding action rejecting all bids on sewage treatment works. (This
resolution not drawn by City Attorney. See resolution no. 9..)
o. 2, interce-
7. Awatorrding contract sewers. (This tresolution o anot drawn a and sby CitynAttorney. g ProjecNSee resolution
no. 9.)
8. Rejecting bids on Project No. 1, sewage treatment plant and Project No.
3, lift stations and directing City Clerk to re -advertise for bids. (This
resolution not drawn by City Attorney. See, resolution no. 9-.)
9. Councilman Charlsen introduced the following resolution and moved for its
adoption. Resolution rejecting bids and directing Clerk to re -advertise
for bids on construction of Projects No. 1 and 3.of sewer improvement no.
1-1959. The motion for the adoption or the foregoing resolution was duly
being taken
present -voted oinefavor thereof. Whan Jewell and ereupon upoon n said resolution wasndeclaredll members
duly passed and adopted. (The City Attorney combined resolutions 6, 7 and
8 into one resolution listed here as no. 9.. Be felt it was not necessary
t'n to draw three separate resolutions regarding this matter.)
On motion of Councilman aChar30 nn.HI by t tin )adjourned
to September 22, 1959,
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota September 22, 1969
Regular adjourned meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilme Charlsen a ell d President Madsen.
Absent -Councilmen 3impson at Tennant.
7:30 P.M.
From the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Regional Office, 2200 Fed-
eral Office Building, Kansas City, Missouri, granting extension of time to Octo-
ber 30, 1959 to permit the City to complete contracts in connection with sewage
treatment works. (Federal Grant)
From the State of Minnesota, Water Pollution Control Commission, approving plans
recently submitted by the City covering proposed construction of lift station and
sewers in the Lily Lake Area. (Area A plans prepared by the Banister Engineering
From the George W. Olsen Construction Company, Inc., which read as follows:
(Letter No.l)
"We are pleased to quote a deduction of Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars and no/100
($720.00) for Alternate No. 2 for the folio:d ng changes in the plans and speci-
1. Move steal joint from 4-0" on center to 4-6" on center. This spacing
will reduce the No. of Pas. required, but still maintain your
roof load requirment.
2. Remove Steel Door frames at Overhead Doors and install 2x6 rough bucks
with door stops.
3. In lieu of cast iron grating install steel grating over water trench.
4. Remove 8" concrete curb and install Concrete Block. Fill Concrete
block with concrete and place 21-0" dowels in concrete wall to tie block
and wall together.
5. Use Pilaster Blocks in lieu of detailed pilaster 1-A.
In referenoe to Item 2; pleased be advised that if 4 x 4 x 5/16 z 41-0" angle
iron guards are desired at Overhead Doors openings an additional charge will be
necessary in the amount of Seventy-five Dollars and no/100 (75.00) as Alternate
No. 3.
educ ble AAlltt
o.n2 ofo$d 720.O0,wilt lagiveuattotalfdeductioncofp$1038.00.the
With acceptance of Alternate No.1,2 and 3 the total deduction would be $963.00.
If the above is satisfactory, please sign one copy below and return to this office."
Letter No.2)
"We are pteased to quote the sum of $20.00 (Twenty Dollars and no/100) for fur-
nishing and installing astragals at the overhead doors.
If the above is favorable, please sign below and return one copy to this office"
Both letters refer to contract in connection with construction of building to house
street department equipment. On motion of Councilman Jewell,seconded by Council-
CityCClerk was directed to signssu h acceptanroposed in ce statementth , were accepted and the
From Moody and Springsted, Inc., fiscal agents for the City, which read as follows:
"Regard sewage treatment plant improvement.
Your consideration is invited to the following recommendations for the financing
of this project. At the time bids were received in July,the cost of the project
according to the Banister Engineering was as follows:
Totalcontracts $831,624.00
Engineering (10%) 83,162.40
Land and contingencies (5%) 49541,581.20
Total250 000.00
al Grant �
Balance to be financed by 706,307.00
It is our recommendation that financing in the amount of $710,000.00 be undertaken.
However, in view of the two contingent items of the estimated cost, it appears
feasible ;:that_$700,000.00 may be adequate. It is our recommendation, financing
be accomplished by the issuance of general obligation bonds of. the City pursuant
to the provisions of chapters 429 and 475 of Minnesota Statutes Annotated. Upon
the C ouncil's determination that $700,000.00 will be adequate, it is our reoom-
mendation the. Council proceed forthwith with the issuance of these bonds. They
cannot be delivered until such time as contracts for the improvement have actually
been uibut
itsae�8rest rteale
currently rsi g webeleve itirtothe bstintrestsof the Citythathsl
be called as soon as practical without waiting until final determination of the.
construction contracts. However, since the receipt of bids for the construction
work on October 6, could conceivably considerably change present estimates of the
amount -of money needed, we believe it is wise to place the date of the bond.offer
a few ,days afterwards. The time required for the printing of bonds should coin-
cide with the time required to reoeive approval of the contracts from the. Federal
people in Kansas City. It is our recommendation the bonds be sold upon the terms
and oonditions set out in the proposed notice of bond sale.
In arriving at the maturity schedule we have assumed total To essmeentsrof $237,000
of which approximately 25% or $59,000.00 will be prepaid.
have assumed none of the assessments will be prepaid prior to the debt service re-
quirements of the period November 1, 1959 to. May 1, 1961. In that only one-half of
these prepayments will be received to meet the debt service of May, 1961 to -May 1,
1962, with the other half being received the succeeding, year. Following this pre-.
payent'me have assumed there will be no other prepayments and that the principal
amount of $8,750.00 of assessments will be received each year with interest upon
the udpaid balsnce.at the rate of 6$ per cent per annum. We have also assumed that
in addition to assessments':' there will be proceeds from sewer rental charges and
willlbe1maintenanceechargesto tforbat least onet service. Since year,lt eis havetto be assumed $30,ere
the proposed sewer rental charges will be available to meet debt service for the
period November 1, 1959 to May 1, 1961. This amount we estimate will have to be
supplemented with a tax levy of approximately $25,000.00 which is about 7} mills
of your :present assessed valuation. From May 1, 1961 to the end of the issue we
have assumed a tax levyin this amount will becntinuedmandrwwill Qbe supppplem1,ented
by $10.000.00 from sewer rentals. By'making all
subject to call on that date, $245,000.00 of the issue' which is 35% of the total
amount will be subject to redemption at that time thus enabling the City to re,.
finance at a more favorable rate ofrest if f such hesho lddcbepteecasefl hen. It
will also permit the City to prepay some
present estimates. •
The program which we are recommending is a conservative. one. We believe the. City
could :pay those bonds faster than suggested but have preferred to recommend a more
conservative course of action with the flexibility of a redemption privilege. We
have arrived at the total assessment figure in the following manner:
1,500 residences at $100.00, $150,000.00
105 commercial, properties a 300.00 31,500.00
15 churches 0 1,000.00 15,000.00
Pubite schools 35,840.00
Count,- property 5,000.00
Total 237,340.00
The assessments for the public schools and county property were arrived at by con-
sidering the contribution which would be paid by these areas if they were residen-
tial property. In each instance, we believe the suggested amount of assessment
is just and euitable. al
property be as essed at at uniform rate. eThetamounts suggested ion all aare l nsuch thad i is our tno
piece of property in the City is not benefited in at least that amount. The C bet-
ter properties will pay a greater share by reason of larger tax pay
mercial properties which derive more benefit by reason of the sewer will pay for
this by sewer rental charges. The theory
nththe te
is that
atoprorty iur-
assessed to the extent it is benefited. The use to
rently being used is not controlling. Sewer rental charges to be based upon actual
use. This is best measured by water consumption. To prevent the inequities which
onst by considered. By predicatingntheusewerthe rentammer all chargeths uponhis waterriod should consumption,lot thee
necryc By predicating
necessary clerical work can be held to a minimum and advantage can be taken of
work now already being done by the water department.
We would suggest billing be quarterly but it may be possible to stagger the bill -
ins Itgisfor
that heavy industrialorder
of watermore
gi en any
opportunity to place their clean water in the storm sewers if that is more econom-
ical. In these instances, such users should be required to install sewage meters
at their expense. We believe allowance should be made to such user:, for their
large volumes just as water rates are reduced for the larger consumers. However,
we believe the charges of these users should be proportinate to the basic charges
to residential properties,
The use of water by sn industrial operation is as important to it as any of its
machinery, personnel or power and it should therefore expect to pay for it. We
recognise there may be some instances particularly in the case of large users where
it will be necessary for the Council to make some adj:a tments. In these situations,
we believe the most realistic approach then is to establish a maximum charge.
Wherever a user does nothave a city water meter then he shoulu be required to in-
stall a meter on his supply source at his expense if the water is discharged into
the sanitary sewer system" (This letter refers to financing of the proposed inter-
ceptor sewers and sewage treatment plant and lift stations.) On motion of Council-
man Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, it was decided to follow the suggestions
as outlined in the above letter for financing of the proposed new interceptor sewers,
sewage treatment plant and lift stations.
From James L. Douville, City Attorney, which read as follows: "At the Council
meeting Tuesday night a question arose as to the vote required to amend the zoning
ordinance. It occurs to me now that your contention was based upon the charter
provision relative to the passage of ordinances. Zoning ordinances and amendments
thereof, are controlled by State Law and in order to clarify the point, I enclose
a copy of an attorney general's opinion pertinent thereto." Opinion, attorney gen-
eral: "The answer to this question is that under the statute referred to, it is re-
quired that there be an affirmative vote of four members of the Council to alter
the regulations of the zoning plan. To adopt
ng such
aidoenti amendment quires
muresaiail/3 3ovovote
of the entiremembership of the Council. P
lows that the affirmative vote of four of them is required".
From the Mayor of the Village of North St. Paul, extending an invitation to. the
Council and city officials to attend the fall regional meeting of the League of
Minnesota Munloipalties on October 7,.1959 at.Weber.!s Supper Club. From the i'lire Underwriters Inspection Bureau which read as follows: "Attached is
a copy of the report of the three hour acceptance test which was conducted' Friday
September 4 by Mr. W.C.Fritag of this office on the new 1000 P. P. Y.d F.W.D. puffer .
The apparatus performed and passed the test in a satisfactory manner.
The following bids were opened and read aloud for constructing sewers in the fol-
lowing ptuxas IEast Marsh Street and Eaet Burlington Street.
SaidrojectbeingknownLocalmp ovement No. 20-1 59.
Bid No. 1.
Moelter Construction Company
Stillwater, Minnesota
Total bid on excavation and sanitary sewer - $16,030.25
Bid No.2.
Lametti and Sons, Inc.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Total excavation and sanitary sewer 13,926.75
Bid No. 3.
Barbarossa and Sons, Inc.
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Total excavation and sanitary sewer
Bid No. 4.
James D.Wolff Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
Total excavation and sanitary sewer 13,743.67
0n motion ofcouncilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, it was decided
to defer action onthe bids until approval of the plans is received from the State
Board of Health.
Councilman Charlsen.
1. He stated that he has ordered an increase in the liability insurance cover-
ing City owned vehicles from $io0,000.00 to $300,000.00.
155 °
Councilman Jewell •
1. He stated that he will contact officers of the Trinity Lutheran Church and
the Youth Center and inform them as to their share of the cost in connection
_ with tjustnorth of the installation
itionof a tof ainewa ttrreet light recently installed on North Third
2. Hereported
would bet athe
saving of $. can 50rperse yardahed oversand at a cost previous yearsoand.he suggested
that the CStCostock uncilmanlesandrthet re use.
tendent of Mlle Works aman ewwell,
seconded by and not to exceed $1,000.00.
authorized to purchase sand at Charlsen,.25 pery
3. He stated that he did contact officers of Sunnyside Marine Corporation in re-
gard to easements in connection with the sewage treatment works.
NEW BUSINESs H Commission
Messrs. Stennes,Crane,Brosell and andevidt members of the Planning art of
ay�geplanning. Mr.O3 ennesastn eduthat Feaf ouncilnd deralfunds arepn ailablettohpayip long
the cost for professional help and applications for a grant must be submitteed be-
fore October 14, 1959. He also stated that the overall cost would probably
or 20 percent more it Federal funds were used. Mr. Stennes explained that it
would probably cost between 09,000.00 and $10,000.00 to engage professional plan-
ners who would make a templets report. He suggested that the Council authorize an
expenditure of about 41,000.00 or $2,00..O0 at 0°atrhis time tim aso th te h
at ningeHo the
could proceed
mm ssio the preliminary
Planning Commission should consider some of the urgent matters at this time such
is acquired. ss. Crane stated in
as re -zoning requests. Mr. Stennes explained that the commission feels it cannot
act on zoning matterskmuntil professional help to hire to date.ina help.r Mad'
suggestteedda amasrter planebeob settupwill
andbe thenckeep said plan up tosdateMale.
sen instructed the City Attorney to prepare an opinion as to whether or not the
er planing eom-
Council could appropriate mangy from the general fund for use by
mission. Jewell, the following in-
surance motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Th
Providence, Rhode6 Island covering
Equine policy and approved and ordered filed: Policy No.ce, ode33 issued by
eltytbuie Firs and Marine InsurancelihCompany of
city bµildinga against fire, lightning and extended coverage in the amount of
$$38,700.00. (80 percent co-insurance buildis Councilman Jewell, the following en-
dorsementsoved and ordered filed: Endorsement to
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, second by
licto1k 06833insuros policies were coaplt
pumper No. ial0No. comprehensive.dmen collisionaddingilo. 4 1959C525 F.W.D.
proper, serial adding 1959 p,WW.1 D.
nt fireotruck policy
r41serialg Nod119002. and
Onomotio damagefCouncilmanB Jewell the resignation of
LemP.iAc of 1d, Charlsen, ,sass byec Councilman Cn
Lao P. zcDonald, volunteer fireman, was accepted. (Chief reports he was not ac-
On motion
Councilman �se ieneround 0. Wert
was appointed aolunerfirems(Reomaended byhFire Chief
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilm n Jewelll, tre1Building ap-
Inspector's report covering activities during
proved and ordered filed.
Building Inspector Charles Thompson requested permission and authorization to Wiscon-
sine the International and
Association1.He estimatedof lthesexpense at about $$12ectors in 5.00. No
on wasotarn, 6, 7, o9h
action was taken in regard to this matter.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Approving modification of lease. (St.Croix Barge Terminal Company.)
3. Authorising the issue and sale of certificates of indebtedness to finance ti
North First Street Sewer project. (Pined estimate)
4. Authorising employment of engineers. ATo perform all preliminary surveying
and staking services incidental to the construction of a sewage treatment
plant, interceptor sewers and sewage pumping stations in connection with
Sewer Improvement No. 1-1959.
On motion of Councilman Charleen, seconded by Councilman
at 10:00 P. M.
City Clerk
Jewell meeting adjourned
Council Chamber Stillwater,Minnesota September 28, 1959 3:00 P.M.
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present --Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent --None.
Mayor Madsen informed the Council members that he and the City Clerk appeared
before the State Examining Board of Civil Engineers and that said board Engineerted
that Superintendent
be taken to chWorks becausetitle
Mr.Ehlingerrhad failed hiser from examination and
of Public
there Yore was not a registered civil engineer.
The following letter signed by Mr. Ehlinger was read. "This letter is to serve you
with official notice that effective this date I hereby tender to you with some mis-
givings my resignation as city engineer, City of Stillwater, Minnesota. Due to
circumstances over which I have no control I am forced to make this formal written
notice of my resignation. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of you for
for your continued confidence in me and for the cooperation that I receivedwhile
boldingthis position." On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by
Jewell, the resignation of Ronald E. Ehlinger as City Engineer was accepted.
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Creating loying consultingengineers..Ronald Ehli
i (ngentendent of ublic Works, r Jointing officer to same
On motion of Councilman Charlsen,seconded by Councilman Jewell, the meeting ad-
journed at 3:30 P. M.
Council Chamber Stillwater, Minnesota October 6, 1959 2:30 P. M.
Special meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell,Simpaon, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -None.
Mayor Madsen announeed that this was the day and time set to open bids for the
construction of, as a single contract:
Prrjec:: No. 1 - One sewage treatment plant.
Project No. 3 - Two sewage pumping stations.
The following bide for construction of/sewage treatment plant and two sewage pump-
ing stations were opened and read aloud.
Bid No. 1 Base bid
0 oa onstruc on ompany
St. Paul, Minnesota
One sewage treatment plant, complete
per plans and specifications for the �410,833.00
lump sum of
Base bid
tins pumping station, Nelson Street,
Complete per plane and specifications 71, 74b.00
for the lump sum of
One pumping station, South, complete
per plane and specifications for the 63, 312.00
lump sum of
Total projects No. 1 and No. 3 as a single contract 545,690.00
Equipment alternates
Project No. 1
Bar screen and screenings grinder deduct sum of 300.00
Grit collector and elevator deduct sum of 1,800.00
Chain Belt Company Jeffrey deduct sum of 2,000.00
Bit, model CVSSA
Settling tank mechanisms
Link Belt Company
Aeration equipment in
Chicago Pump Company
Digester Equipment
R. B.Carter
Sludge heater
R. B. Carter, combined unit
Pacific Flush Tank Company
combined unit
Dorr-Oliver Company,
separate unit
Walker Process, separate
Equipment alternates
Project No. 3.
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
The following unit prices have been used.
Rock excavation, solid rook or boulders over 1 cubic yard
Dry excavation
Wet excavation
Cast iron pipe
footing concrete, including forma
Wall concrete, including forms
Beam concrete, including forms
Slab concrete, including forms
Reinforcing steel
Well- 8" casing inplace
Well- 6e open hole.
Start work(date)November 1, 1959
Complete work (date) December 15,
If Link Belt Company equipment is used in items 2-1001,1002,1015,1028,
you may deduct $2,800.00 from our base bid on Project No. 1.
Bid No.2
e onetruction Company
Blooming Prairie, dinnesota
Project No. 1, Sewage treatment plant.
Base bid
gaigrfreatment plant, complete per plans
and apedifioations for lump sum of
Base bid
nne pumping station, Nelson Street,
Complete per plans and specifications
for the lump sum of
One pumping station, South
Complete per plans and specifications
for the lump sum of
Total projects No. 1 and No. 3 as a single contract
Equipment alternates.
Project No. 1
Grit collector and elevator
Chain Belt
Equipment alternates
Project No. 3
deduct sum of
The following unit prices have been used.
Rock excavation,
Solid rock or boulders over 1 cubic yard
Dry excavation
Wet excavation
Cast iron pipe
Footing concrete including forma
Wall concrete, including forma
Beam concrete, including forme
Slab concrete, including forms
Reinforcing steel
Weil-8a casing in place
Well-6" open hole
Start work (date) 4-1-60
Complete work (date) 4-1-61
Bid No. 3
and Sons, Inc.
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Base bid-
UUe s9W4ge treatment plant
domplete per plans and specifications
for the lump sum of
$1.00 per pubic yd.
.50 per cubic yd.
2.00 per cubic yd.
.30 per pound
30.00 per cubic yd.
30.00 per cubic yd.
30.00 per cubic yd.
30.00 per cubic yd.
.17 per pound
9.00 per linealft
6.00 per lineal ft
$15.00 per cubic yard
2.00 per cubic yard
10.00 per cubic yard
.25 per pound
50.00 per cubic yard
75.00 per cubic yard
75.00 per cubic yard
85.00 per cubic yard
.17 per pound
9.00 per linoal foot
6.00 per lineal foot.
Base bid
One pumping station, Nelson Street,
Complete per plans and specifications
for the lump sum of
One pumping station, South
Complete per plans and specifications
for the lump sum of
Total projects No. 1 and No. 3
as a single contract
Equipment alternates
rroject No. 1
Bar screen and screenings grinder
Jeffrey deduct sum of
Link Belt add sum of
Grit collector and elevator Chain Belt deduct awn of
Jeffrey deduct sum of
Walker deduct sum of
Flow meter
Sewage pump vertical
Sludge recirculation
Sludge pump
Settling tank mechanisms
Link belt
add sum of
add sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
add sum of
Aeration equipment in grit chamber
Chicago deduct sum of
Sludge heater
Equipment alternates
Project No. 3
Sewage pumps, vertical
deduct sum of
add sum of
add sum of
deduct sum of
add sum of
deduct sum of
add sum of
add sum of
The following unit prices have been used
Rock excavation
Solid rock or boulders over one cubic yard
Dry excavation
Net excavation
Cast iron pipe
Footing concrete, including forme
Wall concrete, including forme
Beam concrete, including forma
Slab concrete, including forma
Reinforcing steel
Well-8w caning in .place
Well-6e open hole
Start work (date) November 15, 1960
Complete work (date) April 30, 1961.
15.00 per cubic yard
2.00 per cubic yard
5.00 per cubic yard
.30 per pound
40.00 per cubic yard
50.00 per cubic yard
60.00 per cubic yard
70.00 per cubic yard
.20 P'r pound
9.50 per lineal foot
6.00 per lineal foot
Bid No.4
aeries Lonstruction Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
Base bid
One sewage treatment plant
Complete perplans and specifications
for the lump sum of
Base bid
One pumping station, Nelson Street
Complete per plans and specifications
for the lump sum of
One pumping station complete per
plans end specifications for lump sum of
Total -Projects Nos. 1 and No.3,as single contract
Equipment alternates
Project No.1
Bar screen and screenings grinder,
Jeffrey deduct sum of
Grit collector and elevator
Settling tank mechanisms
Link Belt
Equipment alternates
Project No.3
Sewage pumps vertical
Chicago Pump deduct sum of
The following unit prices have been used.
Rock excavation
Solid rook or boulders over one cubic yard
Dry excavation
Wet excavation
Cast iron pipe
Footing concrete, including forme
Wall concrete,including forms
Beam concrete, including forma
Slab concrete, including forma
Reinforcing steel
Nell-8" casing in plane
Nell-6" open hole
Start work (date) November 1, 1959
Complete work (date) May 1, 1961.
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
deduct sum of
Bid No.5
Phelps -Drake Company, Inc.
Base Bid.
One sewage treatment plant complete
per plans and specifications for lump sum of
Base bid
One pumping station, Nelson Street
Complete per plane and specifications for
lump sum of
One pumping station, South, complete per
plane and specifications for the lump sum of
Total projects No. 1 and No. 3 as a single contract
Equipment alternates Project No.1
Bar screen and screenings grinder
4 Link Belt,
8.00 per cubic yard
2.00 per cubic yard
12.00 per cubic yard
• .30 per pound
45.00 per cubic yard
52.00 per cubic yard
75.00 per cubic yard
75.00 per cubic yard
.16 per pound
9.00 per lineal foot
6.00 per lineal foot
deduct sum of (see 1015)
Grit collector and elevator
Link Belt, base chain belt deduct sum of t700.00
Settling tank mechanisms
(1f 101,102,1015, are all Link Belt deduct sum of 2,600.00
Digester Equipment
Carter deduct sum of 1,000.00
Sludge heater Carter deduct sum of 400.00
Equipment alternates
Project No. 3
The following unit prices have been used.
Rook excavation
Solid rook or boulders, over one cubic yard
Dry excavation
Wet excavation
Cant iron pipe
Footing concrete, including forms
Wall concrete, including forms,
Beam concrete, including forme
Slab concrete, including forms
Reinforcing steel
Wel1-8a casing in place
Well-6• open, hole
Start work (date) December 1, 1959
Complete work (date) March 1, 1961.
Mayor Madsen then announced that the bids will be tabulated by the Banister
Engineering Company and that one of the bids will be accepted and a contract
awarded this evening.
On motion of Councilman_Charlaen,
journed at 3:00 P,M.
8.00 per oubio yard
1.00 per cubic yard
5.00 per cubic yard
.15 per pound
40.00 per cubic yard
50.00 per cubic yard
60.00 per cubic yard
60.00 per cubic yard
.15 per pound
9.50 per lineal foot.
6.00 pert lineal foot
seconded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad -
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota October 6, 1959 7:30 P.N.
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen seconded by Councilman Jewell minutes of the
^ following meetings were approved.
Regular meeting September 8, 1959
Regular adjourned meeting September 22, 1959.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson an wOffe sale
3.2 Beer License was granted to the National Tea Company, Fourth and Myrtle
Streets, for the period from October 6, 1959 to October 6, 1960 on the second
reading of the application.
On motion of Councilman Charlaen,seoonded by Councilman Jewell "One and "Off'
Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses were granted to Ralph Milberg, 1112 Sixth Avenue South,
on the second reading of the applications for the period from October 1, 1959
to October 1, 1960.
From the State of Minnesota, Water Pollution Control Commission, approving plans
recently submitted for sewer facilities, Sixth Avenue South and East Marsh Street.
From Alden E. Johnson, 1010 South Sixth Street, Stillwater, Minnesota, request-
ing a nonconforming permit to convert a one -family house into a multiple dwell-
ing located at 306 North Fourth Street, Stillwater, Minnesota. (All of lots 5
"and 6, Block 14, Original Town (now City of Stillwater). No action was taken 1n
regard to this matter at this time and the Building Inspector was instructed to
bring completed plans before the Council at a future date.
From George V. Stennes, Chairman of the Planning Commission, suggesting that the
Commission be authorized to engage consulting services in connection with their
work and estimated the minimum cost of such service between $2,000.00 and
$2,500.00. The City Attorney stated, that in his :pinion, the City Council can
extend money from the General Fund for consulting services in connection with
the Planning Commission. On motion of Councilman Charlsen,j seconded by Council-
man Jewell, it was decided to authorize an expenditure of $1,000.00 from the
General Fund for the purpose of engaging professional consultants to assist the
Planning Commission for the year 1959.
Mayor Madsen announced that the Council will now consider the bide opened and
read this afternoon for construction of a sewage treatment plant and two lift
stations. He inquired if Mr. Banister was prepared to make a recommendation at
this time with reference to bids and awarding a contract. Mr. Banister informed
the Council that the bid submitted by the Acton Construction Company is the low
bid and suggested that a contract be awarded to the Acton Construction Company.
He stated the Acton Company base bid was $545,890.00 and if the various deduc-
tions for alternates are accepted the total bid would be $542,890.00. On motion
of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Tennant, it was dedided to follow
Mr. Banister's recommendation and award a contract to the Acton Construction
Company. (See resolution).
Mr. Banister of the Banister Engineering Company presented plans and specifica-
tions covering sewer extensions in the following streets: Linden, Center, Mea-
dow Lark Drive, Echo Lane and Myrtle. He estimated the total cost of the pro-
ject at $128,325.00. No action was taken by the Council at this time because
the plans must be submitted to the State Board of Health, Water Pollution Jom-
mission for approval.
Councilman Charlsen
1. He reported that one of the City owned apartments on North Fourth Street
was not occupied at the present time.
2. Suggested that the slide at Lily Lake Beach be removed from the water.
Councilmen Jewell
1. That he had received requests for one street light on North First Street
anbydCouncilmmaanaon Simpson,athetreet. On matter wasmotion of referred touncilmn CouncilmanaJewell seconded
two with
power to act.
2. He suggested that the City advertise for bids on salt, truck rental and load-
er rental. On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Tennant,
the City Clerk was directed to advertise for bids on salt, truck rental and
loader rental. Bide returnable on November 5, 1959 at 7:30 P.M.
Councilman Tennant
1. Stated that it was necessary to grade and level the dump site and also that
snow fence has been erected at the dump entrance.
Mayor Madsen
1. He stated that a traffic problem has arisen on Fourth and Myrtle Streets due
to construction of a new supermarket. Chief of Police Law suggested that
parking be restricted on the South side of Myrtle Street between Fourth and
Fifth Streets. On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman
Tennant, this matter was referred to the Mayor and Chief of Police.
On motion of Councilman Simpson,seoonded by Councilman Jewell,bonds covering
Lester R. Brower for the position of City Clerk and City Treasurer in the amount
of $10,000.00 and for the position of Clerk of Municipal and Conciliation Courts
in the amount of $2,500.00 were approved and ordered filed.
On motion ef he
the first readingcofman ordinancan e rezoning seconded by
yiin connectiontwith Atte newk s
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the Clerk made
the first reading of an ordinance rezoning property to oomply with Russell Lee
request to build a drive-in restaurant. (Hazel Street)
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the Clerk made
the second reading of "An Ordinance Fixing and Establishing Sewer Service Char-
ges and Providing for the Collection Thereof". The ordinance was read section
by section and on roll call after each section all members votsd in the affirma-
tive. The Mayor then put the question "Shall this ordinance pass?" and on roll
call the ordinance was unanimously adopted.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Clerk made
the secondgreading of "O Ordinance,convenienceiand General Welfare by Regulatingan Ordinanee for the Purpose ftheo
moting Health,,Safety,c' Use of Buildings and the Arrangement of Buildings
Bee of Land, the Location and
on Lots and the Density of Population in the City of Stillwater, Minnesota."
The ordinance was read section by section and the members voted as follows:
Section One, Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen
voted YES; Section Two, Councilman Charlsen voted NO, CounciJlmen ewell, Simun-
Tennant voted YES and Mayor Madsen refrained from voting;
cilman Charlsen voted NO, Councilmen Jewell,Simpson and Tennant and President
Madsen voted YES; Section Four, Councilmen Charlsen Jewell, Simpson, Tennant
and President Madsen voted YES; Section Five, Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simp-
son, Tennant and President Madsen voted YES. The Mayor then put the question
"Shall this ordinance pass excluding Section No. Two and on roll call the ordi-
nance was unanimously adopted (Excluding Section Two) (The original ordinance
nanceiasdpassedfives containsections but section twas not four sections eliminatingpted and section wo:;fore the ordi-
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted.
1. Accepting resignation. (Louie Garavalia as lineman at the Fire Department)
2. Accepting bids. (Constructing sewers along Sixth Avenue South, East Marsh
Street and East Burlington Street.)
3. Directing the payment of bills.
4. Councilman Charlsen introduced a resolution awarding a contract to the Acton
Construction Company, Inc., covering construction of a sewage treatment
plant and two lift stations and moved for its adoption. The motion for the
adoption was duly seconded by Councilman Jewell and upon vote being taken
-thereon, the Councilmen present voted as follows: Councilman Charlsen,YES,
Councilman Jewell, YES, Councilman Simpson, YES, Councilman Tennant, YES,
President Madsen, YES. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly carried
and adopted. (Accepting bids for construction of Sewer Improvement No.1-
5. Providing for time and place of regular meeting. (Changing date of regular
meeting to November 5, 1959 at 9:30 P.Y.)
On motion of Councilman Charlaen, seoonded by Councilman Jewell, meeting ad-
journed at 10:10 Y.Y.
/ 9LnKic-�
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special meeting.
October 14, 1959 2:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Pressnt- Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -none.
From the Banister Engineering Company which read as follows: "This letter is writ-
ten relative to plans and specifications for the sanitary sewers in the area between
MoKusick Lake and Lily Lake which is also that portion of the sanitary sewers in our
previous report entitled Area B and is further for that area for which a public hear-
ing is being held on November 5th. Our purpose in writing you about this is that no
street grade has as yet been established for Sunny Slope Lane and for Sunset Drive.
Some of the area on which these streets are proposed is low and will require a sub-
stantial portion of fill. If the proposed lift station is built to an elevation to
serve the balance of the area the proposed sewer at the north end of Sunny Slope Lane
would be on top of the existing ground at a short distance south of this through a
present pothole. The proposed sewer would be approximately three (3) feet above
existing grade. Filling the ground to this proposed elevation appears to be a reason-
able possibility. However, we hesitate to try to out -guess what the developers might
do. Probably the safest procedure would be to lower the lift station approximately
five (5) feet. This will raise the cost of the lift station approximately $2,500.00
to $3,000.00. It is our recommendation that calling for bids on this project be de-
layed until such time as the street grade is established. It is our recommendation
that no sewers be constructed on streets until they are actually physically graded,
not just establishing a grade on paper. We should like the opportunity to discuss
this matter with you in detail at your special meeting on the afternoon of October
From the James B.wolf Construction Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, which read as follows
"Regard Pine Street Sewer System. We propose to rough grade Grove Street from Pine
to Oak plus or minus feet north of Oak at no additional cost to the City if we are
awarded the above mentioned sewer project." On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded
by Councilman Simpson, this matter was referred to the Superintendent of Public Works
and he,in turn, to furnish the necessary levels so that the Wolf Construction Company
oan carry out their offer as outlined in the letter.
From the Banister Engineering Company which read as follows: "We are pleased to pre-
sent the following proposal for engineering services on Municipal State Aid street
work in Stillwater, Minnesota, for the year 1960 as discussed with you at the Council
meeting on October 6, 1959. The Municipal State Aid Law allows the State Highway De-
partment to allocate funds up to 5% of the project cost for preliminary engineering
and up to 7%, of the project costs for construction engineering on any one project
making a total of 12%. The funds for the street construction and engineer come from
moneys allocated to Stillwater for Municipal State Aid street work. Preliminary engi-
neering as interpreted by the State Highway 'Department consists of all necessary pre-
liminary plans and cost estimated, public hearings, conferences with city officials
and interested groups of people, assessment esttmates and hearings if assessments are
proposed, surveys and drawing of detail plans end specifications, advertising for
bids and opening and tabulation of bids. Construction engineering is interpreted by
the State Highway Department to mean the awarding of a contract, all necessary field
surveying and staking for grading, inspection of materials being used on the project
and general supervisory engineering and inspection of the entire project. Also draw-
ing up monthly cost estimates and final contract payments based on the bid proposal
and making the final inspection to see that all work has been done in accordance with
the plans and specifications. We propose to provide the following engineering ser-
Preliminary engineering report.
We will provide preliminary engineering services which will consist of a report
showing a preliminary plan and grade.
Extent of work necessary for the project and cost estimate.
All legal descriptions.
Prepare data for public hearings.
Attend all pertinent public hearings and other meetings as directed by the coun-
cil. For this work we are to be paid a sum equal to one and one-half per cent
of the cost of construction. The sum of one and one-half per cent shall be due
and payable to us upon submission of the project to you and your approval thereof.
Plans and specifications.
If the council proceeds with the project after the public hearing, we proposed
to provide a detailed set of plans and specifications for all proposed improve-
ments, advertising of bids, open and tabulate such bids, examine and recommend
to the council whether the project should be awarded and constructed. For this
work, we will be paid the sum of three percent and the lowest responsible bid-
der which shall be due and payable to us upon completion of the plans and speci-
fications. Their approval by the necessary State agencies and their approval by
your city council. This provides a total fee for preliminary engineering within
the scope of highway department definitions equal to four and one-half (44) per
cent of the cost.
Construction engineering
General supervision.
We propose to provide general supervision during the construction phase of the
project which will include certified periodic estimates for payments to contract-
ors to the City Council.
Final inspection.of the project.
Preparation of the fihal "as billed" plans and working with the project engineer
or inspector. For this work we are to be paid a fee equal to two percent of the
construction cost of the project.
Staking and field surveys during construction.
Should the City Council desire us to do the actual surveying and staking we shall
do so on a per diem basis equal to the actual salary paid by us to our engineers
plus 50% mileage, shall be charged at the rate of 8 cents per mile when actually
engaged in the work subject to the ceiling hereinafter outlined.
Resident inspection.
Should the council desire us to furnish the services of a full time inspector,we
shall furnish said qualified and competent and experienced inspector at a fee
equal to the salary paid by us to the man, plus 50 per cent of said salary plus
mileage at the rate of 8 per cent per mile when engaged in the work. Materials
inspection done on a commercial laboratory shall be billed at cost. All these
charges are subject to the ceiling hereinafter outlined.
All work included as construction engineering shall be charged at the foregoing
fees and charges except at the maximum charge therefore including general super-
vision, staking and field surveys and resident inspection shall not exceed a sum
equal to 6 per cent of the construction cost.
In some way we proposed to provide a complete and necessary preliminary engineer-
ing and detail plans for four and one-half percent of the actual cost. We also
propose to provide general supervision of the project under construction for a
two per cent of the project cost. Survey crews, inspections and tests of
materials will be extra but shall not exceed four per cent of the construction
cost. The city will have the privilege of providing their own inspector or sur-
vey crew under the direction of the project engineer who provides the general
supervision if so desired.
Special provisions.
The foregoing percentage fees are in direct accordance with the recommended
schedule of minimum fees for professional engineering services. It is stipulated
and agreed that all percentage fees are to be based on the actual construction
cost with the exception that if the Report or certain plans and specifications
are;prepared for work, which for some unforeseeable reason, is not constructed,
tie fee for e mated cost toftsuch twork. ion f In accepting this work not tproposal ructed hthe City all be aauthorizesed upon,uses-
to proceed only with the work outlined in the paragraph "Preliminary Engineering"
Report. Any further steps are to be taken only upon further authorization by -
the City Council. The City agrees to make available all pertinent City records
and furnish us with all information and data prepared and collected by other
Engineers which is now available w the City. The City reserves the right to can-
cel this Contract at any time upon a majority vote of the Council and payment is
to be made to us only for the work previously authorized. We shall be pleased,
to consider this a Proposal a Contract between us upon the signature of your
This was the day and time set to open bids for the construction of sanitary
sewers consisting of approximately 8,550 lineal feet of lateral sewer varying in size
from 8 inch to 12 inch together with appurtenances and approximately 1,950 lineal feet
of 6 inch C.I.P. forcemain and one sewage pumping station. (Project No.22-1959 Lily
Lake seers). The following bids were opened and read aloud:
Bid No. 1
James D. Wolf Company
St. Paul, Minnesota.
Total bid, sanitary sewers $61,768.16
Total sewage pumping station,base bid, 17,770.00
Sanitary sewers,start work date 11-1-59
Complete work date 4-30-60
Sewage pumping station start work date 11-15-59
Complete work date
Bid No.2
Kasson Sewer and Water, Inc.
Kasson, Minnesota
Total sanitary sewers
No bid on sewage pumping station.
Sanitary sewers start work date October 25,1959.
Complete work date June 15, 1960.
Bid No. 3
Barbarosaa and Sons., Inc.
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Total sanitary sewers $79,104.00
Total sewage pumping staMn base bid 19,970.00
Sanitary sewers start work date November 1,1959
Complete work date December 15, 1959.
Sewage pumping station start work aate November 15, 1959
Complete work date January 15, 1960.
Bid No.4
Acton Construction Company, Inc.
St. Paul, Minnesota
No bid on sanitary sewers
Total sewage pumping station, base bid $16,291.00
Sewage pumping station start work date November 15, 1959.
Complete work date January 15, 1960.
Bid No. 5
Montgomery Construction Company
St.Croix Falls, Wisconsin
Total sanitary sewers
No bid on sewage pumping station
Sanitary sewers start work date - 10 days
Complete work date December 15, 1959.
Bid No.8
F. Morettini Construction Company
St. Paul, Minnesota
Total sanitary sewers 74,365.50
No bid on sewage pumping station.
Sanitary sewers start work date October 26, 1959.
Complete work date as specified (See resolution)
This was the day and time set for opening and considering sealed bids and awarding
sale of 4700,000.00 sewage treatment plant bonds of 1959 to be used for ths purpose
of defraying the cost of the sewer improvement consisting of a sewage treatment
plant and necessary appurtenances.
Bid No. 1
The First National Bank of St. Paul
Cash premium, none
Annual rate,
May 1, 1962 through May 1, 1975, 4 per cent
May 1, 1976 through May 1, 1981 4.10 per Dentplus annual rate of
1.50 per cent on all bonds from February 1, 1960 to November 1, 1960.
Net interest cost 4337,907.50.
Net interest rate 4.14356 per cent
Bid No.2
Halsey Stuart and Company, Inc.
Chicago, Illinois
Cash premium of $257.00 for bonds maturing and bearing interest at the annual rate as
follows: May 1, 1962 through May 1, 1964, 4.60 per cent.
May 1, 1965 through May 1, 1981, 4.20 per cent.
Net interest cost $344,023.00
Net interest rate 4.21855 per cent
Hid No.3
John Nuveen and Company
Chicago, Illinois
Cash premium of $44.50 for bonds maturing and bearing interestat the annual rate as
follows: May 1, 1962 through May 1, 1972, 3.90
May 1, 1973 through May 1, 1981, 4.00. Plus the annual rate of
2 per cent on all bonds from 1-1-60 to 11-1-60.
Net interest cost to be $335,095.00
Net interest rate 4.1091.
Bid No.4
Allison Williams Company
Minneapolis, Minnesota
No cash premium.
Rate as follows: May 1, 1962 through May 1,
May 1,1964 through May 1,
May 1, 1971 through May 1,
May 1, 1979 through May 1,
Plus the annual rate of 1.80 per cent on all
Net interest cost S338,390.00
Net interest rate 4.1494.
1963, 3.40 per cent
1970 3.90 per cent
1978 4.10 per cent
1981 4.10 per cent
bonds from February 1, 1960 to November 1.
Rid No.S
TKb meeTFan National Rank
St. Paul, Minnesota
Cash prenium, none 1, 1962 through May 1, 1968, 3.80 per cent
Annual rate May 1, 1969 through May 1, 1971 4.00 per cent
May 1, 1972 through May 1, 1974, 4.100 per cent cent
May 1, 1975 through May 1, 1981,
Plus the annual rate of 1.80 per cent on all bonds from 1-1-60,to i1-1-60.
Net interest cost to be $344,457.50
Net interest rate 4.22388.
Mr. Springsted of Moody and Springsted, Inc.,fiscal agents for the City stated
that the John NefCompan
the (See owsbidder and recommended that the Council
seat the bonds to id
The follod ng resolutions were read and were on roll callunanimously adopted:
su tiony sewers, and the Acton Improvement
1. No.Res22-1959 accepting bids for any, traction of Sanitary an Sewer ItonoConstr
No.22-1969. (James D.Wolf Company,
Company, lift station)
2. Councilman Charlsea introduced the follod resolution and moved for its adop-
tion.1959. The motion for the adoption of the nfgoregoing resolution was duly second-
by Councilman Jewell onYhereu Whereuponvote
resolution nen hwas declared duly passed
voted in favor thereof. p
and adopted.
3. Resolution creating introduced
erhe improvement resolution
providing formoved
app appropriat-
ing ing general ad valorem taxes and special assessments for the support and main -
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by
tenance thereof and directing issuance of sewer improvement bonds of 1959.
Councilmen Tennant and upon vote being taken thereon, all members present voted
in favor thereof. whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.
4. Authorizing expenditure for planning activities.
5. Relinquishing rights under lease No.76821. (Northern Pacific Railway Company).
6. Authorizing amendment to lease no.61645. (Northern Pacific Railway Company).
7. Authorizing execution of agreement relating to construction permits. (Inter-
ceptor sewer -Northern Pacific Railway Company). sewers
8. Approving plans, specifications and estimate of cost for constructing
and sewage lift station. (McBusick Lake area)
On motion of Councilmen 4ewell, seconded by Councilman Tennant, meeting adjourned
/ I
at 5:00 P.M.
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota October 29, 1959 4:00 P.M.
Special Meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen, Jewell,Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent -None
The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Authorizing execution of surety bond (Permission from State of Minnesota
Commissioner of Highways for the installation of 30 inch interceptor
sewer in and under the Junction of East Chestnut Street and T.H. 212.)
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, meeting
adjourned at 4:30 P.M.
ity Clerk
Council Chamber Stillwater, Minnesota November 5, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Regular meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present -Councilmen Charlsen,Simpson, Tennant and President Madmen.
Absent -Councilman Jewell.
From James L. Gardner, Brown's Creek Inn, for "On" and "Off" Sale 3.2 beer li-
censes were presented but on account of being in the residential district were
automatically carried over to the next regular meeting of the Council on Decem-
ber 8, 1959.
licensesnwere0granted too thelGeorge Wohlersby C Company,Councilman
709 West Myrtle Street,
ofouncilmen Street,
1. Amusement Machine Operators License, $25.00.
2. 14 Music Machine Licenses at the rate of $10.00 per machine for a total of
3. 8 Amusement Machine Licensee at the rate of $5.00 per machine for a total
of $40.00.
licen esnwereCgraanted toC hthelHuffmanoNoveld tyyCompany,ma903 Stillwater Avenue,nB
St. Paul, Minnesota.
1. Amusement Machine Operator" License, $25.00.
2. 2 Music Machine Licenses at the rate of $10.00 per machine for a total of
3. 4 Amusement Machine Licenses at the rate of $5.00 per machine for a total
of $20.00.
From Mr. E. H. E.Palmer, Assistant District Maintenance Engineer, State Highway
Department, in regard to snow disposal in business streets including trunk high-
way routes was read. Mayor Madsen referred this matter to the Superintendent of
Public Works.
From the Board of Water Commisssloners explaining charge for moving hydrant at
corner of Third and Pine Streets. Also enclosed was a list showing number and
location of hydrants which should be replaced. On motion of Councilman Charlaen,
seconded by Councilman Simpson, the matter was referred to the Superintendent of
Public Works with instructions to replace defective hydrant" whenever money was
available for such purposes.
From the Banister Engineering Company addressed to Mayor Madsen in regard to
staking out the interceptor sewer line along the river front in connection with
the sewage treatment plant.
From Mr. R. V. Aurae, Assistant Director, Department of Civil Defense:,, State of
Minnesota addressed to Mr, Art Kleinschnits, Civil Defense Director City of
Stillwater, which read as follows: "Several inquiries have been made to this
office relating to the desirability of combining the rescue service as • division
of the fire service on municipal and county levels. Originally the policy of this
department was to maintain separate services in these two fields. However, with
the development of a Minnesota Operational Survival Plan, a policy was made plac-
ing fire and rescue in one service, but within that service maintaining two di-
visions. To the best of my knowledge no formal announcement was made of this
policy change other than its incorporation in the proto type county and municipal
survival plans. I believe that you might find it highly desirable to place your
rescue service in with the fire service in Stillwater, making the rescue a division
of the Stillwater Fire Department. Personnel assigned to rescue would retain
their identity as rescue workers and would be handled the same as the auxiliary
civil defense fire people in the fire services. You might also find it desirable
to use fire calls as a means of further training for your rescue personnel by per-
d-by basis to
mitinat thei scene of anfire. a anThis naturally bwill e prequire loed at
have beten you ad in policy, Department
feel freeSttoillwater.
call me". On
motion of Councilmen Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlaen, the following mem-
bers of the rescue service were appointed to act as auxiliary firemen and will be
compensated for their services when called by officers of the Fire Department.
HerbertsF.Callies,l JohnbeaR.Sherin, Cliftont the same rate rHalsey,charlesaid uC.Kruse, Phillip W.Ger-
From Mr. George Smart, Manager, Stillwater Chamber of Commerce, requesting that
the City pay the electric bill in connection with street Christmas decorations
in the business district. On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Council-
man Simpson, it was decided to comply with the request and pay the electric bill
in connection with Christmas decorations in the business district.
From Osman R.Springsted of Moody and springsted, Inc. in regard to payment for
their services as fiscal agents for the City in connection with the $700,000
sewage treatment plant bonds. The matter was carried over to the next meeting of
the Council on November 24th at 7:30 P.M.
From I. A.Bergen which read as follows: eI would like to ask the City Council if
they would be willing to make a recommendation to the School Board of District
#834 that space be left between the school board property and the Fairview Cemetery
Association property to continue Orleans Street so as to give us access to 42 acres
of building sites immediately south and west of the school property. If Orleans
Street should reach the end of the cemetery property and starting with our property
we, of course, would be glad to contribute on a 50-50 basis so as to continue Or-
leans Street further west running up to Mr. Ritzer's property on the north side of
Orleans Street. If it were followed through east and west to the end of our pro-
perty,it would only be a few more blocks to put the road through all the way to
Greeley Street or hospital toed. For future planning you might want to consider
a road running through town east and west on Orleans Street. If school traffic
could come in on Greeley Street through, Orleans instead of going around the hospi-
tal on Anderson Street a good deal of congestion could be eliminated in front of
where the new hospital will be. I have planned to start doing some home building
on this 42 acres next year provided City facilities will be obtainable by that
time and by having good access to the property will be more desirable for home
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, this matter was
referred to the Superintendent of Public Works with instructions to make arrange-
ments to meet with the school board in regard to this request and report to the
Council at a later date.
From the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Regional Office, Kansas City,
Missouri, addressed to Mayor Madsen which read a s follows:"We wish to :acknowledge
receipt of the signed Part B,"Supplement]Project Information^and supporting dom-
ments which complies with the conditions of the offerfer financial aid under the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Please note that in Assurance M of the Part
A of the Offer and Acceptance the City has agreed to have,prior to awarding of the
construction contract, all matters pertaining to site, easements, and rights -of
way clear. We would appreciate the position of your community in this situation,
particularly your relation with the contractor. In order to provide the required
assistance, we suggest the following procedure if you so desire. The City of.
Stillwater may wish to award the contract and then work toward clearing up all
questions concerning easements and rights -of -way. While this office cannot make
a formal commitment of a Grant until the matter pertaining to easements and rights -
of -way is cleared, if this is done within sixty (60) days, or with further mututal-
ly agreed upon extension, if necessary, we can assure you that such a grant will
be available to the City of Stillwater upon receipt of documentation that ease-
ments and. rights -of -way are clear so that the City can successfully complete
its project without interruption. Even though this .office cannot make le formal
commitment of a Grant at this time, verbal authorisation to award a construction
contract to the low bidders was given on October 16,1959. The tabulation of bids
indicates the low bidders were the Acton ConstructionCompany and Barbarossa and
Sons, Inc., Upon award of contract three (3) certified copies of ead:.'contract :
should be sent to the Minnesota State Department of Health in. Minneapolis, Minne-
sota. The amount of the Federal Grant will be based on the actual eligible project
cost not to exceed the amount "of the original grant offer. Payments under the
Grant must be preceded by an inspection by the Public Health Service of the eem.
plated construction. However, inspections cannot be made until the matter pertain-
ing to site is cleared up. We hope to effect payment as necessary to provide max-
imum service to the community, end at the same time hold our inspection cost co a
reasonable minimum. We will, therefore, appreciate your requesting only a final
inspection and payment. However, if your financial situation requires It, we
will make a partial inspection and payment. Please notify us through the Minnesota
State Department of Health of the date on which construction starts and the date
it is compbted.e On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson,
the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and directed to sign contracts covering
construction of sewage treatment plant and lift stations Projects Nos. 1 and 3
and forward completed contracts to the Acton Construction Company.
This was the day and time set for the public hearing on the proposed work of con-
structing a sewage lift stationappeared ped sewers in the before the Councilendif Mr. it
necessaryandLouisMeek,Sr. to construct a lift station to serve the area on Linden Street east of
Center Street. Other property owners in the area affectedalso
cappearedbbeared fdis-
cussion, the Council and inquired about the cost of the prod nsidera the
hearing was continued to December38,�1959 atc7n30dP.M.Councilmen r
and time
s ttd open bids for truck and loader rental. The fol-
lowing bidsopened enealoud:
1. Ritter Landscape Service
Stillwater, Minnesota
Truck rental with driver 11
Loader rental with operator
2. Bob's Service
Stillwater, Minnesota
Truck rental with driver 11
Loader rental with operator
3. Gordon Iron and Metal
Stillwater, Minnesota
ahcertified cheek,, bid tbond ornot acashd .au (A se the proposal
check was enclosed.)
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman lChaar B1enn, authorized awLa d-
directed Service
intowas aaccontrated ctdthe covering same. r and City•
The following bids were opened and read for furnishing to the City, 40 tons of
rock salt.
1. International Belt Company, Inc.
Chicago, Illinois ■$
800 bags, 40 tons rook salt"by truck $22.00 22.00 pper ton. ton.
800 bags, 40 tone rock salt by rail, i
2. Morton Salt Company
Minneapolis, Minnesota
800 bags, 40 one rock salt by truck, $22.00 per ton.
800 bags, 40 tons rock salt by rail, $22.00 per ton.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, it was decided
to purchase 400 hundred bags, or 20 tons or rock salt from each bidder.
On motion of
• Alden E.Johnson for aflnon-conformingdpermittoiconvvertna threeh (3)esory
• e-famlhouse to a meeting of the
at 306 North Fourth Street was
onoverto the next
to 21 ton $5.00 per hour
11 yard snow bucket $5.00 per hour
to 21 ton $5.00 per hour
11 yd.snow bucket $7.00 per hour
Councilman Charlsen
1. Sam
e dea doan rer derrftoday. orfag for use in the Court Room and CouncilChamber.
2. Clerkiadvertisseeasamefor trant in the y owned aStillwater e n hvacant.
3. City parks closed for season.
4. Inquired if the City will maintain a skating rink at Lily Lake. Councilman
Tennant informed him that the recreation commission has made plans to main-
tain a skating rink at Lily Lake.
bth house
5. He Lily Laakke soa
asame could beaused during Othe winter months.eHeaat
suggested that
the Council conider build
to the existingabuilding unext nyear g efor ewinter sent uuse. (Noran addition
Mayor Madsen.
1. He announced the appoint/of David William Larson as a police officer to servement
within the Police Department and also announced the appointment of Robert
House to act as assistant to the Chief of Police. On motion of Councilman
Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, his appointments were confirmed.
On motion of Councilmen Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the City Clerk
was authorized to sign the proposal as prepared by the Banister Engineering Com-
pany for services on Municipal State Aid street work in Stillwater for the year
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, Gerald M. Burke
was appointed an auxiliary fireman. (Recommended by the Fire Chief.)
The Clerk read notice of claim against the City for injury as a result of a de-
fective sidewalk signed by Mr. William W.Ward, attorney for Mr. and Mrs. LaVenture
of Somerset, Wisconsin. A copy of said notice was mailed to the Krog Agency, Inc.
and the City Attorney on October 20, 1959.
Mr. Stenseng and Mr. Fierke appeared before the Council and requested a non -con-
forming permit to erect a service station at the corner of Third and Churchill
Streets. Councilman Tennant madea motion to grant said permit, said motion was
seconded by Councilman Simpson. The Mayor then called for a vote with the follow-
ing result: Councilman Tennant, yea. Councilman Simpson, yea. Councilman
Charlsen, No. Mayor Madsen, No.
Mr. Maurice Gordon of Minneapolis„ Minnesota owner of the Reed Drug Company ap-
peared before the Council and requested that the interest oharged in connection
with a street lighting assessment be set aside. Mayor Madsen informed Mr.Gordon
that the assessments have been certified to the munty Auditor and that the Coun-
cil no longer has any jurisdiction.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, insurance policy
No.27796 issued by the Volunteer Firemen's Benefit Association of Minnesota cover-
ing Reynold O. Wert was approved and ordered filed in the office of the Fire
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, insurance policy
No.410525816 increasing bodily injury liability to $100,000 per person and
$300,000.00 each accident and property damage liability to $100,000.00 each acci-
dent and $100,000 AGG.OPS.$100,000.00 AGG.PROT. and $100,000.00 AGG.CONTR. was ap-
proved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Couoilman Simpson, Standard Workmen'
Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance policy No.41WH643563 issued by the
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company of Hartford, Connecticut was approved and
ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the City Clerk
was directed to advertise for bids on official printing covering the year 1960.
Bids returnable November 24, 1959 at 7:30 P.M.
Assessment roll for sanitary sewer in North First Street from East Sycamore
Street to East Balsam Street and East Balsam Street from North First Street to
259.50 feet west of North First Street known as Local Improvement No. 19- 1959
was presented. On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant,
the assessment roll was ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk and the
Clerk was directed to give notice that said roll has been filed and that the Coun-
cil willmeet on November 24, 1959 at 7:30 P.M. to consider and act upon said assess-
The Clerk reminded Mayor Madsen that the following terms of office will expire on
December 31, 1959. Hospital Board, LeoLSimonet; Rark Board, Chester S.Wilson;
Libary Board, Mrs. Chester Wilson, Mrs. George V.Bancroft, Mrs. Karl Neumeier;
Board of Health, Councilman Jewell.'
0n motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Building
Inspector's report covering activities during the month of September, 1959 was ap-
proved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, -the Clerk made
the second reading of "An Ordinance Amending An Ordinance for the Purpose of Pro-
moting Health, Sagety, Order, Convenience and General Welfare by Regulating the
Use of Land, the .ocation and Use of Buildings and the Arrangement of Buildings
on Lots and the Density of Population in the City of Stillwater, Minnesota."
The ordinance was read section by section, followed by roll call after each sec-
tion and allmembers of the Council present voted in the affirmative. The chair
then put the question "Shall this ordinance passe and on roll call it was unani-
mously adopted. (Hospital property).
The following resolutions were read and were on roll callunanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Appingpoliceofficer to serve within the police department of the City of
Stillwater. tom
3. Appointing assistant chief of police. (Robert Victor Bonse)
4. Directing Condemnation of land for construction of sanitary sewers and sewage
treatment plant. >,.
5. withpMunicipal Sta egAid street woorkiduring theeyearg1960P )ny connection
On notion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by CouncilmenCharlsen,meeting - adjourned
to November 24, 1959 at 7:30 P.M. (This meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M.)
Attest: O O
City Clerk
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
November 19, 1959 3:00 P.M.
Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson and President Madsen.
Absent: Councilman Tennant.
RESOLUTION The following resolution was read and was on roll call unanimously
1. Fixing tax levy for city purposes for the year 1960.
0n motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman
cilman Jewell,
meeting adjourned at 4:35 P.M.
Council Chamber November 24, 1959
Stillwater, Minnesota
7:30 P.M.
Regular adjourned meeting.
The meeting called to order by President Madsen.
Present; Councilman Charlaen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None
In motion of Councilman Tthafseconded by
sSale" liquor
licenses were Craadtoeollowing,forheyear 1960, ubject to the approval
of the Liquor
Control Commissioner. Surety bonds in the amount of $1, 000.00 each were
also approved.
Edward J. Davidson, 231 E. Myrtle Street
John M. Ertle, 224 South Main Street
Clara A.CE.KMeister, l8 East 112 NortheMaintStreett
Marjorie L. Moelter, 402 South Main Street
Donald F. Mosiman and Glenn L. Karloske, 317 South Main Street
Glenn Brekke, 226 South Main Street
James P. Thompson, 302-304 South Main Street
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, an "off Sale"
liquor license was granted to Donald F. Mosiman and Glenn L. Karloske, at 317 South
Main Street (formerly Robert Burger and Harold LaBore) for the period from November
24, 1959 to January 1, 1960, subject to the approval of the Liquor Control Commis-
sioner. Surety bond in the amount of $1.000.00 was also approved. No fee was col -
Robert in connection license toDonaldcF'.se the Mosimanuand Glennwas
L. arlosked from
Robert Burger and Harold LaBore
wasmograntedito Kenneth Stensvold� (Don'sdService) 2001W. Myrtle 1Streetg,a for the
e license
piod from November 1, 1959 to January 1, 1960 at the rate of $$1.00 per month (total
fee od. 00)
On motion. of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following li-
censes were granted to the Variety Amusement Co., 663 llth Ave. N.W., New Brighton,
1. Amusement Machine operator's license $25.00
2. 1 Amusement machine license $.5.0
3. 1 Music maohine license $10.00 (owner Ralph J. Sanders)
the following
ciwerefgrantedLtonLeonard Andersonarlsen ,, 527ed yCouncilman Wisconsin St., Hudson, Wisconsin: li-
censes1. Amusement Machine Operator's license, $25.00
2. 2 Amusement machine licenses $5.00 each, total $10.00
3. 2 Music Machine licenses $10.00 each, total $20.00.
rlsen, an
bOn motion of Councilman eer license was granted TtonDonald F. seconded Nosimen0and oGllennna
n L.xarlosOke at317aSouth 2
Main Street,for the period from November 24, 1959 to November 24, 1960.
man Jewell, an
licenseowasfgrantedltonDonald F. Mosiseconded
andCG ennlL. Karloske, 317„SouthSale
Street,for the period from November 24, 1959 to January 1, 1960. (transfer). Sure-
ty bond in the amount of $3,000.00 was also approved.
From the State of Minnesota, Water Pollution Contrommisson,pprovingape nump.
prepared by the Banister Engineering Co., covering Sanitary Sewers
ing Station in the McKusick Lake. Area. Plans designated W.P.C. No.2987.
From the Board of Water Commissioners ingardtto )requestequest f(om )WalterhNelson (13),
elson for
water main extensions in Blocks Ten (fl,Sre
McEinstry inethisd smatter butitioarenunablein hch they to offer anyte that the Board wishes financial assistance.
From co-
operatessed to
inow the theyDepartmento thati theyDhaveareceived informationState of ofthee death ofMtherCitysDi-
rector whitorco they
rector of Civil Dsfense,Mr. Art Kleinsehnitz, and that a new director must be appointed
and in accordance with state law, official confirmation of a new appointment
come from the Mayor.
From the Public Works Equipment Co., Inc., which read as follows: e"1e have .re-
ceived your check in the amount of $3,836.20 which is the final payment on the
street sweeper you purchased in May, 1959. Enclosed you will find our invoice,
numb•• 75Z in the amount of $66.30, which covers interest at 7 from August.17,"
1959 to November 1, 1959, on $3,836.20 for a total of eighty-seven days. This
is in agreement with the terms we offered you in our letter dated July 22,1959
in response to your letter asking to finance part of the bid price."
Mayor. Madsen instructed the City clerk to inform the proper officers of the"Pub-
lic Works Equipment Co. that the city cannot pay interest charges exceeding the
legal; rate of 6% unless such terms are part of a contract.`.
From:the Northern Pacific Railway Co. which read as follows" In compliance with
our past agreement and as referred to in my letter. of November 3rd, enclosed is.
donationdeed R.W. 6234 dated November 16, 1959, whereby the Northern Pacific con-
veys to the City of Stillwater park property adjacent to St. Croix "Lake. "'You
will recall that this is a portion of the property previously covered by railway
company lease 76821 to the city. Please acknowledge receipt of the deed and we
shall consider this transaction closed." "
The Clerk was instructed to write a letter and forward same to theproper officers
of the railway company thanking them for donating property to the city..
From the Northern States Power Company which read as follows"The gas rate schedule.
for general service which Northern States Power Company furnished with its ;otter
dated August 19, 1959,to beconm effective upon commencement of natural gas ser-
vice in the City of Stillwater has been revised. Attached for your information
is the general service rate schedule which replaces the one previously furnished."
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the letter was
ordered placed on file.
From the Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission, addressed to Mayor'Madsen
in regard to application of Railway Express Agency to consolidate express opera-
tions at Bayport and Stillwater, by extension of collection and delivery service
of Stillwater terminal to Bayport thereby discontinuing express terminal at Bay-.
port, Minnesota.
Petition for annexation of territory signed by Richard K.Trudgen, Helen H.Larson,
Barbara Kuehn, Roger W. Kuehn, Johannes E.Kleinlnnuelleg,Elizabeth-Kleinkmueller,
Arthur G.Ruggles, and Louella Ruggles which read as follows: "The undersigned
T. and L. Incorporated, a corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota,
Barbara Kuehn and Roger W. Kuehn,her husband, Johannes E. Kleinkmueller- and .Eli-
zabeth Kleinkmueller, his wife, and Arthur G.Ruggles and Louella Ruggles, "his "wife,
being all the owners of the land hereinafter described, respectfully petition the
City Council of the City of Stillwater, a municipality, situated in the County of
Washington, State of Minnesota, to have said land included within and annexed to
said city, which land abutts on said city,is not included in any, other municipali-
ty, does not exceed 200 acres in area and is described as "follows: All' of Fair
meadows No. 1 according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office
of the Regis tra of Titles of the County of Washington, Stateof Minnesota,: ex-
cept the following described portions thereof, Lots 1 to 10 inclusive, 21,22,.25,
26,27, 40 end 41, together with all parts of public streets or roads abutting: on
said lots respectively and legally appurtenant thereto, 1 also, all those parts of
the south half of the southwest quarter of Section 29, and the southeast quarter;
of the southeast quarter of Section 30, allinTownship 30 North, Range 20"West,"
lying outside of the boundaries of said plat.
The city attorney was instructed to prepare en ordinance covering theannexation
of the above mentioned territory and present same for its first reading at the
meeting to be held on December 8, 1959.
This was the day and time set for the hearing on Assessment Roll covering sewer
construction in North First Street between East Sycamore and East Balsam Streets,
East Balsam Street between North First Street and 259.50 feet west of North First
Street.(Local Improvement No.19-1959).
No one appeared before the Council who was opposed to said assessment roll.
This was the day and time set to open bids on official printing for the year 1960.
Only one bid was received and that was the bid from the Stillwater Evening Gazette.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the Stillwater
Evening Gazette bid was accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and
directed to enter into a contract covering same.
Councilman Charlsen
1. He reported that one of the apartments in the city owned house on Fourth
Street is vacant.
2. He suggested that the Council consider insulating the attic in the City
Hall. He suggested that the men in the city street department be asked to
do this work. He stated that the cost of the material would be about $300.00.
3. He stated that he had checked into the matter of the central heating plant
located at the Fire Station and from reports that he has received, the plant
is of sufficient capacity to handle the fire station and the City Hall, but
he felt that the plant is not large enough to heat the new building now under
construction to house street department equipment.
Councilman Jewell
1. He stated that he has received complaints about rats in the ravine around
Laurel and Mulberry Streets near the Everett Street bridge.
Councilman Simpson
1. He stated that the Recreation Commission would present their budget for the
year 1960 at the next meeting of the City Council.
2. He reported that the ladder trunk at the Fire Station is being overhauled at
a cost of about $550.00.
Councilman Tennant
1. He reported that the Recreation Commission would like to purchase two alum-
inum boats for use at the bathingbeaches, end that the budget will allow
purchase of same during the year 1959.
Mayor Madsen
1. Reported that he and the City Clerk had signed the $700,000.00 bonds and
that $545,000.00 of the bond issue has been invested in U. S.Treasury notes.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the contract as
drawn by the city attorney between the Jamas D.Wolff Construction Co., and the
City covering installation of sanitary sewer in and along South Sixth Avenue,
East Marsh Street and East Burlington Street was approved end ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, insurance poli-
cies covering the following volunteer firemen, issued by the Volunteer Firemen's
Benefit Association of Minnesota were approved and ordered filed in the office
of the Fire Chief:
Policy No. 28003 Gerald Mathew Burke
Policy No.. 28004 Herbert F.Callies
Policy No. 28005 Philip William Gerlach
Policy No. 28006 Clifton Halsey
Policy No. 28007 Charles Carl Kruse
Policy No. 28008 John R.Sherin
On motion of CouncilmanCharlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, insurance policy
No.M.7817607 issued by the Great American Insurance Co. of New York, covering
245 parking meters against all risks of diredt physical loss or damage in the
amount of $14,700.00 was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, insurance poli-
cy No.I.M.T. 366564 issued by the National Hartford Companies covering sixteen
voting machines in the amount of $23,520.00 was approved and ordered filed.
The City Clerk reported that the following problems have arisen in connection
with sewer rental charges:
1. Homes unoccupied during last quarter of the year, some occupants returning
April 1st, others about May or June.
2. Washington County Historical Society and Golf Course closed last quarter
of each year.
3. Several cases of large overages during last quarter due to flooding of pri-
vate skating rinks.
Mayor Madsen suggested that the city attorney prepare an amendment to our
cases fixing
y and rtthat said amendment be deC.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing payment of bills
2. Authorize payment of license fee to Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Paci-
fic Railroad Co.
3. North First establish
Balsamsment Streets.l (LocaliImprov Improion vement in
4. Authorizing investment of proceeds from sale of sewer improvement bonds
5. Authorising payment to Public Employees Retirement Association, <ity's
share of retirement plan (37,680.54).
6. On death of Art Nleinschnitz.
7. Approving revision of assessment covering water main improvement No.4-1955
in Radle a Sunny Slop3 Addition, lots 47,46,45,44,43.
8. On death of Frank Frederickson.
9. Permitting payment in installments of assessments. for sanitary sewer (Lo-
cal Improvement No. 19-1959).
10. $uthoriizziinnggvthe
menislso and
d1salle of certificates of indebtedness (Sanitary
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Sewell,meeting ad-
journed at 9:40 P.M. L,+
� 3:00 P.M. .. rti
Council Chamber November 27, 19590
Stillwater, Minnesota :--�
Special Meeting.
The meeting called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: NoneMpurpose of dis-
cussing odes Wolff,e y contractor is
cussi Madsen announced that thisnuntied was Mr. called for Ltre trra•
conneng some ofwith
the problems encountered
progress in the to hire additional
Mr. connection explained
ntede thatsewer project t it l be to pay
Mqu pment known s
rere tOHafinquired Iflthe city would be willing
one-half of the cost
a forpsu•
one-half the coat for such additional equipment. Mr. William Banister,
engineer for the city, stated that the specifications are based on unit prices.
more than the agreed contraatpri0e. Mr. James Wolff who was awarded
Mayor Madsen stated that the city attorney bad informed him that the city can-
not pay Sixth Avenue South re-
quested exte the extension oft construction
ttoo completes same,, said Orequest due to frost condi-
Councilmen Sewell, it was decided
to motion of eiregn st from seconded by
to comply with the request from �r•Wectr and grant an additional ninety y
complete the Sixth Avenue sewer prod for the Maple Island felt
was encroaching on private property owned by the Maple Island Co.
Mayor Madsen stated that Mr. Crane, attorney clan. Inc.,nc. Banister,
that the tidy
in connection eth the interceptor he had
project now n prmatter is encroaching
engineer for the cwte, stated that re prd checked this t theec end found pact
leas were prepared and that the city is
would bepoe-
on error was made when the p
on private erothetd. Mayor Madsen
uct inquired of noHen a er, it would
did not extend above the ground, t would
sable to lower the diversion structure which is now on the ..Maple Island property.
The Mayor felt thatethathMaple structure
sland Inc., would be willing to grant be
more than likely
mend too the citymrcoveringtt installation of the icould be loweredtso sewethatrit itswould Snot et ►
on Maple Island property. Mr.Hanister exp
t ex -
informed the mayor that the atructure500.00 to move theowered interceptor sewerotrom
oul above the an additional $1,
would cost the city
the Maple Island property. Councilman Charlaen, meeting On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by
journed at 5:00 P.M.
Council Chamber
December 8, 1960- 7:30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular meeting.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Opening prayer by the City Clerk.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell,Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None.
On motion of CouncilmanCharlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, minutes of the
following meetings wet: approved:
Special meeting, September 28, 1959 3:00 P.M.
Special meeting, October 6, 1959, 2:30 P.M.
Regular meeting, October 6, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Special meeting, October 14,1959 2:30 P.M.
Special October
1959 4:00 P.M.
Regular meeting, 2 November5,1959 7:30 P.M.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilmen Simpson, an "Off SON
yliqur earo19600B subject ranted to
the approvalss bfJtheuLiquor235 East Control Chestnut Street he
Commissioner. Surety
bond in the amount of $1,000.00 was also approved.
eon and Off"
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman
304 NorthMainStreet, for.
them 3.2 beer licenses
granted959 o December 31st, 1960.
the period from 31st,
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Simpson "On and Off"
theepe iodefromiDecembere5, 1959tto December 5,01960e on the for Brn's Creek Inn
second reading of
the applications.
Onnmotioon nrof Coutcilma teennant, seg ndseconded
r tbye Cyouncilman
Jewell, soft drink li-
Fern Selb 807 North 4th Street
Thomas W.2urtis, 414 South Main Street
Stillwater Country Club, North 2nd Street
Patrick E.White, 603 West Churchill Street
John M. Ertle, 224 South Main Street
Connolly Shoe Co., 123 North 2nd Street
James P. Thompson, 302 South Main Street
ppatoa H. Felix, 413 South Greeley Street
&, James Meister, 901 South 4th Street
Albert E. Ponath, 313 East Chestnut Street
Midland Coop. Inc., 501 North Main S MainSet
Eagles Club, Aerie #94, 227 South
Reed Drug Co., 131 South Main Street
Arnold Deno, 215 North William Street
B. P. 0. Elks Lodge #179, 110 South Main Street
011ie Moulton, 317 South Main Street
Donald F. Mosiman and Glenn Karloske, 317 South Main Street
Ralph B. Otte, 517. North Owen Street
American Legion Club, Post #48, 101-103 South 3rd Street
Morrie D. Crotto, 108 North Main Street
Arthur -A. Nelson, 920 West Olive Street
Eder108 South Main Street
Ed. Kneelkamp,
1101 Worth Own Street
Hlan J Shull, Gardner, Brown's
Owen Street
National Tea Company, Myrtle Street
Betty Pearson, 304 North Main Street
Ralph Wilberg, 1112 6th Avenue South
licensesnwereCg anntedmtoChthelfollowingnford bthe0y ar11960:Simpson, cigarette
Fern Seib, 807 North 4th Street
Stillwater Country Club, North 2nd Street
Patrick E.White, 603 West Churchill Street
John M.Ertle, 224 South Main Street
Connolly Shoe Co., 123 North 2nd Street
James P. Thompson, 302 South Main Street
Caton H. Felix, 413 South Greeley Street
E. James Meister, 901 South 4th Street
Albert E. Ponath,, 3130EEast
strCh stnChestnut
n 3StreeStreet
Midland Coop,Inc.,
St.Croix Drug Co., 132 South Plain Street
S treat
Eagles Club, Aerie #94, 227 South ain
Cigarette licenses continued
Milton Krelitz, 233-235 South Main Street
Reed Drug Co., 131 South Main Street
Arnold J.Deno, 215 North William Street
Glenn Brekke, 226 South Main Street
Arnold E.Tessmer, Court House
B. P. 0. Elks #179, 110 South Main Street
Orlve Moulton, 317 South Main Street
Donald F. Nolde, 224 South Main Street
Kilty's Service Station, 4th & Churchill Streets
Browning Motor Co., 114 West Churchill Street
Dale C. Mattison, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
W. C. Kinsel, 2nd & Chestnut Streets
Hooley Supermarkets' Inc., 902 South 4th Street
Hooley Supermarkets' Inc., 109 North Main Street
Donald F. Mosiman and Glenn L. Karloske, 317 South Main Street
Ralph B. Otte, 517 North Owen Street
Welter H. Marth, 123 South Main Street
American Legion Club, Post #48, 101-103 South 3rd Street
Harold Zolldan, 211 South Main Street
Morrie Crotto, 108 North Main Street
Gene Wright, 218 North Main Street
Arthur A. Nelson, 920 W. Olive Street
Emerson M. Lower, 108 South Main Street
Ed. Knefelkamp, 1101 North Owen Street
James L. Gardner, Brown's Creek Inn
Harlan J. Shull, 101 North Owen Street
National TeaCo., Myrtle Street
Ralph Milberg, 1112 6th Avenue South
Betty Pearson, 304 North Main Street
Lowell Inn., Inc., 102 North 2nd Street
Richard Prescott, South Water Street.
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the following
licensee were granted to Donald F. Mosiman and Glenn L. Karloske, 317 South Main
Street for the period from November 24, 1959 to January 1, 1960:
Cigarette license $2.00
Soft drink license 10.00
From the Northern Pacific Railway Co. in regard to permit No.87394 in connection
with installation of interceptor sewer along railway right-of-way calling .:the
council's attention to the expiration date of liability insurance and compensation
insurance policies covering the contractor, namely, Barberrosa and Sons, Inc„
said policies expire on January 1, 1960.
Mr.Banister,englneer for the city, stated that he would contact Barbarroaa and
Sons, and take care of this matter.
Prom Charlsen Trucking Service which read as follows: "Wehave received a can-
cellation of garbage service from the Stillwater Rest Home, 220 West Olive Street,
City. In view of the nature of the business conducted at this address, I'believe
the city health officer should check as to disposition there at the first oppor-
From the Railroad and Wareho se Commission in the matter of the application of
the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. caul and Pacific Railroad Company for a certificate of
public convenience and necessity to operate as a regular route common carrier in
intrastate commerce, hearing on the matter will be held on December 16, 1959 at
9:30 o'clock in the morning in the State Office Building, Room 470, St. Paul,
A petition with eight signatures of property owners affected which read as fol-
lows was presented: "We, the undersigned freeholders of the City of Stillwater
and abutting propertyowners along the street concerned herewith respectfully pe-
tition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Stillwater to black top and con-
struct curbing along both sides of Pine Street from Grove Street to Brick Street."
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the petition
was accepted and ordered filed and the City Engineer was instructed to prepare
plans and estimated cost..
This was the day and time set to continues the hearing on the proposed work of
constructing sewers and sewage pumping station in the Mc%usick Lake area.
No one appeared before the Council who was opposed to the doing of the proposed
work. (See Resolution).
Mr. Ronald Ehlinger, Superintendent of Public Works, reported that he had met
with the School Hoard in regard to the I. A. Bergen request for a street along
school property (Orleans Street) and that the School Board had agreed to consider
this matter at their next meeting.
Mayor Madsen announced the following appointments and on motion of Councilman
Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, his appointments were confirmed:
Hospital Board, Leo L.Simonet
Park Board, Chester S.Wilson
Board of Health, Councilman Jewell
Director of Civil Defense, Clifton Halsey
Water Board,Richard Olson.
Councilman Charlsen
1. He reported that one of the apartments in the city owned house on 4th street
was vacant.
Councilman Jewell
1. Stated that he had received requests to move a light on North 4th Street
near the Golf Course.
Councilman Simpson
1. American
La rancea,at a
sobt nfcompletely
overhauled by Paul Doerr,
one of
2. 0.
He presents�$ a special contract for fire protection covering the united
pgany1covered by thehd tronics contractop. is locatedrt) for outsidecthecil cityplimits. .The com-
0n motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the contract
was approved as submitted by Councilman Simpson (Mayor Madsen and Councilman
Charlsen voted'Noton the motion).
RulesoandnAmendments l toathe pBasic sonsRu eseandyRegulatio s for the of Government
of a paid fire department in the City of Stillwere were approved, effective Jan-
uary 1, 1960:
Rule # 1
Fifteen calendar days vacation per year. Forty-four (44) working days off per
year, not more than six (6) days to be scheduled between May 31 and August 1,
this period designated as vacation time, the remaining thirty-eight (38) days
during the other months of the year.
Rule # 2
Three men on duty at all times, excluding the chief and two men on call.
Effective immediately Rule # 3.
Men on call will report to duty in the event of sickness.
Sick leave will be changed to calendar working days instead of actual working.
days, not to exceed five days per week.
All work as prescribed by the fire chief shall be done between the hours of 8:00
A. M. and 5:00 P.M.
Councilman Tennant
1. Receiving calls on skating rinks. Same will be flooded when weather permits.
Mr. Ed. Frye who acted as spokesman for the Parking Committee of the Chamber of
Commerce appeared before the Council and presented the following recommendations
for Council approval, recommendations effective at once:
1. Establish one hour parking limit on Main Street and two hour limit on balance
of metered area.
2. It is recommended that the City employ a full time meter man or maid whose
only duty would be the enforcing of parking regulations to eliminate all day
parking in metered areal.
3. Enforce parking regulations until 9:00 P.M. on Friday evenings.
Work on Item # 4 should be started at once and completed as soon as possible
4. Install additional meters in the following areas:
Meter Water Street from Chestnut south to Nelson, one way traffic and angle
parking, approximately 25 meters.
Angle parking and one way traffic north on Water Street north of Chestnut
Street, check loading zone, approximately 6 meters.
Meter both sides of Nelson Street, east of Main, approximately 12 meters.
Meter south side of Nelson Street, between Main and 2nd Street, approximately
10 meters.
Meter south side of street next to Stillwater Motor between Main and 2nd,
approximately 10 meters.
Extend metered area on both sides of South 2nd Street, south of Telephone Co.
and Bluff City, spproximately8 meters.
Install meters in front of Auditorium Theatre with"no parking"during hours
theatre is open, approximately 2 meters. Meter balance of Chestnut Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets, elimininate
"no parking" zone in front of Armory, approximately 10 meters.
Install 2 meters in front of Bloom's lot.
Meter one side of Myrtle between 2nd end 3rd streets, approximately 8 meters.
Install meters on 2nd between Commercial and Mulberry, approximately 25 meters
Install 3 meters in front of Maple Island, Inc.
Install 3 meters north side of Commercial along Browning Olds building.
Install 1 meter alongside Dr. Humphrey's building.
Install 1 meter on union Street in front of Simonet's Warehouse.
Eliminate curb and install meters along Shell 0i1 Station, approximatelya4
Extend meters on north and south end of Main Street, approximately 20 meters.
Total additional meters 150.
Recommendations effective early Spring 1960.
5. Lease from Northern Pacific,area south of Chestnut, west of park, that has
been used as parking. By taking approximately 10 feet from the park and re-
moving two seldom used spur tracks both sides of this area could be used for
metered parking and would accommodate approximately 85 cars.
6. Convert approximately 1/3 of the south section of the park to a parking area.
7. Resurface Simonet property and use for parking.
8. Park of the Northern States Power Co. land south of Lowell Park.
9. Lease from the Northern Pacific the entire area between the river and rail-
road tracks, north of the engine, construct a parking lot in this area.
10. Buy or lease any available space in downtown area and construot municipal
metered parking lots, sites specifically recommended at present'time:
Lot now occupied by Munson's, would accommodate 21 cars.
Carlson lot next to Simonet's warehouse, on Union Street, 20 cars.
Lot adjacent to Northern States Power Co., 16 cars.
Postoffice property adjacent to Van Meler's,16 cars.
Milwaukee Railroad property south of warehouse, between Water St. and
railroad tracks, 10 cars.
11. Investigate possibility of buying or leasing more downtown property for
parking purposes.
12. If necessary, city should borrow money to finance construction of these
parking lots and repay these loans from parking meter revenues.
Mr. Frye stated that/a meeting of the Chamber on December 7, 1959, 57 members
werepresent and the above recommendations were unanimously adopted.
The following Chamber members were
also present
Healey,andrdspokelbre iefly: Mr. Joseph
Simonet, Sr., Mr. R. M. r
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the first three
items as outlined above were approved and will be put into effect as soon as pos-
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, item #4 as out-
lined above was referred to the Chief of Police, Superintendent of Public Works,
and Parking Committee of the Chamber of Commerce.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the request for
a non -conforming permit from Nestor J.Harvieux to remodel existing three -plea
at received Pine Street to a
building tabledinspector in hislmatterer informatics is
The matter of remodeling part of the second floor of the Fire Station for city
offices was discussed and Mayor Madsen stated that the Superintendent of Public
Works has authority to proceed with the preliminary work whenever men in his de-
partment are available for this purpose.
Two men representing Lystad's Exterminators appeared before the Council and
made the following offer in connection with rat control:
1. One Hundred Twenty Dollars ($120.00) for each ravine for complete control.
er month
or each succeeding
2. year,0all privately ownedsproperty, nth for firt year dall5citypbuildings fand property,includ-
Lng city
nd r dump,
iver frontrarea, all alleys end infected areas, actually
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilman Jewell, it was decided
hNave the aove mentionedorth 3rdbStreet ravvinescandatheompnyrCle kowasvauthorizedines of tto sigma contract
covering this work.
On motion of Councilman4impson, seconded by Councilman Sewell, the building in-
ding the months of October and November,of
1959 were approved and dactfiled.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, the city clerk
was authorized to purchase two new dictating machines.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following
order of business was adopted for all regular meetings of the council during the
year 1960:
l.Call meeting to order
7. Petitions
B. Unfinished business
9. Committee reports
2.0pening prayer
3.Ro11 Call
4.Approve minutes
6.Communi ca tions
10. New business
11. Ordinances
12. Resolutions
13. Adjournment
On motion of CouncilmanCharlaen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the Clerk made
the first
ing sewer rseeravdiincg
cha gesrandaproe v dngi nformthercollectioni xthereof. establish -
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by CouncilmanCharlsen, the Clark
erming the
ttodbetin theabesta interest of then City oft Stillwater and oft the territory ion of naf-
fected and declaring same to be annexed to the city (part of Fairmeadowa
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilmen Simpson, the Clerk
mofean orordinance
teme ending
ordnance authorizing the n-
n of
The following resolutions were read and were on 1b11 calluaanimouely adopted•
1. Directing payment of bills
2. Determining to proceed with the work of constructing sewers end sewage lift
station and directing the City Clark to advertise for bide. (McMusick Lake
Onmotion of December Cbarlsen, seconded by Cou
journed to1959
loran Jewell, meeting ad-
187 ° w
Council Chamber
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting.
December 11, 1959 4:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson, Tennant and President Madsen.
Absent: None
Mayor Madsen announced that this meeting was called for the purpose of meeting with
the firemen who disobeyed orders from their chief and walked off the job, thus
leaving the city unprotected in case of fire.
The following persons were involved in this matter:
1. John Zoller, Captain1 Paul Doerr,oGaravalia, Fireman, an,(3),Rusl, (3),Russell
ArnolLieutenant; ieuten
(4), Roy Edstrom, Firemen, (5), Loui
Fireman, (7), James Tibbetts, fireman.
Mr.John Zoller acted as spokesman for the group and stated that the Chief had
specified listed in the Basic Rules
and Regulations for the Government ofthe Fir
Councilman Simpson whowas appointed by the Mayor to represent the Council in all
matters pertaining to the Fire Department explained that there has been consider-
initherrulesnunderamongthetheheading "Duties offiremen over a nFiremen" in the g peiod of eBasic and sRules tand ed aRegula-
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by CouncilmanCharlsen, the following
a paarws tgofathetBasicknown
Rulessand Regulations under
Government of a paid fire de-
partment madepartment in the City of Stillwater.
Rule # 5.
"To aid in the performance of any and all other work or services as directed
by the Chief of the Fire Department, whether the same be directly or in-
directly related to the operation of the Fire Department and the normal
functions thereof or to the operation of any other department of the city now
established or hereafter created by the City sC� Council,
provided, showever, at
no fireman shall be required to perform any n
fore the hour of 8:00 A.M. nor after the hour of 5:00 P.M. on any given day.
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Tennant, meeting adjourned
at 5:25 P.M.
Fire Station
Stillwater, Minnesota
Special Meeting .
December 12, 1959 4:45 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by President Madsen.
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell,Simpson, Tennant and rreaident Madsen.
Absent: None
The eetng was called who
f the
daysmagoihad indicated that uthey se hwould bee nwilling dtoareturn fto theirb jobs
On motion of Councilman Tennant, seconded by Councilmansimpson, it was decided
to allow the men who
assignments providing swalked
ding they abide following the llowing terms and conditionsfective
1. meat ustp P.M.on return
noDtheir eirere respective
tive duties as assigned by the Fire
2. There are no ing
and ready to follows the trules of the ached to lFie Dr epartment anduthe Chieft be andof-
3. The City Council agrees to recognize a committee designated by the firemen
to air differences, discuss changes in rules and any grievances that may
4. The City
ywill akcit
y to study the possibility of installing
Civil Service t
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Tennwtt, the meeting
adjourned. /1
Dein Ch risen, Aoting Clerk
Council Chamber December 29, 1959 7:30 P.M.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Regular adjourned meeting.
.r The meeting was called to order by President Madsen .
Present: Councilman Charlsen, Jewell, Simpson and President Madsen.
Absent: Councilman Tennant.
licensesnwere of Councilman
t d toStheson, followingded forby theoyear1man 1960,ewell, subjectOto the payment
of at least one-half of the total fee on el. before December 31, 1959. (Total fee
for the year, $1,350.00). Bonds in the amount of $3,000.00 each, were also ap-
Edward J.Davidson, 231 E. Myrtle Street
John M. Ertle, 224 South Main Street
Clara A. R. Meister, 112 North Main Street
James P. Thompson, 302 South Main Street
The Lowell Inn, Inc., 102-116 North 2nd Street
Donald F. Mosimen and Glenn L. Karloske, 317 South Main Street
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the following
club "On Sale" liquor licenses were granted for the year1960, subject to the pay-
ment of one Hundred Dollars (r$100.00) on or before December 31, 1959. Bonds in
the amount of $1,000.00 each were also approved;
FeanlLeEagles, Aerie4227 South
American Legion Club, Post #46,103South Third re
Stillwater Country Club, Inc., No.Second Street
B. P. 0. Elks Lodge No. 179, 110 South Main Street
Greeder-Hinds Comfort Post 323, Veterans of Foreign Wars, 124 North Main Street
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, soft drink 11-
w^ tenses were granted to the following for the year 1960:
Clara A.R. Meister, 112 North Main Street
Edward J.Davidson, 231 E. Myrtle Street
Lowell Inn, Inc., 102 North 2nd Street
Harold Chatterton, 204 North Main Street
Leonard Yee, 241 South Main Street
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, cigarette licenses
were granted to the following for the year 1960:
Clara A. E. Meister, 112 North Main Street
Bees McElwain, 106 South Main Street
Robert M. Greeder, 230 North 2nd Street.
Edward J. Davidson, 231 East Myrtle Street
Harald Chatterton, 204 North Main Street
Marius P. Andrewsen, 207 East Chestnut Street
Leonard Yee, 241 South Main Street.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Simpson, license to haul
things to the city dump, was granted to Robert G. Huston, 1114 North Owens Street.
On motion of Councilman Jewell, seconded by Councilman Simpson, a license to
operate a theatre was granted to Ernest Peaslee, Jr., 211 South 2nd Street,for the
year 1960.
s From the State of Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission,notice of reset
hearing in the matter of the application of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.Pauland
Pacific Railroad Co. for a certificate of nublic convenience and necessity to
operate as a regular route common carrier in intrastate commerce (hearing date -
February 2, 1960.)
Also, hearing in the matter of the application of the Railway Express Agency for
permission to incorporate the cortmunityy, of Bayport into the terminal area of its
Stillwater, Minnesota agency (hearing =anuary 12, 1960-Village Nall,Bayport,
From the Magee Hale Park-O-Meter Co., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, addressed to the
Chief of Police which read as follows: "We have a letter from our representative,
Mr.Tom Harstad, ordering 16 park-o-meters r your city, together with 90 instal-
lation plates and 90 time plates, also included is an order for free exchange of
90 sixty minute dials to be traded for ninety two-hour dials; locks in series
EX-3 have been ordered and we expect to make shipment in about thirty days."
From Clifton Halsey, Director of Civil Defense, Stillwater, Minnesota, whichread in
part as follows: "On Sunday, April 24, 1960, we would like to conduct an evacua-
tion test including a partial evacuation of the City of Stillwater and controlled
re-entry simulating nuclear attack conditions. This test would serve as a goal
for the various defense services in being prepared. It would also serve as an ex-
cellent theme to stimulate public interest. The test would also tell us how the
various services are able to coordinate their activities. On behalf of the Still-
water Civil Defense Services, I request your permission to plan and conduct this
test evacuation."
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, permission was
granted to conduct the test as outlined by Mr. Halsey, subject to approval of
State authorities.
A petition signed by Walter Nelson and Don Hill, requesting that the Council va-
cate a portion of West Willard Street in the City of Stillwater was presented.
On motion of Councilmen Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson, the petition
was ordered filed and February 9, 1960 at 7:30 o'clock P. M. was the time set
for hearing on said petition. The CityClerk was instructed to give proper notice
of said hearing in accordance with the city charter.
A petition with signatures of eightproperty owners affected, requesting water
service on West Pine Street. No action was taken on the petition at this time.
Councilman Charlsen
1. Reported that one of the apartments in the city owned house on 4th street
was still vacant.
Councilman Jewell
1. Stated that he has not found time to check on the various requests for new
street lights.
2. Reported that he has received requests for additional street lights in the
McXusick Lake area.
3. Reported that he has asked the building inspector to contact Mr.Erlits of
the Stillwater Machine Shop and inquire about the cost of steel stairs which
would lead from the new street garage to the second floor of the fire station.
Councilman Simpson.
1. Stated flags were displayed from light standards on Christmas Day and that
there must have been some misunderstanding in regard to this matter.
2. Reported that everything was running smoothly at the Fire Department.
Mayor Madsen
1. Stated that he had received a letter from the Minnesota Safety Council
about a meeting onTuesday, January 12, 1960 in the St. Paul Hotel at 12:15
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, permission
was granted to the Board of Water Cor.+issioners to wreck the old house directly
behind the "cater Department office building.
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the following
salary and wage schedule was adopted for the year 1960,
to paid
he salarieslisted
Single hosd medical pital
(seeremiums ResolutionlNobe1968), by the City in addition
Councilman Jewell was not present when the vote was called for on the above motion.
- City Clerk and City Treasurer $500.00 per month
-Deputy city clerk and treasurer 305.00 per month
-Deputy city clerk,deputy city treasurer, and deputy clerk of Court $325.00 per month
Clerk in city clerk's office, 250.00 per month
Extra clerk hire 1.15 per hour
.-City assessor 390.00 per month
--City attorney 350.00 per month
City attorney, clerk hire 50.00 per month
.Building Inspector 485.00 per month
Assistant building inspector 2.40 per hour
- Superintendent of Public Works 600.00 per month
Assistant to Supt.Public Works 450.00 per month
Street Foreman 420.00 per month
City Physician 70.00 per month
Bandmaster 102.00 per month
Municipal Judge 341.66 per month $4100.00 per year
Special Municipal Judge 25.00 per day
-Clerk of Municipal Court 100.00 per month
Chief of Police 600.00 per month
Assistant Chief of Police 370.00 per month
-Patrolman 335.00 per month
Auxiliary police 1.55 per hour
. Chief of Fire Department 475.00 per month
Captain Fire Dept.(Senior) 375.00 per month
Captain Fire Dept.(Junior) 360.00 per month
Lieutenants -Fire Dept. 345.00 per month
Regular firemen 335.00 per month
Extra firemen(not volunteers) 1.55 per hour
Volunteer firemen (drill) 1.00 per hour
Response to alarm 2.00 .par -hear
Each hour worked 1.55 per hour
Sleep at station 2.00 per night
Parking meter maintenance 50.00 per month
-Janitor 85.00 per month
- Dumpmaster 200.00 per month
-Equipment operator,
street department 1.90 per hour
• Truck driver
street department # 1 1.85 per hour
Truck driver
street department # 2 1.70 per hour
Skilled labor
street department 1.80 per hour
-Common labor
street department 1.60 per hour
Street cleaner 1.45 per hour
Caretaker, Pioneer Park 180.00 per month
Road grader and operator 9.00 per hour
On motion of Councilmen Simpson, seconded by Councilman Charlsen, the follow-
ing budget was adopted for the year 1960;
Revenue -General Fund
General property taxes $187,800.00
Licenses & permits 33,982.00
Fines, fees and costs 9,100.00
Revenue from use of money & 3,640.00
Revenue from other agencies 27,156.00
Charges for current services 4,100.00
Refunds and reimbursements 1,000.00
Estimated revenue in excess of 21,782.50
Total revenue 1288,562.50
Expenditures -General Fund $ 3,300.00�
City Council
Municipal & Conciliation Court 13,950.00v
Elections 14,960.00✓
Finance Assessor & Board of Equtiona 5080.00v
City Hall
Publishing Financial statement
Public safety -Police Dept.
Public safety -Fire t.
Public safety -Proof ctictive In_
Public safety -other protection
Highways -Supervision
Highways -roadways
Snow and ice removal
Street lighting
Traffic signals
Christmas lighting
Sanitation and waste removal
(Sewer system)
Sanitation and waste removal
(Dump grounds)
Sanitation and waste removal
(Rat control)
Conservation of Health
Recreation-Veterans Beach
Recreation -Legion Beach
Undistributed general
Parking meter service
Rental unit expense
Hospital end medical payments
Total expenditures
Revenue -all funds
Real property
Permanent improvement
Firemen's Relief
Public Employees Retirement
Civilian Defense
Parking facilities
Post audit
Voting machines
Total revenue -all funds
Expenditures -all funds
Real property
Permanent Improvement
Firemen's Relief
Public Employees Retirement
Civilian Defense
Parking facilities
Post audit
Voting machines
Total expenditures -all funds
& supplies
. .5E .l—_✓ 4-
500.00 V
1,500.00 n 703 y`a
ovep .!/e•.•e 1'
Tax levy for year 1960
General fund
Library fund
Real property fund
Band fund
Permanent Improvement fund
Interest Fund
Firemen's Relief Fund
Public Employees Retirement
Civilian Defense Fund
Parking Facilities Fund
Post Audit Fund
Voting Machine Fund
Fund 13,500.00
Total tax levy for year 1960
On motion of Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman
granting a drainlayer's permit to Richard Ritzer, 1305
Jewell, the matter of
5th Avenue South, was
Mayor Madsen announced the following appointments and on
Simpson, seconded by Councilman Jewell, the appointments
Library Board: Mrs.Chester Nilson, Mrs.George V.Bancroft, Mrs.
Fort Commission: Frank Steinmetz
motion of Councilman
were confirmed.
A.E. Nelson.
The following resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:
1. Directing payment of bills
2. Appointing Betty Roloff as a clerical assistant in the office of the City
Clerk and Treasurer.
g, Authorizing the issue and sale of a provementf20-1959icate finindebtedness theamount o(Local386.41)
4. Authorizing the isaprovementsale
No 22-1959certificates
the amount indebtedness
of $10,853.12)(Local Im-
On motion of Councilman Charlsen, seconded by Councilman Simpson eating ad-
journed at 11:10 P.M. // ��