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Council Chambers,
January 8, 1952
7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Lipner.
All members of the Council were present.
Minutes of the Regular meeting held on the 4th day of December, 1951, at 7:30
p. m., and Minutes of the Regular Adjourned meeting held on December 20, 1951,
at 5:00 p. m., were read and approved.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, the following were
granted Soft Drink Licenses for the year 1952, at the rate of $10.00 per year: -
American Legion Club
Edna Belideau
Robert H. & Minnie Burger
Carlson Brothers
Carlson Brothers Implement Co.
Carlson & Olson
Harold Chatterton
Morris Crotto
Cover-Sauvageau Motors Company
Edward J. Davidson
Eagle's Lodge
Elk's Club, BPOE #179,
Loring W. Erickson
John M. Ertle
Florian Fazendin
C. H. Felix
Ben Franklin Store
James L. Gardner
Anna Gelhar
Paul R. Glaser
J. B. Goblirach
Howard Hagen
Louie J. Hervleux
William D. Heifort
Kenneth Johnson
Mrs. Steve Kornelyk
Walter E. Kress
0. A. Lehman
Ernest A. Marlow
Clara A. E. Meister
E. James Meister
Warren J. Murphy
Welter Nelson
Ralph B. Otte
Albert E. Ponath
Reed's Cut Rate Drug Company
Elmer A. Beier,
Arthur Rivard
George Robertson
James J. Rutten
Stillwater Golf Club
Lawrence Swanson
James F. Thompson
Fred F. Thompson
Veteran's of Foreign Ware
Anton Weidner
'sashington County Co-op Assn
Patrick White
William L. Wert
103 South Third Street.
304 North Main Street.
317 South Main Street.
Second and Myrtle Streets.
217 North Second Street.
101 North Owen Street.
204 North Main Street.
Union Depot Cafe,water Street.
203 North Main Street.
231 East Myrtle Street.
101 South Main Street.
110 South Main Street.
215 North William Street.
224 South Main Street.
312 - 316 E. Chestnut Street.
413 South Greeley Street.
124 South Main Street.
Route #2, Stillwater.
113 Sixth Avenue South.
103 North Main Street.
233 South Main St.
207 North Third Street.
402 South Main Street.
222 West Laurel Street.
824 South Fifth Street.
515 North Owen Street.
704 West wilkin Street.
315 South Third Street.
227 South Main Street.
112 North Main Street.
901 South 4th Street.
229 E. Chestnut Street.
807 North 4th Street.
517 North Owen Street.
313 E. Chestnut Street.
131 South Main Street.
124 North Main Street.
309 East Chestnut Street.
901 South Third Street.
235 East Chestnut Street.
North Second Street.
315 East Chestnut Street.
302-304 South Main Street.
1004 North Fourth Street.
115 North Third Street.
628 West olive Street.
501 North Main Street.
603 west Churchill Street.
308 South Malt Street.
(Continued on Page #571)
(Continued from Page #570)
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs, the following
weae granted Cigarette Licenses for the year 1952, at the rate of $12.00 per
Amcc?.ta., Legion Club
Edna Belideau
Lloyd E. Bowen
Robert G. & Minnie Burger
Cash Trading Company
Carlson & Olson
Morrie Crotto
Connolly Shoe Company
Arnold J. Deno
Eagle's Lodge, Aerie #94
Elk'a Lodge, BPOE #179
Loring W. Erickson
Ertle Brothers
C. H. Felix
James L. Gardner
Anna Oelhar
,rand Cafe Annex
Grand Cafe
J. B. Gobllrsch
Howard Hagen
Louis J. Harvieux
Hooley's South Hill Market
R. F. Kaiser
Harry G. Rleinechnita
Mrs. Steve Kornelyk
Walter E. Kress
Iahman's Confectionery
Ernest A. Marlow
James E. Meister
Clara A. E. Meister
Warren J. Murphy
Narum Super -Yalu Store
Walter Nelson (North 4th St. Store)
Ralph B. Otte
Albert E. Ponath
Alfred Plourde
Hooley's Downtown Super Market
Reed's Cut Rate Drug Company
Elmer A. Refer
George Robertson (Snowland Foods)
Cheater Saps (Sepals Market)
Lawrence Swanson
St. Croix Rexall Drug Company
James P. Thompson
Fred F. Thompson
Anton Weidner
Washington County Co-op Assn.,
William L. Wert
Patrick White
Zolldan Grocery
William D. Heifort (Sweet Shop)
103 South Third Street.
304 North Main Street.
226 East Chestnut Street.
317 South Main Street.
106 North Main Street.
101 North Owen Street.
Union Depot Cafe, Water Street.
123 North Second Street.
120 North Main Street.
101 South Main Street.
110 South Main Street.
215 North William Street.
224 South Main Street.
413 North Greeley Street.
Route #2, Stillwater.
1113 - Sixth Ave.
231 East Myrtle Street.
106 South Main Street.
233 South Main Street.
207 North Third Street.
402 South Main Street.
902 South Fourth Street.
221 South Main Street.
826 South Fourth Street.
515 North Owen Street.
704 West Wilkin Street.
315 South Third Street.
227 South Main Street.
901 South Fourth Street.
112 North Main Street.
229 East Chestnut Street.
123 South Main Street.
807 North Fourth Street.
517 North Owen Street.
313 East Chestnut Street.
207 E. Chestnut Street.
109 North Main Street.
131 South Main Street.
124 North Main Street.
901 South Third Street.
108 South Main Street.
315 East Chestnut Street.
102 South Main St- eet.
302 South Main Street.
1004 Yorth Fourth Street.
628 West Olive Street.
501 North Main Street.
308 South Main Street.
603 West Churchill Street.
211 South Main Street.
212 South Main Street.
On motion of Councilman Bourdae;hs seconded by Councilman Bergen, a license to
"Haul Things to the City Dump", was granted to L. F. Scherer, for the year 1952,
et .y'25.00 per year.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaehs seconded by Councilman Madsen, a license to
"Haul Things to the City Dump", was granted to Joseph A. Junker, for the year
1952, et $25.00 per year.
(Continued on Page #572)
(Continued from Page p571)
Councilman Bourdagha reported that the skating program was well in hand and he
stressed the importance of a little more police patrol around the barricaded
streets that have been designated as "coasting hills".
Councilman Grove reported that the Street Department had exceeded the 1951
Budget in the amount of $6,842.50.'
Councilman Madsen, Councilman Bergen and Mayor Dinner gave no reports at this
One (1) bid was received for the official printing for the year 1952 from the
Stillwater Evening Gazette, and on motion of Councilman Grove seconded by council-
man Madsen, the bid was accepted and the proper officials of the City were directed
to enter into a contract covering same.
On motion of Councilman Bourdagha seconded by Councilman Grove the following en-
dorsement to Polley No. DM 3796, covering Arthur Rivard, doing business as Stillwater
Taxi Company, extending coverage on a 19b1 Plymouth Sedan, Motor No. 15561429, was
approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the Mayor and Clerk
were authorized and directed to draw their warrants on the City Treasurer, cover-
ing the following interost payments due on certificates of indebtedness, which
certificates were sold to finance bituminous surfacing of streets during the year
1949, and renewed on December 31, 1951, for a period of one year: -
First National Bank of Stillwater,
Certificates Numbered 12 & 13 @ $67.25 each, or a total of $134.50.
Farmer's & Merchants State Bank,
Certificates Numbered 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 @ $36.66.6, or a total of $183.33.
Cosmopolitan State Bank,
Certificates Numbered 19, 20, 21, & 22 @ $6'/.25 each or a total of $269.00.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, the bond covering
Georgie Ann Carlson as Clerk in the office of the City Clerk and Treasurer, in the
✓ amount of $10,000.00, was approved and ordered filed.
0n motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by councilman Grove, the Annual Report
presented by the Chief of Police was accepted and ordered filed, and Councilman
Bourdagha remarked that it was a splendid report, and that the Police Department
should be commended for an excellent lob done during the year 1951.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the Clerk was author-
ized and directed to order an extension telephone for the Electrical Inspector's
A new increased electrical rate schedule was filed by the Northern States Power
Company, and after considerable discussion amongst the Council members, on motion
of Councilman Bourdagha seconded by Councilman Bergen, it was decided to table this
matter to give the Councilman additional time to analyze the new rates, and either
to approve or disapprove at the next regular Council meeting.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, Sewer Connection
Permits were granted to W. W. F rost and Edward Hanson, which would allow tapping
into the present Owen Street Sewer on payment of the required fee of $50.00 each,
(Continued on Page /j573)
(Continued from Page #572)
Councilman Madsen suggested that the Council explore the possibility of making
North Third Street a one-way street, and south -bound traffic returning on North
Fourth Street.
Councilman 3ourdaghs stated that the mattresses on the beds at the Fire Station
were in bad condition, and suggested that the Council purchase at least six (6)
new mattresses, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove,
the matter was referred to Councilman Bourdagha with power to act.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, it was decided to
gpay rantihimam e leaves of, absence, he rthe month should makeof January, written re1952,
questford alsoto
A Resolution Fixing Sick -leave for City Officers and Employees, was read, and
was on roll -call unanimously adopted.
A Resolution Authorizing the Payroll Deduction for Accident and Health Group
Plan of the Minnesota Benefit Association, was read, and was on roll -call unani-
mously adopted.
A Resolution directing the payment of bills was rend, and was on roll -call
unanimously adopted.
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Bourdagba the meeting
adjourned at 10:10 o'clock p.m.
City Clerk.
Council Chambers,
Stillwater, Minnesota.
Feb. 5, 1952 7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Linner.
A11 members of the Council were present. ✓
Minutes of the Bernier meeting held on January 8th, 1952, et 7:30 p. m. were
read and approved.
Applications for "On" and "Off" sale 3.2 Beer Licenses from Ralph B. Otte, 517
North Owen Street, were presented. No action on these licenses was taken at this
time as under the law it is necessary that the applications have two readings
before final action can be taken where the applicant resides in the so called
4 residential district.
A copy of the Minutes of the Seventh Meeting of the Stillwater Building Code
Committee, held on January 9th, 1952, was read and on motion of Councilman Madsen
seconded by Councilman Grove, the Minutes were accepted and placed on file.
From 17111iam J. Tennyson, Patrolman, requesting a leave of absence from the
Stillwater 2olice Force until January 1st, 1953, was read, and on motion of
J Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, his request was granted.
From the Upper Mississippi ,Waterways Association announcing the date of their
33rd Annual Convention of the Mississippi Valley Association, to he held in St.
Louis, Missouri, on February 11 and 12, 1952, was rend.
From the State of Minnesota Water Pollution Control Commission„ enclosing form
and requesting a survey of sewer projects extensions for which plans have been
approved, end where limits as to the number of connections to be made to these
extensions have been imposed by the commission and on motion of Councilman Madsen
seconded by Councilman Bergen, this matter was referred to the City Engineer.
From the State of Minnesota '.'later Pollution Control Commission, announcing the
date of a public meeting to be held in the Community Room of the Court House
at Red Wing, Minnesota, on Thursday February 14, 1952, at 7:30 p. m. Mayor
Linner suggested that the Council members and Clerk attend if possible.
From John Virgil Case, Economists, dashington, D. C., in which he states that
the electrical rates in the City of Stillwater are anorst the highest in the
nation. Also enclosed was a schedule comparing the City of Stillwater with many
other cities in the nation, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Council-
man Bourda-hs, the matter was turned over to Councilman Bergen for study and review,
with instructions to report at a later Cate.
This was the night for the hearing on the petition to vacate part of Dubuque
Street between Fourth Avenue South and Fifth .Avenue South. John F. Thoreen
appeared in person to represent the petitioners, and he streed that the petitioners
and property owners present at the meatit have no intention to deprive other
property owners who are opposed to same of any of their rights and privileges.
Others who spoke briefly in favor of the vacation were Mr. Hendevidt, Mr. Davis
and Mr. Thompson.
(Continued from Mace d575)
(Continued from Page #574)
Sherman Crane appeared before the Council in person representing the opposition
to the vacation of the street. Mr. Crane stated that all present were friends
and neighbors and were in agreement on many points in connection with the vacation
in question. To bring out his side of the question, he read several attorney
generals' opinions in the matter, and further stated that when a street is once
vacated it is almost an impossibility to again re -open same. That the street was
platted about a century ago, and that it is continually being traveled by taxi
cabs and other motor vehicles. That on the Saturday preceding, at least ten
motor vehicles traveled over this street, and that there are many possible build-
ing sites in the area whereby the property owners would be served by the street
in question. He also read a petition which was signed by 32 property owners re-
siding within this particular area. Others who spoke briefly in opposition to the
vacation were Leighton Charlsen, J. L. Recker and Mrs. Guse and Miss Frances Weise.
On motic:t of Councilman Rourdaghs seconded by Councilman Madsen it was decided
to defer action on the matter of the street vacation until the meeting of June
3rd, 1952, to rive t've Mayor end Councilman en opportunity to view the area as it
exists when the snow has melted, and further to give the City Bngineer additional
time to make a preliminary survey to determine what the cost would be to put the
street in gond condition.
Councilman Rourdaghs reported that he had completed a set of basic rules and
regulations governing the Fire Department, and each councilman was given a copy
of same, After some discussion Councilman Rourdaghs made a motion seconded by
Councilman Madsen to approve and adopt the rules and regulations as presented by
Councilman Boudaghs.
Councilman Rourdaghs also reported that some work had been done on a report to the
public in the way of public relations, and he hoped each councilman would prepare
a brief resume relative to his department, to be included with a summary of the
financial statement, which report is to be distributed to the tax payers of this
Councilman Rourda:-hs reported that some work should he done in the Fire Station
this coming summer, such as the installation of new front doors, repair of the
garage floors, and other needed repairs, and on motion of Councilman Rourdaghs
seconded by Councilman Grove it was decided to make these repairs as soon as
Councilman Rourdaghs also reported that the winter skating program was progress-
ing in fine shape.
Councilman Grove reported that the Street Department operations were $1,08b.43
under the budget for the month of January, 1952.
Councilman Madsen reported that the front doors at the fire station were in need
of repairs, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, it
gas decided to get estimates on the cost of replacing the present fire doors with
electrically operated ones.
Councilman Madsen also reported that he would have something definite on the new ✓
building and plumbing code in the very near future.
No action w:as taken in the natter of the proposed inc^eases in electrical rates
for the City of Still:vater as presented by the Northern States Power Company, at
a previous meeting.
en motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman ,rove, t.te Mayor and Clerk
were authorized to nay =ho City's share due the Public Employees Retirement Board V
for the year 1951, io the amount of $1,851.13.
(Continued on Pore 457b)
'(Continued from Page #575)
The Mayor and Councilman were handed a supply of "Affidavit of Official Interest
in Claim", which form is to be used when a member of the Council presents a claim
to the City for services or supplies, under Laws of 1951, Chapter 379.
A request from George S. Reels to became a member of the Band Guild of America,
Inc., at a cost of &out S100.00 per year was presented, and on motion of Council-
man Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the matter was referred to Councilman
Bourdaghs with power to act.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove, the contract
between the City of Stillwater and the Stillwater Evening Gazette, as drawn up by
the City Attorney, was approved, and the proper officers of the City were author-
) ized and directed to sign same.
The Clerk stated that Herb. Hallin from the County Auditor's office had called
him by telephone, and stated that Elmer Rater, Tavern Operator, had not paid the
taxes on his place of business for the year 1951, and under the law was not en-
titled to a 3.2 beer license which he now has in his possession issued by the
City for the year 1952. The Clerk was directed to check this matter and report
at the next regular meeting.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the Surety Bond
covering Sherman McKusick, as Secretary of the Water Board in the amount of
^1,000.00 was approved and ordered filed. The Clerk was directed to contact
the Water hoard Members and suggest that Mr. McKusick's bond be increased to at
J least S5,000.00 due to the large sums of money handled through his office.
The Clerk stated that Mr. William Per Lee had made a request that any surplus
dirt that the City had from grading of streets and alleys he dumped at Mulberry
Point, and twat the cost of hauling same would be paid by the Park Board out of
the Lowell Trust Fund, and the City Engineer was directed to comply with Mr. Per
Lee's request.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Fergen, the Fire Chief's
Annual Report for the year 1951, was accepted and ordered filed. The Councilman
were all agreed that the chief should he commended for a very fine report.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded Ly Councilman Grove, the matter of
changing pay days for the City employees in all departments, was referred to
Councilman Madsen with power to act.
Mayor Linner reported that Mr. Smythe of the Northern Pacific Railway Company
had talked to him about blacktopping the parking lot between the railroad tracks
and and Myrtle and Nelson Streets, and he directed the City Engineer to blacktop
the parking lot as requested as soon as the weather permits, and further stated
J that this project had been ordered completed some two years ago.
Mayor Linner reported that Mr. Shell and Mr. Meister had complained to him about
water pipes freezing and they felt tee condition was due to the recent grading of
Sycamore Street, and after some discussion amongst the Council members, it was
decided that. this was a matter that must be taken care of by each property owner.
A Resolution chancing pay days from the 15th and last day of each month, to the
20th and 5th day of the following month was read, and on roll call was unanimously
A Resnluton author_zing the sale of Certificates of Indebtedness for General Fund
purposes in the amount of t13,000.00, in anticipation of taxes collected in 1952
was read and vas on roll call unanimously adopted.
(Continued on Pare #577)
(Continued from Pare #576)
A Resolution desi,Tlacing North Third Street between Laurel and Myrtle Streets as ✓
a one-way street, was read, and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
A Resolution directing the payment of tills was read, and '..as on roll call uni-
mously adopted.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove, the meeting
adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
Council Chambers,
City Clerk.
March µ, 1952. 9:20 p.m
At a duly called meeting of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund held at the
City Hall on the 4th day of March, 1952, there were present Mayor Linner, Council-
men Grove and Councilman Madsen.
Councilman Grove offered the following resolution: -
WHEREAS, on the 1st day of April, 1951, $b,000.00 of the refunding bonds issued
April 1st, 1941, will become due and payalle at the First National Bank & Trust
Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and
WHEREAS, it will he necessary for the City of Stillwater to provide for the
payment and redemption of said bonds;
OF STILLV:ATER,, that a warrant be made and the some is hereby ordered drawn on the
4th day of March, 1952, on the City Treasurer from the Sinking Fund of said City,
to be used only for the purpose of redeeming ant Paying off the said $6,000.00 of
bonds due April 1, 1952., as aforesaid, and on roll call this resolution was unani-
mously adopted.
On motion of Councilman Madsen the meeting adjourned.
City Clerk
C ounc3lgazJ
Commissioners of Sinking Fund
Council Chambers,
March 4, 1952
7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Linner.
A11 members of the Council were present.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on February 5, 1952, at 7:30 p. m., were
read and approved.
saleo3.2 BeerClicensesnwere granted to Ralphs seconded h B. Otte,Councilman
5170North Owen Street,
on the second reading of the application.
sale 3.2
BOn eerolicense was grantedMtooatho Eaglets Cnded lubat101---1103rSouth Yin"Street.
The Clerk made the first reading of the following applications for "On" and
"Off" sale 3.2 Beer licenses: -
Anna Gelhar 1112 - 6th Avenue South.
James E. Meister 901 - South 4th Street.
On motion of Councilman ,Grove granteddtoyLeightonCouncilman
D. Charlsen, wholicense
Things to the City Dump", B
1030 - Fourth Avenue South.
From Claude A. Johnson, applying for the position of Caretaker at Pioneer Park
was Johnsondwand on motion of asappointed Caretakers atmPioneer an aPark ofor d the 1952 seasby Counciln Madsen, Mr.
From the National Institute of Municipal Clerks, announcing the dates of the
Annual Conference, to be held at Dallas: Texas, May 20th through the 23rd, 1952.
From the State of Minnesota, bpartment of hearing to be heldiConservation, theDAuditorium ofof tthe, State
the date of a pub
Officce Building at St. Paul, at 10:00 a.m., March 5, 1952.
Prom the K111 Products Company, St. Peter, Minnesota, in regard to pest control,
was read.
From the Board of Water Commissioners, reporting a broken hydrant and the estimated
cost to replace same was read, and on motion of Councilman Boudaghs seconded by
Councilman Grove, the Clerk was directed to issue purchase orders covering byb
repairs and replacements in the future when notified by the Water Department.
From the League of Minnesota Municipalities, announcing the dates for Municipal
Short Courses at the University Center for Continuation Study, and on motion of
d Btourdagha secondedtby CS ncilman Madsen, the City officials were
From William R. Kress in regard to the purchase of a horse-drawn snowplow owned
mabthe tter wasyreferred totion of Councilman Madsen the City Engineer with power toed act Councilman Grove, the
(Continued on Page #579)
(Continued from Page #578)
Pthe rom
of St. Paul,
of the awnthe form
efrringtothe FederalGoernmentparticiption ithStatsand Cities in
financing an adequate system of highways, was read,
t the
l take
Rest Room faciater lities,, andiestimating thecostas follows: -
Rest Room Rental
Janitor Supplies
Wages for janitorial
On motion referred tofCouncilmannMadsen Bergen, foroadreport0atntheman neextoRegular meeting.
, the matterwas
From Harry A. Swanson, Clerk of School District #9, reminding the Council that
the land on which the present school buildings are situated in the name of the
City of Stillwater, and suggesting that the Council at it's convenience, prepare
deeds for all lands occupied by independent School District #9, and transfer the
same to the said School District. After some discussion amongst the Council
wasbrreferred motionf Councilman
Attorneyfora, reportded bat theCnextllman Regularove, the meematter
on meeting.
Councilman Grove reported that the Street Department has remained within its
n the amount m first
ths2of 1952,mand according to his report was under
the budget i
Councilman Madsen reported that some type of new front doors will be installed
at the Fire Station within the near future.
The Clerk reported that Elmer Reier, owner and operator of Elmer's Bar has paid
his delinquent taxes for the year 1950.
The matter of the Waste Treatment Plant for the City of Stillwater was again
discussed at length, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman
Bourdaghs, it was decided to engage the lowest bidder for a preliminary survey
as soon as funds are available.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaphs seconded by Councilman Bergen and carried,
Councilman Madsen was elected a member of the Sinking Fund Commission to replace ✓
Albert Hoyoss resigned.
Mr. William Per Lee a member of the Park Bonn appeared before the Council, and
stated that heavy trucks traveling on the river front drive were causing consider-
able damage to the street and felt that the Council should take some action to
correct this condition. The Council members were of the opinion that this was a
matter for the Park Board to solve and that they do have the authority to limit
the weight of motor vehicles using the park drive.
Mr. Sheldon Smith and Paul Glaser appeared before the Council and complained
about the parking situation on Main Street, particularly between Myrtle and
Cowaytocial their Avenue,
blocked by cars ownedinstances
by approach
persons doing business
(Continued on Page #580)
(Continued from Page #579)
at the Public Provision Company and hoped that the Council would take some steps
to correct thla condition. On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Council-
man Bourdaghs, the matter was referred to the Mayor and Chief of Police.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the Council
approved the list of Judges -and Clerks to serve at the Presidential Primary
Election on March l8th, 1952, as submitted by the City Clerk.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs the City Clerk's
4 Annual Report for the year 1951 was accepted and ordered filed.
A Resolution directing the payment of bills was read, and on roll call unani-
mously adopted.
A Resolution appointing Mrs. Betty Ostrom, Deputy City Clerk and Treasurer was
read, and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
A Resolution approving plans, specifications and estimates of costs for the
improvement of certain streets in the City of Stillwater during the year 1952,
and fixing a time when the Council will meet to act in relation thereto, end
directing the City Clerk to give notice of such meeting, was read and was on
roll call unanimously adopted.
A Resolution approving the Electric Rate Schedules submitted by the Northern
States Power Company was read, and on roll call unanimously adopted.
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Grove, meeting adjourned
at 10:10 p. m.
City Clerk
c5 `. mayor.
Council Chambers,
April 1, 1952
7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Linnet..
A11 members of the Council were present.
Minutes of the regular meeting held on March 4, 1952, at 7:30 p. m., and Minutes
of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund held on March 4, 1952, at 9:20 p. m.,
were read and approved.
The following applications for "On" and "Oft" sale 3.2 Beer Licenses were presented
but on account of being in the residential district, were automatically carried
over to the next Regular Meeting May 6th, 1952.
Walter E. Kress
George Robertson
Stillwater Golf Club
Patrick E. White
704 West Wilkin Street.
901 South Third Street.
Golf Course.
603 West Churchill Street.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen •0nt' and •0ff" sale
3.2 Beer Licensee were granted to the following upon the second reading of the
applications: -
Anna Gelhar
Jamas E. Meister
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman
Licenses were granted to the following: -
Robert and Minnie Burger
Elk'a Club, BPOE #179
1112 - Sixth Avenue South.
901 South Fourth Street.
Madsen "On" sale 3.2 Beer
317 South Main Street.
110 South Main Street.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, "On" and 'Off" sale
3.2 Beer Licensee were granted to the following: -
Edna E. Belideau
Morrie D. Crotto
Ernest A. Marlow
Albert C. Ponath
304 North Main Street.
Union Depot Cafe.
227 South Main Street.
313 East Chestnut Street.
0n motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, a "Junk Dealer's"
License was granted to Sherman•Gordon, 233 East Nelson Street.
On motion of Councilman Grove Seconded by Councilman Madsen, a "Popcorn Wagon"
license was granted to George Goutsoa.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Bourdagha, a license to
"Haul Things to the City Dump", was granted to Albert Ritzer, 919 Fifth Avenue
From the Stillwater Building Code Committee, Minutes of the Ninth Annual Meeting
held oh March 12, 1952, was read, and on motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by
(Continued on Page #582)
(Continued from Page #581)
Councilman Grove, the communication was ordered placed on file.
From the Minnesota Water Pollution Control Commission, in the form of Minutes
of a Joint Meeting held on
on, pollution of the St. Croix and Mississippi Rivers,
held at Red Wing,
m presentRmeters bycreplacl gng them with onewrhurricane, headspatn$18.00 perize
meter the as pdandconlmo , and on motion
ion Councilmad n seconded by Councilman
From Pfeifer & Schultz, Engineer's, located in the Wesley Temple Building,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, in regard to a Waste Treatment Plant for the City of
Stillwater was read, and on motim of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman
4 Madsen, the communication wa: ordered placed on file.
A Petition signed by nine (9) property owners affected, and reading as follows:-
" Please take'notice that we the undersigned being the property owners
having property adjoining South Holcombe Streeet between West Pine
of said
do doaherebyrobject to the proposed resurfac-
ing of a
A Petition for additional street lighting was read, and on motion of Councilman
Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the matter was referred to Councilman Bergen.
Councilman Bourdaghs stated that two meeting have been scheduled to be held at
the Fire Station, the first meeting uu April 15, and the other 20th day of May,
1952. Films will be shown, speakerInsurance
Hasion will
appear on this program, all Councilman wereinvited to attend. He also ammounced
that he had some word from the Four -Wheel Auto Company in regard to the delivery
delivery some fire
and or anon received the City can
Councilman Grove reported that the Street Department had remained within its
rbthe ffirstthat
tthreemonthsof 1952, and that the Department was $642.83
u ethe
No report from Councilman Madsen at this time.
Councilman Bergen reported that it would cost the city about $100.00 per month
to operate a clean Rest Room and stated that in his opinion the City was not in
a ateMrs. arm, ned ofatt hevofficers ofrtheaBt usinneessuandsProfessionaalthWomen,twere
that ngst Nworm,
willing to work with the Stillwater Association in regard to a Rast Room for e
This was the night for the hearing on the proposed work of bituminous surafacing
of the following streets:-
1. West Walnut Street from South Third Street to South Fourth Street.
2. West Walnut Street from South Fourth Street to South Fifth Street.
3. South Sherburne Street from West Olive Street to West Pine Street.
4. West Oak Street from South Owens Street to South Sherburne Street.
5. Orleans Street from South Fourth Street to Fourth Avenue South.
(Continued on Page #583)
58,3 •
(Continued from Page #582)
6. North Everett Street from West Myrtle Street to West Laurel Street.
7. South Sixth Street from West Pine Street to West Olive Street.
8. South Holcombe Street from West Pine Street to West Olive Street.
9. East Willard Street from South First Street to South Third Street.
10. West Willard Street from South Third Street to South Fifth Street.
11. East Churchill Street from Sixth Avenue South to South Third Street.
12. South Third Street from Chestnut Street to Walnut Street.
No one appeared for or against the first project, and on motion of Councilman
Bergen seconded by Councilman Madsen, it was decided to proceed with this street
as outlined by the City Engineer.
Maynard Nelson and John Simonet; Oscar Zabel, representing St. Paul's Congregation,
and Dutch Lehrer representing Salem's Congregation, appeared before the Council
in regard to the second project. All were agreed and in favor of blacktopping
this street, but decided to eliminate the curbs, and on motion of Councilman
Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, it was decided to proceed with this project
of blacktopping and eliminatin; the curbs.
Mr. Arthur Wagner and Mr. Raymond Law appeared before the Council, in regard to
the third project and were in favor of same, and on motion of Councilman Bergen
seconded by Councilman Grove, it was dedided to proceed with this project as
outlined by the City Engineer.
Messrs. John Mohr, Al. Berglund, Edward Law, and Arthur Wagner appeared before
the Council in regard to the fourth project, and all were agreed that they would
be satisfied if the City would grade the street this year and blacktop at some
w-^later date, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, it
was decided to grade this street during the 1952 season.
Messrs. Ed. Frye, Dutch Lehrer, George Shattuck, appeared before the Council in
regard to the fifth project, and all were opposed to any of the costs being
assessed to the property owners. They complained that the St. paul buses were
breaking up this street during the spring and were opposed for that reason. Mayor
Linner informed them that some arrangements were being worked out whereby the
County would pay a good share of the cost, end-probably-the-&Styc..would._pay-.the
balance, or, in any event, the assessment would be very small against the property
owner. On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Grove, it was
decided to proceed with the work as outlined.
No one appeared for or against the sixth project, and on motion of Councilman
Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Madsen it was decided to proceed with this project ,
as outlined by the City Engineer.
No one appeared for or against the seventh project, and on motion of Councilman
Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdagha, it was decided to proceed with this project ✓
as outlined.
A Notice of Protest was filed in regard to the eighth project, signed by about
ninety percent of the property owners, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded �
by Councilman Grove, it was decided to eliminate this street for this year.
No one appeared for or against the ninth project, and on motion of Councilman
Bourdagha and seconded by Councilman Madsen, it was decided to proceed with the
work on this project as outlined.
No one appeared for or against the tenth project, and on motion of Councilman
Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Bergen, it was decided to proceed as outlined on
on this project.
No one appeared for or against the eleventh project, and it was decided to proceed ✓
with this project as outlined.
No one appeared for or against the twelfth project, and it was decided to proceed v
with this project as outlined.
(Continued on Page #589)
• 584
(Continued from Page #583)
•0n motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, permission waa
granted to St. Paul's Lutheran Church to move the curb, between Willard and
Walnut Streets.
The Mayor inquired whether or not the City Attorney waa pre;ared to make a
report in regard to the property owned by the City on which the present school
h:ii/dings are located. This matter was brought to the attention of the Council
at the last Regular Meeting, and the City Attorney stated that he was in con-
fer'rce with Mr. Slaughter, and it was agreed to have the Councilman view the
land referred to and take action at a later date.
Mayor Linner stated that some progress had been made in eliminating traffic tie-
ups on Main Street between Myrtle aed Commercial Avenue, and that signs had been
erected, and he felt that this would probably take care of the situation as
complained about at the last regular meeting.
On motion of Councilman Bourdagha seconded by Councilman Grove, it was decided
4 to sell the old rock crusher owned by the City to Sherman Gordon for $100.00.
On motion of Councilman Bourdagha seconded by Councilman Grove, the matter of
purchasing a coin sorting machine, to be used in connection with parking meter
receipts, was referred to Councilman Madsen with power to act.
On motion of Councilman Grove and seconded by Councilman Bourdagha, the City
Clerk was authorized to purchase twenty-five (25) Civil Defense Booklets, en-
titled The Clergy in Civil Defense".
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, it waa decided to
allow the Assistant City Engineer a car allowance in the amount of $30.00 per
month for a period of six months effective April 1, 1952.
On motion of Couhcilman Bourdagha seconded by Councilman Grove, the Clerk Treasurer
was authorized to transfer $43,27 from the General Fund to the Public Employee's
Retirement Association, to wipe out the present deficit.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdagha, the bond cover-
ing Betty L. Ostrom as Clerk in the City Clerk and Treasurer's office in the
amount of $10,000.00 was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, Insurance Policy
No. DT 5177, covering Arthur Rivard, doing business as Stillwater Taxi Company,
for the following amounts was approved and ordered filed:-
$ 10,000.00 - each person.
y 20,000.00 - each accident for bodily injury.
5,000.00 - each accident property damage.
On motion of Councilman "adsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, Certificate of
Insurance No. 8716, covering Arthur Rivard, doing business as Stillwater Taxi
for the following amountas was approvedand ordered filed:
$ 50,000.00 - any one person.
$ 100,000.00 - any one accident.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen the Clerk was directed
to write to the Water Pollution Control Commission and inform them that the
Council will proceed with preliminary survey for a Sewage Treatment Plant as soon
as funds are available.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, the Clerk Treasurer
was authorized and directed to cancel the following local assessments: -
Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 32, Holcombe's Second Addition in the amount of $311,92,
assessed in the name of Lakeview Memorial Hospital.
Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 23, Holcombe's Second Addition in the amount of 1311.92,
assessed in the name of Lakeview memorial Hospital.
West 49 feet of Lot 1, and all of Lot 10, Block 30, Original City in the amount
of $730.11, assessed in the name of the State of Minnesota.
(Continued on Page #585)
(Continued from Page #584)
of 5245.51, assessedinthe name wn s Local nameofthe CitImprovement y ofStillwater. in the
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, the Clerk
Treasurer was autborzed and directed to make a Journal Entry to correct an
error in the case of Ernest A. Oast, in regard to local assessment on the
following described property: -
The East 110 feet of Lot 1, and East 110 feet of the N} of
Lot 2, Block 44, Carli and Schulenberg's Addition, in the
amount of 56.25.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the Assistant
Department .the Captain were authorized to attend the
Fire school at the Cityntpande
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Madsen, it was
sng moaty, ,that Burlington Street cannot
be used as
was motion
of to nCouncilman
secondedfoylCouCouncilman Bourdaghs the City Clerk
For furnishing, deliverying and applying road tar, bituminous surfacing.
For furnishing gravel, and for crushing, screening and stockpiling same.
For furnishing on a rental basis per hour equipment required at such
times during the season 1952 as agreed upon between the contractor and
the City of Stillwater.
For the required commodities, labor and service for bituminous surfacing
of certain streets and roadways and the construction of curbs and side-
therefand of or,, includingher the expense ofs allsneeo ssarryylgradingated nthe and graveling.
The following Resolutions were read and were on roll call unanimously adopted:-
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Authorizing the Assistant Fire Chief and Captain to attend Fire
school at City Expense.
3. Resolution Determining to Proceed with the work of improving certain
streets and roadways, including necessary grading and graveling in
the City of Stillwater.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdagha the meeting
adjourned at 10:56 p.m.
City/'" Clerk.
Council Chambers,
May 6, 1952.
Regular Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President LSnner.
All members of the Council were present. at 7:30
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on April 1, 1952,
end approved.
p. m.,
7:30 p.m.
were read
bOn mtion ofeerolicensesOwerei granted to theofollwing one the asecond ereadingg of fsale theapplica-
Welter E. Kress
PatrickGeorge Robertson E.Whi White
On motion of seconded by
licenses were Councilman
grantedtGrove o thefollowing on Councilman theseco second
Stillwater Golf Club
On motion of Councilmen Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, "On" sale 3.2 beer
License No. 420, which was issued to Robert and Minnie Burger was cancelled per
On motion Councilman, Grove
toed thyElkk'scilman L dge,Nwasacehcelledgle 3.2 beer
as per licenae No. 4
quest. s
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded
t da ytCouncilman MaMadr Store,,a eiga4arSouth livens
was granted to Rjalmar SSltanen, Street. for a period of nine (9) months.
Applications from Fred F. Thompson, for On and Off sale 3.2 beer licenses were
presented, but on account of being in the residential district, were automatically
carded over to the nex
t regular meeting to be held on June 3, 1952.
li ease were grantednted tto Elmer ReSer, at 124 North Main Street.
704 West wilkin St.
9O1 South 3rd St.
603 W. Churchill St.
Madsen "On" sale 3.2 2cb
reading of the app eern:
Golf Course, No. 2nd St.
On motion Councilmen Grove b of y Councilman Bourdaghs. "On" and "Off"
sale 3.2 beer ce
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, a Junk* dealer's
license was granted to Harry Thompson, Bayport, Minnesota, at v$5.00 per year.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilmen Grove, a cigarette ream 1 cane}
was granted to the Bluff Live Bait (Owner* I. G. Long), 704 SouthMainStfor
a period of eight (8) months.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove. a cigarette license
was granted to the Stillwater Golf Club, at the Golf Course, for a period of six
From the NorthernStates
staterthaattpany in the contract dto the entered into betweendthe City
ofghtinl,shows that 260 new lights
f Stillwater and the Northern States Power Company,
were installed, and after a careful check they find that 261 lamps were in-
stalled and are now in operation. And they request thatetter ofauthoriza-
tion to cover the billing of the additional lamp
tapproved by the Cat orinail.
and on motion of Councilmanseconded by Councilman Madsen, the City Clerk
was directed to notify the NortherStates PwerCompany that the City will honor
the billing for the additional street light as outlined above.
(Continued on Page *567)
(Continued from Page #586)
From A. J. Chesley, M. D., Minnesota Department of Health, in regard to Summary
Reports on Water Pollution in the Upper Mississippi Drainage Basin, as prepared
by the U. S. Public Health Service, in co-operation with various states in the
area, and on motion of Councilman Bouraghs seconded by Councilman Madsen, the
City Clerk was directed to turn the files over to the Councilman in charge of ✓
From Chester S. Wilson, Chairman
iof thf lWater
yControllontrol Commission,tStaate
of Minnesota, acknowledging
Sewage Treatment Plant for the City of Stillwater, was read.
From Elmer C. Anderson, Governor of Minnesota, in regard to the Governor's State
df Police and Youth,
delegates to the Conference,
namely, s
Prom A. J. Cheeley, M. D., State of Minnesota, Water Pollution Control Commission,
in Which he states that the letters from the City of Stillwater of April 9th
end 12th, with regard to the program for providing Sewage Treatment facilities
in the City, were referred to the Water Pollution Control Commission at a meeting
on April 23rd, 1952, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman ✓
Bergen, the letter was ordered placed on file.
From C. C. Ludwig, Executive Secretary, League of Minnesota Municipalities, ✓
an• dol3th,g1952,datesand the CCityof the aClerk was1on to be directed told at reserveSt.
three rooms Cloud
June 11, 12
rooms St.
Cloud for the Stillwater delegation.
From the Mississippi Waterway Association, in which they state that it is possible,
that President Truman may transfer all of the civil functions of the Corp of
Engineefls to the Secretary of the Interiorandthe Department of the Interior,
end urging the Cities to assist the Upper Mississippi Waterway Association in
Co• uncilman Grovis e and seconiedization ibylt is Councilman Madseresented n,the it wassident. decided to support motion of
the Association in this action if it becomes necessary.
From the Smith -Dunn Company, Inc., Mine apolis, Minnesota, offering the City
a proposition to rent a Wayne Motor Street Sweeper, for use in cleaning the streets
of the City of Stillwater, was read.
A Petition signed by eight (8) property owners affected, requesting that the City
Council take action to gravel the western end of Willard and Pins StreeflSL,rands
on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs,
the referred to Councilman Grove.
From Axel Thomsen, General Contractor, Stillwater, Minnesota, requesting permission
to rebuild his office swop and storage building located at 118 West Olive Street,
whicho was gdestroyed perty owners, namely,kLawson Mr. Gfererpeared and Mr.afore Gillis,m and stated
representing twotproperty
that his clients hoped that the City Council would not grant Mr. Thomsen permission
to rebuild at this location. Mayor Linnradvised d property.8eenntoan to gettthe sir a -us gna-
tures of at least seventy-five (75) percent
of 300 feet and present same at the next regular Council meeting.
Councilman Bourdaghs reported that he expected delivery on the new Fire Truck
some time between May 12th and 20th. Ne also reported that the Assistant Chief
and Captain of the Fire Department have completed a training course for firemen
at the University Farm Campus, and that the man spoke very highly of the train-
ing received at the University Campus.
Councilman Grove brought up the matter of extra help at the VFW Bathing Beach,
and on motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove the matter was
referred to the Recreation Committee.
(Continued on Page #588)
. 588
(Continued from Page g589)
Councilman Grove also reported that some complains have
bebeen n comingninlinn in
regard to the North Third Street, one-way lane, andh
Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Madsen the matter was referred to the Police
Councilman Madsen reported that the triangular paice of property on South
Broadway now wpld grouunde Eckbergooseonly,was eing and onfered to moti n of the
ouncilman Grovekberg,
to be used for playground purposes
seconded by Councilmen Bergen, it was decided to accept Mr. Eckberg's offer
with thanks.
Councilman Madsen reported that he had checked into the matter of new fire
doors at the Fire Station, and suggested that the Council direct the City
Clerk to advertise for bide, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by
Councilman Boa thee Station.
the y tClerk was directed to advertise for bids for
new fire
Councilmansaoffi reported that
the Clty Councilnow
purchaseisamer, and
Clerk's oounce, and suggested it
J pon urchase tof he dictating ating machine tocbeded usedyforvarious City ncilman Grove,
ffices. decided to
Councilman Madsen reported that some repair work was necessary on the Band
J Shell
n1BBcurdaghe thepmmaatternd wasnreferred toCouncilman
seconded by Council -
Councilman Madsen read a report which gave the balances in the various City
Councilman Bergen made the following report on street lighting: Re suggested
that the Council consider the installation of the following new street lights: -
One on the southeast corner of South Third Street and Chestnut Street 4000
Two between Pine and Oak Streets, off Fourth Street, 1500 lumens.
Three St. Croix Avenue between William and Martha Streets 1500 lumen..
South Fifth Street between Marsh and Hancock Streets 1500 lumens.
And he further suggested that the light on Greeley Street near the hospital
should be increased from 1500 to 4000 lumens lamp, and on motion of Councilman
Garsd Councilman Bergen,eanditt heaCs itycClerktwascdirected tocnotifyatthe
Northern Sates Power Company, accordingly.
Councilman Bergen brought up the matter of purchasing a power lawn mower
to be used at Pioneer Park and stated that the following prices were quoted:
Adolph Schindler, price of mower - 0137.50
Thompson Mee Co.. II 139.50
Stillwater Rdwe Co..
n . . - 132.50
oC mlmaa Bergen fo oiMadsen
wseh ndedrbyoCouncilman Grove, the matter was
Councilmen Bergen also reported that he did not have anything to report on
the Public Rest Room at this time.
Mayor Linner brought up the matter of the land on which the present City
schools are located, and City Attorney McGrath, informed him that in his opinion
the property was not in the name of the City of Stillwater at this time, but
felt hat when the land
wouldtautomaaticallylbecome ipert ct 9ofball mschool propertye an within iwithinthe City.
Only one (1) bid was received for furnishing and applying road tar and that was
the bid from the Koppers Company, Inc., Tar Products Division, which was opened
and read as follows:
(Continued on Page #589)
(Continued from Page #588)
Tarmac RP 4 to RT 10 - .1825 per gal. delivered in truck loads.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Bourdsgha the Koppers Company
bi.d was accepted, and the proper officers of the City were authorized to enter
into a contract covering same.
Only one bid was received for gravel, which was the rid of R. J. Jager, as follows:
For crushing, screening and loading gravel, 65 cents per cubic yard.
For crushing, screening, loading and stock piling gravel in City's pit, 85 cents
per cubic yard.
For trucking all gravel to destinations as required, 20 cents per cubic yard•
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen the Jager bid was
accepted and the proper officers of the City were authorized to enter into a
contract covering same.
One (1) bid was received for equipment rental, and that was the bid of the Moelter
Construction Company, which was opened and read as follows: -
Rental for 1$ or 5/8 yard gas shovel $11.00 per hour.
Rental for E or 5/8 yard gas shovel with back hoe attach't 11.00 "
Rental for D-4 Caterpillar Type tractor with bulldozer 8." "
Rental for 1$ ton truck 4•00
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the Moelter bid
was accepted, and the proper officers of the City were directed to enter into a
contract covering same.
Two (2) bids were received for bituminous surfacing of streets, one from the
Moelter Construction Company, end the other from Bury and Carlson, Inc.
The Moelter Construction Company bid covered the following streets:
West Walnut Street, between South Third and South Fourth Streets.
West Walnut Street, between South Fourth and South Fifth Streets.
South Sherburne Street, between "lest Olive and West Pine Streets.
West Oak Street, between South Owens and South Sherburne Streets.
Total amount of the Moelter bid was $11,073.45.
Bury and Cflrlson, Inc., bid on the following streets:
Orleans Street, between South Fourth Street end Fourth Avnue South.
North Everett Street, between West Myrtle and West Laurel Streets.
South Sixth Street, between West Pine and West Olive Streets.
East Willard Street, between South First and South Tnird Streets.
Rest Willard Street, between South Third and South Fifth Streets.
East Churchill Street, between Sixth Avenue South and South Third Streets.
South Third Street, from Chestnut Street to a point 100 feet south of the South
Line of Walnut Street.
Total amount of the Bury and Carlson hid was $25,731.18.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs the Moelter
Construction bid and the Bury and Carlson bid were accepted, and the proper
officers of the City were authorized to enter into a contract covering same.
(Continued on Page 11590)
(Continued from Page #589)
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs the City Clerk
was directed to arrange for the bonding of the custodian of Pioneer Park,
namely, Claude Johnson.
A complaint was received from F. C. Durocher, 1018 West Olive Street, in regard
to a vacant lot next door, and also in regard to the Erickson Post property,
and on motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove, the Chief
of Police was directed to give notice to the property owners, and if some action
was not taken in regard to this matter, the City will clean the above mentioned
lots, charging the cost back to the property owner.
The Clerk reminded Mayor Linner that the term of office expires on June 1, 1952,
in the case of William Per Lee, member of the Park Board.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs, Insurance Policy
No. OC 628560, issued by the Kenna City Fire & Marine Insurance Company, for
fire and extended coverage in the amount of $29,064.00, was approved and ordered
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilmen Madsen, the following
endorsements to Policies No's 12121 - 10294 - 13392 - 16531 and 13683, were
approved and ordered filed.
The Matter of purchasing a calculator or adding machine for the City Engineer's
office, was discussed end on motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Council-
man Grove the matter was referred to Councilman Madsen for a report at the next
regular meeting.
A complaint was received in regard to an outside toilet owned by Mrs. Olive
Johnson at 915 West Maple Street, and the matter was referred to the Chief of
A verbal request from Ralph Adkins requesting permission to connect to the
City Sewer on Walnut Street was discussed at length. Mr. Adkins owns a lot
on rifth Street, which is described as follows: The SW* of Block 38, except
the south 62 feet in the original City, and on motion of Councilman Grove
seconded by Councilman Bergen, permission was granted to Mr. Adkins to connect
to the Walnut Street sewers upon the payment of a fee of $50.00.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove,the City Assessor
was authorized to purchase a fan to be used in his office.
On motion of Councilman Bourdahgs seconded by Councilman Grove, it was decided
to rescind the actin taken at a previous meeting transferring money from the
General Fund to the Public Employee's Retirement Fund.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove, the Audit
Report as presented by J. H. Hamacher, for the year 1951, was approved and
ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Bourdahgs seconded by Councilman Bergen, the Surety
✓- Bond covering Ray C. Grove, as a drain layer, was accepted and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs and seconded by Councilman Bergen the bond
covering the Elk's Club in connection with their "On" sale Liquor License was
approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs and seconded by Councilman Grove, the City
Attorney was authorized to join the City Attorney's Association, dues to be
paid by the City of Stillwater.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, the City Clerk
made the first reading of "An Ordinance relating to Buildings, providing for
Fire Limits, Adopting by reference certain regulations for the Construction and
Equipment of Buildings, and providing a Penalty for Violation.
(Continued on Page #591)
'(Continued from Page #590)
The following resolutions were read and were on roll -call unanimously
1. Directing the payment of bills.
2. Increasing the salary of Assistant Engineer.
3. Increasing the salary of Mrs. Betty Ostrom from $165.00 to $175.00
per month.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen the meeting ad-
journed at 12:35 a. m.
City Clerk
Council Chambers,
Special Meeting.
June 3, 1952 10:00 a.m.
Meeting called to order by President Linner.
All members of the Council were present.
President Linner stated that the meeting had been called for the purpose
of cofor considering
nth bmattereof0acplan
n, oficonstruction, which is now being pro -
After considerable discussion of the matter by the Council, it was decided.
to oppose the present plans which are being set up for the new bridge, the
reason for this being that the span clearance under the present plan does not
the St.aCroixsRiver.ent
The Councilman felt that the height of the span over the navigable part
of the stream shoj1_d be of a height that is not lower than the lowest span
on any existing n v r the St. Croix at the present time. A11 the Councilman
were agreed that a span is preferable to a lift, and on motion of Councll-
sshhould direct adletter ed by C ton the mCorps an rof Engineeres,gen it was oSt. dPaul, Minnesota, tat Mayor er
setting forth the views of the Council.
Depu City Clerk.
Sn mayor.
Council Chambers,
593 IS
June 3, 1952 7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Linner.
A11 members of the Council were present.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 6th, 1952, at 7:30 o'clock p.m.,
and Minutes of the Special Meeting held on •Tune Srd, 1952, at 10:00 a.m., were
read and approved.
On motion of Councilman Hourdagha seconded by Councilman Grove "On" and "Off"
sale 3.2 beer licenses were granted on the second reading of the application to:
Fred F. Thompson 1004 North Fourth Street.
Applications for "On" and "Off" sale 3.2 beer licenses were read from: .
Loring W. Erickson 215 Nort5 hOWilliam Street.
Anton Waldner
but on account of being in the residential area were automatically carried
over to the next Regular Meeting to be held on July 1, 1952.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded. by Councilman Grove, application for
a popcorn wagon license for Kenneth Johnson, 824 South fifth Street, was read, ✓
and approved for one year at $25.00 per year.
From Dan M. Egbert, State Inspector of Jails and Lock -ups, St. Paul, stating
that if the City permits
kept in repair, and further astated tlodgers t
that if the City ceahe sed
edt, the property
s, he
would like to be so advised and he would then remove the Stillwater City Jail
from his list for inspections. On motion of Councilman Madsen aeconded by
Councilman Bergen, the Clerk was directed to write Mr. Egbert that the City would
discontinue accommodating lodgers in the future, and that the jail property would
not be used for any purpose whatsoever, therefore, an inspection by him would ✓
no longer be necessary.
From Public Service Motors, Stillwater, requesting that the city release an ease-
ment on a triangular piece of land approximately 6 feet by 24 feet, on property
recently purchased by them described as the Westerly 125 feet of Lots 3 & 4,
Block 18, Original Town (now City) of Stillwater, known as the Northwestern
Hotel property to facilitate their erecting a garage on the property in the near
future. Mr. Gilaarud further stated that he would pay the City $5.00 for the City'e
interest in this land. After some discussion of the City'e easement rights on
the property, President Linner took a roll call vote and each and every member
of the Council voted in
Public Service Motors, andCity At tto Attorney McG
rath thtthe was directed torequested rprepare B elease to the
Resolution confirming the Council's action in the matter.
From Miss Grace Mosier, 120 E. Locust Street, requesting that tarvia be placed
on Locust Street between 2nd and 3rd Street to alleviate the dusty condition of
the Street, and on motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, the
matter was referred to the City Engineer.
(Continued on Page #594)
_ 594
(Continued from Page #593)
From Neumeier, Harrigan & Eckbarg, Attorneys at Law, Stillwater, enclosing a
Quit Claim Deed covering the Northerly 20 feet of Lots 9, 23, 24, 25, Block
29, Original Town (now City), and requesting that the City sign same to clear
the title on the North 20 feet of the property located S. E. of the intersection
of Nelson and Second Streets, now occupied by Sherman Gordon, and after some
discussion on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen the
matterrwas referred to City Attorney McGrath.
From Judge William P. Nolan, suggesting that at least one copy of Annotated
Volume, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure, be purchased at a cost of $0.00,
and m06motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove the Clerk
was directed to purchase one volume.
From We. James H. Francis, Secretary, Jaycee Wives, stating that her organiza-
tion had voted to give certain new playground equipment to Washington County
Park snd'requesting permission to place same in the park. She also suggested
that the park be mowed, cleaned, etc., and benches be planed near the equipment.
A motion was made by Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove that the
matter be referred to the Park Board, and a second motion was made by the same
councilman that the Clerk direct a letter to Mrs. Francis accepting the playground
equipment in behalf of the City and expressing appreciation for this timely and
thoughtful gift on the part of her organization.
From George Smart, Executive Secretary, of the Stillwater Association, in. which
he enclosed copy of letter directed to Ralph Smythe; Agent, of the Northern
Pacific Railway Company, in which letter he gave official notice of the Aaaocia-
tionis desire to terminate the lease covering the Depot Rest Room as of June 30,
1952, and the letter was ordered placed on file.
From Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Frost, stating that a crater like hole filled with
stagnant water existed on a lot owned by Mr. Thomas North on Pine Street, and
requesting the City to take action to have same filled. After some discussion
it was decided that the council members would view the lot in question en June
5th, 1952, and ascertain whether or not the condition complained of was a City
Prom pr. and Mra. Fred Smith, Minneapolis, Minnesota, referring to a matter of
surface water which they claim drains from other areas unto their property at
110E South Fifth Street, Stillwater. Mr. Smith spoke personally on the matter,
and after discussion by the council, it was decided that the Council would view
the area mentioned on June 5, 1952r
From George W. Olsen, enclosing check for $50.00, as sewer connection tee, and
requesting permission to connect to sewer line on Pine Street, West of Owen
Street, and on motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, the
Clerk was directed to accept the fee and advise Mr. Olson that such connection
✓ could be made.
Councilman Bergen reported that the additional changes mode in street light-
ing as authorized at the Mey 6th meeting had been made, and in connection with
street lighting Mayor Linner mentioned a complaint that had been made to him by
Mrs. Roberta residing at the Becker Apartments, corner Willard and Fifth Streets,
and the matter was referred to Councilman Bergen for investigation.
Councilman Bourdaghs stated that the Four-wheel Drive 19004Zgallon pumper had been
delivered to the City and was now in use. That while the Fire Underwriters
Inspection Bureau stated that the apparatus had passed the acceptance test, he
felt however, that other details in connection with the acceptance of the truck
had not been met and that final acceptance could not be made at this time. In
connection with the new pumper some discussion was held as to wt- ther the new
equipment should be used on rural fire runs, and it was finally decided to leave
the matter to the discretion of Fire Chief Colombo.
(Continued on Page #595)
595 'S;?
(Continued from Page #594)
Councilman Bourdaghs suggested purchase of a Portable Pump to be used at rural
fires, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, it was
decided to purchase a 1000 gallon per hour pumper at approximately $295,00.
Councilman Bourdaghs also brought up the matter of the City purchasing a paint
sprayer, which would be useful for painting park benches end other City equip-
ment, and the approximate price of a sprayer would be $37.50, and on motion of
Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, Councilman Bourdaghs was
authorized to purchase same.
Councilman Grove reported that the Street Department was over the budgetas of
this date, but that he did not have the exact figures.
Councilman Madsen reported that repairs had been made on the Band Shell at
Pioneer Park.
Councilman Madsen also brought up the matter of renovating and repairing the
rear portion of the Fire Department, Which would include a new floor, added
toilet facilities, and et cetera, and that the approximate cost was between
$1500.00 and $2000.00, but no action was taken on the matter at this time.
Councilman Madsen discussed the matter of a new retaining wall on the east line
of a track of land leased to the City by ti.a Northern Pacific Railway Company
for parking space, between Nelson and Chestnut Streets, a distance of approxi-
mately 150 feet, and after sane discussion it was decided to check further as
to specifications required for seine, with a probability of advertising for bids
at same future date.
The request made by Axel Thomsen, General Contractor, which was presented at
the May 6th meeting, to rebuitd his office shop and storage building at 118
West Olive Street, was again considered, as Mr. Thomson had been advised at
that meeting to obtain the signatures of at least 75% of the property owners
within a radius of 300 feet of his property who approved of his rebuilding.
Mr. Thomsen presented such a petition bearing eight (8) signatures of property
owners within the reemired radius, but Mr. Roderick. Lawson who was present and aso
had appeared at the May 6th meeting representing the opposition to the matter,
took exception to the accuracy and completeness of the petition, stating that
same did not actually bear signatures of 75% of the property owners within the
specified 300 foot radius. He further took exception to the names of several
of the signers on thepetition, stating that they were outside of the 300 foot
radius, and that actual property ownsrs such as Lyons, Simonet, Klatt, Mrs.
Amanda Hurst, and Kilty, were some of the property owners whose names should
of been on the petition to justify a 75$ coverage as required. It was then
unanimously decided by the council that Mr. Lawson's contentions were correct,
and that no further consideration of Mr. Thomsen's petition could be considered
at the meeting. Mr. Thomsen was advised by President Lipner to seek additional ./
required signatures.
The matter of the vacationing'of Part of Dubuque Street, between Fourth Avenue
South and 5th Avenue South, which was continued from February 5, 1952, meeting,
was brought up by President Linner, and he stated that the Council had viewed
the area in question as agreed upon at the February meeting. The Clerk read
a letter tram: Culver Davis favoring the vacation. Mr. W. J. Randevidt who
was present contended that if the block in question is to be improved for
traffic, the cost of same should be out of the General Fund and not assessed
against the property owners, and President Linner explained the procedure
necessary to have the stretch put in good shape for traffic and stated that
it had never been improved. Sherman Crane spoke briefly in opposition to the
vacation. Mayor Linner announced a roll call vote was in order as to whether
or not the council members were in favor of the vacation, and the Clerk on taking
the vote recorded each and every member of the Council voting in the negative. ✓
This was the meeting at which bids were returnable for the installation of two
Electric Doors at the Fire Department, and the following bids were received:
I. L. Moe & Son,
Bayport, Minnesota. $2,326.50
Gladstone Improvement Co.,
1836 Kennard Street,
St. Paul, 6, Minnesota. 1,690.00
(Continued on Page #596)
Igo 596
(Continued on Page #595)
Arne B. Thomsen, Contractor
118 West Olive Street,
Stillwater, Minnesota. $ 1,829.00 ano plus 154.00 - forimotoror.
Upon examination of the bids it was found that only one bidder had complied
with the terms of the published notice, and after some discussion it was decided
to reject all bids at this time. Upon motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by
Councilman Grove, it was decided to advertise for bids returnable at a later
v meeting.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Madsen the $500.00
official bond furnished by Claude Johnson, as Custodian of Pioneer Park, was
• approved and ordered filed.
Mayor Linner reappointed William Per Lee as a member of the Park Board for a
. three year term.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs, the contracts
between the Clty of Stillwater and the Moelter Construction Company for street
improvements during the year 1952, were approved and the proper officers of the
City were authorized and directed to sign same.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Bergen, the contracts be-
tween the City of Stillwater and the Moelter Construction Company to furnish
and operate equipment for the year 1952, were approved, and the proper officers
of the City were authorized and directed to sign said contracts.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the purchase of two
stenographer chairs and one typewriter stand to be used in the: office of the
City Clerk was authorized.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove, approval of
Insurance Policy yrtdoraement to be attached to Policy No. DP-5177, w,!*A the
Casualty Reciprocal Exchange, insured being Arthur Rivard, dba Stillwater Taxi,
Stillwater, Minneaota, was extended to cover 2 - 1952 Chevrolet Sedans, and
ceases to cover a 1949 and 1950 Chevrolet Sedan.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, approval of Renewal
Burglary Policy No. BBP-26006, Fidelity & Casualty Company, was extended for
three years from May 7, 1952, to May 7, 1955.
The Clerk reminded President Linner that terms of office expire on July 6th,
1952, covering the following appointments:
Library Board: Mrs. Henry Van Meier
Mrs. Joseph Rosell
Mrs. W. H. Humphrey
Board of Peter Commissioners: Mr. A. W. Nleinschnitz.
Mr. Lacy Smith, S. & S. Landscape Company, 704 West Mulberry Street, Stillwater,
Minnesota, presented to the Council a program of spraying the trees within the
City, including all parks and boulevards for approximately the .n:m of $5,000.00,
and on motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilmen Grove, the matter
• was referred to the Park Board.
On motion of Councilman Bnurdaghs seconded by Councilman Madsen plans for a
Rest Room Building in Pioneer Park as presented by the City Engineer were read
and approved, and the City Clerk was directed to advertise for bids returnable
at an adjourned meeting held on June 17, 1952.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
• On motion of Councilman Bergen the council adjourned at 11:55 p. mete 4-11-C2
Deput, City clerk.
Council Chambers,
June 17, 1952. 7:30 p.m.
Regular Adjourned Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Linner.
All members of the Council present except Bergen and Grove.
Only one bid was received for two electrically operated overhead doors at the
Hire Station, and that was the bid fromtheAxel Thomsen
Coonstruction ns Yompany,
total amount amount of bid being $1754•
seconded by Councilman Bourlaghs itwas
toaward oawardrtthe
contractyt tithe
Axel Thomsen Construction Company, the proper
authorized and directed to enter into a contract covering same.
The following bide were received for the construction of a building to use as
Rest Rooms at Pioneer Park.
George Siegfried
I. L. Moe & Son
Wilfred J. Arcand
Herbert B. Belfanz
$ 3780.00
sen, the
awardedito Georg Siegfried, and ctheproP rd by oofficers ofunciman dcontract
Councilman Bourdaghs the City were
authorised and directed to enter into a contract covering same.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded bye o ncibyathe urtyghe, the Attorney,bntract
for Street Improvements during 1952, were approved and the Mayor ✓
the City of Stillwater and Bury and Carlson, Inc..
and Clerk were directed to sign same.
te&eas Complaint
him on int1952,
xnuCedarblomvCityofStlwater, claiming damages nheamountof
$COwito rs by Councilmen Madsen,
the lerkas directed to refer same the City Attorney.
On motion of Councilman Bourdeghs seconded by Councilman Madsen, the Clerk was
directed to write a letter to Mrs. Reuben Jacobean, President of the Jaycee Wives,
who resides at 518 North Third Street„ and inform her that the matter of keeping
the grass trimmed at Washington Park during the next few months will be taken
care of by the City.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs, the following
described property situated in Washington County, Minnesota, and incr. specifically
described as follows:
The Northerly Twenty (20) feet of all that part of Lots Nine (9), Twenty-three
(23), Twenty-four (24) and Twenty-five (25), Block Twenty-nine (29), Original
Town (Now City) of Stillwater, according to the recorded plat thereof on file
and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washington County, Minne-
sota, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East Line of Second
Street Three Hundred;he
nceortherlyalongthe East Line of said S
from the
Twenty-nine (20)0;
Two Hundred (200) Teat more or loss to the south line of Nelson street; thence
easterly at right angles to said last mentioned line One -Hundred (100) feet;
thence rallel with
thence westerly yathe
atrdght.anglesto Street
said last mentioned lineOne-Hundreed (100)t;
feet to the place of beginning, was by Quit Claim Deed conveyed to Sherman Gordon
for the consideration of $1.00.
(Continued on Page #598)
(Continued from Page #597)
A Resolution authorizing the conveyance of real estate to Gustave B. Glasrud,
was read, and enroll call unanimously adopted. the Stillwater Building Code
appreciation of the work done by and authorisingBuilnCode
p m Resolution was in eand on roll -call unanimously Secretary of, end auth
Clerk to send read, to Mr.Edward W. Ramona
Clark to a copy
Committee. the Clark made
Councilman Bourdaghar Cle. Firem
of "An Ordinance Relating to Buildings, Providing
On motion of Councilmen Madsen seconded by
ylatioas for the construction and
the second reading and providing n a penalty for
equipm. Adopting bug byi buildings,
end amendments endmentsrthhereto.
equipment ofb�l ordinance was read section by section, and the Clerk t eking
el roll caffirmative
t the ivesvote of each sad
this every
the roll call on each sectionTheresidentdthen jutihe the ion: "Shall t adopteds
member of the ouncill. r P and
pasete Each council member voted affirmatively
and passed unanimously.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilmen Madsen, B. J. Simmons.
was appointed building official. the meeting
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghe
adjourned at 10:00 o&clock p.m.
Council Chamber.
Stillwater, Minnesota July 1, 195E 7:30 P.Y.
Regular Meeting,
Meeting was called to order by President Linner.
All members of the Council present except Councilman Grove.
Minutes of the regular meeting held on June 3rd 1952 at 7:30 P.Y. and minutes of the
regular adjourned meeting held on June 17th 1952 at 7:30 P.Y. were read and approved.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen the following eon & off"
sale 3.2 beer licenses were granted on the second reading of the applications
Loring W. Erickson 215 North William Street.
Anton Weidner 628 West Olive Street.
On motion of Councilman Madsen aesonded by Councilman Bergen cigarette licenses were
granted to the following for a period of six months at 41.00 per month total g6.00 each.
Mary Stenzel 324 East Hazel Street
Josephine Lies 226 East Chestnut Street
From Roy F. Farnham, chairman armory board, Stillwater, Minnesota requesting annual
appropriation of g500.00 for the year 1952, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded
by Councilman Bergen the request was granted and The Mayor and City Clerk were authorized
to draw their warrant upon the City Treasurer in the amount of g500.00 payable to Roy ✓
F. Farnham, chairman armory board.
From the committee opposed to diversion and diffusion of highway funds was read and
cddered placed on file.
From Thorsen, Thoreen and Lawson in regard to the matter of granting a permit to the
Thomsen Construction Company to place a commercial building on property in the city
of Stillwater zoned for residential purposes only was read, and on motion of Councilman 4
Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen the letter was ordered filed.
Fri Shirley Wales, Simpson Memorial Young People's Society of Simpson Memorial Church
requesting permission to conduct open air religious services in some appropriate place
in etillwater was read, and the City Clerk was directed to answer the letter and request
more information as to how many services would be conducted.
From Matt Anderson Dallas, Wisconsin requesting information in regard to museum's in the
City and if plans are under way for any special festivals or celebrations in the city
this summer was read, and the City Clerk was directed to answer the letter.
From the Fire Underwriters Inspection Bureau in regard to the adoption of the National ,
Board of Fire Underwriters National Building Code for the City of Stillwater.
A petition with signatures of fifteen property owners effected objecting to any commercial
Building now being or to be constructed on the property now occupied by the Thomsen
construction company was read, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman
Bergen the petition was ordered filed.
Councilman Biurdagbs brought up the matter of purchasing a public address system to be
used at band concerts or any other public gatherings, after some discussion it was
decided that there was a lack of need for a public address system at this time and the
matter was deferred indefinitely.
Councilman Bourdaghs suggested that the grass at Wdshington park should be cut regularly
as promised the Jaycee wives at a previous meeting, Mayor Lipner suggested that Council-
man Bergen attend to this matter with the aid of the City Engineer.
Councilman Bourdaghs inquired as to what progress was being made in regard to the repairs
on the rear portion of the fire station, it was decided to discuss this matter at the
next regular council meeting.
Councilman 2;urdaghs brought up the matter of rural fire contracts between the City of
Stillwater and various townships, he stated that four of the contracts expired on June
1, 1952 and that another will expire on July 18, 1952 he suggested that a special meeting
should be held with the clerks of these townships. On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded
by Councilman Bergen this matter was referred to Councilman Bourdaghd and Fire Chief
Colombo. Councilman Bourdaghs then announced t»at a special meeting will be held on August
12, 1952 at 7:30 P.M.
(continued on page 600)
Councilman Bourdaghs reported that American Legion Post number 48 have offered to donate
35 folding chairs to the City of Stillwater to be used at Pioneer Park for band concerts
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs the offer was soosptsd
1 with thanks.
Councilman Bourdaghs reported that the Fire Underwriters Bureau have recommend-
ed that the City purchase additional equipment for the fire department amount-
ing to about $2000.00, after some discussion the matter was carried over to the
next regular meeting.
Councilman Madsen reported that the construction of toilet facilities at Pioneer
Park is progressing satistactorly.
Councilman Madsen reported that the new doors for the fire station have been order-
ed and will be installed in tr' near future.
Councilman Bergen reported that he has Me contacted the Northern States Power
in regard to lighting improvements ordered by the Council some time ago and that
they have . informed him that some of the necessary parts are not available at this
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen the following con-
tracts were approved and the Mayor and City Clerk were directed to sign same.
City of Stillwater and Reuben J. Jager, Gravel for the year 196E
City of Stillwater and Koppers Co. Inc., Sprinkling City streets with tar.
Mayor Linnsr made the following appointments,
Library Board
Mhos Henry Van.Mbier
Yrs Joseph Rosell
Mrs W.R. Humphrey
Board of Water Commissioners
A.W. Kleinschnitx
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen the appointments
✓ were confirmed.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen the following con-
tracts were approved and The Mayor and City Clerk wwee directed to sign sass.
City of Stillwater and Axel Thomsen, for the furnishing and installation of
Otsyhead doors at fire station.
City of Stillwater and George Siegfried, for construction of building providing
rest rooms at Pioneer Park.
on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen the City Clerk was
directed to advertise for bids for 100 tons more or leas of treated stoker coal
for tbs 1952-53 beating season bids returnable at a special meeting to by held
on August 12, 1952 at 7;30 P.Y.
on motion of Councilman Bourdaghe seconded by Councilman Bergen the bonds cover-
ing inbert D. the amount of $ 000.00 each werehand Welter V. erg as approvedlannddt ordered file.
On meter recei-
ptsOn motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Madsen a drain layers bond
covering Eugene F. Grove in the amount of $2000.00 was approved and ordered tiled.
The City Clerk reported that the following rural fire contracts expire as follows,
Village of Lake Elmo June 1, 1952
Baytown Township June 1, 1952
Oak Park Township June 1, 195E
Stillwater Township June 1, 1952
St. Joseph Township, Wisconsin July 18, 195E
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen it was decided that
the City would pay all necessary expenses in connection with the meeting of the
Capital City Suburban Fireman's Association to be held in Stillwater on July 10,
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Council Madsen it was decided to order
the installation of a 1500 lumln light at fifth and willard streets and to die -
continue the white way light at third and Myrtle streets.
Mr. R.O. Conrad appeared before the Council and suggested that steps be taken at this
time to head of the reoccurense of the flooding of the down town area as it existed
last spring. On motion of Councilm an Bourdaghe seconded by Councilman Madsen the City
Engineer was directed to contact the proper authorities in Washington D.C. in regard
to this matter.
Mr. Phil Domler appeared before the Council in regard to a hedge on his property, com-
plaints have been received by the police department that the hedge obstructs the view
thus causing sasstmg accidents.
s�estedned that
hatgstophsie gns be be. ereerected,
nd toon
motion of Councilman Bourdaghs by
the Chief of Polite.
A complaint was received from the Rev. A.C. Ernst about the condition of a lot owned by
Thematter was
y on sixth City that
atethe City cut the brush and weeds on the
was also aesor
aired to about of the main street stairs and this
A Resolution directing the payment of bills was read and was on roll call unanimously
A resolution of Stillwater was readeand wasion on roll te callcontract
Leaks and the City
A resolution extending completion date of contract between William R. Welter and
Sons and the City of Stillwater was read and was on roil call unsnimousley adopted. •
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdagbs meeting adjourned.
at 9:30 Y.N.
AtCity Clerk
Council Chambers,
Minnesota, August 5, 1952. 7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Linnet..
A11 members of the Council were present.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on July 1, 1952, at 7:30 p.m., were read
and approved.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs an application
for a Junk Dealer's license was issued to the following for a period of one year:
Lawrence Rumpf, 2007 Schulenberg Avenue,
Leo Klein 220 Eest Mulberry Street.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen an application for
a Sewer Permit was granted to the followings
Peter D. Wasylkiewyea 132 South Holcombe Street.
Leslie J. Juhl 136 South Holcombe Street.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen an application for
a "On" sale 3.2 Beer License was granted to the following:
Robert & Minnie Burger 317 South Main Street.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen an application for
a Jute box license for one year was granted to the following:
Robert & Minnie Burger 317 South Main Street.
From A. Herbert Nelson, Insurance Commissioner, State of Minnesota, enclosing
check for $2,335.58 as partial payment of 2% apportionment due the City of
Stillwater, for the Fire Department as of the period ending December 31, 1951.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove, the Clerk was
directed to file the letter and deposit the check in the Firemen's Relief Fund.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, approval of
Change of Car Coverage on Policy No. P51-9120, (Carlson Brothers), is extended
to cover 1952 Chevrolet, Serial No. 21%WF-47151, and ceases to cover 1949
Chevrolet. Serial No. 21GFE 13368, effective as of July 8, 1952.
From Rita M. Carrell and Shirley M. Schlief, of St. Paul, Minnesota, stating
that they enjoyed the American Legion Beach, and commending the City for the
care and supervision of same. On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by
Councilman Grove the clerk was directed to acknowledge receipt of the communica-
tion, and that the letter be mailed to Mr. Harry Swanson, Secretary of the
Recreation Committee.
(Continued on Page $603)
(Continued from Page #602)
The hs
aGeneral Electric Company,igiving infolman rmation mand eprices roni,a letter directed to a
Divisionof the
rade-telephone communication hook-up for
approximate chat of $490.70, plus $50.O00for installation. Councilman Bourdaghs
felt that such equipment should be placed on the new fire truck recently purchased ed
by fine
ato fire department equipment,
but after omediscussion itwas decidedtotablethematterfor thtimebng,and the letter was ordered placed on file.
Councilman Madsen reported that the Public Rest Rooms recently constructed at
Pioneer Park have been completed, except for a few minor additions. He also
reported that the new overhead doors purchased by the City for the Fire Station
have been delivered, and that installation of same will be made at an early date. v
Councilman Bergen reported that the installation of the new street lights
has not been fully completed due to shortage of necessary materials, and the
nisefull insttallg atione willcbeacompletedaatgan burt
date. He also stated that the South Main Street stair area had been cleared ✓
of brush.
The matter of the suggestion that had been made by the Fire. Underwriter's
Bureau that the City of Stillwater purchaseadditional
again brought tional qipfor
Department in the sum of approximately $2,00
Councilman Bourdagha stated that he had nothing further to report on the matter.
buttCouncil aniMadsentfelt that minor repairs Fire
fill theagain
ments, and that if any work was to be done, bide should be accepted for a more
complete job.
The matter of tile flood situation in the St. Croand VallyLandeitsteffes cthon the
on the
City of Stillwater was again up for discussion, Mayor he had
following the discussion of this matterat
ye lyndst Regularameeting, The Clerk
written letters to Senator Humphrey, in which he.cleird a ceps
then read a letter in reply from Senator Humphrey,
of a letter from Brig. General C. R. Chorpening, Assistant Chief of Engineers
for Civil works, in which he stated that the corps of engineers had been author-
ized to investigate the St. Croi$ River situation, with a view to determining
wthe hichthegovernment hof ad constructed onrovements for ood thecMississippithave very litd tle effect the t
on the flood problem in the St. Croix basin, but he felt that a system of
reservoirs funda,inveetigationohadt prvide ceased, effectibut heve t hoped that the investigationrol. However, due to a awouldt be
completed in the near future.
t he and
A letter was ereadaredfbeforedthecRailreadson and1 arehousen which eCommissionaorelatl a to
Smart had nap the
poops/tad lacrosse in bus fares which has been proposed between Stillwater an
St. Paul. Mr. Lawson stated in his letter that other Municipalities had
(Continued on Page #604)
60! •
(Continued from Page 003)
submitted Resolutions from their City Councils setting forth their views in
the matter, and he hoped that the City Council would see fit to file a
similar Resolution with the Railroad and 'Warehouse Commission. A Resolution
was then passed by the City Council stating in substance that while the City
of Stillwater felt that some increase in fares was justified at this time,
because of general economic conditions, such an increaso as the Commission
had proposed, was they felt entirely excessive and unreasonable. That the
Council felt that if the commission grants any Increase at all, that such
increase should be greatly modified.
Roll call was then taken on the Resolution and each and every Councilman
voted in the affirmative for the adoption of same, and the City Clerk was
directed to forward a copy of the Resolution to the Secretary of the Minne-
sota Railroad and Warehouse Commission, and also to the Twin City Bus Company,
St. Paull
Mr. Russell Thoreson and Carl Noack appeared before the Council to protest
the use of a lot on West Churchill Street, between Third and Fourth Streets,
owned by a Mr. Charles Peterson, which property is being used as a used car lot,
Mr. Thoreson assumed that the establishment of a used car lot on this property
was in violation of the City zoning ordinance, and 1f so, he felt that the
Council should enforce the ordinance and see that Mr. Petersen was notified
of his violation. After considerable discussion of the area in question,
Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove, moved that a violation
existed, and that the Chief of Police be instructed to contact Mr. Peterson
and appraise him of the fact, that the City ordinance does not permit him to
use his property as a used car lot.
Mayor Linner brought up the matter of a request air which he had received
from Mr. L. R. Brower, City Clerk -Treasurer, for a leave of absence from his
duties as City Clerk -Treasurer, and all Council members agreed unanimously
that Mr. Brower be granted a leave for an indefinite period.
City Engineer Abercrombie advised the Council that the Connolly Shoe Company
had suggested to him that they might be interested in piping the existing
open drain in Block 18 of Original Town, that is on a 15 ft. strip of ground
owned by the City as a part of Commercial Avenue, adjoining north second
street, at their expense in lieu of a right to use this area, ao improved,
as a parking space. On recommendations of the City Engineer, the Council
reacted favorably, but deferred any action until a definite proposition was
submitted by the Connolly Shoe Company in writing. The City Engineer was
instructed to so advise the company.
The City Engineer also gave a report on the progress of street improvement
work; stating that last year's contracts for grading and bituminous surfacing
T laid over due to impossible weather conditions, were nearing final completion
and that considerable progress has been made on this year's contract for like
work, including Orleans Street, which hes been completed, and that the St. Paul
buses have been rerouted back over this street as of August let, 1952.
He further reported that the South Main Street stairs have been completely re-
paired and the area cleared of brush and weeds, and a special drainage provision
made at the top for protection against future erosion. He also reported that the
storm water drain off South Fifth Street across the property of Fred W. Smith on
Lot 2, Block 2, of Marsh's Addition has been completed as authorized by the
Council at a previous meeting, the City furnishing all the pipe and Mr. Smith
the cost of labor.
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Grove, the Clerk made
the first reading of an ordinance designated as follows,
MAINTAIN IN THE CITY OF STILLfWATERAor a rm of 20 years electric transmission
and disbribution lines including necessary poles, masts, wires and appurtenances,
and a gas distribution system including necessary gas pipes, mains, and appurten-
ances for the furnishing of electric energy and gas to the City and its inhabitl-
tants and others, and for transmitting electric energy and gas into and through
the City, and to use the streets, alleys and public places of said City for such
(Continued on Page #605)
(Continued from Page #604)
Following the publication of City Ordinance #336, Relating to Buildings, there
was some expression of dissatisfaction among the local City plumbers in regard
to certain Provisions of Section 41 of the ordinance. The Master plumbers therefore
.held a meeting at the City Hall in July and passed three resolutions, which
resolutions were read by the clerk and presented to the City Council for considera-
yrere present
Messrs. Fred aBliss, ty Bliss and discussion with trl hers and several Council memberstandaCity Attorney and
entered into a ectioty
McGrath as to Section 41 in question.
The City attorney ruled that the Council could not legally grant favors re-
quested under the plumber's Resolution No. 1 and 2. The Council members however,
were r gppointled theto solution No. following master thepland umbersdtoplumbers committee, anduest Mayor
Lipner gppointled
Ed. Bliss, E. L. Peaslesi Barney Brown, Eugene F. Grove, Fred Bliss,
Earl Ayers, Ray C. Grove and Melvin Johnson.
This committee to have full powers of a revolving chairmanship and to present
their views
come isand someproblems amicalble the
tiRegular meeting if it has been possible for
"AmendingtOrddinance No.he �35611, wherebyClerk
date ofithe enforcement ordinance
Section 41, Ordinance No. 336, may be extended from JhAF 19, 1962, to Jnuary
1, 1953.
1. Directing the payment of bills.
Council adjourned: 11:00 o'clock p.m.
afl a-t c�
Deputy Cis 'lark.
Council Chambers,
August 12, 1952
7:30 p.m.
Special Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Linner.
All members of the council were present, except Councilman Grove.
Bids were opened and read for 100 tons more or leas of Kentucky Elkorn Screen-
ings for use in the City buildings during the season of 1952 and 1953 as follows:
13.85 per ton.
Lawrence W. Linnet 13.65 " w
Consolidated Lumber Company 13.65 " "
John J. Kitty toreany 14.13
Farm Service Store
e-third of the amount required from each of the first three
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdeghhe it
J decided
to purchase enLumberwere authorized and directed
bidders, namely, Lawrence W.proper
timer, Consolidated Cat erCompany
Kitty Cr into. and the trwith officers of named bidy
to enter into a contract with the above bidders., Compensation covering
City Attorney McGrath brought up the matter of Workmen's Comp
City aghs,employees, and AC orneyon ion wasof Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman
authorized andrdi ec ed toe arrange ged and
payment t, the City Compensation Rating
payment to the Minnesota Comp _
J 62,160.84. •
The City Clerk was authorized
cdirecteed ito o writeeabletter to theLStillwater
Insurance Agency,requesting t
patrolman, to comply with his rs1195y.on tendered to the Chief of Police
Raymond F. Law, effective July 1,•
f Mayor Linner made the following appointments to Council committees:
Councilman Bourdaghs - Fire, Recreation and Band.
Bergen - Lighting, streets and sewer.
n Grove - Parks, rend atier, health,
librarybuildings and finance.
n Madsen Ha City Hall,
of MasSouth Third Street an was authorized to byheck
A briefNNorthern
was had Company, and Councilman Bergen w be tor
theiNthehpow States Parer ar approved
with the power company as to how soon the excavat ng
Councilman Bergen the Council
Judges as presented by the Deputy City C:ark to serve at the Primary
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by
the listn of ember 9, 1952.
Election held on Sept
Councilman Bourdeghs brought up the matter of renewal of rural fire contracts
between the City of Stillwater and adjacent townships.
The following persons were present and represented the various townships:
Harold Fey.
Oak Park Township - and Floyd Anderson.
Township of St.
co Joseph, James Frawley
Wisnsin - Herbert Richards.
Baytown Township - Frank See and George Dornfeld.
'vest Lakeland Twp. Ray grongard and KimHEbne Rooley
Stilage of Lake Elmo - �_ ,
Stillwater Township
Mr. Howard Whalen represented the German Farmers Mutual Fire Tns, Co.
(Continued to Page #607)
(Continued from Page *606)
Councilman Bourdaghs opened the discussion by stating that he felt that the
present rate being charged by the City for rural fire runs was too low and noted
in line with other communities; that the small fire engine ruralwhich
eingausedfor runs was in such condition to necessitate the early purchase
one; that he felt the present rate of $35.00 was obsolete, and that in hie
opinion the annual fee to each township should be $100.00, with a rate of
75.00 per fire run for the first hour and $50.00 for each additional hour or
fractional part thereof, which would bring the fees more in line with what is
being charged in other cities.
The matter was then discussed by the representatives present from the townships
and they w ere in accord in their expression that a $75.00 fee was too high, but
felt that a $40.00 or $50.00 maximum fee would be acceptable, and would go far
toward holding the good will of the rural population towards the City of Still-
water in general.
After considerable discussion a tentative arrangement was then entered into
Augustn12k1e1952yuntilc Januaryt15, 1255,enithe ecase eeffectsent to the
Counil andhe of all townships now having
contracts with the City, with the exception of the Township of West Lakeland,
the rural fire run fee shall be $50.00 for the first hour. That in the case
of the
Township of West Lakeland ,abe3e0ftlOctober
hedatethexpiratiofthe contract and thfeaerthat date to be
$50.00 until January 15, 1953. Upon motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by
directed to or notify thetclerkswas
ofneachdtownship byto that Pletterand the City Clerk was
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs the Deputy
City Clerk was given authority to employ Mary Raduens in the City Clerk's office
on a part time basis during the absence of the City Clerk -Treasurer. ✓
Cm motion f Councilman Madsen
Clerk-Treasurer, and Depeconded by uty Clerk ofsCourt beainc eased
Rose E. Gower, D$22O.0 y
from $195.00L.to o220De0 per month effectivek-Terer,August 1, creasedd that the salary
of Betty L. Ostrom, Deputy City Clerk -Treasurer, be increased eoa =1
$200.00 per month effective August 1, 1952, such increases to be an arrangement
to cover the
callvote athery aabove motion, and eachbsence of the City andevery councilman votedeasurer. The clerk eint
anthe ✓
On motion of Councilmen Bergen seconded by Councilman
he meeting adjourned
at 10t10 o'clock p.m.
Council Chambers,
September 4, 1952 5:00 P.M.
At a duly called meeting of the Commissioners of'the Sinking
pond held at the City Hall on the 4th day of September, 1952, the
C members
present: President Linner, Councilman Mad-
sen, and
Councilman Madsen offered the following resolution:
nding 1st day of
datedtApril 19,51941hewilleon
due and payable at the First Rational Bank end Trust Company of
Minneapolis, Minnesota, and
WHEREAS, it will be necessary for the City of Stillwater to
provide for the payment of such Interest oinithe ia316.00of $315.00,
and service charges of $1.00, making
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Commissionersof the
Sinking Fund of the City of Stillwater, that a warrant. be made, and
the same is hereby ordered drawn on the 4th ofuSeptember, City,
1952, on the City Trbasurer from the Sinking
to be used only for the purpose of paying said intert of est and
oservice n roll callgthis resolutionawaseunanimously adopted 316.00, and
On motion of Councilman Madsen the meeting was adjourned.
Cgo' ' (e
Deputyty Clark.
Commissioners of Sinking Fund
609;j •
Council Chambers,
September 2, 1952
7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Linner.
All members of the Council were present, except Councilman Grove.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on August 5, 1952, and Minutes of the
Special Meeting held on August 12, 1952, were read and approved.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Madsen an application
for sight Bowling Alley Licenses, at $10.00 for the first alley, and $5.00 for
each additional alley, were granted to the following: -
Robert and Minnie Burger 317 South Main Street.
Prom League of Minnesota Municipalities, regarding "Proposal to Abolish
Taxation on Household Goods", to be presented at the next legislative session,
and upon a motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Bergen,
City Attorney McGrath was directed to prepare a Resolution setting forth the
Councll's agreement that such taxation should be abolished, and present same
at the next Regular meeting on October 7, 1952.
Prom Ervin G. Ruckh, 111E East Linden Street, regarding a tree on his boulevard,
which he stated was causing considerable damage to the sidewalk and retaining
wall on his property, and requesting that the tree be removed by the City.
Upon motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Madsen, the matter
was referred to Councilman Bergen in charge of streets with power to act. ✓
Councilman Bourdaghs stated that he had talked with Mr. A. B. Schaeffer,
Clerk of the Township of Grant, and outlined to him the provisions of a
rural fire contract and the new fire service charges, and felt that when letters
were written to other townships covering the new fire rates, that the Town-
ship of Grant should be included.
Councilman Bourdaghs reported that the new training program for the fire-
men in the Fire Department had been instituted, and that the firemen would
have at least one hour for training each day under this new program.
(Continued on page #610)
(continued from page #609)
ic doors now
installedn atthereportedt e overhead
found toebersatisfactory in their
Councilman Bergen stated that he had checked with officials of the Northam
PowerStates Company,
were almostf regarding
this work.South Third Street, and
stated that they
On ts
motionman hs W. d Linner,uncilman Consolidated Lumber Company
and John J. Kilty Company, for the furnishing of coal during the year 1952
and 1953 heating season were approved, and the proper officers of the City
were authorized and directed to sign same.
Mayor Linner brought up the matter of the Plumber's Code Committee, and
aointed Mrhairmaof
the clerk toy oe advise Mlvin ohim by letterhnson, First C and alsthe o the other members of the com-
mittee as appointed at the Regular August meeting.
The matter of the Used car lot located on the property of Peterson Motors on
West Churchill Street, was again discussed, and Mr. Charles Peterson appeared
before the Council and requested a special permit to use the 60 feet east of
his in
August, aresidentse in thisgof his own vicinity hadobjecteds. At to the use ofgthrproperty in
question, and there was some question whether it violated the zoning ordinance.
bthat purpose, butdecided could to referee nthbmatter ntolCity Attorney McGrathgrounde in the use of the ,
with the assurance to Mr. Peterson that the Council would come to some decision
d if possible by the next meeting.
on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, Renewal of
Policy No. 209612, American Casualty Company, Reading, Pa., Comprehensive
General Liability, extended for a period of one year, was approved end ord-
ered filed.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen,'Renewaliof
enewal of
Policy No. P47-6293, American Casualty Company., Reading, and Property damage on fleet, extended for a period of one year, was app-
roved and ordered filed.
l of
On motion of 52un98, Kansaasgen City Firesd andyMarinelInsuranceeCompany,aprehen No. fiet ,
prehensive fire, theft and wind on fleet, extended for a period of one year,
was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Madsen, Renewal.
alreal of
Policy No. 16296, Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Company, for
and extended coverage on City buildings, was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, Workmen's
Compensation Policy #313-30664, in the Employer's Mutual Liability Ins-
urance Company of Wausau, Wisconsin, for
approved period
with a receipted bill for $2,180.86, ofd
Messrs. Percy and A. W. Banister of the Banister Engineering Company, St.
Paul, appeared before the Council, and after some discussion, the Council
members agreed that it would be well to have a survey presented by the
Banister firm for a sewage disposal plant for consideration by the council
in the near future.
(Continued on page #611)
(Continued from page #610)
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Bergen the Deputy
City Clerk was authorized to place on the list of Election Judges the name
of Mrs. Robert Naren, to take the place of Mrs. Lloyd Hoffman, who is unable
to serve as a Judge in the First Ward, First Precinct, at the Court House.
Councilman Bourdaghs mentioned a complaint he had received regarding a sewer
condition at the Dick residence located on West Laurel trStreet,matter andon won motion
of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs,
to the Board of Health.
Building Inspector Simmons brought up the matter of a request which he had
received from Myles Durling requesting the City Council for a special build-
ing permit to build a new home on West Myrtle Street, near Sherburne, but
after some discussion the Council confirmed the action of the Building Ins-
pector in refusing to issue a permit, on the grouds that the area was not ^�
large enough to permit the erection of another building.
City Engineer Abercrombie requested approval of the purchase of additional
road tar for general over all street maintenance, amounting to approximately
$600.00 over the budget allowance, and on motion of Councilman Madsen sec-
onded by Councilman Bourdaghs the matter was referred to Councilman Bergen,
in charge of streets with power to act.
The matter of improving Water Street between Commercial Avenue and Mulberry
Street was discussed and the City Engineer advised that he had made a survey
of this portion of the street, and was exploring the possibility of establish-
ing a grade above highwater, but that the Maple Island, the railroad and some
shippers situated in the area would be effected, and it would necessitate
certain changes on their part. It was decided to call a meeting for the eve-
ning of September 16th, 1952, for the purpose of reviewing plans and a general J
discussion.with interested parties.
President Lipner brought up the matter of the blacktopping and work being done
on the parking lot along the railroad tracks, between Myrtle and Nelson
Streets, and City Engineer Abercrombie stated that due to the necessity of
having to finish work on other street projects and bad weather conditions in
general throughout the summer months, it would not be possible to blacktop
this particular area until sometime during the year 1953.
Councilman Bourdaghs stated that he had received a complaint as to over-
hanging tree branches on the property situated at the Southeast corner of
Third and Linden Streets which interferes with electric service to the
Reeve home, and on motion of Councilman Bourdaghe seconded by Councilman
Madsen, the matter was referred to Councilman Bergen in charge of streets.
City Engineer Abercrombie reported that bad weather conditions had delayed
work on two of the 1951 street improvement contracts, which have already
had ame extension, and recommended to the Council that the contracts of
abetter Construction Company and William R. Moelter and Sons be granted
another extension until October 1, 1952, and on motion of Councilman Madsen
seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs, City Attorney McGrath, was authorised to
draw Resolutions confirming these extensions.
The City Engineer also recommended the purchase of a new sn
pmlow, a
of Conn-
cate of the Wausau Plow RB 100 now in use by the City, and on
cilmen Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs, the matter was referred to the
Councilman in charge of streets with power to act.
The City Engineer also recommended the purchase of a new snow shovel loader,
the 0.00 or
was takenxonate thisost of matterwhich untilwould run more definite0informationter, couldut benos action
as to the cost of lame.
Mr. Abercrombie further stated that numerous repair jobs on streets through-
out the City had about used up the budget for tar and gravel, and he requested
an additional $60o.00 to complete street repairs, and on motion of Council-
man Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs the matter was referred to the
Councilman in charge of streets with power to act.
(Continued on page #612)
(Continued from page #611)
The City Engineer mentioned a proposal that had been left with him by a
Mr. F. D. Cook, 820 Metropolitan Building, Minneapolis, whereby Mr. Cook's
company would rid the City dump of rats for the sum of $200.00 per year,
giving approximately four treatments per year of a rat exterminator, but
no action was taken in the matter.
Chief of Police Law and several members of the police force appeared be-
fore the Council, and requested an over-all increase in salaries for their
department, but no action was taken in the matter at this time.
The Clerk made the second reading of Ordinance No. 337 - An ordinance amend-
ing "An Ordinance relating to building, providing for fire limits, adopting
by reference certain regulations for the construction and equipment of build-
ings, and amendments thereto, and providing a penalty for Violation", passed
June 17, 1952, published June 19, 1952.
The ordinance was read section by section, and the clerk taking the roll call
on each section, received the affirmative vote of each and every member of the
council. President Linner then put the question: "Shall this ordinance pass?".
Each council member voted affirmatively and the ordinance was adopted and
passed unanimously.
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Madsen,
The Clerk made the first reading of Electric Ordinance No. 338, as follows:
City of Stillwater, Washington County, Minnesota. "An Ordinance granting
permission to Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, its
successors and assigns, to erect, install, enlarge, operate, repair, main-
tain, in the City of Stillwater, Minnesota, transmission lines and an elec-
tric distribution system, including necessary poles, pole lines, masts, wires,
cables, and fixtures and appurtenances, for the furnishing of electric en-
ergy to the City and its inhabitants, and others, and transmitting electric
energy into and through the City, and to use the streets, alleys, and pub-
lic grounds of said City for such purposes."
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Madsen,
The Clerk made the first reading of Gas Ordinance No. 339, as follows:
permission to Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota Corporation, its
successors and assigns, to install, enlarge, operate, repair, and maintain,
in the City of Stillwater, Minnesota, a gas distribution system, including
necessary gas pipes, mains, manholes, and appurtenances for the furnishing
of gas to the City and its inhabitants, and others, and transmitting gas into
and through the City; and to use the streets, alleys, and public grounds of
said City for such purposes."
1. Directing the payment of bills.
Adjourned at 12:30 a. m.
\ Deputy cy lxerx
Council Chambers,
Minnesota. September 11, 1952 4:30 p.m.
Special Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Linner.
All members of the Council were present, except Councilman Bourdaghs.
This Special Meeting was called for the purpose of canvassing the votes
cast at the Primary Election held on September 9, 1952, by the City Coun-
Upon examination of the official returns, and on motion of Councilman
Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the council declared the following
candidates entitled to have their names entered on the General Election
Ballot at the General Election on November 4, 1952:
Dean Charlsen - 1825 votes
Clarence B. Rutz - 1749
I. A. Bergen - 1670 "
William Knowles - 1661 "
James Becker - 1141 "
A communication was read from the Upper Mississippi Waterway Association,
1034 Midland Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota, giving official
notice of annual meeting of the Upper Mississippi Waterway Association,
to be held at the Nicollet Hotel, Minneapolis, at 4:30 p.m., on Friday,
October 3, 1952, and enclosing proxy to be signed and returned in lieu
of personal representation at the meeting.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, the Mayor
was authorized to sign said proxy on behalf of the City, attested by the
City Clerk, and to forward same to the Secretary, Mr. A. D. Strong, at
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Adjourned: 5:00 o'clock p.m.
crt 1E
Dep y City Clerk.
Council Chambers,
September 16, 1952 7:30 p.m.
Special Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Linner.
All Members of the Council were present, except Councilman Bourdaghs.
This Special Meeting was called for the purpose of considering improve-
menof North relationter thistreet, between improvement mightmhaveal inAvenue andconnectionwithulerflood�et,
Streettaand explained presented
effectaproperty�on bothpsidesaof theWater
The plan proposed was raising the grade between Commercial Avenue and
wouldrbe above the ohighest twateelevel tknown nabove tthe s rSt. present grade, which
It was further explained that such a raise in street grade would necess-
itate raising of railroad tracks anatdichanges ao esimade etto oiexistingmpting roperty
in the immediate vicinity, and
of general plan of track lifting as protection against flood stages.
Interested parties present were as follows:
R. C. Smythe, Agent, Northern Pacific Railway Co; Sherman Crane and
J. ckIsland, Inc;
Conrad, Consolidated Lumber
L.W.Linner;RegA. Kitty; Dick Kilty and Sheldon Smith.
n by
s resent
and discussionsofththeenoover pen tall o nproposition of flood expression of oprotecetionfollowed.
Many theories were advanced as to what plans should be followed, including
the building of dikes, raising of the railroad tracks and yards, and
installation of pumping. facilities.
No particular plan was adopted or definite action taken by the Council,
and the whole matter including improvement of Water Street, was left
to further study by the City Engineer.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Drty City Clerk.
Council Chambers,
October 7, 1952 7:30 p.m
Regular Meeting.
Meeting was called to order by President Linner.
All members of the Council were present.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on September 2, 1952, at 7:30 p. m.;
Minutes of the Meeting of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund held on
September 4, 1952, at 5:00 p. m; Minutes of the Special Meetings held on
September llth, 1952, at 4130 p. m., and September 16th, 1952, at 7:30 p.
m., were read and approved.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Bergen, a pool table
license was granted to R. F. Kaiser, at 317 South Main Street, mine (9)
tables at $5.00 each, for a total of $45.00.
On motion of Councilman Grove and seconded by Councilman Madsen, a sewer
connection permit was granted to Donald N. Swensob, at Sixth and Hanoock.
From St. Paul's Lutheran Church, thanking the Council for the installation
of a street light on the corner of Fifth and 'Willard Streets was read, and
on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the letter was
ordered placed on file.
From the League of Minnesota Municipalities announcing the dates for Regional✓
Meetings was read.
A petition with fifty (50) signatures requesting the Council to erect atop
signs at the corner of Second and Wilkin Streets, such stop signs to be
effective for drivers going South on Second Street and going Fast on Wilkin
Street, and also requesting that a twenty mile per hour speed limit be
established and enforced on Second Street between Laurel and Sycamore
Streets, and on motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove,
the matter was referred to the Police Department with power to act.
Mayor Linner stated that he had received complaints about speeding on Myrtle
Street from Fourth to the top of the hill, and on motion of Councilman Bourdaghs
seconded by Councilmen Grove, the matter was referred to the Police Department.
Mayor Linner brought up the matter of complaints received about the gutter or
drainage ditch at Second and Marsh Streets, and on motion of Councilman Bourdaghs
seconded by Councilmen Madsen, the matter was referred to Councilman Bergen
and the City Engineer with power to act.
(Continued on Page #616)
(Continued from Page #615)
Councilman Bergen reported as follows;
(1) met he had checked the complaint about the bulging of the sidewalk
on LS"den Street caused by roots, and he recommended that the tree be removed
and the sidewalk repaired. On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by
Councilman Madsen, the matter was referred to Councilman Bergen and the City
Engineer with power to act.
(2) That the Northern States Power Company will trim the trees in front
of the Reeves home as requested by the City Engineer.
(3) The catch basin at Wilkin and Second Streets has been repaired.
(4) An order for a new snowplow will be placed in the near future.
(5) The City Engineer has been authorized to purchase gravel for street
repairs, up to $600.00.
(6) A street light has been installed on Pest House Hill.
(7) South Third Street will be surfaced this fall, weather permitting.
Councilman Bourdaghs reported as follows:
(1) That he was unable to carry out his plans for fire prevention program
due to illness, but that the Fire Chief, Howard Dumphy and the Junior Chamber
of Commerce, had arranged and carried out a Fire Prevention Program, for which
he was grateful and thanked all concerned.
(2) He recommended that the Council authorize the purchase of accessories
for the new Fire truck, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman
Grove, the matter was referred to the Fire Chief and Councilman Bourdaghs with
( power to act.
Councilman Madsen reported es follows;
(1) That the new fire doors were working satisfactorily.
(2) That slight damage was reported at the Rest Rooms situated at Pioneer
Park, and suggested that some sort of a sign be posted which probably would have
a tendency to correct any future damage to the Rest Rooms.
(3) That the Council should consider the matter of salary increases for the
year 1953, but he felt in order to increase salaries it would be necessary to
make other general cuts in the budget. Be stated that the General Fund Levy
for the year 1953 would amount to about $1,000.00 more than in 1952. He also
suggested that the Council meet before the next Regular Meeting to consider the
matter of the budget for the year 1953. After some discussion it was agreed
to meet on October 21, 1952, at 7,30 p. m.
The City Attorney reported on the request from Mr. Peterson of Peterson Motors,
Churchill Street, in regard to parking lot. He stated that under our present
zoning ordinance the Council did not have the authority to grant Mr. Peterson
permission to use the land in cuestion for a parking lot, but suggested that the
Council consider amending the ordinance so that any future requests similar to
Mr. Peterson's could be acted upon if the council so desired.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the following ,
were appointed Judges for the General Election to be held on November 4, 1952,
Day Crew Address
Nellie C. Deragisch 1322 South First Street.
Myrtle M. Seim 1105 Sixth Avenue South.
May Shrade 1311 South Second Street.
Night Crew
Mrs. Madge Castle 501 South Second Street.
Mrs. Harold Johnon 662 South Second Street.
Mrs. Irene Hockstein 1001 South Third Street.
(Continued to Page #617)
617 e
(Continued from Page #616)
Day Crew
Mary Nolen
Martha Tonskemper
Mary Ann Malloy
Night Crew
Dells Ahl
Mrs. Al Ranum, Sr.
Mrs. Robert Noren
Day Crew
Herr_e A. Underhill
Ethel S. Biorn
Mra. L. 0. Lagerstedt
Night Crew
Irving A. Stephan
Elizabeth Lehmicke
Lurenia Schroder
Day Crew
Mra. Verna Jane Johnson
Mrs. Mee Olson
Mrs. Lois Kerlen
Night Crew
Bertha Brown
Luetta Croonquiat
Mra. Myrna Wihren
Day Crew
Mrs. Edna Kress
Mrs. Lena Janilla
John W. Jackson
Nite Crew
Mrs. Leona
Mrs. Leora
Mrs. Hulda
Grace Kenney
Florence Hall
Mary Welch
Night Crew
Mrs. Bessie Mitchell
Mrs. Aline MacDonald
Mts. Edther Magnuson
1010 South Fourth Street.
322 West Churchill Street.
1204 South Fourth Street.
516 South Harriet Street.
215 West Willard Street.
804 West Anderson Street.
201 North Martha Street.
516 West Myrtle Street.
121 North Martha Street.
326 South Sixth Street.
418 South Holcombe Street.
302 South Sixth Street.
1018 West Myrtle Street.
111 North Sherburne Street.
114 North Greeley Street.
106 South Sherburne Street.
1008 West 0ak Street.
106 North Greeley Street.
215 West Stillwater Avenue.
314 West Hickory Street.
924 North Everett Street.
1921 North Broadway.
301 West Stillwater Avenue.
410 West Hickory Street.
424 North Fourth Street.
113 'ilest Laurel Street.
118 West Cherry Street.
703 North Fourth Street.
116 Rest School Street.
113 "Jest Laurel Street.
(Continued on Page #618)
• 618
(Continued from Page #617)
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Madsen, the bond cover-
ing s City
ereR.e ordered Brower,
ras filed.
Clerkend Treasurer, in the amount of $10,000.00
' was
hie Cler
Tennyson had• decidedWilliamtoennyson retire asdof Octobere1,ffice 1952,and and onormed
motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, his resignation
was accepted, end the Clerk was directed to write a letter to Mr. Tennyson in
• regard to his long and faithful service on the Police Force.
Mr. Gardner and Mr. Sawyer representing the Washington School PTA appeared
befoerinkratthe Counil inStapleso stove,nd ts for the the Recreationg gard to a
Commission informed them that plans are under way to enlarge the present
that that the
thecCommission has he hastprovidedfuel a fuel,and lights in the past, and
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the matter of
salt and sand for the street department was referred to the City Engineer and
i Councilman Bergen with power to act.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, the Clerk made
Cthe ompany,na Minnesota fcorporration,c itsrsuccessors mand iassigns, on to rtoeStatesrn "Anerect,install,
tran• smissionrlines rendlan electrictdistributionC system, Sincluding• necessary
poles, pole lines, masts, wires, cables, and fixtures and appurtenances, for
end transmittingfelectricc energyvinto and Othrough the City,ity and its l4ndt to and era,
to the use the
said City for
oses". Roll
wa• se
etaken after each section, and dthe fCouncilmen votedvin thepcall
and public affirmative.
ordinance pass? And the Council
voeeaffirmatively and the ordinance was ord
On motion of Councilman
saiden ordinanceed by and arrangematon
nhavegthe citizensthe kof
was directed to publish
Stillwater vote on the question on Election day on November 4, 1952.
dsn, the
them second readinglof "Aneordinance ngranting permission toe
Northern lde
cessors end
ePewee nlarge,moperate, Mrepair,aandrmaintain, insthe c City of Stillwateer,• install,
Minn sota,
e gas distribution system, including necessary gas pipes, mains, manholes,
aand appurteancs for the nd others, nende transmitting rgashintto and through ethe rCity; and to use y anits inhabitants, of the
streets, alleys, and public grounds of said City for such purposes". Roll
call was taken after each section, and the Councilman voted in the affirmative.
The chair then put tquestion:
ordinance pass? And the Council
voted affirmatively andtheordinance
On motion of Councilmen Grove seconded by Councilmen Bourdaghs, the Clerk
was iirected *o publish said Ordinance and make the necessary arrangements
to hove the citizens of the City of Stillwater vote upon the question on
November 4th, 1952.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, the Clerk made
for thes purposevof promotingrhealth,, safety,Aorder, nconveniencance e nand g nordinance
welfare, by regulating the use of land, the location and use of buildings end
the arrangement of buildings on lots, and the density of population in the
City of Stillwater, Minnesota, Passed December 4, 1945, published December
6, 1945".
t Resolur tion Aboltio
of ed, Household Goods Taxation was
read, and was on roll call
(Continued to page #619)
(Continued from Page #618)
A Resolution directing the payment of bills was read, end was on roll call
unanimously adopted.
On motion of Councilman Grove, seconded by Councilman Madsen, the meeting was
adjourned to October 21, 1952, at 7:30 p. m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
fftB t9'l`rC J
Council Chambers,
October 21, 1952.
Regular Adjourned Meeting.
Meeting was called to order by President Linner.
All members of the Council were present.
7:30 P.m.
Councilman Madsen, a license was
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by
Wisconsin, to-opertowl bythe
granted to Non taaxi$cabshin the7Cit01 ylof Stillm water, Hudson, ater,subject to app
the following
City Attorney of the required insurances
1951 Plfiveymouth
four-door, Serial No. 15561489, License No. 329213, seating
1952 Chevrolet ett- four door Special, Serial No. 21 KJE 6216, License No. 894010,
1952 Chevrolet - four -door Special, Serial No. 21 KJE 6208, License No. 894011.
seating capacity five (5).
From B. J. Simmons, Building Inspector, requesting additional compensation
to cover the cost of operating his automobile, was read.
From the Waterous Company thanking Councilman Bourdaghs for letting them use
eel Drive Fire Truck, in connection with a demonstration of fire
Councilman Bergen brought up the matter of additional help at the City Damp,
✓ as requested by Dumpmaster Robert Donahue, but no action was taken at this time.
Mayor Linner brought up the matter of publishing building permits granted, `
and aftr some ✓ Madden,eit was decidedito� publishimonthly aon moton of niiata of0all building rove dpermitsncilmsa
to $500.00 or more.
granted granted wn up a contract
Councilman Bourdagha stated that the City Attorneyyl�hao drawn on motion of
to be used in connection with rural irehrape stt Attorney and
townships. The
Clerk lmread the contract ase0 oydrawn up by
Councilman vision as fond oy °saidtime
Councilman Bergen, the contract was approved
with one revision as follower eeaid tito commence when the truck leaves
the rdepartmentfor
at and to end at the time it returns
and is ready
(Contin--ed on Page 621)
(Continued from Pago e20
Councilman Bourdaghs reported that Alvin Teske had inquired about sleeping
that a l agree conduct t is
nights at the Fire Station, and the Councilmen were all agreed that this
arrangement would be satisfactory providing, ✓
such that he would not disturb the firemen on duty, and he would be expects
to act as house man.
city Engineer Abercrombie reported that he did not have all the figures
available in connection with the various street projects completed, and
suggested that the Council meet on October 23rd, 1952, at 4s00 o'clock p.
m„ in regard to this matter.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Madsen, the
eby follow-
ing salaries and wages were adopted for the year 1953, as suggested
Councilman Madsen.- $ 400,00 per month.
810.00 per month.
'Clerk-Treasurer & Clerk of Courts 200.00 per month.
Deputy Clerk -Treasurer & Clerk of Cerk-Treasurer & Clerk of ourts 400.00 per month.
DeputySneer 205.00 per month.
City tag Engineer 335.00 per month.
Assistant Erg5.0per hour.
StreetllSLaborntendnet 1.203per hour.
Skilled Labor 2.90 per hour.
Common Labor 4.50 per hour.
Truck and man
Snowplowing 1.55 Per hour.
Truck t225.00 per month.
Cityyk AttoT erner 275.00 per month.
Munn Assessor 2000.00 per year.
nudge 100.00 per year.
Buildin Municipal Judge 350.00 per month.
Building Inspector (Plus Car Allowance) 60.00 per month.
Janitor Health Officer 55.00 per month.
160.00 per month.
Poll Master 335.00 per month.
Police Chief (Plus air allowance) 275.00 pay month.
265.00 per month.
Police Captain 1,E0 per hour.
Patrolman 331.20 per month.
Extra Patrolman 290.00 per month.
Fire Chief 280.00 per month.
Assistant Fire Chief 265.00 per month.
Fire Captain1.20 per hour.
Firemen 61.20 per month.
Parka Firemen 170.00 per month.
Parking meter Maintenance Park
0.00 per month.
Caretaker Legion Berc 150.00 per month.
Caretaker Leonen Beach 160.00 per month.
Bandandtakrr tirneer Park
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Madsen, the Clerk was
directed to write left rid COscarhiefof L. PAnoderson in regard to his long service
to the City as patrolman
on CoNouncilman
ember 6, Grove,
at as30 cp.i mad,
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, it was decide
to hold the next regular council meeting
date which 1a Tuesday, November 4, 1952.
and it was neco to make this change due to the flictToes y, the General
Election falls on the regular meeting
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilmanman Grove itwas decide to
pay the City Clerk -Treasurer, one-half (}) of his regular salaryfor the month
of October, 1952.
(Continued on Page 622)
(Continued from Page 621)
On motion of Councilman Bourddaseconded
byfCo Councilman
Mayor Lin the mmaatter
of Electrical and Building permit
Councilman Madsen. BettyL.
On mourn of pDeputysen Clerk ofdad Municipal and Conciliation Courts,
Ostrom Cl appointed
and the Clark was directed to arrange for a bond to cover this appointment.
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Madsen meeting adjourned
at 10100 p. m.
city 1e r .
n mac/
623 •
Council Chambers,
October 23, 1952 4,00 p.m.
Special Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Lipner.
All members of the, Council present.
Meeting called for the purpose of reviewing the City Engineer's figures
to determine the Cityls share and amount aasessible to property owners of
bituminous surfacing projects for the years 1951 and 1952, and also to
consider the sale of Certificates of Indebtedness to finance the amount
that is to be assesaed against the property benefited and to set the
number of years allowed to property owners in which to pay their respective
assessments, and to authorize the installation of two fire hydrants.
on motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen the City
Engineer was authorized to order the installation of two (2) new fire
hydrants on EastOrleans Street.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove, the follow-
ing figures prepared and presented by the City Engineer covering bituminous
surfacing for the years 1951 and 1952 were approved, and the City Engineer
was instructed to prepare an assessment roll in accordance with same, and
it was decided to set November 6th, 1952, as the date for public hearing
on assessment rolls, as prepared by the City Engineer covering same.
.Willard & owen•$3788.80 $ 2.45 $2646.00 $ 1142.80
\Center Street 1939.62 2.45 1570.45 369.17
North William 4265.77 2.45) 3725.40 540.37
North William 1.75)
.North Martha 6374.31 2.4b 4067.00 2207.31
Stillwater Ave. 3174.27 2.45 3013.50 160.77
•Maple Street 3478.25 2.45 3052.70 425.56
4th Ave. So. ' 2802.35 2.45 2254.00 548.35
\Went Pine St. 680.28 1.65 666.60 13.68
,Owen Street 2032.20 1.65 1994.85 37.35
Union St. 593.24 None 593.24
South Second 1123.67 None _ 1123.67
Myrtle Street 1044.75 None 1044.75
Sycamore 6020.92 2.45 6027.00 - $ 6.08
W. Willard 1993.00 2.45 1764.00 299.00
St. Croix Ave 5474.16 2.45 6027.00 - 552.84
$36808.50 $7977.09
(Continued on Page 624)
(Continued from Page 623)
Sherburne St. $ 4092.92 - $ 2.65 $ 3227.70 227.70 $ 865.22
‘Oak Street 649.15 1.35 51.75
.Walnut 3rd to 4th 5083.64 2.95 1770.00 572.23
Walnut 4th to 5th 2542.23 770.00 572.23
o.90 rleans Street 5374.36 .50 858.86
North Everett 4767.15 1.35 38151.35 5952.50 42.78
.South Sixth 1558.78 1.50 1597.50 142.78
.East Willard 1787.91 1.50 1597.50 284.71
West Willard 2u50.21 1785.50 28.71
E. Churchill 2773.67 1.50 2430.00 E343.67
South Third 7742.52 1.80
858122.54 #22654.75 $ 7015.14
County -Walnut 3rd to 4th
$ 4772.65
County - Orleans
131,107.40 $ 7015.14
1951 projects $56,608.50
1952 projects
Certificates of Indebtedness sold
in 1951 to finance part of
bituminous surfacing, 1961
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by which l Councilman
Bergen reir assessments
as onto allow property owners five (5) years s ecid
on 1951 - 1952 oituminous surfacing projects.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Bergen the meeting
�& --
,Council Chambers,
November 6, 1952.
7:30 P• m.
Regular Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Lipner.
All members of the Council were present.
held 7,on October 0 p. .at; 7t30
Minutes of the Regular Me
eting held on ngteld o, 1952,at 21,,'uG 52 maf
of the and Minutes ofrthedSP cta'Me ting held on October 23, 1952, at 4100
p. m.;
P. m„ were read and approved.
From James L. Gardner, Brown's Creek Inn, for "On" and "Oft" sale 3.2 Beer
Licenses were read, but on account of being in the residential district
were automatically carried over to the next Regular Meeting.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, the f•
licensee were granted to: Shuffle Board Machines
four (4) Pinball Machine", and two (2) all chi a
at the rate 7o0t� 60.00; Two (2) Music Machine" at =10.00 each,
total of
Kenneth rMa( Pinball s at t
Music Machines atthe rate of $10.00each or $120.00, and r a
total of $570.00.
From the Upper Mississippi Waterway Association in regard to Annual Dues
was read. of their budget for the
From the Stillwater androntmon motion
and a copy
by Council-
an 1953 , was read, was carried over Councilman
thenbudgetnmeeting seconded
Fan Berg n,
From George Smart, Manager of St. Paul Automobile Club, Stillwater Branch,
addressed to Mayor Lipner, also enclosed was a plaque from the American
Automobile Association ity of death3duringt1951, wer for ascread. pedestrian
record, in having
no pedestrian
Councilmen Bourdaghs reported as follows:
(Continued on Page #626)
(Continued from Page #625)
1. He suggested the purchase of 2} inch fire hose this year, and
on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove
the matter was referred to Councilman Bourdaghs and Fire Chief
Colombo with power to act.
in Oak
2. was damaged, and the would tlike epermission rto otf
He stated that purchasetwolengths
of fifty (50) foot hose at $1.21 per foot. On motion of Council-
tomaCouncilman BourdagGrove seconded hs Madsen,
3. matter was referred
3. Councilman Bourdaghs reminded the
limembers, tht teateonehof the
the firemen is wording ona
Council accept applications for a full time fireman, and that the
applications be considered at the Regular Council meeting in
December. On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman
n,e matter
with power
ed. o Councilman Bourdaghs end Fire
Chief Colombo
committteenfoorrdthe yearrted that the 1951, would bereadyRelations
distribution within the by
few days.
Councilman Bergen reported as follows:
1. That a stop sign has been erected at Second and Marsh Streets.
2. That
Caerequest ttfroms 4r. Vine for a street light
ve a
3. nHe sugested oticegprinted hon one side at the aofe Othe fparking g tickee to ts, aswarcourtesy
warning to out of town visitors, etc.
November 21, 1962, at 7:30 p. m., was the date and time agreed upon for the
budget meeting and also to act on the applications for "Off" sale, liquor.
iinngmotion of Betty Loraine cOstr mMfor the position of Deputy Clerk of adsen seconded by Councilman Grove, tMuni he ipalcoveandr-
Conciliation Courts, was approved and ordered filed.
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Madsen, Insurance
inathe 17801 for Fire and
$3100.00 was approved and ordered filextended coverae edthe election booths,
The Clerk reminded Mayor Linner that the following terms of office will expires
Grant Waldref
Arthur E. Bartkey
Harry Swanson
Returns of the Election ldeonlNo=ember 4, 1952, were canvassed by the City
Council withthe following
I. A. Bergen 2079
For Councilmen Dean Charlsen 2402
For Councilman William Knowles 1682
For Councilman For Councilman Clarence A. Kuta 1887
(Continued on Page #627)
Recreation Board
Recreation Board
Recreation Board
Dec. 31, 1952.
Dec. 31, 1952.
Dec. 31, 1952.
(Continued from Page #626)
For Municipal Judge William P. Nolan 3741
For Special Municipal Judge Warren E. N.aunsell,Sr. 3526
Franchise Ordinance No. 338 For the 0rdlnence 3001
n n n n Against the Ordinance 838
Franchise Ordinance No. 339 For the Against theOrdinancenance 2
n 860
ing werendeof Counilman claredc elected for naster of fouro (4)lyears, beginning January
1, 1953:
Councilman I. A. Bergen end Dean Charlsen.
Municipal Judge William P. Nolan.
Special Municipal Judge Warren E. Maunsell, Sr.
This was the night for the public hearing on ',sessment rolls covering
bituminous surfacing
foreas or againstand
the9assessmas ents.red ,/
by the City Engineer. g
On motion of Councilmen Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, it was de-
etded to change
getbetween the
$$2.95rtot$2.65, on property assessed
On omtiofornthe SouthiThirdof Counclman NStreetaproject wes0extended nr toJulycompletion
1, 1953.
John guns appeared before the City Council in regard to the matter of snow -
loader, matteranon d
motion oftCouncilmaneBourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove,
n Bergen.
Nicholas Bashers appeared before the Council requesting a special permit
to build a garage on his property, and on motion of Councilman Grove
seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs, the matter was referred to Councilman ✓
Madsen with power to act.
Mr. George McFadden appeared before the Council in behalf of the Junior
Chamber of Commerce, requesting permission to install additional poles to
anchor cables for Christmas decorations. He stated that about three addi-
tional poles would be required on Second Street between Olive and Myrtle
Streets to complete decorations for this year, end on motion of Councilman
Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Madsen, the matter was referred to Council-
man Bergen end the City Engineer.
Mr. McFadden also inquired if the City would
dnaon motion pay
ef Councilman electric
in connection with the Christmas lighting,
seconded by Councilman Bergen it was decided to pay all electric bills in ,
connection with the Christmas lighting for the year 1952.
Mr. Bacon representing the Park-O-Meter Company appeared before the Council,
and offered to install new parking meters in the City on a rental basis at
the rate of $2.50 per month per meter, and on motion of Councilman Bourdaghs
seconded by Councilman Grove, it was decided to install eighteen (18) Park-
0-Meters on Main Street between Myrtle and Chestnut Streets on a rental it
basis, and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign an agreement
covering same.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, the Clerk made
(Continued on Page #628)
(Continued from Page #627)
The Ordinance was read section by section and roll call was taken after each
section, and the Council members voted in the affirmative. The Mayor then
put the question: Shall this Ordinance pass? And the Council members voted
unanimously for its adoption.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, the Clerk made
the first reading of "An Ordinance Relating to Buildings, providing for
fire limits, adopting by reference certain regulations for the construction
and equipment of buildings, and amendments thereto, and providing a penalty
for violation, Passed June 17, 1952, published June 19, 1952.
1. A Resolution directing the payment of bills wee read, and was on roll
call unanimously adopted.
2. A Resolution Authorising the sale of Certificates of Indebtedness to
finance bituminous surfacing and grading projects for the years 1951 and 1952,
in the amount of $34,163.71, was read, and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
3. A Resolution confirming and establishing assessments for bituminous
surfacing and grading for the years 1951 and 1952 wadlread, and was on roll call
unanimously adopted.
4. A Resolution permitting payment in installments of assessments for
bituminous surfacing and grading for the years 1951 and 1952, on the following
projects was read, and was on roll cell unanimously adopted: West Willard
Street between South Martha and South Everett Streets; West Willard Street
between South Greeley and South Owen Streets; South Owen Street between West
Olive and West Willard Streets; West Pine Street between South Owen end South
Greeley Streets; South Center Street between West Ramsey and West Myrtle Streets;
North William Street between West Laurel and Weat Elm Streets; North Martha
Street between West Wilkin and Weat Moore Streets; West Stillwater Avenue
between North Martha and North Fourth Streets; West Maple Street between
North Owen Street end White Bear Road; Fourth Avenue South between Ernst
Burling and East Dubuque Streets; West Sycamore Street between North Fourth
and North William Streets; West St. Croix Avenue between North Fourth and
North William Streets; South Sherburne Street between WestOlive and West
Pine Street; West Oak Street between South Owen and South Sherburne Streets;
West Walnut Street between South Forth and South Fifth Streets; Fast and
Went Orleans Streets between South Fourth Street and Fourth Avenue South;
North Everett Street between West Myrtle and West Laurel Streets; South Sixth
Street between West Pine and West Olive Streets; Fest Willard Street between
South First and South Third Street.; West Willard Street between South Third
and South Fifth Streets; East Churchill Street between Sixth Avenue South end
South Third Streets.
On motion of Councilman Bergen seconded by Councilman Grove, the meeting was
adjourned to November 21, 1952, at 7:30 p. m.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p. m.
Attest: -
City Clerk
629 •
Council Chambers,
November 21,1952. 7330 pa
Regular Adjourned Meeting.
Meeting wee called to order by President Linner.
All members of the Council were present.
On motion of Councilman Bourdeghs seconded by Councilman Grove, •0ff Salsa
liquor licenses were granted to the following subject to the approval of
the Liquor Control Commissioners-
John M. Ertle
Rjelmar Siltanen
Jame. J. Rutten
Isabel L. Needs
Willard J. Hagerty
James P. Thompson
Clara A. E. Meister
Robert & Minnie Burger
Edward J. Davidson
224 South Main Street.
414 South Mein Street.
235 East Chestnut Street.
Second and Chestnut Streets.
226 South Main Street.
302 South Main Street.
112 North Main Street.
317 South Main Street.
231 East Myrtle Street.
From City Attorney McGrath in the form of a legal opinion in regard to
special tax levy against real and personal property for the purpose of
paying for sewage disposal survey for the City of Stillwater, was read.
From the Northern Pacific Railway Company in regard to a lease of an area
between the tracks and the river adjacent to the freight house for parking
purposes, and also enclosed was a lease prepared by the Northern Pacific
Railway Company covering the above mentioned area, and on motion of Council-
man Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, it was decided to approve the lease
as prepared subject to the approval by the City Attorney and City Engineer
in.regard to legality and description.
From the Minnesota Mena ntile Company suggesting that the Council prohibit
parking on the east side of Water Street between Chestnut Street and
buildings on said street, end on motion of Councilman Bourdagha seconded
by .Councilmen Madsen, the matter was referred to the Police Department with
power to act.
The Council then took up the matter of the budget for the City for the year
1953, and went over it carefully item for item and the following budget was
agreed upon end adopted: -
(Continued on Page #630)
(Continued from Page #629j
Taxes, Real and Personal
$ 185,530.32
Other Than Taxes - 53.950.00
Total Revenue -
$ 239,480.32
City Council $ 1,100.00
Municipal and Conciliation Courts 3,050.00.
Finance 11,280.00
Assessor 3,950.00
Law 2,760.00
City Hall 1,660.00
Pont Audit 500.00
Publishing Financial Statement 500.00
Police Department 31,100.00
Fire Department 40,310.00
Electrical Inspection 4,300.00
Militia 10 Armory 500.00
Highways - 64,780.00
Dump Grounds 2,070.00
Garbeke Collection 7,200.00
Conservation of Health 755.00-
Recreation 5,100.00
Miscellaneous 8,965.32
Permanent Improvement Fund 8,000.00
Real Property Fund 8,000.00
Sinking Fund 8,000.00
Park Fund 5,000.00
Band Fund 3,000.00
Library Fund 13,500.00
interest Fund 1,000.00
Civilian Defense 1,500.00
Sewage Disposal Survey 1.600.00
t 239,480.32
General Fund $ 135,930.32
Permanent Improvement Fund 8,000.00
Real Property Fund - 8,000.00
Sinking Fund 8,000.00
Park Fund 5,000.00
Band Fund 3,000.00
Libary Fund 13,500.00
Interest Fund 1,000.00
Civilian Defense 1,500.00
Sewage Disposal Survey 1.600.00
$ 185,530.32
(Continued on Page 631)
(Continued frc:S:age 630)
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdagbs a sewer
permit as granted
Halfans on Sycamore Street fens to be paid
when houser houses arecompleted.
Dr. Blodgett appeared before the Council in regard to the drainage ditch along
was causinngrkisomee trouble in connection with present parlot between railwatracks and river. r ng.tated No actionitch
was taken at this time.
A Resolution fixing tax levy for City purposes for the year 1963 was read,
and was on roll call unanimously adopted.
On motion of Councilmen Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Bergen meeting
adjourned at 9:30 p. m.
City Clerk
Council Chambers,
December 2, 1952. 7:30 p.m.
Regular meeting.
e meeting was called
All members of
present, except Councilman Bourdaghs.
theCouncil were
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on November 6, 1952, at 7:30 p.m.,
and Minutes p.m., owere read
fthe Regular
Meeting held oh November 21, 1952,
On noinof Councilmwere grantede by Councilman Bergen "On and Off"
James L. Gardner, Brown's Creek Inn, Route 2, on the second
reading of the applications.
From the parking meters Onowton triaer lonOklahoma MainStreetbein
tween Myrtleandegard to the
Streets was read.
From John R. Fazendin, applying for the position of Fireman was read, and
also attached was an application for employment, and on motion of Councilman
Grove seconded by Councilman Bergen, the application was accepted, and
John R. Fazendin was hired as a City firemen.
Councilman Bergen reported as follows:
1. That he had received a request for an additional street
light from Tom Curtis to be located on Nelson Street
between Main and Second Street. No action was taken at
this time.
2. Is and, Inc.,t he had e tolved a get anrequest estimaterom Joe of the cost forfakaple
Sump Pump to be used whenever it becomes necessary to
pump the waste from the Maple Island Creamery into the
City Sewer, and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded
by Councilman Bergen, the matter was referred to the
City Engineer and Councilman Bergen.
(Continued on page 633)
6�3 •
(Continued from page 632)
3, That hookahe had to thetalked to postofficehe buildingstorfastening
anchor cables for
christmas lighting, and that the postmaster had informed
him that he would call the proper authorities in regard
to this matter.
I. Re stated that a Mr. Kunz, owner of the Snow -Blower or
loader, had worked 181 hours at the rate of $8.00 per
5. That Mrs. William Zoller had called him about their
street assessment, and he stated that after talking to
Mr. Abercrombie about this matter, he felt that a refund
was in order due to an orror in the original assessment
against this property, and on motion of Councilman
Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, the Mayor and City
Clerk were authorized and directed to send a refund
check to Mr. and Mrs. Zoller in the amount of $37.50,
said cheek to be mailed after the assessment has been
paid in full by Mr. and Mrs. Zoller.
Mayor Linner reported on the Water Street parking problem which was
called to the Council's attention at the last meeting by Mr. Mulvey
of the or
CouncilMshcuidta prohibittile parkingponyWateryStreetner from uChestnut the
to the south boundary of the Stillwater Hardware Company warehouse,
and on motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, it was
decided to abide by the Mayor's recommendation.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the Mayor
and the City Clerk were directed to sign the lease between the Northern
Pacific Railway company and the City of Stillwater, as drawn and prepared
by the Northern Pacific Railway Company.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Bergen the Mayor
and City Clerk were authorized and directed to sign the agreement to
extend time to complete work under contract l etween Bury and Carlson,
Inc., and the City cf Stillwater.
On cilman
motion of
noofficialnprintingrfor, the
the year
1953, bids returnable on December 16, 1952, at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. J. Hamscher appeared before the Council in regard to the audit of
City books and records for the year 1952. No action was taken at this
On motion of Councilman flrove seconded by Councilman
the the following
order of business was adopted for the year 1953, forall
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call of offlccrs.
3. Reeding of Minutes.
)E. Applications.
5. Communications.
6. Petitions.
(Continued on name 634)
(Continued from page 633)
7. Committee Reports.
B. Unfinished business.
9. New business.
10. Ordinances.
11. Resolutions.
12. Adjournment.
Mr. Donald Nolde and Mr. Norman Johnson appeared before the Council in
regard to an increase in taxicab fares, and after some discussion And on
motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Bergen the following rates
were agreed upon and authorized:
Waiting time per hour $3.0 -
1 person ( 1 stop) . 5 Ss
2 people (1 stop) . 0 io
3 or y people (1 stop) .6o 1
3 or µ people - 3 or )y stops - each stop.45 Si
Loop to Dutchtown .k5 ro
Dutchtown to South Hill 0
Dutchtown to North Hill .)}0 '
Oak Park from Loop 6
Oak Park to South Hill .75 8 i,
Oak Park to North Hill .85 9".
Loop to Prison (1 or 2 people) .75
(each add']. passenger) .25 —
North Hill to Prison 1.00
Loon to Houlton .50 e "
South or North Hill to Houlton .75 a '
Buckhorn from Loop .75 / ;�,_.
Buckhorn from North or South Hill 1.00
Country trips (1st mile)
(each add'l mile)
Bayport from Loop
Bayport from North or South Hill
All deliveries
All grocery calls
Effective date December 11, at 12:00 o'clock p.m.
.3o y,
1.00 -
1.25 -
.6o l
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, it was
decided to barricade the following streets and to be designated as
"Coasting or sliding hills for children", during the winter months: -
North Second Street, Laurel to '7ilkin.
Marsh Street, from First to Third Street.
South Second, from Locust to Pine Street.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman `ergen, The Clerk
made the second reading of an Ordinance Amending "An Ordinance Relating
to Buildings, Providing for Fire SSmits, Adopting by reference certain
regulations for the construction and Equipment of Buildings, and Amend-
ments thereto, and Providing a penalty for violation", Passed June 17,
1952, published June 19, 1952."
(Continued on page 635)
(Continued from page 634)
The Ordinance was read section by section, and roll -call was taken after
each section and the Council members voted in thn affirmative. The chair
then put the question: .Shall this Ordinance prss? And all members voted
for the adoption of said Ordinance.
A Resolution directing the payment of bills was read and was on roll,call
unanimously adopted.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman .Bergen, the meeting
was adjourned to December 16th, 1952, at 6:30 p.m.
This meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
City Clerk.
Council Chambers,
December 16, 1952. 6130 p.m.
Regular Adjourned Meeting.
Meeting called to order by President Lipner. All members of the Council were
On mo
Councilman Madsen
seconded nr Bergen,
the following
were granted "On"sluorlicenses for the year bject to the
payment of at leant one-half of the total fee for the year amounting to
$675.00, on or before December 31, 1952f-.
Clara A. E. Meister.
James P. Thompson
John M. Ertle✓
Minnie H. & Robert 0. Burger ✓
Edward J. Davidson,'
112 North Main St.
302 South Main St.
224 South Main St.
317 South Main St.
231 East Myrtle St.
On motion of Councilmen Grove seconded by Councilman Madsen, the following
"On" sale liquor club licenses were granted for the year 1953, subject to the
payment of $100.00 On or before December 31, 1952f-
Elk's Lodge, No. 179 110 South Main St.
Eagle's Lodge, No. 94 101 South Main St.
Stillwater Golf Club, Inc Golf Course, No. 2nd St.
American Legion Poet, No. 48 103 South Third Street. 1
On motion of
• granted Madsen
Things aeconded
btheoCityl Councilmen the following
Leo Klein 220 E. Mulberry St.
Joseph Junker 1220 - 4th Ave. South.
Albert Ritzer 919 - 5th Ave. South.
Harry L. Thompson Bayport, Minnesota.
wweereotion of grent d touthelman Grove ollowing for thedby yearCl 53, laattn$15.00 perTaxicab
Norman E. Johnson (4 cabs) 309 E. Chestnut St.
Donald F. Nolde dba
Carlson's Taxi (5 cabs) 2e4 South Main St.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen, a license to
operate a Public Scales was granted to John W. Kunz, at 234 South Hauer Street,
at a fee of $25.00 per year.
On motion of Councilman Bourdaghs seconded by Councilman Grove, two (2)
theatre licenses were granted to the Stillwater Auditorium Company, for the
year 1953, at $25.00 a theatre, total fee $50.00.
(Continued on Page #637)
C.3'i •
(Continued from Page 036)
From Paul J. Marlow reporting a personal injury was read, and on motion of
Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bourdaghs, the matter was referred to ,.
the City Attorney.
Lots 10 and
Sabin ssAdditionnaassessedrtotMrs.rAnnt Tuengeovements awas t11,
Harrign in rerd to read, and on ,
motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Bergen the matter was referred
to the City Attorney.
From D. D. Wozniak, Chairman of the Ramsey County House Delegation was read.
One (1) bid was received on the official. printing for the City for the year
1953, and that was the oid from the Stillwater Evening Gazette, and on motion
nd0thcproperMofficers ofdthebCity weremauthorizedhas ndndirected s tocenterd
into a contra et covering same.
Chuck Peterson of the Peterson Motors appearea before the Council requesting
permission to use the vacant lot next to his garage for parking of new and
used cars in connection with his business, and on motion of Councilman Grove
not seconded
Caouncie lman
aniMadan, his requestqcar granted, providing that he does
or bids on a new
car, oand onfmotionrofgCouncilman Bourdaghs seconded byfCouncilman Grove, police
matter was referred to the Mayor and Chief of Police.
On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Grove, the Clerk -Treas-
urer was authorized and directed to pay interest on Certificates of Indebted-
ness due December 31, 1952 and also retire Certificates of Indebted:1ms due
on 31st day of December, 1962.
Mr. Thomas O'Connell representing the State Civil Defense Commission appeared
before the Council in regard to emergency fire -fighting equipment for the
City of Stillwater, and after some discussion on motion of Councilman Madsen
seconded by Councilman Bergen, it was decided to accept the agreement between
the State and political nub -division for the use and care of State owned Civil
Defense property. The mayor and clerk were authorised and directed to enter
into a contract covering same.
On motion of Councilman Madsen and seconded by Councilman Bergen, Mr. J. A.
Hamacher was hired to audit the books and records of the various City depart-
ments for the year 1952, at a total cost to the City of $475.00.
On motion of Councilman Grove seconded by Councilman Bergen the meeting
adjourned tt 7:46 p. m.
City Clerk