Feb. 6, 1995
Present: Jeff
Francis, Howard Lieberman,
and Brent
Others: Ann Terwedo, planning department
Absent: Robert Kimbrel and Roger Tomten
Mr. Johnson called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Mr. Johnson noted a correction to the reference to SHPO in the January
minutes. Jay Michels, seconded by Katherine Francis, moved to approve the
minutes of the Jan. 4, 1995, meeting. All in favor.
Case_ No. SUPIV/94-61. Modification to a previously approved proposal for
a 7,053 sq. ft. retail store along with a variance to the sign ordinance for
two signs. The property is located on the south side of Curve Crest Blvd. in
the BP-O, Business Park -Office District. Kellison Co., applicant.
Mr. Kellison discused revisions to the design of the store. He said the
design was more cost-effective and more compatible with Simonet's. The
basement has been eliminated and 1,000 feet added to the main floor; 10
parking spaces have been added.
Ms. Terwedo asked where the mechanical equipment would be placed. Mr.
Kellison said that had not been decided. He said there may be a split
system, with the compressor on the ground, or perhaps all the equipment
would be located by the trash enclosure at the rear of the building.
Much of the discussion centered on the conditions of approval relating to
landscaping. Mr. Kellison asked that the landscaping be considered in
conjunction with the Simonet project. The commission delayed action on
the Kellison project until hearing the Simonet proposal.
Case No. SUP/95-12. Design review for a special use permit request for a
28,034 square foot retail/warehouse use at 2159 Curve Crest Blvd. in the
BP-O, Business Park -Office District. Simonet Furniture and Carpet Co.,
A representative of Architectural Network explained the building . design.
Also present were Jim O'Brien and Tom O'Brien. At the suggestion of
several commission members, the architect and the O'Briens agreed to add
a vertical feature along the front of the building to help reduce the visual
impact of the length of the structure.
Regarding landscaping, Ms. Terwedo said the plan shows ash trees planted
at 40 linear -feet intervals along Curve Crest, with spruce, also planted at
40-foot intervals along the south side of the building.
The commission then
returned to the Sutler's project. Mr.
proposed planting deciduous trees along
the rear property
line. Mr. Johnson
moved approval of the
project, removing
conditions No. 1
and 2, with
condition No. 3 to include
trees planted
at 40 linear feet
intervals along
the rear property line
to be consistent
with Simonet's. A
condition that
mechanical equipment
be screened was
added in the earlier discussion. Mr.
Michels seconded the
motion; all in favor.
Mr. Michels moved approval of the Simonet project as conditioned and with
the suggested design change. Ms. Francis seconded the motion; all in favor.
Steve Russell was in the audience for the discussion. He suggested the
possibility of a sign on Curve Crest and Washington Avenue denoting the
rear entrance to Stillwater Market Place. Commission members agreed
that was a good idea. Mr. Lieberman suggested first looking into the legal
rights to the name Stillwater Market Place.
Case No. ❑R195-3. Design review for a new facade and signage at 226 E.
Mulberry in the Downtown Plan Area. Judd Orff, applicant.
Mr. Orff said he was seeking concept approval for the project. He said he
would be willing to tear out the existing dock or, if allowed, keep the
Mr. Johnson asked whether the plan was to leave the color and siding as is.
Mr. Orff replied in the affirmative and said other changes might be made
later as tenants occupy the building. Mr. Johnson noted the building owners
would have to come back to the commission if there is a request to use
different facing materials at a later date.
Mr. Remington asked whether the owners had considered using canopies on
the building.
Mr. Johnson moved approval of design plan No. 2 with the central doorway
and stairway and strongly suggested that the owners consider using an
awning the full width of the sign band. It was also noted that from a
safety standpoint something should be down to divert snow and water
runoff. Mr. Remington also reiterated that any changes in color/material
or change in signage outside of the guidelines would have to come back
before the commission for review. Mr. Peterson seconded Mr. Johnson's
motion; all in favor.
Case No. DR/95-4. Design review for a sign permit for Firstar Bank, 213 E.
Chestnut St. in the Historic Commercial District. Rod Hofland, applicant.
Ms. Terwedo said the request is to replace the existing plaques with
identical plaques with the Firstar logo. The existing plaques will be saved
in the bank archives.
Mr. Michels, seconded by Ms. Francis, moved approval. All in favor.
Design review for
existing signage for First Bank at 200
Area. Lawrence Sign, applicant.
a sign permit for replacement of
East Chestnut in the Downtown Plan
Ms. Terwedo said the request is to replace the Metropolitan Federal sign
with one of the size size and same style. The request didn't have to come
become the commission.
Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Michels, moved approval. All in favor.
Judy Gulden, representing Friends of Stillwater Parks, appeared before the
commission. She said the hope is to start a non-profit group to help
maintain/improve the city's parks. Mr. Johnson questioned what the
Preservation Commission's role should be in assisting the effort. Ms.
Francis said she would work with Ms. Gulden and develop a proposal as to
what the Preservation Commission's direction/role should be.
There was a brief discussion of a conservation easement agreement
between the city of Stillwater and St. Croix Preservation Company for
restoration of the facade of the Lumberman's Exchange Building. Ms.
Terwedo explained that the city will own the building facade for the
purpose of preservation.
Ms. Terwedo gave a brief update on the North Hill survey. The survey
people are scheduled to meet with the Heritage Preservation Commission
in March.
The draft of a letter to Mark Benson regarding the commission's position
on the lift bridge was discussed. Mr. Johnson asked that the final draft
include language highlighting the importance of the bridge in serving as a
closure point to the upper portions of the Wild and Scenic Riverway and
the fact that it has become an important part of the aquatic environment
of the causeway.
A question was raised regarding the status of the old prison site. Ms.
Terwedo said the city needs to locally designate the site as a historic site
to give the city more control over future development. She said she had
planned to do that after the Comprehensive Plan update is completed. The
commission felt the designation process should start as soon as possible.
Mr. Remington agreed to work with Ms. Terwedo in getting the historic
site designation process started.
Jay Michels, seconded by Katherine Francis, moved to adjourn the meeting
at 9 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Baker
Recording Secretary