HomeMy WebLinkAbout1913-11-06 CC MINcouncil Room,
Stillwater, Minn. Nov. 6th 1913.
Regu1..r Ad2ourned Meeting:
Present Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, Glebler, E1ng, • elster,Murphy,
Ett!ssL, Wells and President Johnson (9).
Minutes of Regular - meeting nele Oct, 21, Regular Adjourned Meeting held
Oct. 26 and Regular meeting of Nov. 4, read and approved;
On motion of Alderman Murphy the blds for the construction of :ewers in
South First Street sr_ Rest Willard Streets were o^and and reac as follows:-
Pastoret Constructio.. Co., approximately s9269.50
Fraser & Danforth do 9412.60
McGee & Nolen do 10046.14
Jos -on Olson, do 8895.75
each bid was accompanied by a certlt:ed cheque of 3500.00.
On motion of Alderman King:, the bids were referred t0 the tower Committee and
Oity Ziglneer t0 investigate, and Council too". a recess, after which the Council
re -convened, and the Sewer Committee sexed that the matter be deferred until
gent regular meeting, .no on motion of Aldermen Burtzleft the matter was so
McGee h Nolan the highest bidders, stated that their cheque be returned as they
were the highest bidders. and on motion of Alderman ging the City Cleric was
instructed to :•etlrn their cheque to them.
Aupllcattons of Joseph IL. Lupien, Johnson. Bros., Elchten Company and
John Lustig, for renewal of liquor license, were presented and read, and on
motion of Alderman Murphy, the several applications were reee. ved apd ordered
filed, and license grunted.
Relearn. from John Glatt, preps ed by the City attorney, properly signed,
and eeecuted, was presented, and on motion: of Alderman Zing, same was accepted
and oredered tiled.
Communization from State Board of Control, relative tO:Clty Jail, was read,
and on motion of Alderman Murphy, was accepted end ordered tiled and the city
Clerx was instructed to answer the same,apprislne the Board of the arretlgements
with the county relative to the caring for female Prisoners.
Application of the National Bond and Reference Company, for s llcanse to
conduct an employment bureau, was read, and on motion of ticez-man King the
application with bond, was referred to the City Attorney,
Report of Building Coma tt,e relative to certain tyre Nseapes,was reed
and on motion of Alderman King, accepted, approved end ordered tiled.
City Engineers partial estimate, showing: amount due Fraser a Danforth
on the: CO. Broadway. Co. Uecond and East Pine Street ::ewer contract to be
$16DO.O0 and estimate No. 309, showing the amount due same parties on the Elm
Etre.. t Sewer contract to be $1320.00 was read, and on action of Alderman Wells,
were accepted, approved and ordered filed.
Report or Chairman of the fln'.hce Corti: tee and City Cle:x,reeosernding that
the rate of tax levy for current expenses for the ensuing year be fixed at 9
mills was read, and on motion Of A.tdernran Yurp1C', was accented, approved rand
ordered filed.
Alder•mur, Giebier for the Building Committee reported having made certain
repairs to. the Old :aiglne House, and on motion of Al email Ot.;xel, rcport.was
acc•, ted and the car ,tons of the Cor:rd nee approved.
0n motion of Llaintan Eur•t&lsff the Purchasing Cola.11 tee was instills ted to
ascertain: what the City could get fo the Ole SzU;lrle ;Ouse property,
Puz^r'.sing Collin t. tee reported having tried a certain air drill at the
Ctone Qu.r:c, whtc1 was unsllcceasf.1, tut YVolu expt:rlranr,t further.
On uutlor. of Asd:hail fang the Street ;;oiui.11 t ee w•. s ins trur ted to ;-°quire
:the Client 'a117/'.y CO., to r..ke • c. talc :er 1:.s to the pavormnt cO. Chestnut :tiers.
0n motion c:' A1derMir. lieu s, the Council proceeded to canvass the election
returns of election h-16 .:ow. 4,193', which was .one and resulted as follorrs:-
Alderr.an :'1st nerd. Alde;;;..n Second ward,
John l:cl 'ughlin race: Wed 29? vet en, R. J. Coffer-. . n ,r,' lied 21K Brigs
Charles Glaser rerrlved 1R7 votes. o. Uh'.L:on :err:•rrrt 19rr vot-e.
Mci.au,•nllc' x r...;o- 1 ty 106 cotfeer's t;a;lorl ty 73
Alderman Third ward. -f
F. 1-. rordweii : erelved 217 totes
ii11t1 sm Frawley •revved : vote
Bordve11s narci 1Y 216.
School Dlreetor at Large.
JOhn Q. uscrintosh received 719 votes
Frank T. sllson received z votes
Frank. Withrow received 6 votes
Maeklnt shoe us;ori ty 711
School Lirector :1: at Ward.
C. F. Brenner resolved 304 votes
L. Sdmonet :ecelved 1 vote
Joh_ Burke received _l. vote
Brenrer'a majority 302.
School L11ector Third Ward.
John Ogren received 189 votes.
and On notion of Alderman King the
the several offices as follows-
0, Blair Y=Beath, Special Municipal Judge for' the term of four years.
John McLaughlin, Alderman from the ar•st Ward fo: the term of three years.
R. J. Coffeen, Alderman from the Cecond ward for the term of three years.
F. M. Bordwell, Alderman from the Third Ward for the term of three years.
John Q. Mackintosh, School Dlrector,at Large for the term of four years.
C. W. Brenner, Selool Director fro the First Wtrd for the term of four years.
A. J. Holm, echo.1 Llr:tor fro.. the Second Ward for theterm of four years,
John Ogren School Director from the Third ward for the term of four years.
ReSel (gee Now 225•ka.
fixing the amount of tax levy, was adopted 1y the following vote:
Aldermen Pordwell, Burtzlaff, Glebler, King, Meister, Murphy, Starke", wells, and
President Johnson (9) voting Yea.
Resolution. No__2253
on payment of sundry bills was adopted by the f0110W11,n vote:
Aldermen Bordwell, Burtzlaff, ;iebler, King, Meister, Murphy, Starke', wens
and President Johnson (9) voting Tea.
On motion of Alderman Murphy Council ed,onrned.
echo@ Director Second ward,
A. J. Holm received VW votes.
Attest: elleja J!_eneee{,„
City Melt. President �f the al LY Council
b'p c1al nlcipal Judge.
S. Blair McBeath received 615 votes
Charles Jack received __4$§ votes.
licBeath's ms;ority 129.
following were declared duly elected to