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Councii Room,
St111w'. ter, U1ra. Get. 7, 1913.
Reetlee Meetlye;
present Aldermen 8ordwell, Burtzleff, eleble:, Pang, uelster, HuiphY,
Cteixel, sells end president Johnson (9).
Minutes of la,.t re;;aler ee.:'ini; held Cep. 16, and re;;ul'ar adjourned me^.tin,^.
_.. head Cep. 22 read ape epprov:-.d.
Mr. Henry Dlraer addressed the Council :elattve to dem'-ges to his r.estdenee
On No. Br'o'.dway, on account of bleating rock et the atone quee y, and on motion of
Aldermen Burtzleff the'netter was referred to the Ctl-eet Comities to investitrete efd
report on 9t next meeting.
CommenlcetiOZ from the Upper ulssissirpi River Improvement Association, 'asking
that the City send two deler;'tes to the Convention to be held at Hennlbel Moo Oct. 15
and 16, wes read, and on motion of Alderman Murphy, en appropriation of $1C0 wee made
to defray expenses of sett' dele.rate8, the delegates to be named by the St. Croix
River Improvement Association.
ComEunicetion from the MaYor appointing Celeeetes to the Convention of the
League of Ittrnesote Municipalities, to be held at et. Paul, Get. 16-17e was read,
and On motion of Aldermen Kitt, some wee acce. ted, ordered filed 9nd the appolrtments
Application of Elzeer eursnd, asking the Council to transfer the Cirnrette
License issued to Elblr Hanson, at NO. 223 So. Mein :'treat, w'.s rend, end on motion
of Alderman Murphy, the lid nse w':s ordered tz'nsfeered.
Bond cf Y. M. Petslee, with silllam Cutton and 0, N. Olsen, es sureties,for
tie inet'.11irg of the heating plant, was on motion of Alderman King, 9ecepted, approved
and ordered filed.
Certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of water Commissioners,
relative to the issuance of Certiflcetes of endettectncss,i'or the laying of water main
in North Greely, street, w+.s read, and on motion of Alderman King, same wee accepted,
approved and ordered filed.
Proposition of the eestern electric Co., proposing to insta_1 certalr appa-
rt.tue for the flee alarm system to the sum of Ol_.G.00 f. o. '-. Ct111weter, was on
u,d motion of Alderman Y.tng.aeeeptede .nd the City Attorney was Instructed to draw up a
contract relative to the. same.
Communication from the City :metr:et relative to platleg fire bvdrente on
No. Greeley Street, was on motion of Alderman Burtzleff referred to the. Street Committee.
City Treasurers annual report as Treasure: of the Board of water Commiss1 Hers
was presented, end on motion of Aldermen wells, same was accepted end ordered filed.
City Treasurers report of receipts for the year ending Sep. 30,1913, exclusive
Of taxes,and report of City Clerk of receipts and disbursements for the first half of
fiscal year, beginning Apl. 1,191e, were on motion of Alderman Murphy, accepted end
Ordered filed.
City Engineers partiLl estimate No. 307, showing am.unt due Fraser s Danforth.
on account of construction of Sewers in Co. Broadway, Do. Second and East Pine Streets,
to be 01600.00, and his rinel Estimate # 006, ehowlrt; a balunco due Albert Eriitz, on see
count of peeing, the Islet front and pert of E. Chestnut : treet,were read, and on motion
Of Alderman King, were 5ceepted, approved and ordered filed.
Report of Clerk of Municipal Court of receipts for the month of Sept„ end the
City Treasurers report of receipts and eisbursevents for the same month end his Financi9l
Otetement for the month entire: Cep. 30, were on motion of Alderman ring, 9CCe!tad,
ordered filed '.nd :efer:ed to the tinence Committee.
C1,Y engineers Estimates of costs and list of lends to be 9ssessed for the
construction of a sewer in south .lest It:eet, north to eonrect '-ith m+.nhole 9t or
near the center line, of Clxth Ave. no., wee presented ens rend, end on motion of
me Alderman Murphy, same was asap ted, '.pproved .no ordered filed.
CitY Gnelneers Estlmstes of costa end list of lends to be '.ssessod foe the
construction of a sewer le So. First street frog Churchill rtreet Coutt to a you t
neur Grlcene street, w'.s presented tie . ee, '.r:ri on motion of Aldermen Eurphy, s'-ine
was accepted, '.p roved end ordered filed,
Alderman Lurphy, for the Levee Committee reported that the '.pproseh to the
ice foe winter c:osslrg needed repairs, 'Ira .oved that the matter be refe:-t-ed to the
street Committee with over to '-Ct. section eat'-; 'ed.
On motion of Alderur.n eerphy the Cewer Committee was Instructed to investieete
thy. 1'easlbill tY of changing end emir,ndin,: the Nelson etieet erecter at or near the
south end of the Levee Park, one report On same at net, meeting.
Report of the Sewer Committer relative to the construction of a sewer at or
near the :t. Paul Mouse, was read, end or motion of Aldermen Murphy, was accepted,
orderen filed one the ;eeomaendaticns therein coht1r.rd ordered compiled with, to on
the procuring of such rele'.ses from pr-epertY o'liers es was deemed necessary by the City
Report of rtrnance uomdi.i ttee, recommending that the C1 tY accept $40.50 from
Aurelia Jthnke, 1n fuii settlement for sldewtlri assessment against Lot 1 E1oek 16
Cabins Adcltlon, was on motion. of Alderman Murphy, accepted, approved and ordered
filed, and the City Tre•-curer was instructed te, accept said amount lr full for
said assessment.
Alderman Ming, for the 1, H. Committee reported that it was desirable to
move the Fire alarm box #24 from lts p esent locatten to Fourth & Marsh Ctreets,
and moved that such change be made. Motion ce:.:ded.
On motion of Alderman Murphy the following places w=re designated as the
places of holding election tnd :eglstratton in the various precincts herein!
ter mention, viz;
First Precinct, Aria ward, at the uub-station of the Cons➢ecrs Power CO.,
on the net side of ::ouch Malt Ctreet.
Second Precinct, first lard, at No. 1003 Co. third rt:•eet, being the
building known us xivard's Store building.
ThirdPrecinct, First lard, et 915 Go. Sixth .`.treat, ad¢
si.e a rrecinct ,d$cOnd lard, at NO. 123 N. Chee.dut street.
Alderman starkel, for the rinance Committee reported that the thiintY uom-
miasloncra had modified the agreement relative tns the 315UC appropriation made
for repairing roads, so as to permit the city to expend 41000 of the same On
No. Main street within the city limits, and on motion. of Alderman hurtzlaft
the report was ecceptel, and the City to appropriate sufficient funds to com-
plote said road end streets from Commercial Ave, north to the City limits, includ-
ing crushed rocs walks along the east side of the Ctreet, north of the Prison.
On motion of Alderman Ctarkel the Ctreet Committee was Instructed to proceed
at once to do said work, under the direction of the City Engineer and the State
HlghWQY Commission. nomad ttee
On motion of Alderman Birdwell, the Purchasin^ was empowered to purchase an
electric stone drill for the stone quarry.
In notion of Alderman NurphY the Paulding Committee were instructed to erect
a suitable spout to convey crusned rock from the crusher to Main Street.
Alderman Burtzlaff reported that the roof of the Old Engine House and the
floors in the stalls needed repairs, and mowed that the matter be referred to
the Building Committee to investigate and report on same at next meeting.
Alderman Burtzlaff reported that the Town of Stillwater would put In a
suitable culvert near the Torn ti all of said Town,provldln[ the City would pay
one half f the cost of the culvert, and moved that the City accept the pro-
position. Notion Curled.
Alderman Bordv:eli moved that John Klatt be allowed one weeks wages, for
tin': lost on account of in,ury to hand white working `er the City,lotlon carried.
conditioned that ela Klatt sign a :ele.se fog. dt.mases, said --eler.se to be pre-
pared by the City Attorney.
Alderman King moved that James D. Lotz, be •.flowed Pula time for the month
of Sept, as night watchomn on the; brio.;.:. ;lotion carried.
on motion of Alaerman .".tarkit, the price of crushed rocr. was fixed at $1.25
p-:r yard at the crusher, to the CLrcct Ralis al' Co. permYsslon
On motion Gf Alderman King, the Horse Show, w-.s.::•an ted to use Main Street,
Co, of Chestnut and north of Myrtle Street for exhibition, on Oct. 17 & 18th,
On motion of Alderman ttarkel the Ctreet Committee was instructed to have
Heide boards piac:d at suitable places in the City.
Resolutions Nos. 2247,2248. 2249 & 2250, .
wee adopted by the following vote, viz;
Aldermen 8ornweil, Burtzlaff, Glebler, Eine, Leiner, 1urphy,Starxei,
Wells and President Johnson (9) vc tine Bee.
On me tirn of Alderman uurpny Council e5u?ournodd..�. S�
Attest-�t,..�/�� -P�v:ram `�
CitY Clerk. Fres ent of the Ctty Council.