HomeMy WebLinkAbout1913-04-08 - 1913-04-15 CC MINCouncil Room, • Stillwater, Linn. April 8th 1913. Regular adjourned Meeting; Meeting called to order by City Clerk, Chas. A. Lammers. Present Aldermen Bordweii, durtzlaff, Clebier, Johnson, King, Meister, Murphy and Markel. On motion of Aldermen Bordwell, Alderman King was elected temporary President, who took his seat as such, and announced the election of a President of the City Council as the order of business; On motion of Alderman Johnson, it was decided to make all first ballotts infernal; follows; Chair appointed Aldermen Bordwell and Starkel as tellers; InfOrmel ballott taken for president of the City Council resulted as Alderman Johnson received 8 votes; Formal ballott gave Alderman Johnson 7 votes and Alderman Fells 1 vote, Chair declared Alderman Johnson elected as President of the City Council, who assumed his seat ,and in a few brief remarks expressed his appreciation of the honor bestowed on him. Council then proceeded tO the election of all other officers to be elected; Informal ballott for vice President of the City Council resulted as follows; Alderman tells received 4 votes; Alderman Murphy received 1 vote; Alderman Giebler received 1 vote and Alderman gturKel received 2 votes. let Formal ballott resulted as follows; Alderman tells received 4 votes; Alderman Giebler received 1 vote; Alderman (tarkel received 2 votes and Alderman Murphy received 1 vote; 2nd formal ballott resulted as follows; A1German wells received 3 votes; Alderman Markel received 4 votes; Alderman Giebler received 1 vote; 3rd_fOrmal ballott resulted as follows; Alderman tells reeelved 3 votes; Alderman Markel received 4 votes and Alderman Murphy received 1 vote; - 4th formal ballott resulted as follows; Alderman tells received 3 votes; Alderman Markel received 4 votes and Alderman Murphy received 1 vote; "aformal ballott resulted as follows; Alderman StarKel received 5 vctes and Alderman tells received 3 votes, and Alderman (tarkel was declared elected as vice President of the City Council for the ensuing year. ilnformsl ballott for Gity Clerk taken and resulted as follows; Chas. A. L^-aera received 8 votes; Formal ballott taken resulting as fellows; Obas. A. Lammers received 8 votes and was declared elected to the office of city clerk for the ensuing term. Informal ballOOt for City Engineer taken resulting as follows; L. X. Clarke received 8 votes; Formal ballott taken which gave L. F. Clarke 8 votes and he was declared elected to the office of City ,Engineer for the ensuing term. Inforrel ballott taken for City Attorney, which resulted as follows; K. L. Buffington received 4 votes and C. b. Jock received 4 votes; let formal Lallott for City Attcrney taken which resulted as follows; E. L. Buffington received 4 votes and C . s. J•.ck received 4 votes; 2nd formal ballott for City Attorney taken resulting as follows; E. L. Buffington received 4 votes and C. B. Jac$ received 4 votes; IN. formal ballott taken resulting as follows; E. L. Buffington received 4 votes and C. B. Jacy. received 4 votes; Ask formal ballott taken resulting as follows; E. i. Buffington received 4 votes and C. L. Jack received 4 votes; 5th formal ballott Mikan for Gity Attorney which resulted as follows; K. L. Buffington received 4 votes and C. b. Jack received 4 votes; Alderman King moved that the council adjourn to meet April yt.h 1913. at 7.30 o'clocx P. :w. notion was se'onded by Alderman: Burt2laff. Hell c,11 was mad which resulted as follows; Aldermen Bordaeli, Burtii.ff, King and Fres. Johnson voting Yea, and Aldermen Clebier, Meister, :Murphy and Ftsrkel voting bray. Motion declared lost. oat • 1 4 • • • • President Johnson called upon Layer ::osier for re'ar,:s, and he responded with a few remark:., and presented a written communication. shich visa rend by the '1ty Clerk, which sae received with np:.lsuse, and on motion of Alderman king, the same was accepted and ordered filed. Alderman :.urphy moved that the COUnel1 Proceed c.1th the election Or the _ other officers, Roll call was had which resulted us 1'ollots; Aldermen b0rdv:eli, Lurtblaff, Giebier, ;Meister, :urphy and rtarkelivoting Yea, and Alderman ;1..ig and President Johnson voting Nay. 'Motion was declared carried and the Council took en informal ballott for City Assessor, thich resulted as follows; Eller McKellar received 4 votes and F. C. Neuseler received 4 votes; 1st Pormal ballott taken for City Assessor resulted as foilow's; Eller mckellar received 4 votes and F. C. Neuueler received 4 votes; 2nd formal ballott taken for City Assessor resulted as folots; - "Miler McKellar received 4 votes and F. C. Neuueler received 4 votes; d formal ballott taken maws r.lier Yckellar 4 votes and F. C. Neumeler 4 votes. Chair declared a recess, after which Council was again ceiied to order. Alderman „ells arr ee¢d at this time; l. On motion of Alder he Council then proceeded to again vote for City Attorney, which resulted follows; L. L. Buffington received 5 Votes and C. B. Jack 4 votes, and E. L. Buffington was declared elected City Attorney for the ensuing Year. Council then proceeded to ballott for City Assessor, which resulted se follows; miler kckellar received 5 votes, F•ank Register received 2 votes and Onus. S. Glaser received Y votes. tiler i:ci;ellnr having received a majority 01' all votes cast he was declared duly elected to the office of City Assessor f01• the ensuing term. Informaal ballott taken for Chief Engineer of the Fire Department resulting as follows; James ecuann received 9 votes, and on motion the informal ballott was declared the formal bailottt and James 2ecann was elected to the position of the Chief Engineer or the Sire Department for the ensuing term. Informal ballott taken for City Physician, wnieh resulted as follows; Lr. J. n. dolma received .q votes, and on motion of Alderson :ells, the informal ballott w•s made the formal ballott, and Lr. J. i. Haines was declared elected as COty Physician 1'or the ensuing term. Informal ballott was then taken for street commissioner, resulting as follows; Andrew Carlson received 6 votes and Joseph Olson received 3 votes. Formal ballott taken wnieh resulted as follows; Andrew Carlson received 5 votes snu Joseph G1son received 4 votes, and Anurew Carlson was declared elected as street COmm:lssiOfer for the ensuing year. Application for office and iosit.1OOS we.e received and Lead as follows; Lr. J, li. mains for city physician. Godfrey Anderson as Day ninerinterdent of the bridge. Oscar Olson, • " • " . • oacar Olson • Night ••• Albert Fischer • " • Deem ''est11 . Peter H. FOSS • • " • • J. L. LOt4 " " " ° �• Agnes Bug ld, as Janitress or the City nail L. Joseph ::direr as Lump caster . Informal ballott taken ibl• Lay ruPerirnendent of the bridge resulted as folic:Ks; Godfrey Ar4ersor. received 5 votes and anus. i:csillan received 4 votes. Fermi ballott gave uodt'rey Anderson 5 votes and :IV . ;c!1111an 4 votes, and wodfrey Anderson was declared elected to the position of Day ruperintendent of the bridge. Inform.1 b`.11ott taker! for Night fuperintendent of the bridge gave Albert ;lecher 3 votes, Ja1rS L. LotI 5 votes and Teter robs 1 vote; Fori.s ballott gave JauX3 ... Lots 6 votes and Albert }decrier 3 votes, and Janes L. tots was declared elec td to the position of Night ;uperintenient 01' the br'1li.;r. Informal bailot.t for JAL,itre:a of the City !tali dive flee bugold 9 Votes, and On Lotion of Alderman ring the for;::Al ballott was oeclnred for:f 1, ,7o ?.Gass bugoid Was ecet rem elected to the position 01 Janitress 0f the City H'ii. on motion of Alderman isng, L. ZI.AM: vas cult' eiectee as iuiid1LR Inspector. • • • 72 • • Gotminnicet1oh Prot. the City Mayor appointing "r ililtm :. .cwaughton,Citlef o; Police, 'i110L'ias F. _eller, Captain of the Pollee. and George '.alters ,Gust rwanaon, woman F. Lange and James Gillis as Patrolmen, and the recoemendatlon that the the salary of the Chief and Captain be each increased #5.00 per month, and that t."e salary of the Patrolmen be increased viO.CO per month, was oh motion of Aluermon Eine, accepted, appointments confined, and ordered filen anh the recozaendatlons that the salaries be Increased us above set forth be compiled with. nesolutlOn way 2a.3. fixing the salaries of the varions officers, vas offered by Alderman King, and adoP6ed by the following vote,vis; Aldermen bordwell, burt.:leff, Glebler, King, eister, W rphy, Markel, wells and President Johnson, voting Yea; Invitation from Co. "K" to the city council and City officers to attend a (l1nr.er to be given at eeAuditorlum Thursday evening, was Presented and read, and on motion of opoormforso was accepted and ordered filed, and the City Cleric was authorized t0 inform them that the Council and City officials would attend said dinner. In ioticn of Alderman King. Council adjou i AL1e8tradatd� �Lta-t City Clerk. president of he City Council. Council Boom. Stillwater, Minn. April 15th 1913. Regular Meeting; present Aldermen Bordwell, burtzlaff, Glebler, King, Meister, Murphy, CtarKel, Wells and President Johnson, (9). minutes of regular meeting neld April 1st and of regular Adjourned Meeting held April 81b read and approved. Mr. Geo. E. Wilson, representing the M. Buuely Company, sexed that some action be taKen with reference t0 changing the grade of North Main Meet, between their property ono the state Prison, so as to prevent water from r'lowingm to their property, isa also waned to have £tillwater Avenue, between Martha and William street vacated, both matters were referred to the street nominee to Investigate end report on at next meeting. The President of the city Council announced the standing committees of the City Council for the ensuing year as follows; Bridge. Ordinance :name), bordweii, king. moister, NurtzlaiT, Glebler. Building. Glebler, hells, Johnson. finance. King, wells, Clerical. Plre Department. King, Glebler, Wells. $spitsls wells, ttariel, King. Levee, YurPhY, :holster, Glebler. Lighting. Bordrell, ulebler, Lolls. _ manic. Bordweii. Johnson. Bolster. Printing. Wells, Meister, burtzlaff. purchas lni'. burtzlaff, Bordwell, bells, rtarKel. Vswfaz Burtslaff, ftarxel, Johnson. streets. Lordwell, burtzlaff, Lurphy. Taxes. King, Wells, :-final. City Physician Baines requested that. the Assistant Health Ieslenter be placed on auty at once, ails of ir.otion Of Alderman King. It was 50 Oedema. Applications of Nelson f: `..estberg, Adolph ?eutiaear.t and Frits Llcgier for renevrai of liquor license sere or :.otion of Alderman Kies, accepted, ordered flied and license ordered issued. • 1931119 73 • ;L Co!:-'alolcalone lees: the Bayer a,lol:att Louis L. Leyh, as ASdiat'.nt Health Inspector, Joseph Ftelnaoker, Godfrey Ande!•5on and Jades L. Lotz, as ,Special Poiic-, and dti rntlon Of Aldermen kinU', tee same here accepted ,ordered filed and aj4Ointx.efts confirmed. Oaths of office o1' .: L. bufl•infton,ee City Attdrney, Chas. A. Lammers as city C1erK, Robert F. Laels as a member of the Board of Pater ConL18:Uoners, Godfrey Ander-owe Lay :uperinrendent or the Bridge. James r. Lotz, as Nagnt ruperintendent of the brldge,JamYes Menara., .s chief ::nglr,eer of the Fire Dep`-rtmeet,Andr•ew Carleon as rtreet Co!rldssl o.er,L. .Clarke, as City Engineer and Building InsPector,w. r:. McNaughton ae. Chief of Police, Thomas Maher as Captain of Police, and August fwtnson,GeorgO alters, Herman F. Lange, and James Gillis as pat:ol:el-, and JoaePh 6telnaexer as Ppeolal Police, _ were received and ordered V11eo. Inventory or tools to, belorglram to the Etreet'Defertmert was presented by the street OOmmissioner, anu on motion of Alderman Wells, was accepted and ordered filed. COmlalnicatlon fro::: L. Etrgert, which was laid on the table at the last regular meeting, was on rotten of Alderman King taken from the table and referred to the Ftreet committee. Liquor License Bonds of Nelson t testberg and Fritz ziegler, were resented and they having been approved by the rlrr.::ce committee, were accepted, approved and ordered filed, and license ordered Issued thereunder. Bondi) of Chas. A. L' -'ers, as City can.: t . L. W. Clarke, as Building Inspector, Andrew Carlson, as Street Commissioner, Godfrey Anderson ae Day . Superintendent of the bridge and James L. Lott ea Night Superintendent of the Bridge, were Presented, and the same having been approved by the Finance Comulttoll, were On motion of Alderman EurPhY, accepted, approved and ordered flied. Bond of City Treasurer, was presented, and upon the recommendation of the city Attorney, the same was referred back for correction. On motion of Alderman King, the Purchasing Committee was empowered to purchase the necessary lumber for the construction of bins for the :tone Crusher pia ,t. On motion of Alderman King, the Street Comd:dttee were empowered t0 employ the necessary labor to DrePsre a suitable place for the installing of the ^' Stone Crusher plant, and the Building Committee were e mpowered to have the necessary stone bins constructed. Aldermen L'urpby, as chairmen of the sepcial Committee appointed to act in oonju,ctlon with iieaner Bros, in raising funds for the Oh10 flood sufferers reported that the net receipts from the show given by :leaner Bros. was 01.35, end moved that the said amount be turned over to the Gazette as a starter for a subscripticn fund , and that heaters Bros, and the Gazette be tendered a vote of thanks for their efforts in raising this fund. Motion carried. On motion Of Alderman King, the chair was instructed to appoint a com- mittee of three to confer wltb Co. 'K• with reference t0 a building site for the Armory. The Chair appointed Aldermen King, lurphy and Bordwell. Alderman King spoke Of the condition of the driveway. at the Levee park, and moved that the matter be referred to the Park Committee to investigate and report On at next meeting. Motior, carried. City Attorney reported that he as City Attorney had been asked to sign e stipulation with reference to the taxes for the year 1912 against the Minneapolis, and Ft. Paul suburban Railway, and on !altion of Aldermen hells the City Attorney was authorized to sign said stipulation on behalf of the City. Alderman Markel, stated that in his opinion, the Cpuncil.shOuld take some action at once with reference to fire escapes on Public halls end buildinge, and moved that the City Engineer be instructed t0 prepare a 118t of three ha11411g8 he deemed in need of fire escapes and report on sane et next meeting . ceti0n carried. Resolptlon No, 2224 Oh payment of labor Pay roll was etiolated by the fcllowltg vote; Aiderma❑ Nerdv:ell, Burtzluff, Giebier, i.1rs;, Meister, b:urphy, PtarYel, hells 'tw President Johnson (9) VOtlrg Yea. On lotion Of Alderti&n 'i elis, Council b.d;ourned. C.� � 1 Attest; 64.4.-4 4 it (t 11 i t(Ain -1 City Clerk. Pre:;leent of the city -Council. • • •