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Tt.e lL<,yor t;!lve noUce thlJ.t he b~c1 taPrJolnted Joseph rt.61nac~er to serve uS special
pollee, Wlthout: :I)~Y, Dna on lnotlon of AlderJ.lfJn RY'..n, tho '.oPfJolntr.ent was conc"trIlled.
()l:lt.h of of1'106 ..01' Joseph r.telnr..c~er.&.8 specllj,l pollee w~:a prosented und ordered
Alderlil!.ln Berglund J(oved tl~1;lt the Clt.Y En;;lI~er:r 1..c 1nstructed t.o ht-ve plans,
specti'1cutlons and est111j1':,te8 ror the ccDStfllCt10n or both the Sortll and routh h111
.6.er~outleta re~dY UY the f1rst m:ctlnc 1n January.
Alderlll!:on !Los ler moved to auend bY lll!>.I;.lng tbo t1DE the Sf cord Ill:letlm; 1n J~nunry..
'1'l1e question bel1Jb upon the uamdzrent,roll C!ill Wt;.S demsridcd bY Aldermn.n l!osler,~;hlch
.&8 h!dl, Wh1ch resulted as follows;Alder~n Glaser, UQsler, R:ran, lI'el18 and President
Klll/i (5) VoUIlb ye,. Alder",.n Ser"..und. Bordwell, !L,a Johnsor. (3) vot1ng !l"Y,
AlderllliD y..e1.Ja (1) abse'lt. The ali"SDlJl'.ent. Wf;.S declnl"ed 'ldnptet.'c. o.nd the Quest10n re-
cW'rll1B on thO o:>ls1n!i.l lOOt1on 08 altended W6.9 curried.
The nnewe COO:,li.1Uee reportea ..d',erselY to the Hll of ~.CO for C1tY HlIalth
officer tor inspect1m: JaU.'..iod on IIDt10n of AlderUjfJ.D Glaser the report of the Finance
Co~ttee.~S concurred In.
Re]!.01!!t.10n 110. 2172.
on p'.)'IrLOut of sundrY billS nB adopted bY the follol:lw; vote iAldermen Berglund, Bordwell,
GJ.f.~pr. Johnson, Uoaler, Ryan ,wells & President K1I1h (8) votlng YelJ..Aldernen Kelm (1)
flbSent. On ii'CJtlon of AlderlUlD ''::0118 Oo:;ocl1 e.d;lourned.
Atte.t;~aLuUH'.4~j J ~ ~~
CltY ClerK. Preslaent 'of the .6"1 tv counell.
councll. Room,
Stl11wnter. Klnn., Dec. 19th l~ll.
\ .
Ref:ular Kee tlrib.
Present Aldermun Berglund, :aordwe:l, 0.15.561', Johnson. Y.elm. ).:os18r. Rr,n !lIld
Iresldent Klng (8). abs.nt Alder "an o:ells (1)
1l1n".Jt8s 01" regular lOOet,1!lf; ot' Dec. 5t.h re9.d. "IUd approved.
Report of City At.torney rela.t1ve t.e t.he 39.yne case va the Clt.y was presented 6.Ild
read. p.nd 01' mot.1on of AldcrIil&n Ryan StUZ waS accepted. 9Jld ordered f1led.. and. a vote
of th~nf.S t.endered to the 01tY At.torney 1"or ~113 I1rdent lnbors ln try1ng the calle.
CltY Treasurers repor- 01" recelpts and dlsburserrer.t8 1"01' oct. & NoV.. Bnd alSo
h1s nll!inelal statellent. t'Ol" the montbS o~ Oct. t, NOV.. 11ere preseated and. read.and
on :iKjt1on of Alderlile.n Johnson was accepted and re1"erred to the :nr.BDCe com:nlttee.
011.1 ClerKa trl1al b91r..nce and. report of receipts and d1sbursements trom AP1. 1St
to NoV. 1St, 1(111.Wr;.S presented. gnd read and. on rroOtlOD of' JI.ld.ermn GlaSer s~ae 1;88
Bccepte4 e.nc11'dferreCl t,o the Finance COJllm1ttee.
Report. of 'Fln9.nce OOlr~hlltt.ee re1t;tt.1ve ,to pror.urlr:t, fundS for bulld.lng sewer out-
10:'8 Wr...8 presented. r...nC1 l'ear1 r.nd 011 :io1.1on or Alc1erJ3!.&o Glr.asor sr..JD3 w08 accepted 9nc1
ora.,'ed fuea.
rr8s1dent of tll9 councll QtJpointed AlderJlbn :.:osler '18 a cOllu;llttee on A'nod roed8.
t.o be f.oSSlsted bY the C1tY Attorney.
11lJ. or Dr. lJOleyn.!'or ~7.00 1"01' treJ..t1JJg Pal Gelher wns presented ~nd read. odd
on moUon or Ald.BrIn!&n lLoaler s~ne WtiS approved ~;nd referred to thA Trustees of the
F1J's::..ms Rellef punt',\{lt the l'eCOI;llrentll1tlon th~t they ,I)Y tt.e :~l).lile.
On 1'1>1.lon of A).~6r1il.on EerglUliG. the C1tY EDi:lneer lJne1 r:treot COlf,rrl1ss1oner were
luMu'ucted to deS1CDfit8 D su1tu1Jle pl!lCe for dUlilplDi'; grounds on th" L!1.ke shore.
on motion of A)(leI'JJ~n Beri'luhd t.he hea.lth offlcerS were ilWtructed. to h9ve
sUns pl'.ced on t,t;o rlver !or\)1ddll,g dUmplng rub\J1ah on t.he lee aouth of the bridge.
Alderlll'1n Berglund W<lS excused. from furt.her r.t.tendJ...nee 1'01' t.he e'lcnir.;;.
RC.Oj)lU q()!!..NO ~__2173.....
on pt..yment 01' sundrY b1118 W~;.S 9.Clopted bY thrl follOWlng 'lote; AlderlJen Bordwell, .'l.iJJser,
JOhnson. Kelm. l4os1er. RY!j,n r:l.nd rresld6nt r.lIJf; (7) votlrlf: yett; .Alderman 'ilellS/':;i'~30I.t,
J\lderlil!tn BerglUnd (2) excused. on l,vtl(d of hIder!;.'.n Gl',ser council ud;!otU".....d.
/:'/ / /x /'" .II f ~r:;, / /c,
At,.st~'''',vti;i'6:~:.''<''''/ Pr;'ld.-;;~ ;/~e~ if; Counel:".