HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-11-28 CC MIN
J mlllW
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Coune 11 ROGlll,
GUllwF.Ioter,!.!1nn.. :~O'I. 28th llfll.
ae~J~~_^4journe4 M~~~m;;
Presellt AlderJj"~:n BerGlmXl, Bordwell, Gltlser, Jolmsoll, Kelm, 1.:oS1er, :::Y9.n, 'Iells,
"",00 aesldent Kl::g (r.; i.
Alder lilSU Glaser presented
aesoJ'!.tl!>n No. 2170.
c11rectlng or construction of sewer on touth fecond ;t..,1'Ihlch ..as ';.dopted by the 1"0110w-
1116 vote; AJ.clermen Berglund, Dordwell, Gl&ser, Jot.nson, KalIn. ~oslcr. RYan, wells and
FresldcII.. Klr,g ('1) vot1ng Yea.
V. G. Bronson,Jr. addreSsed. the Council Y;lth reference to bu1lding a cold. storage
plllnt near tho corner of )Lain ancll.:ulberry :'ts.. on the ;;roun:1 owned bY h1m,and on
J:ntlon or .AJ,derlIa?J,n !.:oster the Bul1dl:i' Inspector W!lS 1nstructed to issue a special per-
m1t to IrOIJSon and lI1ght to cor.struct such a bU1IC111l1; on sold f.:rounc1s.for the purpose
ot cold S t01"&.8'e Plant OnlY.
TboUli.e LeckY UABU the Counell to pay C. F. ',:11,,,011 t1250.00 OVfU' and. above hll
contract Pl'lCe tor the cc,nstructlon or the OaK ttreet se\':er. No e.etlon t.&.lten.
:Report t9t Chra1rman of Flnbl1Ce COui.1l11ttee and CltY ClerK flXlng the tfl.! ~Bte levy
at fj Ja1118 to 4e1'1'&.Y current expenses ror the !'lsc~l year .faS on OO1.1on or A1d.erm9.n
Glaser dUlY adopted.
A1c1erJD8n.Bergl~:nd. o1"'ferec1
.~e~Q.lut19n i.!o. .,2171...
flxlng tne tax levy ecaln8t taxable property or the Clty Wee edopted by the rollowln~
vote, Aldermen :BerA'luncl, Bordwell, OlJlSer, Johnson, Kelm, llOsler, RY9n, wellS and
1'I'esldent Klr:1l (9) votinll Yee.
alty Attorney 8aY" notlce that BE-yne & co., had lnst1tuted sult agalflst the CltY
1"or .';00.00 alleged to be flue on account 01"' br ldge plEal1S,
Clt.7 Attorney also gave notlce of sul-:, to Qulet tltle to certaln l~Jnd.s by the
Northwest Thresher CO., 1n whl~'h the City .'...8 Md.e party to the actlon,
C'!ty .Attorney 64v18e4 t.bat he would lOOK ~rter botli m.tters.
~ DrJtlon of Alc1erIrlJn 01cAser COUIIC11 adjOUl"116d.
~t? ;tf;Nt'4H&,UJ
Clty Glerl<.
1'I'esldent of tlllfC1ty council.
councl~ )toOlil,
Stl~~~ter,~lnn. Dec. ~tb ~~ll.
~l;u.!."LIl!l!l.U!!6 ;
!resent .Alclermea BerCluIXl, :Borelwell, Glaser. Johnson. 1Losler, BY!1l1, Hlls and.
1'l"881clent Klnt: (8 ),o.bserlt Alderlll~n Kelrn (l).
Jll1nJteB or regul~ lOOctln&' held No.. 21st (met of' c,!8CUlar adJourned iwetlng helCl
NoV. 28, read. ond 9.ppro.tCc1.
OOJ!lrIA1111ctit1on from rt1.11Wf.lter Country Club otfor1lJG to PJlY or'L:;lmi1 amount of
OlsosB.rtmt, 1J1Clw.11lii: COdt.B, umountlll8 to f36.25 ar;alnst. lr9I't ot Lot q. iSl};.. 5 ot arof "
Slo.UE:f1t.ers Add1t1on ,W98 roeom/fendOd. bY the Y...htAlICC r.ollJ:\1ttte, flOC on mUon ot AlderllibD
nYldl SUIte W08 occepted,'J.nc1 tl'le C1tY Trc!:Js;;rer "uS 1nstJ>ucte4 to aCr'!opt Bt:a1d fUnc,unt ot
f36.25 ln rull o6ttlOloont tor sI\1d r.sseBAmtlnt,.
App11cl)t'1C1DS Or Jeho""'. tcbroetir.r !lnd J\9~liX 1.undgren for ronewg.l at l1quor 11r'!cnse,
w1t.h bondS otU.nlled,~.ere Ofl l;o1,10fl 01' Alcl81"m!ln Gl'~ser rJcccpted. bonds 9pproved.,9nd
11r.el1Sl~ nrc1ercd 1fi'uued thereunder upon the pr~~Ii:ent of' the usual 11ccn8e elle".
Report of ClerK of ~;un1a1pal court of rece1pts rOl' the oonth of Hoveniber W98 pre-
sented and rend ancl Oll J;-,tton or Alderw:..n car.aser S!..c ",,'as acr-cpted tind referred to the
Flnrlnce COlrJ~,l t tee.
Extenslon of 1,1HJ} r~f:Njeloolit between C. F. ;~11aon l!nd h.i.s b.-nd81:r,n,Bfld the Clty,
extenti.lr.(; the t.11.,c to complete OOK Ct. sewer 1.0 U~y 15tb 1'112. WaS p.Le~ent-ed. and on
lllotlo:1 of' Alderman RYBn.S':.lrlc Wr.aS !;ccepted !lnd ordered filed.
Clty .;e!iltt. officers &lu.ual report of hls lnsIJectlon of CitY J!lll WlJ.S presented
and rec..d and OIl jiOt1f')n of Aldera:.n Cl~ser WaS ',ccopted nnd or~lered flIed.
City 1!:nc:rleerfi estli,b.tes Nos. 281-28<::-2~3 fr 28~ on "oIlstructlon of s1cl.~~wr:t1Y.s nnd
curbs wer.e j.Jresented and re!icl,'.inu OIl mtlLn of 1,ldt.~'I;"..tn Cil'~ser,were approved.
Ur...yor ErennCI' reported tr'_S, t he h':l.d be';!. . ,;r-.ed t;lt.h a SUr.JiDnfl 1n utl action to
quiet t1tle 11) w111~h the northt,eS~, 'L'1l'esher Co., w~s pl!llr;t1fr ,~,nd 011 motlon of
Aldel'roon l~osier the City Attorr-ey was instructed to defend the City in s'-.ld Ij,ctlon.
Report of" F1re ~epartlfler.t COi:,:-.1t.t!::e ;:'1. loca:iI1f; r11'e hydrants on OaK street waS
prosented and re~d and on ",atior, of" .;,l(~"r.j"IJn BerCl-:.4l,j sure W,,"S r:lcceptr:G.9 conf"1rrr.ed
and ordered rUed.
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