HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-11-21 CC MIN
r. 24
counc 11 ROOJ:I,
GUlJ.wRter, !Hr:r:.. HO'I. 21st. 1911.
B,!j.'tJ ltlr ~ec t ltG i-
FI'esent Ald.er Jf~n !:k1~dweJ.l. Gl'1ser. JOfillsorl, Kalm, l!os tar .nY~jll.1JellS and Pres 1~
>1ant l'~1r.&, (S) Absent ;\lderIll.ln Derglmll.l.( 1).
~lnutes ot: regular '..d.JoUl'ued. :Dfletlr.g of 1,Ov. 6th rea.d and fipproved ..A1SO
..rl1~\:tes of reh.ul!l!' reetlrg N07. 7th.
01t.)' ~IJ61neers pal.t.1bl c5tll1b.te t280 on construct1on ot Oak. street. sewer
oho1f'1r.g the aGIDunt due C. F. i~l:a..son on !iccount 01" constructlllg sfJld Relfer to be
"'6,;.52 waS presented. aIKl1"8~Q nnd on 1OO1.10n of AldJrJann !!oSler.wB8 dulY 5.pproved.'
COJr.::3mlc&tlcn frotl 01ty Englnner,reco:illlBOO1Jlg thtlt on extens10n to 1::6.)" 15th
J.'JJ2,be F;F9.nted to C. F. 1l1ls011 to COf,lpliJte the OaA and. ~U.-,latr. rot. sewer was preserlt-
e~ ~nf". 'reta4,o!M1 0:. rrotlon Of A1ClerfiEn Berh'lunc1 tne C1ty UUY('Jr €1m City Clerk. .".e1'e au-
l.horlrt.ed to exeeute such ext.enslon fUt)"eec.er.t. proV1Cl.1lI the present bondBoon for
C, P. "llson .oul~ ~8ent thoreto.
Report of Clt;r Englneer on construction of !i cor.:blnec1 8a.nltr;.ry &1K1 storm
1I'8tS':- SelieI' trom Korth J'Uth tbrotmh ~lm St., to L~M3 Ct. croix,was pr-esonteCl oDd.
renc1, &Del on uotton of Alderzn XOS1tJr Sf.d!'iB 1mB accepted, fJ.dopted. and ordered filed.
ae801utlonNo. 2167.
41rectln8 construct1on or Bewer ou~ -rrom corne-rot r'o. 2nd "East Churchl11 tta.,
to L€iM' Ct. Cl"oU .&8 of'i'erOd b;r AlderU&n u.osler &00 adopted bY the followlr.g vote;
Ald.erltJUI BOI'dW6l1, GlaSer, Johnson, Kelm, J!Osler, Ryon ,1'e:&.J.s and. Pros1c1ent K1lIg (8)
votU", Yea, 1~d.e1'IIIU.l. Berglund (1) €l.bseut.
. Ileso1!!.Hpn 1I<>..J16.S_
~1rect11~ constructton of sewer outlet trom North Ftrth St., through Elm Ct. to L~ke
St. CroiX .0.1 01"1"erecl bY l\ldortflln :BordWell and lidopted bY the followlng vote;
Alc1ermn Dol-dwell, Glaser, Johnson, Xelm, !JosleI'. Ryan, "JellS ond Pres1dent Klng (8)
vot~ng YCD. .Alder 1&"11I1 Jleri;l.;rld. (1) sbscnt.
BoIll 01" John Lust1g 1"01' saloon at No. 108 No. 2nd Ct.
Bold 01" Johnson Dros. for saloon ~ t 1;0. 201 Eo Ualn St., and.
BoJ14 of John LuSt1g for 881('Jon at No. 231 E. UYI"tle ft., were presented ap-
proved. by the F1llf;.nee Co"Ji.1ttee and on 1&"I)t1on of Alderroo.n Clllser were !i'(lprovecl ~nd .
referred. to the F1r.r..nce (omJil1 t t.ee"
Ala.cr1ll!ln :Ryan for ~~N street cornlr.1.ttee DSAed. 1'or f~;rther t1ne 1n the matter
or grac11ng Fourth Avenue south, whlca w~ f,Tanted.
Ald.erlll:1n Y.elm sLated that a new floor W!iB need.ed tn the ofrtce of the Old
1i1;g1nflS house,now ~jsed bY :r;d.. Lontllgon as a Ltvery _,table, &114 on DOtton of .Alderilll1n
Gl!oscr, the IllBtter WfAS referred to the Bu1ld1ng COI:ur.tttee w1th power to ~ct.
a.801utlon NO. 216~
on payment at 8trdct pay roll. W'&S6dopted bY Uicroll.o\VlnC' vote;
Aldern:.n lJ01'dWell, Gl!&Ser, Johnson, ~~lra, UDsler, BY9r., YellS and .Pres1dent Y-lIJg
(8) votll~ Yea. Alu.crue.n Berglund. (1) absent.
On .tOtlon or J\lderIrll!n Gl!l.~a:r cauncl1 adJourli8d. to reat TUeSday Nov. 28th 1911
Q 7.'01"1'.
At,..8t;.tfJ{~/ t?~~U'N'-! ,/
Ott.:." CileJ.lt.
J" f? ~
. z: rc __~.2:._
PrCSll1ent ot" tbe/'UY council.