HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-11-07 CC MIN . lDMIIW . Counc 11 Room, Btll1wQt.r. Illnll. OCt. 17th l~ll. _!!!!t:u1_ar_ *.e_t1n.t:3__ _.- Present J.lc1erJlll,-m Der".J.;i.nd. Bordwell, Glr.sor, Johnson, Kalm, RYan, Wells and. Pr~slddnt lC1ns'-(8) Alderman lLoster (1) absent, huV1Jl{; bOl~n excused. K1nut.es 01" 1".51. regular !f:c.etwg of Oct.. 3rd ref~d (i.;,d approved. Kr. .J. E. BlaMe !:lppeared. before the counCll and &s.ited Jerm15510n to remove the der:.c. trees from the so-called .l'~S[I1r.gton P"urK. and or. fj.otlon of JllderIim.1l Johnson the Ill!aU.er was referred to the .rorx. COiiJi.luee with po',er to act.. APP~lcatlon of L. U. Ca8t~e for abatement of tnterest en assessmer.t levied Bgs1nSt Lot 6 all(. 3. or Thompson, PurAer &: Uo\'/,;rS Add1tlon was recOli.menaed bY the Flnar.ce Com- mlttdB,and on motlon of Alderman Glaaer the city ~e~surer .~s 1nstructed to 9ccept "'8.~~ 1n rull ..tU....nt for sald ....s.m.nt. APpllcatlon of John Lltfln Cor renewal of saloon lICense "f.lS presented !lnd read, and on cotton or Alderman ~lm 8ama waS accepted and ordered fl1ed nnd l1cense ordered 1suued. thereunder upon the :furn1sh1ng Sf1t1s:factory bond and paYIl1Jnt of usual llcense fee. ;;APp11cEi.tlon of F. B. Yates &nd carl1erlne n~nley tor co.ncellfltlon of costs CJnaB- a8ssuent for O&~ Ct.. Cewer ~s t"OllOWS; J'. B. Yat.. LO\ ;; 811<. ;; WH.ollS Addlt10n 1.~5 .. . 11-. .. to 2.01 C9.ther1ne n~nley Let 5 B1K. l,01"'..oY & EJ.'.\u;.'hters A<ld.l1t2ion 2.01 W!iS 011 IfoLlon of Ald81'1J60 ~lm accepted and. allowed., tho or1gi1.lo1 9.sslJssll8nt having been pald ln fUll,and the 01ty ~ensurer was instructed. to cnncal tho Same. Release for dEi.lCLfi./;eS td. Londtgon VB t11e Clty for ti2!:>.OO WaS presented. accepted and ord.r.d fll.d. AlderIl6ll Johnson reported. that the lJldC1erS used. bY the F1re Departzwnt were 1n bad. 000011.100, and moved. th9.t the P1re Depll1't1WDt COJD._m1ttee be 1nstructed to lnvest1- g9.te sald. matter Bnd report at next meeting. 1!ot10n carr1ed. Alderzm.D )lytln moved., t.ho.t. the newers at t.he Clty Councll, havlng 1e9.rned. W1th sorrow,of t.he aeath of Alderman nosters' mother. that they extend to Alderman ~osler, th~1r deep syaputhY tLncl condolonCe ln b1s berebveuent. 1.:ot10n carl' led "uno.nlmuslY. CO~mJ.n1cf~tlon from l!obp1t.f;t~ Do~rd st'lt.1ng they had. expended i120C.00 for repB1r8 on 01ty !lospltal during tne seo:.son,w!:os received una pl&.Cecl on tl1e. Repar t of Gewer COffi.iill t t.ee on cons L"UC 1. lon of sewer on South SlJcond Stree 1. and o~lt~et for same was present.ed '-I}Q re!l.<1 bod Alderman BerglUnd. that the same be accepted. and. placed. on f11e '.-nd. the 01tJ 1l;DC'lneer be lnstructed to malte and prepnre a pl9.D tor a uewer s,st.em, and est1llE.te of cost .ror same of the entire C1tY. ~nd. the Ftn!lnce OOL'l1D.1Lt.ee be l.'1St.ructed. to dev1Se plans for :f1nanc1ng the s~ure. Alderman Glaser moved. to 'Jacnd the mot10n 9.8 follOWS; Th9.t tbe recolrlr.end.at10na of the Cower co:ru:l1ttee be concurred In. Quest10n be1ng upon the !lZndmeni.,!toll call WIlS demanded. , and upon roll C'!1l1 the !uoondment V'lS lost by the followlng vote; AlderlOOn Berglund, lJordwell, Johnson, Wells and. Presldent K1ng (5) vot1ng Nay, and Ald.erman Glaser, Kelm and Ryan (3) votlf18' Yea. Questlon x-ecurrlng on t.he orlg1n!l1 rootlon W'J;S carr1ed bY the fOlloW1ng vote; upon roll call; Alderr~n Der,;lund, Bordwell, Johnson,wellS and Presldent Klng (5) vot1tl(; Y611; nnd Aldel'/;en Gl!lae~.D1m and R:YllD (3) ~'otlng Uay. .&yo~' Bx-~nner w~s present. !lod WIlS called. upon and ~dd:ressed. the counCl1 rela- uve t.o h1S olJuurv!lt.lons re::'lit1ve to }.:uJll~1p9l at"fa1rs while tr9ve11M' through the west., AspeCla~lY wltn reforence to ~ood ro~dS. ;,iJ'. J. "l. U!1citlnt.oah ~c.1dl'e88ed thO counc1~ rCG''ll'dlnK ~hc (;0. 2nd et. sewer and out.let.. , ROBOluLl"n No. 2164 on p~Yilcnt CJ1' l'..llJor P'.J.:y roll 'fIr.S !:ldopted bY the rOllotl1rm 'late; >>ordw.,lL, Gl!:l.uel', JOhl,s"n, r,,"1111, RY'ln. -;;eJ.ls ti.nd f'J:'G81{jent Y.lm; 011 tntton of Aluerliho 1\Yl)o Counc1J. bd.,1(,UrnelJ.. Attest;~~~~..u-~~ 01 ty C1Arl... Ald.ermen Bcr~lUndt (8) vaLlnr! yeQ. . V' f?' 1fo/- ,_>' L./ -C" / t.;1">-<"-;>< PresidenL or the ~ty~ Council. ---.------------------------ -----~- ~ -~--------- -_..~-----_._- Coun~ 11 nOOiil.. St1l1waLerll:lnr,. No'l. 71 l'}ll. R~glj~~"~_~t1ng . Preser::t Alderm6.fi "ells. Ho cuorulil beinG present If.J.(j ,1m.:rned to ';'6dneSd!lY NoV. 8th 1911 r; 7.30 P. ll. Attest~~k~~"t:/1'-.J.../ C1ty Clepj{. J ~-fi::-" m.__ - - -----,~- -Y""O ~~-~. President of" the C1 LY COUDe 11 . . 21r . " ~ . .