HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-10-03 CC MIN . J D\!IIW . Coun:-: 1:L ROOUl. etl11wuter.Ulnn. r,ept. 11. 1911. R.!!i:-!..L?r uee.Un;;;_ P.r~sent Aldermen Glaser, Johnson, ::elm, ]losier 'ilDel ?resident King (5 ),absent Alderl~n !:el'Cl~ltKl. Bordwell, Rynn and Wells (4). MinuteS of re~ulnr meeting or rept. 5th rerad 'lnd spproved. APrjllc~t.lon or John Lustig :for a 9'1100n license o.t No. 231.E. )!yrtle Ft.,was pre- sented ~ read ~d on motion of Alderman Gl~ser same W9S accepted and ordered tl1ed, encl 11c"nse ordered 1s. ued thereunder ,upon the payment. or the USu!ll license ree ~nd tbr- n1Shlng the bond requ1rec1 bY laW. OOth~ or orrice 01' J,U'S. Nellie HoleD, as 8. member or the Library BoVd .908 pre- senWd, r8&.d !llld ordered fl19d. Report of Clty EnglE.ear Of, cost ot outlet of sewer for Couth Second St. W8.8 preseut.ad ~nd road.,and on 111;,\100 of Alderum.n Gl!iser S!.l.me W!lS referred to the r.eweI' Com.;ii.l t tee. Tr.;3 aq11cllng COiIlm1ttee &oshed. for furt.her tlm!3 w1th refel"ence to the appl1catlon or the EqU1ty l1urxet. co., which was ~~r~nted. Ald.erman wellS fU'r1ved. at tb1s t1me. en IIlOtlon 0: Alderwan :Losier t.he C1ty COUIlCl1 was 1l1Structed to meet wlth B. com- mUr.ee of the Booster Club to 'Halt on the Board or County commissioners at the1r next me~t1rai 1n t.he 1nterest at goofl roo.clS, leading 1nto the City. On mot.1on of ~ildorlWn JOhnson, t.he matter of mEi.K11'18 rep!l1l'5 at the F1l'e :Depart-mont BU1.;Llllng W90S lC:J1"t to t.he :BUjj,alng Committ.ee, the expl:HiSe thoreot to be paid. out of the F1relllfJJ'1i Be.net Fund. 1he ut.taI' of chang1nc the 1'11'8 t\.larm boX from the oi.d. Bean m1l1 to the Clty Ho:~p1tlil was on mot10n 01' .Alderw...n Johnson re1'srrecl to thd Fire :DBl"l&rtment Committee '11th power to act. On motion or Alderman Gl!lser the i'Ul'chl..slng COL:llll1ttee was authorlzed to pur- ch!.l.sc th6 nsce8S!11"7 w1re to be' used 1n changlng the 1'lre alerm system, the S8me to be pa1d for out of thd F1remens Reltef FUnd. -.!.~oluUon No. z162 on pf.lyment or :&.nbor pay roll ~J1d sundry bUls was adopted by the fOllOWlng vote: _ AlderlDBn GlUSer, Johnson, Kelm, llOsler, 11ellS and PresIdent K1ng (6) vot1ng yea; .Ald.e:rJ&m :B6TJ1l1nd., Bordwell and RY,J.li (3) absent. On motlon of Aldermn Kelm Councll adjourned. .Attest~(? ~o!'e.....aLl"I CUy Cle"" J~6~ Pres1d.ent of' the C1t~ ouncl1. _____u~_____ CouncIl Room, tt.l!lwatel". Ulnn, OCt. 31'd 1911. . Il.!li)l}.".!'. !lee.t)r,/i.~_ 'NJ8ent. l,ltl6rm.~11 Bel't.:lund, Bord';iell, Gl!&scr, JohnSOn, Keirn, R7Gn. Wells &n1 P1'..l<1.n~ Klng (8) ^b.on~ Al<1Cr""lI !.louer. 1,ilnut,es 01' I'Bt1uJ,,-..r J~,'tlD6 01' fapt. l"Jt.n re~d ~J'K1 ~pproved. C0I3!i"1JnlcH~t10n from 1Lr8. ,lsrr1et Ci. Knr..pp, OUperll1tendent of 'Lhe CltY iiOSP1tf.11, extend1ng an l:Nlt9t1on to t.he City Councll 1...,;:1 the Clt.y o.c.rlclQ.ls t.o e suppaI' at. the 01t.:I .!osp1t~J. ThurSdo.y OCt ' ~th WaS read ~nrl on motlon of ..aclerm'J.n Wells 8~lIl8 WilD 9.0- .cpted. Report of Clerx of UunlalpGl Court Sho'll/lf; rece1pts fol" the 1f1Onth of Cep'Lem- ber '':'I;lOunt.lr. to '54,75. W'1S presented '.anll rend nnd on mot.loll or Alderml!;r,n Derll1lfid was accepted r..ncl re1'errod to tho 1o'1n'''1100 OOlwlll.tee. Pnrt1l).J, ~8t1m9.te of C1U' l;l1f;ln~Jer 011 const.ructlon or ObK ['t. sewer bY C. F. WilMon, sho\'Tlnl; lllo.ount of \'.-ork llone fllnounted to..1261~.OO lOBS 20;~ i2,6.00 net, "1028.00. lesS r.t.lnount aloQWe{l Capt. ;th, *360.00 16'..Vl!16' '-' b~HH;CC due nO~'1 ot f66R.OO was presented Ij,nd I'e9.d lJ.nd on motlon of Alderman WellS the sl1me WIl9 dulY l1f.lproved. 01ty EriHlneors estlmr:.te -j: 275. on constructlon of s1deWalKS on v!lrlous streets ,..mountlng to 1j1j'1.J6 arid eatlm&.te 'If 276,ot. const.rUci.lon of curb on gyrtle f:'t., amount- 1ng t.o tl71J..25,both cons ~ructed by ["tlllwr",ter Gtone ::ldew~l" Co. !Jflc1 Cl ty Engineers est1m'lLe ., 271 on construction of slde\'1~lf.s on vtirlous streets by Albert j;;rJ.ltZ ~!i!ount- In..: t.o ,,11<:::.35 'IDd est1mt:.te Ho. .:.713 on construet1on of' <;ldew",1j{8 on '''',1'10118 streets bY J. J. weCKwerth am0l1nt1r.lb to li206.43 were pI'esented ',no reSod !ir.d on motlon or A1derma n Ber~lund we~e duly ~pproved. TreaSurers }o'1nr.ncl~1 Ct0.:,6I;lent f'or Augus!" s.nu ~ept.err(her. tre<:.surers report of disbursements 1'01' AUgm;t !.l..I1d :epter:-,I)Sr, '.nd Tr'ef.surers repcY't of' rece1pts f'or year 191 1 · . . . 20 . endlng sept. 30. 1'111, Wel'e prcssrlted. '1111.1 reud. ond on motlon (If '-lderl:l'.ln Y.elm,\':"ere acceptect, ordered rUed '..r.d rel'erred t.o tho Fin'lnee r:Olillilltt.ee. Report or receipts f.l.nd disbursements bY tho Clty Clerk for six months from Aprll 1st to OCt. 1st 1'111, .!l.B ref.l.;l and on lintlon of Alderl[lfln al9.ser WIiS referred to the Flnf.J.nCe OOlrJ:\lttee. Aldermr..n ll.oSler arrived. on moUen ot Alderman Borc;lund the CltY ~~lerh WIlS lns..,ru~t.ad to druW a '1arrar,t, on the Permoneut Impl'overr.er.t l'\lJ1d :for 1335.71 to be placed 1;1 the cu&rent Fund to reim- burse 8t11d 1'und. as 1"0.1.10\'<8; 1'arrar.t for *51.92 for Cherry St. culvert. 1222;60 tor No. Ka1n St. sewer and ti~~.19 for -"tn md 011.,e st. cro:..slm;. em 1001.100 01" AJ.derman Glaser the ctty qJ.erx was lnstr'.Jcted to draw warrants 90S rollOws; te5~.11 on teV6d Bond Interest ac~ount. W2,o16.72 on current FUnd Bon<! Interns t ac"ount. tIl.351.29 on RefuOOlng Bond Interest, acoount, t283.85 on Per!llf,l.J1ent IlfIpl"oV8Jr.ent Bond Interest l:.CI"(,unt;:200,OOO lssue ~07.15 on. " . . "1887 . .3'1~7.07.. " " " "16~1 " 8!L1d amount.8 belng ln exce8S of whut 18 flaoded ln 8r.1d. :fundS, and the 8'lme be placed 1n the S1ox1M Fund 10 accord!LnCe w1th COJil1&L1l01cat1on tro.n the Clty '!'reo.. urer. Report. of Sewer commlttee aIll1 CUY Attorney rel8.f..'1ve to the clalm of e25.00 tor cl.fl.'J:W5'e8 bY ~dW&1"d LOnd1i:on .'.18 presented. !ond re~d. ~nd. on motlon or AlderlI1B.D Johnson, W'AS accepteel, adopted. 'loud ordered rUed. and cJ.ra1nl of *25.00 ordered po.1d. Report. or J. o. aedeJ'bere, 8X&1I11OO1', rel!lt1ve to th(~ 'bOoU land ac~ounts and. boox'"'xeepln&' system 1n the offlce of Clty ClerK mlc1 CltY 'tref..l~~urer was presented. and re'id. onc.l on mot lon of Alderifan BerglUl1d, .as o.ccepted 6.uc1 placecl on tlle, Wlth tho I:ec- or;unBndatlon t,bat. the suggestiollS cont!llned in Sl).ld report be complied. with. 1111 tor coal W&8 presented, 9J1d .after so~ d1Scusslon IlS to wahl. fund. th18 should. be pa1d out of. 11. was d.ecl<.Led. upon motion or Alderman Wells th'lt samH should be pald. aut of, the ourrent !Und. AJ,derlll'1D doaler lJ.S.kec1 WhY the st.reet and gutter ne!lr WOlfS' Bottling lfOl"kS had not been ropa1:red arA. after some d.1SCusslon and an explanation bY the CltY Engineer, the Gt.reet comlll1ss1oner WIlS upon motion of AlderllBn RYlln lnstructed to repa1l" samB ender dlrectlon of ~l1e Clty zngl""er. South Second Street fewer question waS ta.KeIi up md. after SOIlJ3 d.Ue1lSs1on the sewer cor~lttee was ~pon motion ot Alderman Mosler glven further t1me. __~Resollt1on No. 2163. upon pl}YlJIBnt of suntll"Y \)1118 was adopted b ~. the 1"011.0WlfJg vote; Alder~n Ber;;luM, Bordwell. Glaser, JobnsOn, Ke1m, ),(osler, Ryan, 1Iel1S . Presldent lUng (9) vo tlll8 Yea; en motlon ot Alcierlil~n Glaser couucll &djourned. A~test;-UJ/C7 ~nH"'.J / C1tY ClerK. ,Y ~~ ., Pro.{.~tS(~ counc1l . ,~ , . - \ ' 4 . .