HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-08-15 CC MIN . 16 . . A 1Ie611l.',r lle~..1l.u:. Presont Aldeftit::n Ber,.;lund. DCJrdwell, Gl~ser. Johnson. Kell:i. ~:osler. wells,and Pres 1dent K:.ng (8) !lbSent Alderr..5n Ryan (1). Ulmltes of l!lst regular 26ctlng held Aur.ust 151.,1911, ond of the spectal ~etlnG held AUt1Ust 8t~ 1911, were re~d ~d ~pproved. comu."i\1nlc!:ltlon froD. the ~lJ.yor oppolnt1nt' John H. Boyne, BenjIJ.I:\ln U!J.CKett. 1Jl111~1t Barron.Anton Radunz and U5tb!ln Lanners 9.S spec tal pollcemen to serve :frot! one o'cloCK P. !i. August 9th to one o'clOClt A. H. on ;..ugust lOth 1911, .9.9 present- ed ~nd read. and or. loot10n of Aldernan WellS the cOI;u;.unlcotlon W'!"..S accepted ~ind or- dered. tlled BJ1d appo1ntrnents conf1rmed.. Oatl".s or off1ce of a61<1 SpeC151 po11cell'dD were presented Gnd read and on motlOIi 01' AlderJilflll WellS ,were ~cceptec1 and ordered tlled. Jlesi"r~~t1oJj ot Alfred. Uondtihl. as regular pollceman, wlth the lipproval ot the Clty Uayor, .0.8 presented. and ref1C1, and on motlon of Al<1erl3an WellS, S&IM wus accepted.. Jleport of Fire Department COmIl:lttec relatr",. to the extra pay roll at JlUlvey barn t1re,Wos presented. J~nd read. ar.c1 on motlon at Al<1erafln wells same was accepted, adopted, nnd. orderecl f1lecl,anc1 the F1re Depr...rtment commlttee was lnstruct- 04 to request tlw Chlef of the Fll'e I!ep.rtlDlJnt to cOllljllY wHh the reco..,.,nc1o t10ns thereln eontolll8<1. Cont.1"act onterud. into between O. F. lil1Hon e.nc1 the Clty at Stil1water,tor tho construction ot sewer in P1ne, oa~, 'Illl1~m ancl nOlcolDbe streets,and bOnd. ot c. r. W11son, w1th J. n. Bronson and. DaVid. BronSon a8 suretleS, tor the fulf11l- ment of the terms &.nc1 coll11t10118 of the cont.ra:'t,we&e presented and. read,end on mot1on of Alde1"lllEIn Glaser, the readins of the contract Wt4S d1spensecl wlth and the bOn4 B:~provecl and the bom and contract accepted. and ordered :f11ed. Assessment roll for gl"&diIIti 1l'est Cherry street from No. Th1rc1 to No. J'Ourth street .&s presented. ~nd read and on motlon of Alderman BerS'luIXl BIjJne was adopted and. cont1rmed and. 88.1<1 street ordered. gr'..Ided bY the street corm::.1Ss1oner under the <I11'ectlon of the CHY Englr;eer. On motlon at Alderman Berglund. the C1t.Y Englneer wes 1nstructed to h'1ve 8. cement culvert constructecl 8t the 1ntersection of -:-;e.t Cherry street snd No. Thlrd Ct., on t.he west slde or No. Th1rd street. on motion of AIClerfibn Bel'gj.Und. the follo.1I1I: legallY Qualif1ed voters ..ere appointed to se:rve 8S electlon . jUdges s1. the ensuing el.ectlon; -F11'8t "ord. .,.-., - -~CM1tl .~ecl_I:!~~ E_ E, Johmlon E. J. iiplIldle Al.fred ,.Barney ~E:'cond ~&.r_cl~ f!ecq.~ .F.1~S: inc 'tit- John Dooron f.. J. Dffoldw1n Rlcht.rd -relsh ,!:!!!!:<I.1ior.<I.__ fJc.~,.o.!}~"- J~!J~ iIt~.b Alber t nt.pl.. Eller IlCY.sll.r CeOI>f:e H~rrlA fUS t Precinc t..:- L. B. Cast.le, Jacob J[aefner AnthoDY 1iol.C, F~JI,t_,!!~c_i~lc~ Oh!l.8. &. tlawxluson J. P. r.tevenson II. F. tchworz F11'.t ~e~lnct. ..Ullo", "8"HZ Jno. li. BeI'geron Ant~n CChUu~11ng councU. Uoem, Eti11ltlatcr, lanll. Aur.. l~t!. 11111. .J!1Pd ~_e'1.lnc!,- C. L. covell Geo. V'obnBe"n Thomas welch Th1rd treg..l!m.l.. lIarl!ln Dlcl< Geo. BorrOllman John LUnc1. ..J'!l:\r!Ln-ecJ~<1J._, wo.nJl. 'fi1 tbrow c. C. need FranJt. H911en. The ordln~nce COlnl,11ttee !lSKed perm1ss10n 1.1) lnt.rOduce nn oraln~nce Bnd on IT10t.l0Il of Alderlil.fJn Berglun<1 the perlfll;;:;10n WfjS ;;rl1nted.,9Ud the or(l1n~nce COI~,I;;.11.- tee 1ljtroc1uced 9.I:l ordlfi!once entitled, . An Or(l1n~l.ce !lutt.(Jr1':lrih' the l11;me of refundln,(;' bondS or the C1tY of rtl1l- w~ter to the DlIlOUflt of IUnety Thousand. DoUr,ro. Dnd on 1"nt1nn of Aldermen 13e:,gll1o. 1t waS PUt. on 11.8 first re<:.tdlm; '.lnd rend, tlnlJnllilOuS consent of all the 1~lllller3 present. hf.i.v 1m; been ~l'IOfl, on mot 10n of Alder':,I<;'Il Kelm thu s~...ld c.rdlnr..JJce WBS put. ~n HS second readlr..-; and read section bY llect1ell.no D./oIClLdla6HtS hflVlnG lJeen offered, the cbr...lr put the :1~Jestl'-'n, Sh'lll thlS Qrdlnl.l.ce 1;0.59, and upon roll cl1J.l 1 1. \V~~S y<:;.ssec1 '1Jtrl orQ..!.n.l;,n~e_l1.o_._?..!t5 wos gdopted bY the followini; vote~ Alderr.:cn Derf;lund. Dl)rdweil, Gl~..ser, Johnson, Keln., 2.~osler, 'iiellS r..nd Presldent KIng (8) vct.iru:; Yea;Alderij.--..n R;{lj.n (1) !lhsent. The Fln!oncB ,"";o;:i.Llttee tben report.ed to th~ Glty council ttl...t they h9.d sold the ...:'jO,COO.OO Rei'\;~.dlrJ:: llor.dS deac;-lbed in the i'orsL;"olng Ordlnr..nce to The First NatIonai BunK of ct1l1WfAtfH' i'or ~'11tOJC.OC 'l,tlIch S,lL:. is to he p!".l.ld on the delivery CJf thB Sf,lel llonds, I';hirh :report 'Ilf;.S cc. :;:.ot101i or ;'ld.erL~r.n r.el;~. dulY flcr-8r;ted.ap- prQved unci. adopted. Alci.er:fLn Kellr, offered R~SOiut lo}).-J;O,._~l? 7 rel~J.tlve to sf:-.J.e of i>orll1S ',I,'hicb W'-"S ~d.opted by the ~ol]o"':lIl(;' vote; ~ .. 1 1 . . - ,. \ ' ..~ . . r . JmlllW . I , I ~ - . Aluel'li.eJl Berclund, 130rclWoU, Gl'.lSer. JC',hmlOn, Kt~llr. l.:osler, WellS t100 rresldent King (I:)) vatlllt: Yea, Aldcrl;,E1D nY!l.ll (..) r~bsenl. On. IIlo\lon of AldefJCi61l Johnson the C1tY 'n"er...surer Wf;.S instructed to retta'D t.o 110l1r DrOB., i2~.OO. being the fH.ount deposited. wtth ttelr bid for palf1tiI'"g the bridge, ana tbe Clty ClerK \':'..8 Instructed to :.l'I...W ,;, warrnnt tor S!i.ld r.llcmnt for the ps.y- :.:ent or the Barre. On oo1.10n of Alder~n ~o51er the City 'D'er..sw-er W'....8 Instructed to return to the ccnsolldated L'lariber co, the BUL'lof t:50C.OO, belr1{; the r.mount of the cert1f'led ctbeque depoSited bY theJ!l. with the 1J; d or c. F. .'llaon,fer the constructlon of the oa.. Etreet sewer, and the Clty Cler~ Wfl,S Instructed to druw 6. warrf.l.nt for th!1t amount on the C1ty 'l'1"etoSurer in 1"~Vor o:r Stl.1d conso.;.1dated Lumber Co. Aluer;:hfa ,.sllt. reportac:l. thut the sldewa.1K 111 front of thl! ;',d. St'1Ck property on Ofi,,~ Otreot .98 in btld con.11tltJn f&Dd the Street COI;1Ii:lss1oner 1mS lnst.ructed to tn.K.c up uncl ..'elOOve sl.l.ld. plolllt wallt. Ald"rm!ln Uosler rapor.ted. the plan~ s1tlewal.it 01011& aDd 1n :rront or the OlarK propl3~ 011 '&lest Plne streot ln bad. cOIl(t.1t100 o.n1. the rtreet COliUr,ls~;loner was 1Mt.l"ucted to tRite up !;.;.nrl relr.ove the S!iUl6. ~_'1..l!~~'!.n No. 2158 on payment or 3undry b1118 'WliS ad.opted by the i"ollow1.ng vote; Aldermon Bergl.nel, Bordwell, Ollls,~r, JohnSOn KBliB. !tosler, l1ellS and Pres1dent KiDi' (8) voting Yen; Alderm~n Ryan (1) absent. On mot1on ot' Alderm'ln Berglund counC!U r.r.djollrucd. A ~~est;d';:",/t? x;!;""M 'N:!..'''. Clty OlerJ{' __J'/: .7'6"~._- .Pres1dent ot' the Cl)f'COUllC11 y - -- --- -----------.- --------------------------- Cou~ 11 Room, E't1l1water,,!.11nn, sept. 5th Ifjll. ~leg'l11ar lIe_et1ni'. -_.'.--ir"eilen.t Alderm~n Berta"ald, Gb.ser, dObll30n, .Kelm, ~Jl, 'Ie+ls and President i~111S' (1). Absent AlderJIld'Ii ~o31er and BordweJ.l (2). Junutes of 16.51. regular meet1ng held AUb"Ust l;.th read !lnd approved.. Uay01" Brenner presented the 1nvltf.l.tlon from the Intern!itlol19.l uun1c1pal COl~ress EXPosit1on to be held in Cblcago Cept.. 18 to 30.611d stated he intended to attend Sald ~xpos1tlon and extended the 1r.vltatlon to' the councll. Alderl.1an Bordwell t.rri-.,ecl at th1s tlme. llr. F. T. "rlj;lrBon t1sAed that the Equity Jl'"d'Ket 00., be allowed to construct a small add1tlon to th~11r bui1(I1ng of the same materlal '"is the1r fil1ln bulldlng <.:.nd ofter aome d1cUS:l\On the matteI' w~s on sllotlon 01" Alder1ll!i;Jl De:rglund referred to the BU11(Ung COff1l1litt8e ond Inspector to 1n'lust'1E:ot.e ')n<l report at the next rreetlng. T-et6Uon of 11. CO' Hellwig st. fJl.t'or 0 sewer on routh :--econd r.t., 'Wile pre- sent~(l 9n(1 reod.ond on mot10n of' Alderman Glfjser the :J'~me was referred. to the Sewer C01!1.1n1tt~e to report at 00100 i'ut1Jre t1l1lB aru1 the C1ty r:M1neer wos 1nstructed to report 8st1m6t6 flf coSt8 to ~OllstrlJct out let for St\1cl newer. UI'. is. A. Nelson cnJ.J.cd the Counc1ls &tter,t1on to & nunbet. of ptIes, o.flpe.r- cnt.1y ntJt 1rJ use on 1J0uth Second street Ilnd other streets find on mot.lon of Alderman GJ.!&ser the 1ll9tter Wr~s referred to the ['1.1'131:51. CODlfl1ttee wtth po~'er to c:.c1.. Certtlf16d copy of ReS~lrut1on adopted by the llf)urd of j:a tor C01ilmlaa1oners, rellj," U'o/6 t.o .1ssu~nce of certlf1o'.teu of 1ndolJteclness for t:IC l!),yln~ of lilJtp-t' 141)1n on routh ero!.,dWIlY W!lS presented r~nd re~d ':.lnd Alderm9n ser;;lund offered ~_SOl"'J_t1~:m._:;"o. "_Z..~_l!,. ~ rel'At.llftl f.o SI,,1d m~ttlJr whlch WIlS BClOptcd by th~ 1"OlJ.owlnG "tote; Alderlllen Der,;lund, Bortii'f~ll, GJ.~.scr, Jortnsoll, Y.dlrll, wellS & Presldent Xing (7) V'Jtll1f; Ye9. AlderJ'JllIl RY~w (J.) wJt votinf:, J\lder1i1flI:. Hosler (1) 1J.1Jsent. CJ.~ll;Cl Qf Ed, Lond1t;'on ror d9.iil ,,:88 W~S presented and refJd fjnd on lii0t10II or .Alder maIl JOhl13Ol., s!J.llle v.aS referr~d to th9 teYler 00,;.i,11:. tee ~.nd 01 ty J.. t 1 or ney. Claim of :--tlll\'mter ;.l.fi;. 00., f~r df\Jn.~f;e,; w':<s present(~d 'ind reud,f,:md on moUon of Alderm~11 0.1'.>.961' w,..s rerel'red to the r:e\';cr ConJ::Htea. COII1!~;urllc'~t1orl fl'OI;l J':ayor B~'enner ~ppo1nt.1n€; ur3. Helen 1,~. l~cClaer. l4rs. Nell1e HOlen, and l~'S. Hinnle H. converse as If:eI;JJeJ's of the L1br'll"Y bOllrd. to serve until th,) third s'.t:lrd~..;y in J'11:r.l'11It, w!;.s read. <:.iuti 0[; /ljotlO:l of Alderii!~n WellS, cOI:::::-J.c1cr.tion \Ii'.S l;;.ccepteti '...oci ordered fii.ed. ".;.Wi t:-:e 'J!Jpo1ntJaents l?onf'1rmed. 17j . . , . i I i , , ; c % , ! ,~ , ~ ~- f1 ~ f , i i I j . 1 J .