HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-07-20 CC MIN . J D'!IlW ~ counc1l nool:l. r.tl11water, larln. JulY 20th ll.Jll. Ret"Ular Ad ~our neft uee t lr.g-! ___ -Present J..lderllL6n BergluriCI, Glfo.SOl', Jehllson r.ellli. t'6l.1S and President ~:lng (6; Abser!t J"ldCrJi.en DordwclJ..and Iiyan (~) Excl,used t.ldarman l~osl,~;- (1 J. ~lnuteS of ~"Ul~r adjouned r.eetlng of JulY 6th ond rChular meet1rg of JUlY 16th re~d find Gvproved. COt,::!ull1cat.lon froD John Jerc!;Y clalli.:1ng d&lIla;~e5 to 'l'Ui~ fusan. '<<'60S present.ed and rCf.i.Q. tj,nd. on motlon 01" Aldermr..n JOhliSOJi s'-.me w'~s tabled.. AI:pllCtotlors of H. C. :nolJ._~rtson fo;- per1l'l1ss10fl to COIlhilct wlth sewer on Fourth BUBet liaS presented fmd read, and 01. 1.lotlo:i of AlderJi1an D6rgll:nd the selLe was referred to tll6 Cewer (':0IMI.11.tee bnd City j:;11i;lneer to report next l06ntlIJC. The f'r~Sld.ent flUJlour.ced the o.ppolnt.:lCnt of tbo followlnB COliJiiltteeS ,ns fO.llOWS; on pl'OliOsed R61.u'Otld t:xterlBlc.n fro!:1 t'ltbro\~ to the 011.10', Aldermen !.:osle!", Cho1rmar", a"el Alelel'JIIln 1!6.L].a and sorel"ell. OIl 'iote,l' 'H081"d cor.Jlo1tteo, .Ald.orlil&n Bordwell, Ch~11'mfm,6nd Alder;nen Glaser on<1 ,,1m; ..nc1 eny AttorlI8Y Du1'f1,";~on. CO!l:l;lUolcatton fJ.'ODl Hugh G. Palmer wi 1.11 j'f1ference to tho ra11road survey from ~ltbrOW to thO C1ty of C1.1~lwater was presonted,. reed and on matlon of Alderm&D Berg- lund same wn8 refJrred to tba r:peclal co~~lttee on RallrOad. Deport. or C1tf ~1~1r~er relbtlve to the conditlon of the retslnlnR wall at levee ftS prosented, read ,',nc1 on 1001.100 of Alderman B6!';Jlund 1.:le matter wes referred to the I.evee com11.teo and CltY Englneer to roport 'At next meeting. Report of CltY 1:11I:11i601' r8181.1Ve to correctlon or 3.8Sessment for sewer artalnst loOt 6 BlOCs:. .3 '111son18 addltlon,was fll'esent,ed., reac1 ilnd. on motlon or Alclerzn B8Nl'lund the fl&8easment was corrected to rebel as tollows; North 20.5 feet 01' Lot 6 BloClt 3 .1180118' edd1tlon !il1d tbe C1ty Treasurer WfJS 1nstructed to correct the assessment roll accord lrl8'lY. 1teport or comlD1ss1oners 6PpolnteC! t.o a1i81"d 'd".mage..<p..ul malt8 assessments tor the gl"&dlI18 of west Cherry St., t'rOJ:l 1;0. Th1rd tv no. Fourth St., was presented ancl read, Bnd on mot1on of Alderman 'iollS, salf.e WtAS la1d over untU next regular meetlng. Report of BO&rd or J::Quell'l.stlon waS presented, read, end 01. mot1en at Alderman Glst:ier SSle was accepted, adopted Gild (,rdered flled. Alderman BerglUnd. of1'ered Resole. t 10fl. lfQ... 2i 5 '. relatlVe to cord"1rIMitlon 01" s!i1d report, wh1ch 1IIeS adopted by the tollow11lS' vote, Ald6f'h'i8D S81<glund, Gl&ser, Johnson, K61m, ":iellS, !.oDd PreS1dent King (6) vot1ng yea, Alderman uos16r (1) exceused. ond Aleler"Jren Bar-dwell &: Ryan ()2) absent. Report of Br1dge COflllil1ttee show1ng the worK or palnting br1dge was completed 1n 8 sD.tls1'actory manne:> .!.is presented, read and on mot10n 01' Alderman Glaser, same W(.lS &dopted ~Dd. o~dered flled. BOnd or Peter A. CtorlSon li!i.8 presented, r8&d and was fU1optec1 and order.ed t11ed. ~tetloI, 01' A. R. Y.elm.as~lr.g the council to approve h1s c~fllm for medical fAttendraIlCe or ~l~.OO end ~O.68 1"ox- lost 1.11io6 on !;.ccount of lr:JurY sust!olned. APl'11, 10,11111, was presented,rettd &nd on mot1on 01" Ald.erman Y.elm the 'D'ustees ot the Fire- mens RU.l1ef J'Uncl Vierc IflStrUcted to pay sald claim. Alelcl'".n ?raH. orrercrt _i\.C_Sj>l1i t.1oll,JL 2_1~"'__ rcUu.'tt1ve to EAd./ert.1S1rjl~ tor nefund1ng Jlond.S Whicb wss ndopted bY the followln" vote, AlderJrnl1 Ber,;l1rKl, Gl1l90r, JOhflson, r.elm, lJellS 'ind f'ref;ldflnr, K1r.g (6) voting Yea, AlderllIDn J!.osler (1) exe l8eel, g,nu. Alderrr.en Bordwell f.lnd R1nn (2 ) abseflt. The matter of mOrfilJlg lIuI,,6rou8 nCCO,ltlt.B Known t"s street aC(!l')llnts e8r'rled on the booKS of tb8 Clty 'I'rBr,Staer \'iiZsS dlseus;'Jed ~nd. on moUen of .Alderman Bel'r.lund the Clty 'D"8ssurel' W~AS instructed. to lL~rr.e ",,11 lobe t)ccounts etlbrnced in item -Streets- in h1s )'lotlncl&.l :::t.e.t6IOOnt of AWll 1st. 1'111, Showlll" Q credit bal!lJice of *,1891J.34 lnto one gen8D81 Qccc,unt.. Aldol'mon aordwel... 9.1'rwed ~'1t ttJ1a time. Aldermntl Olnser rel10r~ Gburchlll rt.. In blJd concut101l, not t.tl.vlnl~ been propel'J.Y repf..lretl,o.1'l,er (:OIilltructlon ot' sewer tl1ereln.lJ.nel the C1tY ::flf;lnoer sttlted tlJ9t be '1:oulo ll!j.Ve the filtottef tottel,ded to. Altlerf:lr.n r:clm IIiI3nt1o!lcd the f!:lct tllat t.he we odS i,"1'O\'llr.L: ill v!lC'!.l.r.t 10tS need- ed f.1ttentlon,a:,(l th!J.t :wr. Honse h~d CClt.plf,lJletl f3.bout the .'.ISh-Ollt 111 UIC re~r of bis pr.op61'tY 011 feeaM ftreet,an<... tlle rtl'cet Co;,;:.lss1ofler st~ted he W!:iS noW tr.lt.lng COI'e of 5!.l.1d matt,el'. ResoLtlGrlli9._..ll~~; _ on p,.Ylaent 01" sundrY bl1l9 Wt>.S ai'fored by J..le1erl:i!on r..6lci.<inU W5.3 adlipted by lowing vote, Aldermen BerGlund, BorclW:3.1.l. Glr.ser, JOhHSOJ.. Y.ellfi. i;ells andOKlnf; (7) vot.h,.: Kea, Alderrr.aIl 1:051er (.i} excused itJ.cial'JH~rl I'S!:lI. (1) '-:.:Jsent. On 1;t0tlt:.0l 01' Alderl.lbTI Gl~scr CQuneil Aitest~~6H4:/(/';(L ~r,.. // /,.", {J// {}lty Cler .it.--- I . . the t01- Pres1Gent AdjOUr;,ed. --rlf,f: ~ Pres1dent or i;"-e1tl"GVU"U~''$, -L':-', . . , . i i f; f I I I I . .