HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-06-20 CC MIN
, DImlY
cO'J.nc 11 HOOlflo
r,UllW'lt,Or, :ann. June 20th :.l.'jll.
Regultl.l' lleetlru;; .
Present :.,l(lerL1~n Ber;.:lund, Bordwell, Jollnson, :-:elm, l!osll~r.Rytln. wallS nnd
Presldent 7.1ng (8). A\lderlll!'l.n Gl?.i.oer (1) !,bSiJllt, beln{1: nut. of tho G1tY.
141nuto.... of If.lst reGul'i.r 1ll'-:ctlng held J'\me 6th 1911, !1Q.opted r...s refld.
'fne IilSJ.ttcr of constrllC1.1on or ser.er on petetlon or Frank Reutlm9nn ~t. ale
and reJiloostr'lnce to slJ.me "thien was 19.10. over at last meet1ng was tuk.en ';,p llnd parties
lntcrested .&'5 hdard,
The rCllort ot C1ty ,Znglneor on est1mateS !jnt! l18t of If".l.:dS W'1S presented. and
rC64, and on motion of Alderman ~sler the report was accepted, adopted und ordered
ur. Fr'AWt Rcut1m!i.nn t"or himself and. in lJehtr.lf of p~rtles who dcsll!!ed the sewer
to b~ eonstruct~d thanked tbe councll for lts eo.~1derQte Q~tl~n ln the mstter.
:ur. J'l'fll'Ut T. V11,80n appeal"ed Qnd ro.18od the qUG8tlon of cl18!,osltlon or gar'b9ge
una. on m:,tlon or Alc1erwm Ber{;lUna the me.tter WfJS referred to tho ar,J1nance cownlt.tee
1.', ...nvestlg&te and to formul;ate SOL'" ordl:1~rlce r61l,ltlve thereto and to report at next
R. K. 0(,169 ~p~e6l"ed ana offered to donnte to the C1ty the so-enlled YorM
pro..,erty, for a city pfll'x.sub,Ject to the taxoS due thereon, !lDd on moUon or .Alderman
1Io91er the matter ws rererred to the ParK COUliillttee.
Yr. 1'1'. A. Jtnhoney. representlng the Burrow;hS Acldlng ue.chlne co.. presented
the matter or pUJ"ch&S 1118' such &. mtlch1n6,to the councll, and on rootlon of .Alderman
Ber;;lund the matter 1I0:.s ref'6rrod to the rurch~slng C0li1111lttee with power to 9.ct.
L1quor Llcense bond of A. A. Froser h9.v1nC been al')proved by the F10anee com-
mlt.tee. w~a presented and. Oh ulot10n of Alderll1!in u.o9'ler, wns accepted &nd ordered f1led.
Appl1ce.tlon of ThOJDD.8 CCUJ.1Y for l1quor license '!.'lt~ bond 9.pproved l'y the
)'In&ooe COI;W"ilf,tee OS presented ,read ",n~ on motlon oor Alderm~n Rys.n WsI accepted and.
ordered. flIed !And. llcense ordered. panted thereuD1er upon the p9.yment to the City 'l'reaS-
urer 'the sum or \'1000.00 tbe reb"Ular 1leanae fee.
APp11r.ntlofiS of Joseph Wolf' 00., Lou1s Wold !lnd HerlWi.D O. Y.elm f'or l1Quor
l1ce1lS88 were pJ"esentecl.rend r.t.nd on mot1en of' Alclerm'Jon Ryan Sllme W9.S accepted and. or-
dered ~1led, and the 5evor~1 l1censes ordered lssued thereunder upon the fll~ ot
bondS end pay;,;ent or uSUlll lteense fee.
?etetlon of J, T. IiU:lSOr. et. &1. rels.t1Ve to haVlng ft street l1ght placed
at the corner or Yl1l1am and Willard streets ~8 presented, rend and on motlon of
Alderli19.D 'Ryan .9.8 referred to the Ligbt1M' COr;Jil1ttee.
'lnantle.l statement of Clt,y '1'1"elJ.:iUer l3.S of Aprll 1St. 19l1,Re:Port of 01ty
'D"e~Jsu..:'er or reJdlpts and dlsb1lrseDents for April II Uay and City Treesurers Flnanclal
Gt'lt.emont fOI' AP1"11 &: uay, e&.cb hfJVlnE' been appro./ed bY the :'1n~nce commlttee were
. prestJutcd,read. !UUl on l:iOt1on of J\lder~n uosier were !iccepted 9.nd Ol"dered rUed.
Report of Clt1 Ellbinet~r ;Clxlr15 costs of construct1n& s1denlP on 'Sest lUTtle
~t., \.Ietween :F1rth &nd H'..rr1lJt ["treets W!iS presented,read and on L'X>tlon or Al.C1erm9.n
'fella, W'.lS !accepted, ancl Sd.opted. aId who offered therW1th
Reno1utlon l~. 2144,
rel~~lve to thO s~me m~tt8r, Wbl~h waS adopted bY thc rollowlnr. 701.8;
Alclermun Berf;lund, Bordwell, Johnson, Kullll, UOS1"I', nY&D, 'll"ells and PreSld.ent K1ng (8)
VOt1Iit)' Y~!I. l1nc1 AlclArmnn Glusar (1) be1mc Db8ent.
Rdport of' C1tY ZIJglnd::r on ASse8smunt Roll on const.pactton of sldewelM on the
north b south 91de8 of ;lcst l.(:/rtle streot, from ~'11'th t.o HI.i.1.'ri1lt streets W98 presented..
re'ld ....nd Ildopted b1 the fOllOwlng "fate;
Aldorman DerC1UncJ, aordwall, Johnson, Y..61rri, uosler, nY~ll, 'liells 'HlCl Pl"6:11dent lUng (8)
Y0t111G' Yeu. Alderlfil..1n GJ.!jser 'I} IJ.boent .
Report of City Er.t:in~rlr tOI~cther w1th tne Aa,;e031rnnt Roll fJnd :Rs601utlon per-
t1unlniJ to conSf,ructlon of il1uetlt:ilf.9 04 v~rl0..iS streets were pt'esented, re6d !and. on
DlOUCH of Alderman Ryton w~a lo.1d oyer unt1l next re~;ulf.:.r IllI'~~tln(.\.
AStHW:"lItL,:mt ROll ror const.:'uct1on of curtron WHiit H:,fl"tle street bet.wer,n Flfth
find. H(.rI'1~t streets, t6f;cther w1th neoolut1r>n :'io. 211..5, author 1Z1ng o.nd lldOflt111S' the
S'lme W~.S presenteel, rel1d l'ln;1 ndopted bY t:-m follO'1, 1m; '/ote;
AJ.derl11en neri;luncl, Bord,leJ.l, Johni30n, Kelm, 1,1081~;', Ryan, "je118,~'1Jlct Praaldr.nt Y.1Df; (8)
V0t111b ~eQ. Alc1erlil!on Glf.lser 'Jhsenf,.
Report or C1ty Bnf_;1n'~er \'11th Pl!'lt I1tt.<1ched sho'nlnf; the proposel lnyltlf: out g,nd
cr&dlM We:; t Cherry s tree t froIa !Jo. F1fth to ;Jo. FQ1.1J" th s U'ef: t "!If! r~'eaente(l, rend and
~lut10n Ho. 2146.
rel~t1'le to e3tql.llls~1Ilb [-;I'ade on i~est Cherry street bet't;~en the west 11ne of North
~nlrd street ~Dd the eest 11ne of ~orth Fourth st~eet was ~dopted bY the rollow1nB vote.
Aldermen Berglund, Bordwell, Jonnson, 7.eliIL. ~osler. RY!in, '\1ellS !:l.nd Pre~ldent Klng (8)
voting Ye~. ~nd Alderman Gl~ser ~bsent.
\ '
:s""'^'H.t....n iI^ ')"1:.&.7.
rellltl'1e to flxlnb ~O!]t for gz'J)dirlE: west CherrY cu:eet f1'om Third to FOUl'th st,re6t waS
adopted bY the 1'o.:.J.oVllUf{ vote; Alderfil!~n Berr:luncl. Bordwell, Johnson, :0.61. .HoSler,
Ry~n. ,1e::'19 and Pres ldent r:1ng (8) votlbS' yeEl; and ;.lde:oman Glflssr (l) Bi sent.
~p-~nlt1t.lnr. No 211UL
appolntl116 co~1Ss1on to v1eW premises and awnrd do.m'lCeS 1n the matter of gr""dlng
~st Ch~rry street,was adopted bY the follOwing vote;
AJ,derIlkln Berglund, Bordwell, Johnson, ::elm ,!.losler, WellS & Pres1dent King (1)
vot1r.g yea. Alderw.n Gln8er !;.bsent !lod Alderman RY5.D excused.
Report of the Trustees of the Stillwater F1re Dep"-1"tIlV3nt Relter FUnd.fiB
presented, read and on motlon of Alderw..n !'.elm"was f.occepted ancl ordered r1led.
D1dS for 100 tons of Youghloghney coal were opened as follOWS;
JOIlll J. Klltf,lOO tons at ~.90 per ton. John F. O'Rouri<O,lOO tons for i480.00
rmd. on L'IOt.lon of ~erman ltOsler the contract to rurn1Sh coal Wo.S !lwr1rded to
the lOW6St bld.d61'.JOhn F. O;RourKt1.
lIayor Brenner &Ppefll'6d. aM present.ed the m~tt.er of taitlng C9J'e of bondS
matur1ng sept. 1St 1911 and was 1nformed thtlt the ma.tter WI21S noW 1n the hands of
\-he C1ty Attorrwy 1And the F1nance Jo.~.::J.1tt6e.
X'.1'or BreMel' annoUI.ced the BPpo1ntr.l.cnt of Herman L&nge &s policem&n at
160.00 per IilODf.h, and after some d 1ScuSs 10n as to the necesS tty of such an ap-
po1ntl1JSnt tbtl Dl6.tter .uS on motion of Alderman RJ'f'J,D laid over untU the next
reSUl~r ~otlng.
c1tr At.torney mude report on tone do.Jtlf~go sult of Anna .A. Lane,and. on motlon
of Alderman !IOSler the C1t1' Attorl1e1' .bS instructed to mr.:.Jte a settlement PI"ov1dlng
1t. did not cost the C1ty to exceed. f1fty clollElrs.
'AAAn1ut.1nn II1n 211&.'1
on paymant of labor pay roll was ~d pted bY tho folloW1ng vote;
AlderDM'n Berglunl, Bordwell, Jonnson. K61m. uosier. 'Wells and tresident K1ng (7)
votlng yea. Aldermen Glas;:r !Iond Ryan (2) !Iobsent.
On !DOtlon or Ald6:'J[lf.I.n Kalin. councll adjourned.
~jOL~--/ I
01W OlerK.
.~. .T'---
Presldent 01" the O1tY Counell.
couoo 11 ROOL1.
stl~lwnter,Ulnn. Ju~y ~th l~ll.
Regular Ueei.lng;
No quorum being pJ"dGent 1"01' tronsactlon or bUS1.neSf:.councll was
BdJourlled to meet T"nursday July 6th nll (i 7-30 P' 1&.
Auest; ./ pi' '/-), bl I
01 tY OlerK.
./~ ~~
\ .