HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-06-06 CC MIN . , D~!IlW . - ~. """'----i . . --~ Councll Haom. BUllwoter, lanl,. June 6th J.'111. Reb~~~r ueetlnhi Present Aldermen Bcri;J.UJld, Bord\liell,Gl!l86r, Jobnson, -ells 6nd PreSldent King (6) A:a.uerll~n U,osl<;;r and i'.elm (2) exccuseu.beUii; out of the Cay. AldllrU<f.;U Rf6l1 (1 )Absent. 1Llllutes or J.t1st l'eGulJ;tl' meut.lru; read f.lJlQ approved. AlClerm!:ln RY'in arrlved durlrl{; tr.e re'.ic11nr: of the I:llnutes and too;;; h1s seat. ReuLer. A. Jonnson W!".iS heurd realtlve to slde-V:~l.K asseSS;r.f:nt IJ,gulnst Lot 8,B1Cclt 6 Gray It SlflUghters i..Q(Utlon and showed that he had. conStrilcted hls own Sldew!llJt, !Uld on motton 01: Alderlil.~n Bert;lUnd the aSsessment and ,1udgment there:for was ordered. cancelled. L. B. Castle was heard.re16t.1ve to Judgl:.ent 1"or sr6.dlng, curb ';nd Rutter agalr.st Lots 23 & 2 4 Bloc~ 2 Church11l, Nelson & rl&ughters Add1t1on and offered to pay the full f.l.JlIOant.lcs8 1l1terest., and 011 motlon of Alderul~n Glr.Ser the Clty Tre!i.sur(~r wus 1nstruct.ed to 8&t151"Y 8!1la J\J.dgmellt upon the PflYJf16Ut to h1m of the !!oct'.nl amount of the aSsessments and colts 111 S&1d matter. AppllCf1tlon of S. B. u.cBeath et. 81 to construc-t a pr1vate sewer pn ErJuth 1I'111!U'C1 Street n-om Second to 'l'htrCl was presented. !;.oo read. and. on moUoD of AldermnD Glaser permlssloD was b"l"anted to cor.struct Sf.l1d sfter unaer superv1S1on of the 01ty Ent'lneer, wlth SQJOO restrlCt10n as heretofore applled. and. observed ln Slmllr:tr C9ses. COi~nlc!itlon from the lllnne~pol1S 1911 Clvte Ce~obr~tlon Commlttee was rend and O!I IOOtlon or Ald.erD'lD Gl':.oser was 9ccepted 500 ordered. fUed. APp11cat10n of A. A. il"aser for 11quor ltcense WaS presented an::. read, and on motton of Alclermr..n Ryan S6100 was granted 'ind l1cense ordered lssul.d thereunder Ui,~on h1s poy1ng ~OOO ond furnluh1ng regu19r 110M. APP11cbtlon of Den Derglund,wtth bor~ ~nd recelpt for ~lOOO wes prasented aDd roodJ QIld on mot.10n or Aldermr..n Ry~n 8!i1Jl8 was !i.(:cepted, bond approved. and license ordered 1S~-;ued thereunder. RelllOnBtrt.i.nce of nlch~d 'I1elsh et. !i.l. as'~111st the constructlon of sewer"on Co. HoleoUlbe, West O!i.x.Co. \':1J.11am anc1 west Plne Ctreets W!l.S presented and reael. en DlOtlon of Ald.erJll').n GlaSer was lo.ld over unt11 next regular meetlng. 00mmun1cation from nt. Ya11noIT, Clty PhYSlclan. not1fY1Dg the Councll of hls 1ntended abseDCe &.nd. appoll1tJlle:nt 'Jr :cr. B. J. :trerl-l11: t.o act ln bls pl,"'~s durlng hls ab- sence W&S read. anc1 011 I1lot10n or Ald.erlflt;.n Berglurxl was accepted, le~ve 01: absence granted, and the &.PlJOlnt.u;8nt 01" lll'. B. J. Uerl'lll conflrced. Report of Street. Cor:u:,1ss1oner for months of April and !lay ,,~.l presented, re9d. am ordered fl1ed.. C1ty Attorney st9ted to the connell the cond.1t1on 900 sto.tus Of the F1remens Reller rum and rend. f. report 1Il&de bY the '.rrustees of s!.J.1d funcl,aIld. sU&gested. that 1t would. be necessary 1"or some ottorx:ey to reprp.sent s~ld Trustees ln the Dlstriet court, ana offered. hl~ services ln s&ld mbtter, Presldent Klng etolled V1ce Presldent BerGlund to the chs1r end. J!lQved. that tbe C1t.y Oounel.L recoiJ1mend to the Trustees ai' the F1remens Reller :rund. that they-pay to Paul Gelhar the SU'il or i25.00 p0r month :frOil. the tlme sald p9.yment had cessed. and to cont1nue so to dO unt11 ~urtber order o~ the Counell, 9.1so th6t they P~Y the Hosplt9.1 b1ll and the Dr. Uf..YO'S bl11s 6t ?ochester.iUnn., 11101.1011 Cllrr1ed. On motion of .Alc1eruJ'1n KlnG. the Clty Att.y. 1J'....s recomre:lX!ed to the '&ustees or t.he F1re.oons Rellt3~ :FuIXl to J:oppear for them 1n the Dlstrict Court 1r. 8djUd1cllt1on of the 11" trus t. 00Irll;lurI1etot.lol. frrJlli Clt.y :':;,einsor relative to palntlnfi br1d.r.'e WaS prlcnted snc1 re~.I.C1, fJ.IK1 c,;i liloUnt! of Alc1err.ll'ln :Berf:lund.wDS '1cceptcd. tlnd :refSI':rBd to tha J3rl<1ge COI:'IInittee. John 1lohr &PfJoo.rec1 i'or l.iOhr bros. re11.. t1 ve t.c the lr 1) lel for pI'), tnt lng br tdA'S and stated that 1t 011 and leud Wt.l.S to 1'6 uaed 1nster..a of Ji.lner'!.J.l pf.llnt they wanted '30.00 extra for mlxlrlO the IJ&lnt. llnd (JIi 'IIOtlon 01' Alderl~n BeJ'i~ltJncl. the matter WIlS referred to the brldee COrillrl1t.tea wltij I,ower to !lct. Repart ot' CitY Enelneer rel'i. t.1ve to cost of bUl1clllll, brldi:e W9.0 rn'esented .read. accepted rind ordored rUed, 011 Ihuti.on 01' AJ.Qel'Ii"IlJ.n 'a~ser. ~port of Clty_Eng1neer on cost 01' Curb CfJ ','oast ~yrt.lc street troj,) W..rrlet stroet t.o Fl~",:, street W'~S presented, reud f..110 or, motlon 01' AlderJ:l~n nerl-:lund ,,~s tl('-'C!epted fJUd CI'durec1 l,,:bllShed. Rei.'ort of Clty i';.r;1neer on cost or curb on V';orlous streets Vif..lS presented. 1'01)0, u'ld on :m)tlon of AldOru!in !lerE;l;.:d WIJS l).I.'(~opted ~nd ordered puLllarJP,el. and the rtreet 00",)::11.teo !Hid. C1tY ZI~ll1eer were 11lstructed to v1ew the proposed lJ.1pro'/c:nentu <jnd report lJt next . meetl!i(~. Report of C1e1'1. or EI.UllClj,Ul Court Sho\'JlrJ; rece1pts f'or t.he months of April and Uay vr~s prRRented.re~d ~ntl on mot1on of' Alde1'li;l3.n "i-ells .Wt:.:J !jCCel.ted r;:nd orcler'e(l f'l1-~d. Report or Pw'ChfA81nr: CO;l~j;"1ttee tel9.tlve to tt.e PUl'ch<.ise or 8 cloer. for the :;1rc r ne"p9.I'tment was presented, reua <ind ordered rllel.1. Repor- t of' ]'lns.nee COI:,;::H tee rel~--, t lve to de})08 Her leB for a1 ty :ft:nds VlB.S preserlted, re!id, '1Ud ordered 1'Ued. Tnereupon, UpOIJ if,otion at' AldcrI:1in Bcr',;:;lur.-1. The First N'it1onf.11 B~nl. of rt1l1water U1nne3ot!':.. The LuDberuelJ's ~.jatlon&l BanI.. 01' rtillw~...ter. lUnnesctr1, and the f'l3.rmers and Merchants :::tf1t.e Bf1r:/~ of f:t1l1water. I.iinnesots. 're :-nd encll of th01!: 18 herebY des1,:ns.ted .. 7 ~ '.', \ I . . . . " . . . 8 ElS Clepeslt&.l'les ot' tile 1'urK18 of tho Clty OIl the same terms and conditlons set forth ln the1%' se'/er',l BPj;llcr.i.tloOS to the CHY councll to be 50 daslCIlfJ.ted as such depos- It'll'les, B&.ch of s!.11d DanKS hElvlnb c;l'/en the necess'lI.rY bond required bY lQw. Report of f;treet COliJ:~ltttje rel9.tlve to des1f;Iltl.t1ng pl')ceS for p'arll~~e cans weS presented, reaa ~nd ordered f11ed. Report or HosplVll COI~..:.,1t.toe and Bulldln{; I spect.or rel.~t1va to the south 1f511 of the main brlcr.. bulldlIItj of the Clty .i1ospltal w~s p.-esentca. rC9.d and all motton of Alde1'lf!ifi :;laser was 1'ef01'}'l:;d to the Bul1d11iJ; COJ~J:;l t tee. Alde!"JU&n Gls.ser reported the.t a ps.rt Of FbUl'th Street frota P1ne to W1llard streets W&S l:l bad corJlltlon nnd moved tllat the same be referred to the ftreet Conlt1ttee . )IOt10I.I. cr..::;'rled. AlderU1!i.ll Berglund moved thf.1.t the Flnance COIf'Jll.l1.tee be '1uthOl'1Zed to procure an account~nt to examlne the bookS or the ,:lty '!ref.."isurer arK1 the Clty Clerlt and to ad.- v1se SOJiJe systeL'l of bOOK-Aecplru; for both offJceB. uotlon carr1ed.. Alder:nan Jonnson aSKed for lIlStructlons relfJ.t1ve to 91~ns for brldr.e qnd. on motlon- Jf Alderman Berglund the metier waS lert to the Brldee Con~lttee w1th power to net. OIi motlon of I.ldorrr.!:lI.a Johnson the Clty ClerK waS 1nstructed. to g,dvert1se tor blciS for 100 toIlS of coal. and the F1re Dep'.:irtrr:ent conunlttee WI'JS lnstructed to 100A. lf~tO the rctt:rn w'Jter system. nwo"1n",nI'!A lJn ?114. An QrdJne.J'lCe entlt...cd . An ordlIlEillCe to vacate pg,rt of l.forth Ualn Cl'treet 1n the or1g- lnol town (now C1t.Y) of (:tUlwaterr :Lald over to thlS :l.eetlng wes taltBn from the table t;.n<l on lootlon of Alderm~n G1IJser wus put on 11.8 second readlnr.,and read. sectlon bY sectlon, no uLiendments blJ.vlm; been of1'ered., t.he cha1r put the questlon,shnll th1s ordln.&r.ce P&.8S, Bond upon roll CfJ.ll 11. .flB ad.opted. bY the !'ollowlr/8 vote; Aldermen Bl:rglllud, Bordllell, Glaser. Johnson BY&,n. 'WellS 6.nd Presldent K1ng (7) vot1ng yea. Aldermen Kelm. and JZ.os1er (2) absent. Re!=lr.lllttnn ~!n 21~. orrered. bY AlderIlL6.n BerglUnd, relta.t.lve to h,"1'nd1nS' west Oherr, street from Th1rd. to Fourth strfwts, 'sa adopted by t.he 1'ollOwlm; 'rote; Ald.eru:en Berglund. Bordwell, Glaser. Jobnson. ftYr;n, 1:ell.S and ~e81deIlt Y..ll.ti' (7) vot1ni; Yea. and Aldermen Kelm and uos1er (,) absent. BondS ot First N<:o.tlon!lJ. :B~nK. Iunbermen's 1.f&.t10nal Bank and J'arners and l!ercb9.nts cttJ.1.e Bank were pres'ented. read and h~vlng be.m approvee. bY the Fiuance coamlttee.and CltY Attorney, w~s on motion or Alderm<.:.n Gl~ser accepted. 9.ppr07ed and ordered record- ed 9Dd r11ed wlth the Clty ~e~~urer. 'Dle Clty EIlE1neCl' repClI'ted that the sewer at or I.ear the ~t. Paul House was ln 'bwl ~0rx11tlon bnd all motlon or Alderman Glr.r.ser t.he matter Wf..S referred. to the Sewer co~~lttee w1th power to act. Resolution No. 21lJ.;. on paYI:lent of sundry bUlB 5nd la.1Jor pl;;.y-roJ.1W~S ot.tered bY Alderman 11el1s. and W9.S Ildopted bY the fOllowlng vote; Alde~'L1:m Berg-l.ud, Bordwell. Gl6.ser, Johnson, Ryan. 'fellS and rre.;ldent Xlng ~(.1) vot.1nb Ye~. AlderJnen 7.clm and. jlosle:" (2) ~bsent. B1J.l or AldermlAD l':~u. nY6.n.o1' t?OO f'er borse-Sh(;e1ng not havlng been approved by the Finance COD'Jfilttec .,;s presented 'lnd reead and on notlon or Alderman Johnson. s~me WtJ.B ~;"'lowed lAnd ordered. pt:11<l. en In'1tlcn of Aldermr,n Jl)hnaon.Councll ~,1d,1(.)urnel1. A ttes t;~ ttLU4H_'.t-4/' C1tY Clol'r., J/ 7f:u;/) PJ'esident of th!3 'cmou~nc'ii -' . _. '-4! . J .