HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-05-02 CC MIN
. ! 1J:,lIW
counell ROOI;l.
r,t111.....~tor.lalln. U.t;."J 2nd 1')11.
ReGulur 140(; L1ng;
Prtwent Aldermen BOrd~i(;ll. Glr.lStH', Johnson, Y..el:n. Moster, ne.us !i.nd
.Pres1dent Klnr; (1). Avaunt Ald~rl:it;n beJ'.;lund. 'ilnd Hy~n (,).
Li.lu:.:.toS of reG .J,ur weet.1m; held Avrll l~th 'ldopted '..5 reud..
A ele.;':J.t1on 01' repl'oscn\!i.tlve clt~ens a.PP~':'l'ed und '\Iid!'e glv-en !i he'~rlrlB' rel:'itlve
to ':45918\lng 1:1 gl'':.iU1Jib ~nd pa71:1i' 'l cerl,'iln d.rlVewllY 1n Lowell JI'"...rit.
Re;ll!&I'KS \'1ere ~de bY Ex U'.l.YfJr Foley !uld oth.Jrs. and ':,;y the Aldermen on the propos1tion.
City Encln~dr Cl'll".lt stut.ed t:1fj.t, 1t \'ionld cost ap!U'oxllJf04telY f2500 tc dO the worJt
(Aldermen Berglund and RYa.n arr1ved. at th1s tlllle and to.JK 1.11"'11' S81J.t.S.)
Alderm'ln 14081e1' moved that the 01t.Y do the '-.orK QSi(ed for.
Ald.erlLllJ,n Berglund moved as on QI:;endlll6nt thst t.he Ultl.tter be referred to the Park
COlrl.::ll t tee end Cl t1~ens CaroLl t. t.ee;
Alderm~n Gleser offered a substltute motlon that the 01tY :nglnAp.r ~o lnstructed
to eX!L1!11IW the proposed worK I.1nd IIl!:o;te estlm'ltes &0. and report. at next mf!cttm;.
SUbstltute motlon cBl'r1ed;
ur. J:;c1. nt1G'be~ty anel others froll1 the Vl119~O of HOUlton, '7(1s. apper.lred lit th1s _-
nile. wore Glven a i'terlrln& .&el~t1ve to toil on br1dge. and Sllfm'ested 9. plQn of 1ssulng
1",0.80n t1ct.et5 to resldents or ',,;lseonsln at a rlxed 8lr,Ount and l)Sked that school ~hlld.r8n
bd ~xecpt frOI11 ptlylt1b toll.
APl".il1C!ltlons of Frlt,4C. ZleB'ler, Nelson t;.ind westhe:oS' lind Adolph Reut,1maM for retol1
11QUOr 11eensos were rerod ~nd on l:lOt10n or Aldermtl.n Kelm. the bondS or 8tJ.ch ...ere rJ.cee~tec1
9.nU bpproved &nc.i. llr.ensl3lS ordered l:ro.nted. 1&otlon C'lrI'1ed.
A representl.l.lve or the BoaSeI' Co. WbS ht~ard gnd prefJented. the IIM'r1t8 of the Bowser
and. pump 1'OJ' (:9.9011n8. und. on motion of AlderlllfA.n Kelm the mntter waS referred to the
n-ustecJs of tho Flremens neller rund with the sunctlon or the OouDell.
Pete tlol1 or A. R. Y.elIii. ~x Ch1ef EJlblneer 01' the Fire Dep&1'" "roont W!2.9 read ~nd on
mot10n of AlderlIlbn RY9.n the 1llt1tter Wr.oS rarer'red, to the Trust.eds of the Flremens Rellet
Fl,md '111t.h thl: s~nct1on or the Councl1.
Bond or L. \'I. Cl':l.rKe !:I.S lnsj:.cctor or uUlldlngs and of Robert lle1ster as night supt'.
or br 1<1;;e. hf.iV lOb been a.pproved by t.he rl:I~nCe COi:"iliil t tee, "fere presented. !2.nd re!ld.. and
on mot1on or Alderlll6.n Glt.ser Wdre !1ccepted,and ordCI-ed flled.
J&i:06S Xc"-inn, Chlef En&. 01' the ?1re Dep>:.rtnent prdsented 1n wr1t1ng the n9.me8 ot'men
to !'1l1. the several .PDs1tloOS 1n the Fire Dep~tJnent for the coning year.!ls 1'olloWS;
slmon E. AndrewS,Flrst Asslst!:l.nt ;,i1blneer.
W1nford R. etussl.second. II . &Jld C!lpt9.1n at HooK and Ir.l.dder.
;~h~rle8 Peterson, c~pt!lln or Hose Co.
GeQrr;e P. Green, l,;nglncer of F1:'e l.:nclnc.
John J. O'~ell, driver of dose wQgon.
lfl111r41n 11. Thompson. dr iver of E~l!le.
J(Jhn 'i. French,dr-1'/er 01" HOOK and LlJ.dder ~d Pf.Itrol 1i'<:.igon.
Far 141nute llen.
Chl'C'leS Chr13t19DSon. Albert N. Etr9ndberg. Cl1arles G. Hl3.WKlnson,house Wfltchml1n.
Alcerlllr.n Johnson moved tbfJ. t the 9.Pfolntments be conf.lrmed..
Ald.erUlfJ.n Y~lm demanded rO;&'l cr.ll wh1ch Wll$ b!lc1 resultlng r.1S fOll.ows;
AlcJ.GJ'1ik.lt1 BttrelllllO ,BordwtlJ.lt Johrlaon, llells flnel Pres ldent Y..lng (5 j vot In<< ye!l. and
^lC1erl~:n causer. KalUl, 1'os1er ~nd RytJ,n (4) votlm; Nay.
Cll1er l~cG'..nrl preoenteC1 an lnventory of the property in h1s posseSSion belonging to
the CltYtwhH'h wnH ~c~opted ~nd ordered 1'l1e'1.
09.ths of 01'rlce 01' L. 'fl. Cl'.I'i.e !).S Clt.y ~lil:lnfH~r ~n\J Ifij;peetor of Dulldlnr,s,
L. YafJllnoff 0.8 C1ty Pilys1clr..n .rtobert. ~~c1ster fAS n1r;ht :;upt' of b;-ldg6,GeOrge J. Welch.
!1S r-pecl'.l pOlico.werl.~ presunted unCi ordc~red 1'1lcd.
Flnllr.i"O COi,;'r.1tt.ee ~s(.ec1 for 1'w't.her t..11~n to report on flPp11c'-At1on of' the ~rmern &
}4ercht.nts Ctr.l.te BfAllt. uS (A clepoa1t':.rY unc.1 on Ir.oi.lon of AlderJll~n Gll..ser St.filr!, WrJ,S i~rtlnt.e(J,
c,treat Oomm1ttee t.o WhOI:1 \V'~a roferred t.he :JOI:iPl!-,lIit 01' Johr; 13ourd~r.hs vilth refereuce
to Grind box a.,:,the ncwn6r 01' Th1rtl ~nd Che3tllut (;t,rectu /nt.cIe "/erVt..l report .~n(j on
motlon of j,lderm!JD }laB1el' thE'! cu.y Ai.torrley ':,~S lrWtI'ucted t.o notifY the JA1nrl!JJjPOll::J r,nd
c,t. P'Jul tiuburbr1I1 RfllJ."f;tY COi:'P~.i1Y to reo ave the S~lile.
St.l'ee t CO:'i:;il to tee to trho:;; \V~~U referred tho IJ'i t t~I' of inS t.~.1.L 1ng r. u t.one crusher for
C. ;i. c',r...l ii1~de verb,,:.!.. report !Jnej W'IS f-;l'~nted fl.1l'tr~r t.llr,e.
faree t cO;:.i,il t tee l:J.'..de vt:riH.l p.:port of h~.I1;Jf: 1't3ndered e.as18t'_dlctl to 01 t i<:.ens C'om-
wlttec on "C1Cr..Tl up d"j":
C1ty I~llGlno(~r faed :ocport on brldf:"~ cor;:;'..ructlon nnd Oil i:.otlon or I.ldermar EYljn
s'-~me WW3 nccepted r.DCl ordered 1"iJ.Cd., 6.nci t.r:at I.ohe CitY ::::n;;ln!1'.;r be lnstructed t~ arlver-
t1De raP b1ds to p~lnt the bridGe.
Aidermf:l.n Bordwell rao"led tl1'1t ~150 be "-r:proprl.-.t9d to !::.ss1st if. J!.emorl'11 DflY
celcbr'itlon. anri on ;;;ot1r11i s"-..::.e ~'ms c',:;.~ler'.
On motion of .:,lderInI'.on Ee::-r;lUIld the ("1 t~r C:1cry. W!lS l:1structed to pm"chase 9. gas
plate, la'oolllS, tO~jtJ1B and soup ~'or t.he juu1t.r"ss of the Cay Hall.
on 1II0tlon of Alr.1erllil..n !LoSlerthe matter of ch..nglnc the catch bnsln neen' the
earlier or 011ve and Fourth fitrects wr.B rere:'red to the f,tJ'eet cOIn!.llttee nnd C1tY
EM ln6t::r.
COlI!.lllttee on urldge !lSKed the councll to tnKe SOr.le actlon rell)t1ve to the
qU13stlon of tall on brldge, and on motton of Alderman John30Il the matt.er waS referred.
to the C1tY UnJor, C1ty Attorney and Flnance Co:rLi:Jlttee. nod to report next meetlng.
AJ,dermnn John..~on reported the floors 1n the l)ed rooms 1n the F1:"e DeP9runent
building waS 1n bad conc11tl0n ~nd on motion of Alderman Glaser the matter was referrel!
to tne bUlldlD8' comu1ttee to lnvest1Sat6 !ind report. ~t the fie%t me~tlnc.
oommunication signed. bY Aldermen }!Osler '..lid Y..e]:1~rel'lt.l'/e t.o the ".l.ctlon ot the
FreSldent of the caUDell In appolnting the rtreet COIlU11ttoe was presented an:1 read.
PreS1<1en~ lUng called Vlce Pre.lden~ Berglund ~o ~he chall' and made replY ~o
1."'''' COlIllWn1cat1on.and then resumed h1S seat.,and Ald.erman Berglund. moved that the
COm::lUD1cotlon be lr...ld on the to.ble.
PreSldent lUng ct.o.lled AlderJlm.n wellS to the chair und the mot10n to Ill;' on
the table Wo.s co.rr:ted bY the folloWlng vote,
Ald.ermen Berg:tURl. BordweU..JohnBOn and wellS and P1'es1dent K1ng votlng yea.( 5).
and Aldermen Glaser. Kelm, llOB ler and Byan votlng Nay (14-) votes.
Alclermnn Gl!&ser mov~d that. t.be Clty ::::nglneer be 1nstructed to loolt UP bad
....1dew!&ll'.S ann. gutters and report 10 the neur future. mot1on carr1ed.
(b motlon 01' Alder~n Johnson the Chlef Englne"r or the F1re Department was
appolnted Flre Karshall.
,Ald.ermun BYe.n was excused at thlS tlme from furt.her attendance at th1S mee'1ng.
1\8soluUOII r 21,3
relaUve ~o ~he sall>1'Y of thO Chl.f of ~he Fll'e Il8P"rtl1lOn~ ."S sdop~ed bY the fOl-
10w1M vote.v~,Alc1ermen Berglund. Bordwdll, Glaser. Johnson.K8lm. uoaler.WOlls and
President Klng voUng yea. (8) vot... Aldermall Ryell sb..n~ (1).
Re.olu~lon NO. 213~
on po.yment of sundrY bllls was adopted bY the :CollOw1ng voto,Ald.ermen Berglund.
B01'dWdll. Glaser. JohnSon. Kelm. Uos1er. WellS and. PreSident Klng vot1ng yea (8)
Votes. .Alderman Ryan (l) vote, absent.
on rolOt10n of Alderll19D Berglund Caunell adjourned.
Cl tf Cler 1<.
J f ;/~f:
Pres ldent of the 1JiI tv counell
\ '