HomeMy WebLinkAbout1911-04-18 CC MIN . . Il!J'!IlW - .... LJ - . \ . counc 11 'ROOD. Stl11wnter.lllrm. Aprll 18,1911. RC1:ulOl' !jcc t111l! ; f,resont Altlern n Berhlund, Gl~aor. Jonnson,Kclm,Uosler,Rynn,wells .r.d ~eSldent K1r11; (8). Absent Alder,,',n Borrtwell. (1). On ;;.otlcn or Alderulon BeN:lt:r.d.Cht1s. A. 1,1);-J:.crs W9.S elected teIllpOr5ry Cle.rJt. 1ilnutes 01' rCh'uJ.'ll' wdotlr..s und of c&::0011o.t10r. 1;~ec~lzih hl~ld April Ittt., ador-ted 1),8 re~d.. l!lr:u:'es or rOb'Ul!.lr !1dJourI~ed mectlr;t; held .April ll,o.dopted !os read. AldCrIil!.ln Bordwell aI'rived !.;.t thts 1.1;..8. BOnd. of Ch&.s. A. t.a.;:-Jt.el"S 1r.. the SUD of' ';1000 ~.;lth Geor{:e A. L~J~J1.ers !1lld. John Oi."I'en -:os suretles wus prcsentctl and read and re:ferred to the Fln!".once COL"il::i.ttce and. 01\:/' Attornolf. C1tY on .Clt~. Bc~utl1'Ul. neuaed bY Rev. Budlong c.ppeo:.red rom VlllS g17en an:audlence and presented the mntter 0: deslgn~tlm; soF.~ dUy ~s .Clean up. duy and BSking that .Apr1l 28. be dBS1b'r,a Toed C.S 3uch dtt.y om the. t tte ot ty Coune 11 o.ppo lnt a comml 1. t.ee of tlu-ee to !lct '..lth th1:J orgtin:lz!t.t1on !1nd t.hp Healt.h off1cer ln r.arrylr.g out the purpose or the organizbtlon. and on motlon of Alderwun ~osler,the uayor WbS aSKed to des1gnQte Apr1l 18 &8 .Cle~n up day... UOtlOn adopted. Jas. H. 1... :iUntoon and ethel'S present.eu a petetlon f18,~1nt; the councll to toke such act10n 88 will lead to a more s'&n1t~ry d1sposition of &&rhQG'e and. e:rrect1velY abol1Sh tbe use of' rav1ne8 for dump1ng grourJClS, on .:ootlon of Aldermf..n !Losler,seconded bY Aldermun Ryr.r.n. the PresldeDt .US 1nstructed to 5~polnt ~ cou~ttec or three to co-oper~te w1th 8514 orcunlzc.tlon . uotlon adopted. '1"no Chto11' fj,p?Qlnted the Otraet co~"mltt.ee r:i.8 suci1 CO!!U~lt,t6e. JIl'es1ddnt Kin&' anuouncec1 the 9tq,ndlI18' cor.lIn1tteeS or the City caulle11 ro.. the enaUllli: ytlnr, as follOWS. vlz i 'lnaucei Berglul1d. 1iells- uoa16J'. Br1d.ge i JobnBon-Bordw6J.l-z,t.os1er. G-dlnaDc8 i K8llATK1nB'-1JellS. S tree t.s i Bordwell-B8rglund--Ryan. fje-.ers; JUran-Bordwell-WellS. Purch~...s 1J1t: i Jobnaon-BOrc1\':ell-Klnff-Glf.i.Ser i Hosplt.ali 'l6l1s-u.os1er-Kll1b. Levee; Glaser- ~el18-Klng. L1ghtlJ1B'i R)'an-Dere1.UJlI1-\fells. F ire DepaJ> tJk6 f. t i Johnson-Bora\'lell-C1Ei.ser. i'!.lnt1ngi uoaler- DOl'dWdll-.;obnson. Bulld 1nG' i K61m-Johnsen-Bergl"ind i 1'&Xt.'S i BerglurA.-WellS iLosler. pr-ArkS. Ber;;lund-K1Jig-Y.elIll. The Fln~nee ~01::i31ttee 'lnd C1tY Attorli8Y I'sported !"!ivor5blY on the 'bonds of Chas. A. Il.t.:mzers. BS C1tY ClerK aDd Clerk. or the uun1c1pa1. court, and on ootion of AlderJDB.D BerG1U8d thd tonds were accepted. ~pproved and ordered rlled. 'l"'ne s&ma cOliol;littee reported ff;;.vorabl)" on th~ liom af Andrew Carlson as ztreet CO.il~rt.1as1o!ler, nth Geo. Z. UUnK6,L and vacl!.ir OStrom as suretl.e8. and on motton of Ald.erJ3!&n !(OSler,s~.l1ne was accepLed. approved I.::.nd ordered rlled. Bonel of aocl1';r13Y Anderson 6S fUplt. of Brldb'e. "lth John ii. Ja.ckson and Cl1!i8. Llnqulst 1),1 surettes wuS 6.PPl'o.ec1 bY ths F1n'.lnce COI;lm1ttee. and on motion of Alucrlilln ,nyrall.8,...me W'tiS ~!eceptod, ~I>PI'OV6d !lOd "rd.e:red, f1led. j Ot&t-he of off.lCe of AW:ust iioorO'f.!:iD ASses:Jor, AIXU'OW C~.\l'lson.lEos fitreet Comr.t1ss1on- ..........1....'......... c:!', ThOL1!1S )J'.iher g,nd Aucust swc.nson fiB pllt1"Olr.<l1n,w,,]"e re!.c1 '.I !XI o"dert)(l f31nc"... COla;'i'lun1ctttlon ('rOJil Upper 111SS18tJ1Pp1 !l1vel' IlIlpro.tcment A9flOcll).tlon ,lj8Jtlng ror a.n ~pprOpI'1Dt1on of ~O.OO W'JS l'e~d,!).nC1 Ald.erlllfJn Berl(lUnu ":ovo(1 th9t the 8~..lne be j~ere:rJ'ed. to the 01 t1ZeDS AOSoc1g,t.lon. Alder!<Vln Hoa1er moved 9.8 fln arnenc1ment ,to Alderl:1f.ln :R"l'(;.:.UrK19' :f1ot1on t1'll1t the ~f).tter be 1~14 over to next rer,U1Qr.mPotlN;. Alc1er;utln JOhJJHOIl lno'/ed as !:in Iimenam'Jnt to the f.;~ndlrllHlt mJ)r.1e bY Alder1nlln )tORler, th'Jt tn,=, lO~tt~r 'lJe l'J1d ~n the t!~ble 1nc.ef'ln1t.elYi ~uest1on hlHr,e on t.h~ llJ,lCndlfJont t" the u,I:iOoor,tHlt '...nu th~ :le~ nnd nllY vote dulY c'U~iJ~l.I'tH)Ul 1.0\1 ~lJ fOllOWS i k.l.d.erutin Ber.:l"Jlid ,t:1I1i; ,:;0:; leI' ,'j;O,US '/otlflC :il....~.; l;Ind .Aldermen B01"d\>:cll, Gl~f:lcr, Jor.nson, l'.elm, & RY!:lH 'foting 1e'-,; .? YC!:lG, 4 n~j.'s, 1'h~ raat 1011 to lndt.{'ln1Lel:r 1)08 tp'Jne W'.IS C<';'l'~'ll)d. 1i'~yor C'.irl ',;. BrunrICl'.prl1s.:mted '..I CO;",j-.~4Iilc,.tlQCl '-,ppolr.tl. G, L. Ii. OlfJrY.e, 0..:;1,:,.1' J<uJ. l~cG'~n[;,Al<lorJj.sn tJ.:]I",i':l:.[; <loa C. :.i,;. l;osler 'lS 'J. cOi;ur,1tf,6e to lnspect p"J'iJ.!.lc bund lJ1(;S l:i t::e c:1t.~' rel'.tlve to (:~d5ter.ce (Ji' :::ond1tio',S or 1'1J'e eac'J.pes on pullll~ lmilrl1ngs. wlt;l the l'6Cj1.lPSt Ii::!'..t such CO,J,:11.teo lm'est1;;',~&-uncl ~eport to council. tt,;;lr 'flndlr.t;8. to.;etoer ,"..lin !'e~oi.-.r:end.'ltlcn6, if' !Jny. , ' ~ . . . AlderIflun J;erclufld movecl th'..tt t110 cUy cont:'llJute ~.15 per rund'.i.Y to\rt:l~'dS plj,Yln;; f.. Cpecl6.1 Pollee for Base 11&.11 G(lmes h~l.ld on rumlf"~Ys durlnt:' th~ blj,ll selJson. loot lOB !..dopt,ed. COlJ1hiUm1.C!i.tlon frOl'l thd )....;.Il.jiidrS & u.erCht:lClts :1tfJ.t.e Dt:nK ,..O.it1nf," t'_J~t an1d B&nK be ae31;;u!.\.tc(! IJ.S f.l dupoS1tory for the funds ~,.~s presented Dud r6lJd and reL'erred to the F1wu;l"'e Co;:..a1ttee to report on tit next meotlnc. John Re1l1ey. rctlrlI1b ::i.roct COI;lirllm.1c.uer.l",reacnted ljU lnventory of tools 1n 111s possess 10n be::'oHl;lnS' to the clt.1 wh1ch W!"lS end.orsed bY And. C!lrlson. the pr -sent l:.cuIalJent. 01 motion of ,Uderm!'.n :~osler. the l~dles of the Germr..n Re....dlng Club.war-e gr~nte(l the r1Kht to pl!1ce 1'lower urns at such p..I.IJ.ces as sllo.ll be d6s1gnllted bY thO Strdet comm1ttee and. C1ty I;ng1ueer. Uot1on adopted. On mot10:1 of Alderm!"..n Berglund., the Ctll1wflter Gazette lIUS des1gn9.ted as the o:r1"1clc.l pJ;;,per for the ,ensu1ng year. 14ot10n o.dopteu. Qn loot10n of Ald.erJl1f.I,n JOhnson the pureht.&s1ng eomm1ttoo wo.s lnstructed to purchbse a new eloct. ror the F1re Depr..rtment. Uot1on adopted. lresldent K.1ng m9.de reJlll"J.l'AS pel'ta.1n1nf; to elty 9.1':'611"I'ln geneNJ.l 'lncl. urged thfit tha Aldermen be prompt 1n attending councll IllBt1t1ru;s at the t1me set ond urp,od t.hfit all work ln hf.t.rlllOny so &9 to Pl'Od.uce the best reSUlts. 1Ir. JOhn BOUl'd!.i.ltbS r..ppeDred and requested the Councll to tSke some Bct.lon toward ha71ne; the sand boX be~ong1ng to the Street Ral1wt1y company removed from the corner o'f 'l'h1rd and Chestnut Streets, and on .ootlon of Aldermnn Bordwell th03 mnt.ter wrA8 referred to ~he rtreet coo.1l1ttee. Kr. a. r.t. CQ1'll bppeared and f;.sked th~t he be allowed to use the stone crUSh- er bOloll{;1."~ to the CUy oncl 'LTe." to fu!'n1sn crusn8<l rocl< to the C1W for fl.OO pe~ yr..rd. d~llvered unyaUere on ~ln ~trdet, tne 01ty to p.&ce the crusher 1n place Q~ condltlon to operate, and on motlon ot Aldermnn Yoster the matter ~8 referred to the n,rect COJ~ua1tt6e to report on nt llext meeting. Resolut1on No. 2132 on payment or sundry b1llS, ndopted b)' 10M t"Ollow1nS vote. Yeas, Aldermen Berglund, BordWell, Glaser. JohID:lon,Kelm. ll.osler, Ryan, WellS and. Pres1dent King (9). IIbYB noLe. On mot1on of .I\ld.ermnn Glaser CO~!1c11 adJow'ned. Atte.t;a.vt?~.t1<"~) C1ty Clerk. - J/' ~ L; Pres fuent or C1ty Councl1. " . . ~.., , 9.,-..,.1 \ I ~ l . ! .