HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-05 CC MIN ,...... COUNCIL CIfAMBBR Stillwater, Minnesota September 5, 1972 7:30 P. M. REGULAR MEETING The _eting was called to order by President Powell The Invocation was given by Mr. Marshall. pre.ent: councilman Lammers, Peterson, Wohlers and President powe 11 Absent: Councilman Balfanz "1 City COOrdinator, Marshall: city Attorney, Xi_l: Super- intendent of Public works, Shelton: Public safety Director, Abratuuuon: Director of Parks and Recreation, Blekum; Consulting Engineer, Blliott: Chairman, Planning and zoning COmmission, Arndt. Also pre.ent: Press: Stillwater Bvening Gazette - Roger Gratiot Citizens: A. B. Jackson, Garry'lhompson, Orrin Thompson, Jeff Zoller, owen TholllilS, Ted Gillen. Mr8. Robert Johnson, James Lana (Attorney for A. B. Jackson). DlDnnDUALS__DBT.IU:.a.TIONS_PETrI'IOHS This was the day and tilllB set for a public hearing on the request of orrin Thompson HoDeS for a revision with the preliminary P1at of the Wildpines Subdivision. The notice of the hearing was published 6n August 25. 1972 in the Sti11water Bvening Gazette. the official newspaper of the city and copies were uiled to all property owners within 300 feet of the property. The Mayor then opened the hea't'ing. ORRIN TROMPSOH. presented to the Mayor and Council a layout of the proposed change for "Outlot B" which will now become single family dwellings rather than Townhouses. The planning COlllll'li.eion was concerned about the sidewalks for the ar. and aleo about the overall development which they would still like to .ee .0_ townhouse. included to give a variety of boMS for this new development. MR. MARSHALL explained that this "Outlot B" was the smaller p:>>rtion of the town- bouse.--there i. concern about the open space ana some recreation space in the center of the development. ORRIN THOMPSON .tatea that there is as mdch green area there would b. with 10 ToWnhouses - it is above and beyond the open space on the entire plat to the lake shore areas. COUNCILMAN LAMMERS felt that orrin Thompson should sit down with the planning commission and assure them that there would be plenty of open space. MAYOR POWELL asked if this were approved and it Mr. Thompson could be notified of the change and this be taken into consideration for the rest of the Town- houses in this development. 337 . . . . 338 (septembe~ 5, 1972 - cnntinued) . JEFF ZOLLER said the major concern of the Planning Commission was there might not be green space when it is put in, and make sure that there is a halt to this. He strongly urged that if the Council approved this, that they insist on sidewalks in the area.. They would like to see sidewalks on all four streets and defin itely on sunrise Boulevard. COUNCILMAN PE'l'BRSON asked what the reason for the request for the change and Mr. Thompson replied that the Townhouses in the ot,"l'or areas are not selling and there is a demand for single family dwellings. Also that in a large plat there should not be over l~ of the area for - ownhouses. COURCIIMAII PBftRSON asked how _..y Townhouses are proposed for the balance of the DevelopMnt and Mr.. Thompson answered that there are still 220 Townhouses which i. far above the l~ basis. COURCILMPdI PETERSON asked if at sometime in the future they would ask for rezoning in the other Townhouse areas and Mr. Thompson stated that they want to build r what the people want to buy and that he felt there was a place for 'l'oWnhouses but not as many as originally proposed. They had included nore Townhouses than was required and they are runaing out of single family lots to meet the demand. COURCI:r..IIUl PBTBRSQN aaked Mr. Blliott what effect this change would have on the sewer for the area and he replied that this WDuld have a smaller amount of flow with the single family dwellings. DUANE ARNDT stated that this change in concept would affect the overall approach to t:his area, and they would like to take a longer look at it. There would also be a considerable aa:tunt of traffic and had considerable discussion about side- walks for this area. COUNCILMAN PETERSON felt that this was a reasonable request of the Planning collllds.ion and thought it: wae worthwhile to have the Planning CoDl'ltitJsion study this utter further. MR. MARSIlALL stated that a delay in action on the approval of this plat would have a bearing on the sewer contract which is pending for thitJ area. MR.. ARNDT stated that some of the COlllllission will approve it and others who are ap{'rOaching the development in a different light and this change should be con- sidered and due to the large agenda ~ their last meeting they did not have enough time to really look at the full impact of this change on the whole development. MR. BLLIO'l"l' stated that Croixwood Avenue is to be surfaced this fall and they are most anxioUII to see the ;iurfacing done which will follow the sewer work in that street. MR. MPtRSHALL stated that we do have concern about portions of the Plat of croixwood *2. The plat could be accepted and they would look at the minor things later and let the planning commisaion do a little evaluation of the Preliminary Plat. COUNCILMAN WOHLERS atated that hia personal view was that he would rather have the houses than Townhouse.. DUANE ARNDT stated that it was his feeling that all of the streets surrounding this ltout1c.t B" 8hould have sidewalks - the Planning conaaission is in favor of having Eidewalks on all thru-streets -- any street that does not dead-end. MR. MARSHALL stated that in croixwood there are no sidewalks in Wildpines. have sidewalks). No. 1 they had talked about sidewalks and (Northland, Croixwood and Sunrise will have MR. ICIMMEL was asked if the council could make this change and he felt that this itJ an amendment to the plat and this change could be made. COUNCILMAN PETERSON felt that the Planning Commmssion deserved the opportunity to go over this again. . . . . . . (september 5, 1972 - continued) :3:~9 ~ . COUNCILMAN LAMMERS asked what would happen if they would delay action on the plat until the next meeting and MR. ELLIOTT stated it would delay the street construction and the season is getting late and the weather is an important factor in this type of work. COUNCILMAN PETERSON stated again that the Planning commission is concerned over the total development and felt their concern is well taken. He thought tM council owed them another chance to look at it since half of them were undecided on this matter and they should be given another shot at it. DUANE i\RND'T stated they wanted to CClnsider what the proposed change Mans to the total layout _ how they think i';. will affect the whole development. They may have so_ specific suggestions to the Council as to thinCJs it might do or wouldn-t do to insure that in the future development and original idea. that they had would be followed through. ~ MAYOR POWELL .tated that ToWnhouses are les8 desirable than single family dwellings but we should also have some of this type of housing, but that he was not sure that we need that many. DUANB AIU1D'l' said that the planning Commission wants the council to knoW that they are concerned with the overall sche.. overall what this would do to this community. ToWnhouses produce an entirely di.fferent kind of development, and they want to look at the overall impact or benefit to the City. MAYOR PONELL asked if we the council approved this request this evening and then ask the planning Commission to study it as approved and uke recommendations and he wanted the council's feelings about tha't and an op~nion frail the City Attorney, Mr. Ki....l. MR. KIMMEL stated that this is an:iil8ndment to the comprehensive Plan and felt that the Council could do what they wanted to do. COtJRCILMAN IAlDlERS agreed with the problem, but his main concern was in getting it done this year (street construction). He appreciated the Planning eonmission's concern and felt it was a legitimate request and they should view what they feel i8 acceptable and the change in -outlot B- and its relationship to the whole area. He felt that the Croixwood Boulevard and sunrise Avenue should have side- walks. He hoped that the planning COnlllission would take a good look at it _and call Mr. Thompson in also. On motion of councilman Lallln8rs, seconded by councilman Wohlers a reso lution was introduced -APPROVING THE CHANGE IN TIlE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF WILDPINBS AND ACCEPTING TIlE PLAT OF CROIXWOOD, THIRD ADDrrION. N (councilman Peterson opposed). (see resol~tions) TIlE MAYOR DECLARED A RECESS FROM 8.30 to 8.40 P. M. This was the day and time set for a public hearing on a request of Robert Steindorff for the vacation of a portion of Maryknoll Drive. The notice of hearing was published in the Stillwater Evening Gazette, the official newspaper of the City and copies were mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the property. The Mayor opened the hearing. DUANB BLLIOTT mentioned that the City must reserve a sewer easement in this area as there is a house West of this vacation. (Due to the fact that there was not a full council this matter will be continued to september 19th - no one appeared in opposition of said vacation at this meeting.) . . . . . . 340 . ~ . (September 5. 1972 - continued) A PETITION from residents on Lookout Street requesting a street light was presented by the City Clerk. On motion of Councilman peterson, seconded by Councilman wohlers the petition xor a street light on Lookout Street was accepted and the Director of Public Works was directed to have NSP install this street light on Lookout street. DISCUSSJ:ON 011 lJ"IIE PLAT OF cnc!HRARE'S LONG LAD ADD:rrmN.. MR. DUARB ELLIOTT explained that the lift station in Croixwood could s'''Irvice this are. and there would De an are. a..e.smant for the lift station ana .ewer could be delayed or could go in at the salllB tilll8 88 the sewers go in the orrin T~n are.. Be stated that it i. fe.sible to service the area with aewer and water through the ThollpSOD Developl88nt. He stated that there would have to be drainle ea.e_nte in the are. and Mr. Jackson wae in agreell:.~nt with euch ea....nt.. (X)UBCIUIAB PBTERSON a.ked about the percolation tests and Mr. IANO stated that this had been done and pre.ented the full report to Mr. Marshall for the file.. These lots will support septic tank. according to this report. MR. MARSHALL read the reconnendations of the Planning co_ission of June 26. 1972 regarding this plat. or addition. OOUHCILMMf ~MIIBRS was concerned about building permits without the sewers in this a'!".'ea. JI!l. LARD stated that the property owners will be required to hook up when the .ewers woula co.. in. COtJHCILMH IAlllBRS felt this should be referred to the Metro Sewer Board and. JACK SRBLTOR has talked to the Sewer Board and Mr. Ode approved it and it has beer. referred to the Municipal COmmission. COURCILMAH LAIMBRS felt that we r.hould proceed with caution on this matter. MR. JACICSON stated that they have been working on this for four years and he has been to the Washington county Planning regarding the roads. COUHCILIIAH LAWIBRS felt we should have so..thing in writing from the Metro Sewer Board mld the Metro Counci:a. on this and the attorney replied this is not necessary as to the legality.of approving the plat. COUNCILMAN LAl8lBRS stated action taken should be done with property study regard- ing the possible pollution of Long Lake. MR. IANO stated that the proper percolation tests have been taken and the ottl!l r things are taken care of within the convenants for this plat. MR. JACKSON stated there would be 12 houses on 12 lots here. Further discus.ion followed regarding the possibility of refusal by the Pollution Control Agency. D~ ELLIOTT said the City does have one problem regarding on-site sewer require- ments. MR. JACJ(SON stated that the drain fields nul t not pollute the lake and m_t be approved by the people in the area. The luts were laid out by a party from Midwest Planning. COUNCILMAN LAMMERS asked that they submit the proposea plans to the concerned people and have a good agreement and the neceLsary easements. MR. KIMMEL stated that we pass resolution agreeing to go aheaa and this resolution be referred to the Township attorn~ys for their approval. . . . . (september S. 1972 - continued) . . on notion of councilman Lamers. seconded by Councilman peterson a resolution was introduced "ACCEPTING THE PINAL PLAT OF COCHRANE1S LONG LAKE ADDITION". subject to certain conditions. (see resolutions). , MR. ROBERT JOHNSON - 604 West Myrtle Street appeared before the council in reference to the high speed traffic on West Myrtle Street and that recently a dog was killed and it could have been a child. , The Mayor and Chief Abrahamson assured Mrs. Johnson that an attempt would be made to correct the situation and that there had been two arrests recently on Myrtle Street for speeding. The Police Department could set up radar for this street and see what results this would have on the situation. - OLD BusnmsS None llEW BllSINESS 1. Mr. Marshall presented some facts on an agreement with the Department of Natural Resources for the Maintenance of the countryview Bicycle Trail. but since all details were not complete this matter was held over for a future meeting. 2. On motion of Councilman Peterson. seconded by Councilman Wohlers the Mayor and Cit.y COOrdinator were authorized to execute an agreement with washington County to authorize participation of the City in the EDlBrgency Employment program. 3. On motion of Councilman Laamers. seconded by Councilman Peterson the Clerk made the first reading by title of an Ordinance entitled nAN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 383. THE ZONING ORDINANCE. RElATING TO ACCESSORY BUILDING YARD SETBACKS". (See Ordinances) 4. No bids were received for the plexi-Glas8 for the Ice Arena. On motion of Councilman Lammers. seconded by councilman Peterson the Clerk was directed to re-advertise for bids for the plexi-Glas. for the Ice Arena and to contact the local contractors on this project. APPL:ICATIONS On motion of Councilman Peterson. seconded by councilman Wohlers the following contractor's Licenses were granted: Jbhn A. Dalsin & Son 2421 Bloomington Avenue Minneapolis. Minnesota 55404 Roofing (renewal) Earl A. Brown Constxuction 240 Edgecumbe Drive White Bear Lake. Minnesota 55115 General (new) Dennis caruth Box 186A. Route #3. Stillwater. Minnesota Excavating (new) . 341 . . \ ~. . . . 342 (September 5, 1972 - continued) Ruc:Jy J. Lenz 3045 North McKnight Road North St. paul, Minnesota 55109 Masonry (new) Markfort construction Co. 1830 Desoto St. St. paul, Minnesota Masonry (new) Martin 1ID_8. Inc. 6901 West Old Shakope. Roaa Bloollington, Minnesota 55438 General (new) R. J. Martin - univereal IIOme Improvement 1236 lIDhl..n St. paul. Minnesota General (new) Dennis Soblomka -- AM Pollution Control 1525 S. Sterling St. St. paul, Minnesota Excavating (new) On .:)tion of CouncillUD Peterson" seconded by councilman wohler. a Cigarette Licen.. was granted to John pazencUn, 242 North Main Street, Stillwater, Minnesota for four nonths. (new) I'INIIIIIIIII:CATroRS PrOlINE'S. William Roloff. 109 Bast Pine street requesting IIReeidentialParkinq Only. .:l.gn8 on Bast pine Street acrOBS from'the Junior High School. (ThiS letter was turned over to Chief Abrahamson) Prom. many citizens regarding weeds in the city of stillwater in the ravines and on the empty lots. (This letter was turned over to Mr. Blekum) CITY COORDINATOR' S REPORT 1. On motion of councilman Lanmers, seconded by CoUllC'U.un Peterson the recoaaendation of the Planning Coami8sion was approved for the appointMnt of Mary Lou True and Lea Kasun to serve on the Planning and zoning co.u..sion. (Councilun Wohlers opposed). COMAIJLTl:NG ERQIlIDR' S RBPORT 1. Mr. Elliott reported that on the proposed aasessment roll for the Local Improvement Ho. 98 there are streets which have no curb as opposed to those that did receive curbing all figured into the same project. Also on some streets there were ,costs to prevent erosion and in othor areas the streets were made wider and all of this is a benefit to the total assessment. (Sodding and concrete work still being done). Ray, Jack and Duane Elliott will meet on Thursday, September 14th to discuss individual assessment problems and appointments will be setup for the late afternoon and evening hours. . . . . . (:;=pL.;..,~",r 5. lS7~ - contin;::) 2. The matte:" of sidewalks on West Oak street between South william and South HOlcombe street will be considered on september 19, 1972. On motion of councilman wohlers, seconded by Councilman Peterson a reBolutiora was introduced "ACCEPTING PETITION, ORDERING PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY RBPOR'l' AND ORDERING HEARING ON SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY IMPROVBMEHTS. L. I. No. 108-1972. (Bearing date--setember 19. 1972 at 7:30 P. M. ) (see resolutions). PtIBL:IC SAPftY COUlflT'l'TEB REPORTS 1. IU'. Shelton was directed to remove the gas pipe on the South Side of the Police o,part_nt. POBL:rC WORKS None ADMINISTRATIVE None p~Dm: AND RECREATION 110 report CITY ATmRNEY'S REPORT None APpROVAL OF MtRUTBS on motion of council'\ n Peterson, seconded by Councilman Lammers minutes of the fol~in9' meetings were approved: July 25. 1972 August 3, 1972 August 8. 1972 AUJ uat 18, 1972 August 22, 1972 (Mayor powell deligence in ORDINANCES Regular Meeting Bid Opening Regular Meeting Special Meeting Regular Meeting complimented the Administrative committee reviewing and approving the above sets of 7,30 P. 3s00 P. 7i30 P. 3,00 P. 7,30 P. for their minutes) M. M. M. M. M. 1. First reading __ "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 383, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, RELATING TO ACCESSORY BUIWING YARD SETBACKS". ::143 . . . . 344 (September 5. 1972 - continued) RESOL11l'IONS On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers a resolution was introduced "DIRECTING TBB PAYMENT OF TIlE BILts. and "BMPLOYMBNT OF BARNBY BROWH AS BUILDING IHSPBCTOR. (repass). (see resolutions). The following resolutionswere read and were on roll call unanillDusly adopted: 1. Directing the payment of the Bills. 2. Approving the BlIPloyment of Building Inspector - Barney Brown (repass) 3. Approving the Change in the preliminary Plat of Wildpines and Accepting the Plat of Croixwood. Third Addition. 4. Accepting the Final Plat of Cochrane's Long Lake Addition. ,"-'" 5. Accepting petition, ordering preparation of preliminary Report. and Ordering searing on Sidewalk and Driveway Improvement8~Local IlIlprove..nt 110. 108-1972. a.n.TntIDlI1IIRII1'P On IIIOtion of Councillun Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers the _Elting adjournod at 9,50 P. M. ~~,,-~--- Atte.t,~fl 14./A l.1 ty Clerk Mayor . '- .