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Stillwater, Minnesota
August 22. 1972
7,30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order by President powell.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Marshall
councilmen Balfanz, Lanllwrs, Peterson, Wohler. and
President Pow.ll
Also pre.ent:
City Coordinator, Marshall, city Attorney. KillMl, Super-
intendent of Public Work., Shelton, Public Safety Director,
Abrah_on: Director ofpa:-ks anc:! aecreation,Blekum.r
Consulting Bngin..r, Blliott:
Stillwater Evening Gazette-Roger Gratiot
St. Paul Dispatch - Brosde
Michael Dunn, Mrs. Lyle Eckberg, Jerry Mahoney. David
Eckberg. Roger Hilde, Mr. & Mrs. Leighton Charlsen,
Pat White, Robert ABlesen, Erwin Bartkey" Robert Norgren,
James Sll1p8Oft, Jeff Zoller, Sonny Silverman, Mr. Wooster,
John DeCurtins. Tim Olds, Joyce and RobertSchaidt,pau1
S.ith, Shelter Corporation Representatives, Robert Liberty
1. This was the day and time set for a public hearing on a varian~ request froll
Michael Dunn, 1214 Harth Pirst Street, Case No. 122 to construct a garage in his
The notice of the hearing was published in the Stillwater Evening' Gazette, the
official newspaper of the City on August 11, 1972 and copies were mailed to all
r.sidents within 300 feet of the property.
'the Jlayor opened the hearing.
No one other than Mr. Dunn appeared regarding this request.
on motion of councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman Peterson the
variance request was granted to Mr. Dunn.
2. This vas the day and time set for a public hearing on a request of Roger Hilde,
705 West orleans Street to construct a swimming pool 18 his side yard, Case No. 124.
The notice of hearing was published in the Stillwater Ebening Gazette, the official
newspaper of the City on August 11, 1972 and copies were mailed to n\l residents
within 300 feet of the property.
The Mayor opened the hearing_
329 ·
(August 22, 1912 - continued)
Mrs. Lyle Eckberg, 715 West orleans Street stated there is no objection to
this request. They had an objection to the fence but Mr. Hilde has agreed to
cover the outside with vines and some type of bamboo on the inside. She came
to let Mr. Hilde know that they are interested and have no objection.
On motion of councilman Peterson. seconded by Councilman Balfanz
the request for the awiaming pool was granted to ME'. Hilde subject
to the recommendations of the Planning comiesion.
3. This was the day and time set for a publiC hearing on a request of swager Bros.
for a lot size variance to construct a home at 815 South ~eventh Street -
Calle No.. 135..
The notice of hearing was published in the Stillwater Evening Gazette, the
official newspaper of the City on August 11, 1972 and copies were mailed to
all residents within 300 feet of the property.
The Mayor opened the hearing.
MR. BRWIN BAR'rJCBY, 817 South Seventh Street presented to the Mayor and Council
a petition with 24 signatures of parties opposed to the construction of this
dwelling .
on IKttion of councilman Balfanz, sec::ondeCl by councilman Lammers
the lot size variance to construct a home at 81S South seventh
Street was denied to swager Bros.
This was the day and tilll8 set for a public hearing on a request of sarbara
Charlsen for a special Vse Permit to operate an antique shop in her home at
1030 Fourth Avenue South - Case No. 126.
The notice of hearing was published in the Stillwater Evening Gazette, the
official newspaper of the City on August 11, 1972 and copies were mailed to
all residents within 300 feet of the property.
The Mayor opened the hearing.
No one appeared other than Mr. & Mrs. Leighton Charlsen in regard to this
On motion of councilman Balfanz, seconded by councilman Peterson
a Special Use permit was granted to Barbara Charlsen to operate
an antique shop at 1030 Fourth Avenue Sout", subject 10 the
recol'lllD8ndations of the planning connis.ion.
S. This was the day and time set for a public hearing on a request of the Shelter
Development Corporation of Minneapolis for a Special Use Permit to construct
a SS unit apartment project on Bloeks 13 and 14, W~bster's Addition, Case No. 128.
The notice of the hearing was published on August 11, 1972 in the Stillwater
Evening Gazette, the official newspaper of the city and copies were mailed to all
residents within 300 feet of the property.
The Mayor opened the hearing.
The mew~ers of the Shelter DevelopmentCorporation were not present at this time
to make their presentation, so this case was continued after the recess at
8:30 P. M. (see page 331)
\ ,
(August 22, 1972 - continued)
1. Discussion was held regarding the concept plan in that the Council
approve the general concept which would not require a public hearing
and it would be private financing as opposed to federal aid.
On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
La....rs a resolution was introduced "ACCEPTING THE CONCEPr PLAN
2. On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Balfanz the
Clerk made the second reading of an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE
No. 496.
The ordinance was read section by section followed by roll call after
each section and all members of the council voted in the affirmative.
The chair then put the question, .Shall this Ordinance pass?- and on
roll call the Ordinance was unaninDusly adoptee;..
MR. SILVBRMAN of the parking Connittee of the St. croix vall,y Area of
co_rce stated that the meters must be policed within a period of minutes -
in most instances cars had gotten tags and this antagonized them. The
downtown merchants are in need of help as they are plagued by floods and
meters. They need help from the council - would like to keep the meter
maiO, but feel she is a little bit too conscientious. They would like free
parking on priday nights and all day Saturday and that the meter maid
should let up somewhat.
MAmR POWELL stated it would be difficult to let up on the policing in that
you let up for one and not for another.
WALLY ABRAHAMSON stated that the percentage of complaints is less than
three percent. The business men were the ones calling the Police Depart-
ment of not doing their job on the meters as cars were not noving.
MR. SILVERMAN asked if they could have the meters back in front of Reeds
and Mr. Abrahamson stated this was done by the State.
COUNCILMAN PETERSON asked what about the tokens - the city had the meters
filed and they spent $500.00 for tokens and they used them onee and have
never tried them again.
MR. SILVERMAN stated that they just don't work - that the businessmen will
not give them out as free as they should. If it is not done by everyone,
it will not work. He would like to Bee the use of pennie. eliminated
COUNCILMAN LAMMERS moved that the ordinance as originally drafted be
amended to allow free parking on Friday nights and all day saturday.
councilman Wohlers seconded the notion and it carried unanimously.
MR. PETER BROESELL from the Shelter Developmont Corporation presented their
proposed 55 unit Apartment Development on Blocks 13 and 14 Webster's Addition.
The proposed rents would be $99.75 for one bedroom, $156.00 for two bedrooms
and $182.50 for three bedrooms. This includes all utilities except the telephone.
The regular market rentals would be $150,00, $235.00 and $275.00 respectively.
Apartment. for young married couples or elderly people and families of limited
income. This is one of the forms of the 236 program and it has received a lot of
bad publicity on the management level. This is a new program which is about four
\ '
(August 22, 1972 - continued)
years old. The Metro council has reviewed this plan and has made a review of
this analysis. The site selection meets the need, location and social ana
recreation and Bud has checked it nut.
MR. Ml'RSHALL B\;~ted that they would be required to have a performance bond for
the on-site improvements and park equipment 6
MR. ELLIOTT will coordinate the drainage with the City staff. He will work
with the engineers from Shelter Development corporation on these matters.
The matter of fire exits will be coordinated with the city staff.
On motion of councilman Balfanz, seconded by councilman Peterson
a resolution was introducea "GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO SHELTER
DEVBtDPMBN'r CORPORATION- including the recommendations of the Planning
commission and consultation with the city Staff. (Councilman Lammers
opp)sed - see resolutions)
RBW BUS:IlmSS (out of order)
1. on motion of councilman Lanmers, seconded by councilman Balfanz.the
Public Safety Director was authorized to consult with the State Highway
Departllent regarding the installation of a Four-way stop Sign at the
intersection of South Holcombe and West Churchill Streets and a
resolution was introduced to this effect. (see resolutions).
oLD BUSIHBSS (continued)
On motion of councilman Lanaers, second-Ad by councilman wohler., a "resolution
wae introduced awarding the contract for Local Improvement He. 106 to the
low bidder, Kamar, Inc.. Blaine, Minnesota for the base contract with the
right to award the add-alternate if the plat change in CroixwoOd is made.
(eee resolutions).
(ozzie Spri~gsted suggested that the City renew its credit rating at a
cost of $600.00 aii one year has lapsed since this was done).
4.. The City Clerk presented to the council proposed forms of notice of sale
for $140,000 Temporary Improvement sonds of 1972, Series B. The for.. of
notice were considered and approved by the council, and the CleE'k were
directed to file said notice. in his office and to attach a copy thereof
to the minutes of this ..eting..
councilman peterson then introduced Resolution No. 4762, entitled
IMPROVEMEN'l' BONDS OF 1972, SERIES B-, and moved its adoption.
councilman Balfanz seconded the motion and upon vote being taken thereon,
the following voted in favor thereof: all members present (councilmen Balfanz,
Larrrners, Peterson, Wohlers and president powell) J and the following voted against
the same: none J whereupon the resolution was declared adopted by the required
four-fifths vote.
s. on motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman peterson a contract
was approved for a change in 01.1tlot B with the understanding that the contract
will include alternate provisions for the changing which calls for the
possible chanqe of 01.1tlot B to Single Family LOts.
\ I
(August 22, 1972 - continued)
6. on lOtion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman peterson the
Clerk made the second reading of an ordinance entitled -AN ORDINANCE
The ordinance was read section by section followed by roll call after
each section and all members of the council voted in the affirmative.
The chair then put the question, "Shall this ordinance pass?" and on
roll call the ordinance was unanimously am pted.
On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the
date of september 26, 1972 was set for a hearing on the renaadnq of
the proposed streets near the Washington county Building_
2. Discussion was held regarding the lease with the post office department
for certain property at the Northeast corner of Myrtle and Fourth Streets.
The city Coordinator was cUrected to consult with the postal authorities
and work out the solution to this lease.
3. On August 11, 1972 the following bid was received for the Ice Skate
Sharpening concession at the Lily Lake Ice Arena:
Robert Liberty
1012 South second street
Stillwater, Minnesota
Bid Price -- 65(:: per pair
On IIlDtion of councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Wohlers the
contract for the Ice Skate Sharpening concession at the Lily Lake Ice
Arena was awarded to Robert Liberty at the rate quoted.
4. On IIlDtion of councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Balfanz the
resignation of Melvin Fredrich from. the planning CaRlDi.sion was accepted
with reqret and the city Coordinator was directed to write a letter to
Mr. Fredrich to thank him. for his service on this CoJlll'llission.
Mr. Blliott prellented the plans for the storm water separation to the
Council and advised that he will Bend them on to the proper authorities
as aoon as they are completed.
6. Mr. Blliott advised that he will have a complete report on the Harth
Broadway eewwr and water project available at the Septelllbor 5, 1972
council meeting.
Mr. Blliott reported that the street and
concurrently with the sewer separation.
with the changes and will COII8 up with a
sidewalk plans
He will have a
final cost per
should be done
revised report
On motion of Councilman peterson, seconded by councilman Wohlers
the city's Engineer was directed to send a letter to the Contractor
to complete the project within a week on the 1971-72 project.
8. on motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz
resolutions were introduced setting the date of september 19, 1972 at
7:30 P. M. for the hearing on proposed assessments for the following
projects or local improvements:
1. L. I. No. 98, project No. 2-1971 (street reconstruction)
~. L. I. No. 102 - Sewer - West Hancock Street
2. L. I. No. 103 - Sewer and watermains - Wildpines. First Addition
(see resolutions)
(August 22, 1972 - colltinuea)
9. On motion of Councilman peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the
date of September S. 1972 was Bet for tho date for the hearing for a
revision in the preliminary Plat for the Croixwood Addition, outlot B.
On ID:)tion of Councilman peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the following
licenses were grant"ad:
James B. Wolf
517 Harth owen, Stillwater
Amusement Machines
Minne.ota package Products
3191 Viking Drive
Oakdale, Iforth St. paul, Minnesota
General Contractor
Report on the Municipal Water Supply from the Stat.e of Minn..ota Health Depart-
ment. (no action).
Prom Terry and Melvin Trombley claiming personal injuries to Terry at the Lily
Lake Swiaming Beach in the City of StillWater. (no action).
1. Mr. Marshall reported that we have been paying $20.000 for reserve capacity
for ~e past few years to the Metro Sewer Board. After January I, 1973
connections to the sewer system will be $350.00 per unit - $2:50.00 to the
Metro Sewer System and $100.00 to the City of Sti11watQr.
2. The IIIBtter of the License to Haul Over City Streets, Ordinance Ho. 329 WAS
repealed by Ordinance No. 379 so it will no longer be necesaary to license
such haulers in the City of Stillwater.
3. The matter of an assessment for a watermain construction 1970 at Myrtle
and Center Streets will have to be resolved.
Mr. Marshall reported that there are considerable poetage charges involved
in sending out hearing notices on variance and special use requests and
wondering about Charging the applicants for such charges. (He was instructed
to work out the details and report back to the Council at a future date).
1. On motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman Peterson a
resolution was introduced employing Robert Brothen as Manager for the
Lily Lake Park at a salary of $8,500.00 per year and said employment
to be effective September 16. 1972. (see resolutions). (Councilman
Wohlers opposed).
, ,
(August 22. 1972 - continued)
1. On motion of councilman I.a.mmers, seconded by Councilman Balfanz a
resolution was introduced authorizing the removal of the parking
meter in front of the Farmers and Merchants State Bank. (8ee
2. Mr. Abrhamson reported on the new conmunication system for tho County
which would be a four channel system wtaich change WDuld be completed
in April. The coat to the City of Stillwater to become a part of this
system would be $9,000.00.
Mr. Elliott discussed with the Council the matter t)f assessment policies
on the upcoming hearin._ regarding 100% assessment on the front side and
6~ credit on the long side of the lot.
Be had a problem on the West of Sherburne and Rice Street and on Mulberry
Street where the impro.vement terminated before the end of the block as
the street could not be constructed brond these points.
The matter of the railroad property was brought up and it was agreed thr.y
.hould be a.ses8ed lO~ of the 1200 feet and 35% of the 300 feet.
OLD BUSINESS (continued)
7. On motion of Councilman Laumers, seconded by Councilman Wohlers a resolution
was introduced employing Barney Brown as Building Inspector sUbject to his passing
a physical and being certified by the State before the end of his probationery
period at a salary of $8,800.00 per year effective September 16, 1972.
(see resohion.)
Second readings
The following resolutions were read an:1 on roll call were unanilll)usly adopted:
1. Accepting the Concept Plan of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
2. Granting a Special Use Permit to Shelter Development corporation
3. Authoriz.ing Four-Way Stop Signs rwest Churchill and South Holcombe Streets).
4. Ordering Improvements and Accepting Bid for Construction of Local Improvement
No. 106 (Croixwood. First Addition. water and sewer).
\ I.
(August 22. 1972 - continued)
providing for Issuance and Public Sale of $140.000 Temporary ImproveMnt
Bonds of 1972, Series B.
Ordering hearing on proposed ABseBsments, L. I. No. 98, Project 2-1971
(titreet reconstruction).
7. Ordering Hearing on proposed ABsess_nte L. I. No. 102 - Sewer - West
BU1COck Street
8. Ordering Hearing on proposed ABsess.nts L. I. No. 103 Sewer and
Watermains - Wildpines, Pirst AdC.ition.
9. Approving Emplo)'IIBnt of Recreation Center Manager - Robert Brothen.
10. Authorizing the Removal of a parking Meter (In front of P ~ M Bank)
Approving Blaployment. of Building Inspector (Barney Brown)
*Repa..ed September 5, 1972 - not published in the required time limit frolll the
August 22nd meting
On ..,tion of Councilman Wohlers, secondad by ~unci1lDan Peterson the Meting
adjourned at 10:10 P. M.
. Att..t. cX.JklNLUf(
ity Clsrk