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Stillwater, Minnesota
M~rcn 21, 1972
7:30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order by President Powell.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Marshall, City Coordinator.
Councilmen Balfanz, Lammers, peterson, Wohlers and President
Also Present:
city Coordinator, Marshall: City Attorney, Kimmel;
Superintendent of Public works, Shelton: Public Safety
Director, Abrahamson; Director of Parks and Recreation,
Blekum; Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, Arndt
Stillwater Evening Gazette - Roger Gratiot; St. Paul
Dispatch - Jim Walsh; WAVN - Mike McGrath
Jerry Mahoney, Rod Lawson, Jerry wallace, Robert Schmidt,
Clay Newman, William voelker, Jeff Zoller, Dave Borg,
Claire Erickson, Dave peterson, nenore Seqqelke, David
1. Mr. Dave Borg of School Dist~ict No. 834, Supervisor for the Ecology Club
expressed thanks to the City and the Council for their help in starting
the program and requested that due to the small size of their club and the
long hours inv-:>lved that the City take over the manning of the Recycling
Center on Saturdays. He suggested that possibly they could get a retired
gentleman to take over this Center on Saturdays.
Mayor PaYell expressed his disappointment in the program as it was his
understanding that the City would provide the barrels and the space,
and that the Ecology Club would take it from there and was sorry to hear
that they could not continue "1ith it.
Councilman Lammers stated t~at he initially felt that the students would
take over and that the City does not have the manpower to take over the
Mayor Powell stated that with some publicity that the Cicy could request
or aek acme other ~rganization if they would be interested in doing it _
like some Scout Troop or similar organization.
Mr. Borg agreed to approach the Scouts and other groups within the City.
Mr. Marshall suggested that possibly the hours could be limited to 9 to 1
rather than until five.
Councilman Peterson moved that we instruct the City Coordinator to publicize
the fact that we are looking for a group, through the news media, to man the
Ecology Center and perhaps we can find several Scout Troops that are willing
to take over on Saturdays and until that time the Ecology Club will continue
to man the Center.
Councilman Lammers seconded the motion. (all in favor).
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This was the day and time for a public hearing on a Special Use permit of
the Erickson Oil Co. to construct a service station at 510 south Main street.
The notice for the hearing was published on March 9, 1972 in the Stillwater
Evening Gazette, the official newspaper of the city.
The Mayor opened the hearing_
Mr. Claire Erickson explained that they plan to design tlte building to fit the
ecology of the city by putting in a Dore rustic type with the Colonial type
lighting and the Director of the Parks and Recreation has approved the shrubbery
and trees that will be planted in the area.
Mr. Duane Arndt, made a report from the planning Commission on this matter and
noted the fact that the entrance was to be on south ~in Street with the
building running essentially North and South. They were asked to make some
changes in the entrances which they did make. The building will be faced
with a maneored roof and the lighting will be toned down from the usual filling
station, and use of the road easement for traffic.
councilman Lammers questioned how they would propose to pin him. down to these
restructions and Mr. Arndt stated that it was the assumption of the Planning
commission that this would be written into the Special Use permit.
~yor Powell stated that a stipulation could be written into the Permit that
if this land were ~equired for a roadway that this might be allowed without
paying for same - an easement type of agreement.
Councilman Lammers felt that the Council was not in a position to take final
action on this matter until they could see a copy Qr the final proposal and
tne drawings of the proposed building, etc.
~yor powell suggested that this hearing be continued until the next regular
Jerry wallace of NSP stated that right at this D'Dment they are not considering
any improvements in the area, and that it would be sometime in the future before
they will be in a position to relocate the sub-station. There is a possibility
of improving the image of the present building and he felt that the Erickson
business would be an asset to the area.
~. Rod Lawson stated he had no objection to a filling station.
that the matter of signs be included in this and that the permit
some way so that if the traffic routes are changed so that it is
to pay him onJ.y for the land involved.
He thought
be written in
not necessary
~. Erickson stated that in their plans there would be vacant land where the
roadway will come in as it is proposed now. He said they would curtail the
building signs somewhat. but they do need signs for identification.
On motion of Councilman Balfanz. seconded by Council~n Peterson
this hearing will be continued until the next meeting and Mr.
Erickson will give the council some sketches of the building -
all in favor. - April 4, 1972 meeting_
councilman Lammers also requested that the Council receive a written report
from the planning commission on this request which ~. Arndt agreed to.
This was the day and time for a Public Hearing on a Variance Application from
garold pauley. Case No. 114-A to move in a house at 811 West Maple Street.
The notice for hearing was published on March 9. 1972 in the Stillwater Evening
Gazette. the offic~.al newspaper of the city. and notices mailed to all property
owners within 300 feet.
The Mayor opened the hearing.
(March 21, 1972 - continued)
LENORE SEGGELKE. 618 North Owens objected to the variance as according to the
ordinance the lot is too narrow for a bUilding and she has a drainage problem
in her driveway from this particular lot.
DAVID PETERSON, who was representing his uncle's property adjoining on the
other side was opposed to this v~riance and also presented to the Mayor a
petition signed by 19 property owners in the area who were also opposed to
the variance which was proposed for the house to be Dk)ved onto this lot.
COUNCZLMAN PETERSON stated tha~ the variance in this case is the total square
feet which is 2,000 feet short of the required 7,500 feet and that if the house
were located in the center of the lot there would be 13 feet on either side
and the ordinance requires orty a total of 15 feet on both sides or 7~ feet
on each side.
MRS. SEGGELKB stated that if they decided to put in a driveway there would be
nothing there for it and due to the fact that this lot is higher than her
property and the other existing lots there is a definite drainage problem in
the area.
of the Old Original City and was platted before the Zoning ordinance and it
should be considered a buiadable lot and their recommendation for approval was
limited to this specific house being put on this lot.
DAVID PETERSON questioned the reg~lations of the sub-division ordinance.
MR. KXMMEL explained that the Council may still grant a building permit for
~his lot. The Council has granted a number of building permits on those
lots in other areas of the City.
A RESIDENT on the corner of Maple and Owens stated that this would not enhance
the neighborhood and felt that it should not be allowed.
MR. ROBERT SCHMIDT, stated that he is the owner of several fifty foot lots in
Stillwater and he would like to build houses on them.
COUNCILMAN LNDIBRS stated that we have an obligation to the developer of a lot
and also an obligation as to whether or not the development will have adverse
effect on the neighbors. and the Council is bound to look at each proposal.
On motion of Councilman Lammers. seconded by Councilman Peterson
the Council denied the request of Harold pauley to move in a house
at 811 West Maple Street, Case No. ll4-A.
MR. BRUCE HUBBARD AND PETER BOOSALIS appeared before the Council asking for the
passage of a resolution "PrOViding Participation by the City of Stillwater in the
Federal Rent Supplement Program".
Mr. Boosa11a explained that this is only in the concept stage with a possibility
of 80 dwelling unics, - 24 one bedroom 38-two bedroom. and 18 three bedroom units.
This would be under the 236 Program with rent charges of $99.50 per month for
one bedroom unit, $155.50 for two bedrooms and $179.60 for three bedrooms with
all utilities paid. The low income level is $4.800 for one bedroom; $7.500 for
two bedroom; and $8,000 for the three bedroom units and based on 25% of your
income for rent for rent payments would be $30.00 per month for one bedroom;
$46.00 for the two bedrooms and $ 54.00 for the three bedroom uni ts.
COUNCILMAN LNMMERS questioned if we would get the full aSBessed evaluation from
such units.
BRUCE HUBBARD stated that there is a 50% abatement of taxes which is State Law
in the State of Minnesota. and the taxes would be $29.000.00.
\ 4.
(March 21, 1972 - continued)
COUNCILMAN LAMMERS questioned if a study had baen made for the need for the
proposed number of units.
MR. BOOSALIS stated that they had looked at the total number of housing units
in Stillwater and that out of a total of ~.lOO dwelling units 854 are multiple
family units or 21%. He further stated tnat of these SOD of these rented
for $100.00 per month or less: 230 were $100 to $149: 103 were $150 to $200.
and 9 units over $200 per mo~'1th. This information is based on the 1970 census
COUNCILMAN LAMMERS felt that the Council should see some pretty final plans
and pretty definite ideas of the needs before such a resolution was passed,
and possibly some other area maybe more condusive for this project.
MR. BOOSALIS exp:lained that the resolution has nothing to do with the location
and type of units, and it is still in the planning stage.
COUNCILMAN BALFANZ questioned the amount of indoor recreation space and the
representative stated that as the total number becomes smaller it is somewhat
difficult to provide a lot of recreation facilities and that it would have to
be 80 to 100 units before you can look into this. He further stated that they
had already applied for the Hud Grant.
COUNCILMAN LAMMERS questioned what information was on the application and he
was told that they had proposed 80 units.
MR. KIMMEL asked what role this would play and also what if another proposal
comes in.
The representative explained that HUn would take the action.
MR. KIMMEL questioned whether this would interfere with the housing for the
elderly, and MR. BOOSALIS stated that this would fill the gap between the
housing for the elderly and would relieve the pressure on the Housing Authority.
~YOR POWELL felt it was unfair due to the tax relief of 50%.
MR. BOOSALIS stated that is passes the budget on to the residents in the area by
the rent supplement program.
COUNCILMAN LAMMERS stated that he felt very strongly against the wording of the
resolution, and that action shouLd be delayed.
MR. ARNDT wanted to know where the data came from and numerous other questions.
MAYOR POWELL directed that there would be a special meeting of the City Council
with the Planning Commission on April 3rd to review this matter in greater
LLOYD BODLOVICK appeared before the Council in reference
locating the sewer stub-in to his property on West Olive
that Lyle Anderson had paid $270~OO for water or sewer.
were raised about this sewer project and the location of
to the difficulty in
Street. He stat~d
Numerous questions
the stub- ins.
Mayor Powell directed that Mr. BOdlovick meet with Mr. Shelton
to go over these plans and get this matter squared away so that
Mr. Bodlovick can proceed with the construction of his home.
1. On motion of Councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman Balfanz, the Council
authorized the moving a house by Robert Steindorff on a lot on West Orleans
Street providing the proper percolation tests were taken and that when sewer
becomes available that they be requirec to hook up. (all in favor).
(March 21, 1972 - continued)
On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers the
the =ec:ond reading of an Ordinance "Adopting the Washington County Model
Subdivision Code be carried over until the next regular meeting on
April 11, 1972.
1. On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz purchase
of the following securities from the City of Stillwater as principal was
approvwd by the First National Bank of Minneapolis Escrow Account:
USA Treasury Bills due March 31, 1972
On motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman Wohlers the following
licenses were granted:
M. Bakke, Inc.
481 Burgess, St. Paul
Masonry Contractor
Irving Nelson
3747 New Brighton Road. St. Paul
General Contractor
Dennis Ste. Marie
1116 South Fifth St., Stillwater
General Contractor
Harold Chatt~rton
204 North Main Street. Stillwater
Cigarette & Soft Drink
Sherman Gordon
207 B. Nelson Street. Stillwater
Junk Dealer
From the Andersen Corporation. Bayport stating they are in favor of the crossing
South of Stillwater for the proposed location of the new bridge on the St. Croix
Prom Harold and Jean Brown and Rev. and Mrs. Paul F. Smith in reference to the
ravine areas between Olive Street and Myrtle Street from William Street to
Harriet Street. (This matter was taken carE of under the Public Works Committee
FrOm John Ulsrud asking that the City consider making the property North of
Mckusick Lake into a park site.
On motion of Councilman peterson. seconded by Councilman Lammers
this letter was referred to the Recreation Commission.
From Franklin Hamm filing a complaint as the result of the City Water Main
freezing in front of his home at 1505 North Second Street.
Mr. Hamm ~as present at the meeting and explained that he had
'..lved in this home since May 1959 and never had a freeze up
before this year after the new street was put in. It was the
Main in the street that was frozen, and not the line into his
This matter was referred to the Public Works Committee and the City
Engineer to check out.
(March 21, 1972 - continued)
Mr. Hamm further complained about the amount of snow coming off of the
tenth green of the golf course. He stated at one time there was a snow
fence installed at that point which was very helpful. With the deep
snow on North Second Street, the Water Department was unable to find the
fire hydrant.
He also stated that the sodding has settled 5 to 6 inches and questioned
who would take care of this cost.
On motion of Councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman
Peterson the City Coordinator was instructed to send a
letter to the Board of Directors of the Golf Club indica-
ting a desire to erect a snow fence up there.
1. Mr.. Marshall reported that there had been a meeting of the Housing
Authority on the ~~u8inq for the elderly this date and their time
tables have been set up.
2. On motion of Councilman peterson, seconded by Councilman 'Wohlers the
date of the spring cleanup was left to the diso:'etion of the City
Coordinator and the Superintendent of Public Works depending upon the
weather. (They will pickup bagged leaves and twigs and small bundle.
of branches and then possibly have a transfer station or parked truck
for larger disposal i t6ms. )
3. ME'. Marshall reported tha t he has one bid of $1,000.00 for photographing
the trees in Stillwater to determine where the diseased trees are lo~ated.
4. Mr. Marshall stated that it is time to send out the Pire Contracts for
the neighboring Townships.
Chief Abrahamson reported that we made the following fire runs
in 1971--
Stillwater Township 34
Grant Township 36
May Township 5
On DIOtion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers the City
Coordinator was instructed to send out the Fire Contracts to our
participating Townships at the same rate as last year.
JIr. Marshall reported that the testimony has been l:omp1eted on the
petition to annex property from Stillwater Township to Oak Park Heights.
The Connis.ion decided to expand the Hooley-Feely petition not only to
include the ~perty petitioned for, but all of the remaining property
in StillWater Township South of Highway 96. The City will appear on
May 25, 1972 to proceed with the testimony as far as the Hooley-peely
Petition and present to the Commission a proposal as far as the property
in Stillwater Township lying South of Highway 96,and Stillwater Township
is to present their facts at the same time and place.
Mr. Kimmel, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Johnson will have a meeting and report
back to the City Council.
6. Mr. Marshall has been in contact with Mr. ChUCk Swanson, Washington
County Engineer regarding the maintenance repair of Laurel and Pine
Streets to apply a thin overlay which will be paid for out of State
Aid Maintenance Funds.
7. On motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman Wohler~ the date
of April 4, 1972 at 7:30 P. M. was set for a public hearing on the proposed
construction of a dike.
(Vote on the motion was as follows:
Ayes--Balfanz, Wohlers, Powell
Nays--Lammers and Peterson )
(March 21. 1972 - continued)
8. Mr. Marshall asked about the job assignments for John Lawson as to
the meter repair. The questions is whether we will hire someone to
take over the meter repair or hire another building inspector. No
decision was reached at this time.
(See written report from Mr. Shelton in the files)
Letter from Mr. & Mrs.Harold Brown and Rev. & Mrs. Paul P. Smith regarding
the ravine between Olive and Myrtle Streets.
This matter waa referred to Mr. Shelton and Mr. Blliott to check out
and report back to the Council.
2. Complaint from Mr. Jacobson and Mr. Hamm in reference to the water freeze
up was taken care of under "Communications".
3. Mr. Shelton reported that he had called another company after he made up
his report and he could get two sweepers for $21.00 per hour anc! the total
would be about $800..00.. He further reported that we had a savings of five
to six thousand dollars by using fly ash for the streets rather than sand
and salt.. The fly ash that is picked up will be stockpiled at the old
On IlIOtion of Councilman peterson, seconded by Councilman Lammers
the Superintendent of Public Works was authorized to hire two
sweepers for 2Js days or one for five days to facilitiate the cleaning
of the streets.
councillDlUl Wohlers complained about the condition of the sddewalks on Myrtle
Street between William and Everett Streets on the South Side.
The City Engineer will look into the matter and report back to
the Council.
They will present a complete financial report for the Arena sometime next month
a. they soon will be winding up their activities out there.
The fol~in9 resolutions were read and on roll call were adopted:
. 1. Permanent Appointment of Meter Maid and Increasing Compensation for the
Meter Maid.
2. Order Hearing for the Construction of a Dike (Councilmen Lemmers and
Peterson opposed).
(March 21, 1972-continued)
* Repassed March 24, 1972
On motion of Councilman peterson, seconded by councilman Balfanz the
meeting adjourned at 10:20 P. M.
City Clerk