HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-25 CC MIN 214 .' COUNCIL CHAMBER Stillwater, Minnesota January 25. 1972 7.30 P. M. REGULAR MEETING The meeting was called to order by President Powell The Invocation was given by Mr. Marshall. Present: councilmen Balfanz, Lammers, Peterson, t:ohlers and Presiaent Powell Absent: None Also Present: City coordinator, Marshall: City Attorney, Kimmel; Super- intendent of PUblic works, Shelton: Public Safety Director, Abrahamson: Director of Parks and Recreation, BlekumJ Consulting Engineer, Elliott press: WAVN - Mike McGrath Citizens: Jeff Zoller and Jerry Mahoney DELEGATIONS - INDIVIDUALS - PETITIONS Mr. Al Ranum was scheduled to appear at this time to discuss the activities of the St. Croix Valley Youth Commission, but was unable to be in attendance. The St. Croix valley youth Commission will have an organizational meeting with Mr. Robert Richards about their future proqrams. and it is their intention to use .~e old presbyterian church Building as a temporary location for their activities. They would like to have a full- time paid director for their new program. Mr. Ranum will appear at the February 8, 1972 meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Discuss ion Ordinance. meeting on was held on the Revisions in the proposed Multiple Dwelling This proposed Ordinance will be considered at the planning commission January 31. 1972. NEW BUSINESS 1. on motion of Councilman Lammers, seconded by councilman Balfanz a resolution was introduced "APPOINTING ROGER PETERSON, WlI' H RAY MARSHALL AS ALTERNATE DELEGATE. AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE TO THE METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR DISTRICT SIX". (Councilman Peterson abstained from voting - see resolutions) 2. on motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the Clerk made the first reading by title of an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMF~DING ORDINANCE NO. 368, ESTABLISHING S~iER SERVICE CHARGES, ORDINANCE NO. 377, RELATING TO CONNECTION TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYJTEM, AND ORDINANCE NO. 426 RELATING TO SOLID WASTE COLLECTION". (see Ordinances) r ,- ~ , '- . . . . . . ,......, ~ . (January 25, 1972 - continued) 215 . 3. On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the Council approved the contracts for the police and Fire Departments and authorized the city coordinator and Mayor to sign these contracts and that the new vacation schedule be for the police Department only. 4. There was discussion on a request from swager Bros., Inc. for a permit to install an individual sewage system for a new home to be built on Lot 12 Lakeview Terrace and also Case No. 114 for a variance on the side yard requirements. Mr. Marshall was directed to order a percolation test and to investigate the State Health regulations regarding such problems with sewers that drain over the top of the ground and down the streets. Also this matter is being referred to the Planning Commission. 5. The Public Safety Director had presented a memo to the city Council regarding the dog problems in the city. He proposed that the pickup charge for stray dogs and problem dogs be raised to possibly $25.00, and if an owner has a good dog he would take better care of it. We should also make it known that we will dispose of them. In addition the police will enforce the licensing portion of the ordinance when picking up dogs and make the owner obtain a license before the dog is released - hold them for three days before they are taken away or destroyed. on motion of councilnan Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the clerk made the first reading by title of an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENTlING ORDINANCE NO. 381, AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS, ES'l'ABLISHING PERMIT FEES FOR KEEPING OF DOGS, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOIATION AND REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES". (see Ordinances) APPLICATIONS On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Lamers the following ~ontractorls Licenses were granted under ordinance No. 448: (renewals) Bill Jonk R. #1, Stillwater, MinnesotQ Masonry Rivercrest Construction Co. Stillwater, Minnesota General Hugo waara (A-l Drywall, Inc.) 50S Black oaks Lane, Wayzata, MD. Drywall Application and Installation On motion of councilman Wohlers, seconded by Councilman Balfanz an "OFF-SALE" 3.2 Beer License was granted to Jack Hooley dba Hooley's Supermarket, 405 East Myrtle street, Stillwater. (renewal~ . COMMUNICATIONS A letter from the Metropolitan Sewer Board explaining their 1972 bill. (no action). (THE MAYOR DECLARED A RECESS FROM 8:35 to 8:45 P. M.) . . . 216 . . (January 25, 1972 - continued) CITY COORDINATOR'S REPORT 1. On motion of councilman peterson, seconded by councilman Balfanz the council followed the recommendation of the Recreation commission for the appointment of Bill Herzog and MrS. Craig (Jeannine) Hoffbeck from the School District to serve on this commission. (Mr. Herzog is t~e replacement for the late William O'Brien). 2. Mr. Marshall informed the council that there will be $20,000.00 avail- able for bike trails in Washington County and the city should be con- sidering which streets should be used in the city of Stillwater for these trails within their limits. On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Lammers this matter was referred to the Recreation commission for their study and recommendation. 3. Mr. Marshall explained to the council that the county is contracting for evaluations studies on a number of lakes within the county and included in this study will be Long Lake in the new Wild pines Addition. He asked if the council was interested in contracting with this same agency to have studies done on Lily Lake and MCKUsick Lake. After considerable discussion, on motion of councilman Lammers, seconded by councilman Balfanz the study of Lily Lake was authorized. After further discussion the above motion and second was withdrawn and the following motion made and carried: On motion of councilman Lammers, seconded by councilman peterson that the Director of Recreation send samples to the sewage Treatment Plant for analysis of Lily Lake and McKusick Lake. Motion carried. 4. Discussion was held on the sewer connection charges for multiple dwellings which is now $50.00 per unit with a maximum of $300.00. Ordinance No. 368 will be amended to make a change in this connection charge. 5. Mr. Marshall reported that Mr. Brooksbank who is proposing to build a houseboat dock on the st. Croix River next to City owned property will. use the top of the bluff for egress and ingress so there would be no concern for the city on this matter. 6. Mr. Marshall and Mr. Kimmel reported that the lawsuit filed by Bud Jagusch was settled- the damage settlement was $500.00 and in addition the city agreed to do certain things to alleviate the problem. There is to be a ohange in his hookup ;ervices, to the wet-tank there will be a backup valve at this point and some type of switch. ~he city is to investigate the cost of a montoring system on that lift station and also the cost of doing it for all of the lift stations. possibly there could be a warning in city Hall if the lift station quits working by a light turning on. On motion of councilman Lammers, seconded by councilman Wohlers this matter was referred to the Director of Public Works and Duane Elliott for study and recommendation at the nest meeting of the Council. 7. Mr. Marshall announced that Representative Quie will meet with the city council and other officials in the area on Monday. February 7. 1972 at 8:00 P. M. r r . . . . . ("'"' r, ',,_J ,.., w '- ..... '-.,/. . (January 25, 1972 - continued) 8. Mr. Marshall announced that Tuesday, February 1, 1972 there will be a joint meeting of the City Council. Housing Authority, and the Planning Commission to go over the Housing Authority.s plans with Carl Dale and then on F~bruary 8th there will be a hearing with the Highway Department and the Chamber of Commerce regarding certain meters to be removed in the Downtown area. 9. Mr. Marshall announced that the annexation hearings will be continued on February 24, 1972 and the first hearing on the Hooley-Feely Annexation will be heard on the same date. On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers Duane Elliott was authorized to meet with the planner and engineer for Stillwater Township. COHSULTXNG ENGINRJ!R"S REPORT 1. Mr. Elliott requested that we furnish him with a copy of the bill and billing procedures from the Metro Sewer Board to the City of Stillwater for his study. 2. Regarding the matter of a private sewer system on pr~perty in Lakeview Terrace he recommended that this matter be thoroughly investigated before the permit is granted. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC SAFETY 1. Chief ~ahamson informed the Council that he had granted permission for the use of the Council Chamber for Saturday, February S. 1972 for a class and film on Domestic Problems, which is a training session for the police departments in the area through the university of Minnesota. 2. Six people have completed the emergency class - 100 hours in training on a voluntary basis. 3. Chief Abrahamson informed the Council that they have ~een iS9uing an average of SS tickets for Parking Violations since January 1. 1972. PUBLIC WORKS None ADMINISTRATIVE None PARKS AND RECREA'l ION councilman Balfanz presented the following items: 1. Jake Schmoeckel be considered a full-time employee and Howard Anez be considered a part-time Park Help. (no action taken). 2. Consider employing a part-time Relief Man for three - eight hour shifts at the Arena to reduce Mr. Blekum's hours. (no action taken at this time). 217 . . . 218 . (January 25, 1972-continued) 3. That the following specs be drawn and bids let; ALTERNATIVE A-l. cyclone Fence North and South Ends of Hockey Boards - 10 feet high 2. plexi-Glass 2~ feet high East and West Sides of Hockey Boards ALTERNATIVE B-3. Plexi-Glass North and South ends of Hockey Boards - 10 feet high 4. Plexi-Glass 2~ Feet High East and West Sides of Hockey Boards. (no action taken) 4. A complete redesign of the lobby as it is inadequate. (NO action). 5. Sealed bids be taken allowing a skat8sharpening business in the Arena. considerable discussion was held at this time regarding this matter and the decision was to advertise for bids to be returnable at 4:30 P. M., Tuesday, February 8. 1972 on a flat rate basis with a $50.00 per month rental fee. (Motion by councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman wohlers and carried). 6. Discussion was held re9~ding the skate gl.1ards since they are n;)f; working out satisfactorily at the Arena. There will be one Auxiliary policeman at the Arena.wben there is open skating to alleviate some of the problems that have been occurring in the past. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT None APPROVAL OF MINUTES on motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers minutes of the following meetings were approved: December 21, 1971 January 11, 1972 Regular Meeting Regular Meeting 7:30 P. M. 7.30 P. M. ORDINANCES 1. First Reading - "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 368, ESTABLISHING SEWER SERVICE CHARGES", ORDINANCE NO. 371, RELATING TO CONNECTION TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, AND ORDINANCE NO. 426 RELATING 'l\) SOLID WASTE COLLECTION" . 2. First Reading _ "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 381, AN OR1)INANCE REGULATING THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS, ESTABLISHING PERMIT FEES FOR KEEPING OF DOGS, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND RBPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES" . RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were read and on roll call were unanimously adopted: 1. Appointing Roger Peterson, with Ray Marshall as Alternate Delegate, as the City's Representative to the Metropolitan Sewer Board's Advisory committee for District Six". 2. pirecting the payment of Bills. 3. vacation of Cherry and Harriet Streets (repass) . . (" ,- ~ ,- ! ~ c . . ("""'. ADJOURNMENT (January 25, 1972- continued) On motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman Wohlers the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M. ~~;~e~p Attest; ." ...., ; 1 w .~ Mayor 219 . . . .