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Stillwater, Minnesota
october 12, 1971
7.30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order by President powell.
The Invocation was given by city coordinator, Marshall.
councilmen Balfanz, Lammers, Peterson, Wohlers and
President Powell
Also Present:
City Coordinator, Marshall: City Attorney, Kimmel;
Director of Public Safety. Abrahamson, Director of Parka
and Recreation, Blekum; Superintendent of Public work.,
Shelton; Consulting Br~ine.r, Elliott
WAVH - Mike McGrath
Citizens s
Jerry Mahoney. John DeCurtins. Merry Bhnert, Al Bhnert,
Fred Durocher. *8. Gary Baggott
Prom Robert Steindorff, Vice President of T & L. Inc. requesting the vacation
of Maryknoll Drive lying south of the South line of Qakridge Road in pairlDeadows
No. 3 Addition to the City of Stillwater.
On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman
Wohlers this petition was tabled until it is in proper order
and also until the matter of the plat of Wild pine. i8 finalized.
MBRRY BlDlBRT, An Student presented to the Mayor a letter from the Mayor of
surn.ide, Australia, W. H. W. Roney which he read at this ti...
PRBD DUROCHBR, 1502 West Olive appeared before the Council in reference to this
as.e..ments for utilities on his property. He stated that he had paid for the.e
.ervieee when Olive Street was done and Mr. Shelton stated that they were not
charged for them llut they were suppose to have been stubbed in at that time.
What be paid for was renewed water services and a very small portion for the cost
of the street which wae done by the County.
MAYOR POWELL stated that if we allow this to Mr. Durocher in this instance we
will establish a precident which would get the council in trouble. So many
times this doe. happen and the Council has to protect the City's money the best
they can. He told him that he could go to court and let a third party decide
the issue.
Mr. Durocher stated that to him it was the principle of the whole thing - he is
not going to pay for something that he did not get.
161 .
(october 12, 1971 - continued)
MR. lUMMBL stated that Mr. Durocher had requested that the service be put into
the road and the service was installed because the engineer and council ordered
it because of the development of the road. Even though the service is in the
wrong place it was in the project and the service is available to him. There
is no assessment required to hook up to this stub-in.
The Council.. decision was to grant no further reduction in Mr.
Durocher'. assessment than was granted at the october 5, 1971
council meeting which was $239.09 for the amount of one sewer
and one water service.
On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Balfanz the Clerk was
to authorize to make the second reading of an ordinance Amending Ordinance
Wo. 383. The zoning ordinance, Relating to Enforcement and Administration.
After some discussion on this proposed ordinance, councilman
Peterson withdrew his motion for the second reading of this
ordinance, and councilman Balfanz withdrew his second.
On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Lal'llll8rs
this proposed ordinance was referred to the Administrative committee
for study and recommendation, and also the Building Inspector.
On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz an Ordinanee
AMnding ordinance No. 383, the zoning ordinance, Relating to special Use
Permits, Side Yard setbacks, and Supplementary Regulations was referred to
the Administrative commit~ee for their study and recommendation before the
Council has the second readinq.
On motion of councilman Wohlers, seconded by councilman Balfanz a resolution
was introduced Deterndnp9'the City Tax Levy for the Year 1872. (see resolutions).
on motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Lanmers a resolution
was introduced Cancelling certain Tax Levies for the Year 1972. (see resolutions).
on mot:..,:)n of councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Balfanz a resolution
was introduced Authorizing Certain Inter-Pund Transfers. (see resolutions).
Discu.sion was held about making the final payw~nt and acceptinq the work of
T. A. Schifsky and Sons for the work at Lily Lake Park and Mr. Elliott was
asked to check on some of this work and payment would be withheld until every-
thing was in order.
On motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman wohlers purchase of the
following securities from the city of Stillwater as principal was approved, Fiz.t
National Bank of MinneapoliS Escrow Account:
USA Treasury Bills Rec.
Yield 4.25
due 10/31/71
Trade Date ~ 10/1/71
On motion of councilman peterson, seconded by COuncilman Balfanz a resolution
was introduced Relating to certain Funds (name changes, and new funds. etc~).
(see resolutions).
(october 12, 1971 - continued)
At 2z00 P. M. the consulting Engineer and the city CoorClinator opened the
following bids for the construction of Local Improvement No. 102 (sewer on
West Hancock Street).
Sid No. 1
Maplewood Plumbing
St. Paul. Minnesota
Bid Bond
Total Bid
Bid No. 2
Erwin Montgomery construction Co.
O..eo, Minnesota
Bid Bond
Total sid
Bid No.3
Moelter construct.ion Co.
Stillwater, Minnesota
Bid Bond
Total Bid
Mr. Duane Blliott recommended that the low quotation from Maplewood
Plumbing be accepted.
On IIIDtion of councilman wohlers, .econded by councilman Balfanz
a resolution was introduced awarding the contract for the const~uction
of Local Improvement No. 102 to the Maplewood plumbing, St. paul for
a bid quotation price of $3,542.00. (see resolutions).
on motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman wohlers the Director
of Public Safety was authorized to prepare specifications to adverti.e for bids
for two police reUB, said bids to be returnable November 23, 1971 at 4:30 P. M.
on motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by councilman Peterson the following
licen... were granted:
Pete R. Rudd
Route 12, Rush City, Minnesota
orrin E. Thompson construction corp.
Bdina, Minnesota
Lee's Construction Co.
No~th St. paul, Minnesota
Style-Rite Builders, Inc.
Lawrence Rumpf
Stillwater, Minnesota
Junker Dealer
Robert L. Germain
Stillwater. Minnesota
Gregory Rosemark (Pla Mar)
operator's License and
Amusement Machine
163' .
(October 12, 1971 - continued)
From Jack Felix, 513 South Greeley Street for an "Off Sale" 3.2 Beer License.
(first reading)
From Viola J. Sherin. 115 West Myrtle - Notice of Claim of a personal accident
on South Third and Myrtle Streets.
The City Coordinator was directed to send this claim to the Mc-Garry-
Kearney Insurance Agency.
on motion of Councilman pete~8on, seconded by Councilman Balfanz that
the Council have a hearing on October 26. 1971 on the proposed change
of name of "South Brick Street", and that bhe City Coordinator be
instructed to inform the property owners of this meeting and proposed
change to "Bir.chwood Drive" or some other suitable name.
2. On motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman Peterson the
City Attorney was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Germain that if
his house at 2015 Nerth Lake Street is not removed within five days,
the City will do the work and a8.eS8 him and that the City will store
the furniture, if it i. not removed, for ninety days, and if not claimed
it will be sold at public auction.
3. Mrs. Gary Baggott, 1522 MeadOWlark Drive had complained to Mr. Marshall
~t the single admission charges at the Lily Lake Park and was in
attendance ~egarding her complaint.
Considerable discussion followed regarding the charges for open
skating and this matter was referred to the Recreation Commission to
have it checked out with the other arenas in the area.
4. On _otion of Councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the City
Attorney was instructed to investigate the means of assessing charges to
contractors that have been recommended for cleaning up after them.
5. The matter of the formal dedication of the Lily Lake Park and Arena was
discussed and it was left up to the City Coordinator, and the Director of
Parks and Recreation to work up s~ type of program.
6. Mr. MarShall informed the Council that he is interviewing three auditing
firms to do the 1971 audit for the City.
7. The matter of an assessment adjustment for Clifford Akey on North Second
Street was mentioned in that there is an error in reference to sewer
connections for this property owner and it will be checked out and brought
back at the next meeting of the City Council.
8. There has been requests that the City Fall Leaf Pickup be postponed for
one week as the leaves are not down and there will be new publicity in
the paper and on the radio regarding this matter.
9. Mr. Marshall informed ':he Council that he was directed to advertise for
bids for salt Which would have come in at $10.50 per ton, but we will get
it for $9.90 per ton by purchasing it through Washington County from the
same company and it will be delivered.
10. On motion of Councilman peterson, seconded by Councilman Lammers that the
City Coordinator explore the possibilities of ordinance changes for certain funds.
11. Mr. Marshall advised the Council that he had received an amendment to the
preliminary plan of wild Pines, and he will be scheduling a meeting in the
near future on this matter.
(October 12, 1971 - continued)
The street work is progressing satisfactorily and
curbs and working on the driveways of the streetz
this 8U1l11l8r.
they are filling the
that were constructed
The Comprehensive plan will be ready in two weeks.
the Council for policy decisions on this matter.
He will be coming to
1. Chief Abrahamson requested stop signs on Churchill and pine Streets:
On motion of councilman Peterson. seconded by Councilman Lammers
a resolution was introduced authorizing the installation of stop signs
at the following locations =
South Fifth Street and West pine Street (Street stopped - Fifth)
South Sixth Street and West Churchill Street (Street stopped - Sixth)
South Everett Street and West Churchill Street (Street stopped - Everett)
(see resolutions)
Mr. Abrahamson and Mr. Shelton are to check out the number of signs that
will be required to install stop signs on the other cross streets of
Churchill and pine on which ther(l are not signs at the present time.
1. on motion of councilman Peterson. seconded by councilman Wohlers a street
light was authorized at the intersection of North Fourth Street and poplar
2. Mr. Shelton reported that he made a further check on the sewer at the
Richard Erickson property on West chestnut Street and it revealed that
they are not hooked up to the City's Dewer .ystem.
On motion of Councilman Lammers. seconded by Councilman Balfanz
the city Attorney was instructed to check into this matter regarding the
amount of the refund and report his recommendation to the Council.
1. On motion of councilman Peterson. seconded by Councilman Balfanz a
resolution was introduced employing the following as Ice Guards and Ticket
Checkers at tbe Lily Lake park Arena at a rate of $1.75 per hour:
John Stanley Demoski
Bradley James Qualey
Richard Scott Lang
wayne David Johnson
Mathew Binford
2. Ice Rental Rates - $25.00 for the School District and the Hockey Association
- $40.00 for all others
Prime Time Rates - $40.00 to all which would bel 3:30 to 10:00 P. M. wee_days
saturdays. Sunday and Holidays
Non-Prime Time
$25.00 per hour
On motion of Councilman peterson. seconded by Councilman Balfanz
the recommendaion of the Recreation Director be followed and set the
of prime time at $40.00 per hour and non-prime time at $25.00 per hour.
\ t
(october 12, 1971 - continued)
3. Nylon windbreaker jackets will be purchased for the Ice Guards and the
Management which will be one way to identify them.
On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz, Mr.
Blekum was authorized to purchase an Ice Edger for a cost of $319.00 plus
the freight charges.
on motion of councilman Lammers, seconded by Couucilman Peterson a Change
Order in the amount of $360.00 to the Moelter Construction Co. was approved
and also Estimate No. 4 in the amount of $83,269.28 for the 1971 street and
utility construction. <see resolutions - Directing the payment of Sills).
The following resolutions were read and on roll call were unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of Bills.
2. Fixing Tax Levy for City purposes for the Y~1ar 1972.
3. Authorizing Certain Inter-Fund Trans~ers
4. Relating to Certain Funds.
s. Accepting Quotation for construction of Local Improvement No. 102-1971.
6. Confirming Appointment of Ice Guarda - Ticket Checker 'or Lily Lake Ice
Arena and Fixing Compensation.
7. Designating through Stop Sign Locations in the City of Stillwater.
on motion of councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman Peterson the meeting
adj~~rned at 9:50 P. M.
eJ~~~ ~~.o/
Attest,' 14?~~ > vtb. t.<<
\~ City Clerk