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(August 10. 1971 - continued)
On motion of Councilman Wohlers, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the
Clerk made the first reading of an ordinance by title - "AN ORDINANCE
(Regarding side yard setbacks - see ordinance.).
It was a180 stated that the property owners in Fairmeadaws are requesting that
aakridge Road be made a cul-de-sac rather than a straight thru street to
alleviate the traffic problems which could result from the development of the
wild Pines Addition..
on motion of Councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the
date of August 24. 1971 at 7:30 P. M. was set for the hearing on the
rezoning and aide yard setbacks for the Wild Pines preliminary Plat
subject to the approval of the various departments.
on motion of Councilman LaDmItrS, seconded by Councilman Peterson the
Clerk made the first reading of an ordinance by title - liAR ORDIDRCE
the relocation of Townhouses in the Wild Pines Addition). (See ordinances)
DUAHB ARNDT - PlanninQ' Commis sion Report
1. Special 0.. Permit for Peaslee for an Industrial use of Commercial
property at Horth Fourth and Myrtle Street - St. croix Development Co.
The Planning Commission recommended an amendment to the zoning Ordinance
on Special Use Permits by adding a general claasificatioD rather than do
spot zoning.
On motion of Councilman Lammers" seconded by Councilman Wohlers the Clerk
made the first reading of an ordinance by t~~le - "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING
Use Permits - see ordinances)
(The Mayor declared a recess from 8:30 to 8:40 P. M.)
UNPINIsomn BUSIHBSS lout of order}
This was the day and time set for a hearing on proposed assessment Local
Improvement No. 96 (Modification of the Brick Street Lift Station).
The Mayor inquired if the notice for hearing was published. and the Clerk informed
the Council that the notice for hearing was published in the Stillwater Bvening
Gazette. official newspaper of the City. on July 23. 1971. and a copy was mailed
to all known property owners affected on July 23. 1971.
The Mayor then opened the hearing.
Mr. Duane Blliott reported that the total cost of the improvement was $18.285.00
and that there were 511 parcels of land involved in the improvement, the majority
of which were in the Pairmeadows area. The assessment per lot i. $35.79.
MR.. ARVID DB'l'ERS, 2319 oak Ridge Road questioned the number of homes that will be
built in the Wild Pines Addition and whether or not these asse.sments would cover
all of these homes.
He was informed that it would be possible that there would have to be another
lift station put in in this area and they would then be aS8es8ed for the new lift
station (the developers or property owners in the Wild Pines Addition).
The Mayor then closed the hearing.
Councilman Lammers moved that the aBsessment for this improvement be
payable over a period of three (3) years and that the interest rate
be set at seven (7) percent and introduced a resolutio11 for the
adoption of the assessment roll for Local Improvement Ifo. 96. (see
resolutions) .
(August 10, 1971 - continued)
This was the day and time Bet for a hearing on the petition to vacate a portion
of East School Street.
The Mayor inquired if the notice for hearing W~8 published, and the Clerk informed
the council that the notice for hearing was published in the Stillwater Evening
Gazette, official newspaper of ~~ City, on July 8. 15. 22 and 29. 1971.
The Mayor then opened the hearing_
(Mr. Duane Arndt of the Planning COJmIission reported that the C~BBion
recommended the vacation of this portion of Bast School Street).
Mr. Daniel MacDonald Mr. Wade Green, petitioners were present, bu.t no one appei1red
opposed to this vacation.
on motion of Counc:ilaan Wohlers, seeoncled by councilman LalDllers a
resolution was introduced vacating a portion of Bast School Street.
(... resolutions).
n1l!T1U!aTrORS OR INDIVIDUALS (out of order)
Mr. Chri. Lueck.n, 716 South Harriet Street complained about the water drain!,ge
on hi. property and asked if the City was considering some work on Willard Street
to take care of this problem.
Mayor Powell asked that ME'. Blliott and Mr. Shelton look at the
problem and make a recODllll8ndation to the Council.
FrOlll Mr.. Mrs. Barl Vielhaber, Mr. & Mrs. Ted aaduenle, Mr. & Mrs. H. Amundson,
Mr. & Mr.. David T. MagnUllon and Mr. Michael J. Gatzke for a s'treet light on the
corner of St. Croix Avenue, Slat Street North and Oak green Avenue
Mayor Powell stated that this request and o~her requests for street
light'" would have to be considered at budget time.
On motion of COUDCl!ilaaan Peterson, seconded by Councilman LalnllerB the
above request for a street light was referred to the public Works
C~ttee for their study and reCOlllllliBndation.
FrOlll Mr.& Mrs. Leonard R. ..eely, Mr. II Mr.. John W. Hooley, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Hooley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Thueson and Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Hadrath .eeking annexation
to the City of Stillwater.
On IIOtion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Balfanz a
resolution was introduced accepting the above pet'tion for annexation
of this parcel of property. (see resolutions).
Discussion was held regarding the amendment to Ordinance No. 470 - Regulating
the Use of Lily Lake and Lily Lake Park.
Mr. william OIBrien stated that there is no need for motor boats
on this lake as they are a hazard and cause an oil slick on the lake.
Mr. Les Stepan felt that small motors did not put an oil slick. on
the lake and that they 'should be permitted for those who are unable
to row a boat and felt that the boat that the lifeguards use should have
a motor on it. He also complained about a pipe at the Hemlock Street
exit to the North side of the lake. (This is a marker for the manholdj.
(August 10, 1971 - continued)
(The Public Works committee will check on this matter)
After considerable discussion as to the second reading of IIAN ORDINANCE AMENDING
ORDINANCE NO. 470" it was decided that the City Attorney draft a new amendment
to this ordinance which would be considered at a future meeting and until such
a time the current Ordinance No. 470 would be enforced.
On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman wohlers a resolution
was introduced authorizing the payment of Eastimate No. 2 and Final payment to
Axel Newman Heating and plumbing Co. for work done on the Brick Street Lift Station.
Local Improvement No. 96. (See resolutions) .
On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz a resolution
was introduced certifying to the State Highway commission the amounts of princ:j.pa1
and Interest due of the 1971- $255,000 State Aid Street Improvement Bonds. (see
1. on motion of Councilman Wohlers, seconded by councilman Balfanz the following
axcavator Surety Bonds were approved in accordance with Ordinance No. 231:
C & P. Bx~avating Co., Stillwat.~, Minnesota
Northwentern Bell Telephone Co., Minneapolis
2. On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers the Clerk
IUde the first reading of an ordinance by title - "'AN ORDINANCE AMENDING
ORDINANCE NO. 427 (Relating to urban and Rural Taxing Districts).
3. on motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers a resolution
was introduced hiring Constance Thueson as a Meter Maid-Secretary at a rate
of $400.00 per mont.h effective September 1, 1971. (see resolutione).
4. On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilm~n Wohlers a resolution
was introduced accepting Bruce KI080Wsky as a member of the Stillwater
police Reserves. (see resolutiuns).
s. On motion of Councilman Lammere, seconded by Councilman Peterson a resolution
was introduced promoting Tim Bell from Firefighter in the Volunteer Fite
Department to Engineer effectivo August 1, 1971 and salary to be increased
to $25.00 per month. (see resolutions).
6. on motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman wohlers a resolution
was introduced for the employment of Roderick MacDonald as a member of the
Stillwater Volunteer Fire Department effective August 1, 1971. (Bee
on motion of councilman Balfanz. seconded by Councilman Wohlers the following
licenses were granted
Kenneth Tischler
1078 Rean~y Street, St. Paul
Roofing Contractor - ord. No. 448 - new
George Andrew & Sons
612 Summit~ St. Paul
Roofing Contractor - ord. No. 448
(August 10, 1971 - continued)
Gary Johnson
Stillwater Armory, Stillwater Soft Drink
vincent Hayes ([)enD IS country BOY Store)
215 North William, Stillwater Soft Drink
Vincent Hayes (Deno's country BOY Store)
215 North William Street, Stillwater Cigarette
First reading for an application for a 3.2 Off Sale Beer Licens. - Vincent
Bayes (Deno's country BOY Store, 215 North William) Stillwater, (new).
1. A letter from Boward R. Albertson ana Alvin E. O'Kanaki regarding
storm water ~~~.tion and a..istance in financing of this project.
2. A letter ff.OII four women on West Olive Street regarding a recycling
station fer cans and another for bottle. within the city of Stillwater.
(This matter was referred to the Public works Committe.).
3. Prom the Stillwater Volunteer Firements Relief Association together
with their liabilities and assets of the Benefit Fund.
on motion of councilman Peterson. second.ed by CO'.1Dcilman Balfanz the
council acknowl.8~ed receipt of this report.
4. Frca Dr. bury van Meier regarding the rellOval of the Mark Germain home
in Dutchtown.
Mr. Shelton is to contact Mr. Germain about the removal of this house.
1. on IllOtion of councilman Balfanz, seconded by councilman peterson a
resolution was introduced to employ Carl Dale as City Planner at a cost
not to exceed $4.000.00. (see resolutions).
2. Mr. Marshall reported that Mr. LeTourneau will proceed. with the con-
struction of the Main and Willard Street Stairs as 800n as he completes
several baM_nts which he is working on at the present time.
Mr. Marshall again brought to the attention of the council the qutJtation
for the rebuilding of the Chestnut Street Stairs from Mr. Willie
Schroeder in the amount of $2,700.00.
on motion of councilman Wohlers, seconded by Councilman Peterson the
council authorized the City coordinator and the City Attorney to
negotiate the cost of the rebuilding of the Chestnut Street Stairs with
Mr. Schroeder and obtain from him a performance bond and a contractorls
license and that Mr. Blliott study the proposal and make a recommendation
at the next regular meeting of the Council.
4. The matter of the removal of the diseased Blm trees was discussed and
also the assessed cost for the removal.
Mayor Powell instructed that this be referred to the Public works
committee and that the committee make a recommendation to the Council
after they receive the quotations for the removal of these trees.
(August 10, 1971 - continued)
5. on motion of Councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman Peterson the
Clerk made the first reading of an ordinance by title - "AN ORDINANCE
6. on motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the
City Coordinator was directed to send a letter to Mrs~ LaVenture
indicating that we have no objection to the thinning out of the under-
brush and cutting trees no larger than four inches on the property
acquired from the City of Stillwater in St.. Croix County, and that this
would be done under the inspection of our Super intendent of Public Works.
Mr. Marshall discussed with the Council the possibility of having the
Council approve the split of property within the City of Stillwater,
and he was directed to discuss this matter with the Register of Deeds.
The Council did not feel that such mattera would have to have their
8. Mr. Marshall informed the Council that the proposed annexation of
property to Oak Park Heights has been postponed until September 21.
1971 at the request of Stillwater Township. (Rearing befon the
Municipal coamission).
Mr. Blliott
1. Mr. Blliott had written a letter to Mr. Marsball regarding the drainage
problem. on Tbird Avenue South at the Robert Daviti property.
On motion of councilllan Peterson. seconded by councilman r...aers
tbe Public works Deparu.nt was instructed to load the snow out of
tbis area commencing this winter and the City Coordinator wa.
directed to write a letter to Mrs. Davis conveying the thoughts in
Mr. Blliott's letter to her.
2. The matter of the drainage problem at the Arvid Deters' property at
2119 oakridge Road was discussed and this matter will have to be kept
in abeyance until all of this area is developed.
The matter of Mr. )liller's contract on the removal of the. dike was
discus.ed and Mr. Blliott. Mr. Marshall and HZ' a Miller are to meet on
this matter as soon 3S the figures have been obtained from the Twin
City Testing and the corp of Bngineers.
4. Local ImproveMnt HOa 99 is 100% complete for the miscellaneouB uU.lities
and 30% of Local Improvement 98 residential streets are finisheda
Sa On motion of councilman Peterson. seconded by Councilman La.-ers Bsti_te
Ho. 2 from the Moelter construction Co.. Inc. for Local Improvement 98
and 99. project 1 in the amount of $4.067.65 was approved for payment.
(See resolutions - Directing Payment of Bills).
6. On motion of Councilman peterson, .econded by Councilman Lammers resolutions
were introduced Betting up the following assessment hearing dates:
L. I. 81-88-S0-91-1970
September 7. 1971
7.30 P. M.
La I. 98 - Residential and Municipal
State Aid Matting september 14, 1971
7.30 P. M.
La Ia 99-1971 Miscellaneous utilities
September 14. 1971
7.30 P. M,
L. Ia 98- Municipal State Aid Reconstruct
october S. 1971
7.30 P. M.
(August 10, 1971- continued)
(None at this point in the meeting - see new business)
councilman Balfanz
1. Thursday night, August 12 there will be a .eting with the Figure Skating
group at the Ice Arena.
2. The ballg_ with the old timers will be reacheduled in the very near
on motion of councilman Wohlers, seconded by Councilman Peterson, the clerk _de
the first reading of an ordinance by title - IIAN ORDINARCE AMBIIDING TBB ZOIIING
ORDIDHCB OP TBI CITY OF S'l'ILUfATBR". (Regarding side yard setbacks).
On aotion of councilman Lalaers, .econded by councilman Peterson the Clerk made
the first reading of an ordinance by title - liAR ORDIRARCB AMBNDING 'l'JIE ZONING
ORDIlIAHCE OF TIlE CITY OF M'ILDfATERII. (Regarding the re-location of Townhouses
in the Wild Pines Addition).
On motion of councilman Luaer8, seconded by Councilman Wohlers the Clerk made
the first reading of an ordinance by title - "AN ORDIRAHCE AMENDING TBB ZaRING
ORDIIIAIICE OP TIll CITY OF STILDfAUR". (Relating to Special Use permits).
on JDOtion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers the Clerk made
the first reading of an ordinance by title - "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE
MO.427 (Relating to Urban and Rural Taxing Districts).
On motion of councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman Peter eon the Clerk
made the first reading of an ordinance by title - "AN ORDIRANCB AUTHORIZING
. ,
(August 10. 1971- continued)
The following resolutions were read and on roll call were unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the payment of Bills.
2. Authorizing the payment of Estimate No.2 and Final payment to Axel
Newman Beating and Plumbing and Accepting Work - BriCk Street Lif.
Station, Local Improvement No. 96.
3. certifying to the State Highway commissioner the Amounts of principal
and Interest Due of the 1971- $255,000 State Aid Street Improvement
4. Adopting the Assessment Roll for Local Improvement No. 96 - Brick
Street Lift Station.
vacation of a Portion of School Street.
6. Hiring CODstance Thueson as a Meter Maid-Secretary at a rate of
$400.00 per month.
Accepting Bruce K1080W1Jky aa a member of the Stillwater police R...rve.
Accepting petiti~n for Annexation (Hooley - Feely)
9. promotion of Tim. sell in the volunteer Fire oepartMnt
10. z.ploy aoderick Macnonala - Volunteer Fire Department
11. Hire a planner - Carl Dale
12. oraering Rearing on Proposea Asaessments - Local Improvement Nos. 81-
13. Oraering Bearing an propoaea Asaess ments - Local XmproveMnt No. Si8-
ae.iaential & Municipal State Aid Matting ana Local Improve.nt No. 99-
1971 - Miscellaneous Utilities.
14. ordering Rearing on proposea Assessments - Local Improvement No. 98 -
M.unicipal state Aid aeconstruction.
On motion of councilman Balfanz, seconCled by Councilman Lammers the meeting
adjourned at 10.55 P. M.
..... ~Q~