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Stillwater, Minnesota
July 20, 1971
7:30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order by President Powell.
The Invocation was given by the City Coordinator, Ray Marshall.
Councilmen Balfanz, Lallmers, Peterson, Wohlers and President
pows 11
AIBO Present:
City Coordinator, Marshall: City Attorney, Kimmel: DirActor
of Public Safety, Abrahamson: Director of Parks and
Recreation. Elliott: Duane Arndt, Planning COIIIftisslon
Stillwater Bvening
St. Paul Dispatch
WAW - McGrath
Gazette - Gratiot
- Broede
Lester Metz, W. F. Shaw, Richard Clemmer, Stan Langness,
Gary Hayes, BOb Bielenberg, George Kutz, Harold Bjelseth,
John DeCurtins,
w. D. (Bill) shaw appeared before the Council in reference to stagnant water at
the North end of Fourth Avenue South since this street was improved. He would
like to see a catch basin put in at the bottom of the area to drain the water
out of the aree and underneath the road. This would complete the drainage in
that area.
MR. LESTER MBTZ stated that in the building of the road it has been graded in such
a way that it is carrying more water than before the street was improved. It is
then dumping all of the water into this basin on the end. The blacktopping is
containing the water and bringing more water dOWi.') in the area and 'it is now a
stagnant pond.
MAYOR POWELL suggested that the Public Works Committee as a whole can go down
and check the area and have Mr. Elliott go down to look at it. and see what can
be done.
Mr. Elliott stated that there is a possibility of an inlet iL there and he will
work along with Jack Shelton jointly and see if the matter can be solved with the
Publ~.c Works committee and come back with a recommendation to the council at the
next f..eting.
From Mrs. Kathleen Blodgett and the City Council of the City of Stillwater for
the vacation of a portion of West Mulberry Street.
On motion of Councilman Peterson. seconded by councilman Wohlers the Mayor
and City Clerk were authorized to sign this petition in behalf of the City
of Stillwater to vacate that part of Mulberry Street between Third and Fourth
On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Balfanz the date
of the hearing for the proposed vacation of West Mulberry Street was set
for August 24. 1971 at 7;30 P. M.
(This petition is also to be referred to the Planning and zoning
commission for their meeting of August 16, 1971)
'---" .
(July 20, 1971 - continued)
MR. GEORGE XUTZ spoke out on several matters at this time especially the
parking meters in the downtown area.
MR. HAROLD HJELSBTH, Business Agent or Representative for the Local Carpenter' 8
Union. who has replaced Myron Helstrom introduced himself to the City Council,
and offered his cooperation in any matters relating to the Building Trades in
the city of Stillwater.
MR. JOHN DE CURTINS questioned the Council as to when the Everett Street Bridge
would be put into use again. He was informed by the Mayor and Mr. Elliott and
Chief Abrahamson that it should be completed within a month with a baracade and
a walkway for the children.
SBNER LID ON EVBRB'l'T STREET (At Linden Street). - this will be paid for out of
the Sewer Revenue Fund aince this is a maintenance problem as indicated by Mr.
Blliott. The questions was raised as to whether or not we could or shoula assess
for this and the City Attorney stated that when we repair a sewer line it is not
a88eased, but when it is replaced then it is asses8ed.
On motion of Councilman Lammers, seconded by Councilman wohlers
Moelter construction Co., Inc. was authorized to repair the sewer
line on Bverett Street at Linden at a rate of $95.00 per hour as
quoted to Mr. Blllott.
on motion of Councilman Lanmers, seconded by Councilman Peterson the Clerk made
the first reading of an ordinance by title entitled nAN ORDINANCE AMENDING
ORDINANCE NO. 470 (Regulatinq the Use of Lily Lake). (See ordinances)
On motion of Councilman Wohlers, sElconded by Councilman Lammers a Soft-Drink
License was qranted to Gary Hayes, 2117 Dundee place and Stanley Langness.
424 fleat Laurel for the period from July 29 - August 1. 1971 with the understand'"
ing that they use paper cups for servinq the 80ft drinks.
From the Headquarters 1st Briqade 47th Infantry Division regarding the rental
of the Stillwater Armory.
Chief Abrahamson stated that there were several errors in this letter.
Officers were paid $20.00 from 8:30 to Midnight rather than $25.00 per
night as atated.
Also the female matron is not a police officer and the city of
Stillwater has no responaibility - she is the daughter of the Janitor
for the Armory and has nothing to do with the City. He felt that we
could cut it to two officers for each dance. but he felt this was
inadequate, and it is impossible to get one officer to work at a dance
as he will not work alone and we have had problems in the past. The
people putting on the daLce should pay for this protection. He stated
that they could work ""ith two men and if there are any problems we will
not issue any more dance permits, or go back to three men.
(Jul.Y ""U. J.~/'" - .......u......U~.....,
Mayor Powell suggested that the Public Safety Director and the City
coordinator work this out so that the misinformation is corrected.
On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Lammers that
the Council is willing to allow two police officers to police these
dances and to inform the Armory Board that the dance must be run peace-
fully or no more dance permits will be i8sue~.
(The Mayor declared a recess from 8:25 to 8:35 P. M.)
(out of order)
Pinal Estimate for Peninsula Construction Co. - issuance of checks to be
made to them jointly with the suppliers and that the Bcr-ding Company be
aware of this. (no action taken)
2. On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Lammers Bstimate
Ho. 5 for the Areon Construction Co. in the amount of $14,816.44 was
approved for payment. (1970 Street work)
3. on motion of CouncilllUln Peterson, seconded by Councilman Lammers,
..timate No. 1 for Tower Asphalt, for Local Improvement Nos. 98 and
99, project No.2 in the amount of $42,773.33 were approved for payment.
4. On motion of Councilman wohlers, seconded by councilman Balfanz the
Council approved the final payment to Moelter Constr,.,ction co., Inc. for
the Site Grading a~ other work at the Lily Lake Park in the amount of
$18,336.84. (se. resolutions).
Mr. Blliott informed the Council that there is no retainage,
but under the bond there iG a year I s guarantee after the approval
of the final estimate.
s. '1':-.= ;;attv. of the improvO$iU6nt of Abbett Street E!!.s:t of Ml1Irt...a. Street was
discussed and on motion of Councilman peterson, seconded by Councilman
Balfanz the Director or Superintendent of Public Works is to examine the
condition of Abbott Street East of Martha and make the necessary improve-
6. Mr. Elliott reported that he had made the preliminary study regarding the
petition for sanitary sewer line in Hancock Street East of Everett Street
and the project is feasible at an estimated cost of $3,500.00,
On motion of Councilman Lammers, seconded by councilman Balfanz the city
coordinator was instructed to contact Mr. Bjugan and the two property
owners of Lot 8, Block 14 (Lowell Tuft and Reuben Berg) and inform them
of the findings of the Engineer before proceeding with this sewer line.
Arcon construction Co. is only replacing soO in the areas that were sodded
previous to the improvement of the streets in the Quarry area. He stated
that other areas could be sodded but it would have to be assessed - would
much prefer to have the owners do their own 80dding as the cost is lower
and more satisfactory job.
8. The matter of the amount of 411 that was taken from the dike to the Everett
Street Bridge site was discussed at some length. According to the figures
available there were 16,000 cubic yards put into the dike and only 10,370
yards taken up to the Everett Street Bridge. part of this difference is
due to two different ways of measurement and also the compaction.
(July 20, 1971 - continued)
~or powell suggested th~t Mr. Pete~ Miller, Mr. E~~,?tt, Mr.
Marshall, Mr. Shelton and the Corp of Engineers work out this matter and
if necessary, a special meeting would be called to vote on the payment of
Mr. Miller's contract.
9. on motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Lammers,
Estimate No.1 for the MOelter Construction Co., Inc. for L. I. No. 98
and L. I. No. 99, Project No. I in the amount ~f $24,534.08 was approved
for payment.
(Raymond E, Marshall)
He reported tbat the hopes to meet with the Department heads to review
tne budget by September 1, 1971 and made mention of the Weaver Bill which
passed and will benefit the City of Stillwater.
2. Mr. Kimmel and. Mr. Marshall will haw a salary negotiation meeting with
the police and Pire .Departments on Thursday of this week.
Mr. Marshall distributed to the Cou'Qcil a report from the Department of
Health covering an investigation of the City's Water supply.
4. A letter from the Department of Health regarding Air Pol~ution was mailed
to the City council.
5. The council was reminded of the hearing on August 11, 1971 on the proposed
annexation of property between South Fourth Street and South Greeley now
in Stillwater Township to be annexed to the Village of oak Park Heights.
The City coordinator, City Attorney, the Public Safety Director, Mr.
Elliott and as many as possible of the Council should attend. this hearing.
On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the City
Coordinator was directed to strive to engage the planner who made the plan
for the City in 1968 and that he be authorized to contact him to represent
the City of Stillwater in this hearing.
Mr. Marshall also stated that he and Mr. Kimmel would meet and Mke up
some kind of agenda before attending this hearing.
The matter of workmen's compensation insurance is being investig~t~d arid
some figures have been secured on this matter, or another consideration
could be payment of cash out of City funds for work 10S8 of time.
on motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Lammers this
matter was referred to the Administrative Committee for this consideration.
7. The matter of painting the trim on the Ci ty Hall was discussed and Mr.
Marshall was directed to get some quotation to either have this work done
by City employees or a regular painter to do this work.
8. A report was givl!'n on the Metro Sewer Board meeting held at cottage Grove-
the 1971 bill was $98,486.00 and the proposed billing for 1972 is $111.625.00
which represents a l~ increase.
9. The matter of dumping on vacant lots was discussed and it was concluded that
such persons could be prosecuted under the Nuisance Ordinance for such
(July 20, 1971 - continued)
10. The matter of an inventory of our sewage system was discussed and the
cost of such a survey could be made against the Sewer Revenue Fund and will
be brought up again at a future meeting_
11. Mr. Marshall informed the Council of a meeting on Thursday. July 22.
1971 at 4:30 P. M. above the Crand Cafe on the revision of the Wild
Pines Plat.
12. The matter of aS888sing for the dike will be withheld until the next
meeting since the contract with Miller Excavating has not been resolved.
13. There will be a meflting on July 21st with the Rousing Authority,and Mr.
Marshall reported that he had received the revised contract with ME'. .Carl
Dale and the cost is not to exceed $4.000. Councilman Lammers reque.ted
that the Retail Committe. of the Chamber of Commerce be contacted about
the plan to get their feelinqB on this before the City proceeds too far
on this program.
Mayor Powell suggested that there be a meeting with the Planner, the
HousiDlJ Aatbority and the Retail COQIlittee of the Chamber of Commerce.
DBLBCaTIONS (It INDIVIDUAlS (out of order)
MR. RICIIARD C~ on behalf of the Bastern Minnesota SlOW'-Pitch Softball
League requested an .ON SALE- 3.2 Beer License for Lily Lake Park for
July 24. 1971.
On IIIOtion of Cf,luncilman Lammers, secondea by Councilman peterson the
Bastern Minne~ota Slow-Pitch Softball League was granted a license to
.ell 3.2 beer in conjunction with their All-Star game on July 24, 1971.
A discussion followed about prohibiting the consumption of alcholic
beverage. at the Lily Lake Park without a permi t and some research
vork will be done on this matter.
on motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers a
resolution was introduced appointing Officer Robert conley as permanent
Sergeant effective August 1, 1971. (Bee resolutions).
2. On motion of Councilman Wohlers, seconded by Councilman Peterson the
recommendation of Police Chief Abrahamson that Richard Colemeier serve
as a Special police Officer for the Lily Lake Park for an indefinite
period of time.
3. Mr. Abraham80n informed the City Council that there are 25 Lumberjack
Daya' activities that will need policing and this will be addea expense
item in his budget.
Councilman Lammers
1. The committee is still working on the bookkeeping machine.
2. Most of the other items discussed were taken care of under the City
Coordinator's Report.
(July 20, 1971 - continued)
councilman Balfanz
1. A long list of uncompleted projects at the Lily Lake Park was given to
H'%'. Elliott.
2. COIlIIIission recOlDMnds that Section #5 ~f Ordinance No. 470 be amended to
read MLily Lake park" instead of -beach premisesM ana that no special
permission be given in reference to this amendment.
3. If concessions are sold outside of the Arena area, fifty percent of the
money taken in after expenses will go to the City.
4. Schedule of rates for softball
$25..00 minimum be charged for five teams or less and a fee
of $5.00 for each team over five effective inmediately
A fee of $25.00 be charged for the All-Star Game to be played JUly 13,
5. The Commission recommends the buying of eight (8) sections of bleachers
with seating for 100 people per section at a cost of $588.00 per section
delivered at a cost of $4,700.00 Two pony bleachers wouJ4.al80~
purcMsed at $200.00 each for player's seat.ing. Another quotation of
$2,940.00 has been received and then with the pony bleachers would be a
total of $4,900.00.
Also the purchase of Infra Red Beat for the bleacher sections only not
to exceed a cost of $4,800.00.
Discussion followed about the possibility of getting enough seating for
1,500 for the school district games rather than just the 800.
Mr. Marshall and Mr. Blekum were directed to cheek out this bond fund and
make an audit of the account and see if there is money available for these
items and also review the projected revenue figures for this fund.
Barold Kimmel
1. on mot.ion of councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers a
resolution was introduced authorizing the payment of $2.193.00 for the
land condemnation settlement with aill-swanson in connection with the
Pine Tree Trail Improvement. (see resolutions).
on motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz the minutes
of the following meetings were approved:
June 22, 1971
July 6, 1971
Regular Meeting
Regular Meeting
7.30 P. M.
7.30 P. M,
Councilman Peterson requested that a resolution be sent to the Trinity Lutheran
Church commending them on their 100 years of service to the Community (not to be
Councilman Lammers requested that a special meeting be set regarding the Benson
and Booley property.
(July 20, 1971 - continued)
On motion of Councilman Laramers, seconded by Councilman Peterson the Clerk
made the first reading by title of an ordinance entitled MAN ORDINANCE AMBHDING
ORDIHAIICE NO. 470 (Regulating the Use of Lily Lake).
The following resolutions were read and on roll call were unanimously adopted:
1. Directing the pa~nt of Bills.
2. promoting Robert conley to Sergeant - (effective August 1, 1971).
. 3.
C~ndin9 the Trinity Lutheran Church on Service to the Community.
(not pubU.b.d)
4. Accepting the Work and Making Final payment to Moelter Construction Co,"
Inc. for the Lily Lake Park Site Grading and Utilities. "
* Repassed August 24. 1971
on motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by councilman Peterson the meeting
aajourned at 10:55 P. M.
Attest'~' ,(J ~U
"ty Clerk
Stillwater, Minnesota
August 4, 1971
3.00 P. M.
The Meting was called to order by President POtf'.ell
councilmen Balfanz. Lanners, Peurson, Wohlers and
President powell
A1BO Present:
City coordinator, Marshall
onlllOtion of Councilllan Lalllllers f seconded by Councilman Balfanz the purchase of
eight sectioDs of bleachers and heating units to cover same was authorized for
the Lily Lake Ice Areaa.
on IDOtion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Wohlers a Change
Order in the amount of $230.00 for George W. Olsen construction Co., Stillwater
was approved. (Lily Lake Park - L. I. RD. 95)
1. on IIOtion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Wohlers a
resolution was introduced authorizing the payment of bills includin9:~illB for
cODstruction at the Lily Lake Park Development and other Local ImprovementB.
On motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by councilman peterson the llIIeting
adjourned at 3:30 P. M.
Attest.~_.{t ~L~
City Clerk
Stil1w~ter. ~innesota
August 10, 1971
7.30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order by President Powell.
The Invocation was given by City Coordinator. Ray Marshall.
Councilmen Balfanz. LamMrs, Peterson, wohlers and
President powell
Also Present;
City coordinator. Marshall: City Attorney, Kimmel:
Director of Public Safety, Abrahamson, Superintendent
of Public Works, Shelton, Director of Parks and Recreation,
Blekum: Consulting Bngineer, Elliott: Chair_n of the
Planning and Zoning Commission, Arndt
Jim walsh.- - St. Paul Dispatch
Mike McGrath - WAVN
About 40 - Robert Steindorff, Al Ranum, Robert McGarry,
Arvid Deters, Gary Thompson, Orrin Thompson
Mr. Al RanUla, Attorney for the Village of Oak Park Heigh'" appeared before the
Council in reference to a drainage problem at the cy Howalt residence which
involve. the School District. the City of Stillwater" and the Vill.geof oak
Park Heights. He stated that Mr. Jack Shelton. Raymond Johnson. Mayor of Oak
Park Heights: and Floyd Keller of the School District (Oak Park Grade SChool)
had lIY15t and looked at the situation. The storm sewer was graded to the Southeast
and the storm water from. the area of the Oak Park School drains Northeast and
flows onto Orleans Street. East down to the area of the Howalt residence. This was
put in five years ago.
Mayor Powell suggested that this matter be referred to the Public
Works Committee.
MR. ROBERI' STBINDORFF, appeared before the Council in reference to the changes
in zoning in the Wild Pine. Plat whereby they are moving the area for Townhouses
from. one section to another section from the preliminary Plat that was approved ~;'
about a year ago.
Gary Th~son. of the Orrin Thompson firm. presented to the City Clerk
the legal d..c~tion as to the location of said Townhouses in the Wild Pines
Addition to the City of Stillwater.
Also he made a request for variances of 10 feet on the house side and
5 feet on the garage side. and that two adjoining buildings would not be closer
than 15 feet.
The proposed plat will consist of 80 foot lots and they will consist of
approximately 12.000 square feet.
MR. DUANE ARNDT. presented the recommendations of the Planning Commission
regarding this proposed preliminary Plat. (See copy of report in the file).
The majority recommended approval. There was a180 a ~eport on the minority
'- .