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Stillwater, Minnesota
September 18, 1974
7,30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order by President Powell
The Invocation was given by Mr. Marshall.
Councilmen Balfanz, Peterson, Thompson, Wohlers and
President Powell
Also Present:
City Coordinator, Marshall
City Attorney, Kimmel
Stillwater Evening Gazette - Douglas Sietz
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Casanova, Jan Wheeler, Shirley Tibbetts. Evelyn
Roettger, Laur Kollander, John DeCurtins, Thomas Strandberg,
Choe Junker, Pat Bantli, Owen Thomas. Dean Charlsen, Bob Lange.
Lawrence Larson, Francis Rice
This was the day and time set for a Public Hearing on the request of Thomas
Strandberg to use the First Baptist Church building at Fourth and Pine Street
as an Antique Shop.
Notice of the hearing was published in the Stillwater Evening Gazette, the
official newspaper of the City, on September 5, 1974 and copies were mailed
to all property owners within 300 feet.
The Mayor opened the hearing.
MR. THOMAS STRANDBERG, 1006 South First Street, presented the plot plan to the
Council for their inspection.
The Planning Commission has recommended the granting of this Special Use Permit.
MRS. LEO CASANOVA, 215 West Pine Street - when she presented her petition against
the proposed Special Use Permit, she went around to the immediate little block as
they didn't want to be polluted with Commercial businesses. more than they are. at
the present time. Mr. Simonet got a permit for his office and since then he has
added on to it and it looks like a pool hall. If she wanted to live in a Commercial
area she would have bought in such an area. The petition which Mr. Saandberg
circulated has names on it of people who do not live in the area but work there
and further some of them have moved out of state since that time. She felt that
this was unfair and also there were some home owners within 300 feet that were
not notified - Mrs. Evelyn Roettger and Leon Thurmes.
THOMAS STRANDBERG said that he had left the petition at Mr. Simonet's office
when he was out and in his absence his employees all signed it.
MAYOR POWELL said that the petition is an indication of what they feel and he
felt that the Council would weigh the pros and cons of this.
JOSEPH THEISSEN, 604 S. Third Street, asked what benefit this would be to the
City and what kind of a precedent this would create and would he be granted a
bike shop at his house.
JAN WHEELER, corner of Fifth and Pine Streets, said that Mr. Simonet's office
started out in a small way and was built on to - there is Mr. Greeder's next
door which is in a separate building - the people across the street sell every-
thing out of their house and she did not feel that they should have another
business enterprise in the neighborhood.
SHIRLEY TIBBETTS, 663 South Second Street, said she is very interested in
Stillwater to the point where this is not a beautiful building - it is in
terrible shape and it is possible to restore it and make a beautiful building
and put it back on the tax rolls, and that is what we are interested in Stillwater.
JOSEPH THEISSEN asked what would happen if the Antique Shop was sold - what
type of business would then go in there - could it continue on for something else.
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September 18, 1974 - continued
MR. KIMMEL _ The Special Use Permit could be used for that type ~f use and
another use would have to have a new permit.
MRS. CASANOVA said when the old church on Fourth and Oak was operating as an
antique shop he was closed down because he was cond~ing a business in a
residential Qrea.
MAYOR POWELL said that he never had obtained a Special Use Permit from the City.
MRS. CASANOVA said that evidently the Council is not interested in confining
businesses to the downtown area and at a special meeting of the Zoning Committee
the Baptist Church represen~4tive s4id that they w~re not interested in selling
it to another church or renting same to another church and she felt that there
are a lot of people who would take that place over as a church.
MRS. TIBBETTS asked how many empty churches there are in town and MAYOR POWELL
said at least four.
MR. MARSHALL read the letter from the Planning Commission setting forth the
conditions on which they granted this Special Use Permit.
JAN WHEELER asked if it was not possible to have these buildings movedto
another location - moved into a Commercial zoned area.
MAYOR POWELL said this wouldn't be allowed in the towntown area and also the
building couldn't be moved.
LEO CASANOVA, 215 West Pine Street, asked how far they are going to go with
the fixing of the Church. For the past 15 years nothing has been done to that
building and that no body here knows the condition of that chimney. He felt
that they had a legitimate reason for that building not to be used for
commercial purposes.
MR. MARSHALL said that the recommendation of the Planning Commission included
bringing the building up to meet all codes and the condition of the chimney
was brought up at their meeting and John Lawson is aware of the problem with the
MR. STRANDBERG said the building has been inspected and it can be restored and
brought up to meet the codes.
MRS. LEO CASANOVA _ they don't want to be hemmed in by Commercial people - it
has come to the point where there are only four of the houses in the block
that don't have something Commercial in their homes and wondered when they
are going to call a halt to this. She felt that Stillwater should be proud of
its old homes _ her home is 101 years old and this will depreciate from their
property. She felt that none of the Council would like to have such a
situation on their area and that all business should be in downtown or at the Mall.
DAVID CARLSON, member of the Baptist Church Board, said he felt it would be an
asset to have that building brought up to code. He said the church will not
permit it to be sold for any church use and any idle building will deteriorate
and he felt that with it being occuppied it is going to look a lot better.
The Mayor closed the hearing at 7:55 P. M.
COUNCILMAN BALFANZ questioned the parking of four cars on the West side of the
building and MR. STRANDBERG said they would have cars parked there off the
street _ there would be no parking in front of the building and when they begin
operation the County Courthouse will be closed so there will not be that parking
in this area.
COUNCILMAN BALFANZ said that the Court House building people park on the street
and MR. STRANDBERG said right now with the court being held in this old building
they have more parking here, so when they move out there would be ample parking
space _ also they would not have more than four or five cars at any time when
they do open up the Antique Shop.
COUNCILMAN PETERSON asked if Mr. Strandberg was aware of the stipulations put
in by the Planning Commission and he will abide by these stipulations, and he
agreed to this.
COUNCILMAN PETERSON felt that by restoring this building it would be an asset
and should not detract that much from the neighborhood.
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September 18. 1974 - continued
On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Thompson
a resolution was introduced "GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO THOMAS
Vote -
Peterson. Thompson, Wohlers
Balfanz and President Powell
Motion carried - (see resolutions)
2 This was the day and time for the Public Hearing on the request of Jack
Hooley to rezone the front 800 feet of his property abutting Trunk Highway
212 from Industrial to Commercial.
Notice of the hearing was published in the Stillwater Evening Gazette, the
official newspaper of the City. on September 5, 1974 and copies mailed to
all property owners within 300 feet.
The Mayor opened the hearing.
JACK HOOLEY, 1219 West Willard. said there is a need for it to be zoned
Commercial since space is limited in the downtown area of Stillwater due to
the geographic and physical characteristics. The downtown will always do a
good business and there are a lot of good ~tores there. They intend to keep
their store down there and he felt this should be zoned Commercial. The
Planning Commission suggested that they zone all eleven (11) acres Commercial
and leave the balance as Industrial, but they did not want to put their store
in an Industrial Park. He felt it would not only enhance their business but
would serve the City of Stillwater and keep the back 80 acres for Industrial.
COUNCILMAN THOMPSON raised the question of placing this store in an Industrial
Park as he felt that the one at Burnsville has such a location.
JACK HOOLEY said it abuts on 35-E and they sit out front and that it is all
Commercial on the south side.
MR. MARSHALL stated that the Cpuncil has received a letter from Bill Schwab in
which he recommended to the Planning Commission the manner in which this should
be zoned and it was on the bais of this report that the Planning Commission made
their decision. Mr. Schwab feels that this kind of building would not be out
of place in an Industrial Park type situation. He feels we should get more
control of future roads and Mr. Hooley and Mr. Hadrath are willing to dedicate
the right-of-way within the park.
DEAN CHARLSEN, 116 South Sixth Street, said it could be Commercial for Mr.
Hooley for his store on the front but the rest of the front should be Industrial.
We do need Commercial and we do need Industrial, but in order to have Heavy
Industrial you need railroad tracks and there are none in that area.. The abutting
property is already made Commercial all the way down into Oak Park Heights and
Stillwater Township, and why hasn't the County put a stop to it. You don't put
Industrial on a good road frontage - Industrial has no business on a main street
of any kind - you have got traffic certain times of the day with truck traffic all
of the time; it doesn't make sense. In various areas such as Roseville, Rosedale
or any of these suburbs on the highway you have Commercial retail and wholesale
outlets but in the back will be your industrial, warehouses and truck storage areas.
He felt that there was no reason for denial of this on the highway. Since he
has been in the Chamber of Commerce there have been several requests, one in
particular. for a pharmicutical house and they begged for land and they could not
get it because of sewer and water and fire protection. Another was a request
from a fellow from Chicago who needed a building to warehouse supplies such as
paper and since he has moved to St. Paul. We are badly in need of the land,
possibly not for the immediate future. but the Chamber of Commerce feels that is
the thing we have to look at, at the present time.
MAYOR POWELL felt that it is a shame to have Stillwater provide a sanctuary
for industry. Industry doesn't come beating a path at our door.
JAMES GREEDER. 520 South Fifth Street, said there is no industry on that land
and if Mr. Schwab thinks industry is going to be there, he felt that the City
of Stillwater needs that piece of property zoned Commercial.
MAYOR POWELL - The type of industry the Planning Commission hopes to get is
Light Industrial - they are looking for something like Kroy Industries and again
he felt that we are not overwhelmed by such requests. If he was a property
owner, he would like to see it developed in one way or another of about $100,000
or $200,00 but in the same types for Commercial or Industrial.
September 18, 1974 - continued
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CHUCK SWANSON, Washington County Engineer and Member of the Planning Commission-
they are not looking for the industrial growth that would require trackage and
they are not against wholesale merchandising. It is not good planning to take
half of it and zone it commercial and leave the balance industrial. There is
an uncertainty as to what the remaining area would be used for and why not
rezone 11 acres Commercial and leave the other Industrial - a good answer for
that is that should something happen later and Mr. Hooley decides not to construct
the CUB Store, then you have 11 acres zoned Commercial and the remaining Indus-
trial and by going to Planned Unit Development you can still allow his store in
an Industrial zoned area and not make it piecemeal.
JACK HOOLEY - the problem would be that it is pretty hard to go out and get
clients and tennants if you are going to have any kind of development - you are
going to have to have it Commercial to begin with. We have put it in the hands
of a developer and they are professionals in the building field and you have
the zoning first.
DEAN CHARLSEN - Commercial runs right to the property to the east - Commercial
runs right on the property to the west - across the road you have got all
merchants - everything is Commercial up to 212 and 36 - why not let it continue
like the rest of it.
MR. MARSHALL - everything west of Oasis to County Road No. 5 is Industrial.
MR. CHARLSEN - we have got to have land to expand - the other area was all
zoned and why don't they follow it.
COUNCILMAN THOMPSON - The Planning Commdssion has not been known to move fast
on items and has been talking of this Cub Store going in there for about a year.
Possibly in the last month or month and half the Planning Commdssion has been
asked to change 135 acres from Industrial to Commercial - no plan of where the
street right-of-way is to go in. He felt the Planning Commdssion denied this
basically because they wanted more details and they wanted to take more time on
it. They felt it was being shoved down their throat by one business that wanted
to get in there. The people on the Planning Commission are not against development
in this area if it is Commercial or Industrial. There was not too much information
given to them up to this point.
DEAN CHARLSEN questioned the cost of getting sewers out to this property - no
way until it is planned for a particular building.
COUNCILMAN THOMPSON - it cannot be developed until we have sewer and water -
someone should care as to where the sewer is running.
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JACK HOOLEY - Everybody knew when we annexed to the City of Stillwater that we
planned to put a store in there. It was in January before we could do anything
out there - at that time we started to get plans drawn and our plans call for
getting something in there this fall - it is a matter of utilities.
CHARLES HOOLEY - The Metro Sewer Commission is aware of this and there are some
temporary plans given to the City on the sewers, and they will have concur with the
Metro Sewer Plan - Duane Elliott is working on that now.
ROBERT LANGE, 213 Echo Lane, you are dealing with the dividing of land - we need
additional retail space for the people in the area and they are looking for
improvement in the area and why not keep them at home - Oak Park will take them.
COUNCILMAN WOHLERS asked about making the back property Commercial also and Mr.
Hooley said this property is zoned Industrial and will still be Industrial.
MAYOR POWELL - we do have Industrial there and there is room to develop behind
there - we are not destroying the completion of an Industrial Park.
COUNCILMAN WOHLERS - Oak Park Heights is grabbing everything-there is no rhyme
or reason to any of it - I would like to see the rest of that kept Industrial.
MR. MARSHALL said one thing we have to do is maintain control over future
developments - any rezoning that we do we should require special use permits for
developments in this area.
MAYOR POWELL - The City at one time was going to require a Speci.al Use Permit
for everything zoned multiple dwellings. Any Commercial or Industrial must
require Special Use Permits to that it comes before the Planning Commission -
not as a use as a type of building, aethetics and other things so that it fits
into the area.
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MR. KIMMEL - You have to understand that you are in the same situation with
the multi-dwellings. We were arguing about the number of units and the land:
You cold do the same thing with Commercial or lndustrial- arguing about what
the building is going to look like, the grading, on-sight improvements. The
problem you are going to get into are the same arguments as the Brick Pond.
If it is zoned Commercial and you still have a special use and then it is a
questions of what it is going to look like.
MAYOR POWELL - The Planning Commdssion is not that far away from Mr. Hooley
asking simply to have a Special Use Permit for 11 acres, the same process
would happen. If it is zoned Commercial you have something to offer prospective
buyers. If you have an Industrial Park in a sense, we do have this on Oasis
DAVID JUNKER. 1001 North Fourth Street. said let the Planning Commission "monkey"
around with it for four months - it is time to get the Council to ClOve forward
on it tonite so that Mr. Hooley can proceed - we need this CUB Store in Stillwater.
COUNCILMAN BALFANZ referred to Mr. Carl Dale's study for Washington County
corridor he mentions two developments between North St. Paul and Stillwater and
he felt that we should look at the overall corridor as to what types of develop-
ments we are going to show resident~al, where we are going to put Commercial
and where we are going to show Industrial.
DEAN CHA..1U..SEN - We haven' t got any retail along 212 - Mr. Schwab and Carl
nale's rules and regulations are not being followed and asked how come.
MAYOR POWELL - The land in Stillwater Township was farm land; it was rural in
nature but their plan indicated that it should be Industrial and the land to
the east of that, a lot of that was already developed Commercial. It looks to
him that the natrual thing to do is to make it Comm@.rcial to tie-in with the
other area.
COUNCILMAN PETERSON said regarding the Special Use Permits for Multi-Dwellings
it was a question of whirh kind and we did get a better multiple dwelling because
of the requirements of the Special Use Permit and he asked the question of what
the feelings of the City Attorney were on the use of Special Use Permits on all
Commercial zoned areas.
JACK HOOLEY - We would do the best to enhance our own project and any others
would have to work in with the full plan, and the only problem with Special
MAYOR POWELL - Some of the Ci~ Staff and Council took the time to go down to
Burnsville to see the ~~ore there and felt that something like that would look
good in Stillwater. If it were zoned Commercial then all you have after that
would have to come up to the specs - they look at the building and it it looks
good. it goes in. If that takes over thirty days that is all you have to do -
not interested in where the streets will run. Mr. Hooley stated that the lots
would be five acres in size and that would have a bearing on it. He would hope
that the Planning Commission would approve smaller buildings. He hoped that
the Planning Commission would take a good hard look at something like that.
CHUCK SWANSON - When you look under allowable uses and the zoning for Oak
Park, this was allowed prior to the County Plan.
Following the recess, Jack Hooley showed some slides of their other Cub Stores
and the adjoining operations.
The Mayor closed the hearing at 9:10 P. M.
On motion cf Councilman Wohlers, seconded by Councilman Peterson,
the Council will have the second reading of an ordinance entitled
INDUSTRIAL TO COMMERCIAL" on September 24 with a stipulation that
we include Special Use Permits for Commercial areas.
The hearing for the Special Use Permit Request, Case No. 173. William
Gannon for an automotive shop in his home at 1224 North Owens Street
will be continued to October 8, 1974 at 7:30 P. M.
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September 18, 1974 - continued
On motion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by Councilman Wohlers the Council
granted a Sunday On-Sale Liquor License to the American Legion Club for
Sunday, September 22, 1974 and set the fee for $5.00.
The following resolution was read and on roll call was adopted:
1. Granting a Special Use Permit for an Antique Shop - Strandberg.
(Councilman Balfanz and President Powell opposed)
On motion of Councilman Wohlers, seconded by Councilman Thompson the meeting
adjourned at 9:20 P. M.
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