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Stillwater. Minnesota
February 12." 1974
7.30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order by President Powell
The Invocation was given by Mr. Marshall.
Councilmen Balfanz, peterson, Thompson" Wohlers ana President
Also present: City Coordinator, Marshall; city Attorney" Kialel: Superinten-
dent of Public works, Shelton; Public Safety Director. Abrahauon;
Director of Parks and Recreation, BleJcum: Con.ul.tiftg Engineer"
Press; Stillwater Bvening Gazette - Douglas Seitz
WAVR - John Banvelt
Citizens: Jerry wallace, John DeCurtins, Jr., Jack Dielentheis, Ivan Wei..,
Dick Cl_r" Bidders on the pumper truck: Mr. Wilbur Bahn,80b
Steindorff, Rod aernu, Mr.& Mr8. BroDson SiaDnet, Mrs. JUIiI.'Olsrien,
Lea Stepan, Dennis Murphy, Rev. Burrough, Jerry Mahoney, Prancis
Rice, Bd Kaeder" David Chial, Richard Cole_ier" Bob Bartbol, '1'i.
Bell, Richard Bolly
The scheduled public hearing on the proposed improvement of Owens Street had to be
postponed to March 12,. 1974 since the notice of the bearing did not get published in
the Still.water Evening Gazette.
2. This was the day and time set for the public hearing on the request of Bernu
Constzuc:tion Co. for a Special Use Permit to const:uct an 84 unit apartlllBnt
complex on SOuth Greeley Street.
The notice of the hearing was published in the Stillwater Evening Gazette, the
offlcial newspaper of the City, on February I, 1974 and copies were ailed to
all property owners within 300 feet.
The Mayor opened the heariDlJ.
MR.. BBlUIU presented a set oJ: the proposed site plans and reviewed them with the
Council _lIbers. The question was raised about boring tests being made which
were complete", last Friday.
BRoNSOM SDI>HE'l', 510 South Greeley, asked if anybody had considered the aJlDunt of
additional traffic this would pU'C ('In Greeley Street and if anybody knew the amount
of traffic on this street at the present time.
MAyOR POWELL did state that this problem had crossed his mind.
(February 12, 1974 ... continued)
MR. BERNU said there would be two - 42 unit buildings with 84 units in total
and 84 garages. The proposed plan meets with all of the city requirements as
far as green areas and the other require_nta of the pres81 t code. Part of
the hill will be used for a recreation area.
COUNCILMAN BALFANZ inquued about the type of soil on the hill and Mr. Bernu
said that one area is for garages on the lesser slope on the northwest side, and
the hill is steep behind the other garages. They feel that they have met the
ten percent require.-nt of the code.
MRS. JAllBS01BRIBN, 509 South Greeley Street, said that according to the sazette
this apartment unit was not for the upper inco. - it was for tha lesser inco'-
group - could we have a lot of slums in this area..
MR. BERNtJ said the rent would be from $195.00 to $210.00 per III>nth on a two
bedroom unit.
BRORSON SDI)NE'r said the softball field goes until two in the aoming Elnd wondered
if they had. not considered another area around the entire area of Stillwatlr for
this complex. He felt that we are cruming 80 much in the Lily Lake area and the
net result could be the condeming of this area.
MAyOR PONELL stated that the area is zoned Multi-DWelling &DO has been for soM
years and is a permitted use, but MR. SIJ<<)1!1B'1' saia that does not .an that you
put it in.
MRS. BRONSON SIII>NBT asud if the City could not absorb'" this land and MAYOR
pOWELL replied that this property was made available to the city for purchase
so_ years ago, bu.t the city felt that it hao gone to the limit in recreation
expense with the principal facility that is at the Lily Lake park at the present
time. This property at the present tiM is owned by a group of people.
MRS. O'BR:tE1f said that just because this area i8 zoned MUlti-DWelling doe. not
.an that it bas to be 84 apartmlllnts.
COUIICILMAR WOJILBRS asked about the density of these apartMnts and the reply waB
that it would be 246 (82 one bedroom. units and 82 two bedroom units) - this is
below the code requirements;o
The question was raised. when this was zoned Multi-Dwelling and this was done when
ABC Developers went in there which was about five years ago - the whole area from
the Lily Lake Park to the City Limits of orleans Street. MR. BLBKUM stated that
Bill Bonse had asked to have this property included in this rezoning at the time
that ABC requested it.
RICHARD CLAMMBR, 413 south Martha Street, stated that the slow pitch league.
will not" have any games after 11:00 P. M. 80 there should not be this late noia.
proble... ae questioned whether they had considered breakage in their buildings
near the fence.
MR.. BERND said they wou1d be sixty feet from the fence and that there 'WOuld be a
row of Lombar Poplar trees on the JIOrth side and then a driveway and then a front
yard of thirty feet.
MR.. CLAMMER added if they had considered the litter problem which could present
a problem and MR. 8ERNl1 said that is so_thing that they will have to live with.
MR. CLAMMER asked about going into their place to get their balls back and MR.
8BRNU said they were in agreement that the gate and the fence would remain.
RON CHRISTOFFERSEN, 324 East st. Croix Avenue, asked what effect the complex
would have on the recreation area - an additional 200 people in that area - what
the complex or company is going to do help maintain the recreation area.
MAYOR pOWELL said he could see that the tennis courts could present a problem but
as far as the baseball or softball fields there are scheduled times for that area.
DWAYNE NELSON, who owns one of the four-plexs on South Greeley Street said there are
54 units that area now and with the addition of another 84 units that would brinq
the total up to 138 which would mean high density housing for that area. He felt
\. ~
(February 12" 1974 - continued)
vandalism is a factor to be considered and also the City's policy as it
relates to the School District. since they are reluctant to give us any new
schools. lie felt that 84 units would compound the problem of noise and not
alleviate it. He reoonmend.ed the following alternatives: (1) That the
City buy this land and add it to the Lily Lake facility - there is a need
for a picnic area au there: (2) Perhaps a long term lease could be plugged
into this - u.. the property for park facilities: (3) Zone the area co...rcial
and provide an office complex which would be more desirable than an apart_nt
complex and bring jobs into the area.
MAYOR POWELL said if 80meone hilS land and it is properly zoned. we can' t
deprive the person of their right to develop this land unl... it create. it
hazard -- we did zone that Multi-Dwelling w
MRS. BRONSON SIJI>IIET asked what is the overall view for Gre.ley Street _ is
that all going to be zoned Commercial? She did not want to li~ in a high
desnity areaw
MAYOR POH'BLL said he felt that it lfOuld not be zoned COIIlII8rcial _ farther
out is good planning but they 'WOuld not pick a spot in the heart of a residential
area for Co_rcial usea.
MRS. SIJI)RB'J' said the whole complexion ot Greeley Street is changing and a. a
ho_ owner we don't want to add on to ('}ur he_s if this 84 unit apart_nt is
to be built in this area which she felt lfOuld zone them out of their hoM..
LES STBPAH, 218 North Martha Street. aaked what the City is going to do with
the property on the We.t of Lily Lake as this complex would cut off acces. to
this piece of land. (It was agreed that they would .til1 be "able to get to
this property).
JACK DIBLBlft"BBIS, 1505 North First Str_t. said in the event that the. Council
Bees fit to put in these apartments, is there a recollllMlndation fro. the .
Planning Collllliss.ton. and is there anything to prevent the future tenants of
that place from coII.ing in here to the Council and raising "hell" about the
lights and the noise from the arena.
TIlE CZft COORDIHA'1'OR read a letter from the Planning Collllission addresaed to
Mayor Powell,
They requested the following information:
1. Site elevation ana amount of recreation available
2. Determine storII. drainage
3. Investigate a decrease in the unit density
4. An agr....nt. preferably in writing. about the reasonable
use of the arena facilities.
COURCI:LMAR' '1'IIOJllPSON raised a question about the storm drain - if the run-off
would get to the drain in that area.
DUANE ELLIOTT said the existing storm 88WE1r on Greeley Street is on the West
side of the street ana would be accessible to be connected to the internal
system. There would be a concentration of water from the two driveways and
it is possible that an additional catch basin would have to be put in on the
west side. The sanitary sewer syst. seeu to be adequate ana the water
pre.sure would be adequate. The sewage would be pumped up to Anderson Street
and flow by gravity to t,h~ "'"1lson Street station. The existing lift station
on Greeley Street is sufficient to handle 300 people.
MRS. SIJDNBT questioned the ecology of the area and asked about a Mllber of the
Council who could help her with 80_ information this and COUNCILMAN BALFANZ
said that we have been making studies and we have taken samples down to the
sewer plant for testing. Mr. Blekum. could give her this information about these
COURCI:LMAN PETERSON asked if the stom sewer from these catch basins would run
into Lily Lake and MR.. ELLIOTT said on the northeast corner the discharge would
go into the BriCk Pond. He also stated that he will have the studies on the
control of the level of the water at Lily Lake available at the next council
meeting. He has one reconmendation in that report and it will be presented in
about a ,week for review.
(February 12, 1974 - continued)
COUNcUMAN WOIlLERS asked about the drainage into the Brick Pond and MR. ELLIOTT
said it drains under the road to get back to Lily Lake.
MRS. O'BRIEN said that problem with the lights and the r.o1se should be down in
black and white to avoid any problems.
cOUNcILMAN PftBRSON asked if Mr. Elliott I.ad lookod at the site plan and he said
he had briefly and that par~ of the curb ,"",uld have to he removed for the drive-
ways and then replaced it weuId DeCOM' a part of their cost---other than that he
saw no conflict.
MR. IlE1UIU stated that they could as an addendum to their lease agreemants, stating
that this activity doss take place in the area and thsre could he noiso and lights
that could create a proble...
MR.. KDIMIL called the Council's attention to the fact that they can require IIOre
than the lllini.... requir_nts if they feel they are justified. That the developer
proVide and develop recreation facilities for the tenants.
MR. S~ 8aid (1) it a.... to him that there were enough people here Who live
on Gr.eley Street that are oPPOsed to this 84 unit with traffic coming and going;
(2) Are you Bure that you can take surface water and put it into Lily Lake?
(3) Do you feel that the addition of this many people is not gOing to ha... an
adverse affect on the recreation facilities the City now owns on Lily Lake. Which
is really a "go."? (4) Back at that ti_ you "'ro lillitod as to tho purches. of
this property and questioned hOw tho operation is going and if it ,"",uld he POssible
to acquire th1a land. and PUt in so_ picnic tabl.....~c. Be could not see how
this could pass 8S there did not see. to be anyone here this 8V1tDing who waa in
favor of the project. Uo did not foel that it ,"",uld he a hoalthy thing for the
City ~f Stillwater, and he could name a half dozen other places that would be
azch better ~ Could the City buy the property with the moni.. from the arena?
1ll\1!OR POIiELL stated that .... are operating in the black _ as far as _king any
mneyoff the bond i.aue we are not. Perhaps we .houla'~C!OntinU8 the hearing
UDtil we get a further study on Lily Lake and some of the questions that have
arinn. fro. the Planning CoJmli881on answered.
CO~.ILNAR PBTBRsoH said he thought it was inappropriate to approve a COllplex
like this. The Council has commissioned the City's Engineer to make a study
of Lily Lake and the posBiblity of pumping the lake I. rising water level to
JlcKUsiCk Lake. ae felt that the Planning Comnd8s1on had eome valid questions
that he would like to see answered.
On motion of Councilman peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz
,that this hearing be continued and this matter be referred. back
to the Planning COnaission for additional study and reOOlll88ndation
and that the Consulting Engineer send a copy of his study of Lily
Lake to the Planning Commission to use in COnjunction with this
Councilman Balfanz amended the IIIOtion to add '"that a letter
be sent to the County Planner along with a copy of Duane's
Councilman Peterson seconded the amendment.
(Vote on the amendment and the motion showed all in favor)
1. On IIIOtion of Councilman Peterson, seconded by CounCilman Balfanz ths
February 26, 1974 Council meeting will convene at 7:00 P. M. due to the
politic~l caucuses being held that evening at 8:00 P. M.
(February 12, 1974 - continued)
3. This was the day and time to open bids on the PUMPER APPARATUS for the
Fire Department.
The advertisement for bid was published in the Stillwater Evening Gazette.
the offical newspaper of the City on January 9. 1974.
The following bids 'Were opened by the Ci ty Coordinator I
Bid Ro. 1
Rowe Pire Apparatus Co., Inc.
Anderson, Indiana
Bid Bond
Basic Bid
Bid RD.. 2
Luverne Fire Apparatus Co..
Luverne, Minnesota
Certified Check
Balli Bid
Bid 110. 3
General Safety Equipment Corporation
North Branch. MD.
Bid Bond
'Basic Bid
Bid RD. 4
~rican LaFrance
Blalira, New York
Bid Bond
88810 Bid
On Imtion of Councilman Balfanz, .econded by Councilman 'l'hollpson
the.. bids were referred to the Public Safety Depart.nt and
the city Attorney for their study and reco_ndation at a later
4. This was the day scheduled for the openinoj of bids for the Pour Wheel Self-
Propelled Pickup Street _per.
The acJvertie..nt for bids was published in the Stillwater Evening Gazette.
the offical newspaper of the City and bid proposal forms were sent to
prospective bidders.
The following bidB were opened at 3;00 P. M. by Mr. Marshall with Jack Shelton
and. the Deputy City Clerk in attendance;
Bid 110. I
Hayden MUrphy Bquipment Co.
Minneapolis. Minnesota
Bid Bond
Less Trade-zn
Net Bid
Bid &0. 2
Ball Equipment. Inc.
Savage. Minnesota
Bid Bond
Gross Bid
Le.. Trade-In
Net Bid
(February 12, 1974 - continued)
On motion of councilman Peterson, seconded by councilman Balfanz
action on these bids was deferred to the next meeting.
5. REV. C. L. BURROUGHS, pastor of the calvin Assembly of God Church, appea1:'ed
be~ore the council regarding the proposed purchase of the Auditorium Building
in downtown Stillwater and using it as a Christian center. Be was told that
there is concern about the construction of the building and a180 wanted to
knoW just what had to be done before he could proceed.
JI1t.'!OR POWELL stated that the procedure is to refer this matter to the Planning
comdssion and the city's Building Inspector. The Council haa the final action
on such _tters and in most instances follow the recollll8ndations of the planning
on mtion of councilman peterson, seconded by councilman Balfanz
that this request be referred to the planning eolllllission and have
a decision by the 26th. Also the Cm.ber of co_rce should be
involved Bince thiB building is a definite part of the concept
plan, nature of the activity to be held here and as to the zoning
and whether or not a special UM permit would be required. AlBO
should be referred to the Housing Authority. (all in favor).
Discussion followed on the proposed electrical rate increase for cuatOMrs in
the Stillwater area. The average increase would be a 18 incre.se. The last
increase was in 1971 which was approved by the council at thattiM. The State
of Minnesota doe. not have State regulations of utilities but.. there i8 a bill in
the legislature at this tiM.
MR. XVAR WEISS suggested that we see what the other municipalities are doing
abov.t this and if necessary take them to court.
considerable adverse co_nts were made by the audience and the council and
t.here were also somB coaD8nts in favor of the proposed increases.
COURCIUIAR PBTERSOR said that he agreed if other colllllUllitieB feel that they
have to have so_thing to justify this it would help. The booklet does not show
anything as far as figures only percentages, and he felt that there had been
incre."s since 1971 and moved that the council should not approve the increase.
councilman Wohlers secondeCl the DDtion.
(all in favor).
MR. IVAN WEISS appeared before the council regarding his sewage problem
on 107 Lakeside Terrace. He fully explained his problem a.1.d drew on the
blackboard his compl4lte system of his septic tank or cesspool and the drain
fielas. He feels that he has been getting a lot of surface drainage into
his drainfielas.
MR. KIMMEL stated that we can't continue to permit Mr. Weiss to let this
sewage run into the street. He is going to start to have it pumpea and
also possibly reduce his water usage.
MR. WEISS said he ff'lt there was negligence on the part of the city in
issuing these permits for this area.
MR. KIIMEL stated further that Mr. Weiss woulCl have to pump and if he wanted
to sue the city he coula do so.
MR. MARSHALL .tatedthat we know there is a pollution problem ana it is
e"Cpensive to be pumpea. He asked Mr. weiss if it would be possible to have
all of his washing done at a laundromat which would cut down the amount of
sewage greatly. Also as a.n alternate we could check the leakage into the
septic tank.
(February 12. 1974
- continued)
MR. WEISS asked how soon they could expect sewer up '.n that area.
MR. ELLIOTT said there are problems due to the distance and the location.
The City is hoping to find 8011I8 financial relief under the Clear Water
Bill. but met of this mney is going for waste water treataient facilities.
The City will have to go through the Corp of Engi~"!.aers to run it into the
river bottolD - there are two alternatives..
MR. KDMEL said that Mr.. wei88 has an obligation to stop the sewag8 froll
runninq into the stre.t and if he does not. then the City will have to
do Bc_thinJ legal to stop hill. Also if so_one e1.8 is running over
they will be asked to P\IIIIP alBa..
On mtion of councilman Peterson. seconded by Councilman
Balfanz theap!*priate city officials were instructed to.
check out. this problea at 107 Lakeside Terrace in order to
abate the health hazards in this area. (This atter is to
be taken care of Thursday, pebruary 14, 1974 at 8:30 A. M. with
Len Revqv.iat, Ray Marahall, Jack Shelton and Lyle Doerr froll
waoltington counl::r) .
_ BUBnlBSS " lcontinued)
2. on mtion of coancilllan peterson, aeconded by COUDcilDtan Wohler. a
resolution was introduced "VOIDING CERTAIN' OUTSTAHDIHG CBBCU".
(see resolutions).
3. JIlt. JlABSllALL infor_d the Council that effective January 1, 1974 the,City
will be liable for 1.IIlellPloyment compensation for any employee that Work.
IIDre than 18 week. and -then is laid off.
4. On IIOtion of Cou t:ilman pet.erson, Hconded by Councilman Balfanz a
resolution was introduced IIDIRBCTDIG TIlE PAYMENT OF TIlE BILLS". (see
reeolutions) .
On IIIl)tion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman Peterson the following
license. were approved: (renewals)
Robert Eardley
Box 95, Stillwater, Mi.Dnesota
General COntra ~or
George W. Siegfried
415 Lakeside Drive, Ba1lPOrt, MIl. 55003
GtIleral COntractor
Harold Chatterton
204 Horth Main Street, Stillwater
cigarett& and Sof~ Dria~
Maple Manor NUrsing 11;)_
1119 NOrth owens, Stillwater
Soft Drink
Prom Joseph M. Silmnet, 120 West Chestnut Street, submitting his name to become
a member of the Stillwater Planning Commission.
From setty Roney, 510 North Third Street, submitting the name of Mrs. Leslie
JUhl, 136 South HOlCOmbe Street, for ~ership on the Stillwater Planning
(February 12, 1974 - continued)
Froal Mrs. William D. Klapp, 1128 South Everett Street, Thanking the Mayor
and the City Council and the City Coordinator for the copy of the resolution
commending her on her service on the Library Board.
Froll P. A.. Hamm addressed to the Board of Water Conmissioners regarding re-
imbursement for thawing services on March 11, 1972.
From the Minnesota-W'isconsin Boundary Area Conaission regarding the Senior
Citizen HOusing Project in Downtown Stillwater.
Prom Save open Space, st. paul, Minnesota regarding open space programs for
JIIItropolitan Parks and open Space Legislation.
PrOal Mike Greeder, 50S South Martha street, Stillwater regarding the playground
~ui~nt at Washington Park.
ProlD John J.. McCarten, Alexandria regarding the franchise for Cable TV.
1. lilt.. MARSJlALL announced that there will be. a Legislative Action Conference
sponsored by the League of Minnesota Municipalities, ThurlKlay, February 28,
1974 at the St.. paul Art. and Science Center, st. Paul.
2. The appointments for the Recreation eoamiBsion will be taken care of at
the next regular Meting.
3. 'l'here will be a special meeting of the City Council at 3:00 p. M.
Pebruary 13, 1974 regarding the proposed permanent dike plan, the contract
for Local No. 49, and the proposed location of the Park Building.
There is a problelD with parking on South Greeley Street for the County
Welfare Department Employees..
On mtion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by councilman Wohlers, the
City Coordinator was Clirected to contact the County about the traffic
control probl_ on Greeley Street asking them. for a proposed solution Which
would be suitdle to both the County and the City.
1. The Building Iftspection Department is to be alert4kl that there is a problem
with the fence on North Third Street adjacent to a house on the East side
where there was a fire sometime ago, and also that condemnation should be
pursued for this dwelling. (207 North Third Street).
No Report
(Pebruary 12, 1974 - continued)
1. Location of a site for the parks Building (To be discussed on
February 13th)
2.. On motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman Thompson the
Council approved the change in the charges for ice ti_ from $25.00 to $35.00
for non-prime tiM and from $40.00 to $45.00 for prime ti_ for the
1974-75 season.
3. On motion of Councilman Balfanz, sClconded by Councilman Thompson the
proposed pay scale for the lifeguards for the sUlllller of 1974 was approved.
(see schedule in the file).
1. The Municipal Commission has denied the Incorporation request of Grant
Township and indicated they are placing a t\lo'O year moritorium on all
annexations from Grant Township.
1. On D)tion of Councilman peterson, seconded by Councilman Balfanz a
FOR IDCAL IMPROVBMBNT NO. 108 'l'O PEDERSON BROS. n (See resolut-ions).
2. MR. ELLIO'l"J" will present the report for the proposed perlDi!lnent dike site
to the Council on February 13th.
The roof drain survey is completed and 62% of the 95 business places have
one connection or another to the sanitary system. It is hoped that the
parties will be notified as soon as this report is received. Four out
of the 95 defied tho locations of their drains.
The following resolutions were read and on roll call were unanimously adopted:
Directing the payment of the Bills.
2. Voiding Certain outstanding Checks
Resetting the Rearing Date for Local Improvement No. 119 - OWen Street.
(Amend Resolution Ho. 5026)
4.. Accepting Work and Making Final payment on Local Improvement No. 108 _
pederson Bros.
On motion of Councilman Balfanz, seconded by Councilman w~_~ the meeting
adjourned at 11:05 P. M.. ')
Attes:~ ~h,."'~1..et
~y Clerk.