HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-25 CC MIN r SPBCIAL MBETING STILLWATBR CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 25, 1987 4:30 p.... The meeting was called to order by Mayor Abrahamson. Present: Councilmembers Bodlovick, Parrell, Kimble, Opheim, and Mayor Abrahamson. Absent: None Also Present: City Coordinator Kriesel Pinance Director caruso Co.... Dev. Director Russell Recording Secretary Schaubach Press: Lee Ostrom, Stillwater Gazette Others: Dennis Balyeat, Washington Co. HRA STILLWATBR TOWNSHIP BOARD r The City Council met with the Stillwater Township Board to discuss the Township's objection to proposed annexation of certain properties by the City. Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Council..mber Opheim to adopt the appropriate resolution reco.-ending the payback foraula of 100'-80'- 60'-40'-20' phasedown over the next five years for the parcels currently being annexed; that the sa.. formula will apply to any future annexations through sunset December 31, 1988, on the condition that the Township withdraw its objection ..de to the Minnesota Municipal Board. (Resolution No. 7795) Ayes - Councilmeabers Bodlovick, Parrell, Kimble, Opheia and Mayor Abrahameon Nays - None WashinGton Count v HRA r' , Dennis Balyeat appeared before the Council to discuss the possiblity of developing multi-faaily housing to be aarketed priaarily to first-time ho.. buyers. It..s reco.-ended that Mr. Balyeat meet with the City Pinance Director and the City Engineers for further discussion on the feasibility and costs of the project and report back to the Council in the future. Motion by Councilmember Parre1l, seconded by Counci1meaber Bod1ovick to adopt the appropriate resolution reco...nding the washington County HRA staff prepare the TIP plan a..nd..nt. (Resolution No. 7798) Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Parrell, Kimble, Opheim and Kayor Abrahalll80n Nays - None 1 r, stillwater City Council Minutes Special Meetinq Auqust 25, 1987 BKPLOYHBMT OF JUMIOR ACCOUMT CLBRK Motion adopt Cross 1987. by Councilmember Opheim, seconded by Councilmember Farrell to the appropr iate resolution authorhtl1g the hir inq of Janine as Junior Account Clerk with a startinq date of September 8, (Resolution Mo. 7800) Ayes - Councilmembers Farrell, Kimble, Opheim and Mayor Abrahamson Maya - Councilmember Bodlovick OTHBR BUSIMBSS Motion by Councilmember Opheim, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to adopt the appropriate resolution settinq a Public Hearinq on September 29, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. for proposed assessments for L.I. 220, Pine and Churchill Streets, and L.I. 242, Vest Sycamore Street, and authorizinq the City Clerk to publicize same. (Resolution Mo. 7797) o Ayes - Councilmeabers Bodlovick, Farrell, Kiable, Opheim and Kayor Abrahamson Maya - Mone City Coordinator Kriesel informed the Council of a letter beinq sent by the City to Croixwood homeowners who do not belonq to the Homeowners Association. The letter informs the residents that the lawsuit between the City, the Croixwood Homeowners Association and the builder reqardinq the fireplaces has been settled and that the City stronqly recommends that all fireplaces be repaired or rendered inoperative. All costs will be the responsibility of the homeowner, but the City will waive all permit fees and provide inspection services at no charqe. Council reco-.ended that a copy of the letter be attached to all deeds of Croixwood homes so that future buyers would be aware of the possibility of a defective fireplace. Motion by Councilmember Opheim, seconded by Councilmember adopt the appropriate resolution eaployinq Joe Ritzer Bquipment Operator, effective upon his replacement as person. (Resolution Mo. 7801) Farrell to as Liqht maintenance Ayes - Councilmembers Farrell, Kimble, Opheim and Mayor Abrahamson Mays - Councilmember Bodlovick r Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded qive permission to Bob Bielenberq to Association Meetinq. (All in favor) by Councilmeaber Bodlovick to attend Ice Arena Kanaqers 2 ('\ n r stillwater City Council Minutes Special Meeting August 25, 1987 ADJOURNHBNT Motion by Councilmember Farrell, adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. and went into Executive Session. seconded by Councilmember Opheim to (All in favor). Council adjourned Resolutions No. 7795 - Mo. 7797 - No. 7798 - Mo. 7800 - No. 7801 - Tax Rebate to Township. ABsessment Hearing for L.I. 220 and 242. Authorizing HRA to do TIF Plan Amendment. Bmploy Janine Cross as Junior Account Clerk. Bmp10y Joe Ritzer as Light Equipment Operator. ATTBST: .. p)~ ~~ nUt ~.vvJ 1 CITY K Submitted by Shelly Schaubach Recording Secretary RECORD 0}' KXECUTIVE Sl!SSION 'Ja:::e convened: Tuesday, Augl1~t 25, l~trl Time ~on""ned: b:1S p.m. Time ,djourned: p.m. Mell'_b"'rs present., Badlovick, f",,~reil, KlJpble, QP~eim ilnd 11ayor AblCaharnsan Mejf,b"rs"bsent: None Also present: Clty Coordin~to.~ Kriesel, Cily Attorney Magnu~on PurpQ~e uf Executive Sosg.ion: Accitm lakEn; "'Ltest: /OO~'112 ~ #Y__{A..l -' <- ~i,,"'---e ciLyCoord.ir.ator