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February 17, 1987
6:30 P.M.
The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Abrahamson.
The Invocation was given by City Clerk Johnson.
Councilmembers Bodlov1ck, Farrell, Kimble, Opheim (arrived at
6:35 P.M.), and Mayor Abrahamson.
City Coordinator Kriesel
City Attorney Magnuson
Comm. Dev. Director Russell
Public Safety Director Mawhorter
Park & Rec. Director Blekum
Public Works D1rector Junker
Consulting Engineer Moore
City Clerk Johnson
Lee Ostrom, Stillwater Gazette
Carol DeWolf, St. Croix Valley Press
Also Present:
Jerry Fontaine, Art Palmer, Carol Seydel (Terra Care, Inc.),
Kent Kromer (Kromer Co.), Dick Nordlund.
It was noted that 1n the Executive Session, February 3, 1987, the Motion
made regard1ng the C1ty paying 100% of hospital insurance costs for all
Department Heads was not "All 1n favor" as reported, but the following:
Ayes - Councilmembers Farrell, Kimble, and Opheim;
Nays - Councilmember Bodlovick and Mayor Abrahamson.
Mot10n by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Farrell to
approve the M1nutes of February 3, 1987 Regular and Recessed Meetings as
presented; and the Minutes of the February 3, 1987 Execut1ve Session as
corrected. (All in favor)
(Councilmember Opheim arrived.)
1. Public Safety -
n 1
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Regular Meeting
February 17, 1987
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Farrell to
approve the following purchases for the Police Dept.: (All in favor)
Equipment for Squad Cars (5
shotgun lock, oxygen kit,
1 abor) -
radios, 2 light bars, 2 screens,
first aid kit, fire extinguisher and
IBM PC and related equipment (P.C., network & software, cable,
hard disk, Extensive tape drive) -
$ 4,850
2. Public Works -
A short discussion ensued regarding sweeping of the streets and the amount
of money saved on snow removal this winter. Council also commended the
Public Works people who have been working on the Library renovation
Mr. Junker reported that 16,000 yards of garbage will hauled out of the
Interlachen Hills area beginning tomorrow and Maryknoll Drive may be used
for this operation. The procedure will take approximately eight days to
3. Parks & Recreation -
Mr. Blekum presented a request for a Permit to Consume from Kelley Meagher
for Pioneer Park on September 26, 1987. After some discussion, it was
decided to table this item until the March 3, 1987 meeting until a police
background check can be made.
Mr. Blekum presented the bids received for the Turf Tractor - one from
Toro (which did not meet the specs), one from Terra Care, and two bids
from Kromer Co., one for a demonstrator.
Carol Seydel, representing Terra Care, Inc., questioned the bid
specifications. Also, she was not aware she could've bid demo equipment
as this was not stated in the specs.
Kent Kromer, Kromer Co., answered Ms. Seydel's comments regarding
comparisons of machines.
Extensive discussion followed regarding the merits of both machines and
the inadequacy of the bid specifications.
Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Farrell to table the
award of a bid for a turf tractor for the Park and Recreation Department until
the March 3, 1987 meeting. (All in favor)
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Regular Meeting
February 17, 1987
5. Commun1ty Development 01rector -
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember Opheim to approve
the attendance of one Bu11d1ng Inspector at a conference on March 18, 19, and
20, 1987 on F1eld Inspections at a cost of $85.00. (All in favor)
6. City Clerk -
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Kimble to approve
the attendance of the C1ty Clerk at the annual MCFOA state conference in March
at a cost of $154.00. (All in favor)
1. This is the day and time for the public hearing on a request for a
var1ance to the setback requ1rements for a free standing business sign
located at 14480 - 60th St. No. in the IP-C Industrial Park Commercial
Dist., David Decker, Nappa Auto Parts, Applicant. Case No. V/87-1.
The not1ce of Pub11c Hearing was published in the Stillwater Gazette
on February 6, 1987 and cop1es were ma11ed to affected property owners.
r. Mr. Russell expla1ned the request is to add a four foot by eight foot sign
to the existing 23 ft. high, 120 sq. ft., free standing Surplus Outlet
sign. The sign meets the Sign Ord1nance requirements except for the
setback. The Plann1ng Commission recommended approval of this case.
Council expressed a concern about how many signs will be added. Mr.
Russell stated there is a limit based on the frontage ft. and the request
made is allowable. Mr. Fontaine stated the Planning Commission feels that
this business 1s at a d1sadvantage because they are placed farther back
than others in the area and a s1gn may be of help to them in their
Motion by Counc11member Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Farrell to
approve request for variance to setback requirements for a free stand1ng
business sign located at 14480 - 60th St. No. for David Decker, Nappa Auto
Parts, Case No. V/87-I. (All 1n favor)
Council recessed for five minutes and reconvened at 7:20 P.M.
7. Consulting Eng1neer Report -
Mr. Moore reported that previously the Engineers had requested the City to
review the insurance coverage which is required on City contracts with
contractors. Mr. Magnuson made some recommendations and forwarded them to
the 1nsurance agent for review.
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Regular Meeting
February 17, 1987
Mr. Moore stated that in regard to the refuse removal in Interlachen, they
will have an inspector present in order to protect the City.
Advertisement for Bids for Park and Rec. Turf Tractor
Motion by Councilmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Opheim to
readvertise for bids for the turf tractor for the Park and Recreation Dept.
with bids to be returned before the next Council meeting on March 3, 1987.
(A 11 in favor)
8. City Attorney -
Mr. Magnuson reported on the Mn/DOT easement property on North Main Street.
The State owns the property and they need to make a determination if this
is excess right-of-way and to decide on the cost.
Mr. Magnuson advised Council that a settlement agreement has been arrived
at in the DNR lawsuit. It provides that the Yacht Club and City agree to
limiting the number of boats that are put into the water on certain days.
The Yacht Club will monitor it for themselves and the DNR will check on it
periodically. The Boundary Commission also agrees to this plan. A
document will be signed at a later date. The Council agreed to this plan.
Mr. Magnuson initiated discussion of the Development Agreement for the
Lowell Inn. He reviewed the following changes requested by Mr. Palmer
which would have to be approved by the Council:
1. Assessment agreements no longer being permissable, - Mr. Magnuson
stated this point has been taken care of.
2. The level of completion the project must reach before city funds are
paid out to reimburse the developer for public improvement costs, -
Mr. Palmer is requesting 50% completion instead of 75%. It was
suggested that 50% of funds be released at 50% completion and the
balance be released at final completion.
3. Reimbursement for public improvement costs in the amount of
$860,000.00 vs. the definition "spendable proceeds" (requested by Mr.
Palmer) of 1.6 million dollar bonds, - Council discussion included the
concern that the City is covered for the costs of the improvements
that are needed.
4. The "right (of the developer) to direct the city as to the city's
acquiring the church property", - Discussion followed regarding
Council's concern about relinquishing their governmental right in this
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Regular Meeting
February 17, 1987
case. Mr. Kriesel also reported on the meeting with Pastor Johns of
Trinity Lutheran Church, Bob Briggs, and Mr. Russell held this
5. The removal of five parking meters in front of the Lowell Inn on No.
2nd St. and yellow line curb, - Council agreed this could be allowed,
but to wait until after the Library moves back to its quarters on 4th
6. A "Joint Parking Use Agreement" with basic control in the hands of the
developer, - Council concerns included parking problems in the area
and to negotiate a Parking Use Agreement with the "control" of such to
be determined later.
Dick Nordlund, 8660 Partnership (Kindercare) - Resolution authorizing
issuance of $255,000 Commercial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds for
8660 Partnership -
Mr. Nordlund explained that interest rates have come down since this was
originally approved and they would like to refinance to take advantage of
the lower interest rates. Mr. Kriesel and Mr. Magnuson have reviewed the
request and everything is in order.
Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Farrell to adopt the
appropriate resolution approving the authorization and issuance of $255,000
Commercial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds for 8660 Partnership.
(Resolution No. 7706)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Kimble, and Opheim, and Mayor
Nays - None
1. Possible Second Reading of "No Smoking" Ordinance at Ice Arena.
Mr. Magnuson stated an ordinance is not needed since this is covered by
Minnesota Statutes if signs are posted prohibiting smoking; and the
Council has already passed a resolution and posted the signs.
NEW BUSINESS (Continued)
2. Request for Sewer Bill Adjustment - 502 West Churchill Street.
r 5
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Regular Meeting
February 17, 1987
Council discussion involved residents not returning cards for the reading
of water meters. Councilmember Kimble suggested the policy on these
requests be reviewed.
Motion by Councllmember Bodlovick, seconded by Councilmember Farrell to deny
the claim for Sewer Bill Adjustment at 502 West Churchill Street. Ayes - 3;
Nays - 2, Councilmember Kimble and Mayor Abrahamson voted Nay.
Motion by Councilmember Kimble, seconded by Councilmember Farrell to approve
the Consent Agenda of February 17, 1987, including the following items: (All
in favor)
1. Directing Payment of Bills, with the addition of $154.00 for the City
Clerk to attend the Minnesota Clerk's Conference in March (Resolution No.
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Kimble, Opheim, and Mayor
Nays - None.
2. Applications:
Croixland Excavating
10003 Mendel Road No.
Stillwater, Mn. 55082
Renewa 1
Fireside Corner, Inc.
883 Front Ave.
St. Paul, Mn. 55103
Fireplace Install.
Industrial Sprinkler Corp.
750 First St. S.W.
New Brighton, Mn. 55112
Sprinkler Install.
Eugenia Junker
representing St. Mary's Church
St. Joseph's Society -
4th & Pine Sts.
Sti llwater
February 27, 1987
6:00 P.M. - Midnight
Dinner & Door prizes
Fundraiser for
Catholic Ed.
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Regu 1 ar Meet ing
February 17, 1987
Holiday Foods
101 No. Owens St.
Stillwater, Mn.
City Coordinator
Mr. Kriesel asked Council permission to exempt Department Heads from
attending meetings when there is no business involving their department.
Council concurred with this.
Award of Bid for Sprinkler System at Stillwater Public Library
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councilmember Bodlovick to adopt
the appropriate resolution authorizing the award of bid for the sprinkler
system at the Stillwater Public Library to Viking Automatic Sprinkler Co. in
the amount of $48,500.00; and authorizing the execution of the contract by the
Mayor and City Clerk. (Resolution No. 7707)
Ayes - Councilmembers Bodlovick, Farrell, Kimble, Opheim, and Mayor
Nays - None
Mr. Kriesel requested a workshop be held regarding the Downtown Study.
Council agreed to meet at 5:00 P.M., March 24, 1987 to discuss this item.
Transfer of Liquor License for Meister's on Main
Mr. Kriesel stated he received a request from Jack Lux for assurance of a
liquor license transfer for Meister's Bar on Main Street to Scott
Steindorf on or about April 1, 1987. Discussion followed regarding the
necessity of holding an investigation and public hearin9 for the transfer,
etc. Mr. Magnuson stated Mr. Lux could be given assurance "aside from any
illegal Hies..
Discussion of Westphal Heights & Marvin Gardens
Mr. Kriesel explained the problems regarding these two subdivisions which
involve sewer extension and improvement of streets. Extensive discussion
followed. Mr. Magnuson suggested obtaining, as part of the subdivision
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Regular Meeting
February 17, 1987
approval, a waiver of assessment hearing or the right to appeal the amount
that is spread against each lot as a special assessment. Mr. Russell
stated the street does not meet current city standards and when a new
development comes in, it should meet city standards. Mr. Kriesel
suggested that the City not require the developer to build the street, but
as part of the subdivision approval, to accept the assessments on the
property. The Planning Commission will discuss this at their meeting on
February 23.
Mr. Kriesel noted the letter from Mn/DOT regarding the scoping decision
document for the new bridge. Mayor Abrahamson reported on the meeting
held last Thursday regarding the bridge.
Mr. Kriesel commented on two thank you letters sent to the Fire Department
-- one from the Mayor of Marine thanking the Fire Department and also one
from one of the Day Care Centers.
Councilmember Opheim asked about the effect of reconstructing the old Cub
Foods Store on Jackman's Pond and Mr. Moore responded to this question by
stating the impact is on the frontage road ditch rather than the pond and
they are holding meetings with the state regarding this.
Councilmember Kimble suggested the Council hold a retreat regarding team
building, and include some of the staff members. Mr. Kriesel was asked to
check into this.
Mr. Kimble suggested a policy be drafted for the City's position and
requirements for development. He also submitted, in regard to the above,
a letter of support for Council approval for the Washington Square
Development. This would not be signed until after the Development
Agreement is completed and signed.
Councilmember Farrell stated he appreciates receiving the monthly reports
from Public Safety Director Mawhorter and asked Mr. Kriesel to convey this
to him.
Mayor Abrahamson stated he had met with the Superintendent of Schools
recently who is a supporter of the City. The Mayor also commented on the
development next to Perkins on Highway 36.
Stillwater City Council Minutes
Re9ular Meeting
February 17, 1987
Motion by Councilmember Farrell, seconded by Councl1member Kimble to adjourn
the meeting at 9:05 P.M. (All in favor)
No. 7705 - Directing Payment of Bills
No. 7706 - Authorizing issuance of $255,000 Commercial Development Revenue
Refunding Bonds for 8660 Partnership.
No. 7707 - Award of Bid for Sprinkler System for Library and authorization of
execution of contract by Mayor and City Clerk.
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