June 19, 1985
Washington County Courthouse
County Board Chambers
Stillwater, MN 55082
5:30 p.m.
I. Public Hearing
A. Variance Request submitted by Beim Construction Company (owner)
and UFE, Inc. (applicant) to construct an addition to an
existing building.
II. Business Meeting
A. Call to Order
B. Approval of Minutes
C. New Business
1. UFE Variance Request
D. General Discussion
E. Adjournment
Dated: June 5, 1985
/s/ Dennis O'Donnell
Minutes of the
Joint Powers Committee
June 19, 1985
Harry Peterson, Ann
Bod1ovick, Ray Senkus, Bill Lundquist
Dennis O'Donnell, Douglas Swenson, Rhonda Thode
Dick. Carlson,, Terry
Harry Peterson called the business meeting to order at 5:55
Ray Senkus moved to
approve the February 27, 1985 minutes as
Ann Podlovick seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Ray SenkUs moved to
grant the variance for UFE as requested.
Bodlovick seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
The next meeting of
the Committee will be July 17, 1985.
Motion was made and
seconded to adjourn at 6:00 p. m. Motion
Minutes of the
Joint Powers Committee
June 19, 1985
Harry Peterson, Ann Bod 1ov i c k, Ray Senk us, Bill Lundquist
Dennis O'Donnell, Douglas Swenson, Rhonda Thode
Dick Carlson, Terry Doerr
Harry Peterson opened the public hearing at 5:35 p.m.
Dick Carlson, an architect representing UFE, stated they are requesting a
variance from the 201 s i deyard setback requirement to construct an
addition to an existing building. The addition and existing building will
be 3.51 from the property line. Mr. Carlson presented a master plan f
the proposal. In terms of land, there are five lets, four of which UFE
awns and one they rent on the north side (the current building on this
rented lot is a warehouse). Part of the scheme is to tie three disjointed
buildings together and make them visually consistent with the rest of the
complex and give the building an aura of a united structure. UFE wishes
to build a manufacturing addition which would relate to their present
production facility, an office expansion would be renovated into the
building presently occupied by a manufacturing facility, and a new linkage
structure to serve as anoffice type function. The additions would expand
the building to 117,000 square feet. Also, part of this development would
be to enhance the entrance of the existing building. Access points would
occur from Greeley Street and Industrial Blvd. UFE is in the process of
working out an access easement along the east side of the property (a 30,
strip). The final details have not been clarified as yet. In addition,
UFE plans to pave a portion of H & I Wood Specialties area so they will
have not only space for deliveries, but additional parking spaces. In
turn, UFE will have the privilege of accessing off of Greeley Street. UFE
wo=uld also like to extend the wall by the leading dock to provide a visual
screen for adjacent property owners. Mr. Carlson felt the proposal Asa 1 wou1d
have little, i f any, impact on the adjacent property owner, H& I Wood
Harry Peterson questioned if UFE will be acquiring the rented property.
Mr. Carlson stated that acquisition of the land is dependent on whether
the variance is granted.
In response to a question from Ray Senkus, Mr. Carlson outlined the
property lines on the master plan.
Ann Bodlovick questioned what would happen if H & I_ would not agree to
the easement. Mr. Carlson explained that wo=uld destroy their master plan
and they would have to start from scratch. Harry Peterson pointed out it
Joint Powers Committee
UFE Public Hearing
June 19, 1985
Page 2
would be of benefit to H & I because it would give them access onto
Industrial Blvd. which they do not have not.
Dennis O'Donnell stated he has not reviewed the master plan for all the
zoning requirements and there may have to be some changes to their plan.
He felt the approval of the variance would not cause any harm to adjoining
property owners and would provide an overall benefit to the community. In
addition, he said the master plan appears reasonable, especially in light
of the fact UFE has limited area in which to expand.
Harry Peterson felt it was a good master plan and it would be good for UFE
to have the opportunity to tie all the buildings together.
Mr. Carlson stated there are some minor reworkings, but that he presented
is the basic concept. They dry not have the 20% open space requirement,
but in reconfiguration, landscaping will be in the overall scheme to
improve upon the visual aspect of the plan.
The hearing closed at 5:55 p.m.