HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-28 CPC MINMAYOR: ter Harry D. Peterson � COUNCILMEMBERS: Ann Marie Bodlovick David C.Junker THE BIRTHPLACE OF MINNESOTA Jay Kimble Brad MacDonald May 22, 1985 NOTICE OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CITY COORDINATOR: Nile L. Kriesel CITY CLERK: Mary Lou Johnson FINANCE DIRECTOR: Betty J. Caruso CITY ATTORNEY: David T. Magnuson THE STILLWATER PLANNING COMMISSION WILL MEET ON TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1985 at 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF CITY HALL, 216 NO. FOURTH ST. AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes - April 22, 1985. 2. Case No. 583 - Val Finniman, 715 So. 6th St. - 2 ft. building separation variance & 306 sq. ft. area variance for construction of garage. 3. Case No. 584 - Douglas Vollmer, 428 E. Alder - 878 Sq.Ft. variance, additional garage on lot. 4. Case No. 585 - David Majeski, St. Croix & Oakgreen - Resubdivision, grading plan & variances. 5. Case No. 586 - Don Nolde, 114 No. 5th St. - Special Use Permit to construct 12 -unit apartment bldg. in 2 -family district. 6. Case No. 587 - Thomas R. Kraft, 913 So. 4th St. - Variance to construct swimming pool closer than 10 ft. to property line. 7. Case No. 588 - Clarence Polzin, 2135 Oakridge Rd. - 2 ft. sideyard variance for construction of double garage. CITY HALL: 216 NORTH FOURTH STILLWATER, MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 612-439-6121 STILLWATER PLANNING COMMISSION Date: May 28, 1985 Time: 7:00 P.M. Dean Miller called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Dean handed out name tags because of the new members present. Everyone inroduced themselves. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as sent out. Dean Miller reviewed council action on last months cases. CASE NO. 583 Val Finneman, 715 South Sixth Street Two ft. building separation and 306 square feet garage size variance. Concensus was a 1,056 square ft. four stall garage was to large a variance. Motion made by Seitz, seconded by Hamlin to deny variance for square footage of garage. (yes, all) CASE NO. 584 Douglas Vollmer, 428 E. Alder Street 878 Square ft. garage variance. Presently there is a 744 square ft. tuck under garage and Owner wants another 878 square ft. garage giving him a total of 1,622 square feet. Ordinance is 750 square feet. The property is surrounded by Wolfe Marine on three sides. Motion by Hamlin, Seconded by Jacobson for denial. Motion passed. CASE NO. 585 David Majeski, Resubdivision. Limited discussion. After Bruce Folz, representing David Majeski, presented the proposal to the Commission. Several variances and drainage problems were dis- cussed along with a letter from Ken Meister, City Engineer. Moved for approval by Motion passed. CASE NO. 586 , seconded by Don Nolde, 114 North Fifth Street Build a 12-Plex (Ivan Rustin Property) Following the presentation and details of the project being presented by Tim Nolde, and affirmative comments by the neighbors, discussion turned to details, plans and specifications. Motion by Seitz, seconded by Hamlin to give conceptional approval subject to review of elevation drawings. (Yes, all) rncF Nn rSP7 Not present - Held over to June 20th. CASE NO. 588 Thomas Kraft, Swimming Pool variance Clarence Polzin 2 ft. sideyard variance. No drawings available. Held over to June 20th. STILLWATER PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Rob Hamlin Jerry Fontaine Douglas Seitz Dean Miller Allen Zepper- MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Vilmo Jay Kimble DATE: April 22, 1985 TIME: 7:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dean Miller. On a motion by Douglas Seitz, seconded by Rob Hamlin, the minutes from the meeting of March 25, 1985 were approved as submitted. Chairman Dean Miller gave a report on the Council's decisions regarding last month's cases. CASE NO. 579 Kari T. Simpkins, 1011 N. First St. for Variance variance for pool in front yard. Scott Hubbard -from Pacific Pool presented the proposed plan for Ms. Simpkins. Ms. Simpkins stated that after conversation with neighbors she has decided not to put the pool as proposed because of a hill. She states her back yard is very shaded and there is a dust problem and a foundation that would need to be dug out. Neighbors, Bryan Palmer, 1005 N. First Street and Jerry and Eleanor Ryan, 1015 N. First Street were present and stated their concern regarding slow erosion of the hill and that a pool there might create more of a problem. Motion by Jerry Fontaine to table this case until they modify a proposal. Motion died for lack of second. Rob Hamlin stated Ms. Simpkins and Mr. Hubbard come hack to this same meeting in about 45 minutes with a new proposal. Even if it is in the side yard a variance would be needed. After hearing other cases Ms. Simpkins and Mr. Hubbard returned and stated that she is withdrawing her request for a variance. CASE NO. 580 Don Ronning, 1111 W. Rice St. - for Variance 12 ft. street side variance. Mr. Ronning presented his proposed plan for an addition to the kitchen and dining room and to make a new entry: He states his neighbor has no objection. Motion by Jerry Fontaine, seconded by Rob. Hamlin to approve request for variance. Motion carried - 1 opposed (Seitz) with feelings that the addition would look like too large a structure relatively close to the street. f guoW uam0 /V/"z , `Pa g, cans �TTn oadsaH P @�41, uano C � o auT�e uo �aaa � •�• d OZ � g �� �uTgaaul agg p g g j r q papuooas `zgTaS ssT2no(I gq uoTgoW •aTgTsuej ST� Pp sTgg Gans a'�suz og )IJGTO S4TO aqg g4TM 310ago TTTm aaTTTW ueaQ •ui•d OO:L gs Sg6T `SZ SEW `Supsans aoj paTnpagos sem 2uTgaatu gxau aqg `nEQ TPIJOUIGW u6 STTUJ uoTSSTuiuro0 Slgg JO 2?uTgaaui gxau agg asnsoag •paTaaso ,STsnoul usun •usTd aATsuagaaduioo agg g4Tm aousTTduzoo uT sT ueTd aoueuTj guauzaaouT xsg sTgg gsgg zgTaS ssT2noQ �Sq papuooas `uTTuUH qoH Sq uoTgoW 'saadoTaAaP aoTgua og sT us -Ed a-g,T • gno-g2noagg pea-egs aq uto Sanuanaa agg gPgg pus ( sasag SZ uinuiTXUlU) 40TJ401P aqg UT sJ�sgS aSPaaouT 9UP gsgg pagsgS aqS 'uoTSSTIIuoO aqg og usTd aqg PauTETdxa VHH f,4unoO uo4SuTgsPM uioaj uosTasO ddTg ' VHH kLNnOO NOLONIHSVM NVgd ONIONVNIJ ZNSW9H3NI XVL - NOIMNR9HHJ paTaaso 1STsnouzTusun • 1SgTsuap uinTpauz og OuTuoz-aa anoadds og uTTUMH qoH Sq papuooas `auTeguo,I Saaar Sq uoTgoW • auTBguo j saaar PTP ss uoTgouz sTq maapg4Tm uTTureH qoK ' gTlzaad asn TsToads usgg aagg-ea SuTuoz-aa suTpas2aa paMoTTOJ uoTssnosTQ •gTuiaad asn TsToads anoadde og auTsguod aaaf �q papuooas `uTTuIsH qoH Sq uoTgoW ',STTI PJ aT2uTs Pauoz sT s,ddoa0 'aW gsgg a.SuaS ou aaS pine S2UTTTamp RTTu'PJ aTdzgjnui sT sari aTogm aqg gL-gq qno paguTod uoTSSTuzruoa aqy ' guoaJ UT. saso ET gnoqp pus saPo 9 aoJ sa2?sasS aAsg TTTm GH • GulPs aqg uTsuiaa RTTP3TsPq PTnom SuTpTTnq aqg jo apTsgno agg Sagsgs GH •gsonbai sTq pauTPTdxa ddoa0 •aW 'xaTd-9 s og xaTd-E 92usgo og SUTuoz-aa ao gTuiaad asn TP -Toads 2uTuoz-aa aTgTssod ao aoJ RGTGaJD MOST- `ddoa0 ssiuogy gTuzaad asn TsToadS Egg -ON 2sv0 •pGlaaso .STsnouiTu'eun ' aousTasA aSsguoaJ '4j SL pus uoSTATpgns aouTur aoj sgsanbaa anoadds og zgTaS ssT2nOG Sq papuooas `uTTuisH goH Sq UOT40W 'uoTgTPPV gg�'aug ggTA PaggsTd aq TTTm gT pus papaau aq you TTTM asagg uo saoB aul!4 sV 'papaau Gas aoueTasA pus uoTsTATpgn.s aqg pus asnoq BuTgsTxa sTq TTas og G:M PTnom aaSnoaq 'JW gsug pauTsTdxa zTOJ aonag •aousTasA a2s4uoaj aousTasA .gyr SL Pus uoT,siATpgnS aouTW iolT pus uosTATpgnS aouTW *PHTTamgnog Z£E£T `aaSnoaq tusTTTTM Tq5 'ON SSVO