HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-08-17 CPC MIN 1U t 17. 13N
7 :33
,,3 w,
jack 3401ton,
Was called to op6op
_. in 11 UT
y n v r r C r
t � rn oE1
Balaire SM,_ c. ent yinng fop a n ,wolemb,tQ
U. v
1>_ . Ous _ 17Ftwo. would consist
of twenty-foup L
...., _ .L Ys s` .� fone .� ._ ..._
���-'L .L: ��. 7 n _ ,.Cts__ e c i'_
sewen r Y�
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some futuve da" In' V'11"
3 ;: Wand) stated,
Cfpr as
U -` C school
lnZ the pi-ns UP the jew
To 616 not Cava to Any �,,Yoyenten 10 us �nu at that
fop a _.t_C- ,_.. cwunty ntonou4hfa_ e ,� claim t__u_ - i, a need
10. >01con ; VI"n is OM2 Pon" Osed 03 bo
in Lts
oil in way
Wy 60
you hnva no Sanlzic mnosZons 1 will ssn,,L
the Q-�nnep an& 0011 tim we hava reviewad it End will
keaY it in n [nd -
� W W futupw plans that Como befoye us.
""On : Qeta is no Qan we canaccept uithout ynosentiQ
it V the County -i ,hway Dupaotment or the state High,,,
Au UTA ' t And OnYZinq objectionable in 2his, do you'i
zo. d3hwiton : To. n hnvo sufficiant &"Veot to catty 1z until Wo
got owntown.
Hoanin7L rroposed rezoning Of property located at top of Main
itreet stairs.
TO. Tom Lanwers
437 South Broadway
if the 1 member of the Wn
c0mes — dat this
poinz in e neeling OnlY four mombeys were Present) . . . do you stili
have a ouonu
��ondon is our nviEhboy anj if ha chooses not to
Vote, You w0n : t have a quorum again. ( see minutes of duly 27, 1970) .
Ky. Arndt : 1 will rule ' that we do have a quorum; as Chairman it is
my prerogative .
constitutes a nuopum? You can only get foua?
to vote. . .1 an assuninq Chat hp, 00ndS will not take part aZain
to1i71b an he did (not ) last time.
DO. �nn6n : jhet4ep to wish,, to vote or nut is his pyorogative.
`20.r.ri : is the Petition that was arc; nd this
building for five weeky?
now have a cop, of it,
hay=eys : hp. 3yower ' s office said it sent -to :-Ii'.
Do. Arndt : i did not re'`' LTA it, _ (until recently) .
hinmers : That ' s a little stran,,�
waylson ; Au are nroposing to eliminate Nulti-Pamily Districts_
1100 nrUVW-y �tpwot
not in on this deal? (could not ha"s . wHan wan bnin � wu!6 )
unntntivo pinn Ors' nil
nicO!00 yo16 Kisanmy foom thn 0?51n�nnw nn"
yoo!6 3oze in undep anncial a2L wepolu,
if no ape outting Z010-lailly in all VISO z3nns i---
An 2VV0j of Lavin ; sinsin 2-nily C4011ings in
�.-Iny c=ot ha.ve nultiDle fanily dwellin,, ,
hoa yon 11WO cat of 1 Ltoj Uo"o 6qs Lanata" in
OWM-MC6 a .. C!M "t tajo only fop 3aopa nuns .
hr. Go-zon : TAst "Skinq for qualification.
:�1,. - _�!SOS 1 "he lqno Limp we were nypo at the Meeting or,
MY 27, NO had an hquy und a huTf 6js0u,, L,, , you were Moinn to
razono " A!" HOT - 60es that man ( zoning Mhp ) up there have
nnything Ko do witi "h,t? done on the 27th?
7 i 00 sU tantative Vin7s
1044 nO a ,!& 6on ' lay have a quorum.
jo nson
wou!6 like to Jnqp're as 00 is the correct procedure for
DO. Apndt : You can Petition Ole klanning Cofrizriisssjon 'fo
A th4 City Council , "Aa liany 01,
to do Nhntov�y it 19 i0moission has sixty days in
L 0 On ttO Mattor; Guring �Aat time the
dity jounAl cnn Co nothing.
�hen tic majapity
ui are there other stipulations
_s yo
bcrc to upke into cons Leel ution? �-Tay do you s�i.y I-
will 0011 YOU whY. . .we were asked to put it in writing,
and this is my re-ely:
in q'll Votion was definitely zonsd for multiple
those people livinq in the area bought their
homes Yfth that undarstandin7; fupther, Chose ,,,Ie
111 Lc? tcd in buildinq an anartment house an she uroperty
"M same with the understanding thnt was zoned multiple
6wellin7 and should, tave sOma �000ection under the zoninS
Theyefopc, i 47, 009-YO-0 d to she PezoninK of the property fop
which the buILAOIng ran=lt has alveady been issued fop con-
soruc=n Of an apantment building, 6ut wou!6 bo in favor of
rczGniny W Pennining area if the majority of the property
dosinad S 0%
6`ohnson ; in ny cu .l Ohe aPartmunt is nOt thu Question; 1
wundaPM7 about whot hanue,, ft,,
that - that ' s already bsen passed.
Is O"at 521 Your opinion?
Do. nohit : What is ny 0�inion. 1 gmant yoa a lot of people buy
louses and don ' t -property is zoned.
T- doesn ' t have 00 stay the way it w,s Ahed+
nit : onatin nijis.
Zit W wOul& have no o...ju, 'IJ ion, but it
. U --he valinve q in th- An rsN,ins that whan they Purchased
� wz�j they hia PiElt to build.
it f i k
it ' s Wittinq.
don ' t wnnt to 7ut into an argument nuut this
ay"Y"t - all -0 w9nt is nazoning of this opopopty, !%are has
boon a conviote CL,ngn in 0�u naignbophood nid 2 , . & V .
�,"ID :rl a.J 0-1'1 6 Y I n
nnigh-boyhood w4nt it POWned to a sin7le fanily 6istrict, It ,
not rptcvwal (as it 1, ) 6,, to of , s
111 1people.
To. Vylron : IOU OnY it isn 't uractical - now prove to me that it
ba rozonoa UAY this isn 't Knhb.
1000-ity in the vpoa w"nk it rezoned -
the "Wity in �Ais country should be heard.
6'urlson; Ziat about the majority of t"a reople in the City of
st'"I""? I have tniked to PeWle who live fiVe to tan blocks
away who feel this would be flood for t"il-
.Le coirLmunl t-y.
five or ten blocks agay have nothing to do
with it- We"" canlwtat the people an the nooth hill think.
Does it Nve to be good now because it was good ten years ago?
DO. jarlson: Prove to me that it isnit.
00. Ummors : it ' s no-'; like it was ten years -'rue is
a new onnor in t'l�D area; she Q OkO . to the Planninr.-,; ��onLriissss�*Lon fo�?
about Wee-quarters of an hour ariave a very extensive talk -
if the P r 0 p 0-('-6 y 0 get a Petition UP 1 think the Tlanning
Commission should give them a fair hearing, Walra not talking about
the apartwQnt house now.
10. Condcn: But You Yc t2k11g about an apartment - you bought
in that area knowing that.
St. Pauli if 1 want to live by an apartment house 1111 live in
Condon: But 1 bounht in that area because * 1 want to develo-
0at land.
Krs . hanne_,s : 2ne -property thy thr, Condon lives on was county
offices - now those things ape ckanged. ,
Mr. irndt : 1 tAink the major reason it was zoned high density has
nothinE to do sPOcifically with what was there it the time .
15s , Lammeys : 24at ' s very hard to believe.,
Za. nondt : Ae innd area should be aimed at the Preservation of the
Th7t do we care about the downtown business district?
A don ' t live downtown.'
DO. 3arlson: it ' s all part of the in-depth 00MYrehAlive planning.
the 0AY Y&Y W nre
serve iti . thape ove so:m-
t auPoounainn KA co,"ancial aroa - some enoty sopuctur,,;
of th- Whwnniva Qonnans nVa thaG An-> f>nily
nA10 W�nnot ba 60voloyca in this aroa - it ' s too cosply
Of A- tr-oqPavhy - nGt suitablahecouse of the apea. "Q1.1
1 10Y 7n�s newdad aE a Yffen between the comrnie_,--cial aroa anc, the
apeaj Ky, Ho6ne
Canlvnn . ho is connnadicting himself he made t1is plan.
Voil it : All ni- ns are malu to Wngo Nith the times.
c , _, s : TANW2 MAAK 00 nro rsking you to do . cAknle witf,
'thu blmcs - it ' s R11 residential und we don2t need an apartment
if 'T6. roz.0,--io t1c.-e area that you are requesting we ape
QW7 the t�inq thyt we are consistently trying to avuid . spot
by wusn ' t hanson R11owed bhon to make a three-
family huuso in that arow.,'
V. nrndt : I don ' t know anything about that,
Mr. Carlson: Low do YOU solve this multiple 2"mily areaf is
want we ape wopkin7 on now, you put then in areas like this or
do you create ovecial use .
?,(It thom where there Is room.
Go back to the old rMle - if ynu get a petition from
the nei0bonhood that ' s whnt you should consider.
10. Curlson : (quotin7 from minutes Of August 3, 1970, meeting )
mniti-le Oriel lin7 zoning would disapnear 2--c-orl -c'c-8 ordinance and all
1,:altQ0 20mily Kell 7^,s would come in under snec !"I use. , ,We are
tqking about eliminating YK rezoning tha whole area. . . "
does this take affect? After they're all up? ,
10. Caricon: o have to -resent our recommendations to the Council
as f st as we can,
"s is your n0etinglf August rd - was that a
sPecini meetinS you fellows had?
DW. Arndt : it was a called mostini.
DO. Oanises n: Ae ne0mit is issued, the land is zoned :nepe is
nothing P0 can do about it unless we Pezone the whole area. Aese
POOPIO have just an vach Vi�ht to build in that ayea as you have to
sit in ttat chQ?; you should have called fa? rezoning before the
Permit (was issuod) .
lawwons : �e did - five weeks before the permit.
"Mcny : "a 00 7et a votition belore the pernit was issued,
An is telling us Ye shoull have come , in ahead if the Permit - we did.
i Ws-me tAe Qannin;� ,_ is going to Ny and rpda the whole
CitY so five yearn frnm nownre they y"in g to put apartment Kouses
Un by QKUSjUk hake and nil ov.r?
n TAU K MWnt house (onEW ,00pat - formerly jokes
j"`Qe "DO-000A destroys the nallhijoyhood.
That ' s your opinion; 1 happen to think it looks nice.
Cho inarter of the & A Of 6051wa eo und under the
! V- �-inuil nP8 nower ' to do hinost any0h0q, so
12 y. viho "as the ultimate yczer . it s uit! th,:i
K0 a n0000srl comes befope the "6 look
2L I, "s it fit the land - does it benefit the neiqlhor-
hoso "uP OniniOn W hn� Council nnd they docjdo.
Ohs avua we Rye talking about now.
1W. janison ; not rvDziotod to build 000 Arst
bscnusO t"L City Council ia it wasn 't the thing
to do in t4ope.
TP. Tom larners : hot cnougti. land,
hr. Carlson : The C.OM-mission re coir.,:,,;ioncd.ed that it 30 in,
a,.,,,.: e, -as, You ignored• the 461 land shortage.
DO - Aar!20n: The lond was not rezoned - the developers came Walk
and pronosed a structure to Co in and this time they are neeting all
reqireman0s .
T�rs . Layners : But the enuest cme re the permit did - five
wWks before the Permit raWodid.
Arndt : The CiLy Attorney haq advised us that we should make
without giving consideration to the in yal
as""s - they till come into it Wor.
do we stand now? You Eentlemen have a
reaucst to Pezone - a petition signed by the majority of the
People in the immediate area - that 's all you have to consider, is
that right?
10. ArndA &us statements fro-t-ri !'irs True an(,, o-ii-,'ilers. . .
`;_`om Lammers; Harold Kohit has lived in this town as long as
anybody - he ' s seen the transition over the years - old tomes used
00 be nuvncd into 6uplexes . APartnent houses should be built outside
the city area.
Mr. Garlson : ',il,'at aoout in other areas when we start foisting
multiple family dwellings on them? ,
TVs . Lammers : dould you like to live in this area, Don?
NO; 1 bought in a single fa-riiily area; 1 am not landing
it a7ainst you, but. . . .
1G -,U
, tin7 an apartnent house on a dead end
street We you toing to consider this matter toniZht?
�ohit : in the area you have asked to be razonca we havo a
apayO n7t house - if they want to build an
Way"Ont !Ouse tiny can go and build the apartment house if the,
Council o,h, q it - if you :.ant tyle rest of the area around there
rosi�6ntiQ; 70tit1on for that.
&isamve with you, Harold. The ounstion' involves legal
it 's for other people in the City of 3tillwater to worry
ouv Petition to be considered bof ore the
WO issued why should we saffep because of u lax of
The Pe" "On was received on- the 23rd of june - the
it zns issued setjmn in july.
6idn ' t w`,nt to 10 ahead with any further Dians until
--s n"I it fit it seems tofit alrpht.
They ucquipyd the Wid when it j.:a.s z,onc;d 1,:u1t,*L_.',z!-ni1yt
AO YcOlk jovm to hava it imppoved if it ,,ld conform
ori it 60asn ' t conform to anything
,.;,ab do you want to see up there?
o-1 C
CouPie of homes,
went over the blueprint with -you and You explained
to ne that Veye And to be so many feet - ' there are two bathrooms
in anch apartnent that ape not counted.
O. "PnGt : :cu are balkin7 about an area of "the ' ordinance' that we
ayc n-t charged with doing, .
You htive alr"Y rccciv0d the notition - the permit
Yr _• 41ven at t& Lime the Petition was recelved, you have a
msiadlority Of the poople and I still say the majority should be con-
oped. -I-Y c'nould, a commercini buildin, come in on a dead end
si,h'c t.; ? It wun ' t boVer johnson and it won ' t bother Charlsen he ' s
up an Sixth Street.
hN. Canison: 1.0 won 't bother me.
�r. Hohlt : Today is the last day we have to act on this.
10. Arndt : �e don ' t Lave a quorum yet - we can' t cone up with
Doesn 't this have to take nlvce when we are at the
board (meeting) ? fe are here and the Pest Of the men aren 't here.
in your letter to us .you told us to come and this is our prime
purpose in coming.
1-:r. it ' s not your fault Mat you don ' t have a quorum.
Yr. Atilt : This is the way 1 feel about it whether we have a quorum
or not.
All YOU received is a letter and no copy of a
petition, righM
11. Ayndt : Zhe letteP was dated june 25th - the POstmaPk w4s july 12;
whjn i y""Of it i T-nn ;ht it nVanja that the .letter ndated
june �_Qh tL-6 � ,, MY 12tas h and no epolosupe, 1 am not
90210"ve It was MY Qth, but thereRbouts - no, A believe it was
"Y Mt because 1 receivedit on 3aturday morning.
h0s - WmOrs : With no enclosure?
Y. Arndt : That : s happened before.
always a chance of error
Wuldn !L -our office be notifiod ' if there unn a
ton :
1' w6u" halg; "Pe ape OMY two or tarea lots in
-0 can 't issue Permits on.
001-50 concerned with tnis Peton; accGrdinF
"' Yys"q it vW subw � tued prior to issunnee of the
" tn" wa have " "nsider the Petitiunaps at this
us rezOning is conneoncd,
�QLV to rula, as Qnipman that we are Zn '
nq to
"Coition "s Mepetition ippus if thupois a
-00 " PuMnKing Op not.
n we don t Mve a
(ion oss too Stvt,,,,t, that the absentees hav&�
pro V"1-a 0
didn ' t -WAte U statoment because 1 wasn ' t at the;
POW; us nwaWn
c- r
13ut y uAdn 't tave a quorum the last time we were
Lope .`
AMC: ju Ultimate>
y will not make a . deSsion in any case; it
has to Q to the Council,
7_-,anlers : isit ask
Zs s Of thu Ning out of turn to asll: what the opinion
110M who nre not here?
D,-r. Tiaa no is i sent out bo members of the jlannirq�
Commission askod that MY MY"re written statements - 1 would
prefer that, based on the fact that my letter stated that the paper
would be for private c.onsuna�)tion rather than 'nublic 3onstiription. . .
don ' t Vink that it 's fair
1 1 to 40 called down here
to Oiscuss it when there ' s nobody here and You 're Noing to take
their statemonts when they're not here to talk to them.
DO. Arndt : At this Point i think 1 am going to adjourn this
(The delegation left with no further comment Or discussion)
DO. n Arndt : DO we want to draw up a written statement or set of
sUWSw"9n*Cs to circulpte to members?
Yr. noAlt : This statement that 1 made is just the way 1 feel
`J m
! have ade un my mind.
6on' t .now what to do,
DO. "rndt: 1 am not voing tO exPress my opinion - it 's too easy for
a chairman to Oxercise prerogative.
There is one nuestion we have to answer and it ' s only fair that we
answor it; will tho rozDning, and all of tho implications it ' s going
,�o nffect the care orea? is Ais qoing to have a significant
imncct on the business area? That raises another question . is
Stillwitor -oiny to he a cOymunity and an entity of itself Op is it
Vving o ho a shurb? The lonj a. -71.j" planning hac to be 0iffopert,
• J"n to be c"ainted to try and yreva the aownto, n core
017? The downtown area is suri_-Oundod lc)y l-rft.11tipin famil,
bncaucc ynU hsvc W have some hi�h density ao a buffor
000 raMentin! nrens.' Tho comprehensive
-s nimed at saving t'o.o doi-intoi-j'n area; if we are going
pattern of zonIng we have to about all
Mis Man of yours to ullow apartment buildings by
Une K -0ing to k0op us Way.
is hnva to ooma to ,,, kind Of conclusion as to what
-Oinq ko do.
Ar- dihrOn Wrived. at the neebing)
is Ae -uostion befopo us?
W"o 0""rbjiii Q1 00 we poconmnnd 40 400 jUx Counc 1).
o _,; !,`- l_'(>l ;n L112 Klock 29; a l I of Lo o2 yj
T, Black
I, all in
tuwn (now city) of
7:0011" if wS cOuIV SIMIdify it 1 would make the motion that
OunY ths Mr.unnt ak the present tima,
Quond ( An notion) .
1 will abstain.
DO. jorizOil: 1 Arve nixod emotions ; 1 don 't want to dany the
paLitioners W c nsiderntion.
�'uu Vil me �h�t you want to pposont tG the jouncil
do yon want to -resent findings, or do you want to say that thL
Annning domissjun denied it.
Ty. Lchlt : From our findings - and our feelings too.
Inere realiy haven' t been many facts presented to us.
10. Apndt :, If you want findings yoh have to rely on facts .
11r. JohlIA e have approv,d Wdisapnrovad in the past - accordins
to the bylv"s ,'
!&. 021son: TAO SOMA! does a reco-_LaendvtWn from the
KanninV hut have asked for more findin7s wnd nore facts
to sunront Oil l'
Mr. Sondon : Did they talk abnut all of 3lock 42?
if 1 was Ining to zone Vat single family, 1 wouldn 't
pieconon! it like that.
Mr. Carlson: The basic quesuinn is what?
mr, Arndt ; How coes this affect our comprehonsive pinnning?
YO. v'._. n: 1 6on ' t thinV -a should Present any recommendation
to the Council Athout findings of Oct.
To. Condon : i think we could ualify it by saying we are presently
conaldwring the whole planning.
-n Wis nanop we could recomiend nhot this specific
11 denied, but in ef2ect that razoninS be inibivted.
sn not -chin7 on the petition at. 11 1 don ' t see aoly
rd thepermit thnt has been granted.
Ah": nn: if we dony the not itiCin for rezoninq, wouldn' t tne
annn : 4 be in ef2ect';'
a- of the opinion that we deny the requ,st for
POzon�qj nZ 0is time but nill We into consiGeration Ka rozanin,�;
CUA wa a �e discussing 2ozo111.ng t whole
-!vo You r"Y f0y tho nueshion ?
The motion bore tho Plannin7 :7-a tht wn recommend to
" Soun"! t5nt tic v" HWon for rez nNy bo deni% b-.sed on
ten�ev to the WoUnNIT with our
R911 call : 10. Khron: yes,
"ohit: yes,
hp. con6wn: Abstain
Qvison: ydS
Yotion carried,
Vp. Arndt then Metnted Vindin-Is of Act (see attached) and all
members Present nere in P.Ivecmont with all statements made.
On mKian of hy, Hoh—H, seconded by 'hr. Carlson, the meating
Adjournad at 9:55 W.