HomeMy WebLinkAbout1094 Ord amending the Stillwater City Code (Boards/Commissions) ORDINANCE 1094
The City Council of the City of Stillwater, Washington County, Minnesota, does
1. Amending. Chapter 22, Section 22-5, entitled "Planning Commission" is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Subd. 1. Establishment of commission. There is an established a city planning
Subd. 2. Members. The current planning commission shall be gradually reduced to
7 members as the current members resign or retire from office. The 7
member commission shall consist of seven voting members, which shall
include a Council Representative. All members will be appointed by the
city council. The community development director of the city shall be ex
officio,a nonvoting member of the commission.Every appointed member
shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, take an oath that
they will faithfully discharge the duties of their office. All members shall
be residents of the city and shall serve without compensation.
Subd. 3. Term. All appointments shall be for staggered terms of three years. In the
event of a vacancy, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy
occurring prior to the expiration of the term which their predecessor was
appointed may be appointed only for the remainder of the term. Upon
expiration of their term of office, the member will continue to serve until
their successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy for the unexpired
term shall be filed according to Subd. 4 of this Section. Members shall
continue to hold office until their successors have been appointed and
Subd. 4. Appointment Process. All applicants for appointment or reappointment
shall be interviewed by the Council representative to the commission and
the chair of the commission ("interview panel"). If the chair is due for
reappointment;the interview will be held by two(2)members of Council.
Interview of commission incumbents requesting reappointment shall be
at the discretion of the Council Representative and chair. A
recommendation on appointment or reappointment from the "interview
panel" will be given to the City Clerk for placement on the Council
agenda for consideration. It is a goal,but not a requirement that all Wards
of the city have commission representation to further the policy of the city
council that representation on city committees be balanced.
Subd. 3 Organization through Subd. 9 Official Map shall be renumbered Subd. 5
Organization through Subd. 11 Official Map.
2. Amending. Chapter 22, Section 22-7, entitled"Heritage Preservation Commission"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Subd. 3. Established. The heritage preservation commission shall be established as
(1) Members. There is established a city heritage preservation commission, the
"commission, "which shall consist of seven voting members to be appointed by
the city council. The chairman of the city planning commission or its designee,
Council Representative and the community development director of the city
shall be ex officio, nonvoting members of the commission. Every appointed
member shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, take an oath
that they will faithfully discharge the duties of their office. All members shall be
residents of the city and shall serve without compensation.
(2) Term. All appointments shall be for staggered terms of three years. In the event
of a vacancy, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior
to the expiration of the term which their predecessor was appointed may be
appointed only for the remainder of the term. Upon expiration of their term of
office, the member will continue to serve until their successor is appointed and
qualified. Any vacancy for the unexpired term shall be filed according to
Subsection 3 of this Subdivision. Members shall continue to hold office until
their successors have been appointed and qualified.
(3) Appointment Process. All applicants for appointment or reappointment shall be
interviewed by the Council representative to the commission and the chair of the
commission ("interview panel"). If the chair is due for reappointment; the
interview will be held by two (2)members of Council. Interview of commission
incumbents requesting reappointment shall be at the discretion of the Council
Representative and chair.. A recommendation on appointment or reappointment
from the "interview panel"will be given to the City Clerk for placement on the
Council agenda for consideration. It is a goal, but not a requirement that all
Wards of the city have commission representation to further the policy of the
city council that representation on city committees be balanced.
3. Amending. Chapter 25, Human Rights Commission, Section 25-1, Subd. 3, entitled
"Membership" is hereby deleted and replaced as follows:
(1) Members. The human rights commission shall consist of seven members to be
appointed by the city council. The Commission shall have a non-voting Council
representative. Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the
discharge of their duties, take an oath that they will faithfully discharge the
duties of their office. All members shall be residents of the city and shall serve
without compensation.
(2) Term. All appointments shall be for staggered terms of three years. In the event
of a vacancy, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior
to the expiration of the term which their predecessor was appointed may be
appointed only for the remainder of the term. Upon expiration of their term of
office, the member will continue to serve until their successor is appointed and
qualified. Any vacancy for the unexpired term shall be filed according to
Subsection 4 of this Subdivision. Members shall continue to hold office until
their successors have been appointed and qualified.
Appointment Process. All applicants for appointment or reappointment shall be
interviewed by the Council representative to the commission and the chair of the
commission ("interview panel"). If the chair is due for reappointment; the
interview will be held by two(2)members of Council. Interview of commission
incumbents requesting reappointment shall be at the discretion of the Council
Representative and chair. A recommendation on appointment or reappointment
from the "interview panel"will be given to the City Clerk for placement on the
Council agenda for consideration. It is a goal, but not a requirement that all
Wards of the city have commission representation to further the policy of the
city council that representation on city committees be balanced.
The members of the commission will be recommended for appointment by the
city council after due consideration has been given their interest and
commitment to civil and human rights principles;to their knowledge in the fields
of employment, housing, public accommodations, public services, education
and other areas affected by the state human rights act (Minn. Stat. ch. 363); to
their ability to serve in a genuine leadership role in the community by virtue of
their positions of responsibility in business and civic affairs; to adequate
representation of the classes of persons protected under the state human rights
act; and to recommendations obtained from various sources including any local
human rights committee.
4. Amending. Chapter 48, , entitled"Parks and Recreation"is hereby amended to read
as follows:
Sec. 48-1, Subd. 5 Membership
(1) Members. The park and recreation commission shall consist of seven members
to be appointed by the city council and should represent a broad range of
interests in the park, open space and recreation function. The Commission shall
have a non-voting Council representative. Every appointed member shall,before
entering upon the discharge of their duties, take an oath that they will faithfully
discharge the duties of their office. All members shall be residents of the city
and shall serve without compensation.
(2) Term. All appointments shall be for staggered terms of three years. In the event
of a vacancy, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior
to the expiration of the term which their predecessor was appointed may be
appointed only for the remainder of the term. Upon expiration of their term of
office, the member will continue to serve until their successor is appointed and
qualified. Any vacancy for the unexpired term shall be filed according to
Subsection 3 of this Subdivision. Members shall continue to hold office until
their successors have been appointed and qualified.
(3) Appointment Process. All applicants for appointment or reappointment shall be
interviewed bythe Council representative to the commission and the chair of the
commission ("interview panel"). If the chair is due for reappointment; the
interview will be held by two (2)members of Council. Interview of commission
incumbents requesting reappointment may be at the discretion of the Council
Representative and chair. A recommendation on appointment or reappointment
from the "interview panel"will be given to the City Clerk for placement on the
Council agenda for consideration. It is a goal, but not a requirement that all
Wards of the city have commission representation to further the policy of the
city council that representation on city committees be balanced.
Subd. 5(3), 5(4), 5(5) and 5(6) is hereby deleted.
5. Saving. In all other ways the Stillwater City Code shall remain in full force and
Adopted by the City Council this 16th day of May, 2017.
Ted Kozlowski, ayor
/01L;e4t, ‘e)a-)tik..
Diane F. Ward, City Clerk
The City Council of the City of Stillwater,Washington County, Minne-
sota,does ordain:
Linda Lindahl being duly sworn on an oath, 1.Amending. Chapter 22, Section 22-5, entitled "Planning Commis-
states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's sion"is hereby amended to read as follows:
Subd.1. Establishment of commission. There is an established a city
Designated Agent of the newspaper(s)known
planning commission.
as: Subd.2.Members.The current planning commission shall be gradually
reduced to 7 members as the current members resign or retire from office.
Stillwater Gazette The 7 member commission shall consist of seven voting members,which
shall include a Council Representative. All members will be appointed by
the city council.The community development director of the city shall be
with the known office of issue being located ex officio,a nonvoting member of the commission.Every appointed mem-
in the county of: ber shall,before entering upon the discharge of their duties,take an oath
WASHINGTON that they will faithfully discharge the duties of their office.All members shall
with additional circulation in the counties of: be residents of the city and shall serve without compensation.
WASHINGTON Subd.3.Term.All appointments shall be for staggered terms of three
years. In the event of a vacancy,except that any person appointed to fill a
and has full knowledge of the facts stated vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term which their predeces-
below: sor was appointed may be appointed only for the remainder of the term.
(A)The newspaper has complied with all of Upon expiration of their term of office,the member will continue to serve
until their successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy for the un-
the requirements constituting qualifica- expired term shall be filed according to Subd.4 of this Section. Members
tion as a qualified newspaper as provided shall continue to hold office until their successors have been appointed
by Minn. Stat.§331A.02. and qualified.
This Public Notice was printed and pub- Subd.4.Appointment Process. All applicants for appointment or reap-
(B) pointment shall be interviewed by the Council representative to the corn-
fished in said newspaper(s) once each mission and the chair of the commission("interview panel"). If the chair
week, for 1 successive week(s); the first is due for reappointment;the interview will be held by two(2)members of
insertion being on 05/26/2017 and the last Council. Interview of commission incumbents requesting reappointment
insertion being on 05/26/2017. shall be at the discretion of the Council Representative and chair. A rec-
ommendation on appointment or reappointment from the "interview pan-
el"will be given to the City Clerk for placement on the Council agenda for
MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES consideration. It is a goal,but not a requirement that all Wards of the city
Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 have commission representation to further the policy of the city council
that representation on city committees be balanced.
relating to the publication of mortgage Subd. 3 Organization through Subd. 9 Official Map shall be renum •
foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies bered Subd.5 Organization through Subd.11 Official Map.
with the conditions described in §580.033, 2.Amending.Chapter 22,Section 22-7,entitled"Heritage Preservation
subd. 1, clause (1) or(2). If the newspaper's Commission"is hereby amended to read as follows:
Subd.3. Established.The heritage preservation commission shall be
known office of issue is located in a county established as follows:
adjoining the county where the mortgaged (1) Members. There is established a city heritage preservation com-
premises or some part of the mortgaged mission,the"commission,"which shall consist of seven voting members
premises described in the notice are located, to be appointed by the city council.The chairman of the city planning
commission or its designee, Council Representative and the community
a substantial portion of the newspaper's development director of the city shall be ex officio,nonvoting members of
circulation is in the latter county. the commission.Every appointed member shall,before entering upon the
discharge of their duties,take an oath that they will faithfully discharge the
duties of their office.All members shall be residents of the city and shall
I �� serve without compensation.
$y; (gt t./ - o L. (2)Term.All appointments shall be for staggered terms of three years.
Designated Agent In the event of a vacancy,except that any person appointed to fill a va-
cancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term which their predecessor
was appointed may be appointed only for the remainder of the term.Upon
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before expiration of their term of office,the member will continue to serve until
me on 05/26/2017 by Linda Lindahl. their successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy for the unexpired
term shall be filed according to Subsection 3 of this Subdivision.Members
shall continue to hold office until their successors have been appointed
and qualified.
�C n „ (3)Appointment Process. All applicants for appointment or reappoint-
` G t ment shall be interviewed by the Council representative to the commission
Notary Public and the chair of the commission("interview panel"). If the chair is due for
reappointment;the interview will be held by two(2)members of Council.
Interview of commission incumbents requesting reappointment shall be at
the discretion of the Council Representative and chair.. A recommenda-
tion on appointment or reappointment from the "interview panel"will be
,ee., given to the City Clerk for placement on the Council agenda for consid-
»DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON eration. It is a goal,but not a requirement that all Wards of the city have
commission representation to further the policy of the city council that
Nota Public-Minnesota
Notary representation on city committees be balanced.
My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 3.Amending. Chapter 25, Human Rights Commission, Section 25-1,
Subd.3,entitled"Membership"is hereby deleted and replaced as follows:
(1) Members. The human rights commission shall consist of seven
members to be appointed by the city council. The Commission shall have
a non-voting Council representative. Every appointed member shall, be-
fore entering upon the discharge of their duties,take an oath that they will
faithfully discharge the duties of their office.All members shall be residents
Rate Information: of the city and shall serve without compensation.
(2)Term.All appointments shall be for staggered terms of three years.
(1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users In the event of a vacancy,except that any person appointed to fill a va-
for comparable space: cancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term which their predecessor
$40.00 per column inch was appointed may be appointed only for the remainder of the term.Upon
expiration of their term of office,the member will continue to serve until
Ad ID 692903 their successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy for the unexpired
term shall be filed according to Subsection 4 of this Subdivision. Members
shall continue to hold office until their successors have been appointed
and qualified.
Appointment Process. All applicants for appointment or reappointment
shall be interviewed by the Council representative to the commission and
the chair of the commission ("interview panel"). If the chair is due for
reappointment;the interview will be held by two(2)members of Council.
Interview of commission incumbents requesting reappointment shall be at
the discretion of the Council Representative and chair. A recommendation
on appointment or reappointment from the "interview panel"will be given
to the City Clerk for placement on the Council agenda for consideration. It
is a goal,but not a requirement that all Wards of the city have commission
representation to further the policy of the city council that representation
on city committees be balanced.
The members of the commission will be recommended for appointment
by the city council after due consideration has been given their interest
and commitment to civil and human rights principles;to their knowledge
in the fields of employment,housing,public accommodations,public ser-
vices,education and other areas affected by the state human rights act
(Minn.Stat.ch.363);to their ability to serve in a genuine leadership role in
the community by virtue of their positions of responsibility in business and
civic affairs;to adequate representation of the classes of persons protect-
ed under the state human rights act;and to recommendations obtained
from various sources including any local human rights committee.
4.Amending.Chapter 48, ,entitled"Parks and Recreation" is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec.48-1,Subd.5 Membership
(1)Members.The park and recreation commission shall consist of sev-
en members to be appointed by the city council and should represent a
broad range of interests in the park,open space and recreation function.
The Commission shall have a non-voting Council representative.Every ap-
pointed member shall,before entering upon the discharge of their duties,
take an oath that they will faithfully discharge the duties of their office.All
members shall be residents of the city and shall serve without compen-
(2)Term.All appointments shall be for staggered terms of three years.
In the event of a vacancy,except that any person appointed to fill a va-
cancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term which their predecessor
was appointed may be appointed only for the remainder of the term.Upon
expiration of their term of office,the member will continue to serve until
their successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy for the unexpired
term shall be filed according to Subsection 3 of this Subdivision.Members
shall continue to hold office until their successors have been appointed
and qualified.
(3)Appointment Process. All applicants for appointment or reappoint-
ment shall be interviewed by the Council representative to the commission
and the chair of the commission("interview panel"). If the chair is due for
reappointment;the interview will be held by two(2)members of Council.
Interview of commission incumbents requesting reappointment may be at
the discretion of the Council Representative and chair. A recommendation
on appointment or reappointment from the "interview panel"will be given
to the City Clerk for placement on the Council agenda for consideration. It
is a goal,but not a requirement that all Wards of the city have commission
representation to further the policy of the city council that representation
on city committees be balanced.
Subd.5(3),5(4),5(5) and 5(6)is hereby deleted.
5.Saving.In all other ways the Stillwater City Code shall remain in full
force and effect.
Adopted by the City Council this 16th day of May,2017.
/s/Ted Kozlowski,Mayor
/s/Diane F.Ward
City Clerk
Published in the
Stillwater Gazette
May 26,2017
Nancy Manos
Sent:Tuesday, August 29, 2017 7:01 AM
To:Nancy Manos
Subject:Stillwater, MN Code of Ordinances - 1998 (13056) Supplement 62
Attachments:ATT00001.bin; ATT00002.bin
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