HomeMy WebLinkAbout1093 Ord (Chapter 31, entitled Zoning Ordinance by adding regulations for short term home rentals) ORDINANCE NO. 1093 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE STILLWATER CITY CODE CHAPTER 31,ENTITLED ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADDING REGULATIONS FOR SHORT TERM HOME RENTALS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STILLWATER DOES ORDAIN: 1. Definitions Amend City Code Chapterter 31, Section 31-101 Definitions,by adding the following: 119.1. Primary Residence, means the dwelling unit within which a person lives for six months plus a day during a calendar year. 119.2. Primary Resident, means a person living on a property where the property is the person's primary residence. 145.1. Short Term Home Rental, Type A (hosted short term rental), means a dwelling unit that is offered to transient guests for a period of less than 30 consecutive days, where a primary resident of the property is present while the transient guests are present. 145.2. Short Term Home Rental, Type B (unhosted short term rental), means a dwelling unit that is offered to transient guests for a period of less than 30 consecutive days, where the property serves as a person's primary residence but a primary resident of the property is not present while the transient guests are present. This Type B also includes Short Term Home Rental of any Accessory Dwelling Units, non-owner occupied Duplexes or"mother-in-law" apartments. 145.3. Short Term Home Rental, Type C (dedicated short term rental) means a dwelling unit that is offered to transient guests for a period of less than 30 consecutive days,where the property does not serve as a person's primary residence 145.4. Short Term Home Rental, Type D (Bed&Breakfast) —see the definition of Bed &Breakfast in Paragraph 16 of this Definition Section 31-101. 2. Short Term Home Rental Regulations. Amend City Code Chapter 31 by adding the following Section. Sec.31-514.1. Short-Term Home Rental Regulations Subd. 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Section 31-514.1 is to allow Short Term Home Rentals where appropriate while mitigating impacts upon surrounding properties by implementing balanced regulations to protect the integrity of the city's neighborhoods as well as protect the general public health, safety and welfare. Page 2 of 11 Subd. 2. License required. No property may be used for Type A, B or C Short Term Home Rental unless granted a license by the city. No property may be used for Type C Short Term Home Rental unless granted a Conditional Use Permit and a license by the city. No property may be used for Type D Short Term Home Rental(aka Bed& Breakfast) unless granted a Special Use Permit by the city pursuant to Section 31-504 of this Chapter. Subd. 3. License application. Any property owner desiring to undertake Short Term Home Rentals must apply to the community development department for a Short Term Home Rental License. A license must be approved prior to operating within the city. The license application request must be submitted on the form prescribed by the city and must include all the information requested on the application form. The license application will not be accepted by the city unless an inspection report has been signed by personnel from both the city's fire department and building department. Subd. 4. License fee. The license application form must be accompanied by payment in full of the required license application fee. The license application fee amount will be as determined by the city council in the city fee schedule. Subd. 5. License issuance. The process for review and issuance of a license will vary depending upon the type of Short Term Home Rental as follows: A. Type A, Hosted Short Term Home Rentals. Type A Short Term Home Rentals are required to have an administratively issued license from the city. 1. A Type A Short Term Home Rental license or renewal license will be issued administratively only if: i. The licensee certifies on the application form that all applicable items found in this Section 31-514.1 are satisfied. That includes: a. Proper zoning as found in Subd. 6; and b. Performance standards as found in Subd. 7. ii. The applicant submits a site plan, drawn to scale, showing parking and driveways, all structures and outdoor recreational areas that guests will be allowed to use, including, but not limited to, deck/patio, barbeque grill, recreational fire, or sauna. iii. The applicant submits a floor plan, drawn to scale, of the home identifying which rooms will be used as transient guest bedrooms. iv. The property passes the city inspection(see Section 31-514.1, Subd. 9B) for residential code standards applicable to renting a home on a short term basis. The list of health and safety items that will be inspected for this purpose will be included amongst license application materials so that the property owner will know what items will be inspected prior to submitting the license application to the city. a. An inspection must be completed within 60 days prior to submission of the license application form. Page 3 of 11 b. An inspection report must be submitted together with the license application form and other necessary materials. Without the inspection report, the license application will not be considered complete, nor will it be accepted by the city. c. If the inspection identifies items that must be corrected, all corrections must be completed and verified by the city prior to submitting an application for the Short Term Home Rental license. 2. There shall be no change in the exterior appearance of the home or premises, or other visible evidence of the conduct of a Short Term Home Rental, except that additional on-site city code compliant parking may be provided. 3. The licensee must provide proof of sufficient and suitable property insurance at the time of license issuance, and must be able to confirm that the coverage remains in place within 24 hours of a city request for confirmation. 4. Licenses are non-transferable and shall expire upon change of ownership of the property. 5. A license constitutes a limited license granted to the applicant by the city and in no way creates a vested zoning right. 6. No more than a total of thirty-five Type A licenses may be valid within the city at one time. 7. If three substantiated and relevant complaints are received from neighbors or guests within a 12 month period, the license shall be revoked. The revocation may be appealed to the city council pursuant to procedures established in Section 31-217 of this Chapter. If a license is revoked, the owner is prohibited from making application for another license for any type of Short Term Home Rental for six months. 8. Licenses are valid for a period of three years. A renewal license must be applied for every three years. B. Type B —Unhosted Short Term Rental. Type B Short Term Home Rentals are required to have an administratively issued license from the city. Prior to issuing the license, a neighborhood notification is required, as specified below. 1. A Type B Short Term Home Rental license or renewal license will be issued administratively only if: i. The applicant submits a site plan,drawn to scale, showing parking and driveways, all structures and outdoor recreational areas that guests will be allowed to use, including, but not limited to, deck/patio, barbeque grill, recreational fire, or sauna. ii. The applicant submits a floor plan, drawn to scale, of the home identifying which rooms will be used as transient guest bedrooms. iii. The licensee certifies on the application form that all applicable items found in this Section 31-514.1 are satisfied. That includes: Page 4 of 11 a. Proper zoning as found in Subd. 6 b. Performance standards as found in Subd. 7 c. Proof of sufficient and suitable property insurance. iv. No more than a total of thirty-five Type B licenses may be valid within the City at one time. v. Notices have been mailed by the city to all surrounding property owners according to the following standards: a. 150 feet of all applicant properties zoned RB, CCR, CR, TH, CTHR, RCL, RCM, RCH, CBD; b. 200 feet of all applicant properties zoned RA, LR, CTR, TR; c. 500 feet of all applicant properties zoned AP; and vi. There are no objections received by the city within ten days of mailing the notices. a. If objections are received, then the license request must be considered by the planning commission. (1). The planning commission must hold a hearing, to which neighbors within the above defined notification area are invited to offer comments. (2). After considering the license request and hearing comments from the neighbors, the planning commission may either approve a one year provisional license, with or without conditions, or deny the license request. (3). If there are no substantiated relevant complaints from neighbors or guests during the provisional year,the permit will automatically extend two more years. If there are three substantiated relevant complaints, the provisional license is automatically revoked and the owner is prohibited from making application for another license for any type of Short Term Home Rental for six months. vii. The property passes the city inspection(see Section 31-514.1, Subd. 9B) for residential code standards applicable to renting a home on a short term basis. The list of health and safety items that will be inspected for this purpose will be included amongst license application materials so that the property owner will know what items will be inspected prior to submitting the license application to the city. a. An inspection must be completed within 60 days prior to submission of the license application form. b. An inspection report must be submitted together with the license application form and other necessary materials. Without the inspection report, the license application will not be considered complete, nor will it be accepted by the city. Page 5 of 11 c. If the inspection identifies items that must be corrected, all corrections must be completed and verified by the city prior to submitting an application for the Short Term Home Rental license. 2. There shall be no change in the exterior appearance of the home or premises, or other visible evidence of the conduct of a Short Term Home Rental, except that additional on-site city code compliant parking may be provided. 3. The licensee must provide proof of sufficient and suitable property insurance at the time of license issuance, and must be able to confirm that the coverage remains in place within 24 hours of a city request for confirmation. 4. If three substantiated and relevant complaints are received from neighbors or guests within a 12 month period, the license shall be revoked. The revocation may be appealed to the city council pursuant to procedures established in Section 31-217 of this Chapter. If a license is revoked, the owner is prohibited from making application for another license for any type of Short Term Home Rental for six months. 5. Licenses are non-transferable and shall expire upon change of ownership of the property. 6. A license constitutes a limited license granted to the applicant by the city and in no way creates a vested zoning right. 7. Licenses are valid for a period of three years. A renewal license must be applied for every three years. No neighborhood notification is required for the renewal of licenses. C. Type C—Dedicated Short Term Rental. Type C Short Term Home Rentals are required to have both a Conditional Use Permit and an administrative license issued by the city. The Conditional Use Permit and initial license may be processed simultaneously. 1. Conditional Use Permit. The application for the Conditional Use Permit to operate a Type C Short Term Home Rental must be filed with the city's community development department on the applicable form. The application will be reviewed according to the process established in Sections 31-204 and 31-207 of this Chapter. In addition, the following procedures, criteria and conditions shall also apply: i. The applicant must submit a site plan,drawn to scale,showing parking and driveways,all structures and outdoor recreational areas that guests will be allowed to use, including, but not limited to, deck/patio, barbeque grill, recreational fire, or sauna. ii. The applicant submits a floor plan, drawn to scale, of the home identifying which rooms will be used as transient guest bedrooms. iii. The Conditional Use Permit runs with the land and must be filed in the property's chain of title, but since a license is also required for a Page 6 of 11 Type C Short Term Rental, possession of a Conditional Use Permit is not sufficient to operate. Any new owner desiring to operate a Type C Short Term Rental on property that has an unexpired Conditional Use Permit filed in the chain of title must also obtain a license from the city. A Conditional Use Permit expires if a property is not operated as a Short Term Home Rental for more than a year. iv. The Conditional Use Permit applicant must certify on the city application form that all applicable items found in this Section 31- 514.1 are satisfied. That includes: a. Proper zoning as found in Subd. 6 b. Performance standards as found in Subd. 7 c. Proof of sufficient and suitable property insurance. v. The property must pass inspection by city building and fire code inspectors and found to meet the residential code standards applicable to renting a home on a short term basis (see Section 31-514.1, Subd 9B)prior to holding the public hearing for the Conditional Use Permit. The list of health and safety items that will be inspected for this purpose will be included amongst license application materials so that the property owner will know what items will be inspected prior to submitting the license application to the city. vi. No more than a total of fifteen Conditional Use Permits for Type C Short Term Home Rentals may be valid within the City at one time. 2. License. The application form for the license or renewal license must certify by the applicant that all applicable items found in this Section 31- 514.1 are satisfied. That includes: i. A Conditional Use Permit has been issued for the subject property and is still valid. ii. The property has been inspected no more than 60 days prior to submission of the license application by city building and fire code inspectors and found to meet the residential code standards applicable to renting a home on a short term basis. a. An inspection must be completed and the inspection report submitted together with the license application form and other necessary materials. Without the inspection report, the license application will not be considered complete, nor will it be accepted by the city. b. If the inspection identifies items that must be corrected, all corrections must be completed and verified by the city prior to submitting an application for the Short Term Home Rental license. iii. Proper zoning as found in Subd. 6 iv. Performance standards as found in Subd. 7 v. Proof of sufficient and suitable property insurance. Page 7 of 11 vi. No more than a total of fifteen Type C Short Term Home Rental licenses may be valid at one time within the City. 3. The license for a Type C Short Term Home Rental may only be issued to the owner of the property and is not transferable to any other entity. 4. There shall be no change in the exterior appearance of the home or premises, or other visible evidence of the conduct of a Short Term Home Rental, except that additional on-site city code compliant parking may be provided. 5. The licensee must provide proof of sufficient and suitable property insurance at the time of license issuance, and must be able to confirm that the coverage remains in place within 24 hours of a city request for confirmation. 6. Type C Short Term Home Rental licenses are valid for a period of three years. A renewal license must be applied for every three years. The Conditional Use Permit will not expire unless its use is discontinued for more than a year. 7. The Type C Short Term Home Rental license is not transferable and shall expire upon change of ownership of the property. 8. A license constitutes a limited license granted to the applicant by the city and in no way creates a vested zoning right. 9. If three substantiated and relevant complaints are received from neighbors or guests within a 12 month period, the license shall be revoked. The revocation may be appealed to the city council pursuant to procedures established in Section 31-217 of this Chapter. If a license is revoked, the owner is prohibited from making application for another license for any type of Short Term Home Rental for six months. D. Type D—Bed&Breakfast. Type D Short Term Home Rentals are also known as Bed&Breakfasts and are required to have a Special Use Permit as regulated in Section 31-504 of this Chapter. Subd. 6. Zoning District. Short Term Home Rentals are permitted, with an approved license from the City of Stillwater, in the following Zoning Districts: A. Residential ZoningDistricts. Type A and B Short Term Home Rentals are YP allowed by city license in all Residential Zoning Districts. Type C Short Term Home Rentals are allowed by Conditional Use Permit in all Residential Zoning Districts. Type D Short Term Home Rentals (aka Bed & Breakfasts) are allowed by city license in the RCL Zoning District and by Special Use Permit in the RB and RCM Zoning Districts B. Commercial Zoning Districts.Type A,B and C Short Term Home Rentals are permitted by city license in the CBD Zoning District. Page 8 of 11 Subd. 7. Performance standards. Type A,B and C Short Term Home Rentals shall be subject to the following performance standards. Type D Short Term Home Rentals shall be subject to the standards found in Section 31-504 of this Chapter. A. Parking. 1. In residential zoning districts, all guest parking must be accommodated on improved surfaces on the premises. No on-street parking is allowed for guests. At a minimum, parking shall be provided at the following rate: i. 1-2 bedroom unit, 1 space ii. 3 bedroom unit, 2 spaces iii. 4 and 4+ bedroom units, number of spaces equal to the number of bedrooms minus one. 2. In the CBD zoning district, guest parking must either be accommodated on the property of the Short Term Home Rental dwelling unit, or a parking mitigation plan must be approved by the Parking Commission. B. Length of guest stay. The minimum length of stay is one day. The maximum length of stay is 30 days, since more than that is by definition not a Short Term Home Rental property. C. Number of guests. The maximum number of transient guests will be limited to two times the number of bedrooms plus one. D. Guest records. The licensee for Type B and C Short Term Rentals must keep a transient guest record including the name,address,phone number,and vehicle license plate information for all guests and must provide a report to the city upon 48 hours notice. E. Guest disclosures. The licensee must disclose in writing to their transient guests the following rules and regulations, and must submit a copy of the disclosure to the city with the license application and renewal applications. In addition the disclosures must be conspicuously displayed in the home. 1. For Type B and C Short Term Home Rentals,the name, phone number and address of the owner, operating lessee or managing agent/representative; 2. The maximum number of guests allowed at the property; 3. The maximum number of vehicles allowed at the property and where they are to be parked; 4. Property rules related to use of outdoor features,such as decks,patios,grills, recreational fires, saunas and other recreational facilities; 5. City nuisance ordinances will be enforced by the Stillwater Police Department, including reduced noise levels between 10 PM and 8 AM. 6. No events are allowed to be hosted on the premises. F. License number. The licensee must post their city license number on all print, poster or web advertisements. G. Proximity of assistance. For Type B and Type C Short Term Home Rentals, the property owner or a manager/representative must be located within 30 minutes travel time of the property. The community development department Page 9 of 11 must be notified within 10 days of a change in the managing agent/representative or their contact information. The licensee must provide the name, address and phone number for the licensee or managing agent/representative to all property owners within 150 feet of the property boundary. The licensee must notify neighboring properties within 10 days of a change in the managing agent/representation or contact information. H. Garbage. As required by City Code Chapter 30-1, Subd 5, all garbage must be kept in rubbish containers that are stored out of view of a public street. I. Signage. No signage is allowed on the property of a Type A, B or C Short Term Home Rental. Type D is allowed signage as regulated in Section 31-504 of this Chapter. J. Events. Events are not allowed to be hosted by transient guests on the premises. For purposes of this Section 31-541.1, an event means a gathering on the premises of more than three un-registered transient guests. Events hosted by the property owner are allowed,but must abide by all applicable city ordinances and polices, including the prohibition on renting private residential property out for events. Subd. 8. Required inspections. A. Type A, B and C Short Term Home Rentals 1. These types of Short Term Home Rentals are required to have, and pass, a health and safety code inspection by city building and fire code staff prior to issuance of a license or renewal of the license. 2. The list of health and safety items that will be inspected for this purpose will be included amongst license application materials so that the licensee will know in advance what items will be inspected. 3. Upon receipt of a complaint, the city zoning administrator will contact the licensee and will determine whether a compliance inspection is required. B. Type D Short Term Home Rentals (aka Bed& Breakfast) 1. This type of Short Term Home Rental is required to have inspections as regulated by Section 31-504. Subd. 9. Limit on number of licenses. No more than a total of thirty-five licenses may be valid at any one time for Type A Short Term Home Rentals. No more than a total of thirty-five licenses may be valid at any one time for Type B Short Term Home Rentals. No more than fifteen licenses may be valid at any one time for Type C Short Term Home Rentals. Type D Short Term Home Rentals are required to have a Special Use Permit, but no license is required. Subd. 10. Sales taxes. In addition to state sales tax, the licensee is required to pay the city lodging tax. A. The city lodging tax must be collected and paid either by the web based booking company that the Short Term Home Rental is listed on, or by the licensee directly to the city if the Short Term Home Rental does not use a web based booking service. Page 10 of 11 B. The license application must supply information on any web based booking service(s) used for the licensed property. C. The licensee, or booking agent on their behalf, is required to pay the city lodging tax quarterly. If no sales are made during a quarter, a report must none the less be submitted to the city stating that no sales were made or lodging tax collected during that quarter. Subd. 11. Interchangeability. A licensee may use the license to operate any Short Term Home Rental type equal to or less restrictive than the one for which the license is issued. Therefore, if an owner is issued a Type C license, the property is permitted to operate as a Type C, B or A. And, a Type B license allows the owner to operate as a Type B or A. However, a Type D owner may only operate as a Bed &Breakfast. Subd. 12. Enforcement. A. In the event of a violation or threatened violation of this ordinance, the city, in addition to other remedies, is entitled to seek Injunctive Relief or proceedings to prevent, restrain, correct or abate such violations or threatened violations. B. The penalty for violation of this Section 31-514.1 shall be a Misdemeanor. C. In addition to penalty provisions A and B above, the fine for the first substantiated and relevant complaint or violation shall be $250. The fine for the second shall be $500.00. The fine for the third shall be $750.00 and this third offense shall also result in automatic license revocation. 3. Amend City Code Section 31-315, Allowable Uses in Residential Districts by adding: ALLOWABLE USES ZONING DISTRICTS A-P LR CTR RA TR CCR RB CR TH CTHR RCL RCM Bed&Breakfast(Type D Short Term Home Rental) SUP'd P" SUP Short Term Home Rental;Type A and B P P PPP P P PP P P P Short Term Home Rental;Type C CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP P= Permitted use SUP= Use permitted with a Special Use Permit CUP= Use permitted with a Conditional Use Permit A=Accessory use Blank cell in table means that the use is NOT allowed. 4. Amend City Code Section 31-325, Allowable Uses in Non-Residential Districts by adding: ALLOWABLE ZONING DISTRICTS USES CA CBD VC BP-C BP-O BP-I CRD PA PWFD PROS Short Term Home Rental,Type A, B, C P=Permitted use SUP=Use permitted with a Special Use Permit CUP=Use permitted with a Conditional Use Permit PUD= Use permitted with a Planned Unit Development Permit A=Accessory use ACC=Allowed as an accessory improvement to an allowed use located on or adjacent to the site Blank cell in table means that the use is NOT allowed. Page 11 of 11 5. Savings. In all other ways City Code Chapter 31 shall remain in full force and effect. 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance will be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Enacted by the City Council of the City of Stillwater this 2nd day of May, 2017. CITY OF STILLWATER Ted 1 6ztowski, Mayor ATTEST: 046i1-"/Le Diane Ward, City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss COUNTY OF WASHINGTON Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's Designated Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Stillwater Gazette with the known office of issue being located in the county of: WASHINGTON . with additional circulation in the counties of: WASHI NGTON and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat.§331A.02. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) once each week, for 1 successive week(s); the first insertion being on 05/12/2017 and the last insertion being on 05/12/2017. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1, clause (1) or(2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in a county 1 adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county. By: k.' Designated Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 05/12/2017 by Charlene Vold. Notary Public °St66RTal y: DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON 1 3 �' 4, Notary Public-Minnesota e �g+'a.-�+'° My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 iwwwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $40.00 per column inch Ad ID 687353 ................. 7 PAGEA10 The Gazette Friday,May 12,2017 Daily Updates Online aturnidw.StillwaterGazethe.cant LEGAL NOTICES would be required who has malhotheed rat to sign this document an his/ MINNESO'TASECRETARY OF STATE required fields,ad or that the Information in this d...meet Is thur.add con- her befolf,or iin both capacities,I fw1har certify Trial I have complatedoll CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME of and in conniblimmus ovith the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. mq.�mdl fialdounad that the Information in thus drounnert Is thni ad c., Minnesota Statutes,333 1 understand unit by signing this document I aral subject to the pereffire fact ad"so plessin.with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes, The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive or pentirry as set forth in Section loi as if I had signed this clocurreal I undsistanto that by signii,,g this document I am subject to the prearriffies rights to that name,The filing is required for consumer prourallon,In order Urnmet part Of parjl�llyr py Of forth in Soctima 609,48 a if I had omeral this document to enable nuessuseve to be able to Monfily the true owpor of a battine­ DATE FILED:April 26,2017 under Oath ASSUMED NAME am Guy. SIGNED BY.,Jack LaBelle DATE FILED:May 1,2017 PRINCIPAL PLACE80F BUSINESS: Published in the SJGNED BY.Bradley S.Fischer 851 Oarkmassin Avenue Place North,Stillwater,MN 55082 Stillwater Garbefte Published in the NAMEHOLDER(G:Jack D.LaBelle May 12,19,2017 Stillwater,Gazette 851 Calkgresin Avenue Place North.Stillwater,MIN 55082 686949 May 12,19,2017 1,the Undreckgred,dreaffly.Than i mosigntre,this dommand as fififeretwo, 687146 whose sljoadure Is resulted,Or at tighol 0 the laricards)w1modelgrafrons ...to be ladolead vall.lisp authorized mrs to migs,this dociumand,but him her behalf,or in both capacities.I further certify that I have completed all Continues Next Page CITY OF STILLWATER cable items found in this Section 31-514.1 mrs,satisfied.That includes: ORDINANCE NO.1093 1.A Conditional Use perant lips boor krafted,for ameranged ponedd,and mark liallob AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE STILLWATER CITY CODE CHAPTER 31,ENTITLED 11,The property had been inspossivid no mass than$0 days prior to submission Of the Its' p 11 at- In forl Code standards applicable to doing a ZDrININDDROINANCE BY ADDING REGULATIONS FOR SHORT TERM HOME RENTALS city buldirm and fine nout,lippecadere,coaribeut ficesset the Intl creas a to a I a y HE CITY 0)UNCIL 0i rin"?OF STILICAnin ER DOES ORDAIN! home or,a short loan ones, i.Defia an. ni frisperhon thret ba-urbildodinal the inspection report-buithad hoysiberefth the license application Attend fty Code Chapter 31.Scolion 31-101 Definitions,by adding the following; hers and other necessary himusdims,Withbutme Inspection report,The hoonce application will not Do considered VIDA, Pichiry perdition.,rems the dwelling unit wiffil-which a prohnin lives for six months plus a day complete,nor will it fire"Capital by the city, I d.flop.adender year b.If the inspection Idenfiffirs from that Input be comerfird,of samections raded be completed and veriffix!by 11102, Pdmary Resident,means a person wing on a property where the property is the bereasn's primary the city poor to submitting an mdalcirlon or,iffirro'Shad Term Hours,Rental ficause. .."Jones. fil.Proper zoning as found in Shod.6 1 451, Short Trom Home Rorsel,Type A(hosted short term rental),moses a dwelling unit that is offered To ty,Performance standards as found in Such.7 slait 9�,Wr for-marad Of ton Inch 30 nixerecoliv.days, he..ministry resident of the property fiu�bdafigb v Prom of sufficient and suitable property insurance. while the t-coet,porave a'.prosect. w.No mom then a total of fifteen Type 0 Shod Term Home Rental licenses my be viold at one time within irm�4f'2. Shch"Tiorni-in a Rental,TYpe 3(centered Turner han wrild),means a doostfate hall,that is offered TO the City suirc,gumes fit a morrod of poin flimir 30 coracculmor,days,where the property serves an a paratot prares, 3.The license for a Type C Short Term Home Rental may only be issued to the Owner of the property ad is Th[snym, not transferable to any other stiffly 6 at,,.in.lahre Shod Trim,ri.mc motif ot'any Accessory Dwallmil Units,non-mrsher occupied Dommuse or 4,1 here shall do nocharrugs in the Testwor appearance of the hivers,of premosm,or Mhor visible"Idence of 'rocr­v_fawrr apart,c.als. the orraltud of.Shall To.,He..fremed, Korai thin additional onershe cify ad.incerapiket psrkrdg�may be 145S, Shrill T-11 Home Rando,Type C ldedhoodd shop term rental)mom%a dwelling link that Is chrome to bravIdod. mislOut 91mrs.fic,.period of last than 30 colsolifive days,where the tuRcerity does not,serve,as a person's 5 Th.fle.hose net proods,proof at splashier and suitable property froymner,at the farm of flearder,Issuance. prinumay-11di-in. and mum no out to confirm that it Is neverarge,mri In Piano within 24 histas of a city request far tionfinadeffun- g 145.4. SioN Tisch No-Parki Type D(Bed It Breakfast)-sea the definition of Bud&Breakfast 1.Pa.- 6.Type C Shrod To-Hory. yelid for.pe, ;f th nits done at harmis t b .ph 16.1 this Definition Sentle,31-101, laft me fas ,A or an- a applied for every fines years,The Comptional U"Propirtmilu not expire out..imuser kIffspenstraced for Phone 2 Short Term Home Rental Regulations. their a year, Aarend G Ay C.d.Chapter 3 f by adding tire following thdrdon� 7�The Type G Short Term Home Rental license is not transferable and shall expire upon change of owerishoup tire,$1-514 1.Slard-Tchn Mort remerat Regulators afthapmary. 4jrdbrLI.Puriscio,The�purpose of this Sessimin,31-514�f Is to irowShod'aure h0ps,perearrof here appi 6.A license constitutes a limited license granted to the applicant by the city and in no way emotes a seated order,ofam fultitori ropers.up-arrincrebrifing properties by implamonfleal balanced hatildrations Is protect the zoning right. neq,ky of the cry's viogbicarl-fis-..lisp protect Its fateranTO pubit fromi safety and wait.., U If ques roddarellimad and relevant exhapplekils am derieved fure neighbors or guests efifin.It.,shomb Subd 2 LI-Is.required.No property may be-it to,Type A,S 0,0 Short Term Flonareir Rearral iphow manied.license by the city, No property may be used our Type C Short To Home prompt out.$$grafted a slopmentyrafebeldniforlmthrDShed partimemoRmitat callor,for for any pyr, of Short Term Houres Refusal pit six recuffig. D,too 0-Bad is Breakfast,Types D Short Toran Harris points mrs also known as Bad&Brickbats mid am Sctrd,3, Ucensis apphicabon, Any property Owers'darning 10 undertake Shryl 7rene Homo Ramada most lecifilred I,,henry a SINNigil Use Phout,as regulated 1:1,Sei 31-504.1 lin Chapter entry In into tommurrity,development drop darroul:for a Shd Term Home Rental Use-, A fi-se,most be S.1horit,Zvoingfirchim,Shod Toon Home permits parmethed, fth,thosaideforad Ile.-frone the Oby of approved India ro opiRminp,within the dy, The license atifilroaden modest must be sufarifted on tire form Slifeirstel,Wife friflimping Zoning Diritrom, Ider-reor hoh-flyandmust include all rho famiami requested Of,theappl[nedher for.,Th.famemoal. A.Rivemennel Zurring Discrete. Type A and 8 Short Turn,Home Rentals Ory showed by city license in aff �Ckon wil"of be....road by,thecily ankeres-11 fropeci report has beerr signed by personnel their both Th. RocklehfialZatingifiresictit. by Gwalluchrol Ure Permit In all ties- city'.,fire deper he"a and building deparadi Type Dsord-mum Here.Nations take ,, w.'sakfareafto ,,allowed bytory Unstable, bubdA Licenvolee.The Vuerve applicator form must be accompanied by payment In full of thearrinherd the RCL Zonhiff,lalsonct mid, y Special flovereoprelcades,too The license application fee amount will be as dolaortniread by the city couninfl in tho citte Is Use PranarR In the He rairl RCM Zoning Dinkircit., B�Oreameart-I 7-ning Dfahfldts�Tince A�8 and 0 Shod Term Home Reartan Con immuthad by city roasted 1, loo enhadd., the ON)Zoning Dituriat, Sutfid.5,Licanse issualies,'the process for review and issuance of a license will vary depending upon the Sulou,7,Performance standards.Type A,B and C Shod loop Home Rentals shall be subject to the following type of Soon Term Home Foram a.follow.: Prefictreari.fisixfords.Type D Shod Toni r Home Rentals shelf be subject to the standards found In Section A.Type A,Hosted Short Team Home Rentals.Type A Short man Home Rentals am required to have an ad- 31-504 of this Chapter ounistratively issued icanarefrom tire oby. A.Parking, I A type A Short term Home Friend license or anowal firearrat will be Issued administratively only if: 1.In all guest parking must be malturracclated on impopoodersbaces on the pmm- 1,Thl 1�111ddxs o-1,,an 11,application ton Ilaw as applicable Arms found in this Section 31-514.1 mrs I...�No on,fulam parking Is allowed for guests.At a minimum,Parking shall be provided at the following natim smachad.I hat red 1- 1.1-2 boducrea bull,i space a,Proper zoning as found in Subd.6:and ii.3 bedroom nft,2 places d.Performance standards as found in Sued.7. R.4 and 4+bodmone units,number of spaces equal to the number of bedmoms minus one. I.'T hO appirom If submils a site plan,draw,to scale,showing parking and mly awar"o.11 ad to. 2�1 v tho CBD eantraq district,game Parking Mi either be appreopeodased on the purrivery,of the Short none door renucelki afeas that musets will be edloared to a.,in.l.ding,but act Iscroval to, brodammis, Home Arou"I dwelling nor,or a making Ifigulfinin plain mum be appeared try ft*Parking Connotation go 11,mcreal or I fire,,,,Solna. &Length of quary oi flins rilimmurn length of stay is One day,M, !it.fte,appikaril submits a floor plan,drawn to scale,of the home identifying which moms will be used as menarderrom laugh ofstaryin 30 cap,spon transient cutest r drource. pere,than that 1.try ddlinifion net.SI...I Toro,I lure.Rental property, 0,141timberiftricepre, Thernmener,o,irprailbrir Will DO limited to two times Dan number of md-rop pic.one BPAII,abic to risrudo a ba-On a shall Iture hese.Th.list of forrith andennal,items that will be priarchind far Q�Guest records.The asseres,forlype B and C Short Tom Rentals must keep a houniffirt gempt record Ii thir,purpose v,111 ft.Included amongst fkareact applirmstainnumbee so that ad.property-se oil know offer cluding the rome,address,plove overeat,and vehicto license plate Information for all parents and must pervid. eare will jr.espencod prior in bribrifleing the losses.application to the try, part to the sky upon 4 D hi notim er Ap Inspection pi btrimpirded wimb 60 dras,priorrut subhousks,at the tomose.pplaaakin hour E 0..t fis.I.C.-Ili.flosican ir at poplars,a In writing Is their near,arrit quourral the following miss and b,A"irsureproo terfar'"I rum Ed mithmintat Vig.thar Mot the h......patients.four and ch...vereammy upgrianors,and holed submit a Papy of the dinclasuor,to the city with file license application and handsel impli- "Ist'suills,iNflboul I tonstpoclon ropanAhreficarlitifirticipere will bottlecOaccoved complananorWhIltbe cidimc,In addition firsim,be coMi&uourinfor blathering in It*home. ...PrInt h I,th"c,ry, 1 r Fp r Type D ard C ql,,Ovt-term Jdaus,Fannie,If,. phade,Can bar andanderne of the idwrat,im-fing c.If the inspodid n identifies iteres in at r at be pCiftedurad,.11 thaviche unum be-plated and wanted by loom fit nappaglig refforryoperesidestram truscity,prior to salimittog are application lor his Short jobs Home Rental license. 2,Thiso max1rhon,number of guests itheyad at Via premand are I fere shall be no driburee In the rynairm,appraffeencia of the Curre.1 prism[.a,or ativer mebro evidence of 3,The maximum,number Of WilattkaS allowed at 11 is pradeark,and whom they are to be parked; eunduct of a Short Tem Home Fears,except That additional onmus city Cod%complund packing may be 4,Folcroft rals%1-1-W fir a W-11.011cor hordiffersh 4"h be Cooled P.M..,grits,-spectral if-.p-res r- ,it, and other parrybeforial fistiffid.; an 3".fic a-must Polid.proof of sudiftntentand ablimple crimpork,ricuoutir, I the ran.0 kner.Issuance, 5.City nuffambe ordroopsior will be enforced by the Stillwater Police Department,including reduced Holms 6 I'Vat be this to Ocidirm 11 list the obvenim,remains In place whbIrr 94 hours of a dip,request kur dooficami levels between 10 FIAT and 8 AM. C,Li=�, and strill*11pro Pon though I.."aritho f 11'.Property. 6.No v..ta mas allowed to be heated an the premose, A 0 hia a limmed!it so rimered r.the rfissitual by nice Dry add In in.way suardes is-too F.License number. The licensee most post their city license number on all print,poster or ovelp advertise- ilgla ments. fi�NO nwhe par;a Total of thirly-five Type A ficencent one To,valid within In.city at-firre, G Froserlierimmormance.For Type B and Type 0 Short Tum Home Rentals,the property owner art mor- prinsharposentaffiq must up located Ate.oo firrinues.Inervol mrso Of Th.property The atchrounth,dre'smiseart �110d,�%-I-..h.hb.mvpkcd.Th-ows"nor,may beappearad to the GRY courall Thomson to ompodram chaveraminifirUstilren.lubul In itabli,�ad i in If.fliperser is revoked,the own.s paphiloovid from anaknot eppli� hhRmqi Th.irmina.mum"pewds.the name,add mor is.ad Rhode number far tJh.hatimare or admitting .afiz,a.,onoths,,foriessfurrartieci Strod-min He,,.parent forsh,imi 89fartireemseemptive to.11 property-no.within fen toot of the property pout my, a if.,, rom 8rliparrier'sa, vakid W-froddolthrityrocid d Th rofify S ryde R-Urtmored Shod Tons Rental.Type 8 Shart To-Home Firmome ale ofpned to have.11 ad In- 11,Gamors.A,studied by City Geder,Onsi 30-1,Sobd 5,Wt 9-magar must be later In tubbam isman mom i1a,w1wry.11,are Worse her.he city, prior to 1.111,19 the unami.neighborhood r0fitaftior.laminated, a fluorine blamed thited Oments,public street specified net g parking and driveways,all mundareas and out- J.Events Events am not allowed to be hosted by franspeof gumars on the promises.For pospeoppe Of this I.the pp4-,o sibrod,a me plan areas,to scal showinc obcdomironly .1haradifitimple. 1,A Type 0 Shart'lorm Home Rental licareas or sermovel licefore wiff be issued admin Lfllmapo� Typ.DI. door renookional areas that morre,will be allowed to use,Including.but riot groked in,efickipargo,parbeeks, section 0 f d54 r,1,an event mi a mithering on her,fromiseven of proof than three un�mqJsxsod trapachaut guests. gnJ,re.caeft-lan are,w sauna, EImarts license by ft"plard"rossur are allowerb but must many sor Wt replossibl. fty orchropmes, red policies, !I.Th.splendor oulonfile.floor of.,do-to posts,of the home identifying which moms will be used as MCkidem The prolakiffirrin art donfirst forvers,reaftenelp,proponI,out fqo events, transient paper:brisgoome, S fid 0,Required Inspections ormli,The'Im,,,crelffle, "the application m-felt all applicable!,a,,I..it in this Section 11-114.1 ma A-Type A,B and C Short Tam Home Rentals failed.Thal nolud'- 1,Thate,typos mSfird Ter.Home Rentals-required to havio,and pabas,s health and widery ad.fropter Proper zoning as found in Sued.6 .1 1 p Performance mandarruses fair din Stood.7 W of the to lar. c meeproponfrudocifivor, application impostals w that his 1peravat will know in covert what reend uo�p ad ,v,No more than is total Of firry-fresType B Veterans riery be valid within the bay at on.time. &Upon recalls 01 a complaint,the city zzi adminictmor ,Ill spoil off determine nd Not,-he.been nhered by the city to air surestardIng property owners according to the following stan- sharpen a Compliance appeamr,is required. da `; 8,Type D Short farm Home names(roci Rod&Breakfast) a.150 met of all applicant properties zoned RS,OCR,OR,TH,CTHR,RCL,ACM,RICH,DOD; I.This type of Short lot.I earn Rather firrequirmal to finva Inattention.as regulated by section 31-501 b.200 f.0 of.11 applitrtuan Properties onto RA,LH,CTR,Tfo S011 0.Limit unnopper,or filmdess, No from Itarn a total of flinty-fiv.flesh-may be whid.1 any brof c.500 two of all applicom Crunchier zorad Arr�and hum for Type A Shorrimmi If-.penalty No man.fruit-total of thirri-fase ilowershe may 1).valid at per am IT time for Type S&ran Term Home Ravi No com tow import "my pre valid at my one the,to YType I, reman. 0 ShrieTte,fireen Rentals, Np.0 811.0 Tedif Nothe Rentals am rebuffed 1.hows a Special Use pre"'k,but ill),The pfairsoft commission mairm hoot 0 holi to Whichnsighbora within are ateave forced notification no license is mouthed, knoO.1.11sted to No,parnmundi Sumi Slilververs ki squirted to too..1.ree,the line,_ank,whoo to pay the city koffam,to.. fill.Arts Considering the license request and heading comments from the miumons,Th.planning coarcrism­ X The City lodging tax or-in be collection and pold either by the wrat barred morkirg arshaveray that far Short hile,allorop"mr,, ,,,year ficerpre,with or without conditions,m troy,the Ifiense requoh, To,"'Home Rental 19 fished or,at by the ficeriermor closely to me city it ths Short term Home Rental data act use Cli -1,based backi samri -Ch.1fli-I.T.1ternty-comoracomproyeass, Bi license application mum supply information on my web based backing ser0oal used for the licensed scent kno rop a loodroutialty huaryad.,-it the owns,)a prohibited Ito.making spal colors,for it roffird,license propery for cor,rype Of sholi'llim)Home Rental to, Is irmanthe, C.the liceraper,or parking Argivere an their behalf.is required to pay the city lodging tax quarterly translates e,i me ruarmal.0i.quarter,a repair must none The less besubmtheill to the city stating that no sales were roads, The Ist of health and solely iteration wflibe artneeed for Iran F..poss, fl no included on,100i Readep,matiffrieflarr that the polarity Owner will prowithati Shod.M inficalearganifiGns A license.may-0 as inalso to.11".any Shortlicurn Homer Rol typo name 11111 b.il,opmAdd prior to scourating Via Iticeptappliplididi'll.th.dity imusir to Or axes rummutwo deny the one for which line license is warred.Thamproy If all owner I.[Cape d a Type rr�Ali 6111peniolni be conitchenso within 00 bar a prior to subrilealee of the fromose application four 0 libeene.,the poper,is pa'scifted To person,up,a Tione Or B or A.Andl,a Type B license,alaws the owher to h�An hispecifisn ropolt"Ciot be mmd.d loger with 9'.flearrover lurpromfoo to"and chip""-.any However,a Type 0 ownermay oafy operate as a Bed&Residues, "Wretain,Vi th,Impedi Soon,12,Enforcement ircrebod by file day. A,In pri of a Winston or threatened violation at this ordinance,the city,In addition to other hanni o.If the incaperoton centifive items that post be tuxeclutp,al corrections mom be completed and verified by is emitted to seek,Injunctive Relief or proceedings to prevent,mostrold,correct Or eradication violations or threat- the fly prior to-uncrittiag an ppJ calkin to,the Shart'llsom Home Roustal licensor a...I violations. it,2,1 her.shelf be no CIhmimi I.the remonfor ablearrance,of the hure-premises,or oftoor visible ovidenot of B.The penalty for violation at this Section 31-514.1 shall be a Misdanneranot, a orrdritt of is Short pricia Home Rental,e..pt that additional r-sifir city reste Compliant Dealing may be ve,the fine far his find substainfirand and relevant complaint .0d.d. or violation shall be$25D.Th.fins,far Th.mw.rXdhmI his$500.00.The firse far the third shall pas$750.00 and 3.The licensee must Pravda Preft of sufficient and suitable neu-.at To.u-c I-. ti-11,1,h A.--.1..1--1-------- 0 0 c CD 0 (D D 0 C)Q -4 9)f-11 Fy Dw Up S mg Lr ' 3 c lb ID . ,. 8 R 0 �')9' -1, iqs�a a. :r CD 0 m Z CD 4T 5� (D 0 F) CD (D -0, — R'< 0 7s n 5 3 0 0 - 3 2, =-::, I g a g g C� ro 52 C.') 3 0 3 :0 ;:v 0-0, 0 CD "T) (D 0 crr it A 0 C, 3 =3 0 0 U:,:9 �a �g _2.0) CD a 3 w CL 0 m to :5 ioP- :3 3 93- Z ;-f' CL :3 1 2 ID M ta w :L 0 r co�: 01 m tr c S 0- 10 , il F+, ' 9 1,�'9�&;M 0 E C j c cr cn w n2 v 8 Ep R-0 w Q -0 Er OL e -E- 01 OD a rL -.-a F,7 o 0 ID, rL CL CD 0, (D CD IDL m Q- 0 -ql 0 119 �� a v,I"T 3 0 (n 0 , 5 0 '�W FA 0 0 �E or c 0 50'o 3 - 101 Er E;S,M 9,w wo ?L ('D ID Z a CD 01 9 1 OU 0 0 00 da if C;); ul 0 ;w CD (D C' ID 0- CD C�l 3 q cb 9 o OM 3 0 3 3 ID, 3 - 00 Z, =3 (D Lay 0 V aa I, -. " C, C 0 a A� R CL cr 'L ; CD "4 3 w C e 02 CL i5 w -0 ID 0 0 C C-D Z74 0 ,-. -0 t:t =r U SD 0 — �5' 3 CD C, U) , =3 9D 0 cr < g ID < ch 0-0 0 :3 ID CD -0 CL a o" C" a =3' CD ;:V=r Z CD 0) 5, SD U) CL CD 0 0 CD (D co , F.- 0 a- 0 C.')-"'D 0-:"5, CL 0 U3 R, 8>2 2 cw:: 50. (D N ID m ;,r'"ID(83 5,o N Cl (D > C C g 6 41'" Fn C-) M' CD (D 0-0 CD If to —0 C)a. *0 0, 0 077::E 5 a cmL,;5) ID (DO) co C)=r 0 M > C m CD 0)2-: I-D H m U) m 2���"., . CD CD 3 c: C'L �j J ID ll 0- CD U) :E :Q') :E M CUD)OF C - 0 F D 3:112" 0" 1�1 0 cn 0 g -0. 1, cn =@ -J v 9 m 9- b w ID w 11 0. w 0) -0 =r 0 , �. (D - A W—U) CD CD 0 ;-:r!t 0 > -_A I , S2 . . m �7j o '0 0)-(,) _2 =r �l CD — (D m CD 3 C: CD K)a ��F". B a -A0 ca > -.0 > m w L>3 cOD (:D, U) < Iq -- W-CD -- I q 1 -0 Z 5 0 Z 0 . . I C-U :2 =01 g- cn 5-, 9. < 0) D �5- 9 -C R a...... -ri 9: -03 -0 CD 0, ON 0 0, w a ,r,. 3 CD m CD CD ;;: CA Fp' 0 m �w , * _6 ID @ 0 < -4 CD m C.0 CL W . — = - :3 0 CA CL FA' m ON a........ 0 "t— N) 0; z -0 IMD 9�,3 j '_ 6 ';;r W� D 0 m D 0 m -@ ID (D T�nO 4C a- CL C Co CL CD c CD ;0, 0 C'L U) 3 p -0 5 C) C: 0 Q- ;T'j I"A , 0 CD :2" 0 (D 0 -0 (1) X (D 3 R 6 ID CL I - (5D (D C: 03, r-i 0 Q4 00 co 0 ul c ID 5t 5"5, CL a2(a cil a, -0 2L R, (D CL — I - � ID (C) CD CD Er c 1 9 CD M m 0 -0 m i I C) 40 -0 -n 00 c 0 0 0 Cl) 0 c C: 0 Cl)