May 7. 1962
Present - Johnston, Crane, Hagen, Bergin, Hayes, Bouxdaghs,
Sandeen, Charlsen, Mulvey, Olsen, Edstrom, Melstrom,
Hooley, City Eng. Ehlinger.
Mr. Hagen explained that the term of office of all members of
the Planning Commission had expired on April 30th. Following
a discussion, Mr. Mulvey moved and Mr. Bergin seconded a motion
to recommend that the city council authorize the Planning
Commission to carry on on a temporary bases or until a
permanent Commission can be appointed and that the Commission
also recommends the adoption of the Comprehensive Guide Plan as
corrected. Motion carried.
Mr. Crane moved and Mr. Johnston seconded that the Commission
recommend that the council appoint a permanent commission
of 12 members. The commission further recommends that the
appointments be made in the following manner:
4 members for a 1 year term
4 members for a 2 year term
4 members for a 3 year term
4 members each year for a 3 year term to
maintain a 12 member commission.
Motion carried.
Mr. Bourdaghs moved. and Mr. Mulvey seconded a motion that the
commission recommend that the council approve Fairmeadows Plot 2
based on the allotment of 21 acres for park purposes as stated
by the developers in the letter dated 5-3-62. Motion carried.
The Commission considered the request of Robert Bradison. to
operate an off set press at 304 So. Holcombe St. on a temporary
one (1) year permit. Letter from Mr. Bradison and his landlord
was read. Motion by Mulvey, seconded by Bourdaghs, to recommend
permit be granted for a period of 1 year and that said permit
would not be transferable. After discussion, motion and second
were withdrawn. Mr. Bergin moved and Mr. Bourdaghs seconded
a motion to recommend the request be denied. Motion carried.
On motion and duly seconded, Page 99 of the C. G. P. , Sec.911
Public Land Dedication - insert the words "shall require the
dedication of 5% of the sub-division or pay money in lieu thereof
for public usg", cont.
No further business. Meeting was adjourned.
C. J. Thoffcpson
Sec. Planning & Zoning Com.