HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-21 CPC MIN Y� f'-il.i'' .1 SLR T ,`R - U I:I I! 11Yl( "' -�-. , �
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l LGV1.i& MiJiJY1.IN1„Y
September 21, 1970
Present: Duane Arndt, Chnirman
John Condon
Harold Hord t
Sidney `: ihren
Gana ?remi1i::,r
Fred Ka llnoff
Jack Shelton
The meeting; was called to order by Chairman Arndt.
It. Arndt : For the benefit of Mose in the audience, the agenda for
this evening; is as follows :
1. County Engineer - explanation of street numbering system.
2. equost for side yard variance from James Kinder, 1342 Sixth
Avenue South.
3, Request for rezoning of �-.�ro-t:,er ty at 317 South r our th Str@et
from A. A. Ranum.
4— Request for variance to build a new garage from year ga J. .
Pozzini, 712 W. haple Street.
s. Wild Pines Development - atrium homes - request for rezoning.
6. aevisions of Zoning Ordinance.
TIp. Chuck Swanson, County Engineer: his is conn Pepper ' s department,
but 1 offered to come along with him tonight and Set, the thing up a
little bit.
(At this point, Mr. bs,ranson d-ist-ributed a manual to each member
present, the title of which is, "Uniform estreat Naming and .property
Numbering ,System for Washington C'iounty,. Annesota .
Mr. Sw"nson: Basically the system is a grid system based on the
Capitol - the Capitol is the origin. . . .by address we can glace the
property in the county in relationship to mice S Ur. eet ( in. ,St. aul) ; by
address you can pinpoint ?here any party lives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(T r. 3,rr-tlnson explained system in more detail - see manual )
Co lata e w - t - A_ 1_' -”- �v. « to i.ork�_ng
'rOVr� �i.S �Ci , 11rS`� t0 tY`iS �.[. ;c+.�,�. �Ci'- S;;ICS vE,ifi, Z.v .C'v i1OTf7
on C: . , 0c R ',.nsAi ; ; d Now Scandia Township. 50% of the arca in
the County is into the system now , and by Springywe should l ?Ve 755.
This fall we ll be working with Lake Elmo, Oakdale, and probably Grant
To. Nihren: All the city streets will be changed?
T :fYs 3'wrper: Yes.
J.it Hol- do you go about ins t-i.lating a system m ..1 ike this i s in the
C:i.ty oV �.ii illw .te" with the streets the way they are?
hn, Pepper : Q would utilize the ;pme system - the Yrid system- i don' t
ttaldc it wou l de any worse than Cottage u 'ove where all th@ stre6ts were
S.sClaped It 's quite simple, actually, to Vane-" over.
m,. , 31.1elt011t;�
: if we go along with this in the City of Stillwater, who
c tl an e s a i l our plat 11l tpS?
11. Popper : No le;_,<3l descriptions will be changed at all.
A`.i..i.'.. 6iolton:. "ie:; made ai_l our ol"tin plat: maps up (with Street names, .eta.
seventy-orae of Glie',m 1 think.
10. Pepper; Yes, that would have to be b:t''Gi7.ght up to date. We are in the
procoss of r<el; aD ;;in=; the entire count;' with half-section street maps;
you could Peceive complete new set of urians.
t. riremmer: The posk office would be confused for some time - using two
sets of addresses, etc .
1'r, Pepper :er : We thowoit this wns going to be a problem, but not neat' as
bid a ,job as we anticipated.
10. i.%O't"i t;: `1'he postal department is in favor of this - they requested
at one time that we do this. It eliminates a lot of duplications.
DO. Arndt: There is one ::.problem; the major reason for adopting this is
identification of place in the grid. system - we are talking about
Stillwater and llwate.%' is much more identifiable than talking. about;'
some nurriGer sys i;em. de wily have to drat ge all the street signs which
could ryu quite expensive.
11, STrTRnson > The County Board. bas nf=peed to pay for installation of
Signs on all roads intersecting state roads and county roads - all
intersections adjoining any one of these se Streets would be borne by the
county; the remaining signs Mould be the responsibility of the Tllunici-
pp°lity or township. is has been pretty well received. You have two
alternates - the county will come "i','l2"L'O't;gh and completely J do all of the
work, and ti':!.e cost on this has boon about 030.00 an installation. If
the nuni_cipality has two inch -posts, then they r1ceive $10.00 credit
for all reuseable posts that are :i.ai. Or, the municipality can buy
the signs from us on a material basis and install them themselves. Ibout
.. ,, _ r
1';Tr�G-"t`L2.ii'Ci.�", of �.��1.E; �; Cs'[:ar1U111..i.1C�s l=cJ.VC.' had iia8 C:Oui`Yty Go it.
it. Pepper: We _'o ahead then and do the mapping, changing every address,
send out brochures issuing change of address, etc . You have 2Q2 local
intensections - the posts would cost you k,)8,460.00 at $30-00 e...ch,
05, 640.00 at <1120.00 each - even less if you. bought materials from the
Dir. Bre.-primer : The ultimate ,goal would be to have everyone in the county
with a now address?
1°r. Pep. er : -des, but There are some commun:i ties that may never go into
hr. _ri.ohltl : % 'chine we should think about this more seriously - any new
plats coming in should cooincide with tie county.
;,;i,. (�on6on: Have any established cities adopted this? Cities of eight
or ban thousand?
1`J.:("'. Swanson : liGt`GQ,-,G' �'"..';:L'C7ve - that ' s the biggest city - 13, 000.
11, Condon:: nota about .=SY:toka or _ tia.koT(t_,e, sucf_e of them?
M. i "nCi , ' onabout Hastings?
l _... i'' i1,.;C> is Kot yet. If none of the otheii coT1�11unitieS go alongi�Ji .h
Q, we still .1_oe! we 're better off its, far E�'..s fire protection, poiico
protection, otc.
No. EMU : How about driver ' s licenses?
1,ii,. 3,,ianscn : i1=y (ton lt nave to ba chanqwd.
TO. Arndt: If you have no Vurther questions, gentlemen, we thank you
for coming and explainin7 this to us. be will discuss it further and
leL you know what ha-,op-.ns.
hr. 6wanson: de have asked for public hearings to explain this system
it isn : i necessary, but clears the air and is more acceptable to the public.
(Kr. suanson and Ir. Tepper left a. map- for the convenience of the
sLu(,iyin7., t;ao street numbering system. )
Item No. 2 - James kinder
hr. ArM t : 1 would like hr. Kinder to come forward and make a statement
of what Lie wants.
10. Kinder : We had chocked with the (PuilJinq ) inspector and the laW
states that a garage should be behind the house. he cane up and looked
At it - there is only about ten or twelve feet back there and it 's
impossible to build a gapage there. There is an old garage there now by
a small narrow alley - there is no room to build a biZger garage in that
location. The only place would beto come in from 6th Avenue Muth.
We have a patio outside our back door - the edge ofthe patio to the
property line is 2Lt the property line to my neiqhborts house would be
121 - slightly mope, I would like to have a larger garage.
N , Kalinoff : tiraat do your neighbors say?
hr. Kinder : 1 don2t believe any of them will have any objections, The
only one who miCht would be hr. hoen - he rents to Hev. "em-sp and Rev.
Anger indicated he uould have no objection, The other neighbors would
have no objections.
Arndt : Have you asked them?
Mr. Kinder: Yes. Hannie Nert - Wayne Johnson - they would have no
objection, The other people Youldn 't even see it - it would have no
affect on their property line. —Avidentally there is an easemQnt for
anyone to use that alley.
'LTLiat type of structure do you propose to put up?
hr. Kinder : 221 x 261 - crushed rock driveway about 1101 long.
hr. Arndt: _-'rane constnuction?
hr. Kinder: 3imilar to the house - white with gray trim. Actually, ' i
think it would look rather well there.
I I ction this fall?
Arndt: Do you hope to initiate constru
An. hinder: Yes, if it ' s appyoved®
1.1p. Ayndt: Do you lave a contractor?
7.10. Kindel : I 'm thinkinq of usiny Roett7ep.
Becvuse, negnodlessof the action of the ?lanning 001iS' i 0
tAis ,"i; 'v wou!6 hnve to go to the City Council; it 's required that
LaRy send notices to propepty ouners and have a public hearing. You may
Lo oonsidar this in terms of your planning. October Gth woulu be
the earliest it could be done.
141r. Brerravie..r: Do the trees ppesent something of a problem?
D1r. Kin6ey : Yes, the di°i v eway will circle around. them.
11. Arndt : Will you have to romove any trees?
10. Ninder : No.
hr. GoVon: Ml you le"ve the old jacyage there?
lair. Kinder : leir po:i nr ily.
10. Arndt : Would you be williny to accept a variance on the basis ghat
you remove that structure? in essence you and up with two garages on
one lot. You could have a reasonable amount of time.
10, Kinder : �ell, I was hoping: for a year or two; I don 't like to be
forced to year it down this year, but if 1 don 't have any choice -
10 nrndt: iso we have any authority to go in there and require that the
structure be removed?
Mr. Shelton: We could condemn it -
I r. Arndt: 3omet;ning may occur so you may not own the property a year
.from now.
Dlr. Kinder: It 's not legal to have two garages?
-ir. Arndt: Not in side yard and not when we ape granting a variance.
DO. WiAren: If it was written in that he would be tearing it down in a
reasonable amount of time, no one should object.
Mr. Arndt: if there are no further questions, thunk you and we will
advise you. ..
Item No. 3 - A. ; . nanum - Request for rezoning
NO. rRanum: 1 have filed' a petition for .he nddress of 017 South Fourth
;street to be Toned from inThQ is now two-fakily zoning v0 CO 1111i 3rCiL l,` in
back of the patition is a T, '',"'Lv1 drawn indication the block and lot
invo lve6 w- also streets . he shaded area (on map) is already zoned
c oxrsne r c i a Z;
hr. Condon: is that a. four-plea?
14r. : .anurn: A three-plea.
l . ilrnd.t-: `.1'1e corner of Third and Churchill is not commercial.
anum. 1 Trot this from hr. ahelton' s map.
O. Shelton: You went too far then.
;.r. ._ianum: 1 can further explain that (lots ) 16 and 17 is now the
fillin- v tRt ion and it has to be 13, 14 Pnd 15 - .c,-,e old Paterson
wrv7o - Pd7e of lot 13, at any rate, half of lot 13.
Yr. Mh:: en : What you t. u t zoned commercial is hpt whole corner?
15r, ',`it"l.api: Right. .''l.s I say, I got my informatinn from the map - my
r r:usst is for i'.C'lgt illi' - :a_cco!'Al_7 to '',Cd`'. existin7 use it would square
off t[l2t area.
10. ;7 of on: That corner isn't commercial -
,,7•-, r . The '� m is in rror. I want rezoned 18 nd `� 6 of 1
_. . .a,nu,n. Then t,�<,.T map ,.. e . � 0 7.
DO, Kalinnff: 7hy Oo you u1sh it zonca commnrcini?
A. Animm: in (11r. Kt nelson) firrt ronin sted to use Khe property
in cnnjuncticn with the fil! Lni tntion - for parking and selling parts.
I have not talked to the next Poor neighbor, but Mr. 1-lichaelson has said
he would have no aection if ho h
bjad more light.
P5, Kalinoff : Would you tear the rresent structure down?
1anum: 0h, yes. There would be a parking lot for the filling
station ind some kind of buildin7 for auto parts.
Mr, Arndt : Yhis is wbnt you intend to use the property for?
:4r. Yes .
" Mr. Condon: You are going to leave the filling station and build this
1,other buildin7?
':anion: Iles, the parts operation woAld be towards the back.
Mr. Kalinoff : About how large?
hr. Ranum: 4gain, we 're bound by building codes in view of limits
of 45 ' in width
!�Tr. lindt: .E,,aere is nothing to prevent a developer from coming in and
baying that entire corner and tearing it all out, is there?
Ranum: No, sir.
'Kalinoff: Does Mr. Michaelson wish to buy this property from you?
1"Ir. ",anum: He tried - 1 have indicated that I would go into a leasing
operation with him.
Mr. Bronmer : Can we act on this without specific plans?
1,,r. Kalinoff : 1 don 't tDink 2o.
-t :
-,s, we can act on it if you feel you have sufficient amount
of informati-n to present to the City Council.
Mr. Hohit : '21-iem, would have to have a-hearing on it?
lr. Arndt: Ab;_,,olutely.
TO. Kalinoff: How close to t`hD north line is the ovesent building?
Yir. -,.an-iam* Very close - the Peterson buildin7 is directly on the line.
TO_ -H -i.) "o",
Ilt- if it was granted, would the place be torn down within six
months x_nd, „omvthinq put up there?
Mr, qanum: Denond= on financing.
10, Unhit : It wou,16 be an improvement ovor what 's there if that were
torn down.
!&. Kalinoff : Personally, 1 would like to see more complete plans for
the devolorn'?n't of the 1,'hol(
Ahren. : How long before you would tear t4a building down?
1�. iar6um: is 1 tnKic2tcd, financing for the project hasn't even b ;en
attamnted -as jet - it ' s not that bi7 a deal for Phe fillin-.- station or
me, e would be limited by zonin7 laws as to any buildings that might
be contomplatod, bonding: institutions wouldn' t discuss any loan until
it 's zonod commercial - they won ' t commit themselves,
Mr. Arn5t : is the propprty presently there occupied?
10. Knum: Yes - it ' s occupied by two units .
P0. Arndt: Any further questions?
Mr. Shelton: 1 have none.
Mr. Arndt : 1 will declare the hearing closed , Thank you for appearinG3
and we All MOUSS this and advise you further an to our recommendations.
14, Aanum: The last item on your agenda (revisions of the zoning
ordinnnco ) is this in contemplation for that corner also?
Mr. j1.rndt : Contemplation of the entire city.
it, Ranum: I 'm wondering about the southeast quadrant Meister ' s.
Mr. Arndt: We havo not had any information presented to us with regard
to Meister ' s situation.
Mr. ?anum: Do you feel you would like to hear from Mr. Meister this
evening ?
141r. Arndt: I don't think it ' s anything we would want to hear tonight.
1.1r. `,anu.r,,i: ';'hank you.
Item No. 4 - Seorge J. Pozzini - request for vari2nce.
TO. Pozzini : I am asking for a variance on tbo city code which now
states we Must be 121 off sidewalk line. T now have a garage there
which is four feet off - I would like very much to be able to build.
an extra garage along side the same size as the existing garaSa. I
now stand on a eight or nine foot terrace - the new gara7e would be
a foot and a half above the bank so the obstruction to the neighbors
would be negli;able.
Mr. Kalinoff: What do the neighbors to the east of you say?
It. Pozzini : Very fine; they saw me measuring - I told them I was
putting in a garage and there hasn 't boon any flap on the matter yet.
Mr. Prible to the east and Oheresa Colo23.bo, my aunt, said o.k. Across
the street it 's o.k.
Mr. Hohlt : What is the size of the lot?
Mr. Pozzini : Fifty-eight feet.
10. Hohlt : Do you nend a variance for the side yard too?
1�. Pozzini : No, sir,
11. Kalinoff : Would it be the same size as tLe existing one? Just
doubling the size?
Pozzini : Yes. 1 would go elsewhere if 1 had a place to go. It
vill be quite expensive to dig this baQ out,but there is no place else
to qo. As 1 see it, the only conflict is this four feet versus twelve
feet on the face of the property,
arndt : Do,es anyone have any questions?- If not, I think we have,
a Dhy good idea of -,.Yhat you are requesting. Thank you for conin7-,
in this evening - we will advise you as to our recommendations to the
item Yo; 5 - Wild Pines Developmant - request for rezoning.
110. Arndt: No one is present from Wild Pines so this matter will be
passed until the next meeting.
Do you fool that you are now in a position to proceed with any of the
matters that have been on the agenda this evening?
It. iia linoff : Some of them.
Eii. A.,ondt: Lotfs bAo them in ordier . Ohle petition of james Kinder
for a variance to build a garage
!Or. Hohlt : lie doesn 't have anou7h property to build on the lot.
DO. Arndt : Do you feel you have enough information?
Dt. Kalinoff : I move that we grant it.
10. Hohlt : Provided that by the is of September, 1971, the present
building has disappeared completely. That gives him practically a year
to get rid of it. Can we enforce it?
Mr. Bremmaer: I don't think we can really do anything.
TO. Arndt : If we grant it subject to that condition, the condition
isn't worth anything as a practical matter. I think we should make
him tear it out before he builds the new one .
I°O. Wihron: it isn 't fair to him - he 's not goin7 to spoil the property.
DO. Arndt : He doesn't have the right to build a garage now we would be
giving him that priveledge.
!4r. Hohlt : I 'm saying it can't be enforced.
it. Kalinoff: I think Harold is right.
Nr. Wihren: A quy's word is worth something.
'.,:,,ohlt : But that isn 't the way we do business.
Yr, Shelton: I think where you nre join7 -to run into a problem say he
builds the 7 -raga end he ' s trpnsfcrred someplace - the other follow
doesn't know anything about it and you will never get him to tear it
down, He may bo- here tw6nty years from now or two weeks from now; if
we issue a building permit and say he has to tear the other building
down, it wouldn't be worth the paper it 's written on.
1-jr. Arndt: There ' s a motion that we recommend to the Council that this
varian3o be 7ranted, but we have a 7roblem of the old structure which is
part of thi motion.
Yr. Kalinoff: I didn ' t make that part of the notion.
Y�.r. Bre-cuc,,--iar : How about having him take the old structure down first?
i''='® c:-.-ndt : 1"hen you would have absolute control. There is also the
elementof 7ood faith with the neighbors; they deserve some kind of
assurnnc I o that there will not be two gara7es on that property.
1'1'c�hlt : i'[lo old garage should be torn down and this new
should be placed as far back as possible .
Mr. Kalinoff: I will withdraw my notion. Can we get him to move thqt
ganage back?
Ha,. rr it How about if we recommend to the City Council that he be
Allowed to build his gara-e, but put it back in the position of the old
1,13?. Hohlt 'Ihatts the logical thing to do; if a variance is needed, then
allow it. i
Yr. Kalinoff: Move the gara7o back as far as possible and tear down the
old Ono,
Mr. Condon: I Yould like to see him have to- stay' two feet away from
that prorprty line.
Yr. Arndt : You are movin7 that we -recommend that the Council grant
the vnriRnce for building of a 7ara7e to the eytent that it ' s necessary
to construct a 221 x 20 7ara7c from the back vroperty line of the
Kinder rporerty, and to the extent that the front of the garage would
pyo joct past thn back line of the existing house, estabiishod somewhere
In the vicinity of four to seven feet.
Hr. Kalinoff : Second.
1,1r. ..-�.rndt : By this motion you Are qoinS to requost Yr. Kinder to remove
the existing garage - thntls what yw are stating in Vis motion?
10. Condon: 1 would like to amend the motion that he be required to
stay two feet from the west property line.
Mr. Wren: Second.
It, Arndt : If there is no further discussion on the amendment, all
in favor, say aye.
(all in favor)
.,-'-rndt : The notion then is, Mr. Kinder shall be permitted to build
a new garage, the back of which may not by closer than three feet from
the west proporty line, and he shall be granted a variance to .such an
extent as is necessary to construct a 221 x 261 7arage, the back of whicil
,is throe feet from the back property line, and the front of which will
project beyond the back line of the existing house. All in favor, say
(all in favor)
Motion carried. (see Findings of Fact)
It. __,rnd5 : re you in a position to make a recommendation on the request
of Oeorgo Pozzini?
hr. Ahren: I would say that we grant him the variance; he is going
to imopove his pro lorty and is not going to obstruct the view of anybody.
-T.s your feeling about adding an additional garage on
the stroet - aesthetically?
Mr. 'Ji1=-(--;n: No worse than what he has now.
10. Shelton: Inc: maintains his proparty very well;
DO, Ni_hren: am going to make that in the form of a motion ,- that we
gran him the rinht to build the garage.
Mr. cTC7t lt: Second.
1 r. ?Iirndt : All in favor, say ayo.
(all in favor)
Er. Arndt : notion granted. (See fjndinEs of fact)
Mr. Arndt: Ah^t is your feeling on Mr. Ranum' s requost for rezoning?
h1r. Wren: He was so vague about so many things .
10. Kalinoff: Too incomplete .
Dr. Dremraer: ''hat would stop him, from putting in a drive-in restaurant?
hr. Wihren: Nothinm.
DO. Kalinoff : It could be a. spot where Michaelson sold parts, etc. , but
we don't zno>'J that for sure.
DO. Condon: I think that property should be developed into one. . .
11r. =:ohlt: If we zone it commercial anything commercial could go in
on that piece of property.
Mr. Condon: r still_ would like to see it all developed_ at one time. ; If
it 's a sorvico ation, they will have to ask for a variance.
NO. Kalinoff : he said he was going to lease it to Michaelson we are
not sure of that.
i,%r. ','3ohlt: Is there any way to have a commercial area so we can know
definitely what is 7oing in there?
10. Kalinoff : Can we give a. special use permit? .
Mr. Condon: If it ' s stated in the ordinance.
i,Ir. Kalinoff : Look at the list that can go in there. (zoning ordinance ) .
Nr. Shelton: ?v erything that ' s downtown.
TO. Condon: '•Jh,..t 's the story on leister' s?
has requested. a hard. liquor license, but that isn't
lir.. '�1'i'1('t."G: ���
bafore us - �he question 1,s 1'r. {anurl' s property. if you decide that
it be rezoned, under the ordinance you have no control over ghat goes in.
The issue is, do you want to take a. change with the kind of development
that i7ht go in would be acceptable to the noighborhood? 1 live two
blocks from that area and have .,alit c to several people - many of the
noinhbors have no objection to the existing facilities that are there,
but there would be a considerable amount of opposition to anything that
wouI6 increase traffic substantially, or ever increasing business on that
Er. il-enner : Ho wos a little value on that question of one neighbor
wanting more light.
10. Kalinoff: All those structor. e s have been there for so many yevrs,
doubto.nyone in the neighborhood who remembers anything
else - it' s what Vey'ro used to.
io. Hohlt : Is this a yas or no: question right now?
to. Kalinoff : To play it safe I think it' s a no question right now.
Yr. Arndt : If 1 had some assurance that one persnn wss going to control
the property 'and we were aware of the development - if Zt would be
beneficial to the nvi7hborhood - - if we were sure that a filling
station were 7o Ln to go in, it might bo desirable, -but the way the
rezoning is goin7 now, we have no potion of ,,;hat1sgoinEs, i there.
Mr. Htohlt: If we could restrict it to something it would be simple,
10. Nihnen: Our fears might be graindless, but he didn't conmit himself
too much.
Yr. Arndt : Do you want to recommend the rezoning or not?
10. Condon: I move we deny the petition.
Yr. Kalinoff: Second that.
1-Ir, Condon: Yy reason is that he has given us no assurance as to how
the property should be used - we have no way to assure ourselves of how
it will be used.
Yr. Hohlt: if sometime in the future se could assure this -
Ip r.
Yr. Condon: I woul6n' t want that as part of the motion,
l'o. Volton: I think your thinking is good on this if you knew for
sure what was going in it would be different.
Mr. Arndt: We 'll, have a rill call vote on this.
(Vote was as follows : Mr. Hohlt -yes
14r. Condon -yes
it, Wihren -yes
?.Lr. Broimuor -yes
1,1r. Kalinoff-yes
hr. Arndt -yes
(Eotipn carried see Findings of Fact) .
Item 371o. 6 levisions of ZoninS Ordinance.
Min Arn6t, `.-That are we going to do with this ordinance? We have some
real probloms here and 1 don't know if we are an effective vehicle to
make changes in our ordinance.
It. Hohit: The best thing we can do is , to wait until after the
Legislature has met.
Our ordinance can' t wait that long.
It, Kalinoff : At the last moatinq I attended we had an ordinance from
Aqlcon -einbts - it had everything right down to the commas - exactly
how a rorsnn can build his house, etc. Could we go for something like
that and adopt it by reference?
TO. Arndt : 1 Su.'nose we could, but everyone has to be prepared. Uur
attendance bas been so snoradic tAnt if YOU "iss one meeting, you 're
lost. I not to know if we are -rV7 to go on revising the ordinance.
C .
Arndt : Is i,"o continued vitality of tce downtown bat.gines d"iStriN
cYi r,.'i . s uRblo? o we 71),,,1.':1 to maintain the T.do:i'l.'iity of a cC)1191'(111nity or do :.
T'jp I`ib, i;
to bacon' <"' st?burb 2 We have to L:`_"clki about what Wh£7.lk ;. to do
to 'eco thin a community if that is, in fact, what you want.
T r. Hoblt: I-`raave 'dofi.ni.:te ideas about low density.
S,.r. ndt : Do you eventually say 'no to development?
Nr. r.ohlt : This i.tiec of two homes on a seven thousand foot lot - I am
not :for it.
Yr. Condon: l see no advantage to the city annexing more property and
having more homes - you have more people, but if you take pride in being
a bigger city, fine.
1Kr. Arndt: Do you want to keep working on the ordinance or not?
11r. Condon: l think there are things we can do that will make this
ordinance more workable and l think we ought to.
11r. Arndt: if it ' s your desire to continue work on the ordinance
we will have to have more meetings.
'Ir. iiali.noff: Let ' s -dive it a try next monday.
Mr. Arndt : Alright. Ve 'll comnle to work on Two-Family and Multi-Family
Districts - we 've concluded that we will omit ha i amilY Di i,2 icts-
S'Ir. Condon: 1 have not agreed to that.
10. ;` rnct : Based, on previous discussions,/multiple family dwellings,
the Planninq Commission should have some control over it -- to view
plans, etc. At the next w,eeting we 'll discuss Two-2amily Districts in
terms of lot size requirements, front yard, side yard, etc. - all
specific ctails, based on the assumption that we are going to eliminate
Multi--"n-tni_ly Districts. Read past minutes and refresh your memory as
to what was discussed rrevi_ously. The next i1 eetin7 will be on
Se-otember 26th,, also on October 5th.
On motion of Mr. Wihren, seconded by 1"lr. Hohlt, the meeting adjourned
at 10 :30 P. lei.