9011watcr, Minnesota
Special Feeting: DoccmCdr r 5, 196
1+&ed1mrs Presenho Al Bergen Visitors: Mr. DI Davidson,
Myron QlKrorr S&Ulwater, Minn.
Fred Ka3 i no C�'
William Hawkinson Mr. Barnes, Stedl
Al Peterson. Structures, Inc. ,
Charlas Thompson Minneapolis, Minn.
Donald CaRson
Meeting called to order by Fred KhUnofQ Minutes of previous
meetinq were read and approvod.
Old Business: case 03. Mr. Davidson of Davidson ReaRy ConTany,
StilluKer, Minnesota, rosulwiftnd hin request for a variance permit to
erect a metal conshructed building on part of Block 11, OrigAnal City,
lot Whrd, facimg Nelson Street. Tho building and area ho be usei as a
self-service car wash, The building will face east and west with a 1. 51
side yani on Nelson St. Plot plans and architect drawings arc on
with. tho Khy- building inspector. Mr . suhTdhtod this request,
I'.o the cormission an Novemimr 28, 1967. The commission rec<!mmMendod, that,
tho location of—Ahe building should face easb and west to allow hattar
flow of veldcular hra9 thraugb�nhe huilding. The resuhmitted plarn
now incorporahe the nommission's recommondations. Our dAscnssion with
Mr. Davidson ass"red tho commission he would mirfaco a33 driveway areas
(blsca rtop) and landsoape and ha.autify the area with shruhs aul
g ra s s
Recomrd`ndatili!!)n: DbUmn by A] Bergen to recommend ap1woval as per corrocto(I
I lot plan, with ertranco on the west sidn of tim building, to surfacd�!!'
driveway areas, and to beautify and la&scapn the aroa.
Passed unanimously,,
Mr. Bergen par escnted the commission a copy of a letter ho the KQT
council from Thoreen and Hwsan, lawyers reprosentirg the Julia Svengie
astate. This letter is objecting to the vacation of part Q Wlaw St.
The commission roviowed the 10at of t1w street areas, the gencral nom
census of opinion of bhe cozrtrdssjon was that this parcel of land is aK
readly "I a �" ]ocked" hoemose the cast dimension of this properhy is locabwi
an a portion K North 3rd St. , which is alroady vacated. An inspnchion
of this area revealed that "Willow Street rnw—�urns rorbhwe,gym t and runs
Lhrough city property where the old Schulerherg School was located.
This urplatted road runs past the property nf the Julia Nenge estate.
Vacating Wi3low Street would not affect this roadway because the n1Q,7
gains half the property of the vacated street. The commission took no
furthor action of this natter.
Meeting adjaurned at 9:45 P.m,,,,,
Dorald Car3oon