Stillwater, lflirnesota
Rogular Meeting: 14 October, 1967
Melbers Present: John Condan
1. A. Bergen
Edward Sim on&
WiUiam Hawkinson
Cbarles Thompson
Donald Carlson
Meeting called to order by Mr. Condon at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and appravod.
Old Business before the Counission: none
New Business; 1. A petition was presented to the Counission to vacate Ast
Willow Street flom North Second Sbreat to North Fourth Stroot. IVIr. Rop,,er Hayes
represented the following petitioners: Gilbort 0. Larson, Ernest A. Gast, Fred
Seaman (for wife, JOY Soanan) and Roger Hayes. The petitioners properties
are adjacent to Wbst Willow Stre(:fl� beti,"�een North Second Street and North
Fourth Streeb. The petitioners request vacation of this street for the pur-
pose of correcting situations which have resulted in the incorrech use of this
rightaway4 Details of petition are on file with the city bul3ding inspector.
The commission discussed the probability of this street being put thrmigh and
improved. The land contour is such that."ould not Ukely- be improved. Mr.
'I'llenTq)son had (!'dscussed this with the city engineer.
2. Mr. Simonet made a motIon to recommend the vacating of
this street as requested in hhn petition. Vs ..... Malstrom seconded the mation.
3. Dincussion: Mr. Bawkinson and Mr. Bergen preferred to
study this and look the land over beforo making a decision.
4. Mr. Simonet felt that since the petitioners' property
was adjacent to the street and no other property-would be land-locked, the
re,est should be allowed.
5. Mr. Vrgon made a motion to table Mr. I5-1ni�nonetls motion
and to give the commission time to shidy the problem and make a decision at
mir next nave.cting. Mr. Hawkii.,ison secondied the vlotion,
6, A voto an Mi. Simonet's motion for recommendation was
carrinub's Am: 5
No i 2'
7. Mr. Hawkinson and Mr. Bergan snot no on tho motion.
Mro Tham"-s, on and Mr. Selstrom discussed the possitility of changing the
commission's regular mocting date from the third Tuesday of each month ho
the fourth Tuesday of each mantb.
Motion by Mr. Thoppson to change the conmission's rognIar
meeting dab e to the fourth Tuesday of each manth starting in December, 1967
was seconded by-Mr. Melstrom and carried unanimously.
Mr. Hawkinson introduced p�'rs. Jane MaKennan, U of K exhension horticulturist,
and Profess ar James Asks, 3ands cape architact and park planner, U of P, to the
convnission. Mr. Hawkinson is interested in the use of the city's natnral
rasourcas especially in the revAullsing of the mapy draws and ravizws, where-
Q they can be used as parks, playgrounds, hiking and bridal paths.
Mrs. McKennan and Mr. Kuska have haken the time to wulk through these areas and
ah feel that we have a comunnity resource that can be made funchlona3 , heau-
WAI and turned into an assch°� the conitminily can he proud about. From the hort-
icultural standpainb, these ravines have good plant association. They can be
areas for teacher and student in botany study. They provide natural loths and
4C11R-wa,ys for s�eparation of-Walking and vehicular traffic. Mr. Kiska stated
Lhat his students in lanxiscape architect and park planning can provide planning
to the city at no cost providing contour maps of these areas. The commissio'n
agreed to alloi,r . Kuska and his students to propare planning from existiq-,
cont,ouravailable from the city engineer, VT. Th,pson maiiie the YmAlon t(�)
assign Mr. ���wkinson to work with Mrs.KcKonnan and Mr. Kuska on the study,
and planning of the ravines. MY. SimoneL seconded the motion. Carrie(]
04 Thompson presented a minlmim housing codo for the city of Stillwater.
This mAter was laid over until the commission has tima ho study the codo,
Meeting adjourned at 9130 p.m.