July 7, 1969, 7: 30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Condon.
Present: (Members) John Condon (Chairman) , Myron Melstrom,
Donald G. Carlson, Sidney Wihren.
Absent: I. A. Bergen, Fred Kalinoff, Harold Hohlt, Edward
Simonet, Eugene Dr.emer.
Mr. Condon (Chairman) : Let the record show that there is
not a quorum.
CASE #53
Mr. Condon (Chairman) : The people on Case #53 did not appear
and we feel that we need more information. If we
had a quorum we would need more information so we
can take no action.
Mr. Condon (Chairman) : Now then we are talking about the
case of the Merchantile Building which the City is
tearing down and when this came up I inquired of
the City Attorney how this fit in with the State law
which says that after the addoption of a Planning Act
the City Council may not buy or sell any realestate
nor make any capital improvements without first
consulting the Planning Commission and I have the
answer from Mr . Kimmel here, I 'm going to read it.
(At this time Mr. Kimmel ' s lett!.rg_.._
was read. )
What he says is that we don 't have a comprehensive
Planning Act in this City, which may be true. I
m 1<now -that the City Council paid $12, 000 or $15, 000
w to have such a plan drawn up, but whether they adopted
it or not I do not know. Mr. Kimmel seems to indicate
that they did not adopt such a plan. So we not only
don ' t do much, but the City has not seen fit to adopt
a Municipal Planning Act, a comprehensive Planning
Act which most of the cummunities of our size have
done long ago.
2 -
(At this time extensive discussion
was had concerning this item.)
Mr. Condon (Chairman) ; Well can we adjourn the meeting?
Mr. Carlson: I move we adjourn the meeting.
Mr. Wihren: I second.
Mr. Condon (Chairman) : Okay. The meeting is adjourned.