Minutes of Special Meeting - Monday 7 November 1966
Stillwater Municipal Building
Commission members present:
I. A. Bergen
Don Carlson
Harold Hohlt
Fred Yalinoff
Myron Melstrom
James Mulvey
Richard Olson
Frank Steinmetz
Charles Thompson
Richard Olson presiding, meeting opened at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of
the last meeting were read and approved. New business presented
to the Commission as follows:
1. A request by the St. Croix Broadcasting Co. (WAVN) for a special
building permit for the extension of a non-comforming use in the
erection of a new building on property part of the * of So
Section 29, TWN 30 Range 20 in the city of Stillwater, located
on Brick Street between Myrtle and Olive Streets. (Rk Zone)
Representing 11WAVN:11 Mr. Richard Power
Mr. Henry Sampson
Mr. Robert Steindorff of
RiverCrest Homes.
In the interest Of surrounding property owners, prinicpally
"Our Saviors Lutheran Church" the following Church Council
Members were present: Mr. Allen Peterson, Council President
Mr. James Simpson, Property & Land
Mr. Roy Osterberg
M . Vern Stenseng
Mr. Halverson
Prior to discussion of the permit Don Carlson, Commission
member disqualified himself in taking part in discussion of this
matter and in making any recommendation on the basis that he is
a member of Our Saviors Lutheran Church.
The transcript of a special Council meeting on 3 November 1966
was read.
The purpose for the church representation was to be more informed
on the particular request, covering such subjects as to location,
appearance, purpose and effect of the new building in this area,
and toexpress their opinions and present to the Commission their
recommendations and decisions.
Discussion between Commission, church and builder followed con-
cerning elevation and building location in harmony with surround-
ing property. Expansion of additional facilities in the future.
Consideration of property values and future building in the
surrounding area. Aesthetics of the building and landscaping.
Signage, outside lighting.
After discussion, Mr. Olson recommended that the builder and church
discuss and reach an accord and report back to the Commission.
The Church Council reported back to the Commission that they agree
with the subject request but with these following qualifications:
1. Signs to be only on front and north side of
2. Outside lighting: use of security lites only,
no floodlighting.
3. Setting of grades and elevations as by
both parties.
On a motion by Mr. I. A. Bergen and seconded by Mr. Melstrom and
passed, the following recommendation was submitted to the City
Council then in session:
"Recommend that the City Council approve issuance of
a special permit for the extension of a non-conforming use permit
to the S . Croix Broadcasting Co. (WAVV') for the erection of a
new building on property described as pt of the 4
Section 29, TWN 30 Range 20 in the city of Stillwater located on
Brick Street between Myrtle and Olive Streets, providine, the St.
Croix Broadcasting Co. (W.NVN) and their contractor conform to the
requirements by and with Our Saviors Lutheran Church. Listed
Signs: on front and north side of building.
Outsidelighting: Use of security lites, no flood-
Elevation: Setting of grades and elevations as
agreed by both parties.
2. Request by Paul Liberty Jr. to abolish a 20 year permit issued
to Paul Liberty Sr. relative to a gas station on McKinstry and
Seeley's 2nd addition 22 and to reissue a new permit for an
indefinite period of time to Paul Liberty Jr.
Discussion concerned effect on neighboring properties and
commercial establishment in an RA Zone.
Motion by Kalinoff, seconded by Mulvey and passed that we
recommend request be denied.
3. A letter by Gordon C._ Moosbrugger in behalf of Mr. Micheal
Christian, 305 E. Poplar Street (an apartment) Stillwater,
Minnesota, who desires to go into business as a Commercial
Photographer and proposes to do the developing of his film in
his residence.
D i,scussion: Mr. Moosbrugger's letter to the city is a request
for advice as to municipal ordinances involved in going into
business as a Commercial Photographer. The Commission's concern
is that of the extent of operation. In his letter to the city,
it is noted that he does not propose to operate a studio at this
time, but will limit his services to locations where subjects
are to be found.
RElcommendation A motion by Bergen, seconded by Melstrom and
passed that we recommend that Mr. Micheal Christian, 305 E.
Poplar Street, Stillwater, Minnesota be permitted to process
and develop film necessary to the conduct of Commercial Photo-
graphy. That this operation conform to city ordinances and fire
and safety regulations. That this recommendation is not to be
construed as permission to establish or operate a studio in a
non-conforming district.
4. Request by Midland Cooperatives Inc. to construct a 24' X 40'
building (Garden Center) at 501-505 N. Main St., Stillwater,
Discussion: Relative to type of construction.
Recon . endaio : Motion by Steinmetz, seconded by Kalinoff and
passed that we recommend permit be granted with the following
1. Building be of steel construction in place of
2. Any present or future use of building would not
be for storage of petroleums, oils or lubricants.
Meeting adjourned 9:25 P.M. "" '
Donald G. Carlson,