February 15, 1971
7:30 P. M.
Present: Duane Arndt, Chairman
Richard Balfanz
Harold Hohlt
Fred Kalinoff
Sidney Wihren
Jack Shelton — 7!35
Items Covered:
(1) Case 94 — Rezoning from single family
until March.
to multiple dwelling faContinued
(2) Case 95 — A B 0 Developers v,.wia ace
request Discussed End tabled until March.
(,3) Discussion on P'lannin,g COMMiSsion Ordinance for City of
S t: lar �ma�r
(4) Discussion on possible in�pr:°arc emer.ts to Planning Commission
(5? Report by Ch rd rinan on vacancies on Planning Conrriyission.
( ) Discussion ro,,,,arding the A'Ietropolitan Planning Commission.
The meeting was called to order by the Chv;I r-r=k at 7:30. No minutes
from the last meeting were available for reracling.
(1) With respect to Case 94 Ka petition for re—zoning of certain,
property in the City of StiliVr�a-t6r from. single fariily to unwal ti fwily
dwelling, this has been continued until the a et ut rr Earch ra,ieet�.�"a,g as
a .result of a conversation between the Chaim-,,van of the Plain a nd; Commis—
sion and Pair. Kenneth Nordling, the proposed site developer, due to
their inability to have their completed plans and drawings available
at this meeting.
(2) "t^, f tree; -we will �2.p is Case No. 95, a request for a
vz,rjn,l*e )y l p C Developers for curtain property located at 108 North
I ftla s d rou't$ S b l:trraater. The pe titioners are not present in the
Gounxcil Ok�a..r�r�ea .�, but Wei Wil& pp.ooelad to discuss this informally
~�rnCY!111�, h,, s�asrabars Df thc,� In, irc.g Commission.
(At this point, Mr. Jack Shelton, member of the Planning
Commission, has now arrived and brought along certain
diagrams dealing with Case No. 95.)
""setts sio a followed:
x ay.ro m,r� far err od. would be tenp.aP,,u,rtnaents with two rooms and one
m.tla three reruns, probably wood construction with cement block
_a�r� ' e LC, located behind Del 1"aarars..
Developer has planned 5 parking spaces in basement, leaving a need
for 9.3 spaces in his lot. He needs 1.3 spaces for each of the 11
He is short approximately 50;6, but the basement parking must be
taken into consideration..
It originally uras to face myrtle, but now will face Fifth Street.
The attorney has stated that the narrowest side must be considered
to be the front of the building.
r)uent.fons raised:
Do 'oua want this kind of substantial variance?
Will there be additional parking problems above those already caused
by existing houses and apartments?
"Jill R lie s tree"•r itself be a problem? If the street were to be
re-graded, who would pay for it? ('The developer would be abutting
almost to the top of the hill.)
Is t: .is the smallest unit he could build and have a viable structure?
Perb,ay,)a;, he could build a smaller unit? (He needs it large enough to
How can you turn anyone else down if we allow this? Then we might
as well scrap our restrictions. (But we don't have too many requests
like this.) C.'1e were not that liberal with Jones-Hauge.)
'Jill this affect the Police and lire Department use of Myrtle Street?
(But the street is wide.)
'Positive, reactions:
(Ies° cable to have the two dilapidated houses presently
standing on the property removed.
He is a good developer.
,onslasL Rules state that the applicant must be present. Petitioner
71-71 ,777—,777e notice, but he is out of town. Since the petitioner is
°raa:t F,arese,,It, Chairman will not entertain a motion,
r„;w, a tlei.s Motion to table Case No. 95 made by Mr. "Wihren, Seconded
i'Irloff. All in favor Case No. 95 tabled until March
(3) m.r. Arndt presented the folloivIng matter for discussion only:
The ^d:
D-I scuss. 'on '0?1tJnUr_,Q1 :
created the Planning Commission, let the Council
fir. Arndt stated that if members have a preference as to how they
wish to operate, they should say so noxv, even though they may or may
net get their because if you do not state a preference, after
the Council hIls t�uade their decision the Commission should not complain.
It was brought out that there seem to be a number of items which the
Council acts upon dealing with capital expenditures or property dis-
posal about which the Planning Commission is not consulted. (Hooleys
on Commercial Avenue, Meisters, basement in Municipal Building Lily'
Lake across the river) There are Ylules - Chapter 462. The statutes
require all capital expenditures to be approved and forwarded to the
Planning Commission and the law states that the City Council may do
nothing for a period of 45 days until the planning Commission has
reported in writing. This problem has been discussed some years ago,
The Council should be made aware of the Commission's feelings.
Cone luz,igpi: The Planning Commission does not wish to express an
orl,nJo7""; let the Council decide. Upon their decision, bcntfever, both
the Plan-nine Commission and the City Council should abide strictly
by the Ordinance decided upon.,
(4) Mr. Arndt also presented the following thoughts for discussion:
The Planning Commission needs one of its members to act as a coordina-
tor or contact person to make sure communication is maintained between
the Commission and other units, such as Washington County Planning
Commission, the Metropolitan Council, and Metropolitan Transportation.
iVe need someone to read and digest and report on their reports to us.
Vie need to investigate flood plane zoning, and contact Corp of Engin-
eers and Conservation Department. (Should also get on mailing list
regarding Classification of Lakes.) Someone should also arrange for
speakers, etc., to x-pet information to the Commission as a body. This
would r"ean assigning areas of responsibility anong the members.
Mr. Arndt stated that as he understands the information he received
at the State Planning Agency meeting last Thursday, Stillwater vIll
probabl,y 1)e having a Planner, or a part-time Planner, maybe not this
year, ho,%,iover.
Surzp,ogtjori, have gone along as is for so long, why not wait now
7 71-M Legislature is out of sevsion,
(5) There are at present two vacancies on the Commission. Mr. Arndt
stated that he believes he has a gentlemen interested, but declined
to disclose his identity at this time.
(6) regarding the Metropolitan Planning Commission. It seems that
the lNetropolitan Planning Commission mistakenly believes that Still-
viater is operating under anPlanned Unit Development Ordinance. This
is not the fact. -'7'Vith respect to the area in the viest end of toirn,
the Council merely rezoned a part of it to multi-family, although
at present the City has no means of insuring that the developer will
adhere to the plans originally presented.,
.�io need for a meeting next week. ',could the Commission like the
Chairman to invite "r. Idem of the State Planning Agency to talk to
them regarding attempt to obtain Federal Funding for planning projects?
First step is a reconnissance report. Should advise the City Council
if 1;r. Idem is to speak. We should also have an appointment to the
Commission by next meeting in March.
Next meeting set for March 15,1971, the regular meeting night.
Mr. Viihren made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Rr. Balfanz. P.M.