HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-17 CPC MIN =NUTESGF THE PLAN111C
T= 17, 1971
Present: D. Arnoz -25 H. __„_-
hnD. 3alfanz F. Raduanz
M. Fzia6rich 7.43 a. 2."arshall
2. Nalinaff
A. Shelzcn
S. ?Ahren
The meeting was called to order hy Chairman :D-L�ane i�rndt.
The chair 2ntervainwd the motion for Qyprovc,j of -_he last
minutes, Wihran made t',c --notic n7 --�LLinaff t in g,S
eco nu
:�ean Haynes of 715 Nest 1�bb
ctt Street rcC�---ted special
use Permit for custom building and rcstoration of snall 12 fact
rcyhoats. Arndt suggested that 12. Haynes dose lot actually need
a Permit for this, as it is a hobby, anf -4s not done on a ful,,
scale basis, AV. Arn6t also inticatcd that it he a ,,d
idea to HaYncs a Permit in caaa at any time in tne future
there was any difficulty concerning this, McAion was made by
Co_ don7 Wihren seconded motiony all in favor_
Rec�uesz for -Variznca by Lowell F. Tuft to construct an
attached douhis garage onto his 10�2�a. 7. -aaazunz m3ve6 tnat the
variance be accepted; Wihran seconded mozicn, All in favcr� Balfanz; aye,
Friedrich, aye; Whit. aye; Xalinoff, aye; Shelton, aye; f�.aduenz, aye;
--arshall, aye; Condon, Op.-_3zac.
Administrative PrOcWuza was discussed. Arndt feals that forms are not
as informative as they should be, and he also suggested that approval
by the Pahlic Safety Commission he made before information is presented
to the
Chairman entertained motion to amend rules of proccedure of the required
copies of presenzation to he changed fro.. 2 to 9; one for each m2--�Lar
of the commission.
The chairman mentioned that 10, cox of the vetrcpc-4ta,� Ce
al nc
present at the meeting on june 23, 1971.
Organization of a committee Systa---,-. vas thsn discusscc. T='o=--iry
volunteers for the co--,-Lt-�:ees arc az fo—)cws�
"'ng 0"Lnanca Revision and 7oning idministration - lack Shalton
-ony Aang2 Comprchansive jand U8� Pjann-",nc- - -_
Paris & open Spaces DTC;_ Wlfanz �O_n Co,d,n
C3--=crcIa-' ning Zoning - cTaffic Circulation 7riedrich a
-Historic a Scanic Provisions - KaLinoff Ra.6usnz
long Ra :Ce capital nc Viii _.__...L' rs
"va " adfOurn: H. HOMO S. asset.
Hung 21. 1971
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
:7. Daft 303 -""'cst 0-71 FACT
The Planning Zoning CommLssion of t-_.a C:_-zy of
the Petition of Lowell F. Tuft for variance tition naving been
duly filed and upon the calanda=, having =-- on for hearing on the
21st day of jun2, 1971,) on hearing the evidence and :Dcinc� duly advised
C ith respect to this pezition, makes the following FL--djags of pact,
Pst'"oner Proposes to remove an L-istLng garage,
whict is built in ncn-ccnforwity with the ]yovAion of the
ordinance. That the petitioner proposes to construct an
attached garage which wiIj pz3jecz within 6 feet of the
petition2r's Property line on South -Vartha Street.
2. For the Petitioner to proceed with his =02osai
vrequires a
ariance of 24. feet -rc
r side ya,d provision of the
3 , That the petitioner will gain access �o ,o-
,OSC6 3.......2
by an existing driveway access to which :.s from a traveled
�DOr'—On of, South Martha S-�ract.
4. The petitioner owns that po=nion of Lo-c 3 which sout'-1
Martha Street to its' dead-end,wiz.a the prop-arty owned ]Dy
School District
5. That Scott Martha street is essentially unimproved in nature-
The Plonning Commission has hazn advised bv the Superintendant
Of Public Works that South 07tha Street, -1-11-3--th off 'T.'7cst- 1:n Gerson
Strcez is a 32 foot rcaEway; and that zho-,-ld at any time in the
future the City ?reposes to
7'., South -'Martha, that 32 foot
roadway could he cOnstructoc L-117 from the
grcyoscf sTructura to be cons-r'Icted by petitioner.
Qharefc-- a, the Ilanning and Zoning comj-_jss2on to the
Citv Council that the PezitiOner's rsquaE t hS granted,
]Dat�c thiz 21st day
JUNE 21, 3971
��IVIIM; Cv" CUTY 01'
CCIIINIII'�I/ OF �:clllr"l. ,,.tali IIIIA1142101.11iCII & ZONIIILCII CCVIILLSS[01tS
1: Oc-;an F. Ha ,ncs 7 5 W�,s Oli' I'AC'17'
Ab,h,iott Sti:�.-at `Jsc Llerm,.LA
The Manning and Zoo, 7q Carrminsion of lhe c.,,f Stj.11waher, upon.
the petiLion of Dean F. Haynes for Speck! Ase Permit (said petiTion.
J,-.aVLn,g be—n duly Med and upon M calendar, having cxxn, on Ear hearing on,
Lhe Wt day of June, 197Q on hearing Me avidence =6 beinq duly
ddvised with rcspeW to We petition, makcs 11-i.e follxiwin.y, of,"
1. That the pctitioncx ongages in the rebuiWnq and consAuction of
boats nn an essential imbby basis aL ihis premises. Th-�L hr, hz.1�5,
Ln the past 12 nonths, cuislruc� ,ud 2 foorori,;.00a-ts.
2 , The ratitioner has no cmployvee and that his activities in terms
of Wat inestoring requireS We .u3rr�a oi-' c<o-nn-on, han.d tools..
3 . ReMinner understa"ds thu requ&cmcnts of Vae, ord°;n.ance in
to iscuance of the use pern.�J,IL and agrees
Lhat he will not engagq in any sajus cyi Me Inomdoes which
will rusulL in an,,,l dj-spNay (oF 'iny
ThereEore. the Planning amd Zoning a eco,.,)mend s Ln We
City CmuwiL that the petitioner's requeaL to grarAcd nruler scaction 12,
Dated thi.s 2.1st day o-2 Tune, 1971.
J= 17, 1971
Present: 0. Arnw� 7
3OLf an-s
7. 3 fi
j. She L=n
The meeting was called no onjor 1,
1�0 cLuir M 2GLion v3Z a�jzsv.! of QA0 last mosting's
minuoWs. Witrus. Mw.uw Qto zo�iwn; Z.11002t L.Con.LWC
itcm 01 KlEan Haynes of 713 Wa2t nt Street rcqua2ted -
use permit for custom "16ing and y0st=-24nn of zmall 12 foot
rowboats, Arndt Engoz3ueo that hz, Haynzl dons not actually need
a permit for tzis, as it is a tonly, and is not &Ono on a full
scale basis. An. A=ft aLso indicates ttat it youlc be a good
idea to allow 22Haynns a Permit in case at any time in the future
there vas any difficultv 3-z:' w
-- -0'.:! v,as made hy
Condon; Wihrcn seconded motion; all in fuvor_
!tam Q2 : Rtil.uosz foz Variance 1, j,,,jj , ,,, ,1 nonstroct an
attached d0uhla garage onto his housa, T. aad=z moved than the
variance he accepted; Winran EGconawd motion. All in favori Balfanz; aye,
ayey HOhlv, aYc; Na!Lnoff. aye; Shelton, aye,; Raduanz, aye;
Marshall, aye; Condon,
26mini8trativc 2ricaeturc was discuszed. Rindt feels that forms are not
as informative as thcY shO016 he, to he also suggesusf than approval
hy the SablLc lafety 2"viEsiOn he mats before information is presented
zo the CommLs,Lon.
Chairman entertained motion to amanc rules of of the required
WNW of PreLzntation to Na changes from 2 to 5; one for each member
of the commission.
The chalrn.an mentioned than _2, Cox of the Het,c,,,ljt.. .....L, a
present at the ncating on junE 23, 1071,
organization Of a Ccvvitzae System vLs then ZLLcusscl. Temporary
vOluntcErs: fez the existing cOmvjtn,,2
lannng Drtl=ca Awv'LLon In" xonLng lack Shelton
lsJ ALngL LonvoLoLnuiva jant �,2 �jan,L,, , lot,
?Lzks & 31Ln 3mcca DLCR naLzinz,
co=oYcial ?lannln� sonLng =,Kv TZICLOLch
oTic a sc�nic PrOVILLO= 2, NL1±2Cf-- docnz
Ring, CWYL201 !vY0cvzMz= - no
_Lvs 10 aLicurn: H. Hohit; S.
C3=7 02 TASHI�WW.'
2. �Ujt L03 West 2INDINGS 02 TACi''
An6cZE3n SUIZZI vnrianzc
Tho planning L zcning Conn.wsion of nns CLOY of Etillwatar, upcn
pczivion Cf hovc!L 2. oniz for varLwnc� �Ssld pctition having hean
duly fils! and Unon Cho CaLznvar, naving ccnn cn icy hearing on the
2!zt 6av Of inna. 1171, 1 on hearing chL 6uly adv:'-se6
with respact to this ?czition, mulds n±O W110MLng Findings of mct:
2L'It""z XOP'01 to rcOMI In Oni3tLnq unatts.ch2j garage,
which is hu,_lt an ncn-cOnG=Lzy nL7h the provL"Lon of the
ordinance, QhLt Tho pw!!�junwT pz3goncs to ....t,,,t
attachcd S'araga vhLch' will XojEcT within 6 feet of the
PrOPIM line on South Martha Street.
2, &Or thc -0"Lticnsr to Woczad YLin his proposal requires a
varQncs of 20 fz2t from, zha 'WL YL06 Provision of the
wIll gnIn ...... .........
an wxL� drivOyaY scoozz to vZich is from a traveled
c-- Soa-,:h
1 . Tho WntLonar onns that POTOlOn of lot 3 wKich abuts Souu-',l
Mar2na S21"C to LOS ' CWd-Ln1 ,W!Zh the pro?arty owned hy
Echool DLatrict �134 .
gha ?""nlng taw 3L-n WvILw hv Cho
OZ Pzhlic MMO "not Sow2h L�ztna
Szossu Lc a 32 foot roadway, and tnat should at any time in the
fuOura tna CLUV arcoosas zc favoloy that 32 f3o-z
Oualzructof Y!Thont anY difficulty from the
onon3scf suructurn to he c3n=uctad hy y0tLnL0=.
0hzoafYom_c, Cho �lanning and zoning CcnzjEaj,, to tN�
City Council tn&t the psEitjonaT . s r,wrusst hE goantas.
2L"T UY 01 lunL, 1571
OUVE 21, 107-
in Re: Dean F. Haynes 715 West FINDINGS OF FACT
A - Strect Special Use Permit
Ab'sot t
The Planning and Zoning commission of the City of Stillwater, upon
the petition of Dean F. Haynes for Special Use Permit jaid petition
having been duly filed and upon the calendnr. having come on for hearing on
the 21st day of june, 1971,) on hearing the evidence and beinq duly
advised with respect to this petition, makes tr.e following Findings of
Fact .
1. That the petitioner engages in the rebuilding and construction of
boats on an essential hobby basis at his premises. That he has,
in the past 12 months, constructed 2 twelve foot rowboats.
2. The petitioner has noemployees and that his activities in terms
of boat restoring requires the use of common and tools.
J . Petitioner understands the requirements G.i the ordinance in
respect to the issuance of the suecial use permit and agrees
that Ke will not engagq in any skies on the premises which
will result in any display of any merchandipe.
Therefore, the Planning and Zoning commission recommends to the
City Council that the petitioner 's request be granted under section 12,
Dated this 21st day of june, 1971.