December 4, 1972 - Regular Meeting
Present; Also presents
Duane Arndt, Chairman Ray Marshall
Harold Hohlt
Fred Kalinoff
Lea Kasan
Jack Shelton
Jeff Zoller
John Condon
Mary Lou True
Richard Balfanz
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Arndt. A motion was made
by Hohlt, seconded by Kalinoff to approve the minutes of the meeting
of November 27, 1972. Motion carried.
Orrin Thompson Homer - Croixwood II -
A motion was made by Shelton, seconded by Balfanz that the Planning
and Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council the approval of the
plat for Croixwood II, subject to certain restrictions. Motion Carried.
(Restrictions and Findings to be found in Findings of Fact)
Ralph B. (Happy) Otte - Request for Special Use Permit -
A motion was made by Zoller, seconded by Kalinoff that the Planning
and Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council that a Special Use
Permit be granted, subject to certain restrictions. Motion carried.
(Restrictions and Findings to be found in Findings of Fact. )
Swager Brothers - Request for approval of preliminary plat.
A motion was made by Hohlt, seconded by Balfanz that the -Planning
and 'Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council the approval of
the preliminary plat, Subject to certain restrictions. Motion Carried.
(Restrictions and Findings to be found in Findings of Fact)
Discussion was had regarding the need for a City Ordinance dealing
with signs.
The request of Mr. Steindorf regarding dedication of park property
to the City was referred to the Park Board.
A motion was made by Balfanz, seconded by Kasun to adjourn. Motion
-,y vt
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tnom-O,,ion Honlr,S
l:roixvl,00d 11-
he L'Ilannin� --trid Zonin Com:i-JzAsion of the uity
Lj-' illWa-Lf upoil
L, u
uno requc,,-it 0- �I-rin Tho,,,,,o<;on Lue�I-t havhno;,.ie-I c -1; fo-- finalai EL-p-Drbval 0, U p a
1 t of
L ,�-Ir -)-e, dUlir filed and u�)on t-he calendar- ,
lenar- ,
. - J
hav--`Lnco,-,Lc 0.1 for !-ICcerj-n- on the ','-Iu-h of Jecember, 1C972, ) on �hearin- the
(,vid,-nce and bxing duly advised respect to said roque.,;t, malll- iothe.
-LoiloA,21-ng 2i-ndinf-;
hit there t-*t i
final plat appears tA
o be in ,iub� antial
c onf ormit-y with the prclir,,,inary plat-,; pre.;cnted by the Petitioner.
2. `.hat Pjannin, an�, :?,oning
ha,,; becol-r.- aware of ZL
';turfy ,)r the, i-,-Lnne,�,Ota i)curt-,,, -.-it of f(cISoux,c(-aIS which rep-r-c-ient,,
that LOn,-DIjake bu,
3. That P,-,atitlioner indicate( th°_t he -J:; wiilllin�,, to t',r-an ,f-er to the
C-ty, at !uch time that the City desire,,-), pa--k and spaco within thD
-J. ' L rl,:i in pla-,L-Iting procl,,�:xurc-, ',,xid. that he is
,Iillin to pzrovide, for' 'the ljiiu-y a eas(�-ment and pond lstora,e aj-ee.L
u -L u
On -,,�]:OPDXI V O�U;t 0- 'JroJC',,-IcoI 1:1 but west' o� County toad 5.
P ' -cnc�r ha.s rupre�
.oU- �,
— that ho i-, will-Ji-1- -1,o e the
t-i%Tr,,n-L-,r (20) f3et of accc,,-;:; -1-0 Of propo=sed pncr�,. and Open ;pace
c1h J i in th' vicin�-I,r of the exme,)tion noted on -L',he, 11 plat
jtnd I-1c,, w.ill c',edic--!';D -. -Lr k -
ji,"a o-p(-,,.fi space an additional on
-3aj-d ID WI Ch J S ta:'-L,ELiz^'ular in ,)-hl-,. J he proposed park Jund
pe Ei-j" aDU7,11i G
"he ' Lai -- and � suiisonoe City of L*)'tillwF,.tej
X 0 c o, that t the Council mrant finLi 'approval a Ur
1 ub 10 -L - L ovFjl of thr:, plat o-, -oilxwood
u L, L
joct he, fol'o.qinS,:
on both .Aide`; of "o-thland
�hE,,,t the,
Av f-,nur, c,,,-nd
C. "'.-VuloFele. provide Ci-"-,y with drainage, o--.
L pur-)o"i".11�; 01! suc�, property located to the �a.st of
U-U-L -L
U L nul ZIL �d -
ii in Cj-utiot i3 u' 1`�-;t of 'ou --Y � 0 - - 5.
Rat hha patitionm amccuta satisfactory agreements with tw:;
My gKovk1a, for a minimuA of thcay (20) foet of accom :bion vorthianc.
Avenue to the proponcd pmh and opan space.
4. !hat the potitiamr pyovida adequaQ: at cul-du-�,�,.ris
cm.._ d(nd end streets Misfactmy to the City ingineering, Depaytmant on
thosa streets at thm Southelly MOM of Sorthland Avenue and Wkwood
jana jacembor 4, 19?2.
numa iii ail t, Chaiman
Planning and toning Commidsion
J 972
1n RY Otte iialph B. (Happy) Otte
i:e q u e; 3 t for Special Use Periplit-
Tine Planninc,L.� and Zoning Comriilssion of the City of `�)L,IillWa_LC.r, U
L o j-,
-3. (Kappy) Ott for a 6 -Ise (- T. t
R-Llph . Special U�. P r i (said reauest
t h e Of U e I . , ci 1
having been duly fil(--,d and upon the CL11CMdar, havinJf come on for hea-.`ng
01-1 the !I,-'u-h of )rcemmber, J,972, ) on hf.;arinZ thi,-! evidence and being duly
advised "ith r,:Sipect to said request, makes the following Pindings:
J.. That the Petition.,,�r is the fee ovmer of the premises which he
de.sires to reopen as a restaurant with liquor .service.
2. That the Petitione:L1 hat; in the past operated an establishment of
similar nature without a liquor license at the ,iame location.
3. - L U U
the buildinp :structure in question has alwayl's been the situs
Of a commaercial enterprise and exiL;ted prior to the enactment of the Zonin-
uxdlir.,L!,Ilco. C�
"Chat th(.-,, ap-pear, Upon thu infOrTRE.Ition presented, to be
:Suitable for the purpo.;e .i Of a and liquor, service.
5. Petition...,r has rr.-.,:?r-e.sented that he. intends to sipend the stun of
:?20,000.00 in improvmants on the premise,,; prior to reopening same at3 a
supper club.
v. That in the, -L)a.;t there have been no reports of difficulty in
thf, opoy.,.Aj_on of a restc-.ura_nt on th.,.,,sc prer17-,5es nor, ar-a -!u-hc'.,)z-e any re -oorts
of undu,,.-., traff-Ic corcpestion. lhe. Pietition(!r doo.,,, not own any other property
i-ri the vicinity and providin,-, irmo_-, ;, off .Areet paxking Is difficult T)cc&,u,,;e
01 tho 520`>-`-11-,i A ial c1naract r of the neighborhood.
+,he Pla-nnin- and Zc-riin Com--riis.sion of the City of' Stillwater'
recommends tf'lat the UI)e 2c.ifii,,iIG be granted subject to:
I. The be iS:)ucd subject to the and regulatiomOf the
Aut'. Liouo-'
- - U J_s.)ion.
2. r-Phat t'L-Ie
L,-Lu- b stric ' i�d 4n reference to any signinc.-
U I U_� _L iD
L'o iihich _L, no.nillum. ii-,ated _!n,;id_, and that any Si.fMinj be
r[_,ri-!C,ricte-d to e),-tendin- no' more tl-ian 12 inch(--,,., from the ,iurface of +" at
)Or-L joll
of Pet-i-'Gioner'.; prerad-se.,; which -faces.. _'..-orth Gwe-ms 6trect.
Lho Atikioncr be rentzicted to opexating the businuw
catnANhwent Othout any form of livo ontertainmant.
Thab the pawit be issued to the Petitioner and ba nun-asBignable.
SUM: December 4, j972.
Planning and Zoning Commission
!)(_,c.emb,Jr h., J972
-Ij i"A ..11_111Y
I_I I D:(-": ." -1.
or Drothea-,,, 02 -PACT
for approval of preliminary �Iolat.
'Ohe -Planning and Zo-iin >� Com,-,iisslo-n of the 'c'ity of 6tillwater,
upon -he r.-.-quost of i3roth�-,,i�s for approval of a preliminary
o `.said reque.,;t Navin-, been dluly filed and upon the calendar, having
coi,:e on for hearing, on the 4th of December, 9.972, ) on hearing the
evidence and beinig, duly advised with respect to said request, makes
the following Findings
I. Th,Lt the Petitioner is the f6e holder of approximately 3.5
acre.; or which plat approval ie; be2i"n,-, sout.
- 1
2. That the soil conditions of the proposed plat area, based on
the evidence, appear to be satisfactory for the new development.
3. That the Petitioner propo:;es to develop same as a single
fai',iily divelling district.
LL. That the Petitioner e of appro,:J-pm
ropols-�,.s to plat the area in 8 lots, all
of which have a frontage 75 feet and a depth of 250
cD L
feet, ruukin- each proposed lot significantly in excess of the minimumi
D p _L
lot area required in R-1 residential dL�tricts.
5. 'that there is installed in the frontage street, Pine Tree
Trail, c;ewer and water with 7 stub connections being currently in
6. That the back portion of certain lots F'r'ont on a ponding area,
Uric u
U, , whole of which J—s not owned by the Petitioner and which is a natural
drai-.n�i.ge area for :.,urrounding property both in the City of Stillwater and
S"llwater Township.
7. That the Planning Cominliission has con..;ulted with Petitioner and
roundin property owners and IELII have indicated that they are amenable
to 'UjI(' UI-LIT -0-oparin,,- an and ,uch 10--al documents a-,; arc nt�cc.�;Sary
-1 la`
con'Llrol over thIc areae; surrounding the pond to prevent
it:; <LI-IG('2:ELtion or destruction with other attendant dradnaoe problem", a,,,,
;Ilore' fully ""(".Iu- forth by thl'u, (a_-'Lty
the and zo:-A-nrr Co- ssion of the L 0
Of"ity JIT
the Council gr—n-L am)loval ,
pur(;uant to tlhc,
L -3 o ;ubdivision Ordinane --,Ci`ic,LllY -1-hoc'-
ana �)�COVI',:Lon,,, of Jcction , I' t h.1 .1 . 2 , pf I U , 1,
O1 Ject-Lon �02 tha T', portain, sulbject to the followinS
C iJ-Uy -L
6U thdr x
�vclo-pe -,; pay t0o -'U-hp, Uhe foes @,,,; .;et forth in
t1he .iubdLvj-c;'Lon oifull-nance,.
Tl-at -.1 satJ,-, :L-,-Lc il-oxv b,,.,- preDarcd and, e-cccuted by the
C,Y -1 iyv o Iv i nS, the i t 4L o n er and other' property ow nic.rs abu L t i n- t h(:;, -pond
arca involved in the d.evoloo, ,-.iont
3. the Petit Loner to "bea-z, the complete cost includi-n,,,
to in.;tall another .fewer and water sezvice in L-he
oro,00i;cid plat area.
4. That the Petit-`'Loner deposit with the City the sum of X700.00
in lieu of a J5,,, x'f.quirement of -Ill'oe -.--Jubdiviuion OrdLnance for park, and
open space.
iiated. i)(.,comlbf�r 4, 1.972.
-Juane Arnd-L, Chairman
:Planning and. Zoning Commission