HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-06 CPC MIN MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 012Y OF S`1'1GL'dATitiR November 6, 1.972 - Regular Meeting Presents Also presents Duane Arndt, Chairman Ray Marshall Jeff Zoller Mary Lou True Absent: Jack Shelton Harold Hohlt Richard Balfanz Fred Kalinoff Lea Kasun John Condon The meeting was called to order by Chairman Arndt. A motion was made by Balfanz, seconded by Shelton to approve the minutes of the meeting October 30, 1972. Motion carried. Swager Brothers - Preliminary plat of property on Pine Tree Trail. The property consists of approximately 3-1/2 acres which Swager Brothers would divide into 8 lots. There is a ponding area on the property which Mr. Swager indicated would not be filled in, but instead would be used to take care of :some of the run off. The Planning Commission would like to take a look at the property before making a final decision. Wildpines Discussion of a letter from William A. Schwab. It was decided to have ivir. Orrin Thompson come into a meeting of the Planning Commission to discuss dedication on Park Land and other matters. He will come on December 4th. A program of :study for land utilization decisions by Mary Lou True was discussed. Discussion regarding acquisition by the City of lands for open space was had. Mary Lou True, Jeff Zoller and Lea Kasun volunteered to get together some further information. A tentative deadline for their report was set at February 1, 1973. A motion was made by Balfanz, secnnded by Condon to adjourn. Motion carried. On, the Beaul�ffil r)t, 0-oix, 216 Nupirlh aFounn, 51seet, S N� LWAI E R, N!I N Pq E SO 1"A Phone: 612-439-6121 55032 MAYOR November 10, 1972 01 LLIAM POWELL CDUNULMEN� WC HARD UALFANZ A&WARAK h) AnnKRA UP THI BITY COUNUJI, JlkMES ll-, LAK'UIERG ROGLR Vl TUrRSON GEORGE WOH I E HC JR, CITY COORDINATOR RAYMOND E.MARSHALL Tne makar K Lhe requawl, for a varlanae by Charles Salmora was rudlocusand aL We maching K the Planning und Zoning Uommisolon an Uutobcr 30, 1972, Grpenific atteation beang gimon ba Or. Kimmol 's Letter oE 0abobar 25, 1972. ,Lnd Zaniqq Commission is aware aC thu dilumma, Wo Connoll may be Eacul with in referenou to We validity o['' an anuenumont ugainst Lhu jalmore prope rby if the Council should a T,hr, Planning CoOnoWn doeu nob bulleve that the City Council has cloatly facd Lie issuo as to whother dauira,ble land use planning Quo proccdonue Wor thu collecJon of an ausnosment on a pirbicular�, parecl, oE proparty in an improveweK districb. The P1 anning, dommisolon utmongly bol Lev= thuh ib Kould 1sr., vc,,�ry i,,nr,,;ound, la,nd usu planning and would makc a farou K the Zoning Oydinance if' a vakanou In U, ounwint ruquusted by Mr. Wmare were to be granHod . The Planning Commission boljcvas that bho City might bu bbbber servad lby cocognizing Uab tho assessment in question shau3d oc forpgone in hopes bhab evanbuaUy bettor Jand utilization could be Kfected in Lhe area. 1:"]rlflfl ing and ZOring COMMiSSIOn haS in the paK been Wad with othor requesk farvariunces and in all naneu w0hin tho recent hlaboq , Cho requost for variance has boon much smaUer than Mr. jalmaru's. joveiaL of those requusbs have been denied. Th� Vwnjvnjon, at its Uctobor 30th machlng, a&icmod Us orovious dindings of Bot aW K of the opinion Limb the ba&! Au comownUy And opocificaVy biw nulghbor- hood lm� quamvlon wouAd nN w0b6 1:;" wvrvod hy dunyQ8 hisp0l Won al1d ,i o Lh lho problem op to anuessmunu, UnJ :,nd A, 71 V 4 i,, On the Reatitkiful St, ()z)ix �216 North Fomllh Stivet ,3"'IrL VVJ,4JT,,R, Phonm GIZ4301121 55082! Ma,'Y VVII L L 11 A M 11:0 W L L 11 wovembur 14, 191� C(A)PqcO L MEIN ITCHARD BAI.FANZ JAWT K LAMMERS H,4 Y r,'O 0 11(U ROGER RE I ERSON GEORGE WOO TLRj in, The Planrdnq am! 46ning Commission hau reviewed axtensivoly cn­YC00R1DINAR!!OM the propoSed aetlanaS 0jdhn;enCO3, RAAMOND E.MARSHALIL Wc ruoOmmeml its pusuago by the Council us soon as certain details in cespucL to the dancripLion of IS propeety to be placed in We MUM Zone can be accomplished . Based on tho dds=iuions Mat we have had , it would uppear WaL in all probability somo suiveyu will have to be made to pranure adaquaLe logal descriptions. A would bo thu feconnandation of the Planning CommUsion that H the Council A AcAnod bo enact A% Ordinance, hhat the necassary proceduroa ba injUaLed to haw.aa. urc the legal descripLiona of bhe pro perhy to 11 e Ylaced in the Watlands Uistrict, and t h a b some indicuLlon bu given as Lo thu areas A& the Uouncil will consider for incorporation in thia district, Prior—no actual inactment og the OydWance bself, tho Planning Commi3vion would appreciate buing given an opportunity to uctual# review the proparby duscriptions of the lands to be in'ClUdCd 1,n Lin WoLland s Ulutricts and any further comment that may be appru[Aak at MaLMe. The Planning Commission believes "Lhat this Oydinance shoubi bo, Put-Atq We& auspon au Malls can be d�,,ompletcd and pubLic hoaxings hold on same. Kano AM, Running and ZoAngComminkon