June 26, 1972 - Special fleeting
Present: Absent:
Duane Arndt, Chairman 1ielvin Friedrich
Jeff Zoller Harold Hohlt
John Condon
Jack Shelton Also present:
Fred Kalinoff Ray Marshall
Richard Balfanz
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Arndt. A motion was made by
Balfanz, seconded by Kalinoff to approve the minutes of the June 3, 1972•
A. B. Jackson:
A motion was made by Balfanz, seconded by Kalinoff that the Stillwater
Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council that the plat
of A. B. Jackson on Long Lake be approved, subject to the following conditions:
1. That a performance bond be posted guaranteeing the construction
of the street, gradin„, culvert and drainage in said plat after the sale of
two (2) lots of the addition. Said lots could be either in the Township or
in the City.
2. Said streets serving a total of only ten large lots shall be
constructed to City specifications excepting that concrete curbs shall
not be required and that the travelled portion of the street shall not
have to be wider than twenty-six (26) feet.
3. An agreement shall be entered into by the City, Mr. Jackson and
all eventual purchasers of lots in the Addition whereby it is agreed that
as soon as sewer service is available from either Northland Avenue or Interlachen
Drive and it is deemed feasible to provide such by the City ingineer, the City
shall havo the right: to ori e:r, .11oh irnf>r overiu;n l,.
4. A strip of land twenty (20) feet wide by two hundred fifty (250)
feet long at the rear of Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) on the preliminary
plat shall be dedicated to the City for park purposes.
5. A fee in lieu of dedication of additional land shall be required to
be deposited in the park fund of the City.
Motion Carried.
James Aysta:
A motion was made by Condon, seconded by Kalinoff that the Planning
Commission recommend to the City Council granting approval of a variance
at six feet to construct a garage at 116 North Everett. The garage doors
are to face Everett Street. Notion carries.
Shelter Development Corporation:
A motion was made by Zoller, seconded by Condon that the Stillwater
Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council that they
approve of the rent supplement resolution, including corning in as a
Planned Unit Development and a twenty (20) year lease provision. �vir.
Marshall shall write a memorandum to the City Council bringing them up
to date on discussions, concerns and factual information. Motion carries.
Balfanz-yes, Kalinoff-yes, Shelton-yes, Condon-yes, Zoller-yes, Arndt-abstain.
A short discussion was held regarding the Wetlands Ordinance.
The Recreational River Bill for theLower St, Croix River was discussed.
Sherman Gordon:
A motion made 1)y ti econdod by Zoller that we recommond to
MY UOUncil that Mr. GOVIon bo givon Ontil August 1,
111�3 oJ,,)(,,',n7at:Lon ttl1c] 1972 to clean up
- got it Of'1," tho trout and Out of the area West f 3000,
Street, and if he does not comply, 0
excludo,,,j school Ixoperty. his license should be suspended. This
Motion carries.
It was suggested that it would
Plan. be a good idea to ,review the Comprehensive
The next meeting will be Monday, July 10th.
A motion was made by Balfanz, seconded by Condon that the meeting adjourn.
Motion carries.