PRESENT: Tom Farrell Al Roepke
David Knefelkamp Jack Shelton
Ann Bodlovick Russell Heister
ABSENT: Al Ranum
Chuck Swanson
Russell Weitz
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
PLACE: City Hall
DATE: Monday, December 3, 1979
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written.
Case No. 371 Richard Arney, 406 blest Olive, Stillwater
Special Use Permit Special use permit in -respect of 406 idest
Olive for professional offices - two offices
and one secretary in the residence.
Ann Bodlovick asked if Mr. Arney lived in the residence. Ile stated he did and he
needed a special use permit for his law office, secretary and his wife's studio.
David Knefelkamp asked how much traffic per day there was, and was told that normally
Mr. Arney had one or two clients per day as much of his practice was in the courtroom
and he only intended to conduct interviews in his office. Ann asked what parking
facilities there were there now and it was stated by applicant that there was 2 car
parking at present and this will be expanded with an entrance onto 6th. St.
David Knefelkamp asked if it was anticipated that a sign would be erected and was told
that only a simple sign would be put up. Mr. Arney was asked how many there were in his
family and answered that there were five children.
Al Roepke said that 6th. St. was one of the worst streets in the winter as it is so
narrow. The applicant stated that it was less in use now that it was at the time it
(the house) was used as a duplex. David Knefelkamp agreed that cars were parked there
all 'the time then.
Tom Farrell asked if Mr. Arney intended to replan the house and•was told that it
would stay as it is structurally.
At this time the Chairman asked if neighbors were present who had anything to say
regarding the application. Many neighbors were, in fact, present and their names
are attached with their questions and statements whereever possible,
Mr. Cir of 201 S. 6th. St. stated that he was not at all pleased that this
application had been made as this was a residential area and cars would be parked all
over 'the street.
Another neighbor asked how old Mr. Arney' s children were (B years through 15 years) and
stated that many people had children in that area and that they felt cars would be all
over the street, many cars were already parked in front of houses especially in 6th.St.
She stated that the number of clients seemed to be minimal though. Mr. Arney stated
that he handles family law problems and he would be advising clients where to park when
setting up the appointments.
At this point there was considerable and varied simultaneous discussion between the
residents in that area on where and when cars should be parked. Part of the problem
appeared to be that the driveway in the applicant ' s house is tots steep for people to
go into in the winter as the previous owners had found out.
Mr. Murray of 322 W. Olive St. asked what will happen to the 2 professional offices
when Mr. Arney sells his house. Anne answerers that this would be a special use permit
for one year only and if such a person as a dentist bought it, he would have to reapply
for a special use permit for himself.
Another neighbor asked if their tax strEbture would change and was told that it would not.
The resident of 212 S.6th.St. asked what will happen one year from now, and would a
public hearing go to the Council and was told that that is what would happen .
William Easton, 322 W. Olive St. asked why should Mr. Arney be granted a special use
permit, and why did he move to this area which is residential if he wanted a business?
Mr. Arney answered that lie wanted to be in the house when the children came home from
school . Mr. Arney stated that he could make an office in the house without a special
use permit if he did not employ a secretary. Mr , Easton stated firmly that he felt it
would be most unfair if this special use was permitted as his home cost him a lot of money
and he did not want to live in a commercial area. He stated that it is multi-residential
not multi-use.
Kathy Oertel of S. 5th. St. said that there are 3 businesses in the area already and it
now appears that there could be 4 or 5. The furniture makers in the old church on S.
6th. St. stated that there was less traffic there now than when it was a church.
-there was considerable discussion on whether there should be any businesses there at all ,
and Al Roepke stated that this definitely was a residential area. David and Anne did
state that this was not a high traffic generating business.
Tom Farrell asked what is going to happen to the old houses in Stillwater? He said
that they are very expensive to operate but must not be allowed to deteriorate, as part
of the Master Plan Stillwater must prepare for the future, Anne agreed with Tom.
Some questions arose as to whether Mr. Arney bought the house knowing that he wanted an
office in it. He said he did plan to have an office and that was one of the attractive
features of buying the house. Anne asked his when.. he bought the house and he said that
he had bought it one month ago.
Al Roepke made a motion to deny the application and Anne Bodlovick seconded it, it was
decided unanimously to deny the application.
julic Caton JAMe Edstrwa,
SIM& inn permit
permit in rcs ,ect wr InS S. M.A.
Stillwate-r, in reupcct, of ri, con.-
signment shop occorid-hr..ind i,,�erchand
0301 II)OW CMOs,
Toni yarrvIl anked Es. Gntcc and Hro. Edstraw a con,,..,Iigrkynent shop
was and l'":`k told that ouK a shop Polla items that; peopla muvt to oell .
Anno 13odlavick a�Acad what hours the shon wo"l C)d.'. open and was told thnt
it woul.d 10.00 1I.Q. 111til q00 P,k, hiroush but no
Davi,d ?olefelknlip asked if nnybody vould be, ther+ t:nd %, ,.y Lold
Uicy would not,. ;,, t this voint quentions arose an to a Oared drivo-
'Mray.' alld ("at'r-'s e'xplailicd kliat the noighboj7a did riot object to the
proposed business 11though part of the drivc-vay was shared. TIMI Farooll
'-'ed if n' gk,rnaa there an,.i i';a ; tolcI thore nt) t.
-At point neighbors woru acked for their opinions and Via anvo
people Mo, had objected nad had coninento to Wo on the jrnall 1F al:r..( ation
Thoir Monona for objectdon were lynoicnlly Wia onme cis to
1,10 . rlt, Ee, SUCK vnMnS, drivowny
could drive w !uside thu houuc `tad InnQ there, Ule,
neighbori., dird noL 'dLJI
Rill tPaylmy of 011M St. n0cd when Gruclnl um oarnnitn Kor businesces
to 's'.toj el 1" ti.'W they dhi xxt vamt buoincanus,
peoplu LOIA 1,1y thuir 11AQ0001110CY1.µ AnnO : ONOWCA atnt0d.
in SLUMtor O i d not 11 n t: (: nmount of Q':Wlc creatod,
by Christmas noutiqueo dur&g Chu Christrivi 10MAKI poriod.
Toni Farrell felt that a residorica of this sort ,:it night co!ald
velklldalis��i problej,�s.
1avi ,',
d �,.nefelkhmr moved aud pusaall tin istor sccoli(Acd' "."L "�Iotl'on to dony t"'Ie
it &'�cif.Iod unanimously to dony Utc, r i.-p i c a t i on.
ftftk,,Y' rov..Lowinj; Ue applicnti )ris it wao sugSerked that josm—Snelson be
instructed to chock out IQ East pine St, a houce Hich had becri. operat-
0.11 a '3prlci'al lj3e �:c x F't..k t_tnd Ur.ich now in a, vcry r_,oncZition.
T r e 11. �Y]1� I r ?,
reninded then.."� Y'
Th.e terminatcd not 4:00Y. W.
c,,ibini t Lod
pat Nuin K. Gill